News Leaks Summer 2020

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Emergency Preparedness Committee/InWARN:

COVID RESOURCES INSIDE: Message from the Chair • District Reports • Member Update

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Table of Contents


P.O. Box 127 Brownsburg, IN 46112 Office: 866-213-2796 Fax: 866-215-5966

AWIA Compliance Risk and Resilience: What You Need to Know and Where to Find Resources


2020 Board of Directors

CHAIR Ed Nugent 800-662-0829 CHAIR-ELECT Jeff Cunningham 800-255-1521 VICE CHAIR John Crider 260-589-2811 PAST-CHAIR Christopher Harrison 574-267-6232 x3401 DIRECTOR John Seever 317-465-1507 SECRETARY-TREASURER Wendy Wary 812-925-6213

Departments Message from the Chair


Direct from the Director


District Reports


Committee Reports


Member Update




Upcoming Events & Activities


Water Utility Council


Hoosier Water Drops


Advertiser Information Center


Published by Tel: 866-985-9780 Fax: 866-985-9799

2020 © All rights reserved. The contents of this publication may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the express consent of the publisher.

Managing Editor: Cole Kelman Design/layout: Jackie Magat Marketing Manager: Dave Gill Advertising Co-ordinator: Stefanie Hagidiakow

ASSISTANT SECRETARY-TREASURER Neal McKee 765-648-6420 TRUSTEE – SMALL SYSTEMS NORTH Troy Elless 765-366-2996 TRUSTEE – NORTHWEST DISTRICT Derek Snyder 219-844-8680 TRUSTEE – NORTHEAST DISTRICT Justin Shaffer 260-692-6909 TRUSTEE – CENTRAL DISTRICT Josh Castor 765-648-6420 TRUSTEE – SMALL SYSTEMS SOUTH Les Day 765-932-4124 TRUSTEE – SOUTHWEST DISTRICT Roger Johnson 812-421-2120 TRUSTEE – SOUTHEAST DISTRICT Julie Berry 812-296-0112

Message from the Chair Ed Nugent

Safe Water - the One Constant


ow, where does the time go? While this has been a crazy three months, Covid-19, demonstrations, destruction, and turmoil, one constant has been safe drinking water and safe sanitation. While all the mayhem has been going on, all of us have simply gone about our business as water professionals and kept our communities safe with potable water and wastewater collections. For that I wish to simply say “Thank You.”


The Indiana Section has been busy, while having to cancel, postpone, reschedule and adjust pretty much the entire calendar, we managed to close the Plainfield Indiana office, since all of the current staff work remotely there was little need for a physical office. We have, however, opened a permanent PO Box for our mail and correspondence. We are hoping to see many of you at the upcoming Indiana Section AWWA Golf outing. As of today, it is expected to happen, with certain event health and safety guidelines, we are fully anticipating

golfing as a group in July. I personally can not wait to get back to as close to pre COVID-19 as we can, and this golf outing will be a major step in getting there. In the meantime, Odetta, Monique, Megan and MaryJane are here to help you however they can. Please enjoy your summer and I hope to see many of you at the fall district meetings or some upcoming workshop or event. Sincerely, Ed Nugent.




Direct from the Director John Seever, Section Director

AWWA Updates


reetings and I hope you are all safe and well! Thanks for all you do in your local communities to provide the public safe, reliable potable water! With the June 30 gavel passing, our own Jim Williams completed his term as the AWWA President. We can be proud of Jim for the work he performed for AWWA and for representing Indiana well in the process. In his comments at the gavel passing ceremony, Jim praised the Indiana Section for its

record of success and thanked his friends and supporters in Indiana, without whom his service would not have been made possible. Several Indiana Section members have been recognized recently: • Dave Majewski from South Bend won the Kenneth J. Miller Award for his service to Water for People. • Past Indiana Section Director, Dan Hood was the recipient of the George Anderson Award. This volunteerism award is presented annually by the

We are water resource experts who help committed leaders make sure their water is safe, managed and future-proof.

AWWA Standards Committee on Water Meters. • Past Section Chair, Mary Wessler, was recently named the Engineer of the Year by ACEC. Congratulations to all these Indiana Section AWWA members on their recognition! AWWA has suspended most in-person events through at least early fall. The annual summer workshop and RMSO events have been moved to an on-line platform. If anyone wants additional information on these events, please contact our Section employees. These events are open to all members. AWWA and other utility organizations have joined together to petition Congress for infrastructure funding assistance as part of a future economic stimulus package. The political divide in Congress makes it impossible to predict if this effort will be successful. The Indiana Section continues to closely monitor the COVID developments and follows best practices and health guidelines for planning events. The event calendar on the Section’s website is kept current and provides a variety of options to suit your needs and preferences. Continue the great work you do that makes us all proud to be AWWA members – the first line of defense of public health. While we all yearn for a return to normalcy, remember that adversity doesn’t build character; it exposes it! John


| SUMMER 2020

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4/6/2020 3:28:44 PM


District Reports

Central District Josh Castor, Trustee We had been dreaming of big plans to hold our Fall meeting around the Indianapolis 500 track during race time. The plan was to have our meeting at the VFW with an amazing

program of speakers and then moving to the track with a vendors tent for some networking and beverages. This option is no longer viable and we are developing a "Plan B" for a date

and location in September. We will keep you updated as our Central District meeting plans evolve. Our hopes for you are that you all stay happy and healthy.

attending online meetings. This has been such a huge change from what we are all used to and it will be interesting to hear how each of your utilities has adapted to the restrictions presented to us because of the COVID-19 pandemic. As you are all certainly aware, the Northeast District has elected to cancel its Spring meeting at Parkview Field and look ahead to the Fall meeting. While we do not currently have a location locked in,

we are diligently looking for our venue and we will notify everyone of that location as the Fall meeting draws nearer. I look forward to the fall meeting and the day we are all able to meet in person once again. Remember to continue reaching out to your neighboring utilities, checking on them and making sure they are doing okay.

Northeast District Justin Shaffer, Trustee Greetings from the NE District. What an interesting year, 2020 has been thus far. Who would have thought that we would be getting our CEU’s via online meetings and webinars. As the District continues to navigate through the restrictions we are faced with and the ability to have in person meetings, I strongly urge you to continue to do what you have been doing through this change we have been faced with, whether it be sitting through webinars or


| SUMMER 2020

Stay healthy, stay safe!


District Reports

Northwest District Derek Snyder, Trustee As our state reaches the final re-opening milestones, the Northwest District is looking forward to our Fall Meeting scheduled for September 18, 2020. District officers are currently evaluating options for in-person, on-line or hybrid meeting formats to find a best fit our ‘new normal’ of social distancing.


