Sema Magazine September 2013

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issue #003 | | September 2013

Tanzania’s Magazine on Child Development and Protection

YOUNG REPORTERS Watoto Wadogo, Matendo Makubwa

school profile Anazak School

Did You Know?

Super Facts About A Super Continent

4 Word from the Editor 5 Seeds of Change: Roots & Shoots

8 Be Inspired: Watoto Wadogo, Matendo Makubwa 12 Through the Ages: ilianza wapi? Siku Yako Mtoto Wa Afrika 14 Poem


15 Once a upon a time: Story 16 School Profile: Anazak School DYK? Super Facts About A Super Continent

18 30


20 Speech Bubble 22 Mawazo Kutoka Kwa Dada: Maalum Kwako, Mtoto Wa Afrika 24 Nyota Yangu 26 Homework Helper: Do You Know Your Continent? 28 Our voices: Sauti Zetu Watoto Wa Afrika 30 Crossword Puzzle


Managing Editor

Itanisa Mbise


Graphics Consulting Editor

Innocent Mpatwa

Kiiya, J. K

Glory Ewald Meshack Rowland Susanne Ismael Itanisa Mbise Maria Malale Jasper N. Mbise



A WORD FROM THE EDITOR In this issue of SEMA, we celebrate children of Africa. We listen to your voices as you tell us what you think about harmful cultural practices and what should be done to stop these cultural practices. Learn why we celebrate the Day of the African Child on the 16 June every year. Visit ‘DYK’ to read super facts about Africa and in ‘Homework Helper’, learn names of African countries and their capital cities by matching them. Send in your stories, poems, pictures to SEMA and see them in the coming issues. A special thank you to the Young Reporters Network, SOS Children’s Villages and everyone who sent in their articles and pictures. Start walking through the pages. ...ENJOY... Katika toleo hili la SEMA, tunasherehekea watoto wa Afrika. Tunasikia maoni yenu kuhusu mila hatarishi na nini kifanyike kuacha mila hizi potofu. Jifunze kwa nini Siku ya Mtoto wa Afrika inaadhimishwa tarehe 16 Juni kila mwaka. Je unajua sifa pekee za bara la Afrika? Tembelea ‘DYK’ kuziona na katika ‘Rahisisha Masomo’ jifunze majina ya nchi za Afrika na miji mikuu yao kwa kuoanisha. Tutumie hadithi yako, mashairi au picha na uzione katika matoleo yajayo. Shukurani maalumu ziende kwa Mtandao wa Wanahabari Watoto Tanzania, kijiji cha SOS cha kulea watoto Dar es Salaam, na kila mtu aliyetutumia makala na picha. Tembelea kurasa. ...FURAHIA... Itanisa Mbise, Managing Editor SEMA Magazine

Seeds of Change:

Roots & Shoots

In 1976, South African students marched in the streets of Soweto demanding their rights and were attacked for it. In 1991, 11 local teenagers together with Dr. Jane Goodall shared their love for the environment and Roots & Shoots was born. In 2013, Roots & Shoots remembers what happened in Soweto by celebrating the Day of the African Child together with the rest of Africa. On the 16th of June this year, members of Roots & Shoots in Dar es Salaam met at the Jane Goodall house in Mikocheni to celebrate the Day of the African Child. About 250 children who are Roots & Shoots members from all over Dar es Salaam had a chance to come together as well as other invited guests. Giving back to mama Africa: The day started early in the spirit that Roots & Shoots has for protecting the environment with a beach cleanup near the house. It was a fun filled day with a bonanza, games, food, drinks, music and sports activities. “Right to play” and “Help 2 kids” also took part in this event so that children from all kinds of backgrounds came together to celebrate the special day. Before the 16 June, Sema was able to talk to some of the volunteers at Roots & Shoots and this is what they had to say. QN: What do you think is the importance of the Day of the African child? Happy: Children are the future and this day reminds the society of their importance. There will be games to break the ice inside the body and build the physical being of children and everyone who will take part.

Minda: It is important to celebrate this day with children from a young age. This will plant seeds of change at their young age so that they can take action in the future. The knowledge they get grows with them and makes them better people. Fiona: This day is important because it helps us to recognize children as the future. Even after 40 years of independence, it is still a struggle for children to get education, protection and nutrition. This is still an issue that needs solving and this day helps draw attention to it. Suleiman: The Day of the African Child is meant to motivate people and bring attention to what is going on with children’s rights. It is about making a contribution to children and the community, especially street children, and understanding them and their needs. Emanuel: This day marks the acknowledgement that we have for African children that do not have a voice. It is a day for them to let us know what they feel, a day when the youth are 100 percent involved; a voice for the African child. On this day, there are no classes, we are all African children and we all deserve the day.


QN: And what would you like to tell the children of Africa and the society on this day?

