2022 JSSA Annual Report

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Care Rooted in Caring

Dear Friends,

When we think of our 130-year-old agency, we envision JSSA as a towering tree: steadfast, always present, and ready to offer support to its neighbors. Our strength stems from JSSA’s robust partnerships, committed professionals, and generous donors.

In 2022, we honored our agency’s mission and values while seeding new partnerships, programs, and innovations. We also took bold steps toward our deepest aspirational vision to make essential health and social wellness services accessible to the entire region.

JSSA had a profound impact on our community during this year of emergence. Our neighbors trusted us to deliver compassionate care with consistency, agility, and dedication. We are proud of the solutions JSSA delivered to nurture physical health, mental health, and quality of life.

In this report, you will discover JSSA’s recent achievements and read inspiring stories about the neighbors we supported. You will find details about our core services and reports about four areas of focus during 2022:

l JSSA’s Whole Care Approach

l Addressing Emerging Needs through Innovation

l Meeting People Where They Are

l JSSA’s Strategic Growth

Thank you to every friend and champion: Your generous investments allowed JSSA to quickly respond when and where our community needed support. Your partnership grew our mighty tree and enabled us to help more neighbors thrive.

In gratitude,

JSSA has deep roots in the National Capital Region and this year, we emerged from the depths of the long pandemic and planted for the future.


After two years of living with the pandemic, our community began a journey of growth. As we emerged from the challenging years behind us, JSSA introduced additional models of care, new partnerships, and meaningful innovations to meet the new needs experienced by our region’s children, adolescents, and adults. And through it all, we empowered individuals and families to achieve quality of life— even during their hardest moments.

This year presented new opportunities and directions for JSSA to serve our community. In 2022, JSSA met and exceeded its standards for quality care and patient satisfaction, lived its values, and strengthened health and well-being with excellence, expertise, and compassion.



JSSA supports and treats people of all ages with mental health challenges as they pursue happiness, health, and well-being.

Demand for JSSA’s mental health programs grew by 25% in 2022 amidst the widespread mental health crisis spurred by the pandemic. JSSA’s team of licensed and credentialed mental health practitioners worked tirelessly to meet this acute increase in need and coordinated assessment, treatment, intervention, and support services for our neighbors.

JSSA delivered mental health services to 3,488 individuals, including 1,362 children and adolescents.

458 children and adolescents received mental health support through schoolbased programs in Montgomery County, MD and Fairfax County, VA.

86% of youths with complex needs who received JSSA care demonstrated improvement following treatment.


JSSA’s care has been life changing. My son’s JSSA clinician is not just a counselor, but a partner in care who has a true desire to see my son succeed and be happy. I see a difference in how he responds.

JSSA’s Mental Health Services:

l Therapy and Counseling

l Workshops and Groups

l Psychiatry

l Psychological Testing

l Divorce Support

l Suicide Prevention and Support

81% of children and adolescents treated achieved self-defined goals.

More than 70% of students treated in JSSA’s school-based programs showed improved clinical outcomes.

JSSA created and led 13 teacher workshops about self-care and wellness.

— Deborah, mother of an adult son with autism who participates in JSSA’s Youth in Transition Program in Fairfax County


JSSA helps adults with disabilities secure meaningful employment to build social, emotional, and financial fulfilment and independence. Our team focuses on individual strengths, interests, and skills to match individuals with the right job and prepare them for workplace success.

Although national 2022 unemployment levels declined from pandemic highs, the unemployment rate for jobseekers with disabilities remained disproportionately high. JSSA employment specialists supported people with disabilities in navigating the challenges they faced—both in-person and online. We crafted customized professional development plans for clients striving to achieve long-term career success and self-sufficiency. And we strengthened partnerships with employers to find solutions for hard-to-fill positions.

JSSA’s Employment Services:

l Career Assessment

l Job and Skills Training

l Finding a Job

l On-the-job Coaching and Retention

l Socialization Support


Finding the Right Fit

After three years of diligently helping their son search for a job, Robert’s parents were discouraged. Robert began to doubt his abilities.

