Full body umbrella

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Table of Contents Full Body Umbrella Lexi Reamer AMAZON DRONE Michael Spadaro How Magic Leap Is Secretly Creating A New Alternate Reality Tyler Vollor I-Watch Shelby Barnhart DRONE WAITERS Joseph DeMarco The HoloLens Kayla March UNDERCOVER COLORS NAIL POLISH DETECTS DATE-RAPE-DRUGS AND SAVES LIVES Lindsay Kopczynski Condoms for STD IDENTIFICATION Jennery Pacheco The Hackaball Luis Chevalier The Machine Age: Robotics and your Life Nathaniel Canfield- Lord Electromagnetic Drive To the Final Frontier and Beyond Colin Zellerguay

3D PRINTER Joseph Paniccia THE SUITCASE SCOOTER The Scooter that makes traveling so much easier Danielle McCarthy Airplane Seat Divider Jun Liu THE NEW BMW i3 The next car generation is finally here Lorenzo Bonzi MICROSOFT HOLOLENS Kylie Rogers THE STORY OF PLEX Harley,Crowther APPLE WATCH Natalia Marcano Jurassic World KIM WOOD ELECTRO-MAGNETIC RAIL GUN Sam Becker UNDERGROUND BIKE PATHS Dakota Jackson

Full Body Umbrella (for complete coverage)

Lexi Reamer

Introduction Have you ever got out of your car and when you’re walking to work and it suddenly just starts to pour? No one wants to get their favorite MK’ tie soaked, or your brand new coach shoes ruined. With the full body umbrella, you don’t have to worry. It extends down to about your knees, depending on your height. Unlike any ordinary umbrella, it provides full coverage and will keep you dry, no matter how hard it is raining. They are clear, so you can see where you are going and avoid bumping into someone in your way. You may be in a hurry walking down the sidewalk trying to get to the office with your coffee in your hand, and you will be able to avoid bumping into anyone, while walking into work, dry and looking just as good as you did leaving the house.

The Whole Body Umbrella, what is it? The full body umbrella is unlike no other. Even in torrential rains, you will remain dry. It is made with some extra material, to fill up gaps and keep the rain from seeping in. It is slightly rounded, to make sure you’re protected from all angles. From the umbrella being clear, it will keep you from running into anyone. for a comfortable fit, it can only fit one person per umbrella. It does not come in colors, due to it being clear. and it can cost anywhere from $80-$115 (Hernandez, 1). What is it made out of? The full body umbrella is manufactured in Japan. It is made out of clear vinyl, and can be considered a clear bubble dome. This is the reason why it does not come in colors. It only comes in one size, due to the way it is made. It has a metal middle shaft holding up the umbrella, and a plastic handle. (Quay, 1.) Why do this?

The umbrella can be very beneficial to many people. Whether you’re on your way to work and don’t want to ruin your expensive clothing, or you’re just out shopping in the outlet stores and you want to stay dry, or when you’re you’re waiting to get picked up to go on a date with a guy you just met and you want to keep a good hair day. It has become very successful in Japan, and hopefully it will make its way to the United States.


Michael Spadaro

Introduction What is an Amazon Drone? Its basically a mini helicopter except its lighter in weight, also more expensive. its used for quick delivery (30 minutes at least) which was created by Jeff Bezos (Cloudbuzz, 1). About The Amazon Drone The Amazon Drone only weighs five pounds and will be worth close to 50 billion dollars by this year. It has eight blades powering it, they’re called octocopters. They were first in the south of the country since the middle of 2013 and it has minimal input for humans. (Cloudbuzz, 1).

Who invented it? Jeff Bezos was born on January 12, 1964, in Albuquerque, New Mexico, to a teenage mother, Jacklyn Gise Jorgensen, and his biological father, Ted Jorgensen. Bezos's parents were married less than a year, and when Bezos was four years old his mother married his step-father Mike Bezos, a Cuban immigrant. As a child, Jeff Bezos showed an early interest in how things work, turning his parents' garage into a laboratory and rigging electrical contraptions around his house. As a teenager, his family moved to Miami where he developed a love for computers and excelled in school, becoming the valedictorian of his class. In high school, he also started his first business, the Dream Institute, an educational summer camp for fourth, fifth and sixth graders. Bezos pursued his interest in computers at Princeton University, where he graduated summa cum laude in 1986 with a degree in computer science and electrical engineering. After graduation, he found work at several firms on Wall Street including Fitel, Bankers Trust, and the investment firm D.E. Shaw where he met his wife Mackenzie and was named the youngest vice president in 1990. While his career in finance was extremely lucrative, Bezos chose to make a risky move into the nascent world of e-commerce. He quit his job in 1994, moved to Seattle and targeted the untapped potential of the internet market by opening an online bookstore. (Biography, 1) Is it worth it? Yet, in some contexts, drone delivery has shown potential. Last year, a startup called Matternet in Palo Alto, California, tested drones as a way to deliver supplies to refugee camps in Haiti and found it cost only 20 to 70 cents to deliver a two-kilogram package 10 kilometers—at least a fivefold savings compared to standard truck delivery. The Matternet vision includes a network of hubs where drones could recharge for longer-range flights, and provide services like medicine or farm-supplies to be delivered to people in remote parts of developing countries. “We call it a network for

matter, which could have tremendous impacts for people here and in the developing world where there are no roads,” Raptopoulos said. (Talbot, 1) What about the weather? Weather will pose an interesting challenge for Amazon's drones," said weather.com meteorologist Jon Erdman. "The craft would have to be resistant to ice buildup, and presumably would not fly in thunderstorms, heavy rain or snow. Furthermore, strong winds even on an otherwise clear day would lash the small craft." Even if the drone survives severe weather, concerns linger for purchases. How would Amazon shield purchases from inclement weather mid-flight? "The small bucket carrying the package would have to be airtight, to avoid getting soaked," said Erdman. "Temperature sensitive packages, particularly in the winter months, would likely be unable to fly, unless the bucket is temperature controlled. (Zerkel, 1) Is it dangerous? Hitting a drone is worse than hitting a bird. Drones have hard metal parts and a dense battery. A drone goes into a jet engine and it’s done. A drone goes into the tail rotor of a helicopter and that helicopter is going down. A fleet of delivery drones is also the “hive of bees” air defense/offense; and since they are controlled by software they could be hacked to attack aviation with relative ease. The “hive” of drones can take down any aircraft (military or civilian) in the sky just by positioning themselves so nothing can get past them. There is nothing we have today, military or civilian, that can defeat that swarm attack on aircraft. It doesn’t even have to have explosives. Aircraft move fast enough that heavy damage is inflicted by what is basically a rock sitting still in the sky. (Hanely, 1)

Conclusion The miniature helicopter known as the amazon drone, could be a very helpful thing for people who need things right away. Its helpful in many ways but most are not worth the price. Its outrageous.

Bibliography Last, First MI. A Book That Enhanced My Understanding of the Topic: An Awesome, Scholarly Source. (City, ST: Publishing Company, 2009).

How Magic Leap Is Secretly Creating A New Alternate Reality

Tyler Vollor

INTRODUCTION Magic Leap is a company that has secretly creating a new alternate reality. The patent was filed in July 2014 by chief executive Rony Abovitz. It features a total of 180 pages and drawings detailing the look, functionality and uses for the device. The design is a headset resembles skiing goggles, connected to a battery pack. Rony Abovitz said, “We have the term 'cinematic reality' because we are disassociated with those things.� Magic Leap had raised $542 million to make animals appear out of thin air. Magic Leap intends to build a Google Glass on steroids that can seamlessly blend computer-generated graphics with the real world. As far as the media was concerned, Magic Leap didn't exist until it raised buckets of cash. The names behind Magic Leap are: Rony Abovitz, who had just sold his medical robot company MAKO Surgical for $1.65 billion, and Richard Taylor of Weta

Workshop, the company behind all those amazing props and creatures in Lord of the Rings, The Hobbit, District 9, and more.

WHY VIRTUAL REALITY STILL SUCKS The faceputer ads say virtual reality is coming and it's going to work this time.There are still many ways virtual reality cannot fool the human brain, and it has little to do with the tech itself. Instead, it's about neuroscience and our brain's perceptual limits. This new set of devices is good enough to feel stomach-droppingly real—even though the images are still pixelated and lag a tiny bit. People in VR call this overwhelming feeling "presence." But it's possible to fool one part of the brain without fooling another. There are many reasons, both conscious and unconscious, that your brain rejects the reality of a screen mounted a few inches in front of your eyeballs. A weird thing happens in VR: You can look at the far-off horizon of a virtual beach but still feel like you're in a room. The virtual reality can cause painful eye-strains and headaches. Here's what happens: Put a finger in front of your face and gradually move it to your nose; your eyes will naturally move closer together to track your finger. This is vergence, where our eyes converge and diverge to look at close and distant objects. At the same time, the lenses in your eyes focus so the image of your finger remains clear while the background is fuzzy. This is called accommodation. In VR, however, vergence and accommodation no longer integrate seamlessly. The screen of a typical head-mounted display sits three inches or so in front of your eyes. MAGIC LEAP RIPPED OFF THOSE AWESOME UI CONCEPTS

Magic Leap revealed some illustrations of what the future might hold with their virtual reality. The only problem about the images released from Magic Leap is that they didn’t create all of the awesome UI concepts. As you can see in the images below, magic leap released the image on the left, and the one on the right is a Virtual Reality created by someone else.

