Kingdom Christian Magazine_ January 2019 featuring Minister Donna Renay Patrick

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Evangelist Carmella Hill





CORNER L Marie White


MARRIAGE MATTERS Pastor Sharina George


Stop Food Cravings, God’s Way!

Donna Renay Patrick


CEO Jesus


Xcellence Publications


Pastor Greg George Pastor Sharina George

CHEIF EDITOR Sharina George


Angela Wachsman

GRAPHIC DESIGNER Xcellence Marketing

COVER PHOTO Stephen Midgett

Contributing Writers Donna R. Patrick Sharina George Katina Mims Alia Worthy Angela Mosley Carmella Hill Brianna Triplett Archi Alexander L Marie White Genesis 1:28 All rights are reserved and no part of publication can be copied or reproduced without permission from Xcellence Publications LLC.

The Founders

Pastor Greg & Sharina George






Pastors Greg & Sharina George

6 Try It!!!

Pastor Sharina George



10 ARE THEY THE ONE Alia Worthy



Pastor Sharina

Minister Donna R. Patrick Let JUDAH Go Up First!

14 POETRY CORNER L Marie White

16 RELEASE AND LET GO Evang. Carmella Hill

Katina Mims

Alia Worthy


18 Renewed Mind, Transformed Life Brianna O

22 PERFECT YOUR EATING Minister Angela Mosley

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Try It!!! Intimacy in M


n marriage intimacy is a necessary subject to address. In this article I’m going to encourage married couples to try new things to ensure your partner is pleased. 1. Attire Don’t be afraid to try new attire with your partner. You can choose to shop together or surprise your spouse. Evening attire can help to keep your intimate life fresh and vibrant. Find out what your spouse would like to see you wear and Try It! A marriage is made of two people with two different needs and taste. Don’t be afraid to try new attire no matter what size, or shape you may be. 2.Date Night It’s important to set aside time for one another. A date night can be inside or outside the house but the person is to focus solely on your mate. Maybe you have a picnic in the living room or a couples message but whatever you plan to do, do it together and try to fulfil the others desire. Many times couples are busy with work, school, kids that they neglect the private time to enjoy one another.

3. Communication In such a social society one would think communication is inevitable but people are talking through many forms of communication where the meaning can be misunderstood or even lost. Typing, texting, recordings and videos due not equal one on one time with your spouse. When decide to sit down and talk with your spouse it doesn’t need to be a long conversation but make it meaningful. Ask them how their doing, talk about some of your goals and the way you’re feeling. Sometimes our spouse is trying to give us clues about our intimate life in how they talk to us, that’s why we must pay attention while we are talking. Me and my husband make our phones touch in the middle of the table when we go out to dinner with one another. This is our time to tune out the world and tune into one another.


By: Pastor Sharina George

4. Love Language Knowing your spouse’s love language can greatly enhance the intimate department. Think about it. When you show love to your spouse in a way that speaks to them, makes them feel like you not only did something for them, but you took some time to think about what you were going to do or give them. Intimacy is not just about physical affection but the things you do along the way. Throughout the day are you texting, calling, or even sticking a note in your spouse’s lunch? If your spouse works from home you may send them a meal or treat just to say you love them. In conclusion, intimacy is very important to a healthy love relationship. It’s not the end of the day but the day as a whole. It’s not the beginning of the day but what happened in between. #MarriageMatters

Try It: Intimacy in Marriage

By: Pastor Sharina George





“Who Do You Know With Less Than Perfect Credit?”

First, it is an honor to be part of this publication to teach and educate on this important issue of dealing with having less than perfect credit. I am so thankful for this opportunity.

Now, I was a person with, “less than perfect credit a.k.a bad credit” because life happened to me and I was not educated. There is a scripture in the bible that describes how, “people perish for lack of knowledge.” (Reference Hosea 4:6) The information I will speak about is not taught in grade school, middle school, high school, college and not at home. Also, credit education is not talked about in the media or television, unless they are referring to bankruptcy, debt consolidation, etc… people don’t realize the lack of credit education is keeping people bound to bankruptcy, payday loan (hell), and financial hell! And, the great information I learned I will share in this article and future articles. As, I debunk the myths of credit I will start with 1 of the 12 myths of credit which I will cover in this article related to the Credit Agencies A.K.A Credit Bureaus in which I will refer to Transunion, Equifax & Experian as the “big 3.”


