Dux Inspiration International edition

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D UX inspir ati o n


The journey T h e j o u r n e y – D UX i n s pi r at i o n t m

We take sleep seri o usly so yo u c an take it fo r g r anted


“our beds should be the world’s gre ate st pl ace for recovery.”

Efr aim L j un g Fo u n d er o f DUX 1926


Over to you, Henrik

A j ourne y As someone quite rightly pointed out once, “You can copy many things, but heritage is not one of them.” This bears thinking about in a time when everything moves at breakneck speed – traditions and culture can neither be faked nor bought. DUX* was founded by my great grandfather, the c­ hoco­latier Efraim Ljung. Due to his rheumatism he often had p ­ roblems sleeping, but during a business trip to Chicago in 1926 he woke up one morning to find he’d slept like a log. Such was his ­surprise that he took out his penknife and cut open the mattress to study it more closely and discovered a clever system of steel springs. At that moment he decided to change career paths, from chocolate to beds. For me and my three siblings – the fourth generation of the Ljung family to run DUX – Efraim’s story is a constant ­reminder to never stand still. The common thread from Efraim’s time u ­ ntil today is innovation: a series of firsts that have made DUX the obvious market leader. Our beds offer unbeatable comfort, which is why hundreds of the world’s most prestigious hotels choose to furnish their rooms with DUX beds. Today, there are 78 DUXIANA shops in 24 countries worldwide. When it comes to sleep, there’s no room for compromise: only the best will do. That’s why we’re particularly proud of our latest collection, DUX Inspiration, which we have loaded with our latest techno­ logy and all the knowledge we have gathered over the years. Welcome! henrik L jung president, DUXIANA International 4th generation, Ljung family


*DUX comes from the Latin for “leader”.

t h e j o u r n e y Editors: Elin af Klintberg, Mårten Niléhn Production: Klintberg Niléhn Media AB Art director: Jessica Ericsson Photographer: Kristofer Johnsson Stylist: Alexandra Ogonowski Production manager: Anna Back Jansson Printer: Exakta Print Web: duxiana.com

08 16 20 30 38 54 56 62 66 70


It’s a fa m i ly a ffa i r s w ee t d r e a m s A g o o d n i g ht’s r e s t B eh i n d th e s cen e s Th e j oy o f tr av el D e ta i l s Acce s s o r i e s B ed li n en S m a rt pa rt s O u r co llec ti o n






The DUX Spring System

Our backbo ne and where it all b egan... The word “unique” is sometimes used a little too freely. It means “the only one of its kind” so it goes without saying that it takes a great deal to live up to such a claim. At DUX we often talk about the unique spring system in our beds but what exactly makes it unique? Let us explain. Many beds are built using a combination of Bonnell springs and/or pocket springs. Bonnell springs are a simple system often used in sofa beds, for example. Pocket springs are more exclusive, with each spring sewn into a separate pocket of fabric. The reason why Bonnell springs and pocket springs dominate the market is that there are very few alternatives. As a result, simple mass-produced beds and exclusive handmade designs are often built u ­ sing springs from the same factories. The considerable price differences between them come from the choice of materials, levels of craftmanship, care in the manufacturing process and other ­undoubtedly ­important parameters but the springs are identical. A DUX bed, however, contains neither Bonnell nor pocket springs. We have been making our own spring system at our own factory since 1926, and the machinery we use to do it is the ­product of continuous in-house development. Why are we so determined, when the standard range of springs is clearly more than ­satisfactory for our competitors? The answer to that lies in the philosophy of DUX. We want to stimulate innovation and for this to happen we have to control the entire ­manufacturing process. Only then can we test, control, influence and improve our beds, drawing on our own experiences. It is this continuous development process that makes the DUX spring s­ ystem unique. u



The new Ljung generation


it’s a family affair A ne w g ener ati o n take s over. We b ro u g ht to g e ther the l j un g sib lin gs — Henrik, Charlot te, And ers and Oscar — to talk ab o ut family tie s, entrepreneurship and the future.


Charlotte Ljung

The new Ljung generation


and on heart, what is it like to work with your siblings? HENRIK LJUNG: I think I speak

for us all when I say that it’s nothing but p ­ ositive. We’re good at different things so there’s no risk of stepping on each other’s toes. It’s a strength to be able to work on a broad front, e­ specially when we are in 30 ­countries. And it’s so much easier when you know each other so well.

Efraim Ljung founded the company 90 years ago. Who has ­inherited his entrepreneurial flair and sense of adventure? ANDERS LJUNG: That has to be Oscar. He’s the one who’s had the

longest career outside the family business and who’s never hesitated to move around the world and stay in the oddest and most exotic places. In your opinion, what makes DUX unique? HL: I’d say the spring system which makes it possible to develop

­individual sleeping solutions... CHARLOTTE LJUNG: ... and deliver unbeatable comfort. A degree of ­quality that no one else has. AL: Plus the fact that, in principle, we control the whole value chain ourselves. There are no external stakeholders aiming for shortterm ­returns. Looking at it like that, it’s a great advantage to run a family business.

What do you think is the single most important event in the DUX story? CL: Apart from Efraim’s impulsive cut into the mattress 90 years

ago, it has to be the DUXIANA retail chain that we launched in 1987. That was a real breakthrough. It established us not just domestically but i­nternationally, too. HL: We’ve got our father Claes to thank for that idea. We were ­aiming just at Scandinavia to start with, but the store concept has ­taken us worldwide. Today there are about 80 D ­ uxiana stores in over 30 countries. But in the midst of all the success, there have also been some ­difficult moments. In 2012, the company faced some challenges. How did you manage to overcome them? CL: As a family-run business, you have the advantage of being

able to act very quickly. We were fearless, had a clear plan and dared to turn over every stone. In the end, we came out on the other side.