John Ferrell, a prominent Silicon Valley patent attorney, said that the situation was highly unusual: patent attorneys generally insist that all images included in a patent filing are original work. It's risky to copy an image because the Patent Office might throw out your application. "If you're copying a picture of someone else's and including it in your patent, it's probably not patentable," Ferrell explained. "The figure is used to describe and explain the invention, so if you're using someone else's figure, what you're describing is likely not an invention," says Ferrell. But Magic Leap isn't trying to patent what's in the pictures—only the mechanism that creates those user interfaces. When Magic Leap was interviewed about this situation, here’s what they said, “Images like some of those we used were taken from entertainment, medical, education, commerce, and a variety of others areas. Images such as these are setting consumer expectations of VR and AR today. We wanted to use the same images to demonstrate what our technology will enable. Our patents are around the technology, not the images.” “We were thinking Star Wars chess could have been used too, and think how cool that would have been.” “On one hand I feel a little concerned about how they literally copy/pasted this without even reaching out,” Michaël Harboun said, without prompting. “But on the other hand, I'm extremely excited about this upcoming medium and all the opportunities it'll create for designers and developers.”


Shelby Barnhart

Introduction What is an I-Watch? basically its the best apple app that lets you read our email, summon siri, make calls and track your heart rate. It is a IOS 8.2. It came out April 24, 2015. About the I-Watch The Apple Watch is the Cupertino-based company's first wearable device that enables the wearer to check on Facebook updates and access simplified apps without going through the hassle of taking it out of the pocket or looking for it inside a bag, which is very convenient for those who like to travel extremely light, or for those who love to workout. The apple range from $349 for the entry level sport model to $17,000. The Apple Watch comes with apps such as iMessages, Health, Calendar, Mail, Photos, Weather, and Camera Shutter button. It also has the Apple Maps and Passbook that includes the Apple Pay. he smartwatch comes in two sizes, which are the 1.5 inch version and the 1.65 inch kind. The device made its debut alongside the iPhone 6 and the iPhone 6 Plus on Sept. 9. Apple requires appointments to demo the smartwatch. Is it worth it spending $350? What we know so far is that the Apple iWatch is water-resistant not waterproof. That means it will be safe in the shower or out in the rain but not if you plan on taking a dip in the pool. The wearable tech will be running Siri, notifications, widgets, fitness/workout apps and parameters to control your Apple TV. The digital screen has scroll, zoom and home access options. The company demonstrated how you can respond to texts very quickly through snippets, emojis, drawings, heartbeats and dictated text. No doubt this is a great feature but it will only work for those who are constantly

texting 24/7. Before you spend $350, you need to ask yourself if the iWatch is something you need and if it will help enhance your lifestyle or not. Remember that this is still the first generation Apple Watch so there is definitely room for advancement. That means if you don’t purchase one yet, you may just happen to change your mind in the near future. Is it comfortable to wear? If you’re ready to strap one on, which one should you look closely at, and which should you avoid? We’ve compared the specs, features, and even design to help you decide which to buy.Wearable tech is fast becoming the next big thing. We’ve seen fitness trackers gain popularity, smart jewellery take off, and even luxury brands start to sit up and take notice. it only depends if it is comfortable to wear if you like to have stuff on your wrist for a long period of time. Its features

In terms of features, there’s a slew of parallels between Android Wear and the Apple Watch. First off, Wear boasts voice integration. Saying “OK Google” and then asking a question regarding flight times, game scores, and myriad other topics gets a detailed, curated response. Fitness also plays a pivotal role in both products. Android Wear touts features for setting exercise goals, reminders, and fitness summaries, along with the ability to provide real-time speed, distance, and pace information. All of these features are built into Google Fit, and designed around easy-to-use APIs for third-party developers.

Conclusion The conclusion is that honestly if people want to get the iwatch and spend all of that money on it they could. Apple's Watch is designed to be both fashionable and functional, available in an array of different

color and materials with six different types of watch straps that are easily interchangeable. Prices for the device, which launched on April 24, start at $349 and go as high as $17,000.

Bibliography Mercader,Virnelli. Apple Iwatch update: Price, specs, release date information: September 20,2014 Swider Matt. Apple Watch releases date, price and features: April 29, 2015 Gul Zara. IS the apple watch really worth spending: September 12, 2014


Joseph DeMarco

Introduction The “drone waiters� are a very interesting, also controversial topic for many reasons.it will possibly put hundreds of thousands of waiters and waitreses out of the job. At the same time giving the world a whole new wave of modern technology for the average restaurant owner. Who Made It?

The ceo of infunium robotics is a stanford university graduate by the name of junyang woon.with a background in Robotics, Technology, Economics, Finance, Investment, Entrepreneurship.currently living in the san francisco bay area he was a former member of the singapore armed forces .Deployed to the Gulf of Aden for Anti-Piracy Operations in 2011 junyang Planned and executed domestic and foreign Naval operations and exercises. where is it being made? the original distributor of the first waiter drone is from a company called “INFINIUM ROBOTICS�.Infinium Robotics Pte Ltd provides cutting edge technological solutions to businesses to improve productivity and efficiency. Specialty areas include unmanned autonomous robotics solutions, unmanned aerial vehicles, indoor/outdoor robotics navigation solutions, as well as autonomous aerial display of robot formations. only full autonomous and smart flying robotic servers in restaurants and f and b outlets . what does it do? according to infunium robotics the drone waiter has many applications it can be used for . for example its design saves space at the same time giving fast delivery speeds.statistically the drone waiter can maximize sales per square inch with its simple to deploy activation it can adopt to the most unique restaurant layout. how will it help people? the drone waiter will help with the snotty waiter that should probably not work as a waiter in the first place.also the drone can bring out food and beverages at a pace and manner that reduces wait time for costumers to get there food and get out.to most buisness owners this is a gaget that was heaven sent.not only will it improve costumer service it will eliminate paying waiters to serve . is it dangerous if terrorist get it?

the waiter drone is a run off of an already used drone weapon used by the army and recently terrorist groups like isis.so yes, it is dangerous if more terrorist get it,they will be able to servey terrotory and be virtually unseen . do you need insurance for this? i do not believe insurance is available yet for the waiter drone because it is such a new technology .in some cases insurance would be nice to have when in NYC on dec 4 while a photographer was trying to capture the drone at work collided with the machine and drew blood.the owner of the business did not think it would hurt business and ultimately blamed the victim for injury. does it violate anyone's religion? yes, In the Christian religion, the Amish are members of an Anabaptist Christian denomination, who are especially known for their separation from society, for living in isolated Amish communities, for the rejection of most modern technology. the drone waiter would fit into those restrictions of the religion . conclusion the waiter drone is a awesome modern invention that i believe will eventually sweep the nation to every food serving business.

The HoloLens Kayla March Introduction HoloLens features spatial sound, which means that you'll hear sounds behind you when wearing the headset, on top of the copious amounts of sensors that constantly pull information into the headset from the real-world around you. The headset features its own CPU

and GPU, as well as a third processor, something Microsoft calls a holographic processing unit. Something HoloLens does right straight away is that it is wireless, compared to every Oculus Rift that we've seen so far. (tweaktown 1)

What Is It? HoloLens is essentially a holographic computer built into a headset that lets you see, hear and interact with holograms within an environment such as a living room or an office space. Microsoft has built the headset without the need to be wirelessly connected to a PC, and has used high-definition lenses and spatial sound technology to create that immersive, interactive holographic experience. (Trusted Reviews 2) How Is It made? Microsoft's HoloLens, which the company unveiled at its Redmond, Wash., headquarters on Wednesday, is a sleek, flashy headset with transparent lenses. You can see the world around you, but suddenly that world is transformed -- with 3D objects floating in midair, virtual screens on the wall and your living room covered in virtual characters running about. Microsoft's HoloLens is not actually producing 3D images that everyone can see; this isn't "Star Trek." Instead of everyone walking into a room made to reproduce 3D images, Microsoft's goggles show images only the wearer can see. Everyone else will just think you're wearing goofy-looking glasses. (c/net3) Who made it? Microsoft's Alex Kipman Kipman has been with Microsoft for about 15 years, he showed off what has been called one of the company's most ambitious products in years. a headset that displays 3-D "holograms" right before your eyes. Where did they get educated?

