International Student Testimonials

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International Student Testimonials

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Allegra Razai Allegra, aged 17, is from the port city of Hamburg, in northern Germany. Allegra was a Sixth Form student at King’s from 2022 to 2023, and she aspires to study Medicine at University. When asked to describe King’s in three words, Allegra chose “welcoming”, “supportive”, and “unique”. She said: “My family chose King’s for me because it was a very welcoming school which accommodated international students and their needs. Everyone at King’s seemed genuinely interested in me attending the school, which made me feel really appreciated!” When asked what she feels makes King’s a unique and special environment in which to study, Allegra said: “The school is so pretty, it is close to the town centre of Ely, and it works very closely with the Cathedral. I feel all these factors make it unique.” Allegra was a full-time boarding student in Hill House during her year at King’s. She said: “I felt very settled and happy. I loved my Boarding House – being surrounded by my friends and having so many supportive people around me made it feel like one big family living together. The facilities were great, and the staff were all amazing – especially Matron, who was like a big sister, and always there to support me.” Allegra’s favourite subject at King’s was Product Design, and outside the classroom, she enjoyed using the school gymnasium, Athletics, and playing Tennis. Speaking about Product Design, she said: “It was so much fun. I had a great teacher, and there were so many different opportunities. I learnt things that I feel are useful in everyday life.” When asked about the teaching and learning at King’s, Allegra said: “I was in the Sixth Form, so I was very much responsible for my own work, however my teachers were always on hand with help or support, if I needed it.” Describing the school food and mealtimes, Allegra said: “There was a huge range of different foods for all different preferences!”

Allegra (17) kommt aus der Hafenstadt Hamburg in Norddeutschland. Allegra war als Oberstufenschülerin (Sixth Form) von 2022 bis 2023 am King’s und möchte gerne Medizin an der Universität studieren. Bei der Frage, King’s mit drei Worten zu beschreiben, wählt Allegra „offen“, „unterstützend“ und „einzigartig“. Sie sagt: „Meine Familie hat King’s für mich ausgewählt, weil es eine sehr offene Schule ist, die internationale Schüler aufnimmt und deren Bedürfnissen entgegenkommt. Jeder am King’s schien ernsthaft an meinem Besuch interessiert zu sein und ich fühlte mich sehr willkommen.“ Auf die Frage, was King’s zu einem einzigartigen und besonderen Ort zum Lernen macht, antwortet Allegra: „Die Schule ist wunderschön, das Zentrum von Ely ist nicht weit und es herrscht eine enge Zusammenarbeit mit der Kathedrale. Ich finde all diese Faktoren machen die Schule einzigartig.“ Allegra war als Internatsschülerin während ihres Jahres am King’s Vollzeit im Hill House untergebracht. Sie sagt: „Ich fühlte mich wie zu Hause und war sehr glücklich. Ich liebte mein Wohnheim. Dadurch, dass meine Freunde und so viele hilfsbereite Leute um mich herum waren, fühlte es sich an als ob wir als große Familie zusammen wohnen. Die Einrichtungen waren super und die Angestellten waren alle toll – besonders Matron, die wie eine große Schwester für mich war und mir immer geholfen hat.“ Allegras Lieblingsfach war Produkt-Design und außerhalb des Klassenzimmers ist sie gerne in die Turnhalle gegangen, hat Leichtathletik gemacht und Tennis gespielt. Über Produkt-Design sagt sie: „Es hat so viel Spaß gemacht. Ich hatte einen tollen Lehrer und es gab so viele Möglichkeiten. Ich habe Dinge gelernt, die für das tägliche Leben nützlich sind.“ Über das Lehren und Lernen am King’s sagt Allegra: „Ich war in der Sixth Form, also übernahm ich eine große Verantwortung für meine eigene Arbeit. Meine Lehrer waren jedoch stets in der Nähe, falls ich Hilfe oder Unterstützung brauchte.“ Über das Essen an der Schule und die Mahlzeiten sagt Allegra: „Es gab eine große Auswahl an verschiedenen Gerichten, so dass für jeden etwas dabei war.“

