La mode spring 2017 printable version

Page 7

Global Runway Spring 2017! We explored the multitude of global runway

Oriental fuchsia velvet by Gucci, and in a subtle

shows this Spring 2017 Fashion Week.

soft mix of weaved prints by Missoni.

From Chanel suits, to Balenciaga bags that work

And it didn’t stop there. Dolce and Gabbana

as small stools, to Missoni prints and Gucci’s

celebrated in the streets of the runway, and

extravagance — there was a decidedly edgy and

Versace stuck to its more traditional cuts. And

unique style to each designer’s show.

the second common theme was in the bursts of

That is, each designer established herself/himself

colours seen. Pink, singularly, was everywhere!

as unique and different; they confined them-

Whether it was pale, fuchsia or nearly red with

selves to previously developed and expected

crushed velvet seams, pink predominated the

styles: Gucci with a panel of stripes, Balenciaga

runway, making us feel energized and creative

with leather bags, Versace with similar cuts and

in our vetements.

seams, and Chanel with their decidedly elegant

We were decidedly excited to see how the

suit dress.

runways of NYC transformed the streets. Will

But even amongst each designer’s previously

it continue to be ugly, or will it be chic? We

established couture, we saw two common

only hope that it stays positive, shocking and

factors in their new presentation. We, for one,

strong — as fuchsia made its dramatic return.

saw ugly chic everywhere. We saw ugly chic in

Let’s stay positive and surprising…!

metallic by Chanel, in whites/creams by Dior, in

Y.P. Spring Edition 2017 La Mode 7

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