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九龍城浸信會長者鄰舍中心 Kowloon City Baptist Chruch Neighbourhood Elderly Centre

年度報告 Annual Report 2016 / 17

窩心.吾家 Live, Intimate

樂活.吾家 Live, Joyful

躍動.吾家 Live, Active

連繫.吾家 Live, Linkage

KCBCNEC 年報 Annual Report 2016 / 17

目錄 Table of Content

主席及主管同工的話 Message of Chairman & Head of Organisation




Annual Hightlights


Live, Joyful

澳洲墨爾本、塔斯曼尼亞八天團 平板天使


8-day Tour to Melborne and Tasmania

Little Cubs with Love in Family


Male Ukulele Team


Carer Supporting Service


Live, Intimate


「愛在黃昏」–蝦仔蝦女關懷長者配對計劃 "Sons and Daughters" Caring Elderly Matching Programme 愛家圓金裝頒獎禮

Carer Awarding Ceremony


"Chao Zhou Family" Group


Family-friendly Employment Policy


Live, Active

老有所為活動計劃–躍動耆藝大匯演 樂齡女童軍

Golden Guide


Chao Zhou Group


19-22 KCBCNEC Talent Show

Live, Linkage

屋邨管理諮詢委員會協作活動 Estate Management Advisory Committee Partnership 橫樂一家親

Wang-lok Family



目錄 Table of Content


Future Development

中心統計數字、財務報告 中心架構


Figures and Financial Report 29-37




Message of Chairman and Head of Organisation


主席及 主管的話 Chairman's and Head of NGO's Message

人人得益,共創和諧社區 Chairman's Message 葉耀昌先生 長者鄰舍中心管委會主席 Mr. Ip Yiu Cheong, Anthony Chairman of KCBCNEC Management Committee

九龍城浸信會一直發展全人成長的事工,並且本著聖經「愛鄰舍如同自己」的 教導,進入人群,關心社區,傳揚福音,見證上帝。 故此,教會在1996年於樂富開辦耆英中心,開始為區內長者提供服務。因著一 些長者輪候服務時間急切需要社會服務,以及心靈上需要關顧,教會在2002年 起自資開辦「匡耆計劃」,關心長者心靈上的需要,並且藉著計劃填滿服務上 的縫隙。2006年,樂富耆英中心與黃大仙上邨的耆英中心合併,成為全港惟一 巨大的長者鄰舍中心(Mega NEC),為樂富和黃大仙區的長者服務。在教會的支 持下,同工盡心為社區提供到位的服務,獲社區和政府不同部門高度認同。為 關顧地區上的長者以致他們家庭上的需要,教會在2010年自資成立「愛家圓計 劃」,讓支援服務變得更全面。 隨著不同社會服務在社區上的需求增加,教會在2014年起由社關部探討教會未 來在社會服務的定位。經過兩載的研究、籌備、走訪不同的社會服務單位,向 業界具經驗的人士了解,及內部商討後,教會將會設立社會服務處,以致向社 區提供更全面、更到位的社會服務。 中心踏進22周年,我們繼往開來,願意帶著基督仁愛的精神,繼續將貼心貼身 的服務帶入社區,榮耀上帝。 Kowloon City Baptist Church establishes all-round development missionary, under the teaching of bible "love neighbours as ourselves", we get into the society and caring people, share them the gospel and witnessing God. Therefore the Church set up Social Centre for the Elderly in Lok Fu since 1996 and GLAD Project in 2002 due to the necessity of social service and spiritual caring. Lok Fu Unit and Lung Cheung were merged in 2006 to become the only Mega Nec in Hong Kong. We put all our effort on providing suitable service under support of the Church and being highly admired by the society as well as the Government. In 2010, the Church set up RICH Project to provide more supporting service for the society. As there is an increase on the needs of social service, our Church started discussing the positioning of social service. After preparation and discussion for two years, our Church is going to set up Social Services in order to provide all-rounded and more suitable services for the society. As stepping towards 22-year anniversary, we are going to serve the society whole-heartedly under the loving spirit of Christ and provide intimate services to the society.

KCBCNEC 年報 Annual Report 2016 / 17

主管同工的話 Head of NGO's Message 白智信牧師 社關部主管同工 Rev. Pak Chi Shun, Patrickson Head of Social Concern Department