The Fall Meeting is our annual business meeting, which includes election of officers for the upcoming term. We are currently seeking nominations for the position of Secretary-Treasurer and are looking for someone in the ‘vendor / service provider / consultant’ field to fill this role.

If you are interested in serving or would like to nominate someone, please contact one of the NW District Officers (contact information available online at Thanks again for your continued efforts and stay safe!

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District Reports

Southeast District Julie Berry, Trustee Our Southeast District hosted a virtual Spring District meeting on July 15th. All Indiana Section members were welcome to tune into this session. With a lot of assistance from the Indiana AWWA staff, instructions for how to access the virtual event and marketing the event were issued. Presenters for this event included: Bill Reedy, INAW, ‘Working through a Pandemic, and the road to a new normal;’ Scott Ham, ‘How Silver Creek Water has responded to the Pandemic, and what does the future look like for a small utility with a billing office;’ and Jamie Foreman, Carmel Water, ‘Dealing with Water Quality issues during a pandemic and InWARN's response.’

Additionally, Sarah Hudson, Indiana Finance Authority spoke about the State's Regional Water Planning efforts. IDEM provided a short update, and INAWWA Chair Ed Nugent and staff were available for questions and information. Each of these presenters shared valuable information.

Like each of Indiana’s AWWA districts, the Southeast District officers have reached out to district utilities to encourage and listen to the issues that have arisen from this unusual time in our history. We congratulate the innovation and the strength our utilities have shown in providing service to the people, businesses, and institutions of Indiana.

What has not changed? Our commitment to exceptional service. We have been on the job 24/7 protecting public health through our dedication to providing clean safe drinking water and treating wastewater. Dedicated vendors have gone out of their way to keep us supplied with the materials needed as manufacturing facilities closed and supply chains dried up. I salute each and every one of you utility workers, operators, vendors, support staff, and professionals who work hard every day, under all circumstances, to keep our water safe.

If all goes well, the SW District is planning on a great fall district meeting to be held at the Patoka Lake Regional Water District on September 23. More information will be sent out as plans develop. I would like to take just a brief moment to recognize and honor a great friend and coworker who has spent the majority of his life dedicated to providing safe drinking water. Wynn Wright, Superintendent of Operations of the Seymour District of Indiana American Water retired at the end of June. Cheers to you Wynn!!!

Southwest District Roger Johnson, Trustee As you all know, all AWWA spring meetings were cancelled, most training sessions have been cancelled, meetings have gone virtual, many utility office doors have been locked to outsiders, vendors have not been able to meet with customers, and call ahead ordering with curbside pickup is the new normal way to shop and eat out. The lives we lived just a few short months ago where we greeted each other with smiles, hugs, or handshakes, has now changed to that of separation or social distancing. It seems like everything around us has changed, including how we work.


| SUMMER 2020


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Committee Reports

Competitions Committee Shaun Shifflett, Chair These are unprecedented times we are living in. COVID-19 has changed the ways people behave in their daily life. With the cancellation of ACE20, the Competitions Committee met with our 2020 meter and hydrant supplier and has made the decision to keep both the meter and hydrant the same for the ACE21 competitions.

Representing Indiana at ACE 2021 in San Diego will be the 2020 Indiana Section AWWA winners - Sam Gillespie will compete in Meter Madness using the Hersey 420 Bronze PD meter and Team Valparaiso, consisting of Nick Miller and Jerrin Ringle and Coach Mark Geskey will compete in Hydrant Hysteria.

With our competitors in place, we will not be conducting meter madness competitions at each of the Fall District meetings. We still plan to showcase both Hydrant Hysteria and Meter Madness at the Section’s 2021 Annual Conference in January 2021 - stay tuned for all the exciting details.

Keep your eye on our AWWA website and emails for the announcement of the final dates, times, and locations for the Fall District meetings.

Districts Committee Tim Hill, Chair We are setting our sights on the Fall District meetings. As of this writing, here is what we know: • Central District meeting date and location to be determined. • Southwest District meeting is scheduled for September 23 at Patoka Lake Regional Water District. • Southeast District meeting tentatively scheduled for September 4. • Northeast District meeting tentatively scheduled for September 11.

Northwest District meeting tentatively scheduled for September 18. The meeting dates and locations are subject to change due to the concern of large gatherings during this time.

Be safe and enjoy.

Education Committee Josh Castor, Chair I hope everyone is doing well through these crazy times. The Education Committee is still meeting via virtual meetings with the Small Systems Committee. We have discussed future webinar options, a podcast, and how we can still be active during this time of pandemic and quarantine. We hope you all are staying happy and healthy, and at least having the opportunity to spend more time with your loved ones.


| SUMMER 2020


Committee Reports

Emergency Preparedness Committee/InWARN Jaimie Foreman, Chair

FEDERAL AWIA 2018- America’s Water Infrastructure Act Replaces the Bioterrorism Act of 2020 Community Water Systems serving more than 3,300 persons must: • Update Risk and Resilience Assessment • Update Emergency Response Plan • Certify to EPA for each via, online, email or mail. • Review and update both every five years thereafter • Record maintenance (keep copies of RRA & ERP and any updates for five years after certification submittal)


(pop. served)

Certify Risk & Resilience Assessment (RRA) prior to:

Certify ERP within 6 months of RRA, but not later than:


Mar. 21, 2020

Sept. 30, 2020

• • •


Dec. 31, 2020

June 30, 2021


June 30, 2021

Dec. 30, 2021

Community Water Systems

What we must assess: The Risks to, and Resilience of: • Malevolent acts and natural hazards • Resilience of the pipes and constructed conveyances, physical barriers, source water, water collection and intake, pretreatment, storage

and distribution facilities, electronic, computer, or other automated systems The monitoring practices of the system The financial infrastructure of the system The use, storage, or handling of various chemicals by the system The operation and maintenance of the system May include an evaluation of capital and operational needs for risk and resilience management

The ERP must include: • Strategies and resources to improve the resilience of the system, including the physical security and cybersecurity of the system




Committee Reports •

Plans and procedures that can be implemented, and identification of equipment that can be utilized, in the event of a malevolent act or natural hazard that threatens the ability of the community water system to deliver safe drinking water Action, procedures, and equipment which can obviate or significantly lessen the impact of a malevolent act or natural hazard on the public health and the safety and supply of drinking water provided to communities and individuals, including the development of alternative source water options, relocation of water intakes, and construction of flood protection barriers Strategies that can be used to aid in the detection of malevolent acts or natural hazards that threaten the security or resilience of the system.

