2 minute read

A Word from Our MD

Well, what a year 2022 has been!

We finally made it out of Covid and everyone has been working their socks off ever since, getting caught up with their qualifications and assessments and through their End Point Assessments after months of being in lockdown!


The results are coming through thick and fast, and as you would expect with all the effort everyone is putting in, they haven’t disappointed. A fantastic amount of you have been gaining distinctions and progressing onto greater things.

We have been amazingly proud of the dedication and determination shown by employers, apprentices, and educators in pulling together and supporting each other to come out the other side and with such tremendous results.

It’s also been over a year since we received our fantastic OFSTED inspection result of OUTSTANDING in all areas, again! And nearly a year since we were voted the Hair and Beauty Apprenticeship Training Provider of the year for 2022.

2022 - What a year!

But that’s enough of looking back, I’m now looking forward to another amazing year in 2023, with all the usual challenges and celebrations but with the added excitement of a full rebrand.

A new name, a new look but the same outstanding service!

2023 will be a year of growth, not just for Kleek but for everyone who is Part of the Kleek. Our business grow’s when your business does, our team develops as you and your teams develop and we will be there every step of the way to offer advice, direction, support and someone to chat to.

Here’s to a great Christmas and a fabulous 2023 and Welcome to The Kleek!