Emanuel: The world needs African children who are willing to volunteer; Africa needs them. Although in 1976, the day started with sadness and oppression, it is now a powerful reminder of who we are and the strength we carry. Remember, “Where there is no forgiveness, there is no future.” Desmond Tutu. Suleiman: It is all about respect. We should promote and give protection to the African child as well as fulfil our duty to them. Happy: It is all about freedom. As a society, we should fight for freedom from bad cultural practices that harm our children. It is important for children to feel involved in the community and to take care of the environment because we are part of the environment and our environment is everything. Every child should wake up and realise their dreams because everyone has a dream. Minda: I once read a book called “Thriving Africa” which said that in a hundred years, Africa will be the world’s Economic Entity. I want them to know that African Children are the future of the world. Fiona: Never give up hope! You have an important place in the world and can achieve your dreams despite the problems you face. Never give up hope! Using our talents is one of the best ways to express things that are important to us. One of the volunteers and some music artists performed a song, special for the African Child. Here are some of the Lyrics found in the Roots & Shoots African Child Song performed by Sam ze Lucky Number (volunteer), Swaz (from Australia) and God Zilla:

Sam: Together we can, be part of the solution, Never be the same, urgent and action, Wanaomba kwa mitaa, no food full starvation, Lets respect, fulfil, promote and give protection. God Zilla: Mi ni mtoto wa Africa, Mungu ananilinda, I’m from the Jungle son, Imara kama simba (aaaaaanh), Mungu Baba ananisikia, Ananisaidia sababu nimeweka nia.

The full song was performed on the Day of the African Child at the Roots & Shoots house by all the artists. As a Roots & Shoots member and as an African child, you should always remember, “there are no classes, we are children of Africa and we all deserve this day.” You deserve everyday and although we celebrate African children once a year, everyday is meant for you to be treated with respect and love.

“Every day, is your day.”




Zulpha Ally, Miaka 14. Ilikuaje mpaka ukajiunga na Mtandao wa Wanahabari Watoto Tanzania? watoto wa Afrika, Sema tumevu- Nilikua muwakilishi wa mtaa. Tarehe 9 Novemba 2011, nililetewa barua iliyoeleza kua nimeteuliwa kujifunza uandishi wa habari UNICEF. Tulienda tiwa na kazi kubwa inayofanyika pamoja na watoto wengine UNICEF na kujifunza kutumia vifaa kama kamera, video na vinasa sauti. UNICEF, Save the Children na Redio Tumaini walitusaidia na waandishi wa habari watoto. katika kuanzisha kipindi chetu cha ‘Paza Sauti’. Katika toleo hili maalum kwa

Mtandao wa Wanahabari Watoto Kama mwanahabari una majukumu gani? Kuandaa vipindi. Kipindi chetu kina vipengele vya mada vinavyohusisha wani mtandao wa watoto wa Tanzatoto pamoja na kuhoji wanajamii. nia wanaotokea sehemu mbalim-

Umekutana na changamoto gani? bali. Ingawa bado wana umri mdo- Watu wengi wanaogopa na wengine wanakataa kuhojiwa. Katika kipindi kimoja, tulipata watu watano badala ya watu kumi kwa ajili ya kipengele cha maoni ya wanajamii. go, wana ari Wengine wanatudharau kwakua ni watoto hadi na wako kuna wakati ninatamani kukata tamaa. tayari

kutumia muda

kwa ajili


ya kutafuta


Ukafanya nini kukabiliana na hili? Navumilia na kutafuta namna nyingine ya kutimiza jukumu langu la kupata habari. Kila mototo ana ndoto. Je, wewe ungependa kuwa nani ukiwa mkubwa? Mchezaji bingwa (wa kulipwa) wa netboli na mwandishi wa habari.

Tarehe 16 mwezi wa 6 ni Siku ya Mtoto wa Afrika. Unaielewaje siku hii? ambayo ni Siku hii ni ya kujua matatizo yanayotukabili sisi watoto. Siku hiyo, kauli mbiu iliyochaguliwa muhimu kwa watoto na kuyaleta hufafanuliwa ili watu waelewe na kuipa jamii changamoto. Kwa mfano, mwaka kwenye mwanga ili watoto na huu inahusu mila potofu. jamii kwa ujumla wapate ufa- Ni mambo gani katika jamii za kiafrika unaona yana madhara kwa watoto? hamu. Tulipata nafasi ya kuzung- Ndoa za utotoni. Mtoto akiozeshwa na umri mdogo, anaharibika kisaikolojia. Pia, hajui mambo mengi kwasababu bado ni mtoto. Badala ya kusoma, anaumza na waandishi wachache na muhudumia mume wake na kulea watoto. Hajui nchi inaendeleaje na mambo mengine ya kimaendeleo. Pia hii huzidisha uwezekano wa wengine kupigwa kujua majukumu yao, changamoto maana bado ni wadogo, hawawezi kujitetea. wanazopata, na jinsi wanavyok-

Unaona kifanyike nini ili kuyatokomeza? abiliana na changamoto hizi katika Kuitisha vikao juu ya jambo hili na kuelimisha wazazi, walezi na jamii kwa ujumla. kazi zao. Unataka kuwaambia nini watoto wengine? Tupendane.

Wastara Athumani, miaka 17. Ilikuaje mpaka ukajiunga na Mtandao wa Wanahabari Watoto Tanzania? Nilikua mwenyekiti msaidizi katika baraza la manispaa ya Temeke. UNICEF pamoja na Save the Children wakaona ni vizuri kuanzisha Mtandao wa Wanahabari Watoto. Tuliweza kupata mafunzo ya uandishi wa habari kutoka UNICEF. Mtandao huu unatusaidia kupaza sauti zetu zaidi pamoja na kufundisha watoto wengine wajibu, na haki zao. Ndio maana kipindi chetu huitwa ‘Paza Sauti’. Mada tunachagua wenyewe lakini tunapata muongozo.