Members Cities & Towns/IEMA & REOC Districts Map

STATE OF INDIANA Senate Enrolled Act 362 For the State’s Waste Water and Drinking Water Revolving Loan Programs that are governed by the Indiana Finance Authority (IFA), there are new requirements in applying for a loan • Documentation must be shown that the participant in the loan program has the financial, managerial, technical and legal capability of operating and maintaining its waste water/drinking water system. • The participant must demonstrate that it has developed or is in the process of developing an asset management program as defined in the guidelines provided by the IFA. The IFA is requiring cybersecurity protections to be a part of the asset management plan. For Indiana Department of Environmental Management when applying for permits for: • The operation of a newly constructed or newly acquired water or waste water treatment plant or • A permit for the expansion of an existing treatment plant.


| SUMMER 2020

INWARN Member Cities & Towns Northern District (Northern Indiana EOC – Mark Geskey – 219-405-9128) Central District (Central Indiana EOC – Doug Buffi ngton – 317-710-0242) Southern District (Southern Indiana EOC – Bill Arvin – 812-305-6684) REOC Central REOC (IEMA Districts 4, 5, 6, and 7) Northern REOC (IEMA Districts 1, 2, and 3) Southern REOC (IEMA Districts 8, 9, and 10) Date Revised: 4/29/2020

The applicant of such permits will be required to certify that the following documents have been prepared and are complete: • A life cycle-cost benefit analysis • A Capital Asset Management Plan • Cybersecurity Plan

RESOURCES/TOOLS AVAILABLE AWWA • Cyber Security Guidance & Tool – Cybersecurity-Guidance • J100 Standard-Risk and Resilience Management

G430 Standard-Security Practices for Operations and Management

EPA • Baseline Information on Malevolent Acts for Community Water Systems • Vulnerability Self-Assessment Tool (VSAT) • Emergency Response Plan Template and Instructions • AWIA Certification System • Power Resilience Guide for Water and Wastewater Utilities


Committee Reports INWARN ACTIVITIES InWARN has been very active during the first part of the year. Thus far, we have added 16 new utility members to our Network! We have updated contact information with Utilities, so that they may incorporate into their AWIA compliance documents. Is your Utility a member? Visit our website for more information.

COVID RESOURCES Our organization has been very humbled to be the recipient of COVID resources, from FEMA, for redistribution to the Water and Wastewater Utilities in the State


of Indiana. If you have not requested facemasks for your staff or if you picked up from one of the ten Utilities that volunteered their locations as Points of Distribution for mask, but are need of some more, please fill out the request form and submit to InWARN. We are collaborating with our partners to either deliver or ship these masks to the requesting Utilities. Our most recent resource was non-contact infrared thermometers (NCIT). As the State is opening back up and more employees are working in the office, there has been a need for temperature monitoring prior to

entering facilities. If your utility has not yet implemented temperature checks, but plan on it or with the uncertainty of what the future holds during the ongoing pandemic, I highly recommend you request a NCIT while available. Some similar thermometers can be found online but are not CDC approved or do not function as expected. The NCIT were provided by FEMA, via Indiana State Department of Homeland Security. We are only asking that the requesting Utility pay a flat rate fee of $10 per thermometer to assist with the shipping expenses. To request a NCIT for your Utility, please visit product/thermometer.





FEMA, working with EPA along with several associations, have identified the following item(s): Reusable Cloth FEMA, working with EPA alongwater with several have identified the following item(s): Reusable Cloth Masks to distribute to public utilitiesassociations, during the COVID 19 Pandemic. FEMA has chosen INWARN to Masks to distribute to public water utilities during the COVID 19 Pandemic. FEMA has chosen INWARN to coordinate distribution and tracking of the masks to Indiana Utilities. Many masks have already been coordinate distribution andwould tracking masksinitial to Indiana Utilities. Manyormasks haveofalready beenmasks, please distributed. If your utility likeoftothe request delivery of masks, delivery additional distributed. If your utility would like to request initial delivery of masks, or delivery of additional masks, please email to the INWARN contact, Jaimie Foreman, MAKE SURE TO PUT 'INWARN email to the INWARN contact, Jaimie Foreman, MAKE SURE TO PUT 'INWARN FACE MASK' IN EMAIL SUBJECT LINE. Dates and times for distribution/delivery will be arranged once this FACE MASK' IN EMAIL SUBJECT LINE. Dates and times for distribution/delivery will be arranged once this information is acquired. If requesting for water and wastewater, please fill out a form for each. information is acquired. If requesting for water and wastewater, please fill out a form for each. IMPORTANT: You do not have to be an INWARN member to receive supplies. ANY Water or Wastewater IMPORTANT: You do not have to be an INWARN member to receive supplies. ANY Water or Wastewater Utility may request masks. Masks will be distributed first come first serve basis. Quantities provided for your Utility may request masks. Masks will be distributed first come first serve basis. Quantities provided for your utility will be based on information below and provided FEMA formulas. utility will be based on information below and provided FEMA formulas. DateofofRequest: Request: Date UtilityName: Name: Utility

(streetaddress) address) PrimaryMailing MailingAddress: Address: (street Primary City: City:

State: State:

County: County:

PWSID#: ID#: PWS NPDESID#: ID#: NPDES UtilityType:(water/wastewater) Type:(water/wastewater) Utility Utility Utility Size: Size: (Population (PopulationServed) Served) ## of ofFull Fulltime timeEmployee's: Employee's: # of Front Line Employees Front Line EmployeesCurrently Currently Working: Working: Utility Contact: Utility Contact:

Signature of Signature of Utility UtilityRep: Rep:

Phone: Phone: Email: Email:

Date: Date:

(Electronic signature is acceptable) (Electronic signature is acceptable) (Below only to be filled out upon delivery) (Below only to be filled out upon delivery) Email Request Form to:; Place 'INWARN FACE MASK' in email subject line Email Request Form to:; Place 'INWARN FACE MASK' in email subject line Quantity of Masks Issued: Quantity of Masks Issued:

Date Issued: Date Issued:

Signature of Person Issuing Masks: Signature of Person Issuing Masks: Signature of Person Receiving Masks: Signature of Person Receiving Masks:


| SUMMER 2020


Committee Reports

Golf Committee John Crist, Chair Come join us on July 29 at Eagle Creek Golf Club in Indianapolis for this year’s outing. The 60 team roster is filling up fast so get your registration forms in ASAP. For your convenience, online registration and forms are available at Registration will begin at 8:30 a.m. with a 10:00 a.m. shotgun start. Lunch is

provided, sponsored by JCM Industries. Following golf, enjoy our dinner buffet with prizes, sponsored by EJ Prescott. Peerless Midwest’s Water Ball Contest, Jack Doheny’s Putting Contest, and Par 3 Prize Holes sponsored by Utility Supply and GRW will highlight the event again this year. We hope to see you there!