Robert’s autism makes communicating verbally a challenge, so conventional interviews didn’t lead to job offers. But Robert also has advanced visual acuity and a remarkable ability to identify and follow patterns. When he walked through JSSA’s doors, we saw Robert’s gifts and understood the difficulties he faces. But mostly, we saw someone who had everything he needed to succeed.

JSSA recognized that Robert would be a good candidate for a position in food service at JSSA’s employer partner, the University of Maryland (UMD). JSSA’s train-to-hire program offered Robert a two-week work trial with on-site JSSA support, which meant that he didn’t have to face another verbal interview.

After two weeks of performing well at each task he was assigned, Robert was offered a permanent paid position at UMD. He now communicates his pride and self-confidence through his work.

Provided employment services to


95% of jobseekers to secure job interviews or begin train-to-hire programs at companies.

Placed 93 jobseekers in meaningful jobs, our highest number of placements ever.

Formed partnerships with 32 new companies, achieving 300 corporate employer partners. Helped neighbors with disabilities achieve an 85% job retention rate after six months, compared to the 67% national job-retention rate for non-disabled employees.

50% of clients work in sectors other than grocery, custodial, or retail.

39% secured full-time jobs, more than three times higher than the national average for disability employment.

347 individuals with disabilities.



JSSA empowers older adults to safely and independently age in their own homes while staying socially connected. JSSA’s robust constellation of related services and consistent coordination of care support older neighbors and their families navigating multifaceted challenges.

Many of the older residents of our region remained isolated in the third year of the pandemic and in need of essential services and critical support. JSSA’s compassionate and experienced team developed individualized plans to help older adults coordinate and access every aspect of their care. JSSA provided quality care management and opportunities to build emotional and social connections even when our neighbors had to stay physically apart.

JSSA’s Aging in Place Services:

l Care Management and Elder Care Consultations

l Escorted Transportation

l Meal Delivery

l Staying Social

l Holocaust Survivor Support Program

l Chaplaincy and Spiritual Support


Memories of Home

The first morning of Rosh Hashanah, Anna* of Fairfax opened the door to find a holiday basket on her threshold, one of 500 baskets delivered through JSSA’s Aging in Place services. That evening, she and her father, Max*, delightedly unpacked the basket full of special holiday foods and ritual objects.

“My father passed away the next day,” Anna said. “It’s a bittersweet memory, but I’m thankful to JSSA for providing these final, lovely moments for me and my father to be together.”

*Names have been changed

2022 Highlights

l JSSA supported 5,400 individuals with Aging in Place services and programs.

l JSSA coordinated care for nearly 600 older adults, including 407 who survived the Holocaust.

l 96% of clients remained safely in their homes and avoided moving to a senior care facility.

l Meals on Wheels provided 114 older adults with 22,475 nourishing, home-delivered, kosher meals.

l JSSA’s Friendly Visitors program arranged weekly visits for Meals on Wheels participants who live alone.

l Brenner Transportation escorted 212 older adults to and from medical appointments with 922 door-through-door rides, reducing missed appointments and lowering ER visits and hospitalizations.

l The joint Bender JCC-JSSA Coming of Age program provided 500 older adults with socialization opportunities, theater and museum excursions, and an annual health fair.

l JSSA’s Himmelfarb Mobile University provided 167 individuals with engaging online classes and opportunities for socialization, fitness, and mental stimulation from the safety and comfort of their own homes.

l Partners in Care coordinated home health care, physical and occupational therapy, mental health services, and advanced care planning for 118 residents of Homecrest House and Springvale Terrace Independent Living.

l JSSA arranged dental, vision, and hearing care and reduced-cost hearing aids to 100 Holocaust Survivors in partnership with 68 local dentists, opticians, and audiologists who provided pro bono services.

l A joint JSSA-Adas Israel Congregation Fellowship provided older adults with daily nutritious kosher lunches, exercise, Jewish studies, art programs, and support and referrals from an on-site JSSA care manager.



JSSA’s homecare services empower adults of all ages to maintain independence and dignity as they recover at home from injury or surgery or navigate the physical, social, or emotional challenges of aging. With warmth and sensitivity, JSSA caregivers help our neighbors by creating care plans, assisting with activities of daily living, and providing medication management.

This year, JSSA visited older adults with complex needs and helped them navigate daily activities at home. Our caregiving assistance ensured that homecare clients felt supported and empowered.

