Kingdom Christian Magazine_ February 2019 featuring Pastor Tekisha D. Wimbush

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Brianna O






CORNER L Marie White

Embracing YOUR WORTH Evangelist Carmela Hill


How to Stop My Sugar Craving!

CEO Jesus


Xcellence Publications


Pastor Greg George Pastor Sharina George

CHEIF EDITOR Sharina George


Greg George II

Cover Photo Jeff Lawson

GRAPHIC DESIGNER Xcellence Marketing

Contributing Writers Donna R. Patrick Carmella Hill Sharina George Angela Mosley Carmella Hill Brianna Triplett Genesis 1:28

All rights are reserved and no part of publication can be copied or reproduced without permission from Xcellence Publications LLC.

The Founders

Pastor Greg & Sharina George






Pastors Greg & Sharina George


Pastor Sharina George


Minister Donna R. Patrick



Tekisha D. Wimbush Co-Pastor of Church of the Reform

Pastor Sharina

16 Poetry Corner L Marie White


18 EMBRACING YOUR WORTH Evang. Carmella Hill

20 GOD’S GOAL Brianna O

Minister Patrick


Minister Angela Mosley




Brianna O

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Love is in the air!

By: Sharina George

Often times when we hear this term we think of the love of couples. A man towards a woman or vice versa. I want to remind you what love is really all about. Love is a self-less act towards someone else. Many times in marriage we perform certain tasks or buy items that are really “self-centered”. The item will benefit our spouses and well as ourselves. As Christ gave all for us, we are reminded to give all we have for one another. Love is an action word and without action is just another word. Many around the country celebrate Valentine’s Day on February 14th. While this day was not established in Biblical times we choose to take a

moment to love on our spouses. Though this should be done on a daily basis, do something special with your spouse in mind. Forget about yourself and all that you desire and come up with unique ways to love on him/her. In all that you think and do, let love always be the ruling factor. In 1 Corinthians 13:4-7 the Bible says, Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is

not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. Love is not envious, boastful, proud, dishonoring, self-seeking, easily angered and keeps records of wrongs. When you think about the love you have for your spouse, do any of these apply to you. If you find that they do, it not late to correct a wrong disposition. While love is “always” in the air, let’s take the time to love on our spouses.

Love is in the air!

By: harina George




MINISTER donna renay patrick

Wisdom is the principal thing; therefore get wisdom: and with all thy getting get understanding. (Proverbs 4:7)


elcome to the New Year! Whether you were ready or not the year 2019 swept in here right on schedule. The year 2018 is now a thing of the past, and God has given you another opportunity to start over, and in a different direction this time. New beginnings are necessary, and I believe they are a wonderful blessing from the Lord (Phil. 3:13). I can certainly relate to the concept of new beginnings. Somewhere around the Fall of 2018 I began committing the coming new year to the Lord. I don’t wait until December 31st, and I typically don’t make new year resolutions. But in 50 years of living (plus a few more) there are some things I have learned on this journey of life, and in my Christian experience that I will share with you: 1. I’ve learned that sitting at the “popular” table isn’t always the table where God wants you to be. Why? It is because God doesn’t want your obsession with someone else’s popularity to drown out His revelation to you. Being popular isn’t my purpose; staying in the will of God is (Joshua 1:8, NLT).

stand before God. And on that day His concern will not be who you networked with to grow your business or ministry (Romans 14:12). What did you do to glorify Him in the earth?

2. There is a difference between support and surveillance. There are those who support you, and there are those who are watching to be sure you’re not doing better than they are. 3. The people we spend time trying to cozy up to, impress, etc., won’t be there when your day comes to

5. God will answer your prayer, but it may not be the answer you planned. God won’t always come from the direction we think He’s coming from; in fact, He very often flips the script on us. But His answer is always for our ultimate good (Romans 8:28, Proverbs 16:9, NLT).

4. Family is extremely important. Enough said.


DONNA RENAY PATRICK 6. Purging is preparation and

correction. When we go through difficulty that we did not create, God may be performing surgery on our hearts, our thoughts, and motives (Proverbs 16:2, NLT). #CleaningUpAndCleaningOut.