Angie Lai Angie joined King’s in Year 10 in 2021. She had previously been studying at an all-girls’ school in Hong Kong, which is where she and her family are from. Angie, aged 16, is now in our Sixth Form and her chosen A-Level subjects are Chemistry, Biology, and Mathematics. When asked why she and her family chose King’s for her education, Angie said: “We chose King’s because of its long history, its well-rounded education which balances academic excellence with a wide range of extra-curricular activities, its cultural diversity, and its convenient location. We knew it was a school where students can experience a balanced boarding and learning life.” Angie chose the words “beautiful”, “exciting”, and “friendly” to describe King’s. She said: “King’s is not just a school; it is a community and like one big family. It is a place where I learn fascinating knowledge and meet lots of new, interesting people. I feel very happy and supported.” When asked about the boarding experience at King’s, Angie said: “Living in the Boarding House with my friends is so fun. You get to know lots about each other as you see each other all the time. Our Housemistress and Residential Tutor are very kind. They take good care of us, and it is always nice to chat with them. We have a kitchen that we can use freely at the weekends. My friends and I made a traditional Lunar New Year cake to share with all the girls in the House.” Angie’s favourite subject is Biology, and she says she likes the fact that her lessons involve “active discussions and interactions”. Outside the classroom, Angie enjoys Swimming and Rowing. She said: “I also participate in the Language Leaders programme, which sees us teaching our first language to younger pupils. Every Friday, my friends and I prepare a different presentation on Cantonese topics and phrases. I really look forward to this each week!” When asked about the food at King’s, Angie said: “The food is delicious, with lots of choice. Themed nights are often held, which provides a fantastic opportunity to taste and learn about cultures and food from all around the world.”

Angie 於 2021 年入讀 King’s 學校 Year 10(中四)。她和她的家人來自香港,而她 在香港女校完成學業。 Angie 現時 16 歲,正就讀於我們的六年級學院,而她選擇的 A-Level 科目是化學、生 物和數學。 當我們問及她和她的家人選擇King’s 繼續進修的原因時,她說:「我們選擇 King’s 是 因為它擁有悠久的歷史,可提供全面的教育(卓越學術與各種課外活動之間達到平 衡),而且文化多樣性,以及位置便利。由此,我們知道這一所學校注重學生體驗寄 宿和學習生活之間的平衡。」 Angie 描述 King’s 時使用了「漂亮」、「讓人振奮」和「友善」。 她說:「King’s 不只是一間學校,同時亦是一個社群,就像一個大家庭。在這裡,我 可以沉醉於學習知識,同時結交很多有趣的新朋友。我感到非常高興,也得到了所需 的支持。」 當我們問及在 King’s 的寄宿體驗時,Angie 說:「我和朋友在寄宿宿舍的生活充滿樂 趣。因為我們經常見面,也因此更了解對方。我們的女舍監和宿舍導師非常友善。他 們對我們照顧有加,與他們的聊天非常愉快。我們在週末可自由使用廚房。我和朋友 蒸了農曆新年的傳統年糕,並分享給宿舍的所有女同學。」 Angie 最喜歡的科目是生物,她表示,她喜歡課程中的「積極討論和互動」。 在課堂外,Angie 享受游泳和划艇活動。她說:「我還參加了語言領導者計劃,讓我 們有機會向幼年學生教授我們的第一語言。每個星期五,我和我的朋友會準備不同的 主題內容和句子,以粵語講解。我好期待這個星期五的到來!」 當我們問及 King’s 的餐食時,Angie 回答:「這裡的食物很美味,而且有多種選擇。 晚餐時段也經常舉辦主題活動,讓我有機會品嘗世界各地的美食,同時學習不同的文 化。」

Chris Wang Chris is from Xiamen, a port city on China’s south-east coast. Chris started at King’s Ely in September 2022, when he joined our Year 11 International Programme. Chris is continuing his Sixth Form education at King’s Ely. He is studying Biology, Chemistry, and Geography at A-Level. 16-year-old Chris said: “My favourite subject is Biology because there are so many interesting things to learn about animals and plants. This subject also improves my curiosity around our natural environment, which I think is great. Although some elements of the subject are complicated, they help my thinking skills to become more developed.” When asked about the teaching and learning experience at King’s Ely, Chris said: “It is a pleasure to have so many supportive teachers. What I enjoy most is the atmosphere in my classes. We can explore many things to help us to understand a specific topic. Activities in class also teach us many skills to help us when it comes to examinations.” Chris is a full-time boarder in Hereward Hall, which is one of King’s Ely’s Senior Boys’ Boarding Houses. Outside of lessons, Chris enjoys String Orchestra and Badminton Club. He said: “Ely is an amazing city in which to learn and enjoy life. The atmosphere of the Boarding House is fantastic, and my house mates are all very supportive. I feel that we are like one big family. We get on with each other very well, and we enjoy lots of different activities together. I have made a lot of friends here.” When asked to describe King’s Ely in three words, Chris chose “magnificent”, “perfect” and “fabulous”. His favourite school meal is fish and chips!