Kama mwanahabari una majukumu gani? Kutafuta habari mbali mbali pamoja na wahusika. Mimi napokea simu studio pamoja na kusoma ujumbe mfupi kutoka kwa watu mbali mbali.

Umekutana na changamoto gani? Wanajamii wengine wanatudharau kwasa babu ni wadogo na bado hatufahamiki vizuri. Wengine wanakataa kuhojiwa hasa katika kipengele cha maoni ya jamii.

Ukafanya nini kukabiliana na hili? Mtandao huu unatusaidia Sikati tamaa maana najua hata watu wazima hukutana na changamoto kupaza sauti zetu zaidi... Ndio maana kipindi chetu mbalimbali. huitwa ‘Paza Sauti’

Kila mototo ana ndoto. Je, wewe ungependa kuwa nani ukiwa mkubwa? Ningependa kuwa mwanajeshi. Endapo nitaweza kusomea uandishi, ningependa kua mwanahabari wa wanajeshi. Tarehe 16 mwezi wa 6 ni Siku ya Mtoto wa Afrika. Unaielewaje siku hii? Ni siku inayoadhimishwa kwaajili ya kukumbuka mauwaji yaliyofanyika Soweto, Afrika Kusini, mwaka 1976. Umuhimu wake ni kuonyesha jinsi gani watoto walivyoumizwa na kupinga ukatili dhidi ya watoto.

Ni mambo gani katika jamii za kiafrika unaona yana madhara kwa watoto? Utumikishwaji wa watoto. Wakati mwingine, mtoto anaachishwa shule kwaajili ya biashara. Wengine hutolewa mikoani na kutumikishwa na hela hapati yeye. Huu ni unyanyasaji wa watoto. Imani za kishirikina sanasana zinazowahusu watoto. Mfano, mganaga anaweza kumuambia mtu alete mkono wa mtoto kwakua watoto ndio rahisi kuwadhuru, hasa zeruzeru. Unaona kifanyike nini ili kuyatokomeza? Serekali itilie mkazo na iwe makini katika kutatua matatizo haya na hukumu ziwe kali. Jamii tuelewe umuhimu wa elimu kwa mtoto hasa walemavu. Waandishi wa habari watangaze umuhimu wa mambo haya. Unataka kuwaambia nini watoto wengine? Watoto wenzangu, ni muhimu kushitaki vitendo vya ukatili. Toa taarifa na utasikika. Pia tumeona matokeo ya kidato cha nne yalivyokua mabaya. Inabidi tusome kwa bidii na kutafuta vitabu. Kama shuleni hamna, maktaba ya taifa ipo. Tujitoe ili tufaulu.

Ramadhani Saidi, miaka 17. Ilikuaje mpaka ukajiunga na Mtandao wa Wanahabari Watoto Tanzania? Awali nilikua muweka hazina katika baraza la watoto Temeke. Watoto 15 kutoka baraza hili walichaguliwa kuanzisha Mtandao wa Wanahabari Watoto na nilibahatika kuwa kati yao.

Kama mwanahabari una majukumu gani? Kuandaa vpindi vya kuelimisha jamii hasa vinavyowalenga watoto.

Umekutana na changamoto gani? Baadhi ya watu wanatutukana na wengine hukataa kuhojiwa.

Watoto tuwe mstari wa mbele kutetea haki zetu

Ukafanya nini kukabiliana na hili? Tukikutana na mtu kama huyo tunajaribu kumuelimisha. Kwa mfano, tulivyokua tukifanya kipindi chenye mada ya kusahihishwa upya kwa mitihani ya kidato cha nne kumewanufaishaje watahiniwa, mmoja kati ya watu tuliowahoji akaanza kutuambia maneno makali. Tulijaribu kumuelewesha ila kama mtu haelewi, tunamshukuru tu kwa kutusikiliza. Kila mototo ana ndoto. Je, wewe ungependa kuwa nani ukiwa mkubwa? Ndoto yangu kuanzia zamani ni kuwa mtangazaji.. Nilivyosikia tunaenda katika mafunzo, nilifurahi kuwa ndoto yangu inatimia. Tarehe 16 mwezi wa 6 ni Siku ya Mtoto wa Afrika. Unaielewaje siku hii? Ni siku tunayoiadhimisha tarehe 16 Juni kila mwaka kwasababu ya mauaji ya halaiki yaliyofanyika Soweto mwaka 1976. Watoto walitetea haki zao lakini makaburu wakapinga na kuwapiga risasi na watoto wengi wakafariki. Ni vizuri kuwaenzi walivyotetea haki zetu. Pia, siku hii hutusaidia kujua haki zetu kama kuendelezwa na kuheshimiwa.

Ni mambo gani katika jamii za kiafrika unaona yana madhara kwa watoto? Mila potofu kama ukeketaji wa wasichana. Kuna magonjwa ya uzazi ambayo sio lazima kupata ila kwasababu ya ukeketaji hasa kwa kuchangia vifaa kama vile nyembe pasipo kuchemsha, wasichana huweza kupata magonjwa haya. Pia, wazazi kutengana, mara nyingine mzigo wa kulea watoto anatupiwa baba. Baba akioa tena, mke mpya anaweza kuweka chuki kwao sababu sio watoto wake. Hii husababisha watoto kutoroka kwao na kutafuta maisha na ni chanzo mojawapo cha watoto wa mitaani. Unaona kifanyike nini ili kuyatokomeza? Serekali, mashirika na wadau wengine waweke mkazo ili kutatua matatizo haya.