Where will DUX be in 10 years time? HL: We’ll have invented new materials or techniques that, if

it’s at all possible, will make our beds even more comfortable, and ­DUXIANA hotels will be found on every continent. CL: And I think we’ll be even stronger in the public sector.

How do you all sleep? OSCAR LJUNG: Like a log, on a DUX bed, of course. CL: I sleep well on a DUX 212. But it has to be really dark. HL: My wife and I sleep on a prototype that we d ­ eveloped many

years ago called the DUX E.S.Q. It was originally a kind of Swiss Army knife bed from which you could fold out a table, tele­vision, computer and a replaceable headboard. Parts of it have become a bit old-fashioned but the bed is holding up well after 10 years. u


Anders Ljung

Oscar Ljung

C h a r lot t e L j u n g p r e s i d e n t, D U X IND U STRIE r

I was just 18 years old when I left for New York and trained to become an ­interior d ­ esigner. Back then I had no plans whatso­ever to work with DUX. In New York I worked at a retail design agency. After moving back to Sweden, I set up my own company before the family b ­ usiness lured me back. We’ve pretty much got DUX in our blood. Oscar Ljung Henrik Ljung

g e n e r a l m a n ag e r , D U X IANA , C h i n a

Before I started at DUX I studied h ­ otel­­ management in Switzerland and, among other things, trained in the kitchen of the Hotel George V in Paris. After g­ raduation, Im ­ oved to Abu Dhabi and worked in the hotel and restaurant b ­ usiness u ­ ntil 2013, when I returned home to Malmö and DUX. But then I only had one year in Sweden. Since 2014, I’ve been ­ living in Shanghai and working with the H ­ otel DUXIANA and DUX operations in China. Anders Ljung C F O, D U X G r ou p

Before I started at DUX, I worked with market a­ nalysis for the mobile operators association GSMA Europe in B ­ russels, representing all GSM operators in E ­ urope. It was fantastically challenging work but when the family business called it was hard to say no. Henrik Ljung p r e s i d e n t, D U X IANA I n t e r n at i o n a l

After completing my army service, I moved to Brussels and did my BA in ­International Affairs and Economics. I’d actually thought about b ­ ecoming a diplomat but when our f­ ather announced that the New York office needed reinforcements, I saw it as a great opportunity to learn more about the company. Then I spent the next five years in the US before I was given the oppor­tunity to take over DUXIANA globally.


Your life – your journey


d ux 1001

legendary comfort Ba sed o n the firs t d ux b ed that wa s manufac tured in 1926, this is truly the s tuff that d re ams are mad e o n.


Your life – your journey

This is the bed that lies beneath the legendary Dux comfort.


he DUX 1001 is based on the very first DUX bed, which was manufactured in 1926. It’s an innovative meeting point between our proud heritage and new technology. The technology and design may have been ­developed and refined over the years but this model was the start of the legendary DUX c­ omfort that has been helping people all over the world to enjoy a b ­ etter night’s sleep since 1926. The DUX 1001 is a single frame bed in durable, natural m ­ aterials with a double layer of the unique DUX interlocking spring system, available in medium or firm variants. If you have not yet slept in a DUX bed, this is the perfect introduction to our world.u


DUX 1001 Astoria headboard


A sleep adviser

Sweet dreams Ti ck To ck, ti ck to ck... tro ub le sleepin g? We have the ultimate guid e to g e ttin g a g o o d ni g ht’s sleep.


4 tips fo r a b e t ter b ed ro o m D UX d e s i g n m a n ag e r A n n a B ac k Ja n s s o n s h o w s yo u h o w to d ec o r at e fo r t h e b e s t n i g h t ’s s l e e p.


Sleep in satin or percale – they both look and feel great. For the trend-conscious, a linen ­duvet cover is an obvious choice.


Choose blackout curtains to ­create a strong framework for the windows and also keep the light out effectively.


Select neutral colours to ­create a sense of peace and harmony. Nude or greige are good colour ­choices that suit most bedrooms.


Let your bed be the star. ­Invest in a quality bed that will last a life­time. Add pillows of different ­sizes, a big quilt and crisp sheets.

The art of sleep

• Have trouble sleeping? Create ­regular ­sleeping routines. Go to bed and get up at the same time every day – even at weekends. ­After a while, the body knows when it’s time to wake up.

• A power nap can be a performance ­enhancer. It’s an effective way to catch up on sleep but should be no longer than 20 minutes. If you sleep more than that you will enter deep sleep, with the result that you will be more tired and have more difficulty falling asleep at night. • Do you wake up in the middle of the night without being able to go back to sleep? After 15-20 minutes of sleeplessness go to another room and enjoy a relaxing activity such as reading or listen­ ing to music. Cuddle down in bed again when you feel drowsy. Do not watch the clock.

Blind people still see images in their dreams, but experience them through feelings, sound, scent and touch instead of sight.


5 min ute s af ter yo u ’ ve ­ o ken u p, 50% o f yo ur w d r e ams have b een fo rg ot ten. Af ter a further 5 min ute s, 90% have d isappe ar ed. B e q u i ck with a pen and pad if yo u want to r ememb er them!

Did you know that ... • In one of four marriages, spouses sleep in separate beds. • In the 1600s it was common practice to split sleep into two sessions with a 1.5 to 2 hour break in the middle of the night for reading, bathing or socialising. • Parasomnia is a term that ­refers to unnatural ­movements during sleep. As a result, ­people have committed crimes, including murder, and driven their car while fast asleep. • We spend about a third of our lives in bed: 16-18 hours a day as babies, 10 hours as schoolchildren, 9 in our teenage years, 7 to 8 as adults and 6 as seniors.

• Research has shown that a full moon can delay sleep by five minutes and that our sleep may well be 20 minutes shorter. The quality of our sleep is also affected, so there may be truth in the myth ­after all. • Man is the only mammal that deliberately puts off sleep. • Otters hold hands while they sleep so that they do not float away from each other – ­something to emulate ­perhaps? • According to international studies, co-sleeping – when children sleep in their ­parents’ bed – is an almost ­uniquely Swedish phenomenon.

