Division 34 North Region 17 CA- Nev-Ha
The Banana Chronicles August Volume 8 Issue 4
01 Messages
Articles and Visu
Club Summaries
Division Goals
Banana Points Challenge Recognitio
17 Upcoming Events and Birthdays
uals Amazing Apes
Tabl e of
Contacts on District Updates
Division Newsletter Editor
Happy August all! I can’t believe it is already August! This means the start of a new school year is coming up real soon! Even though the majority of schools will be implementing a distance learning curriculum, I am hopeful this new school year will still bring us plenty of opportunities. The adjustment to distance learning can be diffcult, but I am certain we can all thirve in these circumstances. Balancing school and all of your extracurriculars can create a challenging schedule, so please remember to take care of yourself and try to minimize the procrastination :) Everyone says this, but keeping a to-do list that you actively cross out really helps me stay organized! With August also comes an oppurtunity to recruit new members. Whether this be incoming freshman or your own classmates, I highly recommend you all promote Key Club and the different aspects that make our organization unique from the other clubs at your school. These qualities can range from the the social aspect that we have to offer to the core values that we emphasize! Anyways, July was a month that was full of so many opportunities to serve your community! I encourage you all to keep up the dedication as August has just as many events. With the number of COVID cases still increasing, please do your part in protecting yourselves and others! This means wearing a mask as well as social distancing when you are out in public. Before I let you go, don’t forget to participate in the challenges, and continue sending in your articles and visuals! Enjoy this month’s Newsletter :)
Amber Chia
Amber Chia Division Newsletter Editor amberchia1212@gmail.com
DNE Challenge: What are some goals you would like to accomplish For this upcoming school year?
August has just started, which means that school is right around the corner! Even though going back to school will look a lot differently this year, I encourage you all to make the most out of every situation. I hope that you all can adjust well to distance learning because I’ve heard that a lot of schools seem to be either doing a hybrid or fully online model. I also encourage you all to seek the help that you may need with distance learning! Each person learns differently so don’t be afraid to reach out to your teachers, classmates, and fellow Key Clubbers for help. Most likely we will continue having service and social events online, since that is the best decision to keep everyone safe and healthy. Please continue to keep serving and keep the momentum of online events going! There are always plenty of division-level events to attend throughout the month that also serve as ways to get to know members from other schools. Last but not least, remember to host your own club-level events! There are so many incoming freshmen and people who haven’t been introduced to Key Club that can be encouraged to learn more about our organization or attend an upcoming event. I highly encourage clubs to host their own socials in order to have members become familiarized with others and bond as a club! As always, don’t hesitate to reach out with any questions, or simply want someone to talk to. See you soon, Aqua Apes! :)
Reaching for the stars of service,
Kristen Carpio
Lieutenant Governor
Aloha Aqua Apes!
Kristen Carpio Lieutenant Governor d34n.cnhkc.ltg@gmail.com
LTG Challenge: What is something that people wouldn’t know about you just from your outside appearance? How do people typically find out?
I hope everyone is having a great summer so far! Time is passing by fast, but it’s never too late to start trying new things. Finish projects or a task you have been putting off. Even though quarantine is lasting longer than any one of us expected, do not make it an excuse. You can still accomplish so much during these tough times. Continue serving our amazing community, and thank you for attending all the amazing events in July. I hope to see you in future ones to come! Best wishes go out to you and your loved ones.
-Anni Zhang
Anni Zhang Division Secretary whs.kc.azhang@gmail.com
Executive Assistants
Hey guys!
Hope your summer is goin so far! It’s been a crazy p months but all of your ded and flexibility is greatly ap ed! I’m so proud of how w fundraiser went, thank yo who donated! And for tho went to the KCI Student L Conference, I hope you a a good time despite the s to it being virtual :) Hope you guys at all our future events, be on the lookout August division event that hosted by Aragon! Don’t take care of yourselves; st hydrated, get sleep, and sure to eat! As always, co with any questions or just conversation <3
C Executi ahskc.pres@
ng well past few dication ppreciatwell our ou to all ose who Leadership all had switch to see division t for the t will be forget to tay make ontact me to start a
y Tai
Courtney Tai ive Assistant @gmail.com
Hey Keyuties!!
Hey Aqua Apes!
