September 2012

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T h e Kni gh tly News From the Desk of the Grand Knight Jim Laria


* Council meets at 7 pm on the 1st Thursday of the month, in John Bosco Hall.

* The Assembly #3025 (4th Degree) meets at 7pm on the 2nd Thursday, in John Bosco Hall.

* Social meetings are on the 3rd Thursday, at an announced local restaurant.

* Officers, Trustees, and current Chairs meet on the last Thursday

Worthy Brothers All, As most of you are now aware, Blessed Sacrament Council #13240 has achieved for the first time Double Star Council Award. Past Grand Knight Pete Capece received a letter from Supreme Knight, Carl Anderson who stated of the more than 16,000 Councils, we were one of only 382 awarded double star For those who may have missed it, the Knights of Columbus set new all-time records for charitable donations and volunteer service hours in 2011, according to Supreme Knight Carl A. Anderson, who released the results of the Order's Annual Survey of Fraternal Activity in a presentation to state deputies June 10. The results of the survey indicate that total charitable contributions reached more than $158 million — exceeding the previous year's total by approximately $3.4 million. Volunteer service hours to charitable causes grew to more than 70 million hours. Let us never forget that we are a part of group selected by our creator, to provide millions of man hours and millions of dollars to those less fortunate. The Dues Second Notice has gone out. For those of you who received the letter in error, please let me or the Financial Secretary know so we can adjust our records. If any brother has a physical or financial situation which impacts his ability to pay his dues, please call me, the Grand Knight, in confidence at 352 243 3292 or email . Mark your calendar for September 22nd our Pasta Dinner which will take

KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS #13240 PO BOX 121061 CLERMONT, FL 34712-1061

the place of our Social this month. Brother Luca and his team will once again perform their culinary magic. See Brother Ed Zarek for tickets or get them at the Church Office. For those of you that missed it, at the recent National Convention in Tampa, the Knights of Columbus Fourth Degree Color Corps were privileged to open the ceremonies. Let us all take pride in our membership, but serve with humility. I’m still looking for a Knight who will keep track of our brothers who are sick and in distress. It means being available by phone or email to receive notice of brothers in distress and following up with a card and notification to the Grand Knight or his Deputy. Donuts start September 16th, so remember to wear your shirt (Council or Assembly) to Mass that Sunday as it helps our Recruitment Director when he can point out all the Knights to a prospect. See you at the Business meeting September 6th. Fraternally, Jim Laria, GK



IMPORTANT CONTACT NUMBERS For questions or information regarding Council business, or if you would like to help in any way please call Grand Knight Jim Laria407-435-2325 or e-mail

Inside Guard Steve Cruz 352-432-5675,

For membership or dues information , pocket name badge or Council license plates -please see Allen J. Venezio, Financial Secretary & 1st Degree team Capt. Call 352-636-0774 ,

Chaplain- Fr. Robert Webster352-394-3562,

For questions on Fraternal Benefits and Insurance or the Council’s Newsletter or Website: Call Field Agent - Don Gelinas Home Phone - 352-404-6368, Deputy Grand Knight Joe Cruz (Retention Chair) 407-435-2325, " Chancellor-Frank Regiacorte 352‐429‐2075 407‐538‐6490e-mail Treasurer - Tony Giamboi -352-241-7671 , " Advocate – James Venezio --352-343-1553, 352-552-7480" Recorder – Larry Barber 352‐508‐4339 407‐694‐6014" Warden – Mike Dybicz -352-243-3203, "

Community DirectorJack Wallace 407‐654‐0339

Outside Guard- Ramon Aviles 407‐656‐2167 773‐490‐5041

Trustee- Robert Britten 352-394-4047 352-988-3065, Trustee- Peter Capece 352‐243‐0393 772‐571‐7084 Trustee- William Overbay 321-439-6893 Membership Director- Steve Cruz 352-432-5675,352-552-1958mail- Admissions Committee Chair.John Proteau 352-242-0758,