Kipman graduated from Rochester Institute of Technology in 2001 with a degree in software engineering. He was named one of TIME Magazine's 2011 100 People of the Year. In 2012, he was named National Inventor of the Year by the nonprofit Intellectual Property Foundation. Kipman is named as the primary inventor on more than 90 patents since joining Microsoft in 2001.

How much will this product cost? The Hololens will cost Under $500 and Out will be released in September 2015. Many fans took notice of the Microsoft HoloLens due to its potentially nifty look and the futuristic design of the rumored head gear, which is entirely wireless. The headset should be able to combine virtual and real worlds, allowing the pinning of "holograms in your physical environment and provides a new way to see your world." (entertainment4)

What is the company who made this product? Microsoft office made the HoloLens.

Why should anyone care about this product? The Microsoft official website has described: "Microsoft HoloLens is the first holographic computer running Windows 10. It is completely untethered --no wires, phones, or connection to a PC needed. Microsoft HoloLens allows you to pin holograms in your physical environment and provides a new way to see your world. It features see-through, holographic, highdefinition lenses and spatial sound so you can see and hear holograms in the world around you. Complete with advanced sensors and a new Holographic Processing Unit that understands the world around you, Microsoft HoloLens is able to run without any wires while processing terabytes of data from the sensors in real-time.�Although the release date and price and other details have not been officially confirmed yet, some sites are touting that the Microsoft HoloLens will cost less than $500, which

in comparison to other new tech devices out, such as the Apple Watch, seems an extremely reasonable price. However, whether those pricing rumors turn out to be true remains to be seen.

Conclusion The Hololens will be used in september 2015 as an advancement for tech. the Hololens can be used as entertainment work or education.


Lindsay Kopczynski

Date Rape: A Real Problem Date rape is a forceful, non-consensual act of oral, anal, or vaginal sex. A victim of date rape usually knows their attacker socially, but is

unaware of who their attacker may be at the time due to the presence of drugs. Date rape is becoming a more frequent and recurring problem in today’s day and age - especially on college campuses. Studies show that 1 in 4 women in college has been a date rape victim, and 90 percent of them knew who their attacker was. (Warshaw) Women are not the only victims of date rape. 1 in 33 men (3%) will be a victim of date rape in their lifetime (RAINN). Rape is a unisex problem that needs to cease and desist. A Solution At North Carolina University, four students have managed to invent a way to detect date-rape drugs and prevent attacks with just the stir of a finger. Ankesh Madan, Stephen Gray, Tasso Von Windheim and Tyler Confrey-Maloney (highereducationworks.org) created a nail polish called Undercover Colors, which can detect the presence of common date rape drugs, like roofies (Newsweek). The company has stated that they hope that this will deter future attackers due to the fear of being detected and caught by the nail polish. (Newsweek). They hope the nail polish can empower women to protect themselves. How It Works

(beautyorbust.net) Undercover Colors comes in a variety of colors, or in a clear coat to apply over a user's own nail polish (Patent US7238533). Upon stirring a finger painted with Undercolor Colors’ nail polish into a drink, the polish will change color if a drug is detected, therefore preventing the chosen victim from drinking the tampered beverage. (Patent US7238533) Funding The Undercover Colors company got started on this nail polish when they had to do an invention project for their entrepreneurship class. (highereducationworks.org) After creating a successful product, they took it to the popular TV show Shark Tank. They got a $200,000 investment from Mark Cuban, and continue to get funding donations on their website and

people mailing in money. (highereducationworks.org)

(highereducationworks.org) Society Reacts Most people who learn about this product think it’s a good product to have. I think it is an essential. As a sister, aunt, daughter, niece, etc; I worry about myself and my family members who are prone to being in situations like clubs and bars, because they are easier to be targeted and raped. In today’s day and age, rapes are becoming more frequent, more violent, and more sneaky. We need products like this to help protect ourselves. However, some people believe we shouldn’t have products like these, because it pushes the blame on the victim if they didn’t detect the drug at first. Also, the nail polish could be overcome, say if attackers find out what drugs the polish detects, they can use different drugs to commit crime. In my opinion, the product is a literal life saver - there’s no insurance or anything needed, it doesn’t break laws or violate privacy, it simply detects drugs and prevents attacks.

Conclusion Any product that can prevent harm to people is a necessary product. Undercover Colors is a creative, discreet, helpful product that is essential in today’s society. The prevention of rape and date rape is needed and this product is a gateway to helping us do that.

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Bibliography "Undergrad Research in NC State’s Entrepreneurship Program Helps Prevent Sexual Assault." Highereducationworks.org. 30 June 2014. Web. 13 May 2015. . Warshaw "College Campuses and Rape." Http://www.crisisconnectioninc.org/. Web. 11 Apr. 2015. . "Patent US7238533 - Personal Illicit Drug Detection Method." Google Books. Web. 13 May 2015. "Controversy Over Student Nail Varnish Date Rape Drug Detector." Newsweek. 28 Aug. 2014. Web. 13 May 2015. "Students Develop Nail Polish to Detect Date-rape Drugs." Washington Post. The Washington Post. Web. 13 May 2015. "Undercover Colors | Donate Now." Undercover Colors | Donate Now. Web. 13 May 2015. "Nail Polish Line Detects Date Rape Drugs - PSFK." PSFK. 3 Sept. 2014. Web. 13 May 2015. "Undercover Colors - Is Home Testing of Date Rape Drugs Possible." About.com Inventors. About.com. Web. 13 May 2015. "Who Are the Victims? | RAINN | Rape, Abuse and Incest National Network." Who Are the Victims? | RAINN | Rape, Abuse and Incest National Network. Web. 13 May 2015. "Rape Drug-detecting Nail Polish Startup Undercover Colors Snags Eight Equity Investors - Triangle Business Journal." Widgets RSS. Web. 13 May 2015.

Condoms for STD IDENTIFICATION Jennery Pacheco

INTRODUCTION (A CONDOM THAT CAN IDENTIFY AN STD) So one man, Derrick Danzy, came up with the idea of inventing a condom that changes colors when it comes in contact with STDs. An STD (sexually transmitted disease) is a disease that you get from having sex with someone who has an STD. These diseases can be very dangerous and some may even take your life. Others can be cured with some kind of treatment. But no matter what, you know for a fact, that STDs is not something that you want to have. Derrick D Danzy (Is he legit?) Derrick Dwayne Danzy is the inventor of the condom that detects STD. He’s currently 43 years old and lives in Tallahassee, FL. Danzy is the president of Florida Bail Alliance Corp, the manager of Danzy Bail Bonds LLC. He is clearly a businessman, not a scientist. I have found no science related course in his background. He is not a scientist, he is not qualified to make a condom that probably save lives. Also when you look up Derrick Danzy another invention comes up, how to track a weapon. How does it work? The condom is designed to have an indicator and three layers; the outer layer, the intermediate layer and the inner layer. Both the inner and outer layer have small pores in them that lead into the intermediate layer. The middle layer is receives the bodily fluids for the STD testing. Also both the

inner and outer layer have at least one indicator attached to them, which changes color when the test is positive.

There was no practice model or anything, they didn't try to see if it worked. It was more of a thought than a real invention. beneficial If one day this condom really worked, it would definitely be beneficial because it would reduce the number of people who have STDs. Every year there are about 20 million new cases and half of them are ages 15-24. harmful This invention can definitely be harmful because what if they did make a model and it really didn't work and the customers think it does. Conclusion So after doing research on this “invention�, I come to the conclusion that there is no way that I will be buying or using this condom any time soon. Because Derrick Danzy is a not qualified to make this condom at all. he is businessman and i believe he make up with this idea for a profit.

Bibliography Google Patents. Web. 13 May 2015. A Whitepages. Web. 13 May 2015.

The Hackaball

Luis Chevalier

What is The Hackaball? The Hackaball is an interactive ball that kids can create their own games through the app. The ball makes sound, changes colors,and vibrates to interact with the kids that are playing with the ball and it does this as it follows the rules of the game. This was created on kickstarter by Sadler Karl, MAP project office, and Kudu electronics (Kickstarter). What does it do and how does it work? The ball is controlled through an app that can be bought through the apple store or the google play store. you can play pre programmed games or you can make it yourself using the app. the ball connects to the app and you can program the ball to vibrate change color or make a sound while playing the game that you create or that you play. The ball can also act as an alarm clock that to turn off or put on snooze you just have to throw it at the wall. Why was this invented? This was invented to get kids to be more involved with going outside and not with technology but at the same time they get the joy of using their ipads or tablets or phones. this will keep children from being so obsessed with their video games and TVs. this also helps them, build skills in problem solving and inventive skills. How much does it cost? The hackaball can be pre-ordered on Kickstarter for $90 for one and $125 for a family pack.