7. There is nothing wrong with

people knowing your name and what you do. But the main person you want to know your name is God! Your name may be known and recognized around the world, but the question to ask yourself is this: “Does God know my name?” “Does He know who I am?” (Matthew 7:22-23).

6. Purging is preparation and

correction. When we go through difficulty that we did not create, God may be performing surgery on our hearts, our thoughts, and motives (Proverbs 16:2, NLT). #CleaningUpAndCleaningOut.

are not Him; nor am I (Isaiah 42:8).

10. I’ve learned to filter my speech

when necessary, and that communication is very important. Talking and communicating are not the same thing.

11. Whether good behavior or bad,

7. There is nothing wrong with

people knowing your name and what you do. But the main person you want to know your name is God! Your name may be known and recognized around the world, but the question to ask yourself is this: “Does God know my name?” “Does He know who I am?” (Matthew 7:22-23). 8. People change, God does not (James 1:17, NIV). 9. There is only one God, and you

there is a reason people act as they do.

12. I’ve learned to stay out of God’s

business; He operates on a “need to know” basis. He will tell me what I need to know in His time, not mine (Isaiah 55:8-9).

13. Those of us who serve in Christian ministry, we are responsible to serve spiritual food to those we lead, but we are not responsible for how it is consumed (2 Timothy 4:2-3).

Donna Renay Patrick is an author, musician, choir director, worship leader, and radio host. In addition to self-publishing two award-winning devotionals; At All Times, and It’s In Your Praise, she recently co-authored a stewardship-themed devotional entitled The Perfect 7. Her passion is training and development in worship ministry, and often speaks in the areas of knowing your purpose, and effective leadership. Visit her website at to order her books, invite her to speak, or learn more about her ministry.



PRAISE is our weapon!

Tekisha D. Wimbush

“Let everything that hath breath praise the LORD. Praise ye the LORD.” (Psalms 150:6)

A definition of Christian “praise” is to worship or commend honor. It is the joyful thanking and adoring of God, the celebration of His goodness, mercy and grace. With life’s constant barrage of challenges, sickness, attacks, and tragedies, praise is what I do! The song say’s, “I vow to praise you the through good and the bad, rather happy or sad, because praise is what I do and I owe it all to you”. The lyrics of this song rings true when learning that there is an art to praising God when you are going through. When the circumstances of life do not appear to go the way we envision, we then need to learn to allow, rely and trust in the Lord. In this trust it permits the avenue for us to “let go and to let God”. With humble submission and release of control we can commend our bodies to God and go forth freely in praise. With the clapping of our hands, the stomping of our feet, and the fruit of our lips we release praise. Praise is often uncomplicated, when everything in life is going fine; Praise comes with ease. However, I find that many struggle to break forth freely in praise when faced with adversity. Sometimes one has to be encouraged, pumped up, but this would not be the case if we allow our minds to flood with the historic thoughts of all the previous “good things” that God

FEBRUARY COVER STORY has delivered us from. There are sometimes where you sink to the state of your circumstances because they appear to out-weigh your blessings. It is a monumental time to “put on the garment of praise”. Praise then takes on the form as your weapon. A weapon that confuses the enemy and ignites God. I call to the LORD, who is worthy of praise, and I am saved from my enemies”(2 Samuel 22:4). In praise we are reminded of the greatness of God and his powerful presence in our lives. We then find ourselves reinforced in our understanding that God is Worthy of our praise. “You are worthy, our LORD and God, to receive glory and honor and power, for you created all things, and by your will they were created and have their being” (Revelation 4:11). God inhabits the praises of His people for He created us to give Him Praise!


11501 Mt. Carmel Rd. Cleveland, OH 44101

Sunday School



Morning Worship 11:30am

Wednesday Bible Class 7:00pm


Evangelical Service 7:00pm

Poetry Corner

DON’T BE A SHIP JUST FLOATING WITHOUT A SAIL Have the vision and purpose for your life. Never give up your dreams. Don’t just float and sail along. GOD will never let you float on the waters without achieving your dreams. L. Marie White, Poet

find me on Youtube Heart & Soul Poetry L Marie find me on facebook

L Marie White


L Marie White

Heart & Soul Poetry

How can I smile the same everyday? It’s because GOD has given me another day. Yes, that’s why I keep smiling everyday. Life can sometimes bring you heart break and pain always know that GOD is standing by. There is nothing to hard for GOD. Keep smiling and trusting in his words. “ HANG IN THERE AND DON’T GIVE UP.” GOD has given you another chance to say Thank You GOD for one more day.