Ch ecklis t fo r a b e t ter s leep: • Choose a bed that is ­suited to your body and your sleeping position.

• your pillow is just as

­important as your bed.

Try out one that is at the ­correct height for the muscles in your neck to relax. • The golden rule is Cool room, WARM body: 15-18C ­may feel chilly, but it’s the perfect temperature. Besides, it’s said that low temperature helps burn more calories! • Exercise regularly! But preferably early in the day and no later than four hours before going to sleep. • Expose yourself to as much sunlight as possible ­during the day so that the body ­assumes the right circadian rhythm. • Food can affect your sleep. ­Avoid strong spices, sugar, white flour, alcohol and ­caf­feine, and don’t eat too late in the evening as it may cause problems with digestion. • Take a hot shower or bath before you go to bed. • Avoid surfing the web and watching TV before going to sleep. Beware the blue light! • Unwind with a good book or listen to a podcast. A ­soothing voice can do wonders for sleep. • Fade your lights ­gradually during the evening to help the body with the ­natural circadian rhythm. • Don’t sleep with elec­

tronic gadgets in the

room and certainly not with a phone by your bed. Every buzz and beep interferes with your sleep.

• Ensure it is dark and quiet inside and outside the bed­ room. Otherwise use an eye mask and earplugs. • Skip the snooze button – it just makes you more tired.


Your life - your journey

DUX 2002

Brilliantly unique When inn ovati o n mee ts smart, user-friend ly d e si g n, the re sult is unpar alleled co mfo rt.

DUX 2002. Faruk headboard


Carefully thought-through ­details create the wonderful comfort of sleeping in a DUX bed.


he bed leading us into the future is the DUX 2002. This is the first product in a series of innovative ­designs from DUX, filled with the l­atest s­ olutions and smart, carefully thought-through d ­ etails to c­ reate the wonderful comfort of sleeping in a DUX bed. The DUX 2002 is a double-sprung single ­mattress bed featuring 9- and 12-centimetre-high springs to ­ensure the best possible sleep. Among the special features is ap ­ ractical, r­ emovable top layer filled with soft tufted natural latex for unbeatable comfort. When it’s not needed you can remove the top by using a simple zip. Why c­ omplicate things? The quality of care and craftsmanship that goes into every detail has always been at the heart of DUX and continues to drive us. B ­ ecause we know that the more tirelessly we strive, the better you sleep. u


Quality sleep through technology

a good night’s rest

Usin g the d ux Pa sc al sys tem, yo u c an d ecid e e x ac tly h ow


firm yo u want yo ur b ed to b e. Yo ur back will thank yo u.


Quality sleep through technology

The DUX Pa sc al system allows the b ed to chan g e with yo u Our most advanced spring system, DUX Pascal, is perhaps the most important DUX innovation of recent years – a unique top layer of interchangeable springs that makes it possible to adjust the bed’s firmness to your individual needs. The importance of choosing a bed with the right degree of firmness cannot be over­stated. Over the years, you will spend a great deal of your time in bed. Lying fully dressed on a sample bed in a showroom for five minutes hardly p ­ rovides the empirical evidence needed to make an informed decision. Pascal has been d ­ eveloped not only to deal with this paradox but also to ensure that your bed offers you the c­ omfort you need throughout your life. DUX Pascal is named after the eminent mathematician and scientist Blaise P ­ ascal (1623–62). A Pascal, or Pa, is a unit of measurement of pressure; in our case, the ­pressure of the weight of the body on the springs of the bed.


Co u ntle s s co m b in ati o ns

The springs in the Pascal system are arranged to suit the body’s three ­comfort zones: shoulders, hips and legs. Each zone can be customised using a soft, medium, firm or extra firm cassette.

In d ivid ua lly ta ilo r ed

Thanks to the Pascal system, your single bed or the two sides of a double bed can be tailored to suit changing needs, during pregnancy, for e­ xample, or changes in weight, back pain and other conditions.

E a sy to ch a n g e

The cassettes are very easy to change and you can change them w ­ henever you like and as often as you like. Try different combinations to find out what works best for you.

B e t ter fo r th e b ed

The Pascal springs help protect the bed’s integral spring system, which f­ urther prolongs the life of the bed. In the unlikely event that the Pascal springs ­become worn or start to sag, they can easily be replaced with new ones.


Your life - your journey

D UX 3003

made to me a sure with it’s re vo luti o nary sprin g sys tem, the D UX 3003 adap ts to yo u and yo ur needs.


DUX 3003. Quadro headboard

The Pascal system with its interchangeable spring cassettes means that the bed can be customised to your individual needs.


ur foremost single mattress bed is called the DUX 3003. The high level of comfort stems from the interaction between two ingenious DUX innovations of which we are very proud: the DUX spring system with thousands of ­inter­locking coils and the unique Pascal s­ ystem of inter­changeable spring cassettes for easily adapting the bed to individual needs. Can it get any better? We come in all different shapes and sizes, but we all have d ­ ifferent sleeping habits too. Perhaps you twist and turn while your partner lies relatively still. So obviously you need a bed that is a­ dap­table. The DUX 3003 is exactly that. Depending on the size of the bed, the Pascal system contains up to six c­ assettes, arranged to suit the body’s three comfort zones: ­shoulders, hips and legs. Each zone can be customised to soft, medium, firm or extra firm. This unique construction means that the bed can be adjusted ­according to your specific needs. u


Your life – your journey


DUX 6006

contempor ary zone ther apy in j us t a fe w simple s teps, yo u c an se t up yo ur b ed to mee t yo ur specifi c needs.