Church Director -Joe Cruz 407-342-8243, Pro-Life Director- Peter Stauder

Health Services Chair- Robert Gonzalez-352-243-3751, Donut Sunday Chair- Manny Colon-352-227-9149,407-902-9451, Ladies Auxiliary- Phyllis Capece-352-243-0393,772-538-3882, to order Council shirts see Brothers Ed Oliveira at 352‐989‐ 4401, and John Granucci at 352‐243‐0889 or 352‐250‐8224, and his email

Youth Director- Frank Regiacorte 352-429-2025,407-538-6490, Squires Circle – Eric Palmer 352-394-5004, Family Director – Larry Barber 352-508 4339,407-694-6014,

KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS #13240 PO BOX 121061 CLERMONT, FL 34712-1061

Assembly #3025 Faithful Navigator Robert Britten 352‐394‐4047 352‐988‐3065 District Deputy- Bruce Gillett 407-566-8486

FINANCIAL SECRETARY’S CORNER By Allen Venezio Worthy Officers and Brother Knights All: Thanks very much to the 112 brothers who have paid their dues on time. I would also like to give a huge thanks to the 99 brothers who gave so generously to the vocations fund! All but 12 of you made that voluntary donation! That's a testament to the commitment of our Council to this initiative. It's just about time to run a first degree exemplification. Now is a great time to sign up another man to join our ranks. If you know anyone who would make a contribution to our Order, take a Form 100 from the Grand Knight and talk unless it is an emergency. I hope these last days of summer treat you well. I look forward to an exciting fall full of activites. God bless you all and Vivat Jesus! Allen

to them. You'll never know if they are interested if you don't ask! On a personal note, I have been receiving many calls during the day about Knights of Columbus business. Some of you may not be aware that I am a school teacher (I direct the band at Clermont Middle School) and I can not take your calls during my classes. Please refrain from calling me during the school day. I can be reached via e-mail at

KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS #13240 PO BOX 121061 CLERMONT, FL 34712-1061




the 8, 12, and 5, please let me know so you

Pasta Dinner tickets will be on sale the

can handle the ticket sales at those masses.

next two weekends. I’m covering the 4 pm

Call me at 352 243 3292

Saturday and Ed Zarek is covering the 10.

Let us know what Mass you will cover.

Several have signed up, but those going to

Jim Laria, GK

IMPORTANT COUNCIL DATES FOR 2012-2013 2012 Sept 1,2,8,9 Pasta Dinner Ticket Sales at Church

Saturday September 22

Sept 22 Pasta Dinner October 14 Corporate Communion 12 noon Reception to follow in Social Hall

Please join us all funds help support our charities

October 26, 27 Fall Festival November 17th Council Anniversary Dinner Dec. ??? Clermont Christmas Parade Dec. 15,16, 22, 23 Pasta Dinner and Keep Christ in Christmas Sales December 15 Knights Christmas Party

Coffee and Donut Sundays are Back!!!! Our Council sponsors on the third Sunday of every month. Please wear your council or assembly shirts to Mass and show your support.

2013 January Poster Contest January 19th Pasta Dinner February 13 Ash Wednesday February 15 Lenten Soup Friday

KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS #13240 PO BOX 121061 CLERMONT, FL 34712-1061

THE PRO-LIFE CORNER By Peter Stauder, PFN Pro-Life Chair

“The Catholic Conference of Bishops asks your support on voting yes on amendment #6.”

This new area of our newsletter will include articles we view as “prolife”. To put the scope of coverage in perspective we will address issues affecting life from conception to natural death. Our intent is to make you aware of the “life issues” challenging our country and our faith. Where the Catholic Church and/or the Knights of Columbus have taken a stance on an issue we will give you that information. We will come out in support of life- being prolife. As always it will be your responsibility to study the issue and take action appropriate to your decision. There are a number of issues that deal with the topic of prolife; however, two are currently of great importance because they are tied to the calendar of November 2012 and the voting we are expected to perform as citizens of this republic. On what we will label the National Level is the Issue of Religious Freedom tied to the Obama Government Health and Human Services ruling that employers provide health insurance to employees and that this insurance provide coverage for contraceptives, abortion inducing drugs and sterilization. The Catholic Church in America through action by various Bishops and religious institutionsuniversities and hospitals- has launched law suits challenging this ruling and called on the Obama administration to exempt religious organizations where implementation would go against their beliefs and teachings. You were asked in previous meetings and in an insert to the Blessed Sacrament bulletin to write your congressional representatives to address removing this ruling. Now with the November elections you again have the opportunity to make your wishes known and to ask those running how they will address the issue? Will you support only those that will remove this challenge to our religious freedom?