Chris 来自中国东南沿海的港口城市厦门。他于 2022 年 9 月加入了我们的国际十一年 级课程,并开始在伊利国王学院学习。Chris 目前就读于伊利国王学院高中部,修读生 物学、化学和地理三门 A-Level 课程。 16 岁的 Chris 说:“我最喜欢的科目是生物学,因为其中涉及许多有趣的动植物知识。 这门课程还加深了我对自然环境的好奇心,我认为这非常棒。尽管有些内容很复杂, 但它们帮助我提升了思维能力。” 当谈到伊利国王学院的教学和学习体验时,Chris 表示:“很高兴有这么多老师的支 持。我很享受课堂上的氛围,我们可以探索很多东西来帮助我们理解特定的课题。课 堂上的活动也教会了我们很多技巧,对考试很有帮助。” Chris 是一名寄宿学生,居住在 Hereward Hall,这是伊利国王学院的一所高中男生寄 宿宿舍。课余时间,Chris 喜欢参加弦乐队和羽毛球俱乐部。 他说:“伊利是一座令人惊叹的城市,是学习和享受生活的绝佳之地。寄宿宿舍的氛 围非常棒,我的舍友们都非常支持我。我们彼此相处得很好,一起享受各种不同的活 动。在这里我结交了很多朋友。” 当被要求用三个词来形容伊利国王学院时,Chris 选择了“壮观的”、“完美的”和“极好的” 。他最喜欢的校餐是炸鱼和薯条!

Elina Polkacheva Elina joined our King’s Ely International (KEI) programme in Year 11 in September 2021. She has stayed at King’s for Sixth Form, and she will be in her final year of A-Level studies (Year 13) this September (2023). Elina, aged 17, is from Moscow, Russia. Like many of our international and boarding students, she likes the school’s close proximity to Ely’s town centre. Elina said: “I think it is really nice that the school is integrated with the town, as it gives the feeling of freedom and students do not feel isolated. I think this is something that makes King’s a unique place to study.” When asked why her family chose King’s for her education, Elina said: “King’s appealed to us because of its intense IGCSE course. Additionally, at A-Level, interna-tional students get subject support and IELTS lessons.” Elina describes her teachers as “all very supportive”, and her favourite subject is Psychology. She said: “Even though it is a hard A-Level subject, it is very interesting, and I feel that it is an important subject to learn.” Outside of the classroom, Elina is very involved in the extra-curricular scene at King’s, including Debating, Swimming, and charity fundraising, to name just a few. She said: “I feel very happy, and I enjoy life at King’s. At first, I remember being really annoyed about having to share a room with two other girls. However, we get along very well, and I enjoy boarding a lot. We have a lot of different facilities, such as the common room, where we can play pool or watch TV, or the snug room, where we can play different video games and spend time with friends. The Boarding House staff are all empathetic and supportive.” When asked about the food on offer at King’s, Elina said: “The school always tries to offer a wide range of different foods, such as Chinese or Mexican. Also, if someone has any special dietary requirements, the school will accommodate these needs.” Elina chose “inclusive”, “welcoming”, and “supportive” to describe King’s in three words.

