Kiddos Magazine Vol. 7 Issue 5 - New Beginnings

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spring issue


New Beginnings’s just about kids

magazine april/may 2020 • Vol. 7 issue 5


COVID-19 And At Home Learning


Talking To Kids About The Coronavirus

Special Edition Guide

Lissette Gonzalez

Honoring Mothers That Make A Difference education, art & entertainment

PLUS... Kiddos Cool Stuff Spring Essentials

are all around you.

Stay healthy. Wash your hands. CS294906-F’s just about kids






Vol. 7 issue 5

in every issue 12 TIPS

Clean Hands For The Entire Family

14 @HOME

Frost Science @Home


Honoring Mothers That Make A Difference


Give A Treat To Mom With A Kid-friendly Sweet HEALTH 1 0 |

Talking To Kids About The Coronavirus


COVID-19 And At Home-Learning


2020 Special Edition Guide


Virtual Autism Awareness Month Celebration at MiChiMu


Visit Frost Science Museum To Meet Key Standards


Spring Essentials for Mom & Kids


YOUTH 2 6 |

American Camp Association Influential In Ensuring Youth Outdoor Recreation Participation


To Wear And Use A Cloth Face Covering

Add Joy To Spring Cleaning


Suggestions For Kids And Families To Read This Month


The Real Food Academy Summer Camp


spring issue

on the cover

MODELS: Lissette, Sofia & Elise


New Beginnings

COVID-19 And At Home Learning

IG: tulipsphotography LOCATION: Pinecrest Gardens

magazine april/may 2020 • Vol. 7 issue 5


PHOTOGRAPHY: Tulips Photography LISSETTE'S WARDROBE: Versona The Falls’s just about kids


Talking To Kids About The Coronavirus

Special Edition Guide

Lissette Gonzalez

Honoring Mothers That Make A Difference education, art & entertainment


kiddos | April • May 2020

PLUS... Kiddos Cool Stuff Spring Essentials

Fox Mental Yoga For Kids


Miami City Ballet Announces 2020-21 Season

we are all in this together Kiddos Publisher’s Notes


g n i n n i g e B w e N

Our nation and the rest of the world, are facing a truly unpredictable time when we all have been impacted by COVID19 in some way. Over the past few weeks, our days and routines had a significant change (less than ideal) and have been filled with days of social isolation and fear, but we have embraced and learned so many things. I am seeing people helping each other during this pandemic outbreak, and how a global crisis inspires incredible creativity and kindness around the world. On behalf of Kiddos Magazine I want to send an expression of gratitude to the heroes that are out there fighting for us when we stay at home practicing social distancing, Authorities, state health officials, local hospitals, nursing homes, doctors, nurses, first responders, food banks, grocery stores, delivery people, volunteers and countless of organizations and individuals offering supplies and support! THANK YOU!’s just about kids

magazine Kiddos is a Florida based kids focused magazine, whose mission is to help strengthen the bonds between parents and their children by providing value-based content and quality journalism.

PUBLISHER/ EDITOR Veronica Lepere CONTRIBUTING WRITERS Camille Lucy FIU’s Center for Children and Families American Camp Association (ACA) Children and Screens PHOTOGRAPHY Tulips Photography DESIGN Kiddos Creative Department Etta Walker

We are celebrating Mothers! And now more that ever this issue is dedicated to motherhood, and the influence of mothers in our society. Kiddos Magazine had the opportunity to interview Lissette Gonzalez, CBS4 meteorologist and mother of 2, about how she’s balancing work, family and our current crisis. Read on more!


Parents, in this issue you will find useful and valuable information on how to educate your children at home and help them to stay focus, and tips to navigate this uncertain time when we are still adapting to our new normal. You will also find alternate resources, and educational activities and celebrations provided from our museums and local business to do at home, please support them!

P.O. Box 431492

In our Community topic we teach you how to wear and use correctly a cloth face covering to help slow the spread of COVID-19, and how to make your own! This is a great activity for parents and kids, use old colorful t-shirts and make a team! Stay at home, practice social distancing, look for others and donate if you can! Happy Easter! Celebrate Mom on Mother’s Day, and share this issue with family and friends!




kiddos | April • May 2020

Veronica Lepere KIDDOS MAGAZINE Miami, Fl. 33243 786.260.8492 @KiddosMagazine @KiddosMagazine @KiddosMagazine

Kiddos Magazine is produced by V&L Design LLC ©2020 Kiddos Magazine Volume 7. Issue 5. Kiddos Magazine is published bi-monthly in the U.S.A. by V&L Design LLC. All content copyright ©2020 V&L Design LLC. All rights Reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part without written permission of the publisher is prohibited. Kiddos Magazine assumes no responsability for claims and content of advertisements. To become a distribution outlet for Kiddos Magazine please call 786.260.8492.


LIFE CHANGING CAMP EXPERIENCE WHERE CHILDREN: • Learn to make healthy eating choices

• Healthy Baking

• Develop & hone cooking skills

• Real Food VS Processed Food

• Safety in the Kitchen

• Improve Math & Reading Skills

• Experiment in the Kitchen

• and Much More

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Camp runs June 1st- August 14th, 11/ One Week Sessions Available Campers grouped by age: five years - 16 years old Flexible enrollment for one week, several weeks, or for all 11 weeks Monday-Friday 9AM- 3PM NEW Extended Camp Hours Available: early drop-off and late up times

Honoring Mothers That Make A Difference WRITTEN BY: Camille Lucy

We spoke with Lissette Gonzalez, CBS4 Meteorologist and Mother of 2, about balancing work and family, spring traditions and how she’s handling today’s current crisis



n Mother's Day, we celebrate and honor the women with the toughest job out there: motherhood. Mothers have profound influence over their families and society as a whole. Their contributions are far-reaching, and Lissette Gonzalez is no stranger to the acronym MOM: Master of Multitasking.

we are adapting to many unexpected changes. This is our "new normal" and we are just trying to take it day by day.” She said she is forecasting weather from home, and has been learning new technology to keep her up to date with her daughter’s distance learning.

When asked how she is coping with today’s current crisis, Lissette said, “As we all make an effort to slow the spread of the Coronavirus and stay safe at home during this difficult time,

Lissette added, ”I’m encouraging the girls to stay creative with arts and crafts. They are able to sing, dance and learn about music thanks to the online classes provided by South Florida Music. And

kiddos | April • May 2020

we try to keep them active by doing online yoga classes, going out for walks around the block or just running around in the backyard. I sat down with the girls to create hearts to express appreciation for the medical health professionals and first responders on the front lines. And they created hearts for all the other heroes who are working hard to make sure everyone is safe. We hope and pray this will pass soon. But while we are at home, we will try and make the most of our time together as a family.”