Philanthropy Committee Mike Simpson, Chair The Philanthropy Committee leads the efforts for fundraising for Indiana Section AWWA’s philanthropic programs. The programs under the Philanthropy Committee include; One AWWA Operator Scholarship, Gambold Education Fund, Bezzozi Grant, Youth Water Science STEM Education Grant, AWWA’s Water Equation, and AWWA’s Community Engineering Corps (CEC). Here is a brief description of each: One AWWA Operator Scholarship This scholarship is awarded to an individual in each of the five Indiana Section Districts. The funds wlll be used to cover the cost of the Operator School class, the cost of the recommended books for each recipient and some reimbursement for travel expenses. Please visit our awards and grants page. Gambold Education Fund Is utilized for education and training of water operators. Training grants are awarded to attend Indiana Section AWWA Conferences and other training events. Please visit our awards and grants page.


Bezzozi Grant This grant is awarded to a young professional(s) who has never been to the Section’s annual conference. This grant affords the young professional(s) an opportunity to learn, engage and network with fellow water professionals. Please visit our awards and grants page. Youth Water Science STEM Education Grant Encourages statewide 3rd-8th grade teachers to engage their students in projects pertaining the water conservation, the water cycle, or other water related topics by applying for the Youth Water Science STEM Education Grant. Candidates can apply for grant monies for their enthusiasm in water education. For more information, Please visit our awards and grants page. AWWA’s Water Equation Provides funding for workforce advancement, scholarships, students, young professionals and Community Engineering Corps. With a Vision to provide ‘A better world through better water.’ Please visit AWWA’s web page:

Community Engineering Corps (CEC) – This program assists with engineering services for communities that would not otherwise have an opportunity to address water and wastewater system issues. We have found that many times these are communities of elderly, migrant workers, or those living under the national poverty level. This program is a partnership of AWWA, Engineers without Borders-USA, and American Society of Civil Engineers. Please visit our awards and grants page. What’s needed today is your Involvement and engagement on this Committee! Participation in this Committee will serve to enhance our Indiana Section’s endeavors to accomplish our goals of helping others throughout Indiana and the world achieve clean and safe water. The Committee desires everyone’s engagement so that we may continue our shared goals to educate students, provide additional training to even more operators, and to ensure that our waters here at home remain clean and safe as they have for over a century now.




Committee Reports

Public Information Committee Joe Sutherland, Chair The Public Information Committee’s mission now addresses not only internal communication needs to members in a specialized way, but also external communication in ways that we really haven’t concentrated in the past. The thought is in order for INAWWA to truly become the ‘Voice for Indiana Water’ we need to push that message and target content to local and statewide

stakeholders. You will see us spend more time developing messaging for the website, social media, information targeted towards public officials, and consumables for local papers in your communities to let people know all the ways you, our members, benefit Hoosiers. So, look for the new ways we will be speaking, ways that no one else in our industry is speaking, to become the true Voice for Indiana Water.

As far as the Committee, we are in our infancy of reorganizing. If you would like to be a part of what we are doing, shoot me an email. We are specifically looking for people who represent small to medium sized systems so we can make sure all voices and perspectives are being heard. We will be planning a Committee meeting soon.

Safety Committee Mark Geskey, Chair Hello to all, my name is Mark Geskey and I am the new Safety Committee chair. I succeed Lou Townsed who did an excellent job. Thanks Lou. I am writing my first article while being quarantined due to COVID-19. The world seems so different now with everything being closed, people not working, everyone wearing masks and gloves, and not knowing when this will end. God Bless all of the front-line workers and all others who keep this great nation going. We did have a great conference in January and had multiple winners at the Safety Wheel. This year we gave away three Carhart spring/fall jackets for the big prize. The winners were


| SUMMER 2020

God Bless all of the front-line workers and all others who keep this great nation going. Wendi Sexton, Sam Gillespie, and Hannah Gladdish. The Safety Committee is always looking for new faces to be on the committee so if this is something you would like to donate a little time to, please contact me. Check out our link at: committees/safety. We have scheduled two webinars in September:

September 22 – Excavation/Trench Safety Competent Person Training • September 29 – Confined Space Entry Training If you have an idea. on a workshop that is needed, please let me know and we will see if we can accommodate that. Remember: stay safe out there and wear your PPE.


Committee Reports

Technical Program Committee Cara Lance-Emerick, Chair Although it is the middle of summer, it is surely not too early to submit abstracts for the 113 th Indiana Section AWWA Annual Conference to be held on February 1 – February 4, 2021 at the Indianapolis Marriott Downtown! The Technical Program committee is accepting abstracts online. Abstracts should summarize your presentation

and be between 100-200 words in size. In addition, a short biography should be included. Instructions for both the abstract and biography can be found at www. We strongly encourage operator and utility personnel involvement. Based on prior program feedback, our attendees enjoy case studies and panel discussions!

Presentations should be 30-60 minutes in length including time for Q&A. The Technical Program Committee will examine each abstract for technical content and quality. If you have any questions please contact Cara Lance-Emerick at 574-315-2752/ or Jeff Cunningham at

Young Professionals Committee Natalie Gustafson, Chair 2020 has been a year of difficulty, change and growth for all of us as a result of the global COVID-19 pandemic. While in-person events have been put on hold, the committee has kept busy working to engage committee members through several Virtual Happy Hours and Game Nights. With these virtual events, YPs can ‘meet’ and catch up with other YPs in the water sector and play fun team games. As we learn and adjust to all the available technology for a virtual platform, we plan to continue hosting these virtual social events on a monthly basis throughout this year. Virtual platforms are extremely valuable in engaging those that may not typically be able to travel to an in-person event, and we look forward to learning about the potential to ‘host’ other events, including student chapter events, volunteer events and webinars in the future. As a joint committee with the Indiana Water Environment Association, student teams from the University of Notre Dame and Purdue University competed in the first annual Midwest Student Design Competition in April, hosted by the Central States Water Environment Association. YPs from Indiana and throughout the Midwest judged the students’ virtual presentations and were extremely


impressed with the students and their hard work, flexibility with presenting virtually, and commitment to the water industry. The student team from the University of Notre Dame won the overall Midwest Student Design Competition in the Wastewater category as well as the Indiana competition, and will represent Indiana at the 2020 Water Environment Federation’s Technical Exhibit and Conference (WEFTEC), to be held virtually in the fall. The title of their presentation is ‘Disinfection System Upgrade for South Bend Wastewater Treatment System.’ Congratulations to these students! Our Committee is working on developing a formal YP Mentor Program

that would allow a YP to pair up with a more seasoned professional to provide another trusted advisor outside of their workplace as they navigate their career in the water industry. Details will follow in the coming months on specifics. If this program is of interest to you or you would like more information, please reach out to Natalie Gustafson at the email listed below. If you are interested in joining or learning more about the Young Professionals Committee and are under 35 years old or have been in the industry for 10 years or less, please reach out to Natalie Gustafson at