Элина поступила на программу King’s Ely International (KEI) в 11-й класс в сентябре 2021 года. Она осталась в King’s на Sixth Form, и в сентябре этого года (2023) будет учиться на последнем курсе A-Level (13-й год обучения). Элина, 17 лет, родом из Москвы, Россия. Как и многим нашим иностранным студентам и студентам-пансионерам, ей нравится близость школы к центру города Или. Элина отметила: «Считаю, что очень хорошо, что школа интегрирована с городом, так как это дает ощущение свободы, и ученики не чувствуют себя изолированными. Я думаю, что именно это делает King’s уникальным местом для обучения». Отвечая на вопрос, почему ее семья выбрала King’s для получения образования, Элина сказала: «King’s привлек нас своим интенсивным курсом IGCSE. Кроме того, на уровне A-Level иностранным студентам предоставляется поддержка по отдельным предметам и уроки IELTS». По словам Элины, её преподаватели «очень отзывчивы», а её любимым предметом является психология. Она пояснила: «Несмотря на то, что это трудный предмет на уровне A-Level, он очень интересен, и я считаю, что это важный предмет для изучения». За пределами школьной аудитории Элина принимает активное участие во внеучебной жизни King’s, включая дискуссионный клуб, плавание, сбор средств на благотворительность и др. Она отметила: «Я очень довольна, и мне нравится жизнь в King’s. Помню, что поначалу меня очень раздражало то, что мне приходилось жить в одной комнате с двумя другими девушками. Тем не менее, мы очень хорошо ладим, и мне очень нравится жизнь в пансионе. У нас много различных помещений, например, общая комната, где можно поиграть в бильярд или посмотреть телевизор, или комната отдыха, где можно поиграть в различные видеоигры и провести время с друзьями. Все сотрудники пансиона сопереживают и поддерживают нас». Отвечая на вопрос о рационе питания в King’s, Элина сказала: «Школа всегда старается предложить широкий выбор различных блюд, например, китайскую или мексиканскую кухню. Кроме того, если у кого-то есть особые требования к питанию, школа их удовлетворит». Элина выбрала слова «инклюзивный», «гостеприимный» и «готовый поддержать», чтобы описать King’s в трех словах.

Inga Kuliabina Inga, who is from Škofljica in central Slovenia, joined King’s Ely Sixth Form (Year 12) in September 2021. She had been studying at a secondary school in Germany previously. Inga has recently completed her A-Levels in Mathematics, German and Biology. She is a real all-rounder – academic, creative, sporty – professional ballroom dancing is one of her many passions! As such, King’s Ely’s extensive programme of extra-curricular activities enabled Inga to thrive. Inga said: “There are so many opportunities and activities here. I have participated in two school drama productions. I was an actress in ‘Medea’ and I was a stage manager in ‘Legally Blonde’. I was a voluntary German Language Assistant in the Prep School, where I helped the Year 7 pupils, and I also enjoyed writing articles for the school magazine.” In 2022, Inga was Highly Commended in the prestigious Oxford German Network Olympiad, for her essay on the theme of the ‘White Rose Project’. She also took a Goethe-Institut exam in Freiburg, for which she achieved Level B1. This is roughly the equivalent of an AS Level and would normally take 18 months to achieve. Inga had only been studying German formally for two terms at that point! Inga was a full-time boarding student in Hill House, which is one of our Senior Girls’ Boarding Houses. She said: “The staff are all so kind and caring. Everyone helps and supports each other. After the school day, we would come together in the boarding house and discuss how our day had been.You could go to staff at any time with any kind of question, and they would help you. Boarding Houses are equipped with new, modern furniture, televisions, and the like. Hill House has a pool table, table football, and a large kitchen area, where everyone can cook.” When asked to describe King’s Ely in three words, Inga chose ‘happiness’, ‘support’, and ‘comfort’. She said: “King’s Ely is fun and has such a supportive, family-feel. My family and I choosing here for my Sixth Form education is a decision that we have not regretted for a second.”