myth #1 Credit Agencies are empowered with some kind of governmental authority. The truth is, credit agencies have NO legal authority at all, they are simply private companies who are in the business of selling credit information. Now, on my credit report I had derogatory items such as payday loans, medical bills, repo(s), foreclosure, tax liens, city tickets, library fees (yes, delinquent library fees are reported to consumer credit reports), utilities bills, cell phone bills, etc. however, I never filed bankruptcy. And the myth is that the big 3 have authority to destroy our names with reporting credit delinquencies, and/or derogatory items…however, we are not educated to understand that these private companies make billions a quarter reporting our information without following laws that regulate these companies. This law is known as the FCRA (Fair Credit Reporting Act) and the laws were enacted by Congress in 1971. The FCRA laws were created to regulate the big 3. However, because this information isn’t taught anywhere these laws are ignored by the big 3. Consumer information is reported by these agencies with no regard to the laws that these companies are supposed to follow. So, technically most, if not all our information related to credit is reported by the big 3 illegally. Understand, whether the information is true or not the way the information is reported is key. In conclusion, with this knowledge applied to my credit report I was able to improve my credit profile in little under 5 months to the mid 700’s! They say, “knowledge is power,” applied knowledge is what is power. In my next article I will discuss more specifics on this was possible in such a short amount of time without filing bankruptcy. Katina Mims, Financial Fitness Coach


Are they the one? Are they the one

Alia Worthy

Every day we are given the opportunity to make decisions that will always produce a result. After salvation, choosing whom we marry may become the second biggest decision we have to make. One important note to make is that God honors marriage and it is deemed valuable in His eyes. He cares about every area of our lives, including whom we choose to marry. Below are three ways to decide if they’re the one.

1) They have a solid relationship with God. God speaks through his word very clearly about being equally yoked concerning marriage. In the Old Testament, ox were used to carry a yoke around their neck. When both were in proper alignment the weight was equal so it did not cause strain on just one ox. It’s important that when seeking to know if this person is really for you that they also have a relationship with God and they are your equal. Some questions to consider are: Do we both share the same core values? Do we both have the same standards and beliefs about God and marriage? 2) It brings about peace from God. Romans 14:17 states, “the kingdom of God is as righteousness, peace, and joy”. This relationship should bring about first righteousness and both mates should both be challenged to pursue God on a deeper level. God



promises to give us wisdom concerning what to do in situations according to James 1:5. It’s important to also have peace and joy from God regarding the decision. 3) Seek wise counsel. Proverbs 12:15 states, “the way of a fool is right in His own eyes, but he that hearken unto counsel is wise.” It’s so important when determining if someone is for you to include wide counsel. In most cases, wise counsel is able to identify and see things that we

may not due to being invested in the relationship. Proverbs 11:14 shares, that “where there is no counsel, the people fall; but in the multitude of counselors is safety. Seek out wisdom from those whom are closest to you, being that of your spiritual leaders, mentors, parents, etc. Accountability is important when it comes to whom you choose to marry.


donna renay patrick


od, I’m just not feeling it, today.” Have you ever spoken those words to God? I have. Everything around me was dark. I couldn’t see God anywhere in my situation. It caused me to think as the psalmist did in Psalm 73:13, “Did I keep my heart pure for nothing?” To paraphrase, “Why am I even serving You? Can you admit you’ve been there? I certainly have. It isn’t that I no longer acknowledged God, but my faith was being shaken to the very core, and I struggled to trust God. I saw no light at the end of the tunnel. Where was God? We know from Genesis chapter 29 that Leah named her 4th son Judah because with the birth of this son, she chose to praise the Lord (Gen. 29:35). She knew that Jacob did not love her in spite of the fact she had borne him 3 sons. It is from this passage that we derive the meaning of the term Judah, being “praise.” When we consider other references to the term “Judah,” we will learn that Judah, this same 4th son of Jacob, interceded on behalf of his younger brother Joseph when his brothers plotted Joseph’s death. It was on Judah’s suggestion that they sell Joseph to the Ishmaelites (Gen. 37:26-27). It was also Judah, several chapters later, who acted as surety for their younger brother Benjamin when Joseph, now a high-ranking official in Pharaoh’s government, demanded Benjamin be brought to him (Gen. 43:8-9).