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Member Update

New Members

Indiana Section Membership Snapshot as of 6/15/20

Erich Nugent, Chair During April, May, and June the Indiana Section added: 179 – New Utilities 167 – New Named Representatives 2 – Individuals 1 – Service Provider for a total of 349 NEW MEMBERS this quarter!!!! UTILITY MEMBERSHIPS Adams County Regional Sewer District Alcoa Warrick Operations And-Tro Water Authority-District 1 Anderson Township RSD Area Five Agency Arrowhead Mobile Home Paark Bicknell Municipal Utility Big Walnut Water Blackford County Schools Blue River Regional Water District Bluffton Water Department Borden Tri-County Regional Water District Broel-Chesterton Montessori School Brownstown Wastewater Utility Cedar Gardens Mobile Home Park City of Berne City of Jasonville City of Montpelier City of Mount Vernon City of New Haven City of Union City Clark-Pleasant School Corp. Driftwood Utilities, Inc. Duneland School Corporation Dunkirk Water Dept. East Washington Rural Water Eastern Heights Utilities Elanco


| SUMMER 2020

Fairfield Community Corp. Fender Excavating Flagship Communities Freelandville Water Association Grace Church Grandview Lot Owners Association Harrison County Regional Sewer Dist. Heartland Resort Henryville Membership Sanitation Corp. Heritage Pointe Hill Water Corp. Indiana Masonic Home Indiana-Kentucky Electric Corp. Lake Estates MHP Lakeview Wesleyan Church LCS Communications LMS Conservancy District Lyford Water Works Maconaquah School Corporation Marysville-Otisco-Nabb Water Co. Meck’s Whispering Pines, Inc. Morris Mobile Home Estates MSD of Steuben County Napoleon Community Rural Water Corp. Natural Public Supply Ninestar Connect Gem Utilities Northern Wells Community Schools Oldenburg Utility Services Oregon-Davis School Corporation Otwell Water Corp. Paxton Water Corp. Pleasant View Lodge, Inc. Pleasantview Utilities Prairie Heights High School Prosser’s County Estates, LLC Reelsville Water Authority Reo Water River Bend Manor Mobile Home Park River Ridge Development Authority Rose Acre Farms Royal Oaks Estates Sechlers Pickles

Shorewood Forest Utilities, Inc. Sisters of Holy Cross-St Marys College Southern Indiana Irrigation SR Meny Inc. St Anthony Water Utility St Meinrad Archabbey Suburban Bethlehem Lutheran School Suburban Estates Sunnymede Community Water Assoc. Taylor Community School Corporation Tippecanoe School Corp. Town of Akron Water Dept. Town of Albany Water Department Town of Ashley Town of Borden Town of Bourbon Town of Bristol Town of Bunker Hill Town of Cambridge City Town of Camden Town of Campbellsburg Town of Cayuga Town of Centerville Town of Chalmers Town of Chesterfield Town of Chrisney Town of Clear Lake Town of Converse Town of Crothersville Town of Daleville Town of Decker Town of Edinburgh Waterworks Town of Edwardsport Town of Elizabeth Town of Elnora Town of Farmland Town of Fountain City Town of Francesville Town of Francisco Town of Fremont Town of Gaston Town of Geneva


Member Update Town of Gentryville Town of Goodland Town of GrifďŹ th Town of Hagerstown Town of Hanover Town of Hudson Town of Kewanna Town of Kirklin Town of Ladoga Town of Lakeville Town of Lanesville Town of Lewisville Water Utility Town of Lynnville Town of McCordsville Town of Medora Town of Monroe Town of Morgantown Town of Morristown Town of Mulberry Town of Nashville Town of New Market Town of New Palestine Town of New Pekin Town of New Richmond Town of New Whiteland Town of Newburgh Town of North Judson Town of North Salem Town of Ogden Dunes Town of Orleans Town of Otterbein Town of Oxford Town of Redkey Town of Reynolds Town of Rome City Town of Rossville Town of Royal Center Town of Shelburn Town of Shoals Town of Silver Lake Town of Spiceland Town of St Joe Town Of St Paul Town of Staunton Town of Stilesville Town of Summitville Town of Trafalgar Town of Troy Town of Vevay Town of Walton Town of West Lebanon Town of Westport


Town of Westville Town of Whiteland Town of Winslow Town of Wolcott Town of Yorktown Tri-Central Community Schools Trico Regional Sewer Utility Twin Lakes School Corp.

Tyson Mexican Original, Inc. Van Bibber Water Conservancy Van Buren Municipal Utilities Vermillion Rise Mega Park Warsaw Community Schools Washington Twp Water Authority Washington Twp Water Corp. Waynetown Utilities




Member Update NAMED REPRESENTATIVE MEMBERSHIPS Branden Alberson – City of Berne Gloria Alumbaugh – Town of Westport John Anderson – Grandview Lot Owners Association Marilyn Arnold – Suburban Bethlehem Lutheran School Ed Asher – Town of Converse Steve Bailes – Town of Lynnville Linda Bajzatt – Town of Wolcott Jim Baumgart – Alcoa Warrick Operations Jarrod Beeson – Ninestar Connect Gem Utilities Jenny Beier – Town of Schneider Duane Bollman – Maconaquah School Corporation Paul Brown – Town of Elizabeth Marty Brown – Gentryville Water Robert Bunch – City of Montpelier Leah Campbell – Town of Royal Center Lynn Carper – Town of Ashley Annette Carroll – City of Huntington Water Department Dan Casad – Town of Lakeville Theresa Cavallo – Broel-Chesterton Montessori School Jeff Chrisman – Southern Indiana Irrigation Joe Christmas – Anderson Township RSD Craig Clark – Tyson Mexican Original, Inc Chad Colby – Town of Rossville Doug Coldfelter – Van Bibber Water Conservancy Anita Collins – Town of Campbellsburg Lucas Collom – Lyford Water Works Tonya Conley – Town of Silver Lake Brenda Conley – Town of Rome City Kyle Conner – Town of New Palestine Ruth Cooper – Oldenburg Utility Services Dana Craft – Town of West Lebanon Kevin Crecelius – Shoals Water Co. Maggie Crediford – Trico Regional Sewer Utility Ron Crider – Town of McCordsville Heather Davis – Town of Elnora James Dawson – Liberty Water Works Scott De Groot – Cedar Gardens Mobile Home Park Rodney Deckard – Town of Bunker Hill Nathan DeWeese – Town of Winslow Susan Dillman – Town of Centerville Connie Dinkins – Town of Edwardsport Pat Doades – Town of Decker JT Doane – Town of Edinburgh Waterworks Doug Dunlevy – Henryville Membership Sanitation Corp Tammy Dykes – Sunnymede Community Water Assoc Jane Efinger-Hayden – Town of Troy Jerry Ehman – Town of Frankton Matt Enison – Danville Water Company Terry Fender – Fender Excavating Scott Fischer – St Meinrad Archabbey Alaathea Foust – Town of New Richmond