What are the dangers? Nothing the ball is completely safe. It's a sensor component with lights in cased in a 3 inch thick silicon, Rubber mix with a rubber net. it is waterproof and shockproof the ball can be dropped kicked thrown and slammed without any complications or damage. Conclusion In conclusion, this will be the next big thing in toys and technology. this ball will shape the new way that kids play and get off of their video games and go out and play. This is also the next thing with skill building and problem solving. Bibliography https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/hackaball/hackaball-a-programmableball-for-active-and-creat/video_share

The Machine Age: Robotics and your Life

Nathaniel Canfield- Lord

A Leap into the Future It has been the subject of countless science fiction stories, man and machine. It isn’t uncommon to have the machine decide that for some reason humanity must be decommissioned. Or in other words, the robots kill off mankind like some pest found in your bathtub. However, this innovation proves itself to be minimally hostile. A hotel, sounds common enough, that is almost completely staffed by robots. Yes, you read that correctly -- robots, automatons, simulates. The word choice is up to you, but Japan has undoubtedly launched itself into The Machine Age Actdroid Kokoro, is the engineering company behind these androids. An android (shown right) is essentially a robot that resembles a person in either physical appearance, or emotionally, by holding conversations as well as interpreting emotions. These androids in the hotel are capable of speaking several languages, they breathe and blink, as well as understand how to properly make eye contact. The most amazing part is these machines can detect changes in tone and respond to body language. Each Actdroid is powered by a series of pneumatic actuators, or air powered cylinders. The robot is pre-programmed to handle about 500 questions with 1,000 answers to choose from. These robots, however, if asked an unfamiliar question, will try to either change the subject, or ask other people to get involved. One of the systems main problems, however, aside from its lack of actual intelligence is speech interpretation. Even in mildly loud situations,

the robot is known to have trouble hearing.

Safety concerns, and what it means for guests The Actdroid robots are probably the safest type of robot to have around in all honesty. These machines run on what is called an air servo system, which unlike conventional hydraulic doesn’t have high pressure liquid. these systems are also known to burst spraying liquid all over the place. This happened to an animatronic abe lincoln at Walt Disney World once. The risk of fire has been substantially cut down, this is due to the fact that there aren’t any electric actuators, which can be easily overloaded or spark. Creating a fire. guests will also have the joy of lower prices. Rooms won’t cost so much because there is not a huge staff that needs to be paid, because obviously robots need no pay, nor do they need breaks. These machines will also be much friendlier than their human counterparts. Because robots lack the ability to get angry.

Job Loss

The biggest problem that these robots have brought to the table is their ability to easily replace jobs. The company president said eventually the hotel will be run 90 percent by machines, but it doesn’t stop there. the company also plans on building a thousand more of these hotels around the world. Machines are extremely efficient, partly the reason the rooms cost so little, that and other technological innovations such as solar power and facial recognitioning to open rooms. Time Warp The hotel is oddly enough located in an amusement park that is modeled after an old dutch settlement. Sounds like the plot behind Westworld, minus the cowboy androids, the theme park which is called Huis Ten Bosch houses the Henn-na Hotel which will serve as home for the first robot hotel servants and receptionists. eventually these hotels will spread across the world, at least that is what Kokoro is hoping for.

Conclusion The future probably seems like a fantasy, but it is much closer than one could possibly imagine. The development of the DER system can either be a blessing, or a tremendous curse, only time will tell if it is for the benefit of mankind. There are countless benefits to robotics, jobs that cause stress, are too dangerous or too laborious. The machines have taken most of these jobs, it is only a matter of time before these machines are making you dinner. Even driving your car.

Works Cited Wong, Maggie H. "Bleep Blorp: New Japanese Hotel to Be Staffed by Robots." CNN. Cable News Network, 5 Feb. 2015. Web. 11 May 2015. Geiling, Natasha. "Japan Announces Plans for the First Hotel Run by Robots." Smithsonian. Smithsonian, 6 Feb. 2015. Web. 11 May 2015.

Kaplan, Sarah. "Futuristic Japanese Hotel Will Be Run Almost Entirely by Robots." Washington Post. The Washington Post, 6 Feb. 2015. Web. 11 May 2015. Strochlic, Nina. "Check In to Japan's Creepy Robot Hotel." The Daily Beast. Newsweek/Daily Beast, 2 Dec. 2015. Web. 11 May 2015. "Trending Science: The Robot Run Hotel." European Commission : CORDIS : News and Events : Trending Science: The Robot-run Hotel. European Commission, 10 Feb. 2015. Web. 12 May 2015. Cohen, Yoseph B., Adi Marom, and David Hanson. "The Coming Robot Revolution." Google Books. Springer Science & Business Media, 20 Apr.2009. Web. 12 May 2015. 2015. Bangkok Post, Bangkok. (photo)

Electromagnetic Drive To the Final Frontier and Beyond

Colin Zellerguay

The Electromagnetic Drive (EM Drive for short) is a new propulsion system that has been developed by NASA. this new propulsion system would allow us to reduce the travel time of many space missions by such examples are that is would take us only four hours to get to the moon, instead of taking three day to get there using conventional rocket fuel. a trip to mars that normally takes 6 months would take only 2, and if we were to plan for generational/cryostasis ships, we could reduce a 10,000 year trip to Alpha Centauri, which is 4.3 light years away down to 100 years give or take a little.

The effectiveness of a EM drive would be much improved from using chemical rockets. if put on the International Space Station, it would allow for the fuel modules to be replaced with other operation area, as the Drive only needs electricity to function. Probes and satellites would be able to operate much longer and go much farther faster, as there would be no constriction on how much fuel the device has.

As to the question of the cost of such a device , it has not been determined exactly, but is likely that it would also reduce the cost of space flight, as all we would still need to use the same way to get a craft fitted with the Drive into space, as it cannot operate unless it is in a vacuum. but once it reaches space, it would allow us to no longer need to use conventional rocket systems in space, saving large amounts of cash from refueling costs The Drive uses a magnetron to produce microwaves which are directed into a metallic, fully enclosed conically tapered high Q Resonant cavity with a greater area at one end of the device, and a dielectric resonator in front of the narrower end. The inventor says that the Drive generates a directional thrust toward the narrow end of the tapered cavity. The Drive requires an electrical power source to produce its reflecting internal microwaves and does not require fuel.

The Drive brings up a good question about ourselves. Are we ready for this door to open? are we able to handle the idea the our entire solar system will be open to us, and that we will even be able to travel to nearby stars, be it using generation ships and a one way journey? In my opinion we may not be ready for that last one, but we are definitely ready to go to mars and the other planets in our solar system. too much these days we find ourselves fighting and arguing over who gets what on our cradle, with wars, disease and terrorism running amuck. if we were to open the stars, we would be able to have a repeat what happened with the discovery of the Americas. at first small groups would set themselves up on other worlds, hoeing to find a place where they can do what they want and don't feel

persecuted. As time passes and the world's/space stations grow more will come, seeing the prosperity of these worlds, or just to get away from a life here. eventually mass migrations to these places will begin and hopefully in the end, we will emerge from this as one unified human species, living on each world where entire societies have been created and live, with the head of this unification being on earth, homeworld to our spread out race. In Conclusion, I believe that the EM Drive is going to be a beautiful boon to humanity as a whole and I can not wait until it is implemented. Works Cited Rodal, Jose. "Evaluating NASA’s Futuristic EM Drive." Evaluating NASA’s Futuristic EM Drive. Jose Rodal, Apr.-May 2015. Web. 11 May 2015.


Joseph Paniccia Introduction

The piece of technology I have chosen for my research paper is no other than the revolutionary 3D Printer. I think that the rest of the world needs a 3D Printer because throughout its latest development it has made some major improvements from manufacturing parts, to creating some new inspirations. To most this has made some much needed attention throughout the world.

(M akhija, 1.)

Who made it? I chose this amazing machinery because it has sparked my interest for it for almost a year. It has brought my attention towards it because it has made an impact within many industries and markets internationally throughout the world. The person that has originally made this great piece of technology was by the one by Chuck Hull. (Ponsford, 1).

Who is he Chuck Hull? Chuck Hull is the co-founder and also the Chief Technology Officer of 3D Systems. He has invented 60 patents. His first 3D printer was originally called the stereolithography. (Ponsford, 1) Who is interested? In such a new market, during its current lifespan it has sparked interest within manufacturers by making parts for machines or vehicles, designers that like create new things and many industries around the world that can use this for the means of production. (Krassenstein, 1)

(Duerson, 1) Are there benefits? I think that this amazing piece of technology could provide benefits to any kind of person. For reasons, it can manage to accurately replicate almost any kind of object which help companies keep with production. The benefits that it can provide such as the use of customisation which can fit the user's needs, it does not require tools use the 3d printer as it is equipped with complex designing system that accurately builds the object. It even benefits efficiency by using about 90% of the needed material towards the chosen design.