回想過去一年中心在社區服侍方面,深感神對中心長者豐厚的恩典和祝福。現 從身、心、社三方面分享工作的點滴。 「身」–對體弱需要照顧的年長會員,中心的護老者服務,開展了家庭傭工護 老技巧班,隨後更與鄰舍輔導會家居支援隊合作,成立了「外傭姐姐小組」, 藉一連串培訓,提升外傭姐姐照顧長者之技巧和溝通能力。 「心」–中心與銅鑼灣扶輪青年服務團合作「歡歡欣欣照相館–小小的影樓」, 透過專業攝影師及打燈、佈置、化妝等義工,讓長者與護老者及/或家人留下美好 的回憶。 結合身、心的社區服侍中,最具特色的是「新一代共融現代舞」(黃大仙區議 會基金贊助)。課堂分長者跳舞堂及青年合併堂。讓青年人與長者藉跳現代 舞,彼此交流及演出。 「社」–助新家庭融入社區。打從為新遷入樂富邨的新街坊或老人院舍的院 友,提供一站式的地區嚮導計劃「百合匙行動之愛在樂富」,現已由中心的長 者擔任導賞員。 發展長者成為社區的資產。中心與區內不同服務機構合作,推動「長者友善社 區」的觀念(安老事務委員會撥款),藉「長者友善睇真D」小組,培訓「長者 友善大使」推廣「長者友善社區」的訊息。又與黃大仙上邨管理諮詢委員會合 作設立「耆樂農莊」,透過種植活動,建立鄰舍網絡,培育了26位「耆樂農 夫」,藉此推廣綠色生活。 展望未來,中心會繼續以社區照顧模式,與地區不同部門、團體及組織緊密合 作,讓長者們在所屬的社區,展現精彩、豐盛、滿有愛和關懷的生命。 It was a blessing to the elderly from the Lord on social service of our centre. Physical: we set up carer supporting service as well as maid carer training courses, and established maid group later under cooperation with NAAC household caring team. Their caring communication skills are improved through training. Spiritual: we worked with Rotaract Club of Causeway Bay and created a small studio, through professional photography, lighting and make up, leaving the elderly and carers good memory. Social: we help new family to get used to the society. Through "The Key Programme", ambassadors trained by our centre give a tour for those who are just moving into the society. We help the elderly to develop their talent, through cooperation with different organisations, we have trained elderly friendly ambassadors and share the message of "Age-friendly Cities". With the cooperation of EMAC, we set up the elderly farm, which help them to build up supportive network and promote the concept of greening. In the future, we are going to work with different ogranisations as well as department in the society that the elderly can live joyfully and fruitfully in the society they belong to.


年度剪影 Year's Highlight



「愛在黃昏」–蝦仔蝦女關懷長者 配對計劃舉行第二屆起步禮

家庭友善同樂日: 當天共有超過60

2nd Year Kick-off Ceremony of "Sons and Daughters" Caring Elderly Matching Programme

Family-friendly Day camp: There were over 60 management committees, staff and family members participated.



職員退修營2016: 藉著一年一度退


修營,建立同工之間的關係,配合不 同主題,提升不同工作技巧。

中心於2015/16年度再次榮獲「傑出家庭 友善僱主」獎項,以及三項獎項殊榮。

Staff Retreat Camp: Through retreat camp every year, we maintain relationship with each other.With different topics held each year, we are enhanced and equipped with different working skills.

Distinguished Family-Friendly Employers 2015/16: Our centre was awarded by Family Council with three other honourable awards.


KCBCNEC 年報 Annual Report 2016 / 17



愛家圓金裝頒獎典禮: 一年一度典

躍動耆才展姿彩: 藉著不同班組訓

禮,嘉許護老者的付出,以及「蝦仔 蝦女」的持續關顧。


Carer Awarding Ceremony: Awarding carers who put much effort on caring elderly, as well as continuous caring of "Sons and Daughters".

KCBCNEC Talent Show: Through different training with performance in our centre, we develop the talent of the elderly.






演,長者在牛池灣文娛中心作公開表 演。

Inter view by i- Cable TV: "Sons and Daughters" Programme was interviewed by special programme of i-Cable.

KCBCNEC Talent Show: With different training and performance, every elderly participated had an open performance in The Ngau Chi Wan Civic Centre.

窩心.吾家 Live, Intimate

樂活.吾家 Live, Joyful

躍動.吾家 Live, Active

連繫.吾家 Live, Linkage

澳洲墨爾本、塔斯曼尼亞八天團 8-day Tour to Melbourne and Tasmania 長者在離開勞碌的工作後,除了希望好好休息,更加希望實踐夢想,周遊列國, 增廣見聞,然而子女工作,未能時刻陪伴,自己也人生路不熟,成為了他們的阻 礙,令他們只能默默埋藏許多的夢想。 為了實踐長者的夢想,中心今年舉辦澳洲墨爾本、塔斯曼尼亞旅行團。離開香 港,長者不敢試,或沒有機會做的事情,都在澳洲都會嘗試了:吃生蠔、玩雪, 追綿羊等,這些都成為了他們人生中的特別回憶。 藉著這八天的旅程,讓每位長者實現夢想,認識澳洲的風光文化,滿載而歸。 After retiring, apart from taking good rest, the elderly wants to finish their dreams like visiting different countries. As children are at work, they are not familiar with other countries or places, which hinder them from finishing those dreams. Therefore our centre held Melbourne and Tasmania tour for them. They tried many things that have not done before: eating oysters, playing snow and chasing sheep. These were their lovely memories. Through the 8-day tour, dream of every elderly comes true with fruitful experience.

KCBCNEC 年報 Annual Report 2016 / 17

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樂活吾家 Live, Joyful

「友得彈」男士小結他組 Male Ukulele Team 中心鼓勵長者「持續學習,豐富生活」,活出豐盛生命,藉著經常與人互動,從 學習中啟發他們發揮的潛能。 音樂不但可以陶冶性情,也可以減低患上認知障礙症的機會,加強個人專注力。 另一方面,男士一般較少去主動溝通和互動,所以本中心在2016年起組成「友得 彈」男士小結他組,凝聚一班男士會員,藉著學習小結他,讓他們可有更多的溝 通及互動的機會,由學習,到表演,實踐「持續學習,豐富生活,老有所诙為」的 精神。 小組組員由當初學習如何手握小結他,至現在經過持續練習,現在已經可以在不 同的活動上作表演。「友得彈」男士小結他小組將會繼續招募更多的會員加入, 發揮潛能,建立自信。 Our centre encourage the elderly to learn continuously, live fruitfully and development their talents through interactions and learning. Music can cultivate temperament and may be able to reduce the chance of suffering from dementia and enhance their sense of focusing. In addition, male elderly seldom communicate with others in an active role, therefore our centre set up "Bands and Friends" men ukulele team. Through learning ukulele, there is more rooms for them to communicate with each other and fulfill the spirit of "continuous learning, fruitful living, active ageing". From learning to practicing ukulele, our elderly has put much effort on it, and they can now have performance of different activities. It is welcomed for more members to join this team to develop their talent and raise their self-esteem.