It was from this 4th son that the tribe of Judah descended. The tribe of Judah was the largest of the numbered tribes to emerge from Egyptian bondage. It was from the tribe of Judah that Jesus Christ, and King David sprang. In the book of Judges we see 2 instances where the Lord said the tribe of Judah is to go up first against their enemies in battle. The first occurrence is found in Judges Chapter 1 following the death of Joshua. When the children of Israel inquired of the Lord who should go up first against the Canaanites, the Lord responded, “Judah shall go up. . . “ (Judges 1:2). The second is found in Judges 20:18, when once again the children of lsrael inquired of the Lord who was to go up first against the sons of Benjamin. Again, the Lord’s answer to them was “Judah shall go up first.” It is often a sacrifice for us to offer up praises to God rather than complain. When King Jehoshaphat

was facing battle with three armies, he stated the problem to God, but he also called to His remembrance God’s faithfulness in the past. Praising God when we see no logical reason to do so gives us power to face our obstacles. Praise shifts our focus from ourselves to God. In our sacrificial praise, God, in His sovereignty, to change us before He brings change to the situation. Because King Jehoshaphat stationed a praise choir to march before the army in 2 Chronicles Chapter 20, by the hand of God the enemies of God’s people destroyed themselves. Are you neck-deep in battle right now as you read this article? I challenge you to let Judah go up first. Let the praises of God go forth out of your mouth. Let the praises of God be as rivers of living water flowing from your belly (John 7:38).

Before you spend hours just talking about the problem, offer God your sacrificial praise. This is the kind of faith-building praise that will sustain you while you wait on God and keep you focused. It will keep you grounded in His faithfulness, and even more determined to press into your blessing.



Poetry Corner


No matter the circumstances that happens in your life. GOD has a purpose for you. Ruth in the bible showed kindness to her Mother - in – law Naomi, with the promise to never leave her after others had abandoned her. When they settle in Bethlehem, Boaz, the Guardian Redeemer was impressed with Ruth for the love and devotion that she showed Naomi. As time progressed, Boaz feel in love with Ruth and showed his kindness as he kept her from harm. Even in today’s society were the new age technology has taken over our world, one thing that will never change in all the ages is kindness toward one another. It will always shine a light from the heart of a person. L. Marie White, Poet

find me on Youtube Heart & Soul Poetry L Marie find me on facebook

L Marie White

Used to Be Friends

Please be aware of your used to be Friends, if you think they are the same don’t be surprised when you see them again.

Life has a way of changing some people from Dr. Jekyll to Mr. Hyde. I am sure if you keep living you will learn to be wise and follow your heart.

Remember people come into your life for a season, reason and some come to stay for a life time. Make sure you have GOD as your guide. Take my advice and be aware of your used be to be friends. L. Marie White, Poet

L Marie White

Heart & Soul Poetry

Mental Health Corner


Evangelist Carmella Hill, Licensed Professional Clinical Counselor with supervising credentials (P.C.C.-S). & Founder of Empower to H.O.P.E. Services, LLC.


APPY NEW YEAR!! The Year of 2019 has arrived and looking bright just because you made it! The Year of 2018 may have been challenging. We may have experienced disappointments, heartache, and grief. On the contrary, we may have experienced times of joy, bliss, and fulfillment. Ultimately, whether the year 2018 was bitter, sweet or a combination of both, we have to consider how all these things work together for the good as the scriptures reference in Romans 8:28. It is imperative that we understand how our past impacts our present and could influence our future. Triumph and victory is sweeter when faced with challenges to overcome. We have heard it before; anything worth having is worth fighting for. Would you agree? What are you willing to fight for in this New Year?

Letting Go & Moving Forward

There comes a time when we have to let go of the past in order to embrace our future with a refreshed and renewed mind. What a great time to accomplish this task – a New Year! Although it could be routine and expected to make resolutions and set goals, more importantly, what are you determined to not repeat and do differently, this year. Bishop T.D. Jakes stated, “If you hold onto your history, you do it at the expense of your destiny.” What do you need to let go of in order to embrace what is before you which is your destiny. Letting go can be challenging because at some people what we hold on to we valued at one time. However, when we realize that the weight of it is detrimental to our future, we must release it. Why not now? Why not today? No more excuses or hindrances. It’s a new year, take the risk of letting go and see what happens in your favor as a result.

Mental Health Challenge: Release! Challenge yourself to release one thing that has impacted you negatively in 2018. Release and clear it from your mental and emotional space. Don’t waste another minute on it. The past is just that, the past! Embrace! Consider embracing one thing that will impact you positively in 2019. Begin to act in ways that foster change. As it has been commonly stated in the mental health profession, “Doing the same thing, the same way is insanity!” Stop going insane!

The conclusion of the matter There is no better time than now to declare new things over your life. Shout it out, “Happy New Year to Me!” Explore and determine what that means for you at this point in your life then make moves towards it. You will thank yourself later for it! SELAH

Renewed Mind

Transformed Life Brianna O.


erhaps it’s because my middle name means reborn, or maybe it’s because my birthday is on New Year’s Eve the day right before we usher in the New Year, but I have always been intrigued by the concept of renewal and transformation. Going into the New Year, my personal vision for 2019 is a year of Renewal. A lot of people believe that once external circumstances change, then we will change, but often times before our circumstances change, something in our minds has to change first. Romans 12:2 says “…be transformed by the renewing of your mind.” If we can renew our minds, we can transform our lives, but how do we renew our minds, there are so many ways but here are three steps that we can focus on for now.