Does it use toxic chemicals or materials? With further research I had found that the 3D printer does emit nanosize particle which can be potentially harmful to most people, but 3D printing is safe only when you are using the printer in a ventilated room It is able to use certain materials that work with the stereolithography. It can use forms of resources such as a type of plastic known as ABS plastic which to my knowledge is the machines signature sculpting material. It can even use

metal from the strong steel and titanium to the soft use of aluminum, copper and silver. Will this idea expand? In the current history of the 3d printer it is slowly expanding across the world gain a lot of interest from many people. In the near future the reality of it all sounds science-fiction but it is becoming a major phenomenon in today’s society. And as this new evolution of manufacturing is at hand, it will mostly affect China greatly because of it. (D’Aveni, 2)

Conclusion I truly think that this revolutionary piece of technology has made an impact in our world and it will continue to make more amazing progress by living up to its potential. The 3d printer has caught my attention and has inspired me to imagine and wonder about the new possibilities towards new technological advancements in the near future.


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Ponsford, Matthew and Glass, Nick CNN. ‘The Night I Invented 3D Printing’. (February 14, 2014) Krassenstein, Brian. “Why Experts Are Likely Underestimating the 2015 3D Printing Market”. (January 12,2015) http://3dprintingindustry.com/3d-printing-basics-free-beginnersguide/benefits-commercial-value/ http://lineshapespace.com/what-materials-are-used-in-3d-printing/ D’Aveni A., Richard. “3-D Printing Will Change the World”. (March , 2013)

THE SUITCASE SCOOTER The Scooter that makes traveling so much easier by Danielle McCarthy

Introduction Have you ever struggled to get to your plane on time because you have to carry your heavy luggage around? Well if you have you don't have to worry anymore, Zagar and his team of engineers made a suitcase that you can ride as a scooter. You can either kick the stand out and push it like a scooter or sit on top of it and ride it sort of like a bike. The scooter suitcase is light and easy to use.

How did Zagar come up with this idea? “ The idea comes from having to catch the next connection flight in three minutes when the gate is on the other side of the world and you need to move faster than those moving walkways,� Zagar says. Zagar used his knowledge of automotive engineering and his experience with trying to catch a flight in time, while carrying heavy luggage that would slow him down to come up with the suitcase scooter. That he named Olaf , and comes in three models: Business, Urban and a flexible version that can carry a variety of bags. And it also can be transformed into a suitcase that you can sit on and ride. ( Olaf, page 1) Who would buy or use this scooter? Anyone can use this scooter, it's designed for everyone and anyone to use. People in the city can use this to get to work faster and easier. Or any business person or person with a job can use this scooter. It makes getting

to work and traveling in a airport easier and quicker. Or if you just want or need to get to a destination quickly, you can use this scooter. It makes traveling and holding your objects easy to store while you're on the go. And is safe enough for your kids to use so they can go to their friends house or go places with. (Olaf, page 1) Who is Zagar ? His real name is Bostjan Zagar and he’s 36 years old. He has a background in automotive engineering, which helped him come up with the idea for Olaf. Zagar and his father are the ones who came up with the designs for Olaf and helped make it. Zagar and his father wanted to make this because of how long it would take them to get to their flight in the airport. (olaf, page 2) What is Olaf? Olaf is a suitcase that can change into a scooter that you can either kick the stand out and ride like a scooter or get on top of it and have it push you. "The idea comes from having to catch the next connection flight in three minutes when the gate is on the other side of the world and you need to move faster than those moving walkways," Zagar tells CNN. It comes in three models: Business, Urban and a flexible version that can carry a variety of bags. Olaf has enough room to carry all of your belongings, and still be light enough to carry on your bag if need be. Olaf also has phone and headphones space built into it. And it can be transformed into a trolley, to carry whatever you need to. The maximum load for this scooter is 220 lbs. And that's just for the person's weight,not what can fit inside. Olaf has numerous compartments for other belongings. Olaf can go up to 30 mph, and has brakes so you can stop when you need too. And it runs on a battery, the cost for a replacement one is unknown but you can order it and is very easily to get and buy. The scooter Olaf is street legal because it's like a regular scooter and advise people who are very small like children to wear helmets just to be safe. And you can bring them on the plane with you, they will fit in the compartments on the plane. The battery for Olaf is protected by many fabrics and components so it will not leak on you or in the bag. ( Gadget flow, page 1)

Where can you buy Olaf? You can buy Olaf online on the Olaf website. All you have to do is add to your cart and use a credit card and it's all yours. And soon will be able to buy one in certain stores. The cost of Olaf depends on which scooter and design for the scooter suitcase you buy. ( Barry Neild, CNN, page 1) Conclusion No more sprinting to get to your plane while carrying a heavy suitcase. Because now you can have olaf, the suitcase scooter that comes in 3 different designs and makes traveling so much easier and faster. With Olaf you can either kick the stand out and ride like a scooter or get ontop of it and ride it like that. Olaf can also be carried on your back and used as a backpack. it comes with a ton of room for your objects and belongings and doesn't feel like it's 150lbs on your back. Personally i would buy Olaf, i think

it's a very cool gadget that could really help me. Especially for college when i'm gonna try to make it to class on time with a ton of stuff. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Works Cited Neild ,Barry. The suitcase you can ride to the airport ( New York city, published: CNN , 2014) Olaf, ( New York city, published: 2014) Olaf,kickstarter( new york city) published 2014 https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1924354703/olafscooters/video_share. Gadget flow ( published 2014) Olaf Olaf ,gizmag. published 2014

Airplane Seat Divider

Jun Liu

Introduction In the 21st century, there a lot of people who want to travel on an airplane. But, they feel very uncomfortable when they are sitting in the seat of airplane, because they have no space to put their arm. Now, inventors created a new product to help people who are sitting in the seat of airplane to feel more comfortable. The Airplane Seat Divider It is call Airplane seat divider. Weighing in at less than 1 lb., it’s very compact and easy to travel with . You just put it on the middle armrest which allows you to keep your own seat space, still leaves you an armrest to use, and you no longer have to put up with elbow jabs. The people sitting next to you love it, too, because they not only get a padded armrest, they also benefit from a more comfortable flight by not bumping into you.

why would anyone care about this thing. It makes by the plastic, so that’s why it is very cheap. The price of sale for about $30 in early 2015. "While we do anticipate some travelers to have issues with sharing, we feel like this is a great conversation starter," says Soarigami spokesman Arthur Chang. Is it dangerous? No, because the Airplane seat divider is made by the plastic, it’s not very stronger, so it would not hurt to people. What is the main target. "Both users have an equal share, whereas other products have a winner and a loser."says Soarigami spokesman Arthur Chang. When you are sitting on the airplane, there is always somebody will sit next to you. If you guys both want to put the arm on the seat, then you guys may be arguing about it. So, this airplane seat divider can avoid this problem. Conclusion The value of Airplane seat divider is very worthwhile , because it’s very cheap and safety, also it avoids people who are sitting on the airplane don’t make the argument each other. This product is very great significance, even knows it just a smallest product, but it shows out how smarts of these scientist and how are we doing on the way which is to get better life.

Bibliography Last, First MI. A Book That Enhanced My Understanding of the Topic: An Awesome, Scholarly Source. (City, ST: Publishing Company, 2009).

THE NEW BMW i3 The next car generation is finally here

Lorenzo Bonzi

Introduction The new BMW i3 represents a revolution in the automobile history. We live in a world where combustion vehicles dominate the world of private and public transportation, and finally after years of research BMW decided to create an electric car that is easy to use in big cities and with an actually respectable electric range.

(Euro NCAP, 1)

What is it? BMW i3 is a comprehensive and ground-breaking concept for sustainable mobility. It represents visionary electric vehicles and mobility services, inspiring design and a new understanding of premium that is strongly defined by sustainability. It defines the automobile of the future, with a new electric engine that is completely emission-free and produces no noise, with a body made of carbon fiber reinforced plastic, making the car extremely light and fast for an electric car. (The Car Connection, 1) Is it safe? Yes it is, the i3 is rated 4 stars out of 5 in the Euro NCAP ( European New Car Assessment Programme). Citing the report:�...the i3 scored maximum points, with good protection of all body regions...based on the dummy readings from the dynamic tests, the car scored maximum points for its protection of both infants...The bumper scored maximum points for its protection of pedestrians' legs, with good results in all areas tested�. (Euro NCAP, 1).

(Euro NCAP, 1). How much does it cost? The i3 starts at $42,275 with freight but before US tax credits, then you choose trim levels called Mega World, Giga World or Tera World that add the usual (special wheels, satellite radio) and the unusual (olive leaf-tanned leather, sustainable eucalyptus wood). A $1,000 parking package option parks the car for you and provides sonar and a rear camera. A $2,500 tech

package provides stop and go adaptive cruise control, navigation, and online apps. But despite all this you can get the i3 fully equipped for just over $40,000 thanks to a $7,500 government rebate.(ExtremeTech, 3)

Why would anyone care about this thing? The BMW i3 looks unlike any other car in the world, the idea behind this car was to create a product that is able to move easily around big cities and in the traffic, emission free, light and “cheap�. The technologies that BMW used in this car, will become standard in the next generation, it’s years that we are waiting a product like this and finally it is here.