JSSA provided 137,270 total caregiving hours to 281 homecare clients.

9 out of 10 clients who responded to a survey reported satisfaction with their care.

JSSA was named the 2022 Employer of Choice, awarded by Home Care Pulse.

Homecare Patients In Their Own Words

“The aides have been a joy to have in my home.” — Loretta

“They have helped me build up strength and have taught me how to do things differently. I can get back to living my life normally again.” — Karen

“I appreciate their attentiveness and willingness to help. They’ve been very kind and patient.” — Layne

“I appreciated that our caregiver was resourceful, patient, and able to connect with my mom in difficult situations.” — Stewart

“She encouraged me to take walks and walked with me — even in the cold. She called after she no longer worked for us to check on me. It was so personable.”

JSSA’s Homecare services:

l Activities of Daily Living

l Medication Management

l Personal Care and Hygiene Needs

l Homemaking Services

l Companionship

9 out of 10 JSSA homecare professionals would recommend JSSA as a workplace.

More than 90% of caregivers were satisfied with JSSA training, office support, and client-caregiver compatibility matching.

— Montgomery County faith leader
JSSA is a trusted partner we can turn to with the knowledge that we are going to get help and that we don’t have to navigate all of it alone.


JSSA ensures hospice patients experience comfort, respect, and dignity in their final stage of life. Empowering individuals and families to experience quality of life, even during their hardest moments, is an essential component of our commitment to serve our neighbors.

Even in this third year of living with the pandemic, challenges remained. The compassionate JSSA hospice team stepped up to support the physical, emotional, and practical end-of-life needs of our neighbors and their families. JSSA was a steady presence helping neighbors through vulnerable moments.


JSSA cared for

975 hospice patients.

87% of patients’ families recommend JSSA Hospice.

JSSA Hospice professionals provided

34,448 care hours.

JSSA Hospice received a 10 the highest score available on the Hospice Care Index.

JSSA volunteers devoted

1,745 hours with hospice patients.

A Grateful Family

JSSA’s Hospice Services:

l Caregiver Support

l Bereavement Support

l 24/7 medical oversight

l Emotional and spiritual support and counseling

l Nutritional guidance

l Pain management and symptom control

l Provision of medications, medical supplies, and durable medical equipment

l Assistance with personal care needs

l Visits by trained volunteers providing massage and music therapy as well as pet visits

When Nurse Leslie walked into Susan’s home on a Friday morning, she tended to Susan and then spoke with her care team and suggested that the family gather together.

“My mom died early Saturday morning,” Joseph recalls. “Because of JSSA’s hospice services and team, my mom got to see all three of her children hours before she died, painlessly, in her home. What could be a better gift?”

“The genuine care and concern for my mom that every member of the team demonstrated was amazing,” Joseph says. “They always put my mom first and their only goal, which they always demonstrated, was for her well-being and quality of life. My family will always be grateful to JSSA.”


JSSA in Depth

Tending to our Neighbors: JSSA’s Whole Care Approach

JSSA’s skilled and caring professionals see and honor people as complex individuals. Instead of addressing problems one by one, JSSA addresses the whole person to strengthen overall healing.

JSSA professionals help individuals navigate every aspect of their care and access a full constellation of services to address the complexity of their challenges. We determine a total plan of care that is right for each person and nurtures comprehensive wellbeing. And we care for whole families because when one family member is facing adversity, all are affected—and JSSA takes care of them all.

J-CARING Community Support Line: Connecting Neighbors to Vital Resources

The Community Support Line launched in 2020 as a partnership between JSSA, The Jewish Federation of Greater Washington, and our robust network of human service partners. The support line centralizes access to community resources available throughout the National Capital Region so JSSA can provide neighbors with the support they need, when they need it.

In partnership with the Federation’s anti-poverty initiative, JSSA this year launched a free Community Care Navigation service. Care navigators work with callers who need more hands-on support by helping them apply for services and accompanying them to appointments. The care navigators confidentially assess needs, create a care plan, and help implement it. They connect callers with resources to address food insecurity, financial assistance, housing resources, job training and placement, medical care, mental health services, and more.

In 2022, JSSA and The Jewish Federation of Greater Washington connected more than 1,000 callers with critical resources.