| SUMMER 2020

Norm Gabehart – Town of Whiteland Dennis Gentry – Town of New Market Matt Gillock – Town of New Whiteland Hershall Gossett – LMS Conservancy District Donna Graham – Town of Vevay Christie Hale – Town of Oxford Rick Hassler – Reelsville Water Authority Adam Heckber – Northern Wells Community Schools Richard Henderson – Marysville-Otisco-Nabb Water Co. Paul Henry – Tri-Central Community Schools Cynthia Hill – Indiana-Kentucky Electric Corp. Amy Holladay – Town of Ladoga Gary Holloway – Blue River Regional Water District Mindi Holmes – Town of Borden Kelly Houser – West Terre Haute Scott Hunsucker – Brownstown Wastewater Utility Steve Ingle – Town of Medora Debbie James – Town of Redkey Rob Johnson – Town of Geneva Sue Keaton – Town of Morristown Treggie King – Town of Corydon Scott Kornbroke – Town of Summitville Larry Krygowski – Lake Estates MHP (club House) August Kuehn – Grace Church Kay Kummer – Town of Clear Lake Eric Kuna – Griffith Public Works Chris Lamar – Town of Hagerstown Steve Lancaster – Big Walnut Water Jeff Lane – Spiceland Water Richard Lee – Town of Walton Tim Leer – Fairfield Community Corp. Joe Leszek – Town of N. Judson Kiersten Libby – Town of Versailles Kim Litkehus – Town of Chrisney Jon LyBarger – Town of Newburgh Andrew Lyons – Lawrenceburg Municipal Utilities Michael Mauk – Town of Greentown Tracy Mayhill – Town of Reynolds Julie McCoy – Reo Water Trina McGuire – Town of Fountain City Sharon McIntosh – Town of Morgantown Allison McKean – Town of St. Joe Steve Meck – Meck’s Whispering Pines, Inc. Keith Mefford – Town of Hanover Stephen Meny – SR Meny Inc. Lori Mercer – Town of Westville Ed Miller – Town of Hudson Rodney Mottesheard – Morris Mobile Home Estates John Mrozinski – Town of New Carlisle Rob Myers – City of Union City Gary Nale – Town of New Pekin Chris Neess – Sisters of Holy Cross-St Marys College


Member Update Alan Neff – Town of Yorktown Jason Newton – Driftwood Utilities, Inc. Jeremy Nicheols – River Ridge Development Authority Scott Oliver – City of Gas City Kathy Parsons – Town of Fremont Terry Perkins – Freelandville Water Association Glenn Peterson – River Bend Manor Mobile Home Park Kathy Pipher – Town of Wingate Waterworks Traci Pittenger – Town of Gaston Donnie Plummer – Town of Van Buern Sandra Proctor – Waynetown Utilities Kevin Prosser – Prosser’s County Estates, LLC Scott Rainey – City of Washington Jacob Raubuch – Staunton Water Works Charles Rees – Town of Goodland Randall Reitzel – Town of Stilesville Jeff Resnick – Town of Chalmers Terry Richey – Town of Crothersville Brenda Ridge – Paxton Water Corp. Roger Roahring – LCS Communications Lee Rodgers – Town of Trafalgar Douglas Rump – Town of Dillsboro Janelle Russell – Jasonville Utilities Mary Ryman – Town of Bristol Nikki Salazar – Oregon-Davis School Corporation Roger Schaefer – Ferdinand Wastewater Barry Scherer – Adams County Regional Sewer District Marcie Schlosser – Town of Albany Water Department Mark Schmitter – Washington Township Water Authority Raymond Schuetter – Town of Holland Ryan Schwab – Town of Huntertown Roger Shanks – Lakeview Wesleyan Church Amy Sharp – Flagship Communities Matthew Sherck – Pleasantview Utilities, Inc. Larry Smith – Town of Lewisville Water Utility Jerry Snavely – Town of Camden Patricia Solbrig – And-Tro Water Authority-District 1 Jay Southwood – Town of Shelburn Steve Stacy – Town of Bourbon Jay Staley – Clark-Pleasant School Corp. Steve Stiner – Taylor Community School Corporation Jeral Stone – Rose Acre Farms Kaylene Straley – Town of Lynn Sherri Summers – Napoleon Community Rural Water Corp. Mary Teague – East Monroe Water Corporation Steve Tobias – Tippecanoe School Corp. Aaron Tricker – Cromwell Water Works Max Troyer – Sechlers Pickles John Tuttle – Arrowhead Mobile Home Park Daniel Van Lake – Town of Kewanna Heath Wagner – MSD of Steuben County Kenneth Ward – Area Five Agency On Aging & Community Svcs


Craig Warnick – Pleasant View Lodge, Inc. Michelle Wasz – Duneland School Corporation Jonnie Watkins – Town of Francisco David West – Town of Shipshewana Utilities Stacy Wethington – Cordry-Sweetwater Conservancy District Robin Whaley – Otwell Water Corp. Kevin Wheeldon – Twin Lakes School Corp. Greg Wiggam – Washington Twp Water Corp. Brian Willmann – Blackford County Schools Cindy Wilson – Vermillion Rise Mega Park Robert Woosley – Harrison County Regional Sewer Dist. Brenda Young – Town Of Nashville Marcy Yuknavage – Town of Farmland INDIVIDUAL MEMBERSHIPS Dave Whaley – Newton County Regional Water & Sewer District Brendan Carlton – City of Bloomington Utilities Please join me in welcoming these newest members to AWWA and the Indiana Section! Utility Memberships – 371 Individual Memberships – 1319 Service Providers – 18 Total Section Membership – 1691





Hurty Awards Jeremy Beckner, Chair Each year the Indiana Department of Environmental Management has presented the John N. Hurty Service Award to individuals having 25 years or more of service with one or more Indiana public water utilities. These awards are presented each year at the Indiana Section AWWA fall district meetings. The Indiana Section Executive Board feels that these service awards continue to be a valuable recognition to long-serving public water utility employees; therefore, the Indiana Section volunteered to provide administration of the John N. Hurty Service Awards. Please review your records and advise us of your staff that may qualify for the John N. Hurty Award. The Conditions Governing Presentation

of the John N. Hurty Award – can guide you in those qualifications. We will need the employee’s name, date of employment, years of employment, utility (and contact information) and Indiana Section AWWA district. Please review your records yearly and submit this information to the Indiana

Section AWWA or to Jeremy Beckner at, no later than June 1 of each year. Any nominations received after June 1 will be put on the list for the following year unless the nominee has 30 plus years of service.