What is made out of? The innovative BMW i LifeDrive architecture is specifically designed for the development of electric cars. It is made of two separate functional units, the aluminium Drive module and the Life module made of high-tech carbon fibre, those two combined form an ultralight, strong design that increases the range of the car. Carbon is around 50 % lighter than steel and around 30 % lighter than aluminium, allowing BMW i to set new standards in lightweight construction while also completely offsetting the additional weight resulting from the high-voltage lithium-ion battery. At the same time, carbon is a high-tensile material that can be used in a versatile manner for construction purposes and increases the safety of all vehicle occupants. (BMW, 2)

(Extreme Tech, 2) Who is the main target consumer? The BMW i3 targets slightly more well-off individuals who strongly support sustainable living (eco-friendly); BMW is not a startup and has the resources to target any market it wants with its new eco-car initiative, BMW i. In line with its reputation as a performance and luxury auto maker, it's sights are set on the optimal convergence of large market size and affluence. But it’s limited range, small dimension and a price of 40 grands are preferred characteristic of who need a car for a urban use, has no children and has also a modest wallet. (Quora, 1)

Is it worth the price? It’s difficult to say but I would say yes. The technologies that BMW developed and used in this car are the most advanced so far, new engine, new batteries, new structure and more else. BMW presented a car that is

years forward from most of the others company and a price of $ 40.000 it’s more than fair for a entry-luxury. What is the company who makes it? Founded in 1917, the BMW Group is now one of the ten largest car manufacturers in the world and, with its BMW, MINI and Rolls-Royce brands, possesses three of the strongest premium brands in the car industry. The group also has a strong market position in the motorcycle sector and operates a successful financial services business. The company aims to generate profitable growth and above-average returns by focusing on the premium segments of the international automobile markets. With this in mind, a wide-ranging product and market offensive was initiated in 2001, which has resulted in the BMW Group expanding its product range considerably and strengthening its worldwide market position. The company’s brand is extremely strong and is associated with high performance, engineering excellence and innovation. Indeed, the BMW brand is often cited as one of the ‘best’ in the world, and the company continues to launch a stream of innovative products as part of its battle with German peer Mercedes to be the world’s largest luxury car maker. (InnovationLeaders, 1)

Conclusion The BMW i3 looks unlike any other car in the world and it represents a revolution in the automobile history. The concept, the material and the technologies behind it are so far a big point of change in the future of the automotive world, in the next years car like this will become part of the everyday world and maybe it will save us from keeping damaging the world from the increasing pollution.


Kylie Rogers

Introduction Wouldn’t it be nice to be able to see something that you designed in 3 dimensions? If you could flip it upside down, and turn it around, just like if you had made it out of Legos? Or what about creating a 3 dimensional hologram image of yourself that you could try 3 dimensional clothes on and see what you look like in them before you actually have to go to the store and try it on in person? Think about how much time and grief that would save. What about making a hologram of yourself and climbing inside a hologram of a car or a piece of equipment to see how that would fit? There are a lot of applications that 3 dimensional holograms could be used for. Happily, Microsoft has this one covered. The Microsoft Hololens The Microsoft Hololens is an object that creates visual images that only you can see. You can use the Hololens for anything from Facebook to designing a product virtually before manually to see how it will work out. The Hololens projects these holographic images, videos, apps, and more. It senses and recognizes everything around you so that when it is in use you will not run into anything. The Hololens might also have another cool feature to it. It may be able to sense and analyze the emotions of someone who is standing in front of you (Hachman, 1).

(Wikipedia, 1) Who Makes this? The inventor of the Microsoft Hololens is Alex Kipman. Kipman is a primary inventor for Microsoft. Another one of his most selling inventions would be Kinect for Xbox. He graduated from the Institute of Technology in Rochester. He has a degree in software engineering and was named inventor of the year in 2012 (Linkedin). How much is it? The Hololens is said to be priced at $500, which seems expensive it’s worth the price. Most new phones that come out are significantly more in cost yet people are still willing to spend their money on them. The Hololens does significantly more than any new cellphone and projects holographic images yet costs less than said phones (Flannagan, 1)

When will it be sold?

In September of this year the Hololens is supposed to be ready to be released. In January the Hololens was under development and they’ve been on track to getting it ready to be presented to the public and sold. Who would use this? The Microsoft Hololens is targeted towards anyone. The Hololens can be used for interior designers, carpenters, designers, and so much more. You can use it for anything from building an object virtually to using facebook or any other social network ( Smith, 1). How does it work? There is a camera inside of the Hololens so that it can scan objects around people so that the person wearing the headset will not walk into anything while using them. The Hololens can also sense another person’s emotions. The emotion detector in this could help someone with Aspergers, Autism or any other social disorders because it can tell them what that person is feeling (hachman, 1).

(Hachman, 1) Conclusion The Microsoft Hololens could be useful for nearly anything. It is not to pricey and will fit perfectly to anybodies head with its adjustable headband. The headband was built for maximum comfort. Anyone will be able to use the Microsoft Hololens for either work or play. It comes with many usable apps for everyone including Skype, Facebook, games like Minecraft and many more. Bibliography Hempel, Jessi, Project Hololens: Our exclusive hands-on with Microsoft’s holographic goggles. http://www.wired.com/2015/01/microsoft-hands-on/ Hachman, Mark, Microsoft patents mood sensing tech for the Hololens augmented-reality headset.

http://www.pcworld.com/article/2915861/microsoft-patents-mood-sensingtech-for-the-hololens-augmented-reality-headset.html Smith, Dave, Microsoft Hololens dropped a huge hint about its remarkable holographic headset and it could change human interaction forever. http://www.businessinsider.com/microsoft-hololens-emotion-detectionpatent-2015-4 CNet, Building holograms with Microsoft Hololens (hands-on). http://www.cnet.com/products/microsoft-hololens/ Microsoft Hololens official, Holographic computing is here. https://www.microsoft.com/microsoft-hololens/en-us THE STORY OF PLEX


Introduction Have you ever wanted to watch what a movie that was on your phone but not on your television? Well there is an app to help you. It’s called Plex. Plex is an app that Android and Apple both have on the their Play Store. What is Plex? Plexis an app that anyone can download from their Google Store and it lets You stream movies, television shows, music and photos from your desktop to any device that you sync with Plex. Plex was created to give users an app to organize the content and make it available to anyone anywhere. Plex was published July 30,2014. Plex originally

started on the Xbox. (Orin,p1)

(Castle,p1) Who does it benefit? Plex can benefit anyone that has a phone and likes to watch movies,shows,listen to music and share pictures. Americans that have Plex can share their photos to other people that are apart of their family circle. (Plex,p1) Plex has a family plan that allows multiple people to be added to your circle and then you can share movies, television shows, music and pictures within your circle. (Castle,p1) Why was plex invented? Plex was invented because the creators wanted to see a change to other social media screaming apps. Other social media apps don’t organize people’s inventory the same way that Plex does. Plex organizes their shows in order from what season and episode a person is watching. For an example, if a person is watching Criminal Minds, they could easily find what they are looking for because Plex organizes it from the season first and then the episode second. (Castle,p1)

(Orin,p1) How will this change other streaming apps? Plex isn’t like any other streaming app. Other streaming apps don’t organize their inventory like Plex does. Other streaming apps will just “toss” the inventory around and then it’s hard for people to find what the last episode was or what was the last movie they had just watched. Plex organizes your inventory by what you were watching then they organize it by season and then episode. Plex is also available on the Playstation. Plex being available on the playstation allows more people to use Plex on more devices than just on a mobile device or on a desktop. (Murphy,p1) When is Plex going to be on the market? Plex is already on the market. Plex is available on the Apple store and the google Play Store. Plex is available for iOS, Android, Windows, Mac and Linux. Plex is also available for Chromecast and Roku. Plex has a activation fee of $4.99 and on the Play Store it is free to download but their are in app purchases that you have to make. (Ordin,p1) Who is the competition? Plex is an app that organizes your media unlike any other web streaming apps. A big competition that Plex could have is with Hulu and Netflix. Both Hulu and Netflix are streaming apps that you can use on a

desktop or on any mobile devices. Plex has a lot of game offering what they have but if they want to be the best they are going to have to find something that Netflix and Hulu don’t have that can appease to other people. Netflix lets you watch shows and movies for free but you have to pay a month fee to keep using Netflix. Plex is also trying to corporate with Netflix. (Orin,p1) Conclusion Plex may be a small app now and nobody really hasn’t heard of them but millions of people have already signed up with Plex. Plex may be small now but I think that in the future they are going to give their competition a run for their money considering the differences between them and their competition.

