OLSH Newsletter 1 September

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Our Lady of the Sacred Heart College Volume 15 Issue 28

1st September 2011

Dear Parents/Guardians, Staff, Students and Friends of OLSH Our College Concert held over last Thursday and Friday evenings, at the Araluen Arts Centre, was a wonderful celebration of the extraordinary talents of our students. Greatly assisted by the organisational ability and creativity of our staff members, the Concert was clearly lots of fun for all the participants and their families. Each of the four sessions was special in its own way, bringing together the staff and students from our three campuses. Congratulations to the hundreds of OLSH students who stepped out on to the stage and entertained the packed houses so well; the singers, the dancers, the bands, the class group presentations and the drama performances all provided a feast of entertainment for the audience, with laughter, surprises, and colour. Thank you to all the staff, parents and friends of OLSH who prepared the students so well for this joyful College event. The ingenuity of the various items, the imagination and originality of the costumes, and the superb training of the students, showed great teamwork, know-how and initiative, and certainly plenty of hard work. Our thanks go to the Concert Coordinating Committee, led by Mrs Marita Hills and the Concert Coordination team of Mrs Sue Marshall, Mr Sam Muir, Mr Daniel Prince, Br Mark Needham and Mrs Jennifer Guzman. They did an outstanding job in assembling and managing the whole project. Each show ran like clockwork as the back-stage crew, the MC s, the supervisors, the musical directors and the many others involved in the process did their tasks so capably. Year 12 student, Alanna Breedon did a marvellous job coordinating the stage movements, while Mrs Nikki Quesnel, also did excellent work, directing the four sessions of the Concert. It is also important to acknowledge the marvellous support that the College received from the administration and staff at the Araluen Arts Centre. We basically took over the place for two days and our hosts could not have been more obliging.

Dates to Remember SEPTEMBER

2nd Bath St First Friday Mass 8.30am 4th First Communion Commitment Mass 6th Year 7 Girls Immunisation 9th-Casual Clothes Day 16th


23rd Last day of Term

Campus Office Hours Monday - Friday 8am-4pm Campus Canteens Bath Street 89527532 Traeger 89508555 Sadadeen 89507318

College Uniform Shop

Thank you to the parents who have accompanied their sons and daughters to information sessions at the Sadadeen campus over the past few weeks. It is important that subject selections are made early so that the best timetable options become available to the students. Enrolments for 2012 are now being processed for all levels at the College and it will greatly assist our planning if re-enrolments and new enrolments are known earlier rather than later. If there are issues concerning school fees, please discuss these with the Principal; they should not be a reason to prevent a child s attendance at the College. Families are also invited to apply for the various scholarships and bursaries that are awarded each year. Applications will be available later in the term.

Central Administration: Tel: 08 8950 6400 Fax: 08 8952 4607

Bath Street Campus: Tel: 08 8950 8666 Fax: 08 8953 2624

Telephone: 89522742 Fax: 89555163 Opening Hours: Tuesday 8.15am 10.00am Thursday 8.15am-10.00am Thursday 2.30pm-4.30pm Lil Antz AfterSchool Care: Telephone: 08 89530015

Traeger Ave Campus Sadadeen Rd Campus: Tel: 08 8950 8555 Tel: 08 8950 7399 Fax: 08 8952 2851 Fax: 08 8953 2571

P.O. Box 2508 Alice Springs NT 0871 Website: www.olshalice.catholic.edu.au Email: principal@olshalice.nt.edu.au

Member of the Association of Marist Schools of Australia (AMSA)

Registered CRICOS Provider: 02598D

Our First Communion class will have a commitment Mass in the parish this Sunday at the 9.30am Mass. In preparation for this gathering, there will be a meeting tonight at the Bath Street hall, from 6pm for the parents of the children involved in the process. The Bath Street campus will gather tomorrow for the First Friday Mass at 8.30am; all parents and friends are welcome to attend. The College Fete will be held Friday evening, 16th September, commencing at 6pm at the Bath Street campus grounds. In preparation for the Fete, the administration of the annual Parents and Friends Association raffle has commenced and a book of tickets has been issued to each College family. Our thanks go to Mrs Jenny Montefiore who has done an outstanding job in securing an exceptional selection of prizes for the raffle. Given that this is a licensed raffle, all tickets must be accounted for, so please do your best to sell the tickets and make sure that the books are returned (with sold or unsold tickets) in time for the Fete. The Association is still seeking volunteers to help out on the night; contact the reception desk at Bath Street if you are able to assist on any of the stalls. Our East Timor Immersion group will head off on their journey next Wednesday, 7th September. Led by Mr Greg Mills and Ms Vicky Howie, the group has raised a considerable amount of money that will assist a number of projects that will commence during their stay in Baucau, on the northern coast of East Timor. We are grateful to Br Tony Clark and the Australian Marist Brothers community who will be hosting our pilgrims during their stay. Thank you to everybody who has assisted with this Immersion experience; we wish the participants safe travels and we hope that this special time away from normal school will be most memorable and life-giving. Next Sunday is Father s Day and we offer our best wishes to all our dads; we are grateful for the marvellous support that you give our school community. Have a restful and pleasant day, smothered in the affection of your family! Best wishes