I hope you were all able to enjoy your summer break and were able to relax! Personally this summer didnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t turn out the way I wanted it to but even so I was able to make the most of my time off! Now Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;m excited to start the new school year! On top of, I saw a lot of our division members and officers attend KCTC and ICON! Hopefully next summer we can all meet up in person for division events! As always if you have any questions or just want to talk feel free to contact me! Take care of yourselves <3
Hope your summer has been going well. Thank you again for all the work that you all have put in this month! This past month, it was great to see many of you donate to the dares fundraiser and I hope you all have a good laugh at it. I also hope KCTC was a blast for you guys, despite it being virtual. As we approach the last month of summer, I hope you join us in events that are upcoming! Sadly RTC has been cancelled, but I certainly hope I can meet each and everyone of you in person. Again, feel free to reach out to me if you have any questions or want to strike up a conversation. Stay safe Aqua Apes!
-Sanjna Sood Sanjna Sood Executive Assistant sanjna1sood@gmail.com
-Landon Lee Landon Lee Executive Assistant landon.lee@gmail.com
Cards for Hosp In March 2011, Jen Rubino launched Cards for Hospitalized Kids. Rubino suffered from a connective tissue disorder since the young age of 11, experiencing how hard it was to be young and ill. With her own experience and determination to help others who endure similar troubles, she created a national charity organization called â&#x20AC;&#x153;Cards for Hospitalized Kids,â&#x20AC;? with the mission of giving hospitalized kids hope, joy, and magic through handmade cards. On June 12th, San Mateo Key Club held a division-wide event on Zoom in hopes of positively impacting the community, especially during these difficult times. The volunteers who participated had the opportunity to include a variety of messages, colors, drawings, and stickers, letting their creativity run wild as they each designed unique cards for the children with Cards for Hospitalized Kids. Overall, everyone who attended the event had a wonderful time making handmade cards while knowing what kind of impact it would make towards these kids. I personally enjoyed this event because it gave me a chance to write to hospitalized children in difficult situations, hoping it would bring a smile to their face upon receiving them.
Chloe Gao Mills
pitalized Kids Right now we are living in a time of uncertainty and change, and I think it has prompted many to take a look around them and see how privileged they are. The world around us is moving slower due to the circumstances of COVID 19, so people find themselves having more time to give back to the community. In return, this has allowed many non-profit organizations to gain more recognition. Key Club has done an amazing job encouraging people to take advantage of the extra time they have on their hands to make a difference. While making cards for Cards for Hospitalized Kids, I found time to reflect on how lucky I am just to be alive and well- something that is often overlooked, especially when stuck in quarantine. It put a smile on my face to know that a kid across the world would receive my card and know that they are loved and thought about. Audrey Luey Carlmont
Color a Smile
Color A Smile was a fun division wide service project event! The event consisted of us going into breakout rooms for icebreakers for a few minutes. We then entered the main room again & the “Color A Smile” organization was further explained. “Color A Smile” aims to send colored letters to a wide range of recipients, from troops overseas to hospitalized children or seniors in homes! Therefore, during this event, we printed out the templates provided and colored them together. My favorite part was the Disney music that played during the event which made these cards even more joyful! Lisa Nguyen Carlmont
The Color a Smile event was relaxing and enjoyable. We first printed out cheerful drawings that were empty of color. We then colored in all the drawings while Disney music was playing. The colored drawings were all mailed to the Color a Smile organization, which sends the pictures to people in need of a smile. This was an event that helped me ease my mind from stress and current events, as coloring is a very calm activity. It was an amazing and soothing way to put smiles on our face and spread smiles to anyone else. Darren Chen Westmoor
Color a Smile was a charity event that focused all it’s effort into being as genuine as possible. There were around fifty of us drawing, coloring, and writing little messages with the sole and simple purpose of trying to make people feel a little better about themselves. It was done for the elderly in hospitals or nursing homes. You could tell a joke or simply say that you wish them the best of times. Personally, I drew pictures of characters, and said that these friends were visiting, saying hi, and giving them luck. That ability to bring real emotion and meaning to a piece of paper is the power that Color A Smile has. Mark Menz Mills