護老者支援服務 Carer Supporting Service 本年度中心共舉行了約30次的護老者小組訓練及聚會,透過訓練認知障礙症長 者、護老者、外傭姐姐等,減輕護老者的壓力,並提升護老者的照顧技巧。 除小組訓練外,中心與外間團體合作,共邀請了10位護老者,包括他們的子女或 配偶的家庭,共有35位家庭成員,在中心佈置的「影樓」留下美麗的回憶。長者 及家人都十分重視這張「全家福」,三代同堂,樂也融融。 此外,中心繼續與專業團隊合作,包括與聖雅閣福群會進行專科藥物講座,讓護 老者及長者知道普遍藥物的用途及副作用;與鄰近的醫院舒緩組進行認識舒緩服 務及預設照顧計劃,讓患上癌症的長者能夠在社區上得到照顧與支援。 Our centre has held about 30 different carer supporting groups and training this year. Through providing training for elderly with dementia, carers and foreign maids, we help them to release pressure and enhance their skills of caring. Apart from training, we have cooperation with other organisation and invited 10 carers as well as their family members and take picture in the “studio” setting at our centre. They really treasure this photo with a lot of lovely memories within generations. In addition, our centre continues to work with professional crew. Through specialist medicine talk with St. James Settlement, carers and elderly learn more about the use of medicine and the side effects. By Advance Care Planning from adjacent hospital, elderly suffered from cancer can have enough support and care in the society.

KCBCNEC 年報 Annual Report 2016 / 17

樂活.吾家 Live, Joyful

窩心.吾家 Live, Intimate

躍動.吾家 Live, Active

連繫.吾家 Live, Linkage

「愛在黃昏」–蝦仔蝦女關懷長者配對計劃 "Sons and Daughters" Caring Elderly Mataching Programme 在社區中有不少長者,因著個人及戰亂,終生未有成家、或婚後未有生兒育女、 甚或遭逢變故,經歷白頭人送黑頭人的傷痛,及至晚年,當親友相繼而去的時 候,更落得隻影形單,獨個面對孤獨晚年。 有見及此,中心於2015年推出這計劃,為無兒無女及有特別需要的長者提供至少 一年持續關懷探訪,透過「虾仔虾女」的細心而持續的跟進,為長者在身心靈上給予 關懷。義工會暱稱長者為「虾爹虾娘」,而長者也會稱義工為「虾仔虾女」。計劃進行了 兩年,已有超過107位義工參與,彼此建立出深厚的關係–「陪伴返鄉下探親」、 「一齊唱K」等等,成就了許多動人的故事。 「蝦仔蝦女」計劃更於本年獲得有線電視「小事大意義」訪問,藉此向社區分享 更多好人好事。 Due to war, either without marriage or marriage without children and some other tragedy, some elderly in the society lives alone when they get old. Therefore, our centre set up this programme since 2015 and provides at least one-year caring for elderly with children or in special needs. Through caring of "sons and daughters", the elderly are being cared in different aspects. The volunteers call the elderly "mum and dad", and the elderly calls the volunteer son and daughter". After establishing the programme for two years, there are already over 107 volunteers participated and build up intimate relationship. They accompany them back to the place they born and visit their relatives and sing karaoke together. What "sons and daughters" did create a warm and harmonious picture. The programme was even interviewed by i-cable this year. It is glad that we can share inspirational stories more to the society.

KCBCNEC 年報 Annual Report 2016 / 17

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窩心吾家 Live, Intimate

老有所為–愛家圓金裝頒獎禮 Carer Awarding Ceremony 「老有所為–金裝頒獎禮」是愛家圓計劃一年一度的嘉許禮,特別嘉許護老者於 照顧上的付出,承傳這份敬老愛老的精神。第四屆愛家圓金裝頒獎禮,得到老有 所為活動計劃贊助,經社工推薦下,嘉許五位傑出護老者。當日超過100位參加 者出席活動,細聽著護老者分享屬於他們的故事。護老者的真誠分享讓我們明白 到,每個家庭或有不同的照顧方式,但離不開的是用「愛」把家中各人連繫起 來。 為加強社區「敬老愛老」、「愛意傳承」信息,本活動亦於黃大仙區及九龍城區 幼稚園推行填色比賽、窩心情話比賽等,得獎的家庭獲頒獎盃及豐富禮品。當日 活動亦邀請了「另類護老者」–「蝦仔蝦女」–教會義工如兒女般長期關懷無兒 無女的長者,宣揚關愛社區,家庭和睦。 Opportunities for the Elderly Project-Carer Awarding Ceremony aims at awarding carers paying much effort on caring elderly and share this spirit to the society. The fourth-year of awarding ceremony was funded by Opportunities for the Elderly Project from Social Welfare Department. Through recommendation from social workers, we awarded five carers this year. There were over 100 people participated the ceremony, listened to their stories. Carers helped us to understand that there are different ways of caring, but all of them help to connect with each other. In order to enhance the spirit of “Care for the Elderly” and “Sharing Love”, we awarded volunteers from church and some other competitions to share the message of loving society with harmony in the family.