Support for Caregivers

Elena was overwhelmed by the array of doctors and appointments required to treat her aging mother’s health conditions. She called JSSA, and our Aging in Place team helped coordinate her mom’s care. During their conversation, JSSA care coordinators discovered that the stress of caring for her mom and her own family during the pandemic was taking a toll on Elena’s mental health. A compassionate JSSA social worker and care manager met with Elena and her mom and created a comprehensive plan to address all their care needs. Care coordination and transportation to help Elena’s mother get to her many medical appointments relieved Elena of a considerable burden and helped her focus on her own family and work. And a JSSA therapist helped Elena cope with anxiety and stress. JSSA’s support for the whole family empowered Elena and her mother to enjoy their time together instead of worrying about their health.

Caregivers Rooted in Caring

JSSA professionals set us apart: Every member of our diverse staff is mission focused and committed to providing exemplary service to the community with compassion, warmth, and acceptance. The shared standard of excellence among our professionals means JSSA caregivers provide personalized and excellent service

JSSA provides a wellness journey for the entire family so everybody has the opportunity to thrive in health and wellness.
— JSSA funding partner

Planting the Seeds of Innovation: Meeting Emerging Needs

The needs of our diverse community are ever-changing, and growing to meet them is part of JSSA’s DNA. This year, we broadened our skills and expertise, expanded our geography, and increased access to essential services by embracing new service delivery models and technologies to foster efficient and excellent care.

Embracing Long-Term Hybrid Services

Mental Health Support

Within three weeks of COVID shutdowns, JSSA rapidly launched a HIPAA-secure online mental health service and trained all JSSA professionals to provide secure and vital telehealth care. This year, even as the pandemic subsided, we saw first-hand the long-term critical value of telehealth services. Expanding mental health support for more people by reducing travel, childcare, and other barriers to care is now part of JSSA’s permanent service.

JSSA’s quick and successful integration of emerging industry tools into our core service offerings ensured that more individuals and families can access essential mental health services with ease and comfort.

JSSA’s ability to quickly identify and meet emerging needs is a hallmark of our success. The past three years were a case study in adapting services for neighbors who were vulnerable, isolated, and in need of care—and JSSA discovered capabilities that will continue to serve our community as we move forward.

JSSA in Depth

Employment Services

Regulatory changes during the pandemic permitted JSSA’s Employment Services clients and employers to meet virtually for the first time. For the past three years, many adults with disabilities seeking meaningful employment flourished under the new virtual platform. Eliminating the added challenges of navigating transportation made it easier for clients to access JSSA’s support. The efficiencies of the online platform also allow JSSA counselors to accomplish even more and serve more neighbors with disabilities every day.

In recognition of the ongoing value of this innovation, JSSA will permanently offer virtual support for jobseekers.

Planting the Seeds of Innovation: Meeting Emerging Needs

Support for Caregivers

Regina’s parents survived one of the largest massacres of World War II at Babyn Yar on the outskirts of Kyiv. Now in their nineties, her father struggles with deteriorating vision and her mother suffers from multiple sclerosis and advanced dementia. When her parents’ health and social needs increased dramatically during the pandemic while Regina and her husband suddenly found themselves working from home, Regina called JSSA for help.

Honoring Regina’s parents’ wish to continue living at home, JSSA’s Holocaust Survivor Program arranged for Russian-speaking health aides. They boosted Regina’s parents social engagement by installing Uniper technology to connect their television to educational lectures, programming in Russian, and virtual fitness classes. JSSA provided Regina’s mom with escorted door-through door transportation to doctors’ appointments and coordinated pro-bono eye care for her dad.

“It means the world to me knowing that JSSA gives them the care they need and deserve,” says Regina.

JSSA in Depth
It means the world to me knowing that JSSA gives them the care they need and deserve.
— Daughter of Holocaust survivors

JSSA Training Institute

JSSA’s deep investment in recruiting, retaining, and elevating staff is unmatched. JSSA’s Training Institute, our professional development program, cultivates a culture of excellence, growth, and innovation. The Training Institute ensures JSSA professionals practice the highest standard of care and share a commitment to JSSA values.