As an ambitious and hard-working woman balancing career and motherhood, what would you say is your driving force or the #1 thing that motivates you? My family is the main driving force behind everything that I do. My parents, my husband and my daughters inspire me every day. My parents have always motivated me to study and work hard. They have sacrificed so much so that I could pursue my dreams and become the woman I am today. They have always been supportive and served as role models. And now I feel blessed to have my husband Tony by my side. He is my soul mate and partner in life. He is the most loving, caring and supportive husband and father. Teamwork makes the dream work. And we are truly a team when it comes to raising our girls. Sofia and Elise motivate us to be the best parents that we can be and do whatever it takes to provide for them and be there for our family. And as a mother I want to pass along the same values, principles and work ethic my parents passed along to me. Out of all of your accomplishments, which are many, which is the most meaningful to you and why? I’m so grateful for many goals that I have achieved in my life including serving as Miss Florida, performing Off-Broadway, signing a record deal and serving as a Meteorologist in my hometown since 2007. And I’m thankful for many awards and accolades I’ve received through the years. But no title or recognition can compare to the greatest job of all… motherhood. Becoming a mom to my two precious girls Sofia and Elise is by far the most meaningful and fulfilling accomplishment. My daughters have brought me the greatest joy and pride. There are no words to describe how

much I love them. I am already so proud of the sweet, thoughtful and bright little ladies they are. They both have big hearts. They are growing up so quickly and it is fun to see the world through their eyes. And we’ve only just begun. I hope to inspire them and set them on the right path towards becoming strong, passionate and successful women.

home because I strive to do the best job as a mom and wife. When I pick up the girls from school I try to be as fully present as possible to make the most of my time with them. We play, I help them with their homework, we go for walks, I take them to dance and music class, we read books and the list goes on. Every day is action packed but I wouldn’t have it any other way because I want to be as involved as possible. I feel it is important to be there for our kids every day and during those very special occasions. Birthdays, field trips, performances, graduations and special school events are precious moments that will only come around once during their childhood. I remember my mother was always there for me and I want to be there for my girls too. I’m very thankful my managers are very understanding of when there is a special event and I need to be there for my daughters. I feel it is important to set priorities and set aside the time for those little and big moments, because family should always come first. k

Do you have any tradition(s) your family participates in during Spring, or for Easter or Mother’s Day? We love to color and decorate Easter eggs. It is one of our favorite things to do during the Spring as we get closer to the Easter holiday. What would your best advice be to mothers who are balancing career and family? Balancing career and family can be challenging. Once I wake up at 3am for work the marathon begins. I always give it my all when I’m at the station because I want to do the best job possible forecasting the weather for South Florida. And I give it my all at

Camille Lucy is a Certified Holistic Health Coach/Reiki & Raindrop Technique Practitioner/Meditation & Yoga Instructor, Ordained Holistic Minister, graphic and web designer, business consultant, and animal rescue volunteer/advocate. She is also a writer, a Mother of 3 girls, an artist, a Life-and-Love Junkie, a Self-Expression and Development advocate, and - well, you get the point - she’s a lot of things, just like all of us. Camille is also author of, "The (Real) Love Experiment: Explore Love, Relationships & The Self," and owner of the inspirational clothing line, LIT Gear, at Learn more about her and her adventure(s) at

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Talking To Kids About The Coronavirus Source: FIU’s Center for Children and Families

6. Show empathy and warmth. If your child is nervous or scared, validate their feelings by letting them know that what they are feeling is normal and that they are not the only ones who feel this way. Not validating their feelings will only increase their worry and anxiety.


ith the COVID-19 pandemic dominating most conversations these days, children have no doubt heard about the coronavirus and may be experiencing fear and uncertainty. Licensed mental health counselor Yasmin Rey offers some tips on how to address COVID-19 with kids. Rey is the program coordinator for the Child Anxiety and Phobia Program at FIU’s Center for Children and Families. 1. Don’t avoid the topic. Children have already heard about the virus from the news, at school, or have seen people walking around wearing masks. When we avoid talking about important topics such as the coronavirus, it conveys to children that the topic is “off limits,” which can increase worry and anxiety in children. 2. Stay calm. When talking to your child about the coronavirus outbreak, first make sure you are aware of your own feelings of anxiety or fear. If you’re calm and reassuring, your child is more likely to be calm. If you’re anxious or frightened, they will respond accordingly. 3. Reassure child by providing factual information. Stories on social media and the internet can be misleading. Some have


kiddos | April • May 2020

inaccurate information and could lead to increased anxiety and worry. It is important to provide your child with age-appropriate factual information. For example, you can reassure them that health care workers are working hard right now to help keep people safe. You can also explain to them that the coronavirus is not as common as the flu, and that the scientists who study the virus think that most of the people who get sick will be fine, especially children. 4. Avoid giving too much information. Follow your child’s lead and be there to answer whatever questions your child may have. Giving too much information can be overwhelming and can increase feelings of anxiety. If you don’t know the answer to a question, you can research the answer together. 5. Limit news exposure. Set limits on how much news coverage your child consumes; but more importantly, set limits on how much coverage you consume. News coverage typically focuses on the negative. Often, news coverage is not age-appropriate for children. Being exposed to repetitive news stories on the impact of the virus can increase worry and anxiety for you and your child. Don’t be afraid to get off social media, change the channel or turn off the television.

7. Give them a sense of control. Talk with your child about what you can do as a family to stay safe. Including your child in the discussion can help them feel that they have some control over the situation. Educate your child on what steps they can take to stay safe — washing their hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds before they eat, or use the bathroom, or after they are done playing, or after coughing or sneezing. 8. Keep a routine. Children need structure because it helps to decrease feelings of uncertainty. For example, if your child’s school has not shut down due to the virus, then your child should go to school. If schools are shut down, then provide your child with as much structure as possible at home. For example, make sure your child is doing their schoolwork at home during school hours, and that they keep their regular bedtimes and mealtimes. 9. Continue the conversation. It is likely your child may continue to have questions as new information about the coronavirus arises. Reassure your child that you are always going to be there should they have additional questions. k

Families can obtain additional information and resources on the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention website If you think your child may be experiencing symptoms that are interfering with daily functioning, contact the FIU Center for Children and Families at 305-348-0477 to seek help or visit



HOMEWORK and new DISTANCE LEARNING can be frustrating for children and their parents. Don’t worry. We are here to HELP! We are now offering ONLINE HOMEWORK HELP AND TUTORING. Our online tutors guide your child in the homework process, making sure it is correct, clean, and complete. GIVE US A CALL! E-mail

FB Miami Homework Help IG @miami_homework_help

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and Passover

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Clean Hands for the Entire Family

The Scrub-A-DubDub encourages kids to wash their hands for 20 seconds or more!


abies, toddlers & children will find handwashing fun (and parents will find it more effective!) with this new all-in-one dispenser from the Evolved Parent Co. Fumbling with a slippery soap bottle for this simple one-step brush makes clean up a breeze. Simply fill the Scrub-a-DubDub with your favorite y an ith oap w s ll d Fi qui li

Easy grip

FDA Food Grade Antimicrobial Silicon

t sof or ra f t l U tles pes y bris kin t s all

liquid soap and then squeeze & wash your way to squeaky clean hands. Made with super-soft silicone bristles, this one-step brush is perfect for the entire family. It is dishwashersafe to keep it sanitized. It has never been more important to keep your hands clean, and Michael Georgacopoulos from the Evolved Parent Company is encouraging the entire family to get squeaky clean together. "I created the Scrub-A-DubDub to encourage my young daughter to clean her hands and body easily and effectively.