Unataka kuwaambia nini watoto wengine? Tusome kwa bidii maana elimu ndio mkombozi wetu wa baadae, hamna maisha bila kitabu. Watoto tuwe mstari wa mbele kutetea haki zetu na kuripoti unyanyasaji na ukiukwaji wa haki zetu maana sio jukumu la serekali peke yake.


Caroline Augostine

Veisi Ivan, Miaka 14. Ilikuaje mpaka ukajiunga na Mtandao wa Wanahabari Watoto Tanzania? Afisa elimu alikuja shule kuleta barua kwaajili ya mafunzo ya uandishi wa habari kutoka UNICEF na mkuu wa shule pamoja na wazazi wakakubali. Tulikaa UNICEF siku saba kwenye mafunzo haya.

Kama mwanahabari una majukumu gani? Nasaidia Katika kuandaa vipindi.

Umekutana na changamoto gani? Mwanzo nilikua sijui kutumia vifaa na nilikua ninaona aibu kujitambulisha. Pia, nilikua sijazoea kukaa mbali na nyumbani. Ukafanya nini kukabiliana na hili? Nilijitahidi kuzoea na kujifunza hadi nikaweza.

Kila mototo ana ndoto. Je, wewe ungependa kuwa nani ukiwa mkubwa? Ningependa kuwa mwanahabari redio na tv sanasana nishughulike na habari za watoto na kutetea haki za watoto. Tarehe 16 mwezi wa 6 ni Siku ya Mtoto wa Afrika. Unaielewaje siku hii? Watoto Afrika Kusini walipotezana na ndugu zao na wengi kuuwawa kwasababu ya kutetea haki zao. Siku hii hutusaidia kujua haki za watoto na kufahamiana. Ni mambo gani katika jamii za kiafrika unaona yana madhara kwa watoto? Mtoto wa kike kutopelekwa shule inamuumiza kisaikolojia.

Unaona kifanyike nini ili kuyatokomeza? Serekali itoe ushauri kwa jamii ili kuwepo na muamko kwamba mtoto ana haki ya kupendwa.

Unataka kuwaambia nini watoto wengine? Wapende kuhudhuria sikukuu hii maana kuna mengi ya kujifunza. Wasome ili wasaidie watoto wengine walioko katika hali ngumu.

Ilikuaje mpaka ukajiunga na Mtandao wa Wanahabari Watoto Tanzania? Nilikua mwenyekiti wa baraza la watoto, Kinondoni. Kati yetu, watoto 15 waliteuliwa kupata mafunzo ya uandishi wa habari UNICEF, mimi nikiwa mmoja wapo.

Kama mwanahabari una majukumu gani? Tunarekodi vipindi na kuvirusha hewani ili watu wajue haki za watoto. Nawaongoza wenzangu na tunasiadiana katika kuandaa vipindi. Umekutana na changamoto gani? Kipengele cha wanajamii kutoa maoni, wengine wanakataa. Watu hawajui kuhusu Mtandao wa Watoto Wanahabari. Ukafanya nini kukabiliana na hili? Tumewaambia Save the Children watoe elimu ili jamii ifahamu uwepo na umuhimu wetu.

Kila mototo ana ndoto. Je, wewe ungependa kuwa nani ukiwa mkubwa? Muhasibu na mwandishi wa habari.

Tarehe 16 mwezi wa 6 ni Siku ya Mtoto wa Afrika. Unaielewaje siku hii? Ni siku ambayo tunakumbuka vifo vya watoto wenzetu kule Soweto, Afrika Kusini. Hii siku ni muhimu kwasababu ni muda wa watoto kuona tuna faida na mchango katika jamii.

Ni mambo gani katika jamii za kiafrika unaona yana madhara kwa watoto? Mila ambayo ipo Mara ambapo mwanamke asiye na uwezo wa kuzaa anatoa mahari kwa familia yenye mtoto wa kike alafu anamuozesha. Yule binti akijifungua watoto, yule mama anawachukua kama wake kwa kua yeye alishamtolea mahari binti yule. Unaona kifanyike nini ili kuyatokomeza? Serekali ielimishe watu kuhusu jambo hili na madhara yake. Pia, watu wawe na hamasa ya kusikiliza wanachoelezwa juu ya mila kama hizi na watake mabadiliko.

Unataka kuwaambia nini watoto wengine? Siku ya leo kuna vitu vingi pamoja na maoni mengi na ningewashauri washiriki maana tuna mchango mkubwa katika jamii.

“Kuna msemo kua mbuyu ulianza kama mchicha na watoto hawa wanatuonyesha kwamba hata watu wenye umri mdogo wanaweza kufanya mambo makubwa.�



Je, ni siku gani unayoiadhimisha kila mwaka inayokulenga wewe? Wengi wetu huadhimisha siku ya kuzaliwa. Hata usipofanyiwa sherehe, usipolishwa keki au kupewa zawadi, bado utaikumbuka hiyo siku na mara nyingi huwa na furaha. Juni 16 ni siku nyingine kila mwaka kwa ajili yetu sisi watoto wa Afrika. Mwaka 1976 kule Afrika Kusini, maelfu ya wanafunzi waliandamana kupinga elimu duni waliyokuwa wanapewa na pia kudai haki yao ya kufundishwa kwa lugha yao badala ya lugha ngeni ya wakoloni. Maandamano yalianza kwa utulivu asubuhi ya Juni 16 ambapo wanafunzi wa shule mbalimbali walikutana na kuanza kuandamana huku wakiimba na kubeba mabango. Njiani, walikuta barabara imefungwa na polisi ili kuwazuia wasiandamane. Polisi waliwaamuru wanafunzi watawanyike na baada ya wanafunzi kukataa, polisi waliwafyatulia risasi, mabomu ya machozi pamoja na kuwaachia mbwa wao wawavamie wanafunzi.

