3 minute read

Introducing Kleek Apprenticeships

So, Saks Apprenticeships’ name is no more, and Kleek Apprenticeships is the future!

But many of you will be wondering why we are changing, what are we doing and how are we doing it, and, in this section, we hope to answer all those questions and more!


Why did we choose to rebrand?

How our brand sounds, speaks, looks, and feels is one of the most important things we use to attract the next generation of apprentices. As we move forward as a brand, we need to become more aligned with the younger generation, their ideals, their problems and their way of working.

We are fantastic at what we do, in fact, Ofsted tells us we’re ‘outstanding’!

We can therefore be extremely confident that what we do, shown to the right audience in the right way is going to be very well received indeed.

With this understanding, we felt that a review of the whole look and feel of who we are and what we do was needed to help us stand out and be the go-to place for apprenticeships.

Firstly, we had to take a long hard look at ourselves. Were we projecting the right image considering that our ‘end-user,’ so to speak, are generally young people at the beginning of their chosen career path? Could our brand look and feel more attuned to those young people, to resonate more?

Our answer was YES.

Could our tone of voice and brand narrative be more relevant?

Again, a very clear YES. ‘You can’t talk to people if they’re not listening!’

By walking the walk and talking the talk, we believe more and more people will look to us as their preferred option when it comes to learning the skills, knowledge and behaviours needed to succeed in their careers.

Educators will instinctively know that this will provide a platform to deliver great training and education. Salons will see the benefit of sending their apprentices to what is and will represent the pinnacle of hair and beauty training across the country.

Right, that’s why, so now, what do we change and how do we deliver?

What’s in a name?

Our experience has told us that a great bond can be created between students and educators. A bond that will be looked back on fondly by the professionals of the future.

We wanted to emphasise this genuine sense of community and belonging. We wanted people to feel proud of their time with us as they complete their apprenticeship training.

Working with the idea of being part of a tribe, and after narrowing down a wide field, we decided on the name: KLEEK Apprenticeships.

Derived from the noun: ‘Clique’ to mean a narrow, exclusive circle or group of friends, it will help our apprentices, employers and employees to feel part of something bigger and give them the feeling of security and confidence this group provides.

We have adopted phonetic spelling to create a more memorable, contemporarysounding name that will jump to the front of the mind when thinking about hair and beauty apprenticeships.

As you will see, we have given the entire graphic design, typographic and photographic style a young, slightly contemporary feel to resonate with the young people looking to be expertly trained as hairdressers and beauticians.