Инга родом из Шкофлицы в центральной Словении. Она поступила в старшую школу (Sixth Form) «Кингс Эли» (на 12-й год обучения) в сентябре 2021 года. Ранее она училась в средней школе в Германии. Недавно Инга сдала экзамены A-Levels по математике, немецкому языку и биологии. Она всесторонне одарена — хорошо учится, занимается спортом и является творческой личностью. Одна из ее многочисленных страстей — профессиональные бальные танцы. Обширная программа внеклассных занятий школы «Кингс Эли» позволила Инге успешно развиваться. Вот что говорит сама Инга: «Здесь так много разных возможностей и занятий. Я принимала участие в двух школьных театральных постановках — в качестве актрисы в «Медее» и постановщика в «Блондинке в законе». Я была ассистентом по немецкому языку на добровольных началах в подготовительной школе, где помогала ученикам 7-го года обучения. Также мне нравилось писать статьи для школьной газеты». В 2022 году Инга получила высокую оценку на престижной олимпиаде по немецкому языку в Оксфорде за сочинение на тему «Проект “Белая роза”». Она также сдала экзамен на уровень B1 в Институте имени Гете во Фрайбурге. Это примерно эквивалентно уровню AS, и обычно для его достижения требуется 18 месяцев. На тот момент Инга формально изучала немецкий язык всего лишь два семестра. Инга жила на полном пансионе в «Хилл Хаус», одном из наших общежитий для девочек старшего возраста. Она говорит: «Весь персонал такой добрый и заботливый. Здесь все помогают и поддерживают друг друга. После занятий в школе мы собирались в общежитии и обсуждали, как прошел наш день. Обратиться к персоналу можно в любое время с любым вопросом, и они обязательно помогут. Общежития оснащены новой современной мебелью, телевизорами и прочими удобствами. В «Хилл Хаус» есть бильярдный стол, настольный футбол и огромная кухня, где каждый может готовить». Когда Ингу попросили описать «Кингс Эли» тремя словами, она выбрала «счастье», «поддержка» и «комфорт». Она говорит: «В “Кингс Эли” весело, здесь царит атмосфера поддержки и семейной заботы. Я и моя семья выбрали это место для обучения в старшей школе, и мы не пожалели об этом ни на секунду».

Jakob Stanek Jakob, 16, is from Hilden in Germany. He joined our International Year 11 programme in 2022. When asked why he and his family chose King’s, Jakob said that our Music provision was a significant factor. He explained: “My father and I got sent a list of English boarding schools, including King’s Ely.We went over the different school websites together and saw very quickly that Ely was going to be the best option, for multiple reasons. Firstly, the website gave us a very easy to understand overview of the school and the options. Secondly, student wellbeing was promoted on the website.Thirdly, we saw that Ely was a school with a lot of musicality, with choirs, bands, ensembles, private lessons, etc. I am a very musical person, so it was important for me to go to a school which promotes Music.” Jakob has certainly taken advantage of our bustling extra-curricular scene, including Music activities, and so much more. He said: “I am a very busy person! I play the trumpet, so I had lessons, and I played it in the Brass Ensemble and the Concert Band, which were well conducted and very fun. I also play the piano, so I had individual lessons with a piano teacher, and I felt very supported. I also took part in the Duke of Edinburgh’s Award, which included a physical activity; for which I chose badminton, a skill; for which I learned Russian language, a volunteering activity; for which I helped in the school’s library, and an expedition for two days, where we went hiking and slept overnight in tents. I did a lot, but it was worth it!” Jakob says that his favourite subject was English and that small class sizes “made learning nicer”. He added: “My teachers were all helpful and caring.The lessons were interesting and understandable.” When asked about boarding at King’s, Jakob said: “The boarding houses are good quality and have everything you might need, including a variety of rooms for socialising and relaxing, a kitchen, etc.The Housemasters and Housemistresses are always there to help you. It was nice to live with friends, because I always had people to talk to, people to do activities with, and I got to learn about different cultures.” Jakob chose the three words, “A great experience” to describe his time at King’s. He said: “I could ask my Housemaster about anything: help with trains to visit London, medical concerns, etc. I feel very happy with the support I received and although it was a completely new environment, I was very happy with the school.”

