Is the Eunuch the Homosexual?

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“Galatians 5:19-21 1. Paul said the works of the flesh are “manifest” which means “apparent, evident, or known” (v. 19) 2. He then concludes teaching that these known works will keep anyone partaking in them out of the kingdom of Heaven (v.21). 3. Thus, we can see the importance of studying these things because they will keep us eternal life.” 15. [Cited 03/07/18]

I’ve ended this chapter with Grace in the teaching below. We all know strongholds of sin take us captive and our flesh is sinful by nature. The struggle with sexual sin and addiction sins wage war with our soul. And we go against the Spirit of Christ Jesus regardless of truth.

Nothing good dwells in us, so it is so easy to become overpowered by sin bringing us into bondage. We may then get dragged out by God’s Love if we are willing to ask why is this happing to me? His answer will come by revealing the laws we have broken and by this Love He will leads us to repentance.

“He sent His word and healed them; and delivered them from all their pitfalls.” Psalms 107:20

I did not want to write my version of this teaching below. I’ve had enough of writing this book! I trust it brings comfort, grace and truth and delivers you from evil.

“Paul says, there is no condemnation to those who are in Christ Jesus. The reason there is no condemnation is given in just one little phrase: "in Christ." That goes right back to our justification by faith: We came out of Adam, We are in Christ, and God will never condemn those who are in Christ. He never will! Now, we have to understand what "no condemnation" means. What is Paul talking about? Certainly, the most basic element in it is that there is no rejection by God. God does not turn us aside, he does not kick us out of his family. If we are born into the family of God by faith in Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit has come to dwell within us, and he will never, never leave us. No matter what we do, he will never leave us. And God will never cut us out of his family or treat us as anything less than sons and daughters.


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