Br Paul Gilchrist Principal

Reflection-Fathers Day

College News

Our thoughts and prayers today are turned towards our fathers. For those whose fathers have increased the joy in their lives, we give you thanks.

College Concert Backstage Crew Mrs. England and I would like to thank the backstage crew for their outstanding work at the College Concert this year. Alanna Breedon did an excellent job running backstage and her support team was marvelous! Thank you all so much for your dedication and hard work. Mrs. Quesnel

For those whose father's presence is greatly missed. May we take time to gratefully recall all they have given to us, providing for us in our growing. For those whose fathers have recently lost or who are facing the imminent loss of their own fathers, may they find comfort in their grief, hope in their despair, courage in the love that their fathers have given them. We give thanks, God, for these good men who sustain and support us in our living, who love us no matter what! What a blessing they are to all who know them! We give thanks to you, O God, for all those whose gift for fatherhood is so strong that their have allowed their caring to spill over into the lives of others providing the guidance and stability, the nurture and the love needed. 2

Campus News: Bath St What a great effort the College Concert was last week! Many thanks to all teachers, children and parents who combined to put together some wonderful, skillful performances on both Thursday and Friday evenings. We are a very clever lot at OLSH College.

FRIDAY MASS Please join us at the Church tomorrow at 8.30am as we celebrate our First Friday Mass together. In Mr Healy s absence, Mrs McClure and Miss Funston are doing a great job in ensuring that these occasions are celebrated in style.

FIRST COMMUNION COMMITMENT MASS On Sunday at the 9.30am Mass, the children preparing to receive the Sacrament of the Eucharist for the first time, will be presented to the Parish. Please come along and support them in this important journey.

STAFF NEWS Next week we say farewell to Mr Tom Gosling who has been working with us since Term 4 last year. Tom has been a valued member of staff in his role as both classroom teacher and relief teacher. We thank him sincerely for his work with us and wish him well with his future endeavours.

CASUAL CLOTHES DAY Just a reminder that our next casual clothes day is Friday 9th September.

MERIT POINT WINNERS Room 10 Seth Ramzy Irene Thomas Jayleen

Room 12 Jessica B Jessica Mc Jessica R Jason

COLLEGE FETE Please get behind the College Parents and Friends as they prepare for the College Fete on Friday September 16th at the Bath Street Campus. If you can help with donations of goods and time, please contact your Year level Stall Coordinator. Look out for notes in the next couple of weeks!



Please call into the Bath St front office and buy up big for next winter. We have a huge amount of jumpers, jackets, scarves, track pants without any names, or they are hand me downs from past students. A donation is all we ask.

THANK YOU Everyone in Room 1 would like to thank Mrs Denise Coach from CGA for printing our Hey Baby t-shirts. We would also like to thank Mrs Monique Cook for her help with our costumes. Room 1 Students, Mrs Scollen and Mrs Simonetto.

Stay well! Janis Paterson Head of Campus

Knock knock Who's there? Canoe Canoe who? Canoe help me with my homework please Dad - I'm stuck! 3

Campus News: Traeger Dates Term 3 6th September Yr 7 Girls Immunisation 9th September Casual Day 19th- 21st Alice on the Line all Yr 5 s 22nd September Traeger s Amazing Race

SHOPPA DOCKETS We are registered with both Coles and Woolworths for their school promotions. We would greatly appreciate if ALL of your shopping receipts could make their way to our front office.

HOMEWORK CENTRES : UNTIL WEEK 9 Another opportunity has been made available for the Year 7:1/7:2 students on a Wednesday after school. The staff, as usual are providing a lot of extra support; please encourage your child to take advantage of this. Traeger Campus Homework Centre Held on Thursdays. You need a Traeger Homework Centre Card to attend. Please contact the front office for a permission form. Indigenous Homework Centre Monday and Thursdays. The sessions go from 3:00 be bussed home.

4:00pm and will be held in the 6.2 homeroom. Students attending will

Year 5 Homework Centre Wednesday 3:00-4:00pm. This will be held in our library where the students must be collected from at 4:00pm please.

