Furnisense 2017 Vol 8

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2017 VOL.08 PP 16765/08/2013(032932) RM15

Industry InsIghts The ulTimaTe guide To The laTesT and TrendiesT in The world of furniTure

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Take iniTiaTive 反 守 为 攻

勇 于 面 对 竞 争

to fa c e challenges 对很多成功的企业家来说,倘若你进入了一 个“守业”的姿态,企业的前路只剩下一 条——萎缩、衰弱、死亡。甚至有的学者说, 企业家要么自我革命,要么被人革命。这情况 无论在以前还是现在都非常贴切:爱迪生活到 老发明到老,从来没听谁说过爱迪生是在“守 业”;面子书的全球用户多达16亿,也没有说 过马克·扎克伯格是在守业的。 在面对全球性竞争的市场来说,“以不变应万 变”的企业管理方式已经不再受用,而“创 业”和“守业”显然不再是两个独立的范畴, 反之是尤其息息相关的。且看Versalink第二 代接班人Matthew Law如何在这瞬息万变的 市场中寻求突破!

To many successful entrepreneurs, they are trying so hard to avoid entering a “stand still and refuse to make progress” stage, as it will be resulting the company to doomed to destruction. Some even said, entrepreneurs should achieve improvement to keep pace with the changes, else they will be being washed out from the market. Take Thomas Edison as an example, he has been inventing in his entire life, while Mark Zuckerberg who founded the well-known social media – Facebook, is neither a conservative person, too. The management theory of “fight inconsistency with consistency” is no longer useful in the market with rapid changes. “starting a business” is totally different from “sustaining a business”, yet these are closely related. Let’s discover how Matthew Law – the second-generation successor to Versalink, seeking a breakthrough in the fastpaced market.

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Cell Wall Light by Tom Dixon

现代软装饰设计中,灯具的作用了除了照明之外,更 多的时候起到是装饰作用。在室内设计中,我们不能 随便选择灯具。首先,要具备可观赏性、材质优质、 造型别致、色彩丰富;其次,要与营造的风格氛围相 一致;再者,布光形式要经过精心设计,注重与空 间、家具、陈设等配套装饰相协调;最后,还需要突 出个性,光源的色彩按居者需要营造出特定的气氛。

设 计 趋 势 抢 先 看 ExclusivE First-look oF DEsign trEnDs 室内设计的流行趋势只是一个概念,对于喜爱新鲜感的现代人来 说,了解室内风格趋势对我们来说是有好处的,可以借鉴流行趋 势打造自己的理想趋势。这期,带你了解2017年室内设计的流 行趋势。切记,除了设计风格以外,颜色的选择也是展现时尚品 味的其中渠道! Trends of interior design is just a concept, but to those modern people who love feeling of freshness, understanding the trends of interior design is a key to create their own stylish taste. In this issue, we will take you to a journey to understand the trends for 2017 interior design. Do remember, in addition to design style, the choices of colour are also one of the ways to reflect your sense of style!

流行配饰 PoPular accEssoriEs

UTO Light by Lagranja Design for Foscarini

FollowMe Table Lamp by Graham Hiemstra for Marset

For interior decorative item, the role of lamp is not only for lighting purpose but also as a decorative item. In interior design, we have to choose lamps carefully. Firstly, it shall have good outlook made by quality materials, colourful and designed uniquely. Secondly, it must be consistent style with the atmosphere of the space, the form of light should be carefully designed and achieve balancing between space, furniture, decorations, etc. And finally, the lamp itself have to highlight its personality while the colour of light sources are according to the needs of the residents to create a specific atmosphere.

PH 5 by Louis Poulsen

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MF3优质零售平台 Quality Retail PlatfoRm

零售曙光 Daw n o F R e tai L 马来西亚家具与装饰展销会从无到有,成为了今天国人期待 的家具展销会。除了消费者的支持以外,这也归功于幕后默 默付出的筹委会和工作团队。今天,这展销会成功吸引了数 以万计的参观者,让低迷的零售领域中展露希望的曙光。 这回,FURNISENSE为你带来这展会的精彩回顾,也感 谢参展商的踊跃参与和支持。 over the years, the Malaysian Furniture & Furnishing Fair (MF3) has become a muchanticipated annual furniture exhibition. apart from overwhelming support from consumers, organising committee and the team has paid a lot of effort in making the exhibition a success. today, MF3 is attracting thousands of visitors as it is beacon of hope for a once slowing retail sector. this issue, FURniSenSe brings you highlights of the latest edition of MF3. we would also like to take this opportunity to thank our exhibitors for their participation and continuous support.

