Barnum programme

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Bendigo Theatre Company’s TRIBE Youth Theatre proudly presents

The Greatest Show On Earth Music by

Lyrics by

Book by




Originally Produced on the Broadway Stage by Judy Gordon, Cy Coleman, Maurice and Lois F. Rosenfeld in association with Irwin Feld and Kenneth Feld. “Barnum” is presented by permission of ORiGiN™ Theatrical on behalf of Tams-Witmark Music Library, Inc.








Musical Director

Assistant Musical Director

Assistant Director

Stage Manager







VANESSA BATE Production Manager









Little is taught in Australia about the history of America. What we do learn is, largely, what we see on the big screen and the stage.

Theatre exposes students to literature and history. Kids who may not pick up a book, will happily pick up a script and memorise it. If you asked a 14 year old to read a novel written in the 16th century you might be challenged, but ask the same 14 year old to learn lines for Hamlet, and you have an enthusiast. Theatre allows actors to put themselves in the shoes of another human being. We ask actors “how would this character react to this situation?”, “how would she walk?”, “what is his background?” all these scenarios evoke an empathetic response and teach participants how to think, and evaluate a situation. It allows students, as actors, to express a broad range of emotions and elicit emotional responses from a live audience.

Phineas Taylor Barnum was born on 5 July, 1810 in Connecticut. The young Phineas showed early signs of being an entrepreneur. By the time he was 12 he had purchased livestock with money he earned selling homemade rum. Less than a decade later he owned a business, a lottery and a weekly newspaper. Today Barnum is remembered as a skilled salesman and marketer. He championed people with odd or unusual characteristics, toured his “freaks” and lived comfortably off the takings. It seemed that the public would pay handsomely to view such oddities with their own eyes. Three of his human amusements feature in this musical; Joice Heth, a former slave that Barnum bought for $1000 and exhibited as “The greatest natural and national curiosity in the world”; General Tom Thumb, discovered by Barnum as a 4 year old, he gained fame in England and America for his tiny costumes and routines; and perhaps the world’s first global singing sensation, Swedish opera singer Jenny Lind. One writer describes Barnum as the father of modern public relations. With the movie of his life, starring Hugh Jackman due for release this December, we hope you enjoy this brief but vibrant look into the life of Phineas Taylor Barnum.

When the concept of starting a youth theatre group was floated, five months ago, nothing could have prepared Bendigo Theatre Company for the energy and enthusiasm that this company would ignite. So why ‘Tribe’? It is human nature to seek approval and to belong. After all, we are pack animals and the need for companionship, and to seek approval, is at our core. The vision for Tribe is to foster an environment of collaboration, providing mentorship and a training ground for teenagers where they can enhance their performance, technical and backstage skills in a community theatre environment. It is our hope that as students increase their experience of theatre they will feel a sense of belonging and may eventually participate in BTC’s open age productions. On behalf of Bendigo Theatre Company and this talented young cast, thank you for your patronage. John Murray PRESIDENT Bendigo Theatre Company 2017





On one hand Barnum may appear like a tiny project, but from the start line, looking forward, it seemed gigantic and so exciting. Vanessa and Mary’s enthusiasm to start a youth theatre group was very infectious and the prospect of building a platform for kids to shine on played right into my aspirations. I hardly ever say no to a project. I usually say yes, then work out a way to fit it in, because one door always opens another and theatre is all about relationships and teamwork.

Welcome to Barnum the Musical! The inaugural theatrical production of the new Tribe Youth Theatre. Given that Tribe was conceived in May, I am in awe of what everyone involved has achieved in such a short time.

Barnum aimed to draw participants from as many secondary schools in Bendigo as possible. We set our participation costs low and our production values high in the hope of attracting enough community interest to bring this show to the stage. As all the little pieces of kindness and luck fell into our laps, the outline of the show took shape. The venue, set, cast, crew, band and show emerged and something wonderful started to appear. Connections were made. People who didn’t know each other prior to May became friends. Kids who had never juggled in their lives were juggling clubs, balls and rings. They tumbled, twirled plates and ribbons, walked on stilts and jumped through hoops - literally. This production has been an incredibly positive and collaborative learning experience and I’m very grateful for the opportunity to manage it. Thank you to everyone involved in Barnum, in particular, the cast, crew and their amazing families who have answered every call for assistance. And to Mark, my greatest supporter who, way back in the mid 1990’s taught me the art of creative problem solving. Tribe is delighted to provide this experience to the cast, crew and band of Barnum as an achievement on which they continue to build their theatrical expertise. May they look back on it fondly. May you, too. With participants from 7 Bendigo schools, we are delighted to present our inaugural musical ... Barnum.

Thank you to Bendigo Theatre Company for supporting youth theatre. It is so important for teenagers to have the opportunity to take part in creative pursuits such as drama and theatre. It expands not only their performing experience, but their friendship groups and their life experience. It’s been a pleasure to work with this wonderful production team, Bendigo community members and some generous local businesses and individuals to bring this show to life. To the fabulous cast of Barnum! Thank you! I am incredibly proud of each and everyone of you. I hope you have the time of your life performing our show. Barnum parents - thank you too, so much. Your enthusiasm for your children’s passions has been palpable. I am particularly grateful to Kristen Beever, Vern Hardie, Claire Sexton, Chloe Fitton, Jodie Field, Kerry Turpie and Julie McDonald who have tirelessly contributed their talents, time, energy and care to our cast and to the production. My most sincere thanks also, to Matthew Maruff for his significant contribution and his dedication to youth in Bendigo. I have only been living in Bendigo for two years, but I am already amazed by the strength of the community, their willingness to help, to work together and to succeed. It has been heartwarming. Sit back, relax and enjoy the first of many productions from Tribe Youth Theatre! Vanessa Bate DIRECTOR Barnum Tribe Youth Theatre

Kristen Beever PRODUCTION MANAGER Barnum Tribe Youth Theatre





Assistant Director

Vanessa first became involved with Bendigo Theatre Company as director of Baby Boomer’s Lament in the 2017 TENx10 season.