Your life - your journey

Your bed can be customised to suit your body and any requirements that you might have.


he DUX 6006 is a continental bed that features two of our most renowned and popular i­nnovations working together for maximum comfort. Put simply, it’s twice as good. First of all there’s the double layer of the ­DUX spring system – consisting of t­ housands of ­interlocking springs in dynamic inter­action – that ­provides an exceptionally deep suspension. It’s a unique experience and once you’ve tried it we daresay there’s no going back. The DUX 6006 is also equipped with the inno­vative Pascal c­ assettes that can be arranged to suit our body’s t­ hree c­ omfort zones: shoulders, hips and legs. This means that the bed can be a­ djusted to your needs and your body shape. Each comfort zone can be customised to soft, medium, firm and extra firm. In short, it’s a dream of a bed that, in just a few simple steps, will satisfy all your sleeping needs. u


DUX 6006. Dante headboard


Craftsmanship and passion


Behind the scenes w h en it co m e s to co m b i n i n g cr a f t s m a n 足s h i p a n d 足 i n n ovati o n, D UX i s a wo r ld le a d er. J o i n us fo r a lo o k b eh i n d th e s cen e s at o u r fac to ry i n P o rt u ga l , 足w h er e w e h av e b een m a ki n g b eds fo r ov er 30 y e a r s.


Craftsmanship and passion

Inter lo ckin g

The most important technical principle behind our spring system is encapsulated in the phrase ­“ Together we are strong.” The springs in a DUX bed i­nterlock, ­enabling them to work together rather than as ­individual units.

B e tter fo r yo u

The interlocking design means the springs support one another, evenly distributing any pressure and p ­ roviding comfort for the body. The spring system adapts to your weight and follows the contours of your body. ­Shoulders and hips sink down while the lumbar r­ egion r­ emains supported. Important pressure points are b ­ alanced and blood circulation is improved because your muscles are able to relax.

R e s p o ns ive

The interlocking design and the ability of the springs to work together makes turning over and sitting up in bed easy. The springs respond to your movements rather than hinder them.

B e tter fo r th e b ed

Another positive effect of using interlocking springs is that the springs wear more evenly, dramatically ­increasing the life of the bed. A DUX bed does not sag or b ­ ecome lumpy, which tends to happen to other beds ­after a few years.

Mu ltil ayer s pr in g sys tem

The springs are arranged in two or three layers. The lower layer of springs provides deep suspension and supports the body’s weight. The upper layer ­provides r­ elief and follows the contours of the body.


The springs in a DUX bed interlock, ­enabling them to work together


Your life – your journey

DUX 8008. Royal headboard


DUX 8008

Excep tional fle xibilit y Smart fe ature s and in g eni o us mechani c s guar antee a g o o d ni g ht’s sleep and ensure that yo ur b o dy is lo o ked af ter when yo u need it m os t.


Your life - your journey

Our most ­advanced ­model features a range of clever ­details based on smart mechanics.


he DUX 8008 Continental bed is our most a­ dvanced model and features a range of clever d ­ etails based on smart mechanics. It has twice as many springs as a r­ egular bed – and more custom­isation options than any other. The double layer of the DUX spring ­system, with thousands of interlocking springs, ­provides exceptionally deep suspension. Depending on the size of the bed, it can accommodate up to six Pascal c­ assettes, arranged to suit the body’s three comfort zones: shoulders, hips and legs. Each zone can be customised to soft, ­medium, firm and extra firm. The DUX 8008 is also equipped with adjustable lumbar support on either side of the bed. Simply turn the knob to set the desired level, from medium to firm. This is a bed that looks after your body when you need it most. u



DUX in the world


the joy of travel

Tr av el h a s a lways b een pa rt o f th e D UX D NA , Fro m Efr a i m L j u n g’s ­j o u r n e y to Ch i c ag o to th e l ate s t b ed co llecti o n i n s pi r ed by luxu ry lu g gag e. h en r i k L j u n g i s h a ppi e s t w h en h e’s o n th e roa d — w h i ch i s r eflected i n th e n e w e s t dux d e s i g n s.


DUX in the world

Sto ckh o lm

Grand Hôtel, Stockholm


enrik Ljung shuts his laptop as the fasten seat belt sign comes on for the descent into ­Istanbul. The president of Duxiana International has had a busy morning high above E ­ urope planning a new shop in India, expansion in Korea, and contemplating whether or not to set up in Congo again. But once on the ground, his thoughts are only of Istanbul. After a winding taxi ride through the Turkish capital, he pulls up at the DUXIANA shop alongside the Bosphorus, where the owners Ali and Serenay Vahabzadeh are waiting to receive him. “Most of our retailers around the world have become my friends over the years,” he says over a cup of coffee. “When we meet, there’s as much talk about children being born and home renovations as business, but that’s the way it should be in a family-run business, close and personal.” As the president and International Business Development ­Manager of DUXIANA, Henrik travels non-stop. “At least 130 days a year,” he says. “I see myself as a bridge-builder, constantly looking for new opportunities and markets where we can develop our business.” Today, there are some 70 DUXIANA shops in 24 countries ­worldwide. Henrik’s father Claes came up with the concept when sales b ­ egan to decline in Sweden in the 1980s. ”All of a sudden, there were loads of competitors in all price ranges. But despite the superior quality of our products we risked being lost in the crowd and ended up even further back in interiors shops and department stores. That’s what’s so great about DUXIANA, a retail concept entirely focused on our beds and the sleeping experience, where as a customer you get insight into the unique comfort we can offer. It was practically an overnight success, and not just in Sweden.” In just a couple of years, DUX went from being a relatively small, local bedmaker in northern Europe to a global player. Customers kept flocking, from Dubai’s 7-star Burj Al Arab to New York’s Robert De Niro-owned Greenwich Hotel via Copenhagen’s Hotel D’Angleterre and Stockholm’s Grand Hôtel. There’s also a long list of celebrities who wouldn’t dream of resting their heads on anything but a DUX. Although he’s not into name-dropping, Henrik can’t resist recounting the story of the UN dignitary who upon learning the Waldorf Astoria in New York didn’t have DUX beds insisted that they install one in his suite immediately.


