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Hello, my name is Jenny Guishode. My inspiration for this blog is my little brother. See, recently, my brother unjustly received a twenty-year prison sentence. His rights were viciously stomped on because of his lack of legal knowledge at the time.

I’ve had my doubts about the specifics surrounding his case for many years. After contacting a legal expert, and detailing his case, the legal expert told me that he was unjustly sentenced.

When the legal expert told me how a few simple actions would have brought my brother home, I began to cry uncontrollably. Twenty-years of my baby brother’s life is lost because of a simple lack of information. It’s not my place to share his story, but I will do whatever I can to help anyone in a similar situation. My brother was twenty at the time of his sentencing.

He was robbed of his youth because of a few mistakes that cost him. Many young people do not understand their legal rights as Americans. Sometimes, the youth of America lose their freedom because of a lack of legal knowledge. Even when there isn’t technically any legal corruption facing them, the youth of America, are at risk of making legal mistakes that will cost them dearly.

Families such as mine, are devastated whenever this happens. For this reason, I’ve created this blog to share vital legal information with not only

the youth, but anyone else who’s curious about their legal situation. I welcome information and experiences from all walks of life.

This blog is also meant an outlet for various cases where someone’s legal rights are violated. You don’t need to be a lawyer or legal expert to understand basic legal terminology. My goal with this blog is to deliver legal information to people who need it. If the content on this site can help one person in their situation, then I feel that my brother isn’t suffering in vain.

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