Wanafunzi nao hawakukubali kushindwa, walipambana na polisi pamoja na mbwa wao kwa kuwarushia mawe. Mapambano haya yaliendelea kwa takribani wiki mbili. Mamia ya wanafunzi walipoteza maisha na maelfu kujeruhiwa. Kuwakumbuka wale waliopoteza uhai wao pamoja na ujasiri wa wote walioshiriki, tarehe 16 Juni ilichaguliwa na Umoja wa Afrika kuwa Siku ya Mtoto wa Afrika na huadhimishwa kila mwaka tangu 1991. Ni siku ya kuangalia maisha ya sasa ya mtoto wa Afrika na kupigania haki za watoto hasa wale wenye matatizo mbalimbali na wanaoishi katika mazingira magumu. Kwa wewe mtoto wa Afrika, elewa kwamba wewe ni wa thamani sana kwa wazazi wako, ndugu, marafiki na jamii nzima. Unastahili kupewa haki zako zote, unastahili kupendwa na kuishi maisha mazuri. Hivyo jiamini kwamba una mchango hapa duniani ndio maana Mungu amekupa zawadi ya uhai.

A DAY FOR YOU, AFRICAN CHILD. What day of the year is so special for you? For most of us it is our birthdays. Even if we will not have a party, cake or gifts, we still remember that day and feel happy. There is another special day; June 16 is another day every year for us: African children. Back in 1976 in South Africa, thousands of students marched in the streets protesting against the low quality of education that they received and demanding to be taught in their own language instead of the foreign language of the colonialists. The marching started peacefully on the morning of June 16 when children from different schools met and started marching while singing and carrying posters. On their way they found that the police had blocked the road to stop the students from marching. The police ordered the students to disperse and after refusing to do so, they fired their guns at the students, let their dogs go after the students and used teargas as well. The students did not surrender without a fight. They threw stones at the police and their dogs. This went on for almost two weeks! Hundreds of students lost their lives and thousands were injured. To honor the memory of those killed and the courage of all those who marched, the Day of the African Child has been celebrated on 16 June every year since 1991, when it was first started by the Organization of African Unity (now the African Union). It is a day to look at the current life of the African child, to fight for the rights of children especially those with different problems as well as those living in a harsh environment. To you dear African child, know that you are very special to your parents, relatives, friends, and the whole community. You deserve to get all your rights, you deserve to be loved and to live a good life. Therefore believe that you have a contribution and purpose in this world that is why God gave you the gift of life.

Na Maria Malale





After seven years of marriage, a couple lost hope of getting a child, until one day God gave them what they had wished for for a long time. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Benson were blessed with a baby girl and named her Judith. Judith was healthy and even though she was a cripple, she was a blessing from God they thanked Him and raised her with all the love in the world. At school Judith was not only smart and intelligent but she was also a role model everyone looked up to, and everybody loved and cared about her very much because of her attitude towards the community. Although her condition was hard, she always had a smile which said never give up. That smile and strength also gave people the chance to help her achieve her goals in life. They gave her the name “go getter” because when she wanted something, she would go after it and work hard until she got it. Judith finished her primary education with very good marks and was awarded with many medals because of her outstanding performance academically and other talents. She joined secondary education and had the same courage and moral and then completed her secondary education with the same performance and got first division which opened doors to different opportunities. Judith’s biggest dream was to become a doctor and a counselor so she could help people like her accomplish their goals just like herself. At the university she was the same Judith, loving and caring, for which so many people admired her. Judith finished and got her first degree, for her it was not enough she continued with her masters and later earned her second degree. Now Judith is a doctor and has her own hospital. Her main job is to help people like herself, she also has a very happy and successful life all thanks to God, her parents and the community. God has a reason for everything that happens in our lives; Mr. and Mrs. Peter Benson were blessed with a child who turned out to be a cripple but also turned out to be a very responsible and intelligent daughter. What we should learn here is, even if you are born with different disabilities that doesn’t mean that it’s the end of the world, you can still do something with your life that will change everything, just like Judith who put her faith in God and herself. Disabilities can only stop us if we let them, they are just a bump in the road, all we have to do is get past them. This is to every child out there who has lost hope; everything is possible all you need is determination.

Article by Jasper N. Mbise

by Meshack Rowland


Anazak School

A unique Pre and Primary school




Africa is the second largest continent in the world.

The world’s largest hot desert, the Sahara, is located in Africa.

The Nile is the longest river in the world (6650km) passing through Uganda, Ethiopia, Sudan and Egypt.

Rich in life: The world’s largest land animal is the African elephant

The world’s tallest animal, the giraffe, is found in Africa. Africa is home to the world’s largest reptile, the Nile crocodile.

The cheetah, the fastest land animal in the world, lives in Africa.

Lake Victoria is the largest lake in Africa(68,800sq km), and the second largest fresh water lake in the world!