Unbeatable DUX comfort at The Surrey in New York.

The Surrey Hotel

Ne w Yo rk

Nobis Hotel, Stockholm.

Burj Al Arab in Dubai is the world’s only 7-star hotel, and of course guests sleep on DUX beds.

Duxiana store, Shanghai

D ubai


Hotel Duxiana, Malmö

Sleep in DUX beds at the luxurious Hotel d’Angleterre in Copenhagen.

Co penhag en

The Hotel Duxiana chain is spreading around the world.


More than 150 of the world’s leading hotels have invested in DUX beds – including the Nobis Hotel, Stockholm.


The Courtyard Colonnade is one of the many Marriott hotels where you can sleep soundly in a DUX bed.

In just a couple of years, DUX went from being a relatively small, local bedmaker to a global player.

DUX’s biggest market is the US, which has an added symbolism g­ oing back to 1920s Chicago. That was when Henrik’s great-grand­ father, the chocolatier Efraim Ljung, came to the city on business and despite his rheumatism slept like a log in his hotel bed. Curious to know more about the miracle mattress, he used his penknife to cut it open and discovered an ingenious spring system that he instantly ­decided to take back with him to Sweden. Henrik got involved in the family business at the end of the 1990s. After studying International Affairs and Economics in Belgium, his father asked him if he would like to work in the New York office. “For nearly five years I travelled coast to coast visiting retailers and customers, and learnt the business inside out,” he says. “There’s isn’t a question or problem that I haven’t come up against.”

Duxiana store, Korea

DUX’s guiding star has always been inexhaustible innovation combined with first-class handicraft – and not just when it comes to beds. In the 1960s, it started a collaboration with the legendary Swedish ­designer Bruno Mathsson whose Jetson, Pernilla 69 and Spider chairs were produced at the Dux factory in Sösdala. “And Eva, of course, the chair named after my mother,” says ­Henrik, whose three siblings also work for DUX. The family ties are stronger than ever. “There’s great comfort in being a family business,” he says. “If we’d been listed on the stock exchange I’m sure things would have been different, but the way things are now we can follow our gut instincts.” As the latest collection, DUX Inspiration, shows with smart leather details that bring to mind beautiful luggage, adventurous destinations and exotic hotels. What could be more fitting for a company that has been constantly on the move since 1926? u


Your life - your journey


D UX Xclusive

World -cl a ss be aut y 90 ye ars o f cr af tsmanship co mb ined in a sin g le m o d el.


Your life - your journey

With DUX xclusive, we’re working with the finest leather and the SMARTEST SOLUTIONS

DUX Xclusive



s the name suggests, the DUX Xclusive is our most exclusive model. Right down to the smallest ­detail it stands for everything that makes DUX a world leader: magical craftsmanship, Swedish furniture d ­ esign at its best, a design language that encom­passes our entire history, the finest l­eather, and the smartest and most c­ arefully considered solutions. DUX was founded by Efraim Ljung after he visited Chicago in the 1920s and, quite by chance, slept in a hotel bed that was the most ­comfortable he had ever e­ xperienced. This bed is the culmination of 90 years of craftsmanship. DUX Xclusive has twice as many springs as an ordinary bed and more customisation options than any other. A double layer of the DUX spring system with thousands of interconnecting coils provides uniquely deep suspension. Like the DUX 8008, depending on the size of the bed, it may have up to six Pascal cassettes, arranged to suit the body’s three comfort zones: shoulders, hips and legs. Each zone can be customised to soft, medium, firm and extra firm. For extra comfort for your back, there is also an adjustable l­umbar support system on either side of the bed. Simply turn the knob to set the d ­ esired level, from medium to firm. With DUX Xclusive, the dream – and the legacy of Efraim’s ­journey – continues. u


The art of sleep

sleeping be aut y Paul Maria Schneg g enburg er’s ph oto g r aphs o f sleepin g co uple s sh ow j us t h ow b e autiful g o o d sleep c an b e.



ook carefully at the picture. What do you see? A sweeping dance? A dreamlike state? Austrian photographer Paul Maria ­Schneggenburger has t­ aken his fascination with sleep one step further – and installed a bed and camera in his photo studio in ­Vienna. By means of a single long exposure from ­midnight u ­ ntil six in the morning, his art project has s­ ucceeded. The Sleep of the ­Beloved captures the beautiful dynamism that only a sleeping couple can create. What shapes do you and your beloved create when asleep? S ­ chneggenburger’s project is on­going, with more info available at www.schneggenburger.at u


Your life - your journey

D ux A xi o n

float into Position Hi g h o r low? With a g entle pre s s o f the hand -held co ntro l , yo u c an ch o ose the p ositi o n yo u want.



he DUX Axion incorporates all the f­ eatures that distinguish a classic DUX bed but it can also be raised and lowered. The DUX d ­ ynamic spring system with thousands of i­nter­connecting springs in multiple layers provides a superb combination of ­stability and support. With just a gentle press of the handheld ­control, you can easily adjust position. u


Your life - your journey

D UX Dynami c

Dynamic comfort Take yo ur sleep to a wh o le ne w le vel.



he DUX Dynamic combines the best that a traditional DUX bed has to o­ ffer with all the benefits of being able to raise or lower the bed at the touch of a button. Its unique construction means that even the mattress follows the raise/lower function. Just press the hand-held control to choose the ­position you want. The DUX Dynamic is operated using a r­ eliable low-voltage motor while three layers of springs ­guarantee a good night’s sleep. The top layer features our unique Pascal system that can be adapted to your three comfort zones: shoulders, hips and legs. u


Total transparency

It’s all about

R e m ova b l e to p cov er w i t h zi p The top cover may be opened with the zip to replace or adjust the Pascal cassettes. The whole top cover can be replaced if necessary. Ticking We use woven ticking rather than knit ticking to ­provide extra durability and shape retention.