In 2022, the Training Institute focused on four areas of agency-wide growth:

l Monthly “Leading the Way” leadership training for JSSA managers to improve communication, motivational skills, and emotional intelligence.

l JSSA’s change team, which guides and ensures JSSA’s commitment to Diversity, Equity and Inclusion.

l High-quality opportunities for JSSA’s mental health professionals to obtain Continuing Education Units (CEUs) to maintain their licensure at no cost to the employee.

l An internship and field placement program to teach undergraduate and graduate mental health and social work students compassionate care, introduce them to a non-profit service agency, and fill the pipeline for critically needed healthcare professionals.


JSSA in Depth

Honoring Community Roots: Meeting People Where They Are JSSA: Community Partner of Choice

Ensuring broad access to our topquality health and social wellness services means taking our services out into the community to meet our neighbors where they live, work, and learn. Together with a wide range of community partners, JSSA places social workers, clinicians, and therapists in more than 70 public and private schools, senior and community centers, physicians’ offices, synagogues, and other places where people already feel comfortable.

This creative “co-locating” approach makes it easier for people to quickly and easily get the help they need. Instead of waiting for neighbors to seek support, we bring services to wherever they are.

JSSA’s community partners trust our stellar quality of care, reinforced by our century-old reputation and strong administrative structure. In 2022, JSSA expanded our reach into community environments through new and invigorated partnerships.

Walgreens: Train-to-Hire Partnership

JSSA and Walgreens launched a new partnership to provide additional employment training opportunities for individuals with disabilities. As part of the Walgreens

“REDI” (Retail Employees with Disabilities) program, JSSA offers clients two tracks toward success: training that equips jobseekers with knowledge, skills, and practice to ready them for employment, and a train-to-hire pathway that bypasses conventional interviews and allows jobseekers to demonstrate their skills on the job, in a Walgreens store. Both tracks prioritize cash register training because comfort and fluency at the register is necessary for many fulltime positions and promotions. JSSA is the only approved Walgreens partner of disability employment services in Montgomery County and Washington, D.C.


Partners in Care

With grant support from the Healthcare Initiative Foundation, JSSA expanded our Partners in Care program to bring essential services to low-income residents of Homecrest House and Springvale Terrace. Our team of partners brings health aides, physical therapy, occupational therapy, nursing, resident services, and hospice care right into the homes of clients in these independent living facilities, so they don’t need to travel to appointments. The Partners in Care initiative also coordinates clients’ multiple services and care plans. With the support of our funding partners, JSSA strives to make support services affordable and streamline the many elements of care so our neighbors can continue to thrive independently.

JSSA in Depth

Honoring Community Roots: Meeting People Where They Are

Student On-Ramps to Mental Wellness and Success Making Positive Steps Forward with JSSA’s Mind Craft Program

Sascha was referred to JSSA’s Mind Craft program when she experienced near-crippling anxiety about starting middle school.

“Sascha is extremely shy and quiet. It can take her several minutes to speak when asked a question because she’s so worried about what others think,” her therapist reported. “At our first session, as soon as her mom walked out of the room, Sascha began sobbing.” Sascha felt badly about herself because she struggled to socialize like her outgoing sisters. Sascha’s therapist sat with her in that moment of grief and let her know she is okay exactly as she is.

After only her first session, Sascha reported to her therapist that she felt better. In the weeks that followed, Sascha’s mother made encouraging reports: Sascha was trying new moves in her dance class. By her second week of school, Sascha was initiating conversations with new people and developing new friendships.

Integrating mental health services into schools reduces stigma and makes essential care more accessible. JSSA’s expansion into schoolbased mental health services helps families access necessary care for their children. And bringing quality and affordable care into schools lessens the burden on parents to find providers and transport children to appointments. JSSA’s school-based mental health partnerships allow young people to understand that positive mental health is an important part of their overall wellness.

Success with Mind Craft

JSSA’s Mind Craft program provides in-school mental health counseling for children in elementary and middle schools in Montgomery County.

JSSA partnered with Montgomery County Public Schools to address the growing need for mental health services in schools with a 2021 pilot program. Within five months, Mind Craft expanded into 16 schools, supporting 450 students each year. Every student in need has immediate access to 16 sessions of top-quality individual, group, or family therapy regardless of their ability to pay. And if further support is needed, JSSA offers continuing office-based services.