Nearer to home, in Florida we have an amendment to the Florida Constitution that we consider supporting life- a prolife issue! Amendment #6 the Florida Constitution would, according to the Florida Conference of Catholic Bishops, “prohibit spending of public tax dollars for abortion, or for health-benefits coverage that includes abortion except for those limited instances required by federal law. It would also prohibit future interpretation of the Florida Constitution as giving greater rights to an abortion than those contained in the US Constitution, and allow future legislation to strengthen parental rights by requiring parental consent for children seeking an abortion”. It is interesting that we who are or have been parents have had to give consent for such things as giving aspirin in school or playing sports but yet are denied the ability to rule on a young child wanting an abortion. The Catholic Conference of Bishops asks your support on voting yes on amendment #6.

KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS #13240 PO BOX 121061 CLERMONT, FL 34712-1061



Supreme and State Council News


Date: Time:


Saturday, October 6, 2012 3rd Degree 1:00 PM, Registration 12:00 Noon

Location: St. Cloud Kissimmee Council 6624 200 Neptune Road Kissimmee, FL 34742 Cost:

Cost is $10.00 per candidate. Checks should be made payable to the FLSKOC

130th Annual Supreme Convention Knights from around the world gathered in Anaheim, Calif., for the 130th Annual Supreme Convention. The convention, as always, through social events and business sessions, combined a celebration of the Catholic faith alongside commendation for the accomplishments of the Knights of Columbus during the past year. Following the Opening Mass on Tuesday , Supreme Knight Carl Anderson presented his annual report to the delegates and guests. The highlight of this report was the record $158 million dollars and 70 million volunteer hours donated by the Knights to charitable and Church activities, as well as the highlights of the Order’s accomplishments in the areas of the Church, the military, its insurance and investment programs, youth, membership, the culture of life, and religious liberty. That evening at the convention’s major celebration, the States Dinner, Cardinal Timothy Dolan of New York and Archbishop Richard Smith of Edmonton followed the lead of Pope Benedict XVI in thanking the Knights for their defense of religious liberty and asked that they continue their leadership in that area. Wednesday’s business session saw the election for the Board of Directors

and afterward delegates and guests

gathered to recognize the work of local Knights and state deputies in the areas of membership recruitment, service programs, and insurance. The 2012 International Family of the Year was also named. Thursday concluded the annual meeting with the Memorial Mass and the passing of a variety of resolutions during the closing business session. To find complete coverage of the 130th Supreme Convention, visit convention. KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS #13240 PO BOX 121061 CLERMONT, FL 34712-1061


SOME THINGS TO PONDER From Your Financial Benefits Advisor. Don Gelinas PGK, FIC

"A man who dies without adequate life insurance should have to come back and see the mess he created." Will Roger

Four parts of retirement: Phase One

So, basic protection is a must. The good thing is that this protection is offered by the Knights of

In the next four articles, I would like to discuss a goal that’s on many workers’ radar: retirement. To some, retirement is the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow or the reward after a long career. It’s a time to relax, take up a hobby and enjoy life. Whether retirement is just around the next corner or if you have another 30 years to go, it’s never too soon or too late to start planning or revise that plan. Some experts suggest that there are four phases of retirement: protection, accumulation, income de-accumulation and care. In this article, I will tackle protection. Protection is the base element of any wellfounded financial plan; the base of the pyramid, for example. Without basic protection against premature death or the inability to earn income due to disability, the remainder of the pyramid

Columbus. Our whole life products and disability income insurance are designed with this goal in mind. For example, our Life Paid Up at 65 plan is perfect for this purpose because premier payments end right when retirement is upon you. There are many other options that I can discuss with you that will fit your needs and your budget. A newer addition to our product portfolio, disability income insurance protects your most valuable asset: your ability to work and earn money. Plans can be customized and are available to cover many professions, from farmers to lawyers. Once you’ve established the proper protection, the next phase is accumulation of cash, which I will discuss in a future article. Contact me to learn more.