AtlasMills Go For the month of June, Mills Key Club has found ways to do service through fitness and health! I found this app called AtlasGO that allows you to choose a cause in which your recorded activity will benefit. Our club chose the cause #GO4Trees, which, based on the activity you do and the amount of time you exercise, plants a certain amount of trees to reduce deforestation and improve our environment. Because I exercise almost every day, this is a great way for me to do service while performing day-to-day activities. In the month of June, our Mills Key Club AtlasGO group has gone more than 80 miles in distance, and has planted more than 30 trees! Not only does this service project promote individual fitness, but it also promotes the importance of preserving the environment and working as a community to make the world a safer place--one step at a time (pun intended). Kaelyn Fung Mills
The KCTC was a useful event to help new incoming officers learn about their role and responsibilities in their job. It was a great opportunity to meet all the trainers and other officers. The training was informative and productive. In general, the KCTC was a great meeting. Brian Khov Sequoia KCTC was my first Region 17 only event not counting FRN and DCON, however it was so much fun and educational. It was definitely the biggest online event I have been to on Zoom. I learn a lot from the president’s workshop on how to become a better leader. I was disappointed not to attend other round robin workshops as I heard they were all amazing. Nonetheless, it was an amazing experience being a presenter. I got to work with someone from another division and present to over 210 people. Quarantine might have caused us to be stuck at home, but without it we would have never been able to hold and get so many members to join and get to know the different divisions and get to know the region as well. I’m glad this event is able to happen, it connects us to others but helps us become better Key Clubbers with our new found knowledge. Anni Zhang Westmoor I really got to spend time with the Avengers! KCTC was definitely something new for me and everyone else in the division, I really am grateful for the hard work that the LTG’s put in to ensure that we could have this event online. The breakout rooms were fun and I definitely enjoyed the ice breakers, the emoji to movie game was super fun! The workshops were helpful as well, making this whole event an awesome one. Andrew Ta South San Francisco
More Love Letters
On July 8th, Mills Key Club gathered together to write letters to those that need a little encouragement in their day, especially now during the coronavirus pandemic. We used “More Love Letters,” which is an organization that connects nominated individuals in unfortunate situations to volunteer letter-writers. The organization’s team hand-picks nominees each month for their letter-request page, where writers are able read each person’s story and determine who they wish to write to. After we all read the listed stories of each person, we started to write! As we wrote, we listened to music and had small talk. Overall, the whole experience was super fun and really made me dig deep reflectively. I am thankful that I got the opportunity to perhaps make someone smile through my letter. Kaelyn Fung Mills
Love Letters of Literacy On Tuesday, June 23, Carlmont, Aragon, and Notre Dame Key Club partnered with Love Letters of Literacy to create handmade alphabet flashcards for young students in low income neighborhoods. Hopefully these cards will promote reading at a younger age and allow families to play games with their little ones. We had a total of 36 volunteers who attended the event, and served a total of 53.5 hours! It was our first interclub event of the summer, which provided us with the opportunity to socialize with our fellow key clubbers, all while continuing to serve our community from the comfort of our homes. Overall, I would consider this event a success! Claire Tseng Carlmont
Amazing Apes Member of the Month
Melissa Hernandez (South San Francisco): Melissa has shown an incredible amount of effort in her club by attending every single project this month, as well as KCTC. She constantly shows dedication and passion for service. Additionally, she participates all the time during meetings, and has been a loyal member for a very long time.
Officer of the Month
Luis Solidum (Jefferson): He has been consistent in both his roles as Division Spirit Coordinator and VP, and has planned multiple events his club and district in July. In his spare time, he has also made over 300 masks for his friends, family, and charity. Aside from that, Luis brings a welcoming, fun environment to events such as KCTC, making sure that everyone has a good time.
Advisor of the Month
Rosie Jimenez (Carlmont and Notre Dame): Her frequent attendance at service events and meetings shows her dedication to her club, and she constantly motivates everyone to succeed and pursue their goals. She is a great mentor to the entire board, and constatnly makes sure that everyone communicates well with one another.
Club of the Month Lowell: This monthâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s club of the month is Lowell because of their consistent attendance at division events and activeness within the division. They are always hosting club level events and have recently planned an inter-club event. Overall they are a super strong club and consist of dedicated officers and members.