Bibliography Last, First MI. A Book That Enhanced My Understanding of the Topic: An Awesome, Scholarly Source. (City, ST: Publishing Company, 2009). Orin, Andy. Behind the App: The Story of Plex (2014) No Author, What is Plex Home (2015) Murphy, David Plex Arrives on PlayStation Network in North America (2015) Castle, Alex Meet Plex, the media streamer that will make you forget Netflix and Hulu (2012)


Natalia Marcano

Introduction How many Apple Devices do you currently own? The Apple watch Doesn't do anything the iphones don't do so why do people want it ? They want it because the newest item from apple itself is a must have.

The Apple Watch The Apple Watch can be as expensive as 10,000 dollars. People would want the Apple Watch because of how cool it is. The Apple Watch can make phone calls , set alarms , search the web, text others , email , and the highest Apple Watch can take pictures and has bluetooth. Making an expensive item like this that looks good on also makes people go crazy and basically crave for it like the iphones . The Apple Watch is the newest high tech technology of the century.

The Apple Watch is not just a display but the focal point of the whole experience. On most Apple Watch models, the display is laminated to a machined and polished single crystal of sapphire. Next to diamond, it’s the hardest transparent material. On watches in the Sport collection, protection is provided by strengthened Ion-X glass. The watch is also sensitive enough to tell a tap from a press. It senses the force of touch . You can also just swipe up from your face watch and see the whole forecast in one swipe. Connecting the watch to your iphone lets to feel and see your notifications right now your wrist. The most favorable thing on the iphone is siri. Siri is now on the Apple Watch that makes it quicker and easier to find what you want with just speaking “hello siri”. Is the Apple Watch perfect? The Amazing Apple Watch does have negative effects, it is not all that great. The apple watch has a battery average of 24 hours, this means that you will not be able to wear it all day and track your sleep. You can only track your sleep with the apple watch on. Its not made for people to use apps all day on it. The battery will run out quicker and it will just be a huge thick thick watch on your wrist that doesn't tell time. The way the watch is made is only to wear not to put in your pocket. The sapphire glass that it is made up of will eventually get scratched and dented. People might get rashes from wearing the watch to long. There are “apple picking thieves” out there that will come after you if you have a 5,000 dollar apple watch on. The watch is also not completely waterproof, actually it might not even be full water resistant. This means you will not be able to jump into the pool with your watch on. The apple watch charger The Apple Watch does have a charger that connects under the watch. Apple refuses to let other makers make a charger that you can wear along with the watch on your wrist. Having a charger on the watch while wearing it will cause your skin to burn. When something chargers it gets hot. When the item is on it will get hotter due to the charge that will cause your skin to burn. Apple doesn't want their customers to have burnt skin from any of their products. The watch needs to be charger off of your skin to prevent burning. This is the

only way to charge the watch.

Is there a camera on the watch? Apple Didn't want to put a camera on the watch. The camera would have drained the small battery if used for facetime. The Watch has limited internal space, they would have to make other components smaller and potentially less powerful. Having a camera on it might make people feel like they were being filmed when they weren't. The camera would of been difficult to use due to the angles on your wrist. You have a phone right in your pocket that has a better camera on it anyways. There was no need for a camera on the watch. Conclusion The Apple watch is a useful item for business workers but not for daily use. The watch was designed to make things quicker and easier. Not everyone needs the watch, but everyone does want the watch because it is the newest apple item out. Having the Apple Watch might make it easier but using your phone is just as easy . The apple watch doesn't have everything you need.

Jurassic World


Jurassic World is set to hit theaters in 3D, 2D, and IMAX on june 12, 2015. The film stars Chris Pratt, Bryce Dallas Howard, Vincent D,Onofrio, Irrfan Khan, Nick Robinson, Ty Simpkins, Jake Johnson, Omar Sy, and Judy Greer, and will pick up 22 years after the 1993 original, with the park up and running, and seeing more than 20,000 visitors each day. Very few original players from the initial franchise are coming back as far as we know. The Director Spielberg never planned to come back. When Johnston passed on the opportunity to once again helm a dinosaur thriller, Universal started fishing for worthy replacements. They landed on Colin Trevorrow, a relative newcomer who made a name for himself (to a certain extent) with the shaggy-dog time travel romance Safety Not Guaranteed, with Aubrey Plaza, Jake Johnson and Mark Duplass. I say "to a certain extent" because while Safety charmed the film-festival circuit, it didn’t necessarily turn Trevorrow into a household name. Jurassic World still needed star power. Chris Pratt

Jurassic Park had Sam Neill (who returned for part three). The Lost World had Jeff Goldblum. Trevorrow needed a rugged leading man for Jurassic World. He finally settled on the busiest man in show business at the moment, Parks and Rec co-star Chris Pratt. The charismatic young actor is coming off turns in the massively successful The LEGO Movie, where he voiced the main character, Emmet. Oh yeah, then Pratt was the star (and Star-Lord) of Marvel’s Guardians of the Galaxy, which happened to be the highest-grossing film of 2014. Pratt’s basically on fire right now, and his role in Jurassic World can only heat his white-hot career even further. Bryce Dallas-Howard The Jurassic series was never a sausage fest. Laura Dern, Julianne Moore and Tea Leoni made sure young women in the theater had someone to look up to (as audience members also likely hid their eyes in terror from the sight of a stampeding T-Rex). Following in their footsteps for Jurassic World will be Bryce Dallas-Howard, was offered the role of Claire Dearing, a park operation manager at a Walt Disney World-type theme park structured around new dinosaurs. The have been rumors that World would follow a family who encounters new dinosaurs while on vacation at this park, which would explain the next bit of casting. Ty Simpkins and Nick Robinson As casting ramped up on Jurassic World, the rumor of a "family" being the central human characters in the film were solidified when news broke that Iron Man 3 co-star Ty Simpkins snagged a lead role. The very next day, word broke that the production also added young (but older) actor Nick Robinson of The Kings of Summer for a part. Variety reported that the actors would play "siblings" in the sequel, while the trailer showed them as Judy Greer's children (and possible Bryce Dallas-Howard's relatives). How much danger will they be in? Vincent D’Onofrio Every movie needs a villain. And when producers cast a stock bad guy, they often turn to Vincent D’Onofrio, star of Full Metal Jacket, Men In Black and, more recently, Law & Order: Criminal Intent. We

recently reported that the Method actor has joined Trevorrow’s Jurassic sequel in the seemingly sinister role of Vic Hoskins, head of security operations for InGen. In addition, he’ll be joined by Irrfan Khan, cast as Simon Masrani, head of the Masrani Corporation and the owner of Jurassic World. These are pivotal backstage roles to the creation of Jurassic World, and while they likely won't be part of the action, they will be the men yelling at Pratt as he tries to save the day. The Story We were kept in the dark for a long while about Colin Trevorrow's Jurassic World. Now, however, we have a full plot synopsis, and even enjoyed a spectacular Super Bowl TV spot. Here's the breakdown, from the film's IMDB page: "Twenty-two years after the events of Jurassic Park, Isla Nublar now features a fully functioning dinosaur theme park, Jurassic World, as originally envisioned by John Hammond. After 10 years of operation and visitor rates declining, in order to fulfill a corporate mandate, a new attraction is created to re-spark visitor's interest -- which backfires horribly." The "attraction" is a hybrid dinosaur created in the labs of InGen (by returning cast member BD Wong). It goes by the name of Indominus Rex, and even has a terrifying shape. From what we saw in the trailer, Chris Pratt's character needs to recruit an army of Velociraptors to fight this rebel beast... and who doesn't want to watch that?! The Locations Knowing that he has to hit a 2015 release date, Trevorrow started filming Jurassic World in March and April of 2014. The production had scouted out Hawaiian locations in Oahu and Kauai, following in the footsteps of the three previous Park movies. They also would camp out in Louisiana for several weeks, filming in interiors that replicated the doomed theme park. And we found out that a cardboard cutout of a shirtless Jeff Goldblum graces the production offices, which means Trevorrow is keeping this sequel on the right track.