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| SUMMER 2020

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Upcoming Events & Activities Please visit our website – – for details and registration information. Water and Wastewater contact hours to be approved by IDEM. Well Driller and Pump Installers to be approved by IDNR as applicable. Professional development hours (PDHs) for engineers available as applicable. Other workshops are in the planning stages, so please keep checking our website or call our office at 866-213-2796. All in-person events will adhere to current State guidelines for public health and safety. If you are interested in conducting a webinar or workshop or hosting one, please let us know.

July 29, 2020

Indiana Section American Water Works Association – Annual Golf Outing at Eagle Creek Golf Course; Indianapolis, Indiana – In-Person

August 4, 2020

IFA Water Loss Audit Workshop – Indianapolis, Indiana – In-Person and Virtual

August 5-6, 2020

IFA Certified Validator Training – Indianapolis, Indiana – In-Person and Virtual

August 12, 2020

Operator Boot Camp – Miami County Fairgrounds; Peru, Indiana – In-Person

August 14, 2020

Indiana AWWA Central District Meeting – Speedway, Indiana – In-Person

August 18, 2020

IFA Water Loss Audit Workshop – Lafayette, Indiana – In-Person and Virtual

August 19-20, 2020

IFA Certified Validator Training – Lafayette, Indiana – In-Person and Virtual

August 20, 2020

Operator Symposium North; Culy Contracting - Winchester, Indiana – In-Person

August 22, 2020

Run for World Water – Central Canal / NIFS; Indianapolis, Indiana – In-Person

August 27, 2020

Operator Symposium South; Utility Supply Co. – Huntingburg, Indiana – In-Person

September 1, 2020

IFA Water Loss Audit Workshop – Greensburg, Indiana – In-Person and Virtual

September 2-3, 2020

IFA Certified Validator Training – Greensburg, Indiana – In-Person and Virtual

September 3, 2020

Southeast District Meeting – Final Date & Location TBD

September 11, 2020

Central District Meeting – Final Date & Location TBD

September 15, 2020

Indiana Section Source Water Symposium – Indianapolis, IN – In-Person

September 17, 2020

Northeast District Meeting – Final Date & Location TBD

September 18, 2020

Northwest District Meeting – Final Date & Location TBD

September 22, 2020

Excavation/Trench Safety for Competent Person – Webinar

September 23, 2020

Southwest District Meeting – Patoka Lake Regional Water District – In-Person

September 29, 2020

Confined Space Entry – Webinar

December 7 – 9, 2020

2020 Water Institute and Equipment Expo - French Lick Conference Center; French Lick, Indiana

February 1-4, 2021

Annual Conference – Marriott Hotel Downtown; Indianapolis, Indiana

April 19-21, 2021

Spring Conference – Marriott East Conference Center; Indianapolis, Indiana

April 19, 2021

Annual Gambold Education Fund Golf Outing – TopGolf; Fishers, Indiana





Water Utility Council Scott Miller, Chair

WUC Update NEW LEGISLATION EFFECTIVE JULY 1, 2020 Make sure to update your utility’s policies and procedures for main extensions to comply with new regulations. As a result of the passage of HEA 1131, beginning July 1, 2020 all municipally owned utilities must follow the Indiana Utility Regulatory Commission (IURC) rules for water and sewer main extensions. These rules apply even if the utility is not subject to IURC jurisdiction for rates and charges. The Indiana Administrative Code contains the relevant rules under the following citations for Sewer 170 IAC 8.5-4 and for Water 170 IAC 6-1.5. COVID-19 UTILITY MATTERS Three months into the global pandemic, there is now a better sense of its impact on utility operations. Socially distanced

shifts at the treatment plant and Zoom Board meetings have become the norm along with increased purchases of disinfection and PPE supplies. Those utilities that had previously developed disaster or sustainability plans have a real-life incident to fine tune responses instead of tabletop exercises. Financial impacts from the shut-off moratorium and changes in usage patterns are mixed. Many utilities have seen increases in past due amounts. It remains to be seen whether those bills are ultimately paid or turn into lost revenue. Systems that serve primarily residential customers have seen an uptick in usage though not necessarily in cash receipts while systems with a large industrial or commercial base have seen declines in consumption. Get your shovels ready… maybe. State and Federal stimulus programs

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| SUMMER 2020

for utilities so far have focused on the health aspects of the pandemic – conversion of existing facilities for health care needs and purchases of PPE and supplies for example. Talk continues in Washington D.C., however, about the need to jump start the economy. Addressing aging infrastructure is once again being considered as a way to kill two birds with one stone. The Moving Forward Act (H.R. 2) will likely be passed out of committee and brought before the full House of Representatives for action before the Fourth of July holiday. The 2,300+ page Act includes several provisions that, if passed, could be beneficial to Section members. Of the $25 billion identified for water infrastructure, a few specific examples include… • $1.5 billion over 5 years in grants to States to assist in implementing water quality improvement programs. • $1 billion for municipalities to carry out watershed, wet weather, and resiliency projects. • $600 million for grants to carry out alternative water source projects including reclaimed stormwater. The proposed legislation also provides (brings back) additional financing tools for infrastructure projects, including Qualified Infrastructure Bonds which are modelled after the Build America Bonds from the Great Recession era; as well as, a return of advance refunding bonds to take advantage of what may be a long run of very low interest rates. The WUC is not taking bets on how much of this ultimately finds its way into law but we will continue to monitor the discussion and report back to the Section.


Hoosier Water Drops

News from Across Our Association


everal of our Indiana Section AWWA members have recently received well deserved recognition:

Jim Williams from Peerless-Midwest completed his term as the President of AWWA in a virtual gavel passing ceremony on June 30. Jim now begins his term as AWWA Past President.