Jodie began her stage career at the tender age of 3 where she danced and performed with the Barbara Lynch School of dancing, May Downs and Studio 24. Over the years Jodie has performed in various stage shows in Melbourne and in Bendigo including Jesus Christ Superstar and Hairspray.

Vanessa’s theatrical history spans more than 30 years as a performer, choreographer, director and committee member of various theatre companies in Melbourne. She has predominately worked with CLOC Musical Theatre Company and various play companies, including Peridot Theatre Co. and Malvern Theatre Co. Between 1993 and 2002 Vanessa directed, choreographed or both for Parade College, Bundoora and Carey Grammar, Kew. In this time she chalked up nineteen musical productions, including Barnum, twice. Over the past five months Vanessa has been captivated by the enthusiasm of this outstanding and dedicated cast and crew. Rehearsing several times a week through winter, sometimes at multiple venues, requires a good deal of dedication, and this cast have delivered. Vanessa is absolutely delighted to be directing Tribe Youth Theatre’s first musical and hopes you enjoy the wonderful fun and frivolity of Barnum!

CLAIRE SEXTON Choreographer Claire has been involved with community theatre for more than 20 years, in Bendigo, Echuca, Shepparton and surrounds. When not on stage, teaching Dance and Musical Theatre at Start Studio, or studying with Alex Frank Singers, Claire is a primary school Performing Arts teacher. She has always had a passion for promoting youth theatre, introducing the initiative at E.M.T.C and so jumped at the opportunity to be involved in Tribe. Programs such as Tribe develop not only skills in performance and production, but most importantly confidence and expression of self. Claire has loved working with such a talented and positive team. Thank you to Vanessa, Chloe, Jodie and Kristen for your passion. Thank you also to our Tribe performers for sharing your talent and joy with us. And most importantly, Claire would like to thank her family, who without their support, would not be able to do what it is she loves the most. Dedicating so much time on a voluntary basis proves to be a challenge when you have your own children to run around after, but it has been a pleasure to come to rehearsals and escape into the fantasy world of the circus for a while, and to be greeted with smiles and hugs. Best wishes and love to all involved in our Tribe family. Chookas!

The cast of Barnum have all started with different strengths and experiences which, without exception, they have built on during the production period. Jodie is proud to say they are all leaving having made new friendships and memories which will last a lifetime. Jodie has thoroughly enjoyed watching and mentoring the talented cast of Barnum. She gets the biggest delight in seeing how much confidence these young performers have gained.

CHLOE FITTON Musical Director Barnum is Chloe’s first production as Musical Director. Chloe’s experience includes playing a variety of brass and woodwind instruments in pit orchestras for Nexus Bendigo Youth Theatre, Three’s A Crowd, and she will be playing trombone in BTC’s Legally Blonde later this year. She has a passion for music, having achieved her AMEB Grade 7 in singing in 2012, and was Musical Director of Bendigo Youth Brass from 2014 to 2016, and Musical Director of Bendigo and District Concert Band from 2015 to 2016. Chloe has loved every minute of the production. It’s no secret that the Barnum score is an intimidating sing - it requires a wide range of skills to pull it off. Whilst it was initially a daunting task to teach it to a cast with such diverse experience with music, over time, they have really made the music shine. You can’t have a musical without a tremendously talented group of musicians! Chloe would like to thank the Orchestra for all their hard work in bringing Barnum to life. Thank you also to the leadership team for your support, and to the cast for being so enthusiastic, supportive, and hard working!

SHANTARA JOHNSTONE Assistant Musical Director When she isn’t teaching kids how to swim or planning world adventures, Shantara is at the theatre, her second home. Her favourite onstage experiences from the past ten years include Godspell, Mary Poppins, The Boy from Oz and TENx10, all with Bendigo Theatre Company, and Our Town with Nexus BYT. It’s been a humbling and valuable experience to work behind the scenes this time and learn from Barnum’s incredible production crew. She’s also very proud of everything the performers have achieved. Shantara will be back on the stage in BTC’s Legally Blonde in October.








We begin outside the tent where Barnum tells us he’s here to defend the “noble art of humbug,” which he defines as the coat of varnish he puts on the hard facts of life. There Is a Sucker Born Ev’ry Minute.

There’s a sucker born ev’ry minute Barnum Thank God I’m old Joice Heth The colours of my life Charity and Barnum The colours of my life reprise Charity One brick at a time Charity and company Museum song Barnum I like your style Barnum and Charity Bigger isn’t better Tom Thumb Obbligato Jenny Lind Love makes such fools of us all Jenny Lind Out there Barnum

HUMBLE BEGINNINGS: Barnum signs up his first attraction, Joice Heth, the oldest woman in the world. Joice turns out to be less of a draw than he’d hoped until he tries a bit of humbug and pitches her as George Washington’s nurse. Joice is a big success and sings the virtues of living to be 160, Thank God I’m Old. P.T. BARNUM VS. THE FEMALE OF THE SPECIES: Barnum’s wife, Chairy, wants him to settle down, run a respectable business – a clock factory, for instance – and Barnum explains that clock-making is just not the right color for him The Colors of My Life. When he rushes off to close a deal to build a museum for his growing collection of attractions, Chairy reflects on her own values The Colors of My Life Reprise. CLOWNS! A cornucopia of them, tumbling into the ring as they build Barnum’s American Museum with Chairy singing One Brick at a Time. “STEP RIGHT UP, LADIES AND GENTLEMEN” says Barnum, and let me tell you about all the wonders you’re going to see inside my museum! Museum Song. BARNUM VS. THE FEMALE OF THE SPECIES, PART II: Years have gone by, and the Barnums are a bit older and a bit more successful, but their playful conflict and affection for each other endure I Like Your Style. 25 INCHES FROM TOE TO CROWN! Barnum’s latest and most sensational attraction, General Tom Thumb, asserts that Bigger Isn’t Better. A RESPECTABLE ATTRACTION AT LAST: Barnum presents Jenny Lind, the Swedish Nightingale, in her first American concert at Castle Garden. Jenny wins the hearts of all who hear her. Obbligato and Love Makes Such Fools of Us All. THE HUMBUGGER HUMBUGGED! Barnum buys his own bill of goods, and leaves Chairy to tour the world with Jenny Lind Out There.