The Evolved Parent Company is offering to Kiddos readers 25% Off its entire line with CodeCLEAN2020. Visit

By welcoming a student into your home, you make it possible for members of your community to meet, interact, and learn from someone from a different culture. We’re looking for host families in your area for our students arriving in August. These students have chosen to step outside their comfort zones to be part of new families, schools, and communities and live like American teens! CIEE Host Families come in all shapes and sizes—kids, no kids, single parents, empty nesters, etc… Many host families find they develop a relationship that lasts a lifetime. To learn more about hosting, contact your CIEE Local Coordinator today:


For more information, visit our website


kiddos | April • May 2020

It has made handwashing and bathtime much more pleasant for both of us! My hope is that by giving children the tools for proper handwashing and cleansing, we can encourage the right habits at a young age," noted Michael. k

It’s an important time and we are all in this together. Join Kiddos Magazine in supporting Nicklaus Children’s Hospital so our children, the healthcare workers

who serve them, and our neighborhood hospital are safeguarded from sa #COVID19. Give at tg-20-summer-academy-4x6-v2.pdf



10:49 AM

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Everything you love about us, now from the comfort of your own home! Tel. 305.232.5573

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The New Frost Science@Home Digital Learning Platform Free At-Home Exploration, Activities & More


he Phillip and Patricia Frost Museum of Science (Frost Science) in Downtown Miami has introduced a new digital platform series, Frost Science@Home, giving web visitors the opportunity to explore free educational resources, videos, DIY science activities and behind-the-scenes content. Stand-out content includes at-home family-friendly science activities, a 360° exploration of the museum’s top exhibitions and a deep dive into the world of the resident rehabilitated loggerhead sea turtle, Miko. Highlights of Frost Science@Home include: • EXPLORE! Museum experts will take guests inside the museum from the comfort of their homes. The virtual tour was created as a resource to highlight the campus as a welcoming and enriching learning environment


kiddos | April • May 2020

for all. Join Frost Science’s Knight VP of education, Dr. Angela Colbert, and explore each level of the museum. In addition, a 360° video captures the museum’s major exhibition spaces. • Curriculum Resources: Frost Science exhibition guides, including exciting and educational activities. • DIY Science: Looking for activities to keep young learners and budding scientists engaged? • Animals at Frost Science: How does the museum care for the diverse wildlife? Frost Science’s veterinarian, Dr. Kristen Dube, has all the answers. • Miko the Loggerhead: She weighs 135 lbs. and is over 20 years old. Meet Frost Science’s rehabilitated

loggerhead sea turtle, Miko, and learn more about this amazing species of sea turtles. • Sharks, oh my! There are over 400 species of sharks in the world. Sounds like a lot? Well, there’s nine different species of hammerheads alone. View the top 5 things you didn’t know about sharks. k

For more information about Frost Science@Home, please visit Please share it with your family and friends, and tag the museum at #FrostScienceAtHome.





Spend the summer experimenting with amazing science through weeklong themed camps with Frost Science educators. CAMP DATES & LOCATIONS @ Frost Science (Downtown Miami) Ages 4-11: June 8 – August 14 Ages 11-14: July 13 – July 31

NEW! @ East Greynolds Park (North Miami) Ages 11-14: June 8 – July 31



Call 305-434-9564 | Email

1101 Biscayne Blvd, Miami, FL 33132 | 305-434-9600 |

Free Parenting Groups for Families with Young Children Families First offers FREE parenting groups for parents of children ages birth through 3 years throughout Miami-Dade County in both English and Spanish.

Enj oy sna a c or m k eal !

Funded by The Children's Trust, our program enables you to learn more about child development and positive discipline from experts at the University of Miami

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COVID-19 And At Home Learning Ten Tips For Parents Navigating The New Realities of Online Education Source: Children and Screens

to their new schedule and at-home materials. The simplest way to do this? Observation. Look at your child’s eyes to see if they’re following along with the screen. Check if they’re taking notes or zoning out. Ask questions at the end of a lesson. While this may require taking an hour off from work or stepping out for an early lunch, it’s important to confirm that your children are indeed learning.


4. Digital Recess Make sure that your children take plenty of breaks in order to get physical activity and time away from screens. Set alarms similar to those they would encounter at school and encourage them to get up, get some fresh air, go for a walk or bike ride, or have a snack so that they are not sedentary for the entire day.


ith COVID-19 causing widespread school closures, children across the country are being given alternate resources, some online, to study outside of the classroom. Temporary solutions being devised for remote education range from online classroom tools like Google Classroom, to Zoom and podcasts by teachers. While parents are adjusting to this new scenario, during this time it’s also important to help kids stay focused on learning and avoid overuse of games, social media, and videos.


1. Digital Quarantine Consider limiting your children’s cell phones and tablets until their schoolwork is done satisfactorily, so that it can receive their undivided attention. Apps, games, and messaging features are fun, but they can also prove distracting. It may not be an option for everybody, but ideally, try to give your kids a dedicated device such as a school laptop for maximum online learning.

“This is a stressful, unpredictable time for everyone, including families, parents and children. You can help your children by providing them with a structure and routine, and being a positive force in their education,” says Dr. Pamela Hurst-Della Pietra, President of Children and Screens: Institute of Digital Media and Child Development.

2. Make Space for Learning Your children will achieve their best work in a quiet, comfortable, and dedicated space devoted to learning. Ideally, this will be a different set-up than where they normally play games or watch television. Keep in mind that children will be in this space for many hours each day, and parents should watch out for any orthopedic issues that may arise related to comfort and posture.

With that in mind, Children and Screens has put together ten tips for families as they adjust to the new reality of learning at home.