Mental Health Corner

EMBRACING YOUR WORTH Evangelist Carmella Hill, Licensed Professional Clinical Counselor with supervising credentials (P.C.C.-S). & Founder of Empower to H.O.P.E. Services, LLC.


ccording to, the word embrace means “to take or receive gladly or eagerly; accept willingly.” One of the challenging things in life is to embrace and love ourselves despite our failures and imperfections. It seems easy to accept our faults, embrace them as “truths,” and believe them to be the end of the story of our lives. There is no wonder our lives end in ruin as a result of such faulty thinking. We cannot allow such ideas to guide us throughout life.

Embracing You

William Shakespeare coined a phrase, “”To thine own self be true.” Although the quote has been applied in many ways, the original idea behind the quote is to think of oneself first. Hmm, sounds selfish, but is it really? Let’s consider what happens when we don’t love ourselves. We may be taken advantage of by others. We may find ourselves looking for love in all the wrong places. We may find ourselves in an identity crisis. Conversely, loving ourselves should create feelings of fulfillment and enjoyment that should result in being able to love others. The King James Version of the Bible, in Matthew chapter 22 verses 37 through 39 confirms this idea. The passage admonishes us to love God with all our heart, our soul, and our entire mind… [and to] love thy neighbor as thyself. A component of this process requires a love for oneself while the other components are to love God and others.

What’s love got to do with it?

Love has everything to do with it! The misuse of self results in the misuse of others. It is challenging to treat others better than you treat yourself in most cases. Because God’s love is unconditional it does not require an action on our part for the love to be extended to us. Therefore, we have a typology and model for how to love ourselves and others likewise which is unconditionally. Does this mean we are to love everything about ourselves or others that may be destructive with no action towards change? No! It means the essence of us and others as

human beings created by a loving God are worth loving – period, end of story! WOW! It’s encouraging to know that despite our faults,

imperfections, struggles, downfalls, mess ups, mistakes, poor decisions, on and on, we are still worth loving in God’s eyes!

Mental Health Challenge:


Take a self inventory and determine what you would need to do to love God better than you did last year. Were there parts of your heart not loving Him? Were there parts of your mind not loving Him?


With the struggles and challenges experienced in life, it can be easy to think and feel negative about ourselves. No more pity parties in 2019! Cancel the party and burn the invitations!


One thing that is challenging to do is hold on to two opposing emotions at the same time. It would be challenging to love and hate at the same time. Take advantage of the opportunity to show someone else love in action. It will create a sense of purpose and satisfaction in life. Try it!

THE CONCLUSION OF THE MATTER Do you want something different in 2019 that you did not experience in previous years? If so, it’s time for a change! This change and transformation starts with Y-O-U! Take the challenge and embrace you, love you, appreciate your worth because you deserve it! Never forget that God loves you unconditionally and extends this love towards you daily. Oh what manner of love is this...SELAH

Renewed Mind

God’s Goal C

Brianna Oyewo

hills ran up and down my spine, and tears filled my eyes as I listened to a recording a sister I had just met played of final words of wisdom and encouragement from her mother who had recently passed away. When her mother in the recording started reciting Psalm 23 “The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want…” I crumbled, my great grandmother had recently passed away and that was her favorite scripture, just a few feet away from where we were holding the event was a piece of cloth that I kept with me from her home with the scripture embroidered in it, I hurried to grab it, and we took a picture with it knowing that this day was ordained and we were destined to meet. Every heart in the room broke for her loss, as well as our own, we cried together and embraced one another, we prayed, we worshipped, there was just a handful of people that showed up to an event that God had laid on the heart of me and one of my sisters, the event was years in the making, called “For the Motherless” to encourage those around mother’s day who had lost a mother, or a mother figure and needed to know that they were not alone, seeing the amount of people that had decided

to attend, it would be easy for those looking from the outside in to say that the event was not a success, that it was a waste of time, energy and money, that perhaps God had not called us to organize it, but we all walked away from that event that day knowing, knowing that it had been meant to be. Anxiety overtook me as I was getting ready to take the stage. I was nervous that perhaps I would forget part of my spoken word piece, or stumble over my words, or that my message would not be understood, that my words would be empty, that the focus would be on me, and not God speaking through me, what if God wasn’t speaking through me at all? What if all of this was some selfish desire from within longing to be seen and heard? I took the stage, and recited my piece overwhelmed by the applause, astonished by the number of people at the end of the event that came up to me and told me how much my piece blessed them, or they