Come follow the band Barnum and company

OUT ON THE MIDWAY: At a Grand Patriotic Parade, Jenny Lind makes her first appearance in the nation’s capital as we Come Follow the Band.

Black and white Blues Singer

A SECOND MUSICAL DIVERSION – PAYING THE PIPER: Barnum realizes that Jenny Lind is not for him; he only loves his wife. He returns to Chairy and promises to live on her terms which are Black and White.

The Prince of humbug Barnum Join the circus Ringmaster, Barnum and company Final chase / There’s a sucker born ev’ry minute Barnum

BARNUM VS. THE FEMALE OF THE SPECIES, PART III: Many years later, Barnum is out of the humbug business, and Chairy has become seriously ill. Before she leaves him forever, they affectionately revive their lifelong quarrel The Colors of My Life. BEHIND THE SCENES, BENEATH THE MAKE-UP: Barnum realizes that being a respectable businessman is not for him. Even his beloved Chairy would have agreed that he is, and will always be, The Prince of Humbug. THE MAIN EVENT: The Greatest Show On Earth! James A. Bailey arrives on the scene, and convinces Barnum at last to Join the Circus. A PRINCELY FINAL ATTRACTION: The tent pole comes down, the canvas is folded, the show is loaded and ready to roll, and Mr. Phineas Taylor Barnum reflects on his glorious life Final Chase/There Is a Sucker Born Ev’ry Minute Reprise.



ASPIRE · TO · STAR! Girton Grammar School would like to congratulate the cast and crew of Tribe Youth Theatre on their debut production. We are delighted to be the host venue for “Barnum”. If you’d like to find out what opportunities Girton’s Performing Arts Programme could offer your child, please contact our Registrar.






Charity Barnum CEDAR RUSSELL

Ringmaster / James A. Bailey MAX BEEVER

Jenny Lind / Company GEORGIA McMILLAN

Joice Heth / Company LUCY MILLS

Blues Singer / Company / Dance Captain JULIA WELLARD

Tom Thumb / Company MACKLIN WELLARD

SUPPORTING CAST Amos Scudder / Company SEAMUS ALLAN Chester Lyman / Edgar Templeton / Company ZACHARY FITZPATRICK Mr. Sherwood Stratton / Company NICHOLAS HURRELL Mrs. Sherwood Stratton / Company ERIN COLLINS Julius Goldschmidt / Company JACOB WARE Wilton / Company ELAINA BELL Humbert Morrissey / Company MAKAILA HOWARD Concertmaster / Company ETHAN COLLIER First Woman / Company KAITLIN RYAN Second Woman / Company EMILY BROWN

COMPANY Sophie Baker Chloe Cason Daniel Chisholm Mercedes Collier Aoife Cunningham Elisha Field Milly Fletcher Milly Henders

Natalie Hercus Lily Johns-Hayden Annabelle Kingston-Brown Charli Kingston-Brown Thea Pilkington Kiera Stone Erin Tinker Edwina Wallace-Smith

AERIALISTS Isla Devers Remy Cugura




Phineas Taylor Barnum

Charity Barnum

Lachy was born and raised in Bendigo. He is an aspiring performer hoping to use his community theatre experience to guide him into the entertainment industry. Having trained in singing, dance and acting from a young age, Lachy has always been on stage, whether it be in school productions, including The 39 Steps, Into the Woods, You Can’t Take It With You, Les Miserables, Thoroughly Modern Millie and The Wizard of Oz, dancing competitions, or more recently, performing at Top Class 2016 for his Unit 3/4 Theatre Studies monologue at the Melbourne Arts Centre. Lachy joined Bendigo Theatre Company in 2009 in All Shook Up. He has also participated in Annie, Peter Pan, Godspell, Hairspray, The Boy from Oz and most recently the 2017 TENx10 season. P.T. Barnum is Lachy’s first lead role in a BTC show and he couldn’t be happier to be given the privilege to play such a fantastic character in Tribe’s inaugural show - Barnum.

Barnum’s appearance was nearly as familiar to the public as the exhibits he promoted. An impressive figure 6’ 2” tall, semibald, with blue eyes, a bulbous nose, and a potbelly, he called himself the “Prince of Humbugs.” Close friends regarded him as good-natured, thoughtful and kind, as well as parsimonious and egotistical.


Cedar is a multi-talented 16-year-old and attends Year 11 at Bendigo Senior Secondary College. Barnum will be Cedar-Rose’s second show with the Bendigo Theatre Company. Her first effort was playing Anna Bryant in the 2017 TENx10 production of No Sequel and now she swaps her bleached pixie cut for the brown curls and Victorian dress of Charity Barnum in this vibrant ensemble piece. Barnum has been a steep learning curve, particularly regarding vocal technique, which she has mastered with confidence. Nevertheless, Cedar feels overwhelmingly privileged to have gotten to know such a hilarious and brilliantly talented little theatre community, especially her gorgeous on-stage husband Lachy, and his rehearsal-understudy Seamus, both of whom she apologises to for her clammy hands.

Charity Hallet was a tailoress in Bethel, Connecticut, prior to her marriage to P. T. Barnum. Charity usually stayed at home while Barnum travelled. It was on one of Barnum’s journeys in 1873 that Charity died of heart failure. They were married for 44 years and were the parents of four children, all girls.