Jakob (16) kommt aus Hilden in Deutschland. Er machte 2022 bei unserem Internationalen Programm der 11. Klasse mit. Auf die Frage warum er und seine Familie sich für King’s entschieden haben, erwidert Jakob, dass unsere Angebote im Fach Musik einen großen Ausschlag gegeben haben. Er erklärt: „Meinem Vater und mir wurde eine Liste englischer Internate zugeschickt, auf der auch King’s Ely zu finden war. Zusammen haben wir uns die verschiedenen Webseiten der Schulen angesehen und kamen schnell zu dem Schluss, dass Ely die beste Wahl sein würde, aus mehreren Gründen. Erstens gab uns die Webseite einen leicht verständlichen Überblick über die Schule und alle Optionen. Zweitens ging aus der Webseite hervor, dass das Wohlergehen der Schüler einen hohen Stellenwert einnimmt. Drittens erfuhren wir, dass Ely eine Schule mit großem Musikangebot ist: Chöre, Musikgruppen, Ensembles, privater Unterricht, usw. Ich bin eine sehr musikalische Person, also war es wichtig für mich eine Schule zu besuchen, in der Musik gefördert wird.“ Jakob hat auf jeden Fall von unseren zahlreichen außerschulischen Angeboten Gebrauch gemacht. Neben musikalischen Aktivitäten nahm er auch an vielen anderen Tätigkeiten teil. Er sagt: „Ich bin eine sehr beschäftigte Person! Ich spiele Trompete, also hatte ich Unterricht, und ich spielte auch im Bläserensemble und im Blasorchester mit, welche gut dirigiert wurden und viel Spaß gemacht haben. Ich spiele auch Klavier, also hatte ich Einzelunterricht bei einem Klavierlehrer, und ich fühlte mich sehr unterstützt. Ich habe auch am Duke of Edinburgh’s Award teilgenommen. Dabei habe ich als Sport Badminton gewählt, als Fähigkeit Russisch und als freiwillige Aktivität habe ich in der Schulbibliothek ausgeholfen. Es gab auch eine zweitägige Expedition, bei der wir gewandert sind und in Zelten geschlafen haben. Ich habe sehr viel gemacht, aber es hat sich gelohnt!“ Jakob sagt, dass sein Lieblingsfach Englisch war und dass die kleinen Klassengrößen „das Lernen schöner gemacht haben“. Er fügt hinzu: „Meine Lehrer waren alle hilfsbereit und einfühlsam. Die Stunden waren interessant und verständlich.“ Zu seinem Aufenthalt am King’s sagt Jakob: „Die Wohnheime sind von guter Qualität und verfügen über alles was man brauchen könnte, z.B. eine Anzahl von Räumen zum Unterhalten und Entspannen, eine Küche, usw. Die HeimleiterInnen stehen immer zur Hilfe bereit. Es war schön mit Freunden zusammen zu wohnen, denn so hatte ich immer jemanden, mit dem ich reden oder etwas unternehmen konnte, und ich habe auch viel über andere Kulturen gelernt.“ Seine Zeit am King’s beschreibt Jakob mit den drei Worten „eine tolle Erfahrung“. Er sagt: Ich konnte meinen Heimleiter alles fragen: welche Züge nach London fahren, medizinische Belange, usw. Ich bin sehr zufrieden mit der Unterstützung, die ich erhalten habe. Trotz der völlig neuen Umgebung war ich sehr zufrieden mit der Schule.“

Kimi Leong Kimi, 16, joined King’s Ely Senior in Year 10 in 2021. Kimi is from North Point, Hong Kong, and in 2023 she started her Sixth Form studies at King’s. For her A-Levels, she is studying Chemistry, Physics, and Mathematics. When asked to describe King’s in three words, Kimi chose “fun”, “caring”, and “vibrant”. She said: “Learning is fun at King’s. It is not stressful, which means that I enjoy lessons. Unlike in my hometown, where we normally use textbooks to learn, here I get to learn things while doing practical experiments by myself.” Kimi’s favourite subject is Mathematics. She said: “Maths is a subject that allows me to do lots of calculation. I get to learn how to do calculation faster, and even discover a better alternative method.” Outside the classroom, Kimi enjoys swimming, being a Language Leader, and playing various musical instruments. She said: “King’s provides a wide range of subjects to choose and co-curricular activities to participate in, which allows me to have lots of different lifelong learnings and interests. I enjoy swimming during my Games periods. I have also joined the Language Leader Club, which enables international students to teach other pupils their own language. Last year, I went to the Prep School every week to teach the pupils Cantonese!” Kimi describes the food at King’s as “good” and her favourite dish is pasta with mushroom, bacon, and cheese sauce. Kimi is a full-time boarding student in Hill House. She said: “The boarding facilities are modern and staff, including the Housemistress, are really kind. Living with my friends is like being at home. Back where I live, I am friends with my neighbours. This is why I think living in the boarding house makes me feel like I am at home.” When asked why she and her family chose King’s, Kimi said: “Firstly, we chose King’s because of its location. The school is very close to Ely train station, which makes it convenient to travel to and from other places, like Cambridge and London. Secondly, the school is close to shops in the town centre, which allows me to buy essential goods at the weekend. Thirdly, the school is co-educational. I used to study in an all-girls’ school in my hometown. Studying in a mixed gender school means I can now communicate with all genders.”

