Kratom Culture Magazine

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Our farmers use indoor drying rooms to assure safety and cleanliness

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14 Curing Basics Ever wondered how kratom strains are born? Learn about the myth of the kratom strain and how curing makes all the difference.

20 Theobroma cacao Lovingly known by its common name of chocolate, or cacao, this superfood has powerful antioxidant benefits.

24 Fall for Figs Figs are easy to eat, easy to store, easy to snack on. Plus, they're packed with vitamins & nutrients! 06 |

Kratom Culture. Planting the seeds of revolution.

Our staff Heather D. Hawkins Publisher & Creative Director Shari McFadden Social Media Mgr. Cornelia Llamas Freelance writer Alexandra Guadagno Staff Writer

SUBSCRIPTIONS Email 850-450-2468 Kratom Culture is published by Culpepper Creatives, Pensacola, FL 32514

Leaf Life


FROM THE FRONTLINES JENNIFER MCCOLL My story is so eerie similar to many others. I've struggled with mental illness from approximately age 11. I am diagnosed with Bipolar 1 disorder with psychotic tendencies, anxiety, rapid cycling. My physical issues began around 14. Pain for no apparent reason, insomnia. I at 43 I was diagnosed with Fibromyalgia, rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, alkonizing spondylitis just to give you an idea of the amount of pain I deal with on a daily basis. At 19 after losing my first daughter in 1996 I began my mission of wanting to die. Eleven suicide attempts where there is no reasoning why I survived. I used any drug could find and I would test the limits of everything. Later, I was diagnosed with hepatitis c, which just worsened the symptoms of fibro. Fibro flares are not for the weak. After my daughter's birth in March 2016, I slowly slipped into a major depression that spiraled out of control. In the beginning of 2017 I was begging and pleading with God or whom ever would listen. I needed help. I knew this would be impossible on my own. Every time I would quit self medicating with drugs, the pain increased, yet if I continued, I would lose it all.


Then, a miracle happened. A lifelong friend told me about Kratom. I researched for at least three months. Every single day I spent hours upon hours reading all the information I could find about kratom, both positive and negative. Finally, in May 2017 I gave it a go, and I thank God every day that I finally did try kratom. Quitting drugs wasn't by any means easy, but I realized my pain, anxiety was so much better. I kept reading and tracking what worked for me. I have routine drinks of kratom tea about every 4 to 5 hours. The last 3 and half years have changed me. I can now accomplish my daily tasks. Although not everyday is perfect, Kratom has given me the ability to be a good mom to my child and it gives me a good outlook on life whereas before I didn't even want to live. Its given me a whole new outlook on all things natural. Kratom healed my mind, body and soul.


Based in Clearwater, Florida, we offer a convenient e-commerce shop where customers can place orders online to arrange for local pickup. 1 free kratom powder sample per customer Free Shipping on orders over $100 USE CODE ZENKCULTURE to receive 100g Zen Blend Kratom Powder free with purchase! Minimum purchase amount -$20. No expiration Limit three per customer Premium, lab-tested, all natural Mitragyna speciosa

The magic behind

Zen Life Naturals is the

same magic we see anytime we go for a stroll through a nature park, or spend some quiet time on the beach.

The magic is nature; this beautifully harmonized world that we’re all infinitely connected to.

Our natural botanicals provided us with the tools we needed to stop abusing alcohol — to drop the friends that were holding us back in a negative mind space –to turn our lives around and never think of going back.

With a focus on providing our customers, family, friends, and even complete strangers with the kindness and positive vibes we believe the world needs, we hope to make it a more balanced and healthy space to thrive within now and for many generations to come.

It is our sincerest hope that our products and support can help direct you towards the zen lifestyle you deserve.


Zen Life Naturals Botanical Team



WE ARE GOD’S KRATOM. 100% NON SYNTHETIC PURE KRATOM. Deep in the forest of Indonesia is the highest quality leaf. Long acting , whole leaf Kratom that is TESTED for safety.

Now 20% off use code DEEPJUNGLE20

by cornelia llamas

So you've made the leap and started growing your own kratom. Well now what?When harvest time comes, what do you actually do? Whether you plan to make tea, powder or extract, the first step is to rinse the plant material. Safe food handling measures are observed. But what happens next? When it comes to the curing/drying/processing of plant material, there is a widespread air of mystery. If you search Google, you'll see there's really no information out there on this. To complicate things, a lot of powder salesmen, not to mention 90% of the internet, will try to tell you that green kratom comes from green vein leaves, red from red vein leaves, and so on, that these are separate strains of plant. This is a misnomer and a widespread myth so ingrained in American kratom culture, unlearning it can pose a challenge. The truth is that various methods of processing are applied to kratom leaves after harvest to yield different colors, alkaloid profiles and energetic effects. Each production house has its own set of methods. In other words, powder "strains" are manmade and result from the curing process, not from the existence of numerous varieties of kratom trees. An appropriate comparison can be made to the harvesting and processing of tea leaves. Green, white, black and puereh tea are not different strains of tea; they all comes from the same plant, Camellia sinensis. However, different drying processes are applied to the leaves after harvest to yield not only different colors, but the unique tastes and energetic effects associated with each color of tea. Green tea is not a different strain of tea from black tea or white tea. There is only one tea plant. What makes the finished products unique is what humans do to it. And so it is for kratom.