Colossians 3:2 says “Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things.” It’s so easy to get consumed by the many distractions in this world, but spending time in God’s word every day is vital. Many people log on to their social media accounts and scroll through their timelines before they open their bibles and it’s important to not conform to the ways of the world, and get

in our Word for the direction, hope, wisdom, and motivation we need. Philippians 4:7 tells us how important it is to have our hearts and minds guarded because what goes into the mind, comes out. And verse 8 tells us to think about “whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable, if anything is excellent or praiseworthy, think on these things.” Why? Because “As a man thinketh, so is he” Proverbs 23:7.


Philippians 2:5 “Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus” It’s important to not just get in God’s Word, but pray, worship, and spend time with the Lord in a variety of ways. You’ll notice in any relationship, that the more time you spend with a person it seems like the more you become like that person, that’s why people often judge others based on who they associate themselves with, assuming that they

Brianna O.

are probably similar, the same applies to Jesus Christ, the more time we spend pressing into his presence, the more we will act like him, speak like him, and think like him.


Ephesians 4:22-24 “Throw off your old sinful nature and your former way of life, which is corrupted by lust and deception. Instead, let the Spirit renew your thoughts and attitudes. Put on your new nature, created to be like God-truly righteous and holy.” We have to obey God’s commands; our behaviors are a reflection of our beliefs. Once we allow the Holy Spirit to truly renew our thoughts and our attitudes, a new nature should replace the old sinful nature and once we live life recognizing that we are righteous through Christ, blessings will overflow, Psalm 5:12 states “Surely, Lord, you bless the righteous; you surround them with your favor as with a shield.” This New Year I don’t care who told you “You will never change”, or “You can’t do it”, or who tried to make you feel inadequate, worthless, or incompetent. I want you to look in the mirror and declare “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.” (Philippians 4:13) “I am more than a conqueror” (Romans 8:37) “I am confident that he who began a good work in me will carry it on to completion” (Philippians 1:6) “I am fearfully and wonderfully made”

(Psalm 139:14) “I am the head and not the tail, above and not beneath.” (Deuteronomy 28:13). I don’t know what your teachers told you, or what your mother and father did or did not say to you, but you can do it! You can start that ministry, you can open that business, you can write that book, you can get that job, you can break generational curses, you can overcome that addiction, you can be a good wife, an amazing husband, a caring mother, a respected father, a hardworking employee, a trustworthy friend, you can do it, don’t let anything hold you back this year. Thank God for a New year, but thank God even more for each new moment, the next second is not promised to us, make each moment count and by the end of 2019, God willing, we will be able to look back and see all of the amazing things that God has accomplished through us.


HOW TO TAKE C Here are some tips to Take Charge & be in control of your food cravings: Minister Angela Mosely

Most of us, at some point, have irresistible urges to eat a particular fattening or unhealthy food. Another definition of craving is an intense or uncontrollable desire for specific foods especially when you are trying to change your way of eating. In my studies, I have learned that women are more susceptible to have food cravings than men. But whether you are a man or women, at some point you’ll be tested and it helps to have a strategy in place to take charge.

1. Focus on what triggers your cravings. Example; sight (what you see) or the smell of food. 2. Drink a glass of water then wait a few minutes. This reduces not only your cravings but your appetite as well. 3. Eat more Protein. Increasing your protein intake reduce cravings up to 60% and cut the desire to snack at night by 50%. 4. Distance yourself from the Craving. Try chewing gum or going on a walk. 5. Plan your meals. When you do this for the day or upcoming week it eliminates spontaneity and uncertainty, both of which can cause cravings. 6. Avoid getting extremely hungry. Always have a healthy snack ready. 7. Fight Stress. Being under stress may induce cravings, eating and weight gain. 8. Don’t go to the supermarket hungry. Eating before you go helps reduce the risk of unwanted cravings and impulse buying. 9. Practice mindful eating. Mindful eating is about practicing mindfulness by meditating on scriptures relating to food and eating.


So what do you do spiritually if you find yourself tempted with food. First, recognize it is a temptation. Then you can pray and ask God for his help. You also can yield to the Holy Spirit and yield to experience one of his fruits – the fruit of self-control. In closing, Take into consideration the Glory of God. “Whether therefore ye eat or drink or whatsoever ye do, do all to the glory of God;” I Corinthians 10:31 So ask yourself before you partake of any food or drink, “Will eating this or drinking this bring glory (honor) to God or dishonor to God?” Be Bless and take charge of your food cravings.

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