3. Monitor the (Computer) Monitor In this new learning milieu, you can help by monitoring your children’s levels of interest and engagement in adapting

kiddos | April • May 2020

5. Facetime In-person interaction is ideal for kids, but until it’s safe for them to return to school, encourage your children to video chat or text message rather than simply scrolling through social media. You don’t want your children to feel socially isolated, but at the same time, you want to protect them from becoming wholly reliant upon their devices. 6. Keep It Old School Overuse of screen time can have adverse impacts on young brains, so it’s essential in these special circumstances to be extra careful when it comes to the littlest ones. As much as possible, parents should encourage print and book reading. If available, request textbooks from your child’s school along with other print materials in order to offset the amount of online learning they will be doing. 7. We're All In This Together Remember that you’re not alone in this journey. Check in with other parents to see what they’ve found effective or to ask if they need help. Share your concerns and useful hints. If you need



Which One Of These Butterflies Is Different From Any Other? contact information for other parents or resources, reach out to the PTA or your child’s school. It is important that we all work together as a community for the good of our children and families. 8. Plan Your Work And Work Your Plan Good planning can relieve stress for both children and parents. Check in with your kids about their plans and help them develop a written schedule not only for the day, but for the week as a whole. Help them prioritize and learn to create goals, tasks, and deadlines, just like adults do when they go to work. 9. This Ain't No Vacation Even though staying home from school might feel like a holiday, remind your kids that they’re not on vacation. Assignments, grades, requirements, and tests like state exams, SATs, and ACTs aren’t going away just because classes have moved online.

Without a doubt, this is a challenging time for parents, teachers, and children alike. Studies show that screen time can have both positive and adverse impacts on kids, and the shift to online education will only increase your child’s time with their devices. k

About Children and Screens Children and Screens: Institute of Digital Media and Child Development is a 501C(3) national non-profit organization founded by Dr. Pamela Hurst-Della Pietra. Children and Screens advances interdisciplinary research, supports human capital in the field, informs and educates the public, and advocates for sound public policy for child health and wellness. For more information visit

Answer: 7 ( 1 = 8, 2 = 5 = 9, 3 = 6 = 10, 4 = 11 ).

10. Don't Forget to Have Fun Plan off-screen activities for the whole family. Between school and work obligations, it’s rare for parents and children to have this much time together, so turn it into an opportunity for bonding. Write predictions for a TV show that the whole family watches. Organize a tournament, family card games, charades, or chess, or get outside for a hike or walk together after school. Follow your community’s guidelines about safe behavior and events, of course, but make sure you still find time for fun with your kids.

it’s just about kids |


p m a C r e m m Su

305.284.4474 1231 Dickinson Dr. Coral Gables, FL 33146

Summer Camp at Frost Science! School may be out for the summer, but science is in! Children ages 4-14 will explore the wonders of science through week-long camps themed around the amazing science showcased at Frost Science, including engineering, marine sciences, paleontology and technology. Summer Camp runs from June 8 through August 14, 2020. Tel: 305.434.9564 1101 Biscayne Blvd. Miami, FL 33132

Fantasy Theatre Factory Summer Camp Fantasy Theatre Factory is thrilled to present the most spectacular summer camp in Miami-Dade County! Our exciting new program includes immersive courses, professional

Palmer Trinity Falcon Summer Camp Palmer Trinity School invites boys and girls in Kindergarten and up in the greater Miami community to experience arts, academics, enrichment, and sports at our Falcon Summer Camp. Join our world-class faculty, staff, and summer camp specialists for a funfilled and activity-based program for all ages. performances and a camper showcase at the Sandrell Rivers Theater! Our campers are exposed to top-notch artists and instructors who teach hem about performance exercises, dancing techniques, diverse cultures, music genres and more. Tel. 305.284.8800 ext. 463 6103 NW 7th Ave Miami, FL 33127

Summer Theatre Academy at UM The Summer Theatre Academy at the University of Miami promises six weeks of fun and learning! Your child will gain valuable theatre skills, confidence, self-esteem, and a love of creativity, through theatre games and acting exercises led by our well-trained, caring staff. Each group of students receives specialized training for their age group.


kiddos | April • May 2020

Tel. 305.251.2230 8001 SW 184th St. Miami, FL 33157

Top Golf Summer Camp Academy Our Summer Academy is five days of non-stop entertainment and learning that kids will love. This program includes all of the components that make up the great game of golf. From chipping, putting and full swing, to the rules and etiquette, kids will learn everything they need to know to improve their game. Children ages 6-12. Tel. 305.424.5110 spring-academy/ 11850 NW 2nd St. Doral, FL 33182

The Real Food Academy Summer Camp Join us this summer in our ESPECTACULAR new location. This is the best, most experienced and most trusted Cooking Camp in Miami. Your child/ren (ages 5-16) will be grouped together working with those only in their own age group. They will learn cooking fundamentals and dive into the world of healthy cuisine. You can expect your child’s eating habits to improve as they learn the difference between REAL and Processed foods! They will have a blast participating in Food Chalenge Competiitons! This camp is life changing! Don’t wait because this camp will sell out. Seats are limited. Offered Mon-Fri from 9-3pm. Tel. 786.395.0355 570 NE 81st St. Miami, FL 33138

Musical Theatre Performance Camp @ Area Stage Company! Students ages 6-18 may enroll now in MOANA JR Musical Theatre Summer Camp at Area Stage Company! Two sessions: June 8 - 28 and June 29- July 19. This stage interpretation of the blockbuster Disney film includes all your favorite characters and songs, including “How Far I'll Go” and "You're Welcome"! Hone your acting, singing,

and dancing skills as you work to put on a Broadway-caliber musical production. Also available: Broadway Bites weekly musical theatre summer intensives. All programs are beginner friendly! Tel: 305.666.2078 summerprograms 5701 Sunset Dr., Miami FL Suite 286 33143

Camp J Summer Camp Camp J Miami introduces your child to new experiences while building confidence in a fun and safe environment. June 15 – Aug. 7, weekly options available. General Camp & Specialty Camps including Sports, Performing Arts & Tennis. Campers enjoy ageappropriate activities like sports, art, swim instruction, field trips and more. Our 23-acre campus has something for everyone. Inclusive camp program. All are welcome! Tel. 305.271.9000 ext. 271 11155 SW 112 Ave., Miami, FL 33176

David Ensignia Tennis Summer Camp Ten weeks of tennis, fun and friends during the Summer break by David Ensignia Tennis Academy!