collapses. If you own mutual funds and die without life insurance, those funds will be needed to pay final expenses (collapsing), perhaps at the m o s t i n o p p o rt u n e t i m e ( a f t e r a m a rke t correction). If you own mutual funds and lose your ability to earn income due to disability and are without paycheck protection, those funds will be needed in order to pay living expenses (collapsing), perhaps at the most inopportune time (is there ever an opportune time?). KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS #13240 PO BOX 121061 CLERMONT, FL 34712-1061




From the Knights of Columbus, Council 13240 Self Audit Check List for Treasurer and Financial Secretary This Board of Trustees is required by The Knights of Columbus—Supreme to perform an audit of this Council every six months. The Trustees are: 1 Year Trustee, Robert Britten, PGK; 2 Year Trustee, William Overbay; 3 Year Trustee, Peter Capece, PGK. This document focuses on a System of Internal Controls which should be considered in every day performance of the duties of the Worthy Treasurer and the Worthy Financial Secretary. This is done to ensure that there is a structure in place that provides a system of checks and balances, to prevent loss through errors, misappropriation of funds or theft. Internal Controls are also provided to the WT and WFS in an attempt to prevent an "honest" member from making a mistake. This Self Audit Check List is also intended to facilitate the semi-annual audit by the Trustees. The WT and WFS should ensure: • • • • • • • • • •

• • • • • • • • •

That all transactions are properly authorized and recorded for cash receipts and cash disbursements. Timely deposits of all cash received. Procedure are in place to ensure that checks are stamped “For Deposit Only” together with Council Bank Account Number immediately upon receipt by Financial Secretary. Ensure the accuracy of the financial records/reports provided to the Council. Bank Statements balances reported as assets are factual. All expenditures are authorized. Ensure that the NPO Status is always current and using that status to avoid sales taxes on supplies and services purchased. Maintain pre-numbered receipt books. Payroll taxes are paid, if applicable. (Treasurer and Financial Secretary) Claims for reimbursement will be randomly authenticated. Trustees should by contacting selected persons claiming reimbursement to ensure that expenditures are valid during the course of the semi-annual audits. Extraordinary items of expenditures are properly approved by vote and are recorded in the Council Minutes. Reports are filed timely. Form 990, Return of Organization Exempt From Income Tax, if gross receipts each year are normally more than $25,000 Checks should be prenumbered, used in sequence with adequate controls over supplies of blank checks. Checks should be prepared by persons other than those who approve invoices. Checks should be prepared from original vendor invoices and voucher. Checks should be entered in the disbursement journal exactly as they have been prepared. The Grand Knight should authorize all check signers. Pre-numbered receipts should be given for all receipts, including contributions, gifts, etc.

KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS #13240 PO BOX 121061 CLERMONT, FL 34712-1061


Congratulations To Edward Zarek as Knight of the Month Nice job Ed.

No Social This Month Due To The Pasta Dinner

Please remember in your prayers the following brother knights and family members. Pamela Venezio requested by James Venezio Gira and Lucah Wright with new baby by Allen Venezio Lili Echevavria requested by Joe Cruz Elsie Overbay requested by Bill Overbay Grace Crane and JoAnna Crane requested by Chuck Crane Catherine Stauder requested by Peter Stauder Melanie Scalice requested by Robert Scalice Ernesto and Lilia James requested Joe Largle Brother Dave Saucier to undergo surgery Paul Venslosky who has recently completed back surgery.

I am pleased to announce that es t o N brother Pete r’s e r u t c Connelly will be Le by the guest en d g O speaker at our Mike upcoming meeting. He will be giving a brief but meaningful presentation on his involvement with the prison ministry. Every Tuesday, is known as “Catholic Tuesday” among the inmates, the ministry visits the Lake Correctional Facility in Clermont.