家己人群英會 "Chao Zhou Family" Group 一聽到「功夫茶」,必定會想起潮州人,潮汕當地更把茶視作待客的最佳禮儀。 因中心有不少籍貫潮州的長者,部份言語不通,令他們的生活造成困擾。有見及 此,中心自2016年1月開始,在樂富單位開展「家己人」群英會的自助小組,每月 進行小組聚會。 小組主要以潮州話溝通,以「功夫茶」為主幹,組員自助泡茶,一邊分享,一邊 喝功夫茶,每次聚會有不同的主題,包括:潮州人精神、文化、長者福利及社會 資訊等。現在小組的發展漸趨成熟,組員間會互相幫助,甚至主動協助前來求助 而不懂廣東話的潮州長者翻譯,平日也會互相關心,實踐「助人自助」的精神。 When we heard of “Kung-fu Tea”, we must think about Chao Zhou. Chao Zhou people even regard tea as the best way of etiquette. As there are a lot of Chao Zhou people in our centre, some of them cannot communicate in Cantonese, which makes them feel obsessed, thus our centre set up “Chao Zhou Family” Self-help Group since January 2016. Members mainly communicate in Chao Zhou Language, with sharing “Kung-fu Tea”, they have sharing with each other. There is different topic for every meeting like spirit of Chao Zhou people, culture and welfare for the elderly. It is matured that members would help each other and even take an active role that helping elderly in Chao Zhou to translate, which fulfill the spirit of “helping people to help themselves”.

KCBCNEC 年報 Annual Report 2016 / 17

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窩心吾家 Live, Intimate

家庭友善僱主 Family-friendly Employment Policy 中心一直積極關心每一位同工的福利,以及家人的需要,所以定期檢視家庭友善 僱主措施,並由中心的職工福利小組「童心同樂會」定期為同工舉辦不同活動, 包括唱卡拉OK、同工團拜、兩天團等等,讓大家有更多聯誼的機會。而管理層以 及管委會的積極參與、支持,與同工打成一片,更成為同工工作的動力,增加大 家對機構的歸屬感。 隨著同工家中的雙親或祖父母年時漸高,中心在彈性工作時間或地點上,更多體 恤同工的需要,並且提供支援服務及轉介,舒緩同工在照顧家人上的壓力。 在2015/16年度,中心再次榮獲家庭議會頒發「傑出家庭友善僱主」,「特別嘉許(金 獎)」,以及「支持母乳餵哺」 奬 ,對中心未來繼續推動家庭友善措施有莫大的鼓勵。 Our centre is always concerned about the welfare of every staff as well as the needs of their family, therefore we have review on family-friendly employment policy regularly. Through activities held by our staff committee including karaoke, spring gathering and tour, we treasure the opportunity of gathering with each other and their family members. Our management committee members and managerial staff are actively participated which raise the sense of belonging and motivation of working for them. As parents or grandparents of our staff get old, we have fine adjustment of flexi-working hours and place according to their needs and provide support and referral when needed in order to relieve their pressure of caring. In the year 2015/16, we are honoured to receive “Distinguished Family-Friendly Employers 2015/16”, “Special Mention 2015/16 (Gold)”and “Awards for Breastfeeding Support 2015/16” awarded by Family Council, which gives great support and encouragement for us on the implementation of family-friendly employment policy.


年報 Annual Report 窩心.吾家

Live, Intimate

樂活.吾家 Live, Joyful

躍動.吾家 Live, Active

連繫.吾家 Live, Linkage

2016 / 17

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躍動吾家 Live, Active

老有所為活動計劃–躍動耆藝大匯演 KCBCNEC Talent Show 中心獲社會福利署「老有所為活動計劃」資助,舉行2016-2018年度的兩年計劃活 動,透過多項的表演藝術,跨代合作,讓長者終身學習,發揮潛能。中心去年舉 辦了「舞動耆跡」,今年中心再接再勵,於11月8日假牛池灣文娛中心舉辦「躍動 耆藝大匯演」。 中心當日邀請了共20多位的化妝義工協助表演者化妝,讓老友記有煥然一新的 感覺。當日表演隊伍包括「城浸鼓令操」、「新一代共融現代舞」、男子組小結 他「友得彈」、「愛的樂章」、「護老天使」輪椅舞、「草裙舞」、「太極功夫 扇」,還有慈愛幼稚園的「韻律操」,當日合共132位表演者參與演出。 藉著這次大匯演,不論是長者或是護老者,都能發揮他們「活到老、學到老」的 精神,並實踐跨代共融。 Our centre received Opportunities for the Elderly Project funding from Social Welfare Department and held two-year programme. Through art performance and generations inclusion, the elderly can learn continuously and develop their talents. We held KCBCNEC Talent Show last year and we carried out another the Show again this year at The Ngau Chi Wan Civic Centre. To let every performer being fresh and sharp to the audience, we have invited about 20 makeup artists and had makeup for them. Performance included drum show, modern dance with generations inclusion, male ukulele team, singing performance, wheelchair dance, Hula Dance ,Taichi kung-fu folding fan performance and Rhythmic gymnastics from Kowloon City Baptist Church Tsz Oi Kindergarten. There were 132 performers participated in the Show. Through this Show, both elderly and carers can develop their talents and fulfilled the spirit of generations’ inclusion.