All levels welcome. Try tennis for the first time or be prepared to improve your game! Learn a sport for a lifetime or gain tennis skills and competitive advantage needed to move up to the next level, our emphasis is on creating a fun, exciting learning and playing environment for everyone. Enjoy our casual Friday of water games. Tel. 305.833.3896 Coral Pine Park: 6955 SW 104th st, Pinecrest, 33156 Miccosukee Golf & Country Club: 6401 Kendale Lakes Dr, 33183 Archimedean Academy: 12425 Sunset Drive 33183

Dance Empire Summer Camp Now registering for classes and summer camp! Dance Empire’s mission to train dancers of all ages in an environment where they are given the opportunity to grow and excel in their dance education. We strive to deliver the highest quality of dance instruction while nurturing each student’s unique gift of talent and creativity. Tel. 305.232.5573 8853 SW 132 St, Miami, FL 33176


art music it’s just about kids |




Give a Treat to Mom with a Kid-Friendly Sweet


etting kids get handson in the kitchen for Mother's Day is an easy way to let them planning for a delicius treat and make Mom’s day memorable with a simple snack recipe kids can help to create all on their own (or with minimal assistance) for her special day and these Crazy Candy Ice Cream Sandwiches are a prime example!. Crazy Candy Ice Cream Sandwiches Prep time: 10 minutes Servings: 6 1 cup vanilla ice cream 1/4 cup chopped candy bar 6 graham cracker sheets, broken into 12 squares 1/2 cup semisweet chocolate morsels 1 1/2 tablespoons refined coconut oil or vegetable oil multi-colored sprinkles (optional)

• In medium bowl, stir ice cream until just softened. Stir in chopped candy.


kiddos | April • May 2020

• Working quickly, scoop

ice cream mixture onto six graham cracker squares. Top with remaining graham cracker squares, gently pressing down until ice cream reaches edges of crackers. Place in shallow, wax paper-lined pan. Freeze 1 hour.

• In small, microwave-safe

bowl, combine chocolate morsels and coconut oil. Microwave on high 40-60 seconds, or until melted, stirring vigorously every 20 seconds. Let stand at room temperature 10 minutes.

Remove sandwiches from freezer. Dip half of each sandwich into chocolate mixture. Immediately scatter sprinkles over chocolate, if desired. Return to wax paper-lined pan. Freeze about 5 minutes, or until chocolate sets. Serve immediately or individually wrap in plastic wrap and store in freezer. k

Find more kid-friendly snack ideas at


special needs

Autism Awareness Month With Virtual Celebration at Miami Children’s Museum


Special Sensory Activities Every Saturday In April Through Museum At Home Program

pril is Autism Awareness Month and Miami Children’s Museum has always been an advocate, doing

its part to educate and provide understanding in our community. Throughout its history, Miami Children’s Museum has been a leader in programming for children with special needs throughout the community. The Sensory Friendly Saturday Program and the creation of South Florida’s first Snoezelen MultiSensory Room have reinforced their commitment over the years. While Miami Children’s Museum is closed to the public due to current Covid-19 restrictions, it remains dedicated to serving the community and fulfilling its mission through its Museum at Home virtual program.

Every Saturday in April the museum at Home will feature sensory activities, at home how-to’s, art projects, and special performances including • How to create Sensory Bins and Fidgets at home • A special performance brought to you by All Kids Included • A special performance from our Theater Troupe of The Day the Crayons Quit! • Special yoga instruction k

Miami Children’s Museum’s “Museum at Home” is available on the following: Website: Facebook: Instagram: @miamichildrensmuseum Twitter: @MiChiMu YouTube: Miami Children’s Museum

For more information about Miami Children’s Museum call: 305 373-KIDS (5437) or visit

A Holistic Approach to Dentistry At Assure A Smile our main goal has always been to protect the health of patients, our team and our community. We are closed for day to day operations but we are here for you. If you have a dental emergency, please call 305.274.0047 and leave a message on the emergency line. As soon as we are back to day to day operations we will be contacting you to reschedule your appointments that may have been canceled over the past weeks.

Please stay Healthy and Safe! Assure A Smile is located at 9220 SW 72nd Street, Suite 205 Miami, FL 33173 Tel: 305.274.0047 it’s just about kids |



field trips

Visit Frost Science Museum to Meet Key Standards Unforgettable Field Trips


re your children ready for a hands-on learning adventure? Bring classroom science lessons to life through inclusive educational experiences at the Phillip and Patricia Frost Museum of Science (Frost Science) in Downtown Miami. Field trips at Frost Science engage students of all ages with numerous interactive and educational exhibitions that explore the world of science,


kiddos | April • May 2020

technology, engineering and math (STEM) in a fun and novel way, while covering key standards. Children will learn about the science behind marine ecosystems, the biology of the human body, the physics of flight, the Everglades, the design process and much more. Each field trip includes admission to Frost Science’s interactive exhibitions, including the three-level Aquarium and Feathers to the Stars, an exhibition where students can come face-to-face with a 30-foot dinosaur! Make it a trip to remember by adding a Frost Planetarium show where students can go on a journey to outer space, swoop through the labyrinth of a coral reef, explore the inner workings of Earth's climate system and more.

Want to take a deeper dive into the world of science? Enhanced field trip options are available and include a 45-minute facilitated, hands-on learning experience in the museum’s Knight Learning Center. Led by a Frost Science educator, topics include marine science, earth science, space and engineering themes for grades Pre-K through 12th. It’s time to put down your pens and pencils… and make your way to Frost Science, where a day of learning, inspiration and investigation awaits! To learn more about field trips at Frost Science, visit www.frostscience. org/fieldtrips. Call 305-434-9564 or email to reserve your school visit. k

The Phillip and Patricia Frost Museum of Science is located at 1101 Biscayne Blvd., Miami, FL 33132.

KEEP YOUR FAMILY SAFE INSIDE. #KeepMiamiSafe. Stay home.



Differentiated instruction to meet each child’s needs ● Individual Education Plans (IEP) ● Academic Achievement assessments 2xs per year ● 1:5 teacher to student ratio ● Bachelor and Master degree level teachers ● Multi-Modal teaching approach ● Accommodations to meet each child’s individual needs ● Music Therapy, Yoga, Soccer & Dance programs ●


High Scope Curriculum promoting communication, problem solving and critical thinking skills ● Hands on learning ● Nurturing, safe and friendly environment ● Music Therapy & Cooking program ● 1:5 teacher to student ratios ● Bachelor degree level teachers ● Bachelor Degree level teacher ● Accredited by NAEYC ●

ROLE MODEL SCHOLARSHIPS NOW AVAILABLE Serving children with special needs & typically developing children. All therapies, including speech, occupational and behavior are offered on-site along with many extracurricular activities. For more information, please call 305 596-6966 8571 SW 112 Street - Miami, Florida 33156 - WWW.CRFCENTER.ORG Children's Resource Preschool 20 ad.indd 1

1/29/20 9:29 AM it’s just about kids |



cool stuff Smockingbird

Bunny Easter Basket

Protectors of

the Rainbow:

Leprechauns have stolen the colors of the rainbow and it’s up to the Unicorns to get them back in this Easter egg hunt styled game! Players run, tag and hide using glow-in-the-dark crystals, a light up rainbow and imaginative character roles. Available at

B4 Adventure Slackers™

NinjaLine Intro Kit

Their seasonal collections embody a timeless, classic style with a playful, free-spirited look. Blue seersucker Easter basket with large applique bunny, perfect for personalization! Available at