每一年的马来西亚家具与装饰展销会(MF3)都让人引颈期待,去年于6 月和12月举办的展会更成功吸引数以万计的参观者前来消费,让展商们正 面看待家具零售市场,也对这市场重拾信心。 Held every year, the much-anticipated Malaysian Furniture & Furnishing Fair (MF3) are attracting thousands of visitors. Last year, it was held on June and December, the crowd has given a positive prospect to exhibitors and regain their confidence in this market. 自2008年起,MF3 便成为了隆雪家具公会的重点活 动之一,而每一年的MF3也成为了城中最为人津津乐 道的大型家具与家饰展。展会坐落于占地约10,000 平方米的吉隆坡会展中心,这场号称最大型的家具展 至今拥有至少140家品牌厂商及零售商参与。展会涵 盖了各类型家具和家居陈设品,一站式的家具展览会 让消费者可直接以最优惠的价格,在同一屋檐下购买 各类具有出口品质的家具和家居陈设品。以“国际品 质,优质保证”为展会口号,MF3希望能通过优质的 本地制造家具,为消费者带来高尚的生活品质。

Being the talk of the town, the MF3 has become one of the major activities of Kuala Lumpur & Selangor Furniture Industry Association (KLSFIA) starting from 2008. The exhibition is taking place at Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre which occupies an area of about 10,000 square meters. The largest furniture exhibition is said to accommodate at least 140 brand manufacturers and retailers under one roof, covers all types of furniture and home furnishing, the exhibition enables consumer to purchase premium quality of furniture and home furnishing in a comprehensive platform with attractive prices. As their slogan “Export Quality, Better Quality” says, MF3 hopes to bring noble quality of life to consumers by providing premium quality of local products.

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马来西亚家具总会 让本地家具领域永续发展 MFC, Enabling SuStainablE growth 受访者: 魏金顺 马来西亚家具总会中央理事

interviewee: ngai chin Soon, Mfc charter Member

Q: H o w a re t h e se f u r n i t u re c o m p a n i e s re sp o n d i n g t o t h e st a t e d c o u r se ? A: They are very enthusiastic, numerous factories has been asked about the details of this course. We have 19 factories participating in the course currently. Q: t h e c u r re n t syl l a b u s i s f o c u se d o n so l i d w o o d f u r n i t u re , d o yo u p l a n t o e x t e n d t h e c u r r i c u l u m t o o t h e r f u r n i t u re c a t e g o r i e s? A: Yes. We plan to add in other furniture categories such as mattresses, panel furniture and sofas to nurture all-rounded industry professionals. Q: d o yo u p l a n t o e x t e n d t h i s c o u r se t o o t h e r t e c h n i c a l sc h o o l s? A: As this is the first time this course is being conducted, we are reviewing the shortcomings of the course. The main task is to consolidate the syllabus. We have indeed cooperated with a number of foreign technical universities, so we do not rule out the possibility to arrange third-class diploma graduates to further their study abroad or enrol into short-term study programs.

家具制造领域并不是一个新兴的行业,可是年纪渐长的资深本地技术员工却让这领域逐渐迈 入了“老化”的窘境。作为本地家具领域的推动者,马来西亚家具总会当起了发起人,以全 面和专业的管道培养全方位的年轻本地技术员工,为这领域寻找全能的的接班人,从而获得 永续发展、经久不衰。 问:若家具制造厂欲参与这课程计划并为学生提供实习机会,他们必须符合什么条件? 答:这课程的学生在工厂实习时必须亲身体验家具制造的主要六个阶段,包括备料、拼板、 磨平、钻洞、组装、喷漆和包装等等,所以该家具制造厂首先必须拥有合法的营业制造,并 且此六个阶段的完整设备。当然,我们也体谅一些较为小型的家具制造厂,所以假设该厂只 拥有首两个阶段的设备,他可找另一间拥有其余设备的工厂并与他们共同申请。家具制造厂 必须愿意安排资深的技术员工充当学生的教练,负责指导学生在工厂内的工作。此外,他们 也必须同意给予学生指定的津贴数额,即800令吉(备住宿)和1,000令吉(无住宿)。工 作保险和基本的宿舍设备是基本的工作要求。只要他们符合上述条款,他们便可提出申请, 而技术发展局的官员将会到该厂进行审核。一旦通过审核,他们便可以加入这课程,为学生 提供技术训练。 问:这些家具企业对这课程的反应如何? 答:非常热烈,更有多家工厂一直询问这课程的详情。我们目前共有19家工厂参与这课程。 问:目前的课程纲要皆是针对实木家具为主,你是否计划将课程扩展到其它家具类别? 答:有。我们在来年的课程将会加入床褥、板式家具和沙发等其它家具类别,打造全方位 的家具行业人才。 问:是否计划将这课程推广至其它技职学校? 答:由于是第一次开办这课程,所以我们还在检讨课程的不足之处,目前以巩固课程纲要为 首要任务。在马来西亚家具总会的5年计划中,我们确实已经和多家国外技术大学合作,所 以将来不排除为第三级大马技能文凭毕业生安排国外深造机会或短期学习计划。 问:毕业生有就业前景如何? 答:第三级大马技能文凭毕业生将会拥有相等于大马教育文凭的学历资格。另外,学生在完 成这课程后已经能够独立制造一整套家具,所以基本上他们已经了解家具制造厂内的所有工 作,唯需时间累积经验。只要累积足够的经验,他们绝对可以胜任部门主管、经理和生产管 理等主要的职位,甚至可以独当一面,自行创业。