U pper l ay e r o f s pr i n g s The upper layer of springs supports and moulds to the body’s contours. Co r n er s u pp o rt b lo c ks All four corners are reinforced with high-resilience foam to protect and strengthen the bed.

Q u i lt The elegantly quilted fabric is a DUX trademark but it is also possible to order our beds without it. Low e r l ay e r o f s pr i n g s The lower layer of springs provides deep suspension and absorbs the weight of the body.

F e lt pa d The woven fibre felt pad reduces noise, helps v­ entilation and protects against dust.

L eg at tac h m e n t DUX leg attachment with integrated M8 threads.

N at ur a l l at e x Natural materials such as natural latex can dry up and become rigid. That’s why we add synthetic l­atex to the mix. Our research reveals that 70% natural ­latex and 30% synthetic latex provides the optimal ­relationship between comfort and durability.


S t eel Our springs are made of top-quality Swedish steel from Garphyttan iron ore and fabricated to our own specifications. It takes the equivalent of three ­kilometres of steel wire to create the springs in a DUX bed.

the de tail s

N at u r a l l at e x We use natural latex for its responsive compression properties that also provide longevity.

D UX Pa s c a l s ys t e m Using the Pascal system, you can customise your bed to your own needs, whenever you want and how often you want.

R e i n fo rc e d s i d e s The outer springs along the sides of the bed are made of slightly thicker wire to stop you feeling like you might roll out of the bed.

Wa dd i n g Our wadding reduces noise and consists of 70% ­cotton and 30% polyester for extra durability.

Double se ams All sides of the bed are reinforced with double seams.

At tac h m e n t The spring system is attached to the wooden frame along all sides using multiple a­ nchor points to reduce noise.

Wo o d en f r a m e The wooden frame has pre-drilled holes for ­headboard attachment and is made of close-grained Swedish pine to withstand heavy loads. B a s e s l at e s The base slates are made of close-grained Swedish pine and fastened to the frame using glue and a­ ngled brackets.

Cot to n Our cotton ticking is both soft and strong. The dense weave and the long cotton fibres contribute to its ­durability and the feeling of high quality.

Pi n e The wooden frames are manufactured from graded pine from northern Sweden. The cold winters mean the trees grow slowly, resulting in close-grained wood that is strong and durable.

All our materials are carefully selected in accordance with the DUX Code of Conduct, and all suppliers are required to comply with national as well as international statutory environmental labelling and certification.



Gre ater co mfo rt in bed e ac h y e a r w e s l eep a b o u t 3,0 0 0 h o u r s. T h at ’s n ot i n c lu d i n g t i m e s pe n t ly i n g i n b e d r e a d i n g. W i t h DUX b e d s , yo u s l e e p m o r e co m fo rta b ly, w h i l e DUX ­a cc e s s o r i e s prov i d e s t y l i s h d e s i g n s fo r e v e ry t h i n g f ro m h e a d b oa r d s to b e d s pr e a d s — a l l c r e at e d to f i t a n d m atc h yo u r b e d.


I N S PI R AT I O N ™ XU PP O RT Deeply tufted mattress pad, around 6 cm thick, with a core of natural latex. Outer layer of cotton wadding for extra ventilation and softness.

I N S PI R AT I O N ™ XU PP O RT W I T H B U T TO N S Mattress pad, around 6 cm thick, with a core of natural ­latex. Outer layer of cotton wadding for extra ventilation and softness. Leather-covered buttons and leather piping. Available only with our DUX 8008 model.

I N S PI R AT I O N ™ XU PP O RT PLU S Deeply tufted mattress pad, around 7.5 cm thick, with a core of natural latex. Outer layer of cotton wadding for extra ventilation and softness.

Pas c al d e lux e Unique mattress pad incorporating the DUX-­patented ­Pascal system. Each comfort zone can be individually ­adapted to soft, medium, firm or extra firm. This allows the mattress to be adjusted to accommodate individual needs, in the event of pregnancy, back pain and so on.

I N S PI R AT I O N ™ CO N T I N EN TA L Single-sprung mattress in two different thicknesses, 15 or 18 cm, featuring DUX’ unique spiral system. The 15 cm ­mattress has a natural latex layer on one side while the 18 cm ­version has such layers on both sides, making it rever­ sible. Suitable as a spare mattress.

X l e e p pillow DUX Xleep is yet another DUX innovation. The inner core contains a system of active micro-springs to ­ensure that the head and neck stay aligned with the spine. The spiral system means that the pillow ­retains its original shape and elasticity year after year and makes the pillow feel extra cool and comfor­ table. The core is encased in a down-filled removable cover that can be washed and replaced when needed. DUX Xleep, like DUX beds, provides a uniquely comfortable, responsive experience.



D UX Xclusive

DUX Xclusive is our most exclusive bed package ever. A hand-­ crafted masterpiece that showcases our craftsmanship in both bed and furniture technologies. The specially designed deeply tufted headboard is covered with our exclusive cognac or black Dakota ­leather and features integrated lighting and handcrafted details.

FA RU K h e a d b oar d Adjustable headboard with four pre-set positions for extra c­ omfort. ­Removable cover available in a choice of fabrics. Height 74–93 cm ­depending on bed model.


F l e x h e a d b oar d Adjustable headboard for various positions at the touch of a button. ­Removable cover available in leather or a choice of fabrics. Backrest height 54 centimetres.

Roya l h e a d b oa r d DUX Royal is a series of complementary bed accessories, such as bed skirts and decorative cushions. The design was developed in collaboration with the legendary Hotel d’Angleterre in Copenhagen. A headboard with comfortable, supportive padding. The clean design is based on traditional deep ­tufting and is available with or without buttons. Height 130 centimetres.

