Be the Awesome Man

Page 55

Be the Awesome Man

In Part 2 the discussion focused on principles and concepts. We examined how attitude, effort, perseverance, and self-discipline are key to becoming an Awesome Man. On the subject of freedom, we stressed the importance of responsibility, which is the seed of freedom. You cannot be truly free unless you are responsible at all times. Having free will does not make all choices in life equally valid. Responsibility combined with knowledge allows you the freedom to make good choices. Some of the concepts we examined were likely uncomfortable to some readers. Obedience, self-control, chastity, and appropriate dress are not typical topics of discussion in our society today. However, I hope you realize that they are as important as the other subjects explored in the first two parts of the book, and that all the concepts and principles we examined work together to provide you a better framework for understanding why an Awesome Man makes the choices he does in his life. Part 3 moves from the conceptual to the practical. It provides a program of steps and exercises that will show you how to implement what you have learned. It is the motivational and instructional part of the book designed to help you strike out on your own path to being an Awesome Man. Part 3 contains the following sections: 1. How to Develop a Sense of Purpose 2. What Is Important in Your Life? 3. Setting Goals and Getting Things Done 4. Help with Setting Goals 5. Inertia and Procrastination 6. Quiz on Choices and Values 7. Frequently Asked Questions Pablo Picasso stated that “Action is the foundational key to all success.� Many of us have had great ideas, great thoughts, and great beliefs, but without action nothing is achieved. Even though reading the book to this point has hopefully been of value to you, you must take action or you will not move forward one inch on your journey to becoming an Awesome Man.


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