Ringmaster/James Bailey

Jenny Lind

Max attends Girton Grammar School and is currently in year 10. His first experience of Performing Arts was his primary school musical One Little Cup when he was 7. Since then he has been in many productions including Into The Woods, Hairspray, The 39 Steps and A Midsummer Night’s Dream at Girton Grammar School, and last year Max played Pugsley in The Addams Family for Bendigo Theatre Company. Currently taking singing lessons at Sing Studio, Max snaps up every opportunity to participate in Drama and Performance workshops and particularly enjoyed taking part in a NIDA short course. Max loves everything about performing - the singing, the dancing, the acting, the stage, the stories, the shows, the culture and above all - the friendships. Max has really enjoyed the challenges of Barnum and has taken on those challenges as they’ve come – especially the juggling! Max would like to thank all who have brought Tribe and Barnum to Bendigo, he says “you truly are amazing!”

At 13 James Bailey ran away from this home, with only the clothes on his back and a broken pocket knife. He found work at a farm, and as a bill poster for ‘Robinson and Lake’s Old Time Circus’. By the time he was 16 he was a partner and the show was renamed ‘Cooper and Bailey Circus’.

Georgia is so excited to be involved in Tribe’s very first production of Barnum. Georgia’s favourite thing to do in life is to perform and be on stage, and she tries to take up every opportunity that she possibly can. Georgia started dancing when she was four-years-old, and singing lessons with Caitlin Penno at age 7. Over the years, Georgia has been involved in many shows, including playing Joseph in Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat in primary school. She was delighted to be in the cast of BTC’s 2015 production of Mary Poppins. Last year, Georgia performed in Nexus Bendigo Youth Theatre’s Oklahoma and this year she enjoyed BTC’s Aladdin, A Magical Pantomime followed by Catholic College Bendigo’s Godspell. where she played the role of Joanne. Georgia is honoured to be a part of this magical show and is especially grateful for the friendships she has made. To be able to share Barnum with a live audience, is “phenomenal”.

Johanna Maria Lind (6 October 1820-2 November 1887) was a Swedish opera singer. She was one of the most highly regarded singers of the 19th century, she performed in soprano roles in Sweden and all across Europe, and undertook an extraordinarily popular concert tour of America beginning in 1850.


LUCY MILLS (16) Joice Heth / Company Lucy is currently studying in year 10 at Girton Grammar School. She became hooked on performing during her very first production in Year 6 when she played Briar Rose in Sleeping Beauty. Currently, Lucy studies Intermediate Ballet as a co-curricular activity at school and is also doing Unit 1/2 Drama. Lucy particularly enjoys the excitement of being on stage and performing in front of an audience, and she equally enjoys the rehearsal process which she thinks is both an interesting spectacle and a wonderful experience. She has been involved in multiple productions with her school, including the lead role of Tracy Turnblad in Hairspray 2015. Barnum is Lucy’s first production outside her school and with BTC. She has particularly relished developing her dancing and singing skills and just generally being thrown into the deep end and stepping out of her comfort zone. In her spare time, Lucy teaches herself guitar.

Joice Heth entertained audiences with tales of the young George Washington. When she died Barnum allowed a public autopsy to be performed. Unfortunately for Barnum, the doctor who performed the autopsy declared she could not have been older than eighty.

JULIA WELLARD (17) Blues Singer / Company / Dance Captain Currently in Year 12 at Bendigo Senior Secondary College, Julia began singing and dancing at the age of 5 and fell in love with musical theatre when she was 10 when she saw her first stage musical Wicked. Julia sings and dances with Start Studio and is studying Unit 3/4 Theatre Studies and Unit 3/4 Dance. A talented musician, she also plays percussion in the Eaglehawk Citizens Brass Band. Julia loves everything about performing, from the costumes to singing and dancing. Prior to her appearance in Barnum, while attending Eaglehawk Secondary College, Julia has performed in Honk, Beauty and the Beast, Guys and Dolls and Thoroughly Modern Millie. Her performances with Bendigo Theatre Copmany include The Boy From Oz, Aladdin, A Magical Pantomime and this year’s TENx10 drama season. Julia has enjoyed everything about Barnum, especially meeting new people and making new friendships.

The blues singer is a fictitious character in Barnum, but interestingly, The Hutchinsons were a hit with audiences and critics in the 1840s, touring the US in Barnum’s day. They popularized four-part close harmony. The group’s material included controversial material promoting abolitionism, workers’ rights, temperance, and women’s rights.

MACKLIN WELLARD (16) Tom Thumb / Company A lively sixteen-year-old, Macklin attends Year 10 at Eaglehawk Secondary College. He began dance lessons at the age of 5 and succumbed to the lure of the stage. Macklin studies Tap Dance, Singing, Jazz Ballet, Acrobatics, Hip Hop, Classical Ballet, Contemporary and Modern Dance at Start Studio. All aspects of performing appeal to Macklin, and he regularly takes part in Dance Eisteddfods all over Victoria. So far, Macklin has appeared in his school production Legally Blonde (2016) and Singing In The Rain (2017) and BTC’s 2016 The Boy From Oz, Aladdin, A Magical Pantomime and the 2017 TENx10 Season.


Through Barnum, Macklin has enjoyed making new friends, re-connecting with old ones and being part of such an exciting new adventure in Youth Theatre in Bendigo.

“It is true we are little but we are as God made us, perfect in our littleness” Charles Stratton / Tom Thumb


Karin Van Poppel - Keyboard Mark Young - Violin Marie Antoinette G. Hicks - Violin Emma Sin - Violin Kerrie Eldridge - Flute/Piccolo Ken Wellard - Flute/Clarinet Kelly Hazell - Flute/Clarinet Jake Fletcher - Oboe Lyn Sebire - Oboe

Tenor Saxophone - Aidan Ratcliff Louise Wellard - Trumpet/Cornet Jason Macgregor - Trumpet/Cornet Mark Thompson - Trumpet Rachael Hamilton - Trumpet Claire McLean - Tenor Horn/French Horn Hilton Hazeltine - Trombone/Euphonium Wendy Laidler - Trombone Matt Pankhurt - Tuba

Cooper Bennett - Electric Bass Hamish Sin - Percussion Kate Blyth - Voice Damien Hurrell - Voice Shantara Johnstone - Voice Alicia McGovern - Voice Gabriel Pankhurst - Voice





Seamus is in Year 10 at Catholic College Bendigo.