百合匙行動 The Key Programme 本港近年積極推動「居家安老」政策,讓長者在熟悉的社區中安享晚年。有見及 此,本中心早於2008年開始,便積極推行「百合匙行動」計劃,藉街坊提供一 站式的地區嚮導計劃,包括認識區內的街市、郵政局、茶樓、公廁、房署交租地 方、診所及鄰近的社會服務,協助他們盡早融入新社區,讓他們有足夠的社區支 援網絡。 中心於2014年起訓練「導賞員」,並且每年提供培訓,目前可動用的導賞員達35 人,至今服務新住戶共76人,向2,515人次推廣,成功減少區內的隱蔽長者。 繼往開來,中心也於龍翔單位開展相關計劃,並於今年進行「百合匙導賞員」義 工培訓,共有20位義工完成訓練,盼望未來可以支援黃大仙上邨新遷入的長者。 "Ageing in Place" is highly promoted in Hong Kong recently so that our elderly can live in their familiar places. Therefore our centre has established "The Key Programme" since 2008. Through introduction by volunteers living in the estates, we introduce the new moving in elderly the marker, post office, Chinese restaurant, clinic and some other important social facilities for them, so that they can get used to the society as soon as possible with enough social supporting network. Our centre has trained 35 "tour guide" and served 76 people, with promotion to 2,515 man-time to avoid hidden elderly. This year we developed our programme to Lung Cheung Unit with 20 volunteers trained so that we can provide support for new moving in elderly in Upper Wong Tai Sin Estate.

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躍動吾家 Live, Active

樂齡女童軍 Golden Guide 本中心樂齡女童軍屬於香港女童軍總會認可的制服隊伍,至今服務中心超過十二 年,本著「積極參與,助己助人」的精神,透過學習和嘗試,發揮長者的潛能。 女童軍每月有兩次的集會,由領袖及副領袖設計每次訓練主題,包括:與人相 處、品格、服務、體能、戶外樂趣、創造能力、家務技能及智能等多方面培訓。 樂齡女童軍集會中,需要接受步操訓練、升旗訓練等,希望提升組員的紀律性, 同時,也會定期進行繩結訓練。組員經常表示自己沒有能力了,有很多事情都幹 不了,但現在他們已經能夠完成許多童軍的操練。我們深信只要多練習,多鼓 勵,多欣賞,長者也同樣能夠做得到,並建立他們的自信。 Golden Guide in our centre is a verified uniform team by Hong Kong Golden Guide Association and has served our centre for over 12 years. Under the spirit of “Active participation, helping people to help themselves”, through learning different skills, we develop their talents. There are two meetings for golden guide in every month, with topics of training set up by leader and vice leader like communication, integrity, service, fitness, outdoor activities, creativity, household skills and intelligence. In the meetings, they need to have training on footdrill, flag raising and knotting in order to enhance their disciplinary. Although the members often express that they are not able to do many things, they have finished many trainings. It is convinced that the elderly can do many things and build up their self-esteem through learning, encouragement and compliment.


年報 Annual Report 窩心.吾家

Live, Intimate

樂活.吾家 Live, Joyful

連繫.吾家 Live, Linkage

躍動.吾家 Live, Active

2016 / 17

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連繫吾家 Link, Active

屋邨管理諮詢委員會協作活動 Estate Management Advisory Committee Partnership 本年度中心與與樂富和黃大仙屋邨管理諮詢委員會有很多合作活動,藉著「耆樂 農莊」及「百合匙計劃」,提高長者綠化社區的意識,並加強鄰里間的關係;透 過培訓了20位「百合匙–社區導賞大使」為新居民作嚮導,並制作500本資源手 冊,為新搬入邨內的長者提供2天的導賞服務,協助他們盡快適應新社區的生活。 此外,中心也與管理諮詢委員會合作,於本年度舉辦三個嘉年華活動,藉此培訓 長者義工,建立他們的自信,發揮才能;宣揚鄰里守望,社區共融的訊息;同時 藉著上門探訪,探訪480戶獨居長者,讓他們在節日中感受到關愛,並且讓他們建 立支援網絡。 Our centre cooperated with Estate Management Advisory Committee (EMAC) of Hong Kong Housing Authority in many programmes, through elderly farming and the Key Programme, we enhance awareness of greening the society of the elderly as well as the relationship between neighbourhood. In addition, through training 20 society touring ambassadors and publishing 500 resources booklet, we provide two-day touring for the new elderly residents moving into the estate and help them to get used to the living. Moreover, we held three carnivals cooperated with EMAC. Through training, we build up selfconfidence of the elderly as well as develop their talents, and we share the message of neighbourhood support and care and society inclusions. By visiting 480 elderly living alone, we share love with them in festivals and build up their supportive network.