Q ua d ro/Q ua d ro C l a s s i c h e a d b oa r d DUX Quadro headboard with contrasting stitching. DUX Quadro Classic headboard with matching stitching. Height 100 cm.

V i s ta h e a d b oa r d Upholstered headboard with removable cover and extra neck pillow. Height 84-100 cm depending on bed model.

Da n t e h e a d b oa r d Textile headboard with removable cover. Deeply tufted, available with or without buttons. Height 110 cm.

I h r e b o r n h e a d b oa r d Innovative design developed in collaboration with Swedish designer Dan ­Ihreborn. Modern textile technology with removable cover on a DUX classic headboard frame, making it easy to change covers and appearance. Available in three subtle colours, width 90 or 180 cm. Height 110 cm.

A s to r i a h e a d b oa r d Upholstered headboard with removable cover. Available in all standard ­widths. Optional neck cushion available. Height 100 cm.



b edspre ads

DUX offers two different bedspreads. Cecilia 足(pictured) with trim and Charlotte without trim. Choose from the DUX fabric c足 ollection or supply your own, which we can then sew to order.


Roya l b e d s k i rt Bed skirt matching the headboard and other accessories in the Royal collection. Slit in the middle and the corners marked with buttons. Choice of drop lengths. Choose from the DUX fabric collection or supply your own.

M at h i l da b e d s k i rt Smooth bed skirt, available in 2-, 3- or 4-sided design. Top edging in 足off-white. Choice of drop lengths. Choose from the DUX fabric collection or supply your own.

Zi p m at t r e s s cov e r Mattress cover with zip fastening to ease fitting. Choose from the DUX fabric collection or supply your own.

M a rg o b e d s k i rt Skirt with slit corners. Available in 2- or 3-sided design. Top edging in 足off-white. Available with folded edges or seam binding. Choice of drop lengths. Choose from the DUX fabric collection or supply your own.

C ec i l i a b e d s pr e a d Classic design with trimmed edge. Backed in off-white. 100% cotton Choose from the DUX fabric collection or supply your own.

C h a r lot t e b e d s pr e a d Classic design without trim. Backed in off-white. 100% cotton Choose from the DUX fabric collection or supply your own.


Bed linen

DUX bed linen co llec ti o n T h e r e a r e f e w pro d u c t s w h e r e d i f f e r e n c e s i n q ua l i t y a r e a s n ot i c e a b l e a s t h e y a r e w i t h b e d l i n e n. T h e f e e l i n g o f a co o l pi l low a n d c r i s p, h i g h q ua l i t y s h e e t s i s h a r d to b e at. A l low u s to pr e s e n t DUX B e d L i n e n, a b e d d i n g co l l ec t i o n t h at i s e xc lu s i v e ly o u r ow n a n d m a d e f ro m 10 0% 足n at u r a l co m b e d cotto n.

SUPe r i o r s at i n D ot w h i t e 62

D UX superi o r b ed linen D UX Super i o r B ed Linen is a co llec ti o n o f du ve t covers and pillowc a se s o f e xcep ti o nal q ualit y. W e e xc lus i v e ly us e 10 0% co m b e d m e rc e r i s e d s at i n cot to n. T h i s g i v e s t h e c l a ss i c s h e e n a n d 足b e au t i f u l fo r m o f wov e n s at i n to t h e s e s o f t, luxu r i o us cov e r s , w h i c h w i l l s t i l l lo o k g o o d a f t e r y e a r s o f wa s h i n g. C h o o s e f ro m t h r e e su bt l e pat t e r n s i n t h e w h i t e co lo u r s c a l e.

S U Pe r i o r s at i n S q ua r e w h i t e

SU P e r i o r s at i n Pa i s l e y w h i t e

S U Pe r i o r s at i n D ot w h i t e


Bed linen

Woven satin I n a d d i t i o n to o u r S u pe r i o r S at i n b e d l i n e n, w e o f f e r a c l a ss i c wov e n s at i n d e s i g n m a d e f ro m 10 0% co m b e d m e rc e r i s e d s at i n cot to n. Th e co l l ec t i o n co m pr i s e s d u v e t cov e r s , pi l lowc a s e s , f l at sh e e t s a n d f i t t e d sh e e t s. Ava i l a b l e i n wh i t e , b e i g e o r g r e y, pl a i n o r w i t h s u bt l e s t r i pe s.


S at i n p l a i n W H ITE

S at i n s t r i pe W H ITE

S at i n p l a i n b e i g e

S at i n s t r i pe b e i g e

S at i n p l a i n g r e y

S at i n s t r i pe g r e y

Perc ale E xc lu s i v e b e d l i n e n i n e x t r a t h i n, f i n e Pe rc a l e q ua l i t y, m a d e f ro m 10 0% co m b e d cot to n. S o f t a n d i r r e s i s t i b ly pl e a s a n t a n d co o l ag a i n s t t h e s k i n, t h i s co l l ec t i o n i s Ava i l a b l e i n 足c l a s s i c a l ly s t r i pe d o r pl a i n pi n k o r b lu e. T h e co l l ec t i o n co m pr i s e s d u v e t cov e r s a n d pi l low c a s e s w i t h d eco r at i v e b u t pr ac t i c a l s o f t b u t to n s.

Pe rc a l e b lu e

Pe rc a l e STRI PE b lu e

P e rc a l e st r i p e p i n k

Pe rc a l e pi n k


Bed accessories

Give your b 足 ed ro o m a makeover W e h av e a w i d e s e l ec t i o n o f acc e s s o r i e s t h at b r i n g e a s e a n d co m fo rt to yo u r b e d ro o m. O u r f i l l i n g pl at e , fo r e x a m pl e , m a k e s t h e s pac e b e t w e e n b e d s d i s a ppe a r w h i l e o u r co n n ec t i n g pl at e pr e v e n t s t h e m f ro m s l i d i n g away f ro m e ac h ot h e r . DUX m at t r e s s l eg s co m e i n a va r i e t y o f d e s i g n s , m at e r i a l s a n d co lo u r s.