A key to the success of the Mind Craft program is JSSA’s daily presence in the schools, which allows school counselors to warmly refer students to JSSA providers. This trusting partnership has led to 88% of students engaging in services beyond the initial session.

JSSA is now expanding to serve 38 schools. By introducing mental health services to children in a comfortable and collaborative way, JSSA is offering a generation of young people the tools to succeed and the confidence to access mental health support.


Fairfax County:

JSSA partners with Fairfax County Public Schools and the Fairfax County/Falls Church Community Services Board to provide young people with improved access to high-quality mental health services. JSSA provides free, short-term behavioral health treatment for referred students and their families in English and Spanish, and coordinates services across county agencies for youth aged 16-24. JSSA’s approach empowers young people to identify their own goals and take an active role in nurturing their own mental health.

This year, JSSA launched the Healthy Minds Fairfax Youth Advisory Council, a youth-led organization that works directly with local government to improve mental health policy and outcomes for young people. Youth Advisory Council members are nominated by teachers and school administrators, juvenile court representatives, or religious leaders in recognition of their resilience in the face of adversity, including chronic homelessness, educational challenges, and significant mental health needs. In 2022, the Council introduced social media channels to promote mental health services in Fairfax; debuted an art gallery to promote art as a therapeutic tool and platform for youth; and began revising FCPS mental health policy in partnership with government officials and school system leadership.


JSSA in Depth

Sprouts of the Future: JSSA’s Strategic Growth Strategic Plan

As JSSA grew and stretched to meet urgent needs during the pandemic, we recognized our agency’s ability to help even more neighbors achieve wellbeing. We embraced the opportunity to pursue our full potential through new avenues of growth. This year, JSSA identified paths toward serving more neighbors with our signature excellence, warmth and compassion.

New Markets

JSSA embarked on a bold new strategic plan to expand our impact through sustainable growth. The strategic plan determines organizational direction, establishes goals, and formulates strategy for growth. It was crafted in partnership with community stakeholders and JSSA’s board and professional leadership.

The five-year plan propels the agency on its journey to better serve the diverse needs of our region with compassion, excellence, and sensitivity. As we grow into the future, we commit to understanding, engaging, and serving our community in fulfilment of our mission to bolster the health and well-being of our entire region.

Expanding JSSA’s Compassionate Hospice Care

This year, JSSA partnered with consulting group Guidehouse to conduct an assessment exploring the desire to expand our hospice program into additional geographic locations. The study provided clear recommendations: JSSA will collaborate with local hospital systems, assisted living facilities, and medical providers to meet a growing need in our region. JSSA is now taking steps to increase access to our top-quality hospice care.

Expanding Employment Services in D.C.

JSSA is expanding into D.C. with our award-winning employment services to help individuals with disabilities secure competitive wage jobs and achieve financial independence. We will partner with CVS at their training center in D.C.’s Tenleytown neighborhood, equipped with a specialized classroom for conducting real-life training scenarios. And JSSA partner Donohoe Hospitality will offer additional training facilities at one of their 14 regional hotel properties. Together with employer partners, JSSA will offer employment training programs for District residents with disabilities in 2023.


Value-Driven Growth

Every day at JSSA—with each word and action, we hold ourselves accountable to being an equitable organization.

Our agency is guided by Jewish values to serve neighbors of every faith and background and to actively address injustice. This year, JSSA grew our ability to effectively serve the full diversity of our community by elevating the values of diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) within the agency. We:

l Increased the diversity of voices on JSSA’s Board of Directors and in senior management, who guide JSSA’s vision and strategy;

l Welcomed to JSSA’s senior leadership a Director of Learning and Inclusion and a Director of Jewish Enrichment and Engagement, who will advance our agency’s DEI commitment;

l Engaged outside DEI experts to work with our Board of Directors and staff to strengthen the affirming nature of our workplace for people of all backgrounds; and

l Deployed our internal change team to ensure JSSA’s DEI efforts shape our organization towards providing services with greater equity, justice, and inclusivity.

