Annual Financial Report 2020

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2732 Teak Crescent Oakville ON L6J 7M7 T. 1-860-393-0177

Dear Friends of CANELA Canada, It is with great pleasure that the Board of Directors presents our first Annual Financial Report. CANELA Canada was founded in the Fall of 2019, and 2020 was our first real year of operations. It is no news to anyone that 2020 was an extraordinary year. The pandemic made our world a truly different place, and so many of our normal activities had to be put on hold, adjusted or simply abandoned. CANELA Canada was no exception to this general rule. Our concentration on ongoing education, especially for adults, needed to make way for urgent humanitarian relief. It is our sincere hope that in 2021, we can shift the focus back to education. We believe it to be absolutely necessary for any kind of serious long-term progress in Latin America and Africa. Our fundraising plans were also affected during 2020, as you can probably see from the numbers. We had big plans as 2020 began! But we still have those plans as 2021 unfolds, and hopefully we will be able to grow in a sustainable way this year.

With gratitude and prayers,

One of the main decisions we took during 2020 was to help our projects with the logistical support of our sister foundation in the United States, CANELA USA. We regularly send a lump-sum to the US foundation and have them administer the grants as per the decisions of our Grants Committee. They do not charge us for this service.

Fr. Robert Havens Board of Directors CANELA Canada

It works out to be much cheaper than if we were to do this ourselves. This is because in Canada, bank charges for transferring funds to foreign beneficiaries are prohibitively high. Furthermore, the banks don’t just charge high commissions: they also offer unfair exchange rates, so they cash-in twice! That is especially lethal for small grants: our $250/month grant to Father José Refugio in northern Mexico, for example, would cost us $280 to with charges and exchange rate, and Father would only receive $200 because of his own bank charges. By sending the money via our associate foundation in the US, we have reduced that cost to about $255, and Father José Refugio receives the full $250. Special thanks to all of you who stuck with us in 2020, sometimes at great personal cost. Your prayers and donations have kept us going, bringing “Living Water” (John 7:38) to thirsting souls.

P.S. Please note: all figures for “Our numbers” given in CAD, all figures in “Statement of Activity” given in USD.

Letter from the Board of Directors.


[Jesus] answered: It is also written, Man lives not from bread alone, but from every word that comes from the mouth of God. (Matt:4)

Why we do what we do.

Because the Catholic Association for the New Evangelization in Latin America and Africa is convinced that the true salvation of the human person comes not from economic well-being alone, but from the discovery of a loving God by each and every human person. In the last fifty years, more than a trillion dollars in development aid has been sent by religious and secular organizations to Latin America and Africa. Often sent with great love and sacrifice, this material aid has done much good. Wells, electricity, hospitals and schools: all things that might not exist today, if this help had not been sent. And yet, despite all this important material help, crime, the loss of values, and the disappearance of cultures and traditions have grown in leaps and bounds in many countries.

2 #HelpTheHelpers

This is why we support men and women who dedicate their lives to spreading knowledge of God in developing countries.

Our mission is to help existing, well-proved educational projects of the Catholic Church to form spiritual and civic values on as large a scale as possible in Latin America and Africa. We have identified some very promising programmes and try to focus on them, since they have been effective and enjoy the support of the dioceses involved.

How we do what we do


Who we helped in 2020

4 #HelpTheHelpers

In El Salvador, we support a programme called “Full-Time Catechists”. This programme seeks to form the capacities of lay persons in heavily-populated parishes. Generally, there is no lack of lay persons who would willingly lend a hand in the non-sacramental care of the parish: baptism preparation, confirmation, First Communion and marriage preparation, the coordination of youth ministry, ministry to the sick and elderly, coordination of the parish’s charitable activity, prison ministry, liturgy etc. etc.

The Full-Time Catechists in El Salvador

There are two principle challenges to this sort of collaboration in our socio-economic contexts. First, even the most motivated lay persons often lack the know-how to help in these areas of pastoral care. Not just the pastoral application of the Faith, but also a knowledge of the Faith itself. How many sacraments are there? What is the “Church”? What are all the areas of action that are NOT the exclusive domain of the clergy? What does the Church teach about marriage, and how can de facto situations be regularized for the good of all? 5

Clergy sustenance and healthcare in Latin America and Africa

6 #HelpTheHelpers

In many parts of Latin America, the clergy receive no regular salary and do not have health insurance. We try to contribute to this need for a few needy priests every year. In 2020, we also started a “Committee for Priests’ Welfare” which seeks to provide a reliable source of income for very poor priests.

With your help, the School of the Faith and Leadership has been growing rapidly throughout English-speaking Africa. This year we were able to send small contributions to the teams leading the different branches of the School, as well as provide long-distance technical support via Internet. This was particularly vital due to the total closure of the schools’ presence-based classes during the pandemic.

The survival of the School of the Faith throughout Africa


Food and Clothing for those left destitute by the pandemic

8 #HelpTheHelpers

In most of the countries we work in, there is no social welfare “net” to catch people when they suddenly fall victim to hardship. With your help, CANELA was able to provide thousands of meals to the urban poor in 2020, especially in the Observatorio and Lindavista neighbourhood of Mexico City.

The pandemic closed schools in all of the countries we work in. Children were told to go home and follow classes online, something impossible for families surviving on less than $5 a day. CANELA organized the “recycling” of used tablet and laptops so that poor children could keep up with their classes.

Technology for poor children to go to class online


Basic maintenance for parishes in Latin America and Africa

10 #HelpTheHelpers

The pandemic closed churches in most parts of the world for more than a year. This also implied an almost total stop to income. CANELA has been helping poor parish communities with virtually no income in 2020 to do basic repairs, pay bills and maintain their soup kitchens.

CANELA Canada 2020 (all figures in CAD)

Bank balance on 1st January 2020:


Donations received 2020:


Grants sent to CANELA USA for administration in the name of CANELA Canada during 2020:


Bank charges:


Bank balance on 31st December 2020:


The Year in Numbers


STATEMENT OF ACTIVITY | January - December 2020 Catholic Association for the New Evangelization in Latin America and Africa (CANELA) REVENUE 4 - REVENUE 4100 Individual Contributions 4110 Corporate Grants 4120 Foundation Grants Total 4 - REVENUE Total Revenue GROSS PROFIT

The Year in Numbers

12 #HelpTheHelpers

EXPENDITURES 6 - Expenditures 6100 Grants and Similar Amounts Paid 6110 Specific assistance to individuals Total 6100 Grants and Similar Amounts Paid 61000 Contract Services 6160 QuickBooks Software 6170 Bank Charges & Fees 6180 Advertising & Marketing 6200 Mailing, Postage 6210 Printing & Reproduction 65000 Office/General Administrative Expenses Total 6 - Expenditures Total Expenditures NET OPERATING REVENUE OTHER REVENUE 4200 Interest Earned Total Other Revenue NET OTHER REVENUE NET REVENUE

TOTAL 19,280.31 27,283.95 3,728.58 50,292.84 50,292.84 50,292.84

26,000.78 5,133.87 31,134.65 1,400.00 848.40 217.13 278.57 110.55 527.59 207.00 34,723.89 34,723.89 15,568.95 71.67 71.67 71.67 $15,640.62

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