For example: white tea leaves are harvested at a younger age than green tea leaves. However since white tea is less processed, it retains a higher amount of antioxidants compared to green. Black tea leaves are exposed to different levels of heat in the curing process, while puereh tea undergoes a fermented cure. All this transforms a single plant into many varieties of finished product. The same concept can be applied to kratom. It's all from the same plant, Mitragyna speciosa. Kratom is kratom. It's what you do to it that yields the color difference and the difference in effects. Finished powders can vary drastically in everything from color, texture, taste and feeling. These variables, although certainly influenced by plant genetics and environmental factors, are largely results of how the product is handled and manipulated by man. There are dozens of active alkaloids in kratom, as well as flavonoids and others desirable compounds. Alkaloid profiles vary from plant to plant, influenced by genetic and environmental factors, and the profiles are in constant flux. Dry season kratom, for example, often has a significantly higher percentage of mitragynine compared to wet season kratom. Additionally, it is possible to catalyze chemical changes in the leaves after harvest to affect the ratio of these alkaloids to one another other, as well as the profile of flavonoids and others desirable compounds, and this is what is known as curing or processing.

And finally, you need to know that light, heat and humidity are factors proven by scientists to catalyze this chemical conversion by oxidizing the alkaloids. The amount of oxidation is what determines not only the color of the finished powder but the unique energetic effects associated with it. In other words, how you dry your leaves determines whether you get a relaxing red, energizing white or inbetween green. Sun drying in humid Indonesian weather or by other more controlled methods of intentional exposure to heat and humidity produces darker powder by triggering oxidation and/or the secretion of a visibly red color from the leaf material. Indoor drying (in low light, low humidity, low heat) produces greener/lighter powder because the leaves are not heavily oxidized and therefore do not change color much. Generally, the more oxidized darkcolored powder will have a slower onset and have more notable sedative effects, while lighter lessoxidized powders will hit faster and be more energetic.

Cornelia Llama enjoys growing kratom and is passionate about sharing new seed-sown genetic lines of kratom with the community. Interesting in growing your own kratom?


a m o r b o e h T


Family: Malvaceae Juss. Genus: Theobroma L. The edible properties of Theobroma cacao were discovered over 2,000 years ago by the local people of Central America living deep in the tropical rainforests.

Chocolate is more than just a delicacy; evidence suggests that eating between 46 and 105g chocolate a day can have a moderate effect on lowering blood pressure. Cocoa is used for a wide array of medicinal purposes. Unfermented cocoa seeds and the seed coat are used to treat a variety of ailments, including diabetes, digestive and chest complaints. Cocoa powder, prepared from fermented cocoa seeds, is used to prevent heart disease. Cocoa butter is taken to lower cholesterol levels, although its efficacy is unclear.

The benefits of consuming organic dark chocolate that’s at least 70% cacao are astonishing! We’ve always been taught that chocolate is unhealthy because of the sugar content. But, consuming dark chocolate made with high quality organic sugar or honey can actually be beneficial to our gut microbes. Scientists have recently uncovered how this can be a healthy dietary boost when consumed about once or twice a week. According to a recent study published in Circulation, a journal of the American Heart Association, “Regular dietary intake of plant-derived foods and beverages reduces the risk of coronary heart disease and stroke. Among many ingredients, cocoa might be an important mediator. Recent research demonstrates a beneficial effect of cocoa on blood pressure, insulin resistance, and vascular and platelet function.”

Fabulous Figs

“And the eyes of them both were opened, and they knew that they were naked; and they sewed fig leaves together, and made themselves aprons.� Genesis 3:7

Since ancient civilization, figs have been a symbol of peace and prosperity. Native to the Mediterranean region, Florida has just the right type of climate for growing figs. Fig trees symbolize abundance and were so prized by the Egyptians that they cultivated figs almost exclusively. They even referred to it as “the Tree of Life.� The two most commonly known are Ficus sycomorus (sycamore fig) and Ficus carica (common fig,) which is an Asian species and what we see today in this area. Botanists say there are about 800+ species of figs on earth today.

Figs generally begin to ripen in June & July, and are available commercially through October and sometimes November. You can freeze them, dry them or eat them fresh. You can make fig preserves (a favorite if you're from the south, like us. You can make them as a sweet treat or put them on pizza (yes, like pineapple).


FIG & ARUGULA SALAD 2 cups arugula or spinach 8-12 figs, quartered 1/2 cup goat cheese, crumbled 2 tablespoons walnuts 2 tablespoons pecans 2 tablespoons honey 2 tablespoons balsamic vinegar

Directions Toss arugula, figs, cheese & nuts together in a large bowl. Drizzle honey and balsamic vinegar over salad Serve immediately and enjoy!




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