Mike Ogden, Lecturer KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS #13240 PO BOX 121061 CLERMONT, FL 34712-1061






Grand Knight - Jim Laria Deputy Grand Knight - Joe Cruz Chancellor - Frank Regiacorte

Third Year Trustee - Peter Capece Second Year Trustee - Bill Overbay

Recorder - Larry Barber

First Year Trustee - Bob Britten

Treasurer - Anthony Giamboi

Chaplain - Fr. Bob Webster

Advocate - James Venezio Warden - Michael Dybicz

Financial Secretary - Allen J. Venezio

Inside Guard - Steve Cruz Outside Guard - Ramon Aviles Lecturer – Mike Ogden

Hello Ladies, Welcome back. Hope everyone had a wonderful summer. Here we go again the start of another fun filled year. Our meeting is Thursday, Sept. 6, 2012 @ 7:00 PM in classroom #2. We have the badges for those who ordered them, they are $7.25 each. The following Ladies ordered a badge: Sonia Aviles, Joan Banahan, Pat Germonto, Donna McRobbie, Mary Moyer, Rosa Puerto, Jo Ann Townsend, I will have them at the meeting. Hopefully, I will have the shirts as well. I was promised that the shirts would be here for our Sept. meeting, I'm still waiting. Refreshments will be hosted by Jean Britten. Remember, if wish to have a drink for yourself, please bring what ou want to drink. No drinks will be supplied. Hope to see all of you on Thursday. Phyllis Capece KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS #13240 PO BOX 121061 CLERMONT, FL 34712-1061




T h e Communicator Robert Britten

From the Faithful Navigator Worthy Brothers as the


summer passes into fall the assembly goes into full swing again. We started practice for the honor guard and color guard once again we need to be ready at all times for any event we might be asked to participate in. 911 will be a small get

2012 - 2013 Color Corps Schedule

together this year with only

10/14/12 Corporate Communion

the event. I would still like to

the fire and police covering ask all of our Sir Knights to come out in their assembly

10/26/12 Parish Fall Festival 11/12/12 Veterans Day Services Clermont 12/???/12 Christmas Parade

shirts to honor all those who lost their lives that day. We must never forget that day and need to support this affair so please watch for a notice from the the Grand

Confirmation: February 24, 2013 at 12 PM Mass

Knight advising the council

First Communion: April 27, 2013 at the 4 PM Mass; April 28, 2013 at the 12PM and 5 PM Masses

minute to let everyone know

to attend and try to be there. I would like to take a that our worthy scribe who i s a l s o t h e fi n a n c i a l secretary for the council and

has just completed his Masters degree in the past month

Allen, Best of luck

keep up the good work. The worthy master has sent out his call to all of the navigators to get as many 3rd degree members to take their 4th degree this coming Thanksgiving weekend


please work on your friends to go the extra mile and take their forth degree this year. Remember that we should be ready to defend our Bishops priests and our religious freedoms . Vivat Jesus Bob

full time father teacher also works in our c.c.d program




Attention All 4th Degree Members Itʼs Time To Get All Our 3rd Degree Members to Become Full Fledged 4th Degree Knights 4th DEGREE EXEMPLIFICATION November 23 - 25, 2012 Orlando, Florida (this is a firm date) At the Rosen Plaza Hotel, 9700 International Drive, Orlando, FL 32819

2012 - 2013 Assembly Officers Navigator…Robert Britten Captain….Jim Laria Pilot….John Proteau Admiral…..Rosario Sulsenti Comptroller…Donald F. Gelinas Purser…Neal Sabina Scribe….Alan J. Venezio Inner Sentinel…Michael Dybicz Outer Sentinel…Frank Regiacorte Chaplain....Rev. Robert Webster 3 yr Trustee…..Peter Stauder 2 yr Trustee….. Don Morrissey 1 yr Trustee….Peter Capece Corps Commander Don Gelinas

Requirements for membership are the following: Have attained the 3rd degree. Must have taken your 1st degree at least 6 months before the exemplification date. If you are considering the 4th degree please see, Steve Cruz, Robert Britten or Don Gelinas application.

for an

SEPTEMBER BIRTHDAYS: Donald F Gelinas 09-06-1951 James A Laria 09-09-1936

Happy Birthday



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