Furniture manufacturing is not an emerging industry, yet lacking young staffs causing the industry entering the “aging” dilemma. As an influencer to local furniture sector, the Malaysian Furniture Council (MFC) has been initiated to nurture young technical staffs and to cultivate all-round successor to this industry in order to achieve sustainable development. Q : W ha t a re t he re q ui red c r i t e r i a i f f u r n i t u re m a nufa c t ure rs w a nt ed t o p a r t i c i p a t e i n t hi s p rogra m ? A: As students in this course needed to undergo six major phases of furniture manufacturing, such as material preparation, moulding, assembling, painting, packaging and others, so furniture manufacturers should own a legitimate manufacturing license at first place. If some manufacturers only have equipment for two phases, then they may look for another company which have the rest of equipment to submit application together. Additionally, furniture manufacturers must be willing to arrange senior technical staff to guide students, and guiding them in factory work. Apart from that, they must agree to pay allowance to the student, RM800 (with accommodation) and RM1,000 (without accommodation), work insurance and basic accommodation equipment are compulsory. Furniture manufacturers may submit their application as long as they meet the above requirements while the officer from Department of Skills Development will review the factory. Once the application approved, they may participate in the program and provide technical training to students.

Q: W h at is th e employ men t pros pects of gr adu ates ? A: Graduates of the Malaysian Skills Certificate Level 3 will have the same education qualification with to the Malaysian Certificate of Education. Additionally, students are able to produce a complete set of furniture after completing this course, so basically they have knowledge of furniture industry, yet they need time to accumulate their experience. Given the opportunities to gain experience, they are able to reach the position of department heads, managers, production management or even run their own business independently.

拉曼技职学院 另一升学选择 VtAR inStitute, anothEr altErnativE of furthEr StudiES 在马华公会的牵引下,拉曼技职学院成为了首家成立家具工艺文凭课程 的私人技职学院,为学生提供课程中的20%理论课。为了达到技术发 展局的双培训课程标准,院方必须依据该局所草拟的家职技标准规范作 为课程基础框架,随后与马来西亚家具总会商讨出符合时下家具领域需 求的课程。课程的理论科目包括了家具制造工具和材料的认识及选用、 工业安全和管理等等。除了广泛的学习教材以外,院方还邀请了森林研 究局、马来西亚家具总会和拉曼大学学院的讲师前来授课,确保学生获 得最全面的专业知识。 Driven by the MCA, VTAR Institute is the first technical college offering Certification Course for Furniture Technology, providing 20% theoretical courses in the curriculum. In order to meet requirements of Department of Skills Development, VTAR Institute has to prepare curriculum framework accordingly to National Occupational Skills Standard (NOSS). The theoretical courses including the tools and materials for furniture manufacturing and its application, industrial safety and management, etc. In addition to a wide range of learning materials, the institute also invited lecturers from the Forest Research Department, the Malaysian Furniture Council and the University College Tunku Abdul Rahman to ensure students receiving the most comprehensive expertise knowledge.

“家具工艺文凭课程为没有学术文凭、经济 不允许或对前途茫茫的年轻人开启另一出 路,让他们有机会通过正确的管道发展自己 的事业。有的学生甚至向我表示其雇主还因 为他的良好表现而给予他额外的津贴,据知 他目前已经正式入职该公司。这些故事都十 分令人鼓舞。” “The Certification Course for Furniture Technology offers an alternative path to those do not have academic qualification, lack of economy support and confuse of their future career. They are now given the opportunities to develop their careers through the proper channels. Some students even get extra allowance due to excellent performance. The stated student are now officially enrolled in the company, these stories are truly encouraging.” 拉曼技职学院首席执行员陈清凉 Chief Executive Officer of VTAR Institute Tan Cheng Liang

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