Dave Majewski from South Bend was presented the Kenneth J. Miller Award from Water for People in a virtual ceremony.

Past Indiana Section Director, Dan Hood, from M.E. Simpson Co., won the George Anderson Award which is sponsored by the AWWA Standards Committee for Meters. This Award recognizes “outstanding, long-term contributions by user members, consultants, and manufacturers in the field of water metering”.

Past INAWWA Chair, Marty Wessler, from Wessler Engineering, received this year’s ACEC Consulting Engineer of the Year Award.

In other INAWWA news – We are sad to report the passing of Daniel L. Kleusner, 75, from Dubois Water who passed away on May 14, 2020. Dan served on the Dubois Water Utilities Board of Directors for many years, and had served on the Dubois Volunteer Fire Department. He was a supporter of the Southwest District and the Indiana Section. He attended the Section Conference for many years and was always at District meetings and events. Surviving are his wife, Susie Kluesner of Dubois; one daughter, Danielle Kluesner, Dubois; two sons, Shawn Kluesner (Keely), French Lick, and Steve Kluesner (Rachael), Bretzville; four grandchildren, Kaedan, Brody, Tynley and Sophie Kluesner; four sisters, Carol Gutgsell (Donnie), Dubois, Mary Jane Flinn, Dubois, Susie Schilling (Tom), St. Henry, and Nancy Kluesner, Jasper; and five brothers; James Kluesner, Marvin Kluesner, Roger Kluesner (Deb), Herman Kluesner (Lynn), and Paul Kluesner, all of Dubois. Private funeral services were held at St. Raphael Catholic Church in Dubois with burial at St. Peter’s United Church of Christ Cemetery in Dubois. The funeral procession was led by Dubois Water’s newest utility vehicle with friends and colleagues from Dubois Water lining the funeral route to pay their last respects and share with Dan’s family their admiration. Memorial contributions may be made to St. Isidore Parish, St. Peter’s UCC or a favorite charity. Online condolences may be made at

Please send any information you wish to share in our next issue of NewsLeaks to Odetta at





AWIA COMPLIANCE Risk and Resilience: What You Need to Know and Where to Find Resources Passed in 2018, America’s Water Infrastructure Act (AWIA) requires community water systems to fill a ‘risk and resilience’ assessment with the EPA. Within six months of the assessment, water systems must develop an emergency response plan. Links to the process, certification requirements, and resources can be found at Who Must File a Risk and Resilience Assessment? Any community water system that serves more than 3,300 persons is required to file an assessment and emergency response plan. While a community water system is defined as any drinking water utility that consistently serves at least 25 people or has 15 service connections yearround, only those serving 3,300 people are impacted by this requirement. When Do I Need to File? The due dates for both the assessments and the plan are dependent upon the size of your service population. Service Population

Risk and Resilience Assessment

Emergency Response Plan

≥ 100,000 people

March 31, 2020

September 30, 2020

Serving ≥ 50,000 and ≤ 99,999 December 31, 2020

June 30, 2021

Serving ≥ 3,301 and ≤ 49,999

December 30, 2021

June 30, 2021

Continuing Requirements Every five years, your utility must review your risk and resilience assessment and adjust if needed. You then must recertify your assessment with the EPA. Within six months of recertification of your risk and resilience assessment, you must review your emergency response plan and revise if necessary. Is There a Form or a Standard I Must Follow? The short answer is no. Your utility’s assessment and plan must meet all the criteria in AWIA Section 2013(a) and (b), but the AWIA does not require that you use any particular standard, tool or method for conducting your assessment or developing your plan. Please be aware that your risk assessment and emergency response plan need to include assessments accidental emergencies (chemical leaks, equipment malfunctions), natural disasters, and changing conditions (flooding or drought from climate change, for example), as well as malevolent acts of sabotage, both on your physical assets and your cyber-control systems. The lack of a hard and fast standard recognizes the need for these assessments and plans to be fl exible and tailored to each utility’s needs. However, there are some guidance documents that can act as a road map to the development of these documents. The AWWA has developed J100-10 Risk and Resilience Management of Water and Wastewater Systems to guide utilities in their assessments, available for purchase here: Establishing Priorities, Determining Strategies, and Finding Funding Sources The EPA’s Resilient Strategies Guide will help you identify possible priorities to evaluate and strategies to fortify your assets based on your utility type (it includes wastewater/stormwater as options, in addition to drinking water), your utility size, and state. The Launch Guide button is at resilient-strategies-guide-water-utilities#, which will take you to the guide launch page at utility-information?utilityname=&region=101&utilitytype=4&utilitysize=1315.

Malevolent Acts: A New Concern The risk for terrorism and potential sabotage must be taken seriously. The EPA has designed a guide to assist in this aspect of risk assessment and plan development, entitled Baseline Information on Malevolent Acts for Community Water Systems. This guide provides step-by-step assessments for different utility types and threats. The link to the EPA’s site is, which includes the link to the document PDF at baseline_information_malevolent_acts_508_072519.pdf. Risk Assessment for Extreme Weather If extreme weather is a major risk for your utility, there is an assessment tool that will help you project current and long-term conditions. CREAT has interactive maps to help evaluate your area and integrates with the resilient strategies guide at This resource also helps identify strategies and, in some cases, funding sources for implementation. Don’t Forget Chemical Safety One of the asset categories identified is ‘the use, storage or handling of chemicals.’ The example cites chlorine as a chemical of concern for uncontrolled release. Maintaining a chlorine residual is key to the safety of your water, and maintaining safe chlorine handling practices is also critical to the safety of your employees and surrounding populations. Your Communities Depend on You You know your water is literally the life-giver to your community. The economic and physical health of your communities are only as stable as the water source you provide. Thorough risk assessment and emergency planning is critical to maintaining your utility and the welfare of your community. Chlortainer Can Give You One Less Thing to Worry About Chlortainer can vastly simplify the risk assessment and emergency response plan development surrounding chlorine by eliminating the potential for uncontrolled release. One less thing to worry about – wouldn’t that be wonderful? Give us a call at 800-543-6603 and let us help.

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SUEZ Advanced Solutions (Utility Service Co., Inc.)



The Ford Meter Box Co., Inc.



Triad Associates, Inc.



Water Solutions Unlimited, Inc.



Wessler Engineering, Inc.




Published for IN AWWA by:

To reach water quality professionals through News Leaks magazine and its targeted readership, contact Dave at your earliest convenience to discuss your company’s promotional plan. Dave Gill, Marketing Manager Toll Free: 866-985-9791,


| SUMMER 2020


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