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LEGAL HAPPENINGS IN FLAGSTAFF, ARIZONA My name is Vanessa and I’m currently a second-year law student in Flagstaff. I’m thoroughly enjoying my time in school learning about all sorts of legal terminology, mass torts, and precedent cases, but I have to admit, law school can be quite exhausting. I knew from the beginning that the workload would be demanding. Everyone warns you that law school is three years of memorization, studying, and pushing through to the finish line. You don’t really get to study much of what you want or delve into the interesting cases you see on the news. Law school is more about learning the basics and getting it nailed into your brain so that when you get hired at a firm, you can be an apprentice and learn on the job. I wanted to write this blog as a way to escape from the monotony of my everyday courses. I’m grateful for what I’m learning because I know I’ll be able to apply that information later, but this blog will be a great way to branch out and discuss some of the legal events and topics going on in my local community; in fact, I may even start researching legal topics outside of Flagstaff just to get a feel for what’s happening nationwide.

Topics I’d Like to Discuss in This Blog I plan on keeping an eye on current events, whether that be arrests, new laws, accidents, or exciting trials happening nearby. I also want to delve deeper into the strategies that lawyers are using to help their clients: 

How are personal injury lawyers maximizing settlements?

How are criminal defense lawyers getting their clients’ charges dismissed?

These are the things that interest me the most because I hope when I’m a lawyer, I’ll be able to help my clients in this way.

You May Find My Blog Interesting If… If you’re a law student like me, this blog may be helpful while studying or while escaping from your daily coursework. If you’re not in school, some of the topics I discuss may be useful in guiding you through the legal process, keeping you out of trouble, or informing you about what’s happening in the local community. I hope that the information I publish will become relevant to others in the area because I think legal happenings are surprisingly relatable. For example, if there’s a car accident in Flagstaff, the accident may affect employees driving to work, police officers, court officials, news reporters, journalists, lawyers, mechanics, and beyond. The domino effect is impressive. Whether my blog brings you knowledge or a pleasant form of distraction, I hope you find it enjoyable in some way. Relax and read on, Flagstaffers, because my research has just begun!

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