Club Summary
For the month of June, Aragon Key Club had our club visitation with Kristen which went well. We participated in the social and service event of making cookies and fertilizer, Cards for Hospitalized Kids, and the Color a Smile event. All were super fun to work alongside the other clubs. Many of our members went to KCTC learning more about the officer roles and basic key club information. We worked alongside Carlmont and Notre Dame to host an inter-club service event called Love Letters for Literacy, where we made alphabet flashcards for low-income students. Now we are just planning for our next meeting for the new members who filled out our member interest form and finding new service events.
- Anna Abelgas
Since the month of June started, we’ve participated in the division wide positive chalk event! We organized the Division Wide Project Event of cleaning up our neighborhoods for July’s SOSP “Bee Clean.” Upcoming events we’re looking forward ranges from creating bookmarks for the Children’s Book Project located in San Francisco, to making “Gotta Have Sole” card making for homeless youths. We had high attendance for past division wide events such as project events “Cards for Hospitalized Kids” & “Color A Smile.” We’re looking forward to participating in the Fundraiser dares for this July DCM!
El Camino:
- Lisa Ngyuen
In the past month of June, our club’s board members attended KCTC over Zoom. It was very fun, informative, and helpful for all the officers. We also had a club visitation with Kristen. During this, we discussed the future of the club. For example, fundraising and recruiting new members for the next school year, Additionally, we had a board meeting to discuss similar topics. Lastly, we set up a Google Classroom for the club level to better organize information for members.
- Alex Quemuel
This month, Hillsdale Key Club attended KCTC and learned amazing information/advice on topics like leadership, time management, and recruitment. Currently, we are getting ready to participate in an IERI event at the end of the month with Carlmont, Mills, and San Mateo! We are also awaiting the July Dare DCM that is coming up soon. For the future, we are looking into more volunteer opportunities that our members can do from home as well as holding more club meetings for more individual interaction. Lastly, we are always still on the hunt for ways to keep more casual members interested/engaged with Key Club!
- Gwendolyn Arzaga
The month of June saw the largest officer and member participation of the term. Our club has remained dedicated to our call to service. This month, we participated in a couple of inter-club events, had a blast at KCTC, while also continued ongoing service events from last month. In addition, we are planning for another big month in July! Our board has begun talks on creating club merchandise (including a hoodie and sticker pack), discussed ideas to engage member participation for the upcoming school year, began a club newsletter, and have even planned an inter-club service project. We have started off the first month of summer on a strong foot, and we are continuing that attitude into next month! It’s clear that our club has gone bananas for service! Our board is really excited about what our members are capable of!
- Luis Solidum
During the month of June, we have continued working with Masks for All CA and have had other events including thank you letters for teachers and workers at UCSD. We attended Region 17’s Key Club Training Conference, where we were able to meet people from all over the region, and division events, such as Cards for Hospitalized Kids. As of now, we are having a Free Rice contest throughout the month of July and are planning on having our first summer service meeting. We have officers that are participating in the division dare fundraiser this month and will also be having our first interclub of the term with Aragon and Westmoor. Moving forward, we plan on incorporating smaller events into meetings and searching for new forms of service!
- Jasmine Bao
This past month we’ve held one club meeting as well as a board meeting over zoom. Multiple members participated in the Division Wide Event for Cards for hospitalized kids as well as the baking In Quarantine and Color a smile service events. All board members were present for both KCTC and the Club visitation that was held in June. We are continuing to hold service projects such as FreeRice and as well as AtLasGo where we have been encouraging members to exercise to plant trees. This upcoming month we plan to hold more service events with our club and continuing on with our service projects.
Notre Dame
- Kaelyn Fung
During the month of June, Notre Dame Key Club participated in both Division and club level events. We attended the Social and Service, Color A Smile, and Key Club Training Conference (KCTC), followed by the June DCM. We also hosted an inter-club service event with both Carlmont Key Club, our IERI partner, and Aragon Key Club. The event was called “Love Letters for Literacy”; we made alphabet flash cards that will be sent to lower income students to encourage their learning and promote literacy. We were able to get new members to attend these events, which was very exciting! Our board also had meetings and planned an event to introduce new members to the club, which will take place in early August. We will continue to plan for the upcoming school year, find more service opportunities, and recruit more new members.