橫樂一家親 Wang-lok Family 橫樂一家親自2002年起成立,至今已有15年歷史,藉著不同界別的合作,每年舉 辦不同主題的社區活動,促進鄰舍守望、跨代共融,共建和諧社區。 2016年的主題為「好人.好事.好鄰舍」,藉著招募120位義工,探訪210戶獨居 長者。透過運動訓練班、「好鄰舍」選舉、「好鄰舍」攝影比賽、月曆印刷、社 區比賽巡迴展等,在地區上宣揚好人好事。最後,我們在11月份舉行「和諧社區 嘉年華暨頒獎禮」,藉此將安老、復康及青少年服務連繫,讓社區內不同的人士 能夠睦鄰共融,發揮鄰互相守望的精神。 Wang-lok Family was set up since 2002, which has been established for 15 years. Through cooperation with different parties with different topics for each year, we aim at enhancement of neighbourhood relationship, generations inclusion and build up society with harmony. The topic of 2016 was about neighbourhood relationship, through recruitment of 120 volunteers visiting 210 elderly living alone, holding exercise training classes, "Good neighbours" election, photos competition, publishing calendar and exhibitions to share good stories with good people around. We held carnival with awarding ceremony in November. Through the organisation we connect elderly, rehabilitation and youth service together to carry out the spirit of neighbourhood inclusion.

KCBCNEC 年報 Annual Report 2016 / 17


Future Development

發展前瞻 Future Development

姚鳳主任 督導主任

Ms. Yiu Fung, Helen Supervisor of KCBCNEC

城浸在樂富和黃大仙兩邨擔當著重要的角色,長者留在自己熟悉的社區上居家安 老,是大勢所趨。迎接未來,我們會繼續提升各項特色具意義、落地貼身的服務 計劃: 「蝦仔蝦女」關懷長者計劃–踏入第三年,我們將開闊「蝦仔蝦女」的義工對 象,由過往的教會會友,開展至社區人士,甚至與大學合作,讓更多不同年齡群 體都關注長者的生活需要。而蝦爹蝦娘亦由「接受服務」的角色,漸漸轉為「出 去幫手關心社會」的助人角色。 「豐衣足食」計劃–全面提升長者的飯餐膳食生活。兩單位一星期五天的午餐飯 堂服務將繼續排除萬難地進行。不但「有餸有靚湯有生果」,在節日上更「加餸 加料」,解決長者在飯餐湯水的生活。另一方面,中心未來將重點「介紹營養食 品」,讓長者有選擇之餘,為自己的健康加入「自我管理概念」。未來,倘有更 多資源,將會考慮上門派發下午茶點給社交網絡較弱的長者,成就中心「豐衣足 食」的計劃。 There is an important role for our centre in both Lok Fu and Upper Wong Tai Sin Estate. The elderly lives in the community they are familiar with and ageing in place will be the trend for the future. Therefore, we are going to enhance different meaningful project that suits their needs: “Sons and Daughters” Caring Elderly Matching Programme: in the third year, we would like to explore more sorts of volunteers apart from church volunteers. We will cooperate with universities and let different age groups learn the needs of the elderly. Moreover, “Mom and Dad” will be changing the role from “receiving” to “helping”. “Ample Sharing, Fruitful Living”: we are going to enhance elderly meal ser vice comprehensively. We are not only providing soup and fruit, but also preparing more food rich in nutrition. In addition, we will pay more attention to introducing nutrient food and let them have choice so that they understand the concept of self-management of health. On site visit with afternoon dim-sum for elderly lacking social network and increase of afternoon tea frequency will be considered if more social resources received.

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發展前瞻 Future Development

「街坊街里」睦鄰計劃–設立少數族群小組,例如潮州小組、印尼姐姐開心組, 國內學生街坊組,隱長關心組,關心其他社區需要等睦鄰守望的計劃。 「老有所為」計劃–開辦長者司儀、禮儀班,舞動耆跡大匯演、男士「友得彈」 小結他組,讓長者展現才華,貢獻社會,老有所為。 「認知障礙症」服務–中心將與有關專業機構合作,舉辦六藝活動,為「認知障 礙症」做好準備,未來中心在環境設施、同工培訓、活動的策略上也會有所調 動,而支援地區的護老者工作也是關注的重點。 在1,700位長者會員及兩個小社區的長者中,我們「長者鄰舍中心」的角色越來越 重,雖然資源不足,但心靈卻是滿足,因主耶穌基督一直在保守看顧著、豐盛滿載。 「我來了,是要叫人得生命,並且得的更豐盛。」(聖經 約翰福音10:10) “Neighbourhood in Community” Scheme: to care about the social needs of different parties, we would set up group like Chao Zhou group, maid group, mainland students group and hidden elderly caring group. Opportunities for the Elderly Project: we set up class for master of ceremonies, class teaching manner, male ukulele group for the elderly developing their talents as well as contributing the society. Dementia Service: our centre will work with specialised organizations and establish Six Arts activities and prepare for dementia service. We will enhance the facilities with staff training and fine adjustment on programmes. In addition, carer support service is also one of our crucial services. With 1,700 elderly members and other elderly in these two little communities, our “Neighbourhood Elderly Centre” takes a more important role nowadays. Resources are limited, spirit is adequate, for the Lord Jesus Christ always takes care of us. “I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.” John 10:10 (NIV)

中心統計數字、財務報告 Statistics and Financial Report

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統計數字 Statistics

2016-17年度活動數字 2016-17 Programme Figures 項目





























142.75(每月平均) 90













2016-17年度中心員工入職及離職率 2016-17 Annual Entry and Demission Rate

2016-17年度中心財務狀況 2016-17 Annual Financial Status 中心財務經會計師樓稽核後,核數報告已於2017年7月份經執事會及會 友月會通過,並於同月份在九龍城浸信會、長者鄰舍中心告示版張貼。 中心已於2017年6月就善用整筆過撥款及公積金儲備進行討論: • 善用儲備,作中心活動及服務用途 • 中心會繼續就善用公積金儲備作詳細討論 After auditing, the audited financial report was approved by deacons' and members meeting in July 2017. The report was posted on notice board of the church, Lok Fu and Lung Cheung Unit. Our centre had discussion about using LSG and PF in June 2017: • Surplus will be used on programmes and service of our centre • We will have detailed discussion on the ways of using PF

