Wrongful Death Across the US

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Wrongful Death Across the US

Five years ago, I lost my older sister to a drunk driver. We were coming home from celebrating her 30th birthday when we were t­boned by a drunk driver. Our car was hit on the passenger side and flipped over into a nearby ditch. First­responders had to use the jaws of life to rescue me but my sister wasn’t so lucky. Meanwhile, the drunk driver walked away from the crash without a scratch. The hardest thing, aside from losing my sister, was telling her nephew that his aunt wasn’t going to be able to take him to the amusement park for his birthday this year…or any year. Naturally, we pursued legal action against the drunk driver. The case was clear as day, but the drunk driver’s insurance company attempted to argue against our family receiving compensation for our emotional suffering. Eventually, we were able to win our wrongful death claim, but winning didn’t help me cope with losing my sister. I started to attend therapy sessions that helped me deal with my PTSD. It was one fateful day that my therapist suggested that I reach out to others with my story. From there, I begin researching wrongful death cases and had the idea of creating a blog that would share stories such as mine. Not only would I share wrongful death stories, but I’d also share information related to wrongful death cases.

These cases would range from car accidents to defective product cases. This site is a means for outreach and coping for countless other individuals that have lost their loved ones because of someone’s reckless actions. While we would like to think all companies and individuals have remorse for their actions, many are only concerned with avoiding legal discipline and paying out compensation for the damages they’ve caused. My name is Ken Kepanis and I’ve created this site in hopes that the information and resources provided will help you with your wrongful death case.

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