The product that wowed the Sharks! The machine holds and spins the eggs; you hold a marker on the egg as it spins, creating stripes, lines and other fun designs! Available at Amazon, Bed Bath & Beyond, Walmart

The perfect beach towel for Mom! Incredibly compact, absorbent, and fast-drying, the secret to not bringing the beach home with you is in these stylish towels! The original sand-free beach towel, each towel is made with exclusive absorblite fabric so the sand does not stick to the towel. Available at



Sleep Ritual There's a lot going on right now. Are you feeling run down lately? As women we often take care of others first – but self-care is important, too. Quality sleep is one of the keys to staying healthy. Available at kiddos | April • May 2020

Eggmazing Egg Decorator

Spring Essentials for Mom Tesalate & Kids Beach Towels

For your outdoor lover, hang this set in the backyard and your child will be active, problem solving and challenged for hours! versatility of moving the obstacles further apart as your skills improve as well as includes obstacles that vary in skill level. Available at


The Original

Reusable Straws Mom will love being more sustainable in her everyday life. This collapsible and portable stainless steel drinking straw comes with its' own cleaning brush and case that clips to your bag, purse or backpack for life on the move with her kiddos. Available at



Add Joy To Spring Cleaning


the limited-edition Oh Joy! Clorox Disinfecting Wipes Designer Collection, which can serve as statement pieces while setting the stage for a happy and healthy season by removing unwanted germs and dirt that may be lurking in your home. The stylish canisters can also be rinsed and reused after the last wipe is gone to hold everything from craft supplies to kids’ toys or flowers.

To add color and whimsy, and make spring cleaning a more joyous event, consider these ideas from mom and designer Joy Cho, the founder and creative director of Oh Joy! – a lifestyle site focused on design, fashion, food and life’s joyful moments. Frame homemade artwork. Once spring has arrived, you may have compiled lots of children’s artwork from time spent indoors. To keep it all organized, sift through it in the spring and frame some of your children’s hard work to put on the walls as colorful pieces of homemade decor. Start with a fresh clean. Routinely cleaning your high-touch surfaces with disinfecting wipes and picking up common areas is a good habit to get into and should be a starting point for any spring project. When you start with a clean space, you know you won’t have to deal with dust bunnies and clutter along the way. Plus, with nearly 1 in 3 Americans (31 percent) admitting to rarely or never deep cleaning their households, according to an online Clorox survey in February 2019, regularly freshening up can help you maintain a clean space and cut down on time spent tackling big messes.

Decorate with color. Make your shared spaces as fun and unique as possible by adding pops of color. After cleaning accumulated dirt and dust off your bookshelves, add contact paper to the inside back section of the shelves and flower vases or decorative jars for temporary color and character. You can also add an unexpected spring time pop to floral bouquets by incorporating fragrant mint sprigs or colorful stems. Picking out an attractive spring print that brings you joy and updating your throw pillow shams can also provide little bursts of color. Repurpose everyday items. Look for items around the house that can serve a secondary purpose, like

“For the first-ever Clorox Designer Collection, I created four unique canister designs that are inspired by fresh blooms, spring sunshine and the feeling of a clean, new start,” Cho said. “What I love most is that they make the canisters attractive enough that you no longer need to hide them under the sink. Leaving them on the counter for cleaning up messes throughout the day is not only convenient but adds a little joy to your spring decor as well.” Maintain your spaces. Spending a little time each day cleaning high-traffic spaces can be easier than devoting an entire day each week to getting your home back in order. Disinfecting wipes make it easy to clean up messes, wipe down surfaces and stay on top of spot cleaning, allowing you to spend less time worrying about dirt and germs and more time with your family. k

Photo courtesy of Lily Glass for Oh Joy!

hile spring cleaning can be crucial in keeping your home in tip-top shape, especially for DIYers who find inspiration in the bright season for new home decor projects, the annual ritual can also feel overwhelming.

Find more ways to elevate your space and add joy to spring cleaning at

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American Camp Association Influential In Ensuring Youth Outdoor Recreation Participation Source: ACA


Armed with 5 years of in-depth research, the ACA continues to be the leader of connecting teens to the outdoors

he American Camp Association (ACA) - leaders in youth camp development - have enriched lives through the camp experience for over 100 years. For the past 5, they have been diligently researching how broadly ACA camp experiences affect the youth that attend. In their latest findings, the ACA is excited to announce the amount of campers participating in quality, meaningful and memorable camp experiences at ACA accredited camps has risen to approximately 14 million. Overnight camps particularly have reported significantly higher enrollment of 11% annually. Not only is the organization applauding the increase in participation of these group outdoor activities, but their 5-Year Impact Study research also suggests attending camp can impact campers lives for the better by developing


kiddos | April • May 2020

independence, experiencing outdoor fun and adventure, forming an appreciation for nature, living unplugged (e.g. cell phone free), building relationships, and more. “Campers described how because there are no phones allowed at camp, they are able to meet people and interact with them offline, form closer connections with others (including those they know from home), get a much-needed break from the expectations and pressures of social media, and have the opportunity to live in the moment,” said Victoria Povilaitis, Graduate Assistant for the ACA. The findings land at a similar time to a recent Outdoor Foundation study showing only about half the U.S. Population participated in outdoor recreation at least once in 2018. Whereas these activities include things like

hunting, hiking, camping, fishing, canoeing and more, they do not account for the approximately 14 million campers experiencing Overnight and Day Camps annually at ACA accredited camps. Interestingly, the OIA study shows children ages six to 12, and adolescents ages 13-17, were more likely to describe themselves as outdoor fanatics than other age groups. These age groups share similarities to the ACA research findings that camp can help build an appreciation for the outdoors. Research such as the 5-Year Impact Study helps the organization emphasize the importance the camp experience has on invidual growth, how it can positively prepare youth for college, careers, and adulthood, and how it can be the building blocks for a long lasting relationship with the outdoors.

Campers described how because there are no phones allowed at camp, they are able to meet people and interact with them offline, form closer connections with others

we’ve come to recognize these outcomes as social-emotional learning, which are considered essential for young people’s well-being in school, work, and life.”