Sophie currently attends Year 8 at Catholic College Bendigo.

Seamus’s passion for theatre started with improvisation and small drama classes at school. His stage debut was in 2016 with the comedic role of Eugene in CCB’s production of Grease.

She has been involved with dancing practically from birth and started taking classes from 18months of age. Sophie has studied singing with Caitlin Penno, Alex Frank & Sarahlouise Younger. She learns dance with Start Studio.

Elaina became fascinated with acting and singing after watching Demi Lovato in Camp Rock. She plays guitar and learns Drama at school and loves showing everyone what she’s capable of, whether it’s fake crying or hitting a difficult note.

She has performed in the BTC pantomime of Cinderella, varied school Productions and annual Dance Showcases including Around The World and Grammy Awards with St Peters Primary School. Sophie loves the theatrics of performance and being able to express a character particularly through dance. Sophie has really enjoyed learning cool choreography and meeting new people for Barnum.

Elaina thoroughly enjoyed taking part in Weeroona College’s production of Aladdin. She has been pleasantly surprised by the amazingly wonderful Barnum cast and crew who have made her feel at home. It’s quite a little-known fact that Elaina has written 3 plays of her very own which she hopes to see performed one day. Elaina’s wish is for you to appreciates all the hard work that has gone into this amazing musical.

Barnum is Seamus’ third show with Bendigo Theatre Company this year. He was part of the 2017 TENx10 Season and One Man, Two Guv’nors”. This time around, he masters stilt walking in Barnum. Seamus is excited to be involved in Tribe’s first Youth Theatre Production, especially with such a talented cast surrounding him. He hopes you come along and “Join the Circus” with us!


Emily currently attends Year 10 at Eaglehawk Secondary College. In Year 7 she performed in her first musical at Eaglehawk Secondary College. From there, she continued to take up acting opportunities, performing in ESC musicals Guys and Dolls and Singing In The Rain, and two Nexus Bendigo Youth Theatre shows Pirates of Penzance and Oklahoma. Emily dances with the Aboriginal Dance Academy at school and plays flute at Grade 4 AMEB level. Acting is her favourite performance element and she enjoys coming together with others on stage. Emily is particularly pleased to have mastered the art of juggling for Barnum.



Daniel is in Year 7 at Marist College. Daniel became interested in being on stage after watching Nexus Bendigo Youth Theatre’s 2015 production The Pirates of Penzance. 2017 has been a landmark year for Daniel. He started dance lessons with Start Studio and has appeared in Aladdin, A Magical Pantomime with BTC, Phantom of the Opera with Nexus BYT and Peter Pan (Jnr) with Marist College Bendigo. Outside of theatre, Daniel likes to collect coins from foreign lands. Daniel hopes you enjoy Barnum as much as he has.

Elaina is in Year 9 at Weeroona College.


Chloe is in Year 7 at Girton Grammar and has been singing for five years with Simone Martin. She is preparing to sit her Grade 2 exams in November this year. Chloe’s love of all things theatrical stretches for as long as she can remember - having watched many Stage Show’s in Melbourne. Being cast in a lead role in Girton Grammar’s production of Suessical The Musical (Jnr) cemented her love of the theatre and stage. Chloe thoroughly enjoyed the Tribe workshops leading up to Barnum, but the best part of all has been the friendships she has established. Something that not many people know about Chloe is she is also a very talented artist.


Ethan is a Year 9 student at Bendigo South East College. Having a sister involved in the theatre made it difficult not to be dragged along to rehearsals and performances. So last year, Ethan decided if you can’t beat them, join them and was in the backstage crew for BTC’s 2016 Pantomime Snow White where he made some great friends. Later in the year a call out for performers for the 2016 Kids’ Christmas Concert saw Ethan try out his stage legs. Next he decided to go in front of the set and was cast in a dual role of a blind knife thrower and palace guard in BTC Aladdin, A Magical Pantomime. Ethan thoroughly enjoys the community feel of theatre and how everyone helps each other out. Learning some great circus skills has been a highlight of his Barnum experience.


Aoife is a Year 8 student at Catholic College Bendigo. Aoife’s first stage appearance was at 3 – a speaking role as a sheep. Before moving to Australia, she did productions with Steel Valley Beacon Arts in Sheffield and her last production in England was Here Be Dragons in which she played a war child and was also the tail of the dragon. Accomplished on the violin and flute, Aoife loves acting because it gives her the opportunity to be someone different. Barnum is her first major production and she thinks the best thing about Tribe is meeting new friends. She enjoyed the workshops held prior to auditions as they gave her great confidence about the show. Born in England, Aoife used to do Irish dancing and ballet. She would like to thank her mum, dad and her brother for supporting her through Barnum.


Milly is in Year 7 at Girton Grammar and is no stranger to being on the stage – from performing in dance concerts at the age of 5 to recent calisthenics competitions. As well as dancing lessons, Milly has also performed women’s artistic gymnastics and tumbling for many years. She plays the clarinet and is a member of the Girton singers and performed in the school’s production of A Midsummer Night’s Dream. She particularly likes dancing and acting but she also likes being involved with the costumes and make-up. Milly is loving being part of Tribe and can’t wait to perform for an audience during the school holidays. She has loved all aspects of rehearsals – in particular learning how to juggle and the choreography. An interesting fact - Milly has reached State level in the Tournament Of Minds…twice.