Kimi,16 歲,於 2021 年入讀 King’s Ely 學校高中 Year 10(中四)。 Kimi 來自香 港北角,她於 2023 年開始就讀於 King’s 的六年級學院。她的 A-Level 科目選擇了化 學、物理和數學。 當我們要求她選擇三個詞描述 King’s 時,她選擇了「充滿樂趣」、「感受到關懷」和 「有活力」。 她說:「King’s 的學習生活充滿樂趣,沒有壓力,我很享受這裡的課程。與在故鄉使 用課本學習的方式不同,在這裡,我可以一邊自己實際做實驗,一邊學習。」 Kimi 最喜愛的科目是數學。她說:「數學科目讓我可以進行大量的計算。我從中學習 到如何更快速地計算,甚至發現其他更好的計算方法。」 在課堂外,Kimi 享受游泳,也參與語言領導者計劃,以及學習各種樂器。 她說:「King’s 可選擇的科目範疇廣泛,也有各種可參與的課外活動,這讓我擁有不 同的終生學習和興趣。在運動時間,我享受游泳。我也加入了語言領導者俱樂部,這 裡讓其他學生有機會學習國際學生的第一語言。去年,我每週到預備學校教粵語!」 Kimi 描述 King’s 的食物為「美味」,而她最喜歡的是蘑菇、煙肉和芝士醬意粉。 Kimi 是 Hill House 的全日制寄宿學生。她說:「寄宿設施很現代化,工作人員,包 括女舍監,都非常友善。與我的朋友一起生活,讓我感覺就在家一樣。在之前居住地 方,我的鄰居也是我的朋友。因此,寄宿宿舍的生活讓我感覺就在家一樣。」 當我們問及她和她的家人選擇 King’s 的原因時,Kimi 說:「我們選擇 King’s 的第一 個原因是其位置。學校非常近 Ely 火車站,往返劍橋和倫敦等地很方便。第二個原因 是,學校接近市中心,我可以在週末到店鋪購買必需品。第三個原因是,這所學校是 男女同校。我在故鄉就讀於女校。而在混合性別校上課讓我可與所有性別進行交流。 」

Maggie Chen Maggie is from the Nanjing area of China. She joined King’s in Year 9 in September 2022. Maggie, aged 14, is a full-time boarding student in Wendreda House, which is one of the Senior Girls’ Boarding Houses at King’s. She said: “Boarding at King’s is a very positive experience. We are all great friends and there is always someone to talk to. We have an electric piano in Wendreda House, as well as lots of card games and a kitchen full of baking supplies. The staff are all really supportive – I feel like there is always a trusted adult to speak to if I need to.” Maggie’s favourite academic subject is Geography. Outside of the classroom, she enjoys Running Club and Cultural Crafts Club. She said: “I do Running Club twice a week – it turns out that I actually enjoy running! I also enjoy Cultural Crafts Club each week, where I get to relax and do different crafts from around the world with my friends.” When asked to describe King’s in three words, Maggie chose “responsible”, “caring”, and “opportunities”. She said: “My family chose King’s because of the school’s strong GCSE and A-Level performance, and because of its geographical location. I like the fact that Ely is not as busy as Cambridge or London, but that you can easily get to these cities for shopping etc. King’s definitely feels like the best school to start my educational journey here in the United Kingdom.” Maggie says that her teachers are all “very supportive”. She said: “The teachers also make sure that we are able to contribute to lessons, which I think is very important.” She describes the food at King’s as “great” and says her favourite dish is the creamy chicken pasta!

Maggie 来自中国南京;2022 年 9 月进入 King’s 就读九年级。 目前,14 岁的她是 King’s 高年级女生寄宿学校 Wendreda House 的一名全日制寄宿 学生。 她说:“King’s 的寄宿生活是一种非常积极的体验。我们都是好朋友,总有人倾诉心 声。我们在 Wendreda House 有一台电子钢琴、许多卡牌游戏以及配置齐全的厨房。 工作人员非常热情支持。我觉得只要我需要,总会有值得信赖的大人去交谈。” Maggie 最喜欢的学科是地理。在课堂之外,她喜欢跑步俱乐部和文化手工俱乐部。 她说:“我每个星期参加两次跑步俱乐部——结果就是,我现在非常享受跑步!每个星 期,我还参加一次文化手工俱乐部。我可以放松自我,与朋友制作世界各地的手工。” 当被要求用三个词描述 King’s 时,Maggie 选择“负责”、“关爱”和“机会”。 她说:“我的家庭选择 King’s 是因为这所学校的 GCSE 和 A-level 表现优异,而且地理 位置优越。我喜欢它的原因在于 Ely 不像剑桥或伦敦那么繁忙,但也可以方便到这些 大城市购物等。King’s 让我觉得它就是我在英国开始学习生涯的最好学校。” Maggie 表示老师都“非常支持”。她说:“老师也确保我们能够为课程做贡献,我认为这 一点很重要。” 她认为 King’s 的餐饮“非常棒”,说她最爱的是奶油鸡肉意面。