Mount Kilimanjaro is the highest mountain in Africa (5895km).

The world’s largest primate, the gorilla, is found in Africa. Lake Malawi has more kinds of fish than any other lake in the world! Home of all life:

Africa is the origin of the human species which originated here about 5 million years ago.


Watoto kunyimwa haki ya kuongea. Watu wengi huwanyima watoto kutoa maoni yao katika familia na katika jamii. Watoto wanaonekana kwamba wakipewa nafasi ya kuogea, hawataongea mambo ya maana, hivyo wazazi wanaona wakiwapa watoto nafasi ya kuongea watapoteza muda wao . Hii hufanya watoto kushindwa kutoa maoni yao ya msingi na hujiona watu wasiokua na maana katika jamii. Agnes Alex

Mila hizi ziachwe, zisiendelezwe maana zina madhara. Nesto John

Tunajisikia vibaya tunapowaona watoto wenzetu wapo barabarani , jalalani, na wengine wengine wanaokota makopo. Mazingira waliyopo sio mazuri. Wanaweza kupata magonjwa au kufa. Tunaomba jamii iwajali watoto na wakiona mtoto ananyanyaswa wampe msaada. Gibsonn John Kiundo

Ndoa za mitaala ni kitendo cha mwanaume mmoja kuoa wanawake wengi. Kitendo hiki kinaleta madhara kwa watoto kutokana na mwanaume huyo kupata watoto wengi ambao hana uwezo wa kuwapatia mahitaji yao muhimu hivyo kupelekea matatizo katika jamii kama vile watoto kujifunza wizi na ongezeko la watoto mitaani. Kelvin Kavishe


SpeciaL for you, child of africa

When I was a child, I thought of the Day of the African Child very different from what it really is. To me, an African child was a special child who was brought to the stadium so that other children could see him/her because every year on the Day of the African Child we went to stadium for sports and entertainment.

They have dreams, some want to be doctors, others want to be teachers and others want to be pilots. Some dream of becoming musicians, nurses, footballers and even painters. They are beautiful, I believe every child is beautiful including you, who is reading this.

As a sister, I want to tell you that our parents love us very In my head, I imagined this African child was much and are doing everything they can to give us a beautiful, with clean clothes and combed hair, better life, the best life. Maybe they do not get time to talk confident and not afraid to speak in front to us and explain what we are worth, but they do love us. of people. I imagined at school the child answered questions and was not afraid of You are precious because there is no child like you in the making mistakes because he/she would be whole world. You have a good future filled with success corrected. This is how I imagined my African child. because you are a winner and you can do whatever you want if you decide to work hard. You are unique so do I told my cousin about my African child, but she not try to imitate other children because children who corrected me and told me that all the children in imitate others are often sad, but when you accept and Africa are African children, including me, and the love yourself and your life, you will always be happy. day is special for all of us. Behold the features of the child I imagined were supposed to be mine because Last of all, you should study hard and love sports it is important for every child to have them. And because sports improves our health and is fun. Love these qualities are for every child who is reading this. to read the books and you will learn so many things. Love one another, you should not fight, steal from each other or lie. All this causes others to be sad but I think African children are very brave chil- if they disappear, our schools and our homes become dred because they experience a lot of things. good places for us to be in and live. We are all children Some live in wars, others are faced with pover- of the same continent, we are all children of Africa. ty and have no food, and others have no shelter. But when they get a chance to go to school, they work hard knowing that one day, life will get better. I love you all. Until next time, goodbye.

by Glory Ewald

maalum kwako, mtoto wa afrika

Enzi zile nikiwa mtoto, Siku ya Mtoto wa Afrika niliichukulia tofauti sana na ilivyo kuwa. Kwangu mimi, niliona mtoto wa Afrika ni mtoto maalum ambaye analetwa stadium ili sisi watoto wengine tumuone kwani kila Siku ya Mtoto wa Afrika tulienda stadium kwa michezo na burudani mbalimbali.

Wana ndoto; wengine wanataka kuwa madaktari, waalimu, rubani, wanamuziki, wauuguzi, wacheza mpira na hata wachoraji. Kwa muonekano wa nje ni wazuri, mimi naamini kila mtoto ni mzuri pamoja na wewe unayesoma habari hii. Kama dada nataka kuwaambia hivi; wazazi wetu wanatupenda sana na wanafanya kila wawezalo kutupa maisha mazuri. Labda hawapati muda na wa kuongea na sisi na kutuelezea jinsi tulivyo wa thamani ya pekee, lakini wanatupenda.