- Alyssa Enriquez
San Mateo:
The biggest milestone for our club during the month of June was that we hosted a division service event on June 12th for Cards for Hospitalized Kids. This was a big accomplishment for us since we’re such a small club and we were glad to see that many people attended and enjoyed our division service event. Our club also attended and promoted Social and Service, Color a Smile, and Key Club Training Conference. We also had members participate in the DNE and LTG challenges in the previous newsletter. We especially focused on promoting events and getting more Key Clubbers involved with events through our weekly meetings. These meetings also included short 30 minute service events. We also had our club visitation with Kristen during June and have been working to implement her ideas into our club.
-Danielle Richards
For the month of July we had our first official board meeting over zoom. Kristen went over our roles and what is expected of us as well as all events that we could be a part of. All members attended and we plan on meeting at least once a month on zoom. This month we plan on attending the Kiwanis Governor’s Visit. We will plan on how to recruit members as well as create/add to our Sequoia- Key Club instagram!
- Sharon Song Discua
South San Francisco:
During this past month or so, South San Francisco has been having meetings every other week so people can relax but also attend meetings! We also have been sending TONS of Reminds to remind people of events such as the Division Service Week, DWS events, DCMS, and other reminders! We have been accumulating more hours by having service events via Zoom like doing FreeRice together! We had our board meeting to discuss what to do when school opens and also in the process of developing new ways to interact with our members, updating our website and our social media, and more! This upcoming month we will be participating in the dares for the July DCM, DWS events, and others!
- Caroline Narcisco
For the past month, we have made many plans for the school year, and finally executed ideas that we have been talking about for months. We have an upcoming service project that I’m looking forward too which is/was Project Sunshine Coloring Activity Book. During this everyone would create a page of this book that would be given to pediatric patients. Also, we have a fundraiser, it took a couple of tries to get it right, but we have set up and we have open to donation. We are so proud of ourselves for caring out plans since we have a tendency to say things and not carry through. Now, we are more excited and looking forward to the rest of the term.
- Anni Zhang
Division Goals Service Hours 2087.38 hours served 7,000 hours wanted Top 3 Jefferson 213.9 hours
Carlmont 1027.53 hours
funds raised $655 raised $6,000 wanted
Lowell 180 hours
Mark your calendars for...
Origami Bookmark Service Event Join Aragon in creating bookmarks to encourage children to read! The bookmarks created will be donated to the School on Wheels.
Personalized Note Cards Join Jefferson in creating cards to send to World Harvest. Cards will be distributed to families receiving bags of groceries!
Date: Wednesday, August 5, 2020
Date: Friday, August 14, 2020
Time: 3:00-5:00 pm
Time: 3:00-4:30 pm
RSVP Link: https://bit.ly/d34nbookmarks
August DCM and Letters for Literacy Event Join us for division updates as well as to participate in our service event, Letters for Literacy!
RSVP Link: https://bit.ly/3gfTa5f
D34N Kahoot Fundraiser Join us in answering miscellaneous facts at our Kahoot Fundrasier! There will be an entrance fee of $3 per participant, and all proceeds will be donated to PTP!
Date: Saturday, August 22, 2020
Date: Saturday, August 22, 2020
Time: 2:00-4:00 pm
Time: 4:00-5:30 pm
RSVP Link: Please refer to our instagram page for updates
RSVP Link: https://bit.ly/3hRHQwI
Project Sunshine Join Westmoor in creating and coloring game pages for hospitallized children.
Date: Sunday, August 30, 2020 Time: 2:00-4:00 pm RSVP Link: https://bit.ly/336cC0B
Hope to see you there!
August 2020 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
2 9 16 23 30
3 10 17 24 31
4 11 18 25
5 12 19 26
6 13 20 27
Upcoming Events
7 14 21 28
1 8 15 22 29
Wishing the Happiest Birthday to... Melissa Hernandez
Caroline Narciso
South San Francisco
South San Francisco
Josh Diamonon
Alex Cada
DNE Challenge: Where do you see yourself in 7 years? Where are you living? What have you accomplished?