Embracing the values of diversity, equity, and inclusion are critical to the mission and success of JSSA. We are committed to helping people reach their full potential, an achievement that is often blocked by antisemitism, discrimination, racism, and exclusion. It is a core component of our mission to open that pathway and empower our neighbors by honoring and understanding their experiences with cultural awareness and humility.

JSSA strives to be a trusted partner and service provider in one of the most diverse areas in the country. Families in the National Capital Region feel comfortable seeking health and wellness services at JSSA because they know they will receive warm, respectful, and sensitive care.

When JSSA professionals feel accepted and supported within our organization, they are better able to bring their whole selves to serving their clients. And understanding the barriers facing the diverse professionals I supervise empowers me to help team members grow and succeed. JSSA’s DEI initiatives have made us more committed to one another and to our shared mission.
— JSSA Change Team Member


July 1, 2021 to June 30, 2022

In 2022, JSSA supported 15,776 neighbors.


n Program Service Fees $21,607,382

n Philanthropic Support $5,242,254


n Grants and Contracts $8,418,715

n Endowment Support $2,509,186

n Other Income $50,865



More than 96% of JSSA clients reported satisfaction with the level of service they received.


n Hospice $13,750,021

n Mental Health Services $8,856,197

n Employment Services $1,609,201

n Aging in Place $8,670,427

n Premier Homecare $4,755,227

n Other services $334,831

n Fundraising $1,402,956

Note: Government relief funding secured by JSSA in 2021 offset extraordinary deficits associated with the COVID-19 pandemic. These deficits persisted in 2022 due to the acute need for medical equipment and the workforce crisis — including higher recruitment costs, the need for temporary staff, and the cost of addressing national retention issues. We anticipate that expenses will return to baseline in FY 2023.




President Ruth Ruskin

Vice President Robin Thomashauer

Secretary Grant Ottenstein

Treasurer Michael Mael


Rhonda Brandes

Yvonne Schlafstein Distenfeld

David Flyer

Charles William Frick

Patricia Goldman

Scott Green

Jonathan Harris

Roberta Hochberg

Candace Kaplan

Sarah Kaplan

Harold Krauthamer

Capt. Solomon Levy

Suzanne Levy

Esther Newman

Marcia Nusgart

Susan Plotnick

Joseph Rosenberg

Patricia Silver

Jeff Yentis

Non-Voting Board Representative

Jeffrey Krauthamer


Jeffrey Abramson

Cherie Artz

Faith Bobrow

Phyllis Cela

Irving Cohen

Rita Corwin

Norman Eule

Elaine Feidelman

Michael Fingerhut

Michael Flyer*

Sherri Gottlieb

Larrie Greenberg

Linda Hartman

Connie Heller

Leslie Kaplan

Lawrence Kline

Judith Oppenheim

Barry Perlis

Lewis Priven

John Schmelzer

Jonathan Schnitzer

Lois Silberberg

Howard Silberberg

Elaine Snider

Harriet Tritell*

Susan Turnbull


you to our JSSA volunteers.
you to every volunteer who showed our neighbors JSSA’s signature warmth and compassion. Your care provides comfort at the hardest moments and helps our most vulnerable neighbors feel seen and valued. Thank you for partnering with us to support our community.

Mission: Recognizing our shared humanity, JSSA empowers individuals and families to enhance well-being across all ages and stages of life.

Vision: Guided by Jewish values, we are the partner of choice, providing integrated services that enhance the quality of life across our region’s diverse communities.

About JSSA

JSSA is the National Capital Region’s trusted provider of health and social wellness services. We support individuals and families on their journeys toward well-being, even during their most vulnerable moments. JSSA’s four areas of focus are: Supporting people with mental health challenges; helping people with disabilities find meaningful employment; caring for older adults so they can safely age at home; and offering dignity and comfort to hospice patients. After 130 years, JSSA is a steady presence, providing warmth, compassion and essential care to our neighbors.


Ina Kay Building 200 Wood Hill Road Rockville, MD 20850
Elsie and Marvin Dekelboum Building 6123 Montrose Road Rockville, MD 20852 NORTHERN VIRGINIA 3025 Hamaker Court Suite 450 Fairfax, VA 22031 @OfficialJSSA jewish-social-service-agency @jssaofficial jssa.org l 240-800-JSSA (5772)

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