Журнал "Столица Урала" №37

Page 56

ходила уже в положении. Никита, что интересно, отреагировал на известие совсем не так, как я ожидала. Думала, цветами завалит, на руках носить будет – первенец же! А он… принял новость как должное! Здорово, сказал, и все! Суров, но справед лив – Пережил радость по-мужски сурово? – Он очень сильный, волевой человек с мощным внутренним стержнем. Мама, сразу его принявшая и полюбившая всей душой, говорит, что он в этом на моего отца похож. Не знаю, насколько правда, но даже сферы деятельности у них схожи. Никита знает, чего хочет, и слова его всегда заканчиваются делом. Если что не так, мама заступается за мужа, мол, он-то хороший (смеется). Никита учит меня правильному отношению к людям. Я ж открыта, доверчива, и он оберегает меня от плохих ситуаций, направляет маленечко… На работу, к примеру, устроилась благодаря его настойчивости. Считала: я и железная дорога несовместимы! Муж переубедил: в жизни пригодится любой опыт. – Смотрите на вторую половинку иначе, чем до замужества? – Раньше воспринимала Никиту как обычного ровесника. Сейчас он раскрывается как хозяин, хранитель дома, опора. Ощущаю, что в чем-то супруг даже перерос меня. Старше стал. Например, до свадьбы он мне не доверял. Ревновал. И если ориентироваться на мнение большинства, все должно было даже усугубиться.

badinage in the disputes: «What a ram you are! It’s impossible to live with you!», now I listen to the opinion of man. After putting a stamp in the passport (despite the fact that for many, this formality is not important!), we have united even more. Thanks to the husband’s influence, my attitude to the values of life has changed. My priority is family. – Do you spend all the time in your family nest? – No, to keep the house for us is a punishment! We are for any activity! I led secluded life only for the first time after the birth of Stepan. Maybe that was a reason why my desire for self-expression, professional development awakened. I must ask my husband what else has I discovered in myself (she smiles)... But I know for sure: after baby emergence I became more careful. Even too much. I can lose something that belongs to me. But everything about the child – under control! We went to the emergence of the baby deliberately, but it was planned a bit later. It happened that I was getting married, being already pregnant. Nikita, which is interesting, reacted to the news not as I expected. I thought I’d be showered with flowers – it was our firstborn! But he took the news for granted! – Great – He said, and that’s it! Harsh, but fair – So has he experienced the joy with male severity? – He's a strong-willed person with a strong inner core. My mother, who accepted and loved him with all her heart, says that he is like my father in that matter. I don’t know how true it is, but even the spheres of their activity are similar. Nikita knows what he wants and his words always end in action. If something goes wrong, mother stand up for my husband, saying that he is a good. (Laughing). Nikita teaches me to the right attitude to people. I’m open, trusting, so he protects me from bad situations, forwards slightly. For example I got a job thanks to his stability. I thought me and the railway are incompatible! Husband persuaded: any experience in good stead. – Are you looking at your «second half» differently than before marriage? – I perceived Nikita as a usual fellow. Now he is revealed as the host, house keeper, and reliance. I feel like husband grew in something over me. Got older. For example he hasn’t trust me before the marriage. Was jealous. And considering the opinion of the majority, that should was just to get worse and worse. On the contrary! Distrust, insecurity in relationships are gone, husband gives me even more freedom than before the wedding! – Isn’t he afraid that the victory of his beloved wife will lead to a life "in the spotlight", which would «absorb» her, and – there will be a sea of the male’s attention... – I used to communicate with the boys more than with girls always. Besides all my friends are older than me. One close friend (God rest his soul!) originally was a friend of my father. So of course men do some steps to my side often. But I always try to fence myself from the persistent courtship and thwart any attempts. I extol my husband! I even go with him to their corporate events,

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