Sofia and Sergio Lopez Spanish siblings, Sofia and Sergio Lopez, joined King’s Ely in September 2020, when their family relocated to Cambridge from Madrid. Sofia is now in Year 13 at King’s Ely Sixth Form, and Sergio is now in Year 6 at King’s Ely Prep. When asked why their parents chose King’s Ely for their education, Sofia said: “Our parents liked the fact that the school focuses on Academics, but also other areas, such as Music, Sport, and Art just as strongly. I received lots of support and guidance from both teachers and students whilst I was adapting to my new school and environment.” Sergio added: “There are lots of really nice people in the school.” Sergio’s favourite subject is Design Technology because it enables him “to be original and creative”. His sister’s favourite subject is Biology. Sofia said: “I really enjoy the practical and theory sides of the subject, and I am fascinated with everything that happens in the human body!” Outside of the classroom, Sofia enjoys being a Language Leader, Debating, and she visits the Art Department to get creative during drop-in sessions. Sergio enjoys lots of Sports – (“Rugby especially!”) – as well as Computing Club. When asked what they feel makes King’s Ely unique to other schools, Sergio said: “All of the different Sports that are on offer”. His sister said: “King’s Ely is very diverse and provides a lot of different activities compared to most other schools.” Sofia chose “inclusive”, “interactive”, and “varied” to describe King’s Ely in three words, and Sergio opted for “creative”, “exciting”, and “kind”. When asked that all important question about the school food, Sergio said: “The food is so nice; my favourite dish is the spicy chicken!”. Sofia added: “I really enjoy the food too. The muffins and sausage rolls are my favourite.”

Los hermanos españoles, Sofía y Sergio López, se unieron a King’s Ely en septiembre de 2020, cuando su familia se trasladó de Madrid a Cambridge. Sofía cursa el 13vo Año en el bachillerato de King’s Ely mientras Sergio está en el 6to Año de la secundaria. Cuando se le preguntó por qué sus padres eligieron King’s Ely para su educación, Sofía declaró: “A nuestros padres les gustó el hecho de que el colegio se centra en lo académico, pero también en otras áreas, como la música, el deporte y el arte con la misma intensidad. He recibido mucho apoyo y orientación tanto de los profesores como de los alumnos mientras me adaptaba al nuevo colegio y entorno.” Sergio añadió: “Hay muchas personas muy agradables en el colegio”. La asignatura favorita de Sergio es Tecnología del Diseño porque le permite “ser original y creativo”. La asignatura favorita de su hermana es la Biología. Sofía comentó: “Me gusta mucho la parte práctica y teórica de la asignatura, ¡y me fascina todo lo que ocurre en el cuerpo humano!”. Fuera de clase, Sofía disfruta como Líder de Lengua, debatiendo y visitando el Departamento de Arte para ser creativa durante las sesiones sin cita previa. A Sergio le gustan muchos los deportes, -”¡sobre todo el rugby!” Así como el Club de Informática. Cuando se preguntó qué es lo que hace que King’s Ely sea único en comparación con otros colegios, Sergio respondió: “Todos los deportes que ofrece”. Mientras que su hermana dijo: “King’s Ely es muy diverso y ofrece muchas actividades diferentes en comparación con la mayoría de los demás colegios”. Sofía eligió “inclusivo”, “interactivo” y “variado” para describir King’s Ely en tres palabras, y Sergio optó por “creativo”, “emocionante” y “amable”. A la importante pregunta sobre la comida del colegio, Sergio respondió: “La comida es muy rica; ¡mi plato favorito es el pollo picante!”. Sofía añadió: “A mí también me gusta mucho la comida. Las magdalenas y los rollos de salchicha son mis favoritos”.

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King’s Ely International Ely, Cambridgeshire CB7 4DB 01353 660575 CBP2108

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