Mercedes is a Year 8 student at Bendigo South East College and attends their innovative Academy of Creative Arts. She also attends Sing Studio and Start Studio. Mercedes has a particular love of singing - along with acting - encapsulating audiences with the story of the show. At the BTC Open Mic Night Fundraiser for Mary Poppins, Mercedes performed her own compilation to an extremely receptive audience. Her theatre credits include BTC’s Snow White, Sing Studio’s 2016 Showcase, BSE’s Beauty And The Beast and she helped backstage at BTC’s Aladdin, A Magical Pantomime this year. In November, Mercedes takes on the principal role of Aunty Em in BSE’s The Wizard of Oz. Barnum has given Mercedes the opportunity to meet new people and learn a new show along with a few circus tricks.


Elisha is in Year 7 at Bendigo South East College where she is part of the Academy of Creative Arts program studying vocals and drama. Elisha just LOVES performing! She first became interested in performing at the age of 6 when she first stepped up onto the stage. It wasn’t until she secured the role as Portly in Wind in the Willows with the Australian Shakespeare Company in Melbourne that her true love flourished of wanting to be in front of large crowds making people smile and laugh. Elisha currently studies dance with Start Studio under the guidance of Shantelle Rathbone and is learning singing with Rebecca O’Sullivan from Sing Studios and Merrin Torpy. Elisha really loves getting on stage. With already an extensive repertoire, she loves bringing characters to life, but most importantly, Elisha enjoys making new friends with people who all share a common love.


Attending Year 8 at Bendigo South East College, 13 year old Milly has been performing for four years now - her passion driven by watching her first musical production, BTC’s Mary Poppins (2015) at the Ulumbarra Theatre. She has been training at the Academy of Creative Arts at BSE and outside of school she has started singing lessons. Milly loves how she feels free within herself while acting and how she can learn so much while performing in a Musical Production. The best thing she has enjoyed so far is how accepting the Tribe family is and the skills she is learning not only give her an education but also experience. Something not many people know about Milly is that she likes to ride motorbikes and drive old bombs around the paddock.


Erin is in Year 8 at Bendigo South East College, attending their Academy of Creative Arts. Erin has studied at Helen O’Grady, plays the acoustic guitar and has been studying Chinese for 4 years. With a passion for Psychology and Science as well as Drama, she loves that anything can be depicted through art and the impact on people of performing and storytelling. She loves coming up with new ideas for performances and using symbolism to convey meanings and messages. Erin is a seasoned performer and Barnum is her first major production. Erin thinks Barnum is brilliant but the best part of all is Tribe! Everyone is so supportive of everyone else, we laugh together, and we cry together - it is like a second family. Erin always looks forward to seeing everyone and experiencing all the positivity that is created.


Zach is 17 years old and a Year 11 student at Catholic College Bendigo. Zach first performed on stage when he was 11 and since then he has enjoyed getting up in front of an audience. Zach has studied drama since primary school and is currently taking singing lessons with Rebecca O’Sullivan. The thing Zach loves most about performing is the acting. Appearing in school productions Alice in Wonderland and Hairspray, he joined BTC in The Boy From Oz then took the lead in Aladdin, A Magical Pantomime. He also participated in the 2017 TENx10 Season. Zach has really enjoyed being able working with the other cast members and learning circus tricks. True to his Irish heritage, Zach was born on St Patrick’s Day, which was also the same day as his Great Grandmother’s birthday.

NATALIE HERCUS (16) 16 year old Natalie atends Year 10 at Bendigo

South East College. Her first interest in the Performing Arts began with her love for watching movies and musicals theatre productions as a young child. In the last few years, she found a huge passion for being on stage herself through her school productions. She has studied Jazz and Tap, played the drums, and currently undertakes singing lessons at Dewar’s Music School with Emily Holmes and Jazz Dance at CMS DanceWorx with Jennifer-Rae. To Natalie, acting is completely immersing yourself in a character and becoming another person right from the audition up until the final curtain call. Nat has found the environment of Barnum rehearsals kind and welcoming, and she has relished the opportunity to learn so much from talented people who are so young. Natalie hopes you enjoy the show!




A year 9 student at Weeroona College, Makailah has loved acting and singing ever since she was little. She studies drama and music and plays the flute.

A Year 9 student at Catholic College Bendigo, Nicholas has had virtually no training - just a love of acting and singing (though not outside his comfort zone…yet).

Makailah loves the way being on stage makes her feel. Excited to sing and dance, she gets a rush and feels like the stage is the only place she belongs. She has been in three school productions - Barnum is her first out of school production. The people in Tribe are so kind, they make you feel accepted and wanted no matter what your background is or your level of talent.

This is Nicholas’ second BTC Production, having appeared in Aladdin, A Magical Pantomime earlier this year. Nicholas also appeared in Catholic College Bendigo’s performance of Godspell in June this year. Nicholas first performed on stage at age 7 in the play Oh Brother with his church, as well as Joseph and The Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat and Godspell. His first big role was as King in What’s New Pussycat a musical based on the original Puss in Boots story for his primary school. Nicholas has had so much fun in Barnum, and hopes you will enjoy the performance.

An interesting fact about Makailah is that she has played the flute for 5 years. Makailah hopes you enjoy Barnum because everyone has put so much effort and passion into it.

CHARLI KINGSTON -BROWN (12) A Year 7 student at Catholic College Bendigo, Charli has been dancing since she was 3 - with Fairy Ballet classes being a great excuse to run around on her toes, wearing a sparkly dress and a set of fairy wings. Charli dances at Start Studio and sings with Rebecca O’Sullivan at Sing Studio. She is learning the flute at school and likes to play her favourite songs on the piano. Charli loves dancing, especially contemporary dance because it doesn’t have to be perfect and you can feel the music. She also loves singing and performing on stage. With several shows to her credit, Charli’s favourite part of Barnum has been learning the circus tricks and making new friends. Charli is obsessed with nail art and chocolate so, if you could paint nails with Nutella - that would be her thing.

