101 way to show your kids you love them

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1=1way to show your kids you love them Instead of an introduction Question: Why is it important for you to show your kids that you love them? Answer: Kids need assurance for what they think and what they believe. Their world is full of colours, pictures and associations. They grow up surrounded by a chaos of impressions and experiences, they are not made the same as adults, they have their ownneeds, their emotions and their dreams. In short: what may be obvious to an adult need not be so for a child, in fact often not nearly as obvious as you might think. Question: What do you achieve when you tell your kids you love them? Answer: You make them feel confidence in their family, hence also selfconfidence.Only when they feel certain of the security and support they enjoy in their own family will children be able to grow up with a free and healthy spirit. The most important message you can pass on to children is that you, their parents, love each other dearly, and then that you also love them dearly. Question: Are excessive declarations of love to you children the best way to spoil them? Answer: Showering them with love, tenderness and attention can only be good for them. It can never be excessive or overdone. Spoiled kids are also kids that are loved, but what makes them spoiled is a shortage of parents' expectations, not a surplus of love (no such thing exists, by the way). When parents behave as if their kids will forever remain their babies, not children who are growing up.and maturing, they pamper and coddle them and give in to their every whim - but those children can never loosen up, they never laugh and they grow up lacking self-confidence and trust in their own family. 3

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