“ACA funded a study in 2004 that was the first nationally representative study to demonstrate that camp experiences foster outcomes like relationship skills, interest in exploration, and connection to nature among campers of all ages,” said Dr. Laurie Browne Ph.D, Director of Research for ACA. “Since that time

The ACA’s current study explores the role of camp experiences in these contexts, and so far the organization is finding strong evidence for the lasting impacts of camp, especially in relation to social-emotional learning and in developing an appreciation for being present in the moment. The ACA also plans to perform a 5-year exploration of camp staff, what they gain from working at camp and how working at camp prepares emerging adults for college, career, and beyond. This includes a Leadership Development Study that is part of an initiative to better connect research with professional practice. k For more information, visit or call 800-428-2267

About American Camp Association: The American Camp Association® (ACA) is a national organization with more than 12,000 individual members and 3,100 member camps. ACA is committed to collaborating with those who believe in quality camp and outdoor experiences for children, youth, and adults. ACA provides advocacy, evidence-based education and professional development and is the only independent national accrediting body for the organized camp experience. ACA accredits approximately 2,400 diverse camps nationally. Accreditation provides public evidence of a camp’s voluntary commitment to the health, safety, and overall well-being of both campers and staff. For more on the ACA’s research, please visit:

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How To Wear And Use a Cloth Face Covering Source: NCIRD

To Help Slow the Spread of COVID-19 CDC on Homemade Cloth Face Coverings CDC recommends wearing cloth face coverings in public settings where other social distancing measures are difficult to maintain (e.g., grocery stores and pharmacies), especially in areas of significant community-based transmission.


loth face coverings should:

• fit snugly but comfortably against the

CDC also advises the use of simple cloth face coverings to slow the spread of the virus and help people who may have the virus and do not know it from transmitting it to others. Cloth face coverings fashioned from household items or made at home from common materials at low cost can be used as an additional, voluntary public health measure.

side of the face

• be secured with ties or ear loops • include multiple layers of fabric • allow for breathing without restriction • be able to be laundered and machine dried without damage or change to shape


kiddos | April • May 2020

Cloth face coverings should not be placed on young children under age 2, anyone who has trouble breathing, or is unconscious, incapacitated or otherwise unable to remove the mask without assistance.

The cloth face coverings recommended are not surgical masks or N-95 respirators. Those are critical supplies that must continue to be reserved for healthcare workers and other medical first responders, as recommended by current CDC guidance. Should cloth face coverings be washed or otherwise cleaned regularly? How regularly? Yes. They should be routinely washed depending on the frequency of use. How does one safely sterilize/clean a cloth face covering? A washing machine should suffice in properly washing a face covering. How does one safely remove a used cloth face covering? Individuals should be careful not to touch their eyes, nose, and mouth when removing their face covering and wash hands immediately after removing. k

How To Make a Quick Cut T-shirt Face Covering (no sew method) Materials

• T-shirt • Scissors


Bandana Face Covering (no sew method)

The instrucctons in this page last reviewed: April 4, 2020 Content source: National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases (NCIRD), Division of Viral Diseases For more information


• Bandana (or square cotton cloth approximately 20”x20”) • Coffee filter

• Rubber bands (or hair ties) • Scissors (if you are cutting your own cloth)


it’s just about kids |



book reviews Suggestions For Kids And Families To Read This Month 1








1. Eyelike Stickers: Easter By Workman Publishing Perfect for the holiday where sitting down to decorate is a beloved ritual. Packed with 400 full-color Easterand spring-themed stickers, EyeLike Stickers: Easter belongs in every Easter basket and every crafter’s stash. The high-quality, photographic images are amazingly lifelike in color and detail. The durable, reusable stickers are designed to be stuck on and peeled off over and over again without losing adhesive. Kids.

2. Your Nose! A Wild Little Love Song By Sandra Boynton Tells the story of a fox parent singing sweet praises of their fox child’s adorable nose. In this yearround valentine, young children and their parents will read and laugh along together while affectionately “booping” each other’s noses. Additionally, the book comes with a free download of Neil Sedaka singing “Your Nose,” which appeared in Boynton’s Grammy-nominated book and album Blue Moo. Ages Baby to 3.

3 Stories Of The Saints By Carey Wallace Bold And Inspiring Tales Of Adventure, Grace, And Courage. In


kiddos | April • May 2020

this freshly told and boldly illustrated book, children will find the stories of the best-known and best-loved saints, from Augustine to Mother Teresa (officially canonized as St. Teresa of Calcutta). Each tale is more vivid than the last; also included in each entry are the saint’s dates, location, emblems, and patronage. Taken together, they create a rich and entertaining history of faith and courage. Ages 8 to 12.

4. Warren the 13th and the Thirteen-Year Curse by Tania Del Rio An illustrated middle-grade fiction series with Gothic and Victorian overtones featuring the misadventures of a cursed 12-year-old bellhop trying to save his family's hotel from the clutches of evil. The combination of visual and text is sure to captive middle graders. Ages 8 to 12.

5. Be Curious! By Joy Cho Follow one happy cat as she goes on a sensory adventure full of animal friends, joy, and of course — curiosity! This book's simple, rhyming text fosters parent-child interactions and read-aloud fun. Detailed and adorable illustrations with exploratory interactive lift-

the-flaps and peek-through holes ensure that little ones stay engaged and curious as they laugh, explore, and read this story! Ages 0 to 3.

get older, this story highlights the importance of talking to your little ones from the very beginning. Ages baby to 3.

6. If I Was The Sunshine

9. Good Night, Baboon! A Bedtime Counting Book

By Julie Fogliano A breathtaking picture book about the relationships. Through clever, thought-provoking verse and warmly evocative art, explore the awe-inspiring nature of relationships, love, and connection. Ages 4 to 8.

7. In My Heart By Mackenzie Porter A working mother reassures her child that even when they’re apart, they’re always in each other’s hearts. This lovely board book is perfect for moms to share with their little ones. This is what a mother tells her child as she leaves for work each day. This lovely board book perfectly captures the sentiment that many women feel about being a working mom. Ages baby and up.

8. I will talk to you, Little One By Phyllis E. Grann This sweet board book is filled with tender first promises a parent has for their child. From saying their name starting the day they are born to reading books aloud as they

By Sabrina Moyle Stars one very cheeky baby baboon who’s just too jazzed to slumber as he bounces through a countdown of sleepy animals brushing their teeth, reading bedtime stories. With its vibrant art and cheerful rhyming text, plus a countdown from one to ten, the book is a joy for grown-ups and children to read aloud together. Ages baby to 4. k




Why Your Child Needs To Spend At Least One Week

At The Real Food Academy This Summer


ating Habits The Real Food Academy summer camp will influence your child’s eating habits in a very positive way. This can be very difficult if not impossible for parents when it comes to your child's eating habits. We know from experience that many parents have difficulty influencing the eating habits of their child.

"yummy, this tastes great"! Even the most picky eaters will at this point open their mind, challenge their palette and come out with a "yeah this is yummy" of their own. We have seen this phenomenon over the years and consider it to be a very powerful, yet gentle positive peer pressure. This is something that's nearly impossible to achieve it at home.

Here's why we have succeeded where many parents have failed in the very important task.