KAITLIN RYAN (16) A Year 10 student at Bendigo South East College, Kaitlin started dance lessons at the age of two and has been on stage ever since. She is a student of BSE’s Academy of Creative Arts and learns musical theatre at Start Studio. She trains vocally with Merrin Torpy and Louise Matthews and will soon take her Fifth Grade AMEB Musical Theatre exam. Kaitlin loves that performing affects the people watching. Having performed in several productions, Kaitlin has enjoyed her experience with Tribe and getting to know her lovely cast members and amazing crew! Everyone is so supportive of everyone else and rehearsals are so much fun that she never wants to leave! Kaitlin wishes to leave you with one simple message and that is – “be the change that you wish to see in the world”.


ANNABELLE KINGSTON -BROWN (14) Annabelle is in Year 9 at Catholic College Bendigo and has been dancing since she was 3. Her love for theatre came about after seeing Mary Poppins on stage at the age of 7. Annabelle currently trains in all forms of dance at Start Studio and undertakes singing lessons with Rebecca O’Sullivan while studying Drama and Theatre at school. Annabelle loves the thrill of being on stage and performing in front of a live audience. With many primary school productions behind her, Annabelle has really enjoyed some of the challenges of Barnum such as learning to walk on stilts and acrobatic tricks - as well as meeting so many amazing and talented new people. Most people don’t know that Annabelle (even though she’s not really a good cook) appeared on Junior Master Chef in 2011, and still regrets it to this day.

KIERA STONE (14) Kiera has wanted to perform on stage ever since she started acting classes. Kiera engaged in dancing and gymnastics for a few years and she then became interested in taking acting classes with the Helen O’Grady Drama Academy. She loves putting smiles on people’s faces as they watch her hard work fall into place. She has appeared in Aladdin, A Magical Pantomime with BTC and now Barnum. She is thrilled to be spending time doing what she loves most and being able to do it with amazing people. Little known fact – Kiera can pop her shoulder blades out and put her legs behind her head.

LILY JOHNSHAYDEN (13) Currently attending Year 7 at Bendigo South East College, Lily has always loved to sing. When she and her mum went to see Bendigo Theatre Company’s The Boy From Oz last year, she thought “That’s what I want to do!” Lily loves singing and trains with Rebecca O’Sullivan. When she sings she thinks about the words to the song and anything else that could be happening is suddenly whisked away from her. Barnum is Lily’s first production and she has enjoyed making lots of new friends. She has enjoyed the experience and really likes the music for the show. Lily is currently a Green Belt in Kenpo Karate and is going for her Brown Belt.

THEA PILKINGTON (12) Studying in Year 7 at Bendigo South East College, Thea became interested in acting when she was 3 years old acting out characters in her living room. Thea studies acting at BSE’s Academy of Creative Arts and takes dance classes. Thea’s favourite aspect of performing is acting and she has performed in the Ross Park Primary School production of Conundrum. Thea’s favourite thing about Barnum has been the opportunity to perform. Something not many people know about Thea is that she was born in Alice Springs.

ERIN TINKER (13) A student in Year 7 at Catholic College Bendigo, from a young age Erin has enjoyed singing, music and dressing-up. Erin has been taking drama classes at Helen O’Grady Drama Academy for the past six years. She has also taken a variety of dance, cheerleading and gymnastics, and two years of singing and instrumental lessons. During her time rehearsing Barnum, Erin has loved meeting new people, making new friends and sharing her passion with like-minded people. At home, Erin has three dogs, ten chickens, three sheep, two guinea pigs and one rabbit and her dream is to one day be a Veterinarian/Actor. Erin has taught herself the ukulele and is currently learning the trumpet at school.

EDWINA WALLACE -SMITH (16) Currently in Year 10 at Girton Grammar, Edwina has been performing since she was just 3 years old, dancing in many styles including tap, jazz, ballet, acrobatic, contemporary, lyrical, neo and hip hop. Edwina used to participate in the Helen O’Grady Drama Academy Programme and absolutely loved it. She has been a part of 24 and multiple school and dance shows - Hairspray, Into the Woods, A Midsummer Night’s Dream and BTC’s Aladdin, A Magical Pantomime. Edwina is involved in the Backstage Club at school and helps out as Assistant Stage Manager. Getting to know such amazing people, being involved in such a stunning show and having the ability to become anyone you want using your acting, singing or dancing skills is what Edwina is enjoying most.

JACOB WARE (15) Attending Year 9 at Girton Grammar, Jacob fell in love with performing after his first dance concert with Seven Turns Dance Studio at the age of 4. He now dances at Carmel Amelia School of Dance in Sunbury and studies VCE Dance Unit 1/2. He loves the aspect of dancing in a musical because it’s a chance to showcase skills that he has been developing and improving. Jacob has been in a number of Girton Grammar productions and is a regular member of Girton’s Actors Studio where he has received Best Actor and Supporting Actor Awards. Jacob made his debut with BTC in 2015 as a member of the chorus in Mary Poppins. Notably, in 2016 Jacob was a guest performer in the Victorian Ballet performance of Don Quixote. During Barnum, Jacob has loved making new friends and memorable moments that he has shared with so many lovely people his own age.

ISLA DEVERS (9) Isla is in Grade 3 at St Peter’s Primary School,. She has been dancing since she was 2 and has wanted to be in a show since she saw Hairspray. Isla dances at CMS Danceworx with Miss Jennifer Rae. She also learns Advanced Pole tricks at Z-Fit Studios. Isla loves to dance, but has really enjoyed learning to act. Isla was in a school production of The Wizard of Oz with Mrs Claire Sexton, and has performed at Z-Fit Studios in demonstration performances, but Barnum is Isla’s first production with BTC and she has loved every bit, especially sitting on Zach’s shoulders. Isla would like to thank Miss Saari from Z-Fit for her support, and BTC for the opportunity to play young Tom Thumb, and be a guest aerialist in Barnum.