COIN LINE FOR EAST TIMOR Many thanks to all students who participated in raising funds this Tuesday. The final amount and the class who won the lunch prize will be announced next week.

SOCCER Vikings Desert Rebels football team which consists primarily of OLSH students (Traeger Campus) has won its last match 10-0 last Saturday and with that win placed itself in the best four of the Under 13 s competition. They are now qualified for the final playoffs. The team with their coach Mrs Marzohl have done a great job in their first season together. They have shown great commitment and loyalty to their coach and to their team mates. The finals will be on Saturday the 10th of September at 3:00 PM on field B . ( time to be confirmed) against Verdi White, a tough team that they can beat.

COLLEGE CONCERT Well done to all of the participants, and especially the organisers of this great event. Next year at Traeger we will be looking for a lot more items from our Campus to show case the talent we have here. Have a great week, Tony Healy Head of Campus My name is Lizzy Trew and I am 14 years old. I am in 8.3 and this term for community service I am helping out at Pets R Us and Little Children s Learning Place. At Pets R Us, I clean up the guinea pigs cage and the bird cages and feed the animals. I have lots of fun there. I do the on Tuesdays. At the Little Children s Learning Place I teach them how to do the play-do and numbers. I have enjoyed helping the children.


Campus News: Sadadeen CONGRATULATIONS! Congratulations goes to Courtney Geraghty (Year 9) who returned from her recent competitions with four gold medals and three personal best performances. Well done Courtney!

WELL DONE! Well done to Mrs Evelyn Gaces and her Year 12 Food & Hospitality students Sarah Kerr, Kate Dalton, Sherkeira Abala & Charmaine Pinheiro who catered a three course meal for family and invited friends last Tuesday evening. This task was assessed for their Stage 2 grades. The menu consisted of entrĂŠe: prawn tail bites, main: spinach and feta stuffed chicken breast served with vegies and mashed potato and dessert: orange flavoured panna cotta. Well done to all. Thanks goes to the parents and guests and the meal was yummy!!!! Mrs Gaces and the remainder of her class cater another meal tomorrow evening. Br Paul has been invited to this meal. He might write a small summary next week.

CASUAL CLOTHES DAY Next casual clothes day is Friday 9th September. Students are reminded to wear appropriate clothing and if you do choose to not wear the College s uniform a gold coin donation is compulsory.

COLLEGE FETE The College Fete is rapidly approaching

Friday 16th September at Bath St. Please support the P & F with this endeavour.

INTERIM REPORTS At the end of the term each student will receive an interim report detailing their progress so far in the second semester. We will have Parent/Teacher interviews early next term.

EAST TIMOR IMMERSION Mr Greg Mills and Ms Vicky Howie leave shortly with a small group of Year 11 students for East Timor. They depart on Wednesday 7th September. Have a good week ahead. Matt de Jong. Head of Campus Sadadeen.

COLLEGE CONCERT CONGRATULATIONS Congratulations to all of the Sadadeen students who participated in the College Concert. What a talented group of dance, drama and music students we have! You can all be very proud of your performances. Miss England and I certainly are. Bravo! Mrs. Quesnel



Gillen House (Sadadeen) is urgently looking for someone to co-ordinate The pancake stall at the fete. Please contact Bronwyn at the Sadadeen campus.


Sadadeen Sports Week: This week at Sadadeen we have been celebrating Health + PE Week. An initiative designed by ACHPER (the Australian Council for Health, Physical Education and Recreation) to celebrate and promote health and physical education within schools and the local community. To promote physical activity throughout the week we have been having a number of sports/ activities being run at lunchtime. The some of activities have included:


Closest to the pin Golf (Soccer Oval)


Indoor Cricket (Marian Centre)


Staff vs Students Volleyball (Marian Centre)


Mixed Netball (Marian Centre)


Best Beep/ Basketball (Marian Centre): Free Breakfast for all Students that ride/ walk to School Sporting Shirt Day

Friday s activities are culminating in a Walk/ Ride to School Day where students that walk/ride to school will receive a free breakfast thanks to a kind donation from Woolworths. Also students have the option of wearing a sporting shirt of their choice this Friday for $1. All proceeds are going towards the East Africa Drought appeal where the worst drought in 60 years has left more than 12 million people in need of food, water and basic facilities with half of those being children. Congratulations to all those students that have been in some of the activities already this week and I look forward to seeing you all there bright and early on Friday! Mr Augustin Sports Co-Ordinator

Do fathers always snore? No - only when they are asleep! 6

OLSH FETE 2011 Fun House Urgently Require Volunteers Please call Bath St Campus

My Dad thinks he wears the trousers in our house, but it's always Mum who tells him which pair to put on!



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