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統計數字 Statistics

2016-17年度核數報告 2016-17 Audited Financial Report

2016-17年度核數報告 2016-17 Audited Financial Report

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2016-17年度長者鄰舍中心總收入 2016-17 Annual Income of Neighbourhood Elderly Centre

Statistics 銀行利息 Bank Interest 0.0%

社署資助 SWD Subvention 51.3%

活動收費 Programme Income 23.2%

社署資助 SWD Subvention 社會福利發展基金收入 SWD Fund 指定用途捐款 Designated Donation 捐款 Donation 其他 Miscellaneous 會費收入 Membership Fees 活動收費 Programme Income 銀行利息 Bank Interest

會費收入 Membership Fees 0.7%

其他 Miscellaneous 0.1% 捐款 Donation 10.5%

指定用途捐款 Designated Donation 9.8%

社會福利發展基金收入 SWD Fund 4.4%

項目 Items

2016-17 ($)

2015-16 ($)

社署資助 SWD Subvention 活動收費 Programme Income 捐款 Donation 指定用途捐款 Designated Donation 社會福利發展基金 SWDF 會費收入 Membership Fees 雜項 Miscellaneous 銀行利息 Bank Interest

4,085,406.00 1,847,210.00 837,645.00 781,340.00 348,792.00 53,220.00 7,238.00 1,109.00

3,805,122.00 2,418,413.00 866,057.00 800,350.00 168,679.00 57,390.00 7,000.00 588.00

綜合收入 Consolidated Income



2016-17年度長者鄰舍中心總支出 2016-17 Annual Expenditure of Neighbourhood Elderly Centre 捐款支出 雜項支出 Donation Expenses Miscellaneous 0.1% 0.2%

活動支出 Programme Expenses 24.8%

員工薪酬 Personal Emoluments 50.2%

指定用途捐款支出 Designated Donation Expenses 7.2%

社會福利發展基金支出 SWD Fund 3.0% 行政支出 保險 Administrative Insurance Expenses 1.0% 5.5%

強積金 Provident Fund 3.3% 公共事業支出 Utilities 1.1%

租金及差餉 Rent and Rates 3.7%

員工薪酬 Personal Emoluments 強積金 Provident Fund 租金及差餉 Rent and Rates 公共事業支出 Utilities 行政支出 Administrative Expenses 保險 Insurance 社會福利發展基金支出 SWD Fund 指定用途捐款支出 Designated Donation Expenses 捐款支出 Donation Expenses 雜項支出 Miscellaneous 活動支出 Programme Expenses

項目 Items

2016-17 ($)

2015-16 ($)

員工薪酬 Personal Emoluments 活動支出 Programme Expenses 指定用途捐款支出 Designated Donation Expenses 行政支出 Administrative Expenses 租金及差餉 Rent and Rates 強積金 Provident Fund 社會福利發展基金 SWDF 公共事業 Utilities 保險 Insurance 雜項 Miscellaneous 捐款支出 Donation Expenses

3,900,214.00 1,931,328.00

3,613,748.00 2,589,962.00



428,976.00 287,800.00 257,656.00 231,416.00 86,382.00 75,843.00 13,014.00 6,829.00

363,214.00 255,980.00 247,880.00 168,679.00 125,185.00 28,522.00 25,077.00 11,986.10

綜合支出 Consolidated Income



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統計數字 Statistics

2016年度匡耆計劃總收入 2016 Annual Income of GLAD Project 銀行利息 Bank Interest 0.0%

指定用途捐款 Designated Donation 27.0% 其他收入 Sundry Income 0.0% 捐款 Donation 4.0%

城浸資助 Subsidy from Agency 62.7%

活動收費 Programme Income 6.3%

城浸資助 Subsidy from Agency 活動收費 Programme Income 捐款 Donation 其他收入 Sundry Income 指定用途捐款 Designated Donation 銀行利息 Bank Interest

項目 Items

2016 ($)

2015 ($)

城浸資助 Subsidy from Agency 活動收費 Programme Income 捐款 Donation 其他收入 Other Income 指定用途捐款 Designated Donation 銀行利息 Bank Interest

464,400.00 46,502.00 30,000.00 0.00 200,140.00 84.11

495,000.00 42,867.00 1,515.00 5,586.00 123,958.00 128.00

綜合收入 Consolidated Income



2016年度匡耆計劃總支出 2016 Annual Expenditure of GLAD Project 薪金 Salary 68.0%

雜項支出 Miscellaneous 0.3%

強積金 Provident Fund 3.2%

員工福利及培訓 Staff Benefits and Training 0.3% 行政支出 Administrative Expenses 0.2%

保險 Insurance 0.5% 活動支出 Programme Expenses 指定用途捐款支出 7.5% Designated Donatione Expenses 20.1%

薪金 Salary 強積金 Provident Fund 員工福利及培訓 Staff Benefits and Training 行政支出 Administrative Expenses 保險 Insurance 活動支出 Programme Expenses

項目 Items

2016 ($)

2015 ($)