Stage Manager Kerry, originally from Swan Hill, has worked and lived in the Bendigo region for the last seven years. She has worked on and off stage with a number of youth and adult theatre companies such as MAYTE Youth Theatre (Ballarat), Kyneton Theatre Company (and their youth theatre, Qriousity) and the Mount Players (and their youth theatre, Mount Players Youth Theatre). Kerry has also written and directed award winning one act plays with the Mount Players Youth Theatre on the Victorian Drama League one act play circuit. Kerry has been teaching secondary Drama for twelve years both in the classroom and with extra curricular groups such as one act play performances and school productions. She is also a member of the Scriptophiles play reading group.

Assistant Stage Manager SARAH CUNNINGHAM

Lighting Design IAN SCOTT

Lighting operator EDDIE SCOTT


Set design / crew DOOLEY EVERY


Publicity / crew BAILEY MATHESON







0419 310 427




BENDIGO THEATRE COMPANY 2017 COMMITTEE OF MANAGEMENT Executive President - John Murray Vice President - Abe Watson Secretary - Mary White Treasurer - Maureen Fleiner General Committee Kristen Beever, Colin Brown, Conor Cunningham, Loretta Kingston-Brown, Julie McDonald, Stania Tresize, Vern Wall Life Members Anne Ball, Mrs Ball (Dec.), Colin Brown, Grace Cox, Gael Emond, Greg Harris, Patricia Lyon (Dec.), Jack Paynting (Dec.), Annie Smith, Stania Tresize, Vern Wall, Ken Wells, Madge Welsh (Dec).





Patron Cr. Rod Fyffe

Information Evening


Thursday 12 October


27, 28 & 29 October

Rehearsals Thursdays 7-9.30pm & 19–22 OCT 2017 ULUMBARRA THEATRE Sundays 1-4pm



18-28 January 2018



Kate Blyth Kathryn Cason Sue and Graeme Clarke Deb Cowen Mandy Ellison Field family Emma Fletcher Jordan French Margaret Geary Mitch Hammer Danika Hill


Emily Holmes Patrick Holmes Damien and Jennifer Hurrell Julie McDonald Karen Millsom-Ryan Cath O’Leary Leanne Rosewall Andrea Ryan Sally Sheppard Kerry Turpie



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THANK YOU Thank you firstly to Vanessa Bate and Mary White who saw an opportunity in Bendigo for an avenue for another youth theatre company. Thank you to Kristen Beever, master juggler, for mobilising their idea and managing the production. Thank you to the Bendigo Theatre Company for giving Tribe the opportunity to create several months of magic for a small group of talented and dedicated youth. Thank you Matthew Maruff for so generously offering Tribe the use of Girton’s Performing Arts Centre. We simply could not have done this production without this venue. Thank you to Mark Beever for so enthusiastically supporting Tribe in so many ways, not least of all dealing with the constant absence of your wife! Thank you Bob Sawyer for answering our prayers with a set so perfect for this theatre. Thank you Ken Wells for your expertise, time and hard work in collecting and erecting the scaffolding not once, but twice. Thank you Ian Williams for helping us ensure our set is safe. Thank you Vern Hardie for your wonderfully warm energy and enthusiasm for engaging youth, and for teaching our tribe so many wonderful circus skills. Thank you Kerry Turpie for giving up your family and holiday time to keep this show running smoothly and for your invaluable mentorship of the young Barnum crew, many of whom are involved with their first community theatre production. Thank you to John McMillan and Calum McClure for coming on board with Barnum’s complex audio requirements and being mentors and amazing industry contacts for our young people. Thank you to Dave Turpie for your assistance with the band. Thank you Ian Scott for bringing this show to life. Ian there is no doubt that Bendigo has you on borrowed time, we know you are going places. Thank you for being here for Tribe in our first year. Thank you Anita Scott for your beautiful costumes. Nothing is ever too much trouble and the results in this show are stunning. Thank you Saari Frochot-Ryan for offering your expert aerialists and equipment to help bring our circus to life. Thank you Paul Kavanagh for making sure our rigging and our aerialists are safe. Thank you to Louise Wellard for helping us find Chloe! One coffee catch-up and we had ourselves a Musical Director. Thank you Shantara Johnstone for your beautiful energy, nature and willingness to help. Thank you Claire Sexton for taking time out of your already busy schedule to work with the cast. Dan, Tobias, Oliver and Elijah thank you for letting us have mummy for such a long time this winter. Thank you Jodie Field for your infectious good nature and unending enthusiasm, and for herding cats occasionally. Barnum has been quite the family affair for the Field family. Which leads to David Field. David, what can we say? Your photography is breathtaking. You capture the soul of your subjects every time, and every shoot is a privilege to be part of. This programme is an album of your work. To Chloe Fitton and all the wonderful musicians who contributed so much time to Barnum. This show would be nothing without you. Thank you. To our rehearsal pianist Karin Van Poppel, welcome to Bendigo Theatre Company! You are gold. To the magnificent, positive, exuberant Barnum families, thank you so much for all the taxiing, catering, scheduling, labouring, building, sewing, writing, painting, cleaning, brick making(!), shopping, fundraising and for supporting all of us in doing what we love. This was a big commitment. We sincerely hope you are proud of what we have achieved. We could not have done it without you all. Thank you to the cast and crew of BTC’s Legally Blonde who have so graciously shared a rehearsal space with us for two months. Thank you to Julie Lovell, Janelle Rotherham and the entire Nexus Bendigo Youth Theatre family for your wholehearted encouragement of Tribe. We look forward to planning future productions so that both companies may continue to offer a diverse range of theatre opportunities to the youth of Bendigo.

To everyone who contributed to our GoFundMe campaign. This programme is what you helped us realise. We humbly and gratefully thank you. To every single cast and crew member, every mentor, every parent, guardian, donor and supporter. Thank you. The Barnum cast and crew.



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