Made by PR Coordinator Michelle Li
Banana Leaders 1385 1223 1050 1 3 2 Westmoor Carlmont
South San Francisco Lowell Aragon San Mateo Mills Notre Dame Hillsdale El Camino Burlingame Sequoia Saint Ignatius
873 751 675 470 572 462 255 235 95 15 8
Thanks to... Courtney Tai (Aragon) Evan Yang (Aragon) Maahika Samudala (Aragon) Ashley Zheng (Carlmont) Claire Tseng (Carlmont) Lisa Ngyuen (Carlmont) Martin Zhong (Carlmont) Gwendolyn Arzaga (Hillsdale) Jenna Cajayon (Jefferson) Jessica Lam (Jefferson) Jasmine Bao (Lowell) Michelle Li (Lowell) Kaelyn Fung (Mills) Danielle Richards (San Mateo) Andrew Ta (South City) Caroline Narcisco (South City) Anni Zhang (Westmoor) Darren Chen (Westmoor) Florence Thwe (Westmoor)
DNE LTG Challenges
For participating in the challenges :) How to Submit a Challenge: Participating in the Newsletter Challenges will give you an opportunity to earn banana points. For every question answered, you will receive 5 banana points for your club! 1. Email your answers to me at d34n.cnhkc.dne@gmail.com and CC Kristen at d34n.cnhkc.ltg@gmail.com. 2. Subject line: Month DNE/LTG Newsletter Challenges. ex. August DNE/ LTG Newsletter Challenges. 3. Answer the prompts! Answer lengths may vary as long as they answer the question.
Submissions are due by the last day of every month! Feel free to contact me with any questions you have! Have fun :)
Read the
District Newsletter
Click here to read!
Lieutenant Governor:
Kristen Carpio (NotreDame) phone: (650) 868-5301 email: d34n.cnhkc.ltg@gmail.com
Executive Assistants:
Courtney Tai (Aragon) phone: (650)-740-9749 email: ahskc.pres@gmail.com Landon Lee (Lowell) phone: (415) 830-6688 email: landon.lee@gmail.com Sanjna Sood (Carlmont) phone: (650) 862-4993 email: sanjna1sood@gmail.com
Division Newsletter Editor:
Amber Chia (Carlmont) phone: (650) 542-1383 email: d34n.cnhkc.dne@gmail.com email: amberchia1212@gmail.com
Division Secretary:
Anni Zhang (Westmoor) phone:(415)770-8777 email: whs.kc.azhang@gmail.com
Public Relations Coordinator: Michelle Li (Lowell) phone: (415) 638-3030 email: michli0926@gmail.com
Service/Fundraising Coordinator:
Lisa Nguyen (Carlmont) phone: (650)- 454-7114 email: lisatnnguyen2003@gmail.com
Spirit Coordinator:
Luis Solidum (Jefferson) phone: (650) 425-0438 email: vp.jeffersonkeyclub@gmail.com
Club Presidents Aragon:
Courtney Tai phone:650-740-9749 email: ahskc.pres@gmail.com
Johanna Lazaro phone:(650) 346-6844 email: johannamlazaro@gmail.com
Ashley Zheng phone: (919) 537-1281 email: 799303@seq.org
Serena Choi phone: (650) 680-6478 email: 22chois92@stu.smuhsd.org
Notre Dame: Alyssa Enriquez phone: (650) 696-0853 email: aenriquez21@ndhsb.org
Saint Ignatius: Luke McFadden phone: (415) 367-5670 email: mcfaddenluke99@gmail.com
El Camino:
San Mateo:
South San Francisco:
Alex Quemuel phone: (415) 374-4945 email: alexexqu5120@gmail.com
Gwen Arzaga phone: (650) 452-9904 email: gwendolyn.arzaga@gmail.com
Danielle Richards phone: (650)-437-4735 email: danielle.r.258@gmail.com
Sharon Song phone: (650)-520-8682 email: 798754@seq.org
Jessica Lam phone: (415)-699-4177 email: president.jeffersonkeyclub@gmail.com
Caroline Narciso phone: (650) 822-4121 email: ssfhskc.president@gmail.com
Jasmine Bao phone: (415) 629-1733 email: baojasmine04@gmail.com
Anni Zhang phone: (415)770-8777 email: whs.kc.azhang@gmail.com
24 @d34naquaapes
@d34n2021 to 81010
Key Club D34N Aqua Apes
Thanks for Reading