Kichwani mwangu nilimfikiria mtoto huyo na kutengeneza sifa zake. Mtoto wa afrika huyo niliyemtengeza alikua mzuri, nguo zake safi, nywele zake zimechanwa vizuri, anayejiamini yani haoni aibu kuongea mbele za watu na niliona shuleni huuliza maswali na kujibu anachofikiri bila kujali kuwa Wewe ni wa thamani, hakuna mtoto kama wewe dunia anakosa kwani anajua akikosea atasahihishwa . Hivi ndi- nzima. Una maisha mzuri yenye mafanikio mbeleni na vyo nilivyomuona mtoto wa Afrika niliyemtengeneza. hautashindwa kwenye maisha maana wewe ni mshindi na unaweza kufanya chochote unachotaka ukiamua na Nilimueleza binamu yangu, akanisahihisha na kunieleza kuongeza bidii. Ulivyo ni wa tofauti hivyo usitake kuiga mtoto wa Afrika ni kila mtoto wa kiafrika ikiwemo mimi kuwa kama watoto wengine kwani wanaofanya hivyo na siku hiyo ni maalum kwetu sisi wote, watoto wa Afri- huwa na maisha ya huzuni ila wanaojipenda na kujika. Kumbe zile sifa za mtoto niliyemtengeneza kichwani kubali hufurahi siku zote. zingetakiwa kuwa zangu kwani ni vizuri kila mtoto awe nazo! Na hizo sifa ni za kila mtoto anayesoma habari hii. Mwisho tusome kwa bidii, tupende michezo kwani michezo huimarisha afya zetu na kuburudisha. Mpende Kwangu mimi naona mtoto wa Afrika ni mtoto jasiri pia kusoma vitabu, mtajua mengi. Tupendane; inapensana anaepitia mengi: wengine vita, umasikini, hakuna deza mmoja kumpenda mwingine hakuna kupigana, chakula, pakulala ni shida. Lakini wakipata nafasi ya kuibiana wala kusemeana uongo. Hivi vyote husababikwenda shule, hujitahidi na kujua siku moja kila kitu sha wengine kuwa na huzuni ila vikitoweka, shuleni na nyumbani panakua sehemu nzuri kuwa na kuishi. Sote sawa, maisha yatakua mazuri. ni watoto wa bara moja, sote ni watoto wa Afrika. Nawapenda wote. Mpaka wakati mwingine, kwaheri.

na Glory Ewald

24 Mimi ninaitwa Agnes Alex. Ninasoma shule ya sekondari Kibasila, kidato cha nne. Nyota yangu ni Sophia Simba. Sophia Simba ni waziri wa wanawake, jinsia na watoto na ni mwanamke jasiri anaepigania haki za watoto. Mwanamke huyu hapendi kuona watoto wakinyanyaswa, wakionewa na kunyimwa haki zao. Sophia Simba anajitahidi kupambana na watu ambao hawawapi watoto haki zao. Mimi nampenda sana Sophia Simba kwasababu ya kazi anazozifanya katika jamii za kutetea haki za watoto. Ninapenda kuona watoto wakipewa haki zao zote bila ubaguzi. Ninapenda na ninatamani siku moja kufanya kazi hizo za kutetea haki za watoto kama mwanamke Sophia Simba anavyofanya. Huyu ndiye nyota yangu.

My name is Agnes Alex. I am a form four student at Kibasila Secondary School. My hero is Sophia Simba. She is the minister for women, gender and children and she is a brave woman who fights for children’s rights. This woman does not like to see children abused or oppressed. Sophia Simba tries to stop people from taking away children’s rights. I love Sophia Simba because of the work she does in communities to defend the rights of children. I like to see children receive all their rights without discrimination. One day, I would love to work defending the rights of children just like Sophia Simba does. She is my hero. Mimi ninaitwa Diana Dennis. Nasoma katika shule ya sekondari Kibasila, kidato cha nne. Nyota wangu ni Flaviana Matata. Flaviana Matata ni mwanamitindo anayepeperusha vyema bendera ya Tanzania ughaibuni. Mwenye mapenzi na fani ya mitindo, Flaviana anafanya kazi Marekani, Ufaransa na Uingireza. Pamoja na uanamitindo, Flaviana pia ni mmiliki wa shirika lake lisilo la kiserekali (NGO) linaloitwa Flaviana Matata Foundation. Kutokana na shirika lake, Flaviana anasomesha wasichana na pia anatoa msaada kwa watu mbalimbali wakiwemo watoto. Kutokana na hizi kazi ambazo Flaviana anafanya, kiukweli nimevutiwa sana na mimi napenda sana watu ambao wanapenda kujitoa na kujitolea kwaajili ya watoto. Siku moja ninatamani kuwa kama Flaviana. Napenda kuwashauri watoto wenzangu kuchagua nyota wao ambaye atawaongoza kufikia malengo yao. Ningependa pia wazazi mtoe mchango mkubwa pamoja na ushirikiano kwa watoto wakati wa kuchagua nyota wao.

My name is Diana Dennis and I am a form four student at Kibasila Secondary School. My hero is Flaviana Matata. Flaviana Matata is a designer who gives Tanzania a good name abroad. With her love for fashion, she works in America, France and England. Flaviana also owns her own non-governmental organization (NGO) called “the Flaviana Matata Foundation.” Through her organization, she educates girls and provides support to different people including children. I like her because of the work she does and I like people who help children. One day I want to be just like Flaviana. I advise other children to choose their heroes who will inspire them to achieve their goals. I would also like parents to play a role in helping their children choose their heroes.

26 26 Addis Ababa

Do you know your continent? Try to match the names of the African Countries to their capital cities. You can do it in groups and get help from your teachers and parents. The first one has been done for you. Je unafahamu bara la Afrika? Jaribu kuoanisha nchi na mji wake mkuu. Mnaweza kujaribu zoezi hili katika vikundi na kupata msaada kutoka kwa waalimu na wazazi wenu. Mfano mmoja umeoanishwa.