Your Child's Health First and foremost, we can all agree that there is nothing more important to a parent than the health of their child. This is a fact. It's also a fact that nothing has a greater impact on your child's health than the food they eat. When they eat the right kind of food (known as "real food" at The Real Food Academy) they

At The Real Food Academy’s culinary camp, your child will be surrounded by other children his or her own age. When the time comes to eat, more often than not most kids will proudly proclaim

will feel better, sleep better, think better, look better and ultimately reduce the chances of facing serious diseases later in life. There is no better time for your child to establish good eating habits than when they are young. Children who develop an appetite for highly processed foods when they are young, have much greater chances of developing food addictions to those foods and will pay the price with their health later in life. k

For more information about summer camp please visit www.therealfood or call 786.395.0355.

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Kiddos Magazine is following CDC COVID-19 guidelines, the event is subject to updates

Saturday • August 1st • 2020 • 11am - 5 pm

Come and celebrate with us our 7th Anniversary and Back-To-School Event all in one awesome party!

One day lled with arts & crafts, face painting, balloon artist, science and arts projects, safety, Back to School exhibitors, sports, dance performances, characters, food, music, raffles and much more! Kiddos Back to School is Presented by:

For more information about Sponsorship & Exhibitor opportunities Call 786.260.8492 or email |


kids yoga

Fox Mental Yoga For Kids

Tools to manage your kids’ stress and fear due to the Coronavirus To purify their minds of the frustration and anger from being quarantined, have your kids choose a mantra and repeat in silence:

• Even though I resent living like this, I love and accept myself.

• Even though I’m angry at my parents/

brother/sister, I love and accept myself.

2. Intention Mantras Intention Mantras align the different levels of the mind. They are to be repeated silently by your kids in their head while releasing their breath through the mouth.

• Please, God, help me with my intention of staying healthy.

• Please, God, protect everyone in my family from the virus.


he Fox Mental Yoga for Kids protocols are tools aimed at reducing your kids’ stress and fears associated with the Coronavirus. These simple exercises will help your children avoid and purify the emotional and mental consequences caused by stress. Do them with them to create harmony during social distancing & isolation! What are Mantras? A mantra is a mystical formula that liberates the mind of negative thoughts, emotions and images. 1. Purification mantra The Purification mantras will act like a vacuum cleaner, absorbing and purifying your kids’ negative thoughts & emotions. They are to be repeated silently by your kids in their head while releasing their breath through the mouth throughout the day.

To Purify your kids’ minds of fears, have them choose a mantra to repeat in silence:

• Even though I'm afraid, I love and • •

accept myself. Even though I’m afraid because my parents are fighting, I love and accept myself. Even though I’m afraid my parents/ grandparents will get sick, I love and accept myself. • Even though I’m afraid to get sick, I love and accept myself. To purify their minds of loneliness & isolation, have them choose a mantra to repeat in silence:

• Even though I’m

sad I cannot see my friends, I love and accept myself. • Even though I’m lonely, I love and accept myself.

3. OM mantra Children love the Om Mantra. The sound of OM opens and energizes an important energy channel for them. Have your kids do the OM mantra as often as they can throughout the day. 4. Visualization Ask your child to create a picture in their mind where they see themselves in the future talking with a friend/family member on the phone as they say the words below: It was not so bad, and everyone is ok! Ask your kids to breathe as they visualize the scene they created. If you can get them to draw it, the best they can, that will further anchor the future they would like to create. k

Frances Fox is a world renown shaman, alternative medicine expert and remote viewer and the creator of the Fox Mental Yoga for Kids protocols. For more information visit www.francesfox. com/mental-yoga-for-kids/

it’s just about kids |




Miami City Ballet Announces 2020-21 35th Anniversary Season: A Love Letter to South Florida

Miami-raised fashion designer, Esteban Cortázar, Princess Grace award-winner Claudia Schreier, and Alvin-Ailey star Jamar Roberts in collaboration with and composer Sam Hyken, the creative force behind Nu Deco Ensemble. Prodigal Son The program features masterpieces that helped fortify MCB’s position as a trusted leader in performing master repertory works: George Balanchine’s dramatic tale of sin and redemption Prodigal Son; Paul Taylor’s sensuous tango wrapped in the modern dance idiom Piazzolla Caldera; and Jerome Robbins’ visually stunning tribute to New York City, Glass Pieces.


iami City Ballet (MCB) offers a love letter to the community for the 2020-21 season which marks the 35th Anniversary season. It’s a celebration of South Florida’s vibrant and richly diverse arts and culture scene, and the audiences that have been there throughout the company’s remarkable 35-year journey. The season opens with three worldpremieres by the innovative choreographers of today who will bring Miami’s bustling dance, music, fashion and visual arts scene together in a kaleidoscopic celebration of the Magic City. Thrilling repertory works honor the icons of choreography that propelled the company to international acclaim. And, the North American premiere of Alexei Ratmansky’s Swan Lake – makes the 2020-21 season one that will surely unite South Floridians in a celebration of the beauty, strength, and abundant joy that is the heart of Miami City Ballet. Lourdes Lopez, MCB artistic director adds, “Throughout history, the arts have been the unifying glue that bond societies together. More than ever, this season celebrates our love and appre-


kiddos | April • May 2020

ciation of you, the glue that has kept Miami City Ballet going for the past 35 years. The works presented here as part of our 35th anniversary season illustrate the love, beauty, strength and resiliency that are a sheer reflection of the brilliant communities that have long inspired us and, have kept us moving throughout our journey. We look forward to performing an extraordinary season of dance filled with wonder, magic, joy and grace while unleashing our most powerful weapon: human potential.” 2020-21 35th Anniversary Season Programming and Dates subject to change Ablaze A sizzling line-up of collaborative worldpremieres all created with the heart and soul of the Magic City and South Florida communities in mind. Ablaze features works from MCB School graduate Durante Verzola in collaboration with by

Swan Lake MCB presents the North American premiere of Alexei Ratmansky’s full-length Swan Lake. The timeless and achingly beautiful ballet set to Tchaikovsky’s gorgeous score, has been beloved by audiences for over a century. More than 50 dancers will adorn the stage in exquisite detail to tell the story of Prince Siegfried, Princess Odette and her fellow spellbound swans, the evil Baron and impostor Odile. Afternoon of a Faun The program features two Balanchine masterpieces – the neo-classical showstopper Symphony in Three Movements alongside the lightning bolt of joy Ballo della Regina. Plus, Jerome Robbins’ minimalistic nod to the narcissism of youth, Afternoon of a Faun and the company premiere of the ancient Greece inspired Antique Epigraphs. Of course, no season is complete without George Balanchine’s The Nutcracker®. Come see how the “magic happens” (Los Angeles Times) when the famed holiday spectacular visits Miami, Fort Lauderdale, and Palm Beach. k

Ticket Information Current Miami City Ballet Subscribers may renew their preferred seats for the 2020/21 Season at New subscriptions may be purchased at or call 305.929.7010.




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