Brianna O.

needed to hear that, or they wish their loved one had been there to hear this. The people that wanted to connect with me to stay posted about future events, or to work with me made me feel so honored to glorify God in that way. Those two events were snapshots of my 2018. We are now in the 2nd month of the new year, 2019 and do I have personal goals that I have created for myself that I would like to achieve to improve my spiritual, physical, financial, relational, and emotional well-being? Certainly, but more than anything this year I don’t want the focus to be what I need to do for myself, but I want to ask the question, Lord what can I do to glorify you? What can I do to be a blessing to others? Though I am weak, and ordinary, flawed, and human, though I have my own struggles that I am dealing with that sometimes make me feel like how can I be a benefit to anyone else? Don’t I need to get myself together first? I set my pride aside because I will never be perfect, it will be a journey to get where I want to be spiritually, physically, financially, relationally and emotionally. I don’t have all of the answers, I am nothing special, but I carry God inside of me, his strength is working through me, his power, his love, his joy, his light is pouring out of me. It is not me, but him, “It is no longer I who live but Christ lives in me” (Galatians 2:20) He

lives in me, to accomplish his plans through me, not my plans, HIS. What I have learned is “We can make our plans, but the LORD determines our steps.” Proverbs 16:9. In 2019 I want more moments like the ones I mentioned in the first two paragraphs, I want those moments for you. I don’t want us to be so focused on our plans, that we ignore what God has planned for us to accomplish, each day just take a moment in prayer to ask God to reveal his plan for your life, pray for opportunities to come your way each day to glorify him, ask him for eyes to see and ears to hear what he is doing in your life for the lives of others. “Seek the Kingdom of God above all else and live righteously, and he will give you everything you need.” Matthew 6:33, everything will fall in place, once you fall to your knees and surrender each day to him.


HOW TO STOP Minister Angela Mosely

It doesn’t matter the age of the individual; once someone tastes sugar they will want it again. This is normal but when it comes to healthy eating and trying to lose weight sometimes one start to crave sugar a little more than usual. So how can you tell if it’s a craving? You think, day dream and long for that sugary food and as soon as you get a taste of that sugary food you tend to binge and overeat. There are a couple of solutions that you can try. The first I suggest is if you are hungry; eat a healthy and filling meal. If you get a craving while hungry, one of the best tricks is to eat a healthy meal right away.

Stock your kitchen with healthy snack foods or pre-made meals. Protein rich foods, such as meat, fish, and eggs are especially good for curbing hunger. I know that eating REAL FOOD may not feel very appetizing when you are craving a sugary junk food. But if you are trying to lose weight, resilience is worth it in the long run. So when you experience a craving and hunger at the same time, force yourself to have a healthy meal rather than junk food. The second suggestion is to go for a brisk walk outside or go to a gym to workout. This serves a two-fold purpose. First, you are distancing yourself from the food that you are craving. Second, the exercise will release endorphins, or “feel good” chemicals in your brain, which can help turn the craving off. So if you can’t go for a brisk walk outside or go to the gym try doing some push- ups, body weight squats, or any other body-weight exercise. I am sure by doing these two suggestions will help to shut down a sugar craving for most people. But of course, the best option by far is to prevent these cravings in the first place. To do that, one must toss all junk foods out of your house. If you keep them in close reach, you’re asking for trouble. Instead keep healthy foods within easy reach. So your cravings can be reduced if you PRAY and

P MY SUGAR CRAVINGS? ask God for his help and exercise several times a week while eating healthy. Lastly, I want to give you a few tips that will help as well. Increase your water intake, Eat more fruit and proteins, AVOID artificial sweeteners, Get refreshing sleep, Take a multivitamin, Don’t starve yourself, Manage stress, and avoid triggers that bring on a craving and last, talk to a friend who understands what you are going through and allow them to encourage you. Matthew 7:7 (KJV) says, “ Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you:” Blessings in his Name