Rabat Lilongwe


Djibouti (City)

Djibouti Malawi






Kampala Tanzania Mogadishu Burkina Faso







Dodoma Chad Egypt



South Africa

Botswana Abuja

Cairo Ethiopia Rwanda






Sauti zetu


our voices Watoto kutoka vijiji vya SOS waliweza kusheherekea Siku ya Mtoto wa Afrika Muhimbili na kujumuika na wagonjwa katika maadhimisho ya siku hii muhimu.. Kulikua kuna ngoma, nyimbo, risala, maonyesho ya mavazi na kuigiza. Watoto wa SOS walishiriki katika Maonyesho ya mavazi na kuonyesha vipaji vyao. Tuliweza kuongea na baadhi yao na kupata maoni yao.

Siku ya Mtoto wa Afrika ina umuhimu gani?

Siku ya Mtoto wa Afrika ina umuhimu gani?

Ni siku ambayo watoto hukusanyika kufurahi, kuonyesha vipaji na hata kutoa matatizo ili tuweze kusaidiwa. Ikiendelea kufanyika, ni njia ya kukuza vipaji. Pia, watoto hujumuika na kubadilishana mawazo na huweza kubadilika.

Siku ambayo watoto hujumuika sehemu moja ili kubadilishana mawazo na kupeana uzoefu wa sehemu wanapoishi. Watoto wakijumuika wanafundishana na kama kuna mmoja ana tabia nzuri huweza kumuelimisha ambaye hana.

Siku ya Mtoto wa Afrika ina umuhimu gani?

Siku ya Mtoto wa Afrika ina umuhimu gani?

Watoto wanajumuika kusheherekea, kufurahi, na kujuana. Inasaidia sauti za watoto zisikike.

Tunavyoenda kila mwaka na kujumuika na wenzetu, wanaskia raha na sisi pia tunaskia raha.

Ulijifunza nini siku hiyo?

Ulijifunza nini siku hiyo?

Ulijifunza nini siku hiyo?

Ulijifunza nini siku hiyo?

Wagonjwa na watoto wasiojiweza tukijumuika nao na kufurahi nao, wanapata faraja.

Haki za watoto inabidi zilindwe.

Nilivyokaa na watoto waliolazwa kwa muda mrefu niligundua kwamba tukikaa tunaona maisha ni mazuri lakini kumbe kuna wenzetu wana matatizo. Inabidi tuwasaidie maana na wao ni binaadamu.

Wagonjwa wanahitaji kusaidiwa na kama wanajisikia upweke tuwape moyo.

Je, unaona ni mila gani za kiafrika zinazodhuru watoto na kuwanyima haki zao? Ukeketaji wa wasichana. Hii ni mila mbaya kwasababu inamdhuru msichana kwa kuwa anaweza kufa kwa kupoteza damu nyingi. Unaona nini kifanyike ili kutatua tatizo hili? Ningeishauri serekali itoe elimu kwa wanaokeketa ili waache desturi hii. Una ujumbe gani kwa watoto wengine? Mimi nawapenda. Nawashauri tusome maana sisi watoto ni tegemezi la baadae kwa taifa letu. Rukia Gahwa, miaka 14.

Je, unaona ni mila gani za kiafrika zinazodhuru watoto na kuwanyima haki zao? Watoto kufanyishwa kazi. Mtoto badala ya kwenda shule, anafanyishwa kazi na mwisho anakosa elimu. Unaona nini kifanyike ili kutatua tatizo hili? Serekali ielimishe wanajamii na jamii pia itoe elimu kwa watoto na vijana mbalimbali wanaofanya kazi badala ya kusoma. Una ujumbe gani kwa watoto wengine? Ningependa kuwaambia kama wanajisikia wapweke, sisi tunawapenda. Godfrey Makota, miaka 12.

Je, unaona ni mila gani za kiafrika zinazodhuru watoto na kuwanyima haki zao? Unyanyasaji wa kijinsia. Watu wengine wanabagua watoto na kusema mvulana aende shule, msichana abaki nyumbani. Msichana anakua amenyimwa haki yake ya kupata elimu. Unaona nini kifanyike ili kutatua tatizo hili? Jamii ielimishwe kwamba unyanyasaji wa kijinsia sio mzuri na zitolewe adhabu kali ili watu waache desturi hii. Una ujumbe gani kwa watoto wengine? Nawaomba waheshimu wazazi wao na wapende masomo maana yatawasaidia kua na maisha mazuri. Nawapenda sana. Theresia, miaka 14.

Je, unaona ni mila gani za kiafrika zinazodhuru watoto na kuwanyima haki zao? Kuwatenga watoto wenye ulemavu kwasababu wanakua hawana raha kukaa na wenzao na hivyo, wanajisikia upweke kama vile hawapendwi katika jamii. Unaona nini kifanyike ili kutatua tatizo hili? Serekali inabidi ielimishe jamii na jamii ijilinde kwa kutowanyanyasa watoto. Una ujumbe gani kwa watoto wengine? Nawapenda sana. Athumani Ally, miaka 14.






5 6 7


8 10 11 13



15 16

ACROSS 4. Source of all life 7. Highest mountain in Africa 8. Biggest land animal 10. Hunted for Ivory 11. Lost Planet 12. Largest Country in Africa 13. Largest desert in the world, also a continent. 16. Most populated African city 17. Largest hot desert

17 DOWN 1. World’s biggest animal 2. Country where the Day of The African Child was born 3. Biggest Ocean 5. Highest mountain in the world 6. Name shared by both a lake and a waterfall in Africa 9. Illegal hunting of animals 12. Origin of all life 14. Fastest land animal 15. Highest point in Africa.

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