員工薪酬 Personal Emoluments 強積金 Provident Fund 活動支出 Programme Expenses 指定用途捐款支出 Designated Donation Expenses 保險 Insurance 員工福利及培訓 Staff Benefits and Training 行政支出 Administrative Expenses 雜項 Miscellaneous

493,009.00 23,455.26 54,102.33

434,180.00 21,709.00 54,488.00



3,460.80 2,020.20 1,192.70 2,420.00

3,431.00 1,682.00 11,298.00 4,728.00

綜合支出 Consolidated Income



KCBCNEC 年報 Annual Report 2016 / 17

2016年度愛家圓計劃總收入 2016 Annual Income of RICH Project 捐款 Donation 24.6%

城浸資助 Subsidy from Agency 73.0%

活動收費 Programme Income 2.4%

城浸資助 Subsidy from Agency 活動收費 Programme Income 捐款 Donation

項目 Items

2016 ($)

2015 ($)

城浸資助 Subsidy from Agency 活動收費 Programme Income 捐款 Donation

478,903.73 15,881.00 163,000.00

507,381.00 1,909.00 120,000.00

綜合收入 Consolidated Income



2016年度愛家圓計劃總支出 2016 Annual Expenditure of RICH Project 強積金 Provident Fund 4.4%

薪金 Salary 88.9%

行政支出 Administrative Expenses 0.5%

員工福利及培訓 Staff Benefits and Training 0.1% 活動支出 Programme Expenses 6.1% 雜項支出 Miscellaneous 0.0%

薪金 Salary 強積金 Provident Fund 員工福利及培訓 Staff Benefits and Training 行政支出 Administrative Expenses 活動支出 Programme Expenses 雜項支出 Miscellaneous

項目 Items

2016 ($)

2015 ($)

員工薪酬 Personal Emoluments 強積金 Provident Fund 活動支出 Programme Expenses 行政支出 Administrative Expenses 員工福利及培訓 Staff Benefits and Training 雜項 Miscellaneous

582,989.80 28,832.63 39,831.10 3,460.80 970.40 0.00

566,165.00 28,308.00 29,401.00 3,107.00 2,310.00 1,320.00

綜合支出 Consolidated Income



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中心架構 Organisation

管理委員會 Management Committee 管委會主席


Mr. Ip Yiu Cheong, Anthony



Deacon Ho K ang Ming, Samson



Mr. Siu Kwok Keung, Simon



Mr. Lai Yiu Man, Roger



Ms. Lee Mei Yee, Hera


Mr. P.S. Au


Mr. W.H. Leung


Mr. S.F. Wan, Daniel


Mr. K.O. Wong


Mr. C.H. Chui

委員 姜黃金容執事

Deacon Keung Wong Kam Yung


Principal. Y.P. Ho


Ms. S.L. Pang


Ms. M.Y. Lee


Mr. T.Y. Cheung



Mr. K.F. Luk



Pastor Poon Wing Kuen

KCBCNEC 年報 Annual Report 2016 / 17

中心員工 Staff 社關部主管同工 Head of Social Concern Department 白智信博士 Dr. Pak Chi Shun, Patrickson

督導主任 Supervisor

社會工作助理 Social Work Assistant

活動幹事I Programme Worker I



(2017年3月31日榮休) Mr. Mok Yat Kwong, Sunny

Mr. Lau Ka Yip, Teddy

陳 玉女士

活動幹事II Programme Worker II

Ms. Chan Yuk, Stephanie

莊寶炘女士 Ms. Chong Po Yan

姚 鳳女士 Ms. Yiu Fung, Helen

蘇嘉靜女士 Ms. So Ka Ching, Cherry

中心主任 Centre in Charge 莫志明先生 Mr. Mok Chi Ming, Simon

行政主任 Administrative Officer 余永靈先生

Ms. Yeung Pui Shan, Fion 范月迎女士 Ms. Fan Yuet Ying, Florence (2016年10月1日轉職)



活動助理員 Programme Assistant

Ms. Leung Pui Wah, Oliva (2016年9月30日離職)

Mr. Yee Wing Ling, Timothy

單位主任 Unit in Charge 麥啟昌先生 Mr. Mak Kai Cheong, Tony (2016年10月1日到職)

單位主任 Unit in Charge 陳偉娟女士


會計幹事 Account Worker

Ms. Li Suet Mui, May

馮英儀女士 Ms. Fung Ying Yee, Winnie (2016年10月1日轉職)



Ms. Chan Yuet Ho, Miranda

Mr. Chan Lok Him, Oscar (2016年9月12日離職)

行政文員 Administrative Clerk 楊詠婷女士 Ms. Yeung Wing Ting, Winnie

服務助理員 Service Assistant 盧才鳳女士 Ms. Lo Choi Fung

Ms. Chan Wai Kuen, Vicky 徐永嫻女士 Ms. Chui Wing Han 陳蘭珍女士 Ms. Chan Lan Chan

九龍城浸信會長者鄰舍中心 Kowloon City Baptist Chruch Neighbourhood Elderly Centre 聯絡我們 樂富 地址:九龍樂富邨第六期樂泰樓地下低座 電話:2304 6343 2336 5551 傳真:2338 5204 電郵:nec@kcbcssd.com 網址:http://www.kcbcnec.org 督 印 人:姚 鳳主任 編 輯:余永靈主任 印刷份數:500份

龍翔 地址:九龍黃大仙上邨耀善樓地下C翼 電話:2322 1293 2354 9731 傳真:2320 4465




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