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breastplate of righteousness, the shoes of gospel of peace, the shield of faith, the helmet of salvation, and sword of the spirit. Just for example at my old church I served every first Sunday and I had a uniform and that uniform was my physical amour of God. That hot uniform with two parts of thick fabric that we had to wear for about an hour and a half was amour, but I was okay with because I was serving the Lord. No matter what your amour looks or feels like be proud because the Lord gave it to you and it is your to wear in spiritual warfare so believe me you’re dressed success

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ave ll, don’t I h e W ? rd a e cries, gh All of your never bein e !! ’r u u o y o y r a e e k st li oes h to a wall? Ju ou, know that God d y g in nd ren’t hear . go fourth a rs to a e n h o e si is -h ou’re rm easven when y roval, or pe nd even id p E p ! a d o e G th n to be in it o un we want to need to wa . Instead, r s e to m n ti u r n e ft to o do? eople r. Though, should we e t p a e h e oking for p k w y n n e a ere. So th e a comp ing for are they th God can b e m ti e round long urage a th e ll p a o t o m n r t e u co ith eople, b s. We can e ther and en e n g o ti to p s o e o lv e rs ble, I’d e one of tw ply pull ou elf the trou m rs si u o n y a c e v e a w God. To s ention. Or, easier. chase after t u b , le fe so much p li o r u o y e fter pe k l ma option; it’l he second

“Cry aloud, spare not, lift up thy voice like a trumpet, and shew my people their transgression and the house of Jacob their sins.” Isaiah 58:1 (King James Version). This scripture speaks a huge volume and helps this article in the regards of allowing God to hear you. When people turn their heads and ears away from you and are always dismissing you, that’s the perfect time to allow them to do that. Because when you do, all that does is give you and God all the more time you need with him to make sure he hears everything you have to say! Hold back nothing, I promise you, you will get what you’ve been searching for! Be Blessed and Take Care.

Investing In Yo Millionaire financial advisor Todd Tresidder stated “Those with credit card debt and too many bills are more committed to their lifestyle rather than building wealth” If you have been avidly working through the principles of Financial Fitness – by Chris Brady and Orrin Woodward then you can joyfully say “Not me!” If you are not there yet and still in some hot water or consumer debt, now is the time to think back to some of the principles about investing in yourself first. Don’t forget that this means not only putting aside a small portion of your paycheck before you spend it on bills but it also means to invest in your brain as well as the pocketbook. As you are thinking about starting a business or possibly working a direct sales business on the side (as we talked about in July and August), now is the time to get to the Library and do some reading. One of the greatest business books is The E-Myth by Michael Gruber and Cash Flow Quadrant by Robert Kiyosaki. Allow those books to permeate your understanding that there are two types of spending. One is productive spending (investing) where we know our money is designed to bring a greater return. The second is wasteful or consumption spending, where the money is gone forever. Some consumption is unavoidable. We do need to eat and last time I checked, it was not appropriate to wander in public with no clothing. But much of the consumption I am talking about here includes the things we could manage to do without like manicures, fancy hair salons, attending sporting events, expensive hobbies, cable or satellite, that extra pop from the vending machine day after day. You get the picture.

ourself Habit, momentum and the multiplier effect can work both ways. Your bad spending habits, momentum of the mounting debt and the multiplying effect of credit card interest can be reversed by education, leadership abilities, knowing your strengths and gaining some financial wisdom. It is time to attend a leadership seminar, read a book about investing, ask your mentor what she is reading these days, and turn off the TV. One of the best moments of my life was about four years ago when I began attending monthly seminars with a leadership group I am involved in. The seminars had a similar format each month in that the speaker or speakers would always have a dream, then a huge struggle and ultimately a victory. These stories gave me so much hope. They were just like me, ordinary folk but with extraordinary results. It reminds me of John 16:33 “I have said these things to you, that in me you may have peace. In the world, you will have tribulation. But take heart; I have overcome the world.” I am striving to “overcome” and attain fantastic results. Are you? Please consider contacting me for a seminar schedule, or to order your Green Box that will guide you through fantastic results for financial fitness. Leslie or 440-591-8750

Leslie Elia

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