DUX 2002

DUX 2002 is a double-sprung single 足mattress bed that guarantees the ultimate sleep experience. Here with tapered legs.


Ta pe r e d l eg s Tapered legs in solid oiled oak or beech with ­natural, mahogany, cherry, walnut, leather or black stained finish.  12 or 20 cm.

S q ua r e l eg s Square legs in solid oiled oak or beech with ­natural, mahogany, cherry, black or white s­ tained finish. 12 x 12 cm.

Ro u n d l eg s Round legs in solid oiled oak or beech with ­natural, mahogany, black, leather or white s­ tained finish. Diameter 5.5 cm: 12, 16, 20, 23 or 30 c­ m. Also available in walnut. Diameter 10 cm: 12 or 16 cm.

A lu m i n i u m l eg s Aluminium legs with or without casters. 8, 16 or 23 cm.


Bed accessories


Pa s c a l c a s s e t t e s Cassettes for the Pascal de Luxe mattress and DUX 3003, DUX 6006 and DUX 8008. Choose between soft, medium, firm or extra firm, with ­ or without Velcro mattress pad fasteners.

Pa s c a l cov e r Quilted cover, filled with cotton wadding. Ony the cover may be dry-cleaned. Latex/cassettes not included.

R e t r ac t e d l eg at tac h m e n t The retracted leg attachment provides cleaner lines when coupling two ­mattress beds together. Order legs separately matching height to other legs.

Co n n ec t i n g pl at e For connecting two mattresses together. Plate mounted between leg and mattress when attaching the legs.

T e r ryc lot h b ed cov e r Protective mattress cover in 100% cotton. Off-white. Fitted with elastic straps. Wash at 40˚C

Filling strip Fill the gap between two connected single beds using our filling strip to create the sensation of a full-size bed.


Our models

Inspir ati o n B ed Co llec ti o n ™ H e r e’s e v e ry t hi n g yo u n e e d to k n ow a b o u t o u r n e w co l l ec t i o n. S e v e n b ed s ­f e at u r i n g wo r l d -l e a di n g t ech n o lo gy t h at w i l l fo r e v e r ch a n g e yo u r s l e e pi n g h a bi t s.

D UX 10 01 The double layered spring system of the DUX 1001 provides the p ­ erfect ­introduction to the legendary comfort of DUX. The design is based on the original DUX bed, which was first produced in 1926. We have been ­developing it ever since and today it links a proud heritage with the ultimate in bed comfort. The DUX 1001 is a single mattress bed made from d ­ urable natural materials featuring a double layer of DUX’ u ­ nique interconnecting spring system with a height of 23 cm. The bed is available in medium or firm variants.

D UX 20 02 With its unique detachable upper layer, the DUX 2002 is the latest innovation from DUX. A single mattress bed comprising a double layer of the DUX spring system, the DUX 2002 features a unique 26 cm top layer of soft, tufted natural latex, detachable by means of a single zip, and offers ­unbeatable comfort. The bed is available in medium or firm variants.

The DUX 8008 Continental bed is our most advanced and ­exclusive bed. It has twice as many springs as an ordinary bed – and more customisation options than any other.

D UX 30 03 The DUX 3003 is the best single mattress bed. The high l­evel of comfort ­derives from the interaction of two DUX innovations. The DUX spring ­system with its thousands of interconnecting coils and the u ­ nique P ­ ascal system with its interchangeable spring cassettes and a height of 29 cm a­ llow you to customise it to your individual requirements. D ­ epending on the size of the bed, it may have up to six Pascal c­ assettes, a­ rranged to suit the body’s three comfort zones: shoulders, hips and legs. Each zone can be customised using soft, medium, firm or extra firm ­cassettes.


D UX 60 06 The DUX 6006 continental bed boasts two DUX innovations that c­ ombine to create optimum comfort. The bed provides exceptionally deep suspension owing to the double layered DUX spring system with thousands of interconnecting coils in dynamic interaction. It also features – d ­ epending on size – up to six Pascal cassettes, arranged to suit the body’s three c­ omfort zones: shoulders, hips and legs. Each zone can be customised using soft, medium, firm or extra firm cassettes.

D UX 8 0 0 8 The DUX 8008 continental bed is our most advanced and exclusive bed. It has twice as many springs as an ordinary bed – and more c­ ustomisation ­options than any other. A double layer of the DUX spring system, with t­ housands of interconnecting coils, provides exceptional deep suspension. Depending on the size of the bed, it may have up to six Pascal c­ assettes, ­arranged to suit the body’s three comfort zones: shoulders, hips and legs. Each zone can be customised using soft, medium, firm or extra firm cassettes. The DUX 8008 is also equipped with adjustable lumbar support for either side of the bed. Simply turn the knob to set the desired level, from medium to firm.

D UX A x i o n The DUX Axion incorporates all the features that distinguish a c­ lassic DUX bed but can also be raised and lowered at will. The DUX d ­ ouble ­suspension spring system with thousands of interconnecting coils in ­multiple layers provides a superb combination of stability and support. With just a press of the hand-held control, you can easily adjust p ­ osition. Smart technology that makes your life easier and more comfortable.

D UX Dy n a m i c DUX Dynamic combines the best that a traditional DUX bed has to o­ ffer with all the benefits of being able to raise or lower the bed. Just press the hand-held control to choose the position you want. The DUX D ­ ynamic is operated using a reliable, low-voltage motor. Three layers of springs ­guarantee a good night’s sleep. The upper layer is based on our P ­ ascal ­system, which can be arranged to suit the body’s three comfort zones: Shoulders, hips and legs.


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