Sam Becker Introduction The electro-magnetic railgun is a “futuristic weapon”. We need this weapon because it is a weapon to instill fear into our enemies. This is a weapon that will not cause radiation to the environment like the nuclear missiles. Being able to used a futuristic weapon on the field of battle will benefit our country’s defenses. (USNI News, p.1)

What is the Electro-Magnetic Railgun The Electro Magnetic rail gun was built around concept of the electric cannon which was built by french inventor Louis Octave Fauchon-

Villeplee in 1918. In 1994 Joachim Hansler of Germany’s Ordnance Office built the first working railgun. during 1950 australian physicist and first director of the research school of physical sciences Sir Mark Oliphant designed and constructed the world's largest homopolar generator, and was later used to power a large scale railgun. The electromagnetic systems group of general atomics(GA-EMS) is a group that builds railgun technology and are experts in electromagnetics. GA-EMS has developed, built and successfully tested two railguns. GA-EMS had internally funded blitzer 3 MJ system and a 32 MJ launcher for the Office of Naval Research. The electromagnetic railgun is currently not being manufactured because it is being tested for use on naval ships. Is It Cost Efficient The Electro Magnetic railgun will cut the already $500,000 to $1,500,000 conventional missiles down to a $25,000, 18 inch projectile. The projectile can be fired up to a range of 100 nautical miles, while the convential missiles fire up to a range of 165 nautical miles but at the sime time cost 20 to 60 times the Electro Magnetic projectile. Money isn’t all that the Electro Magnetic railgun is capable of beating conventional missiles in, it will perform long range assaults or cover op assaults. It is capable of reaching its destination faster than a missile by traveling at a horizontal path instead of an arched


What Is The Benefit Of It The benefits of having a weapon that is accurately, long ranged, horizontally superior to the conventional missiles is that it can be used by the Government for Spec OPs, Stealth Missions. They can be used to fire upon heavily defended areas that cant be easily accessed by ground units. the Electric Magnetic railgun is practically a sniper rifles for cannons. This will benefit our military it will allow us to not have to put so many of our units at risk. saving many lives of the people who protect our country. Conclusion The Electric-Magnetic railgun will provide our country with many benefits as well as save our country money that be spended on other things. it will also save many lives in the line of duty. This may be a “futuristic� weapon but it will benefit our country in many ways.

Works Cited "Navy Considering Railgun for Third Zumwalt Destroyer - USNI News." USNI News. 5 Feb. 2015. Web. 13 May 2015. "Tactical Ballistic Missile." Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation. Web. 13 May 2015. "USA Electromagnetic Rail Gun." USA Electromagnetic Rail Gun. Web. 13 May 2015. "Railgun." Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation. Web. 13 May 2015. "Railgun Systems." General Atomics & Affiliated Companies. Web. 13 May 2015. "Navy’s New Railgun Can Hurl a Shell Over 5,000 MPH." Wired.com. Conde Nast Digital. Web. 13 May 2015. "Electromagnetic Railgun." - Office of Naval Research. Web. 13 May 2015.


Introduction London is in desperate need for new types of public and community space, as affordable retail (Gensler,. ‘Gensler, 2) . Due to the current Pressures on London to cope with future transport capacity for pedestrians, cyclists because they are growing so fast (Gensler,. ‘Gensler, 2) . In 2012, 726 bicyclists were killed in crashes with motor vehicles (Pedbikeinfo.org, 1 ). That is a lot of deaths for just riding your bike around and it's not that safe in highly populated cities. I think this would be a very smart way to solve this problem . They should put this plan into action as soon as they can. It would it

a lot safer for the bicyclists to travel by bike. This would reduce accidents that involve bicyclists. This underground tunnel will put them away from motervicles. They will have there own space to travel in and out off. They will make them feel alot safer and who knows maybe more people will start to bicycle around london. One other good thing about this project is that it will help reduce pollution and create electricity.

Why did they invent this? The reason for the underground bike paths. It is an underground bike path in London. They are using the in used tunnel system under London. The people at Gensler came up with this project . The reason for this invitation was to get cyclists off the road so they can travel a lot safer. They are using the underground bunkers left over from the 2nd World War (Black, Katja, 2). The other reason for this project is due to London is growing fast and they need to start thinking of new ways for people to travel safely(Black, Katja, 2).

Why should people care about this?

? That shouldn’t even be a question. There are a lot of bicycle accidents every year. In 2012, 726 people lost their lives in a

bicycle/ motor vehicle crash (Pedbikeinfo.org, 3). Now there are more than just those fatal crashes. There were many different causes of injuries the being hit by a car. Hit by a car 29%, fell 17%, walkway not in a good repair 13%, rider not paying attention 13%, crashed 7%, and a dog ran out 4%. (Pedbikeinfo.org, 4) That's too many people getting hurt or dying. This underground bike paths could decries those percentages. Also this could be the answer to London’s congestion of their populations is still growing (O’Sullivan, 1). This is what they ned and will help reduce pollution. Objections people may have What are concerns people in loudon may have and do they have a right for these concerns? Yes everyone has their rights to ask questions about something that will have a great effect on their living. Like what if an accident happens down there or how much it might it could cost and where will we be getting the money from. This project is still in development and they don’t have all the details yet figured out but they know what they do need to consider. If an accident did happen down there obviously it would take longer to get to them down there. I am would think it would come out of the tax payers. Therefore the taxes for London would increase and they would have to pay more.

Main target? Cyclist are the main group ands why this underground bike path was invented in the first place. This could very well even attracted pedestrians walking down there too. They are also thing about putting business down there too. That way they can make profits off it

(O’Sullivan, 1). Also not too many people knew about London’s vast network of unused tunnels beneath the surface (O’Sullivan, 1). Everyone could eventually find their way down there. Is it worth the cost? The price of this project is not certain yet but it will definitely pay off in the long run. The workers at Gensler will find away to have it produce energy. “By harnessing the kinetic energy of everyone’s footstep and the friction of the bikes on the path (Frearson, 3). Putting in stores and having the walkway produce energy this will save them money in the long run. Is It Dangerous? Now this project good be dangers. For example what if some gets hurt down there. Obviously it would take the emergency vehicles longer to get down there. So they have to think about how they can make it safe for everyone who uses it. They might get officers to watch each entrance and exit of the tunnels. they could also set up a surveillance system with cameras all over the place. All of this as been taking into consideration and are still working on it. Everything people do now could potentially be dangerous. What is the company came up with the idea?

has received the London planning award for best conceptual project for “London Underline,” a proposal to turn the city's disused Underground rail tunnels into a network of bike and pedestrian paths. (Cameron, 1) Gensler helps people or investors embrace their future. They more than 2,300 diverse active clients, large and small, private and public, for-profit and nonprofit(Gensler,. ‘Firm Profile, 1 ). There company is very focused on serving their clients effectively whenever they need their services(Gensler,. ‘Firm Profile, 2). How it’s made? There plan is to harness the Kinetic energy of everyone’s footsteps and turn it into energy that they can use. Gensler

envisions that the paths could be pathed with slabs that would harness the kinetic energy created by the footfall of pedestrians and the friction from the bicyclers(Cameron, 1). This is still in the work of being developed and tested. If this does happen it will produce energy for the stores that might go down there. Conclusion Cycling in London has grown very popular. That's why Gensler won an award for its concept(Bb.com, 1). Using all that free underground space to make cyclers safe is a great way to use that space up. These disused tunnels could provide the answer to the overcrowding on other transport routes(Frearson, 2). There using the old and retired train stations that just sit there and are free space. The use of this unused space will make it much safer for cyclist. Works Cited Cameron, Charley. N.p., 2015. Web. 12 May 2015 Bb.com,. N.p., 2012. Web. 12 May 2015 Black, Katla. ‘In London, An Empty Underground Tunnel Could Become Cyclist’s Paradise’. N.p., 2015. Print Frearson,Amy. ‘London’s Derelict Tube Tunnels Reimained AS A Pedestrian and Cycle Network’. Dezeen. N.p., 2015. Web. 12 May 2015. Gensler,. ‘Firm Profile|Gensler’. N.p., 2015. Web. 12 mAY 2015. Gensler,. ‘Gensler Vision For Disused London Metro Lines Wins London Planning Award|Press Releases|News|Gensler’. N.p., 2015. Web. 12 May 2015. O’Sullivan, Feargus. ‘Bike Paths In Abandoned Tube Tunnels: Is The London Underline Serious?’. N.p., 2015. Web. 12 May 2015. Pedbikeinfo.org,. ‘Pedestrian & Bicycle Information Center’. N.p., 2015. Web. 12 May 2015. Shoes of the Future

Corey Sanford

The movie Back to the Future in 1985 was and still is popular family favorite. Nowadays some people’s lives are consumed by sneakers that they own and the term “sneaker” head expanded. A “sneaker head” is defined as a person who collects limited, original, rare, foreign, or flat out exclusive kicks. Usually the collection consists of Jordans, Nike Sb Dunks, Nike basketball shoes or “runners”. “Runners” are shoes like new balance, asics, saucony and other running shoes that have been hyped up by the public. The new inventions of the Nike MAGs, the time-traveling sneakers worn in the sci-fi flick "Back to the Future Part II” is because they are the new wave of sneakers. Sneakers define people, a type of shoelace that ties itself just the style worn by Michael J. Fox’s Marty McFly character in “Back to the Future Part II” in 1989. (Chumley, Cheryl 1) Top-level Nike designers and engineers Tiffany Beers, Michael Friton, and Tinker Hatfield are listed as the designers and inventors, pointed out NiceKicks, on the patents filed for the Nike Air MAG shoes. ("Nike’s ‘Back To The Future’ Self-Tying Shoes Confirmed For 2015.") Tinker Hatfield is the one of the most popular and innovative designers of Nike’s shoes, and actually designed most of the Retro jordan collection. In the movie the main character wore them on the same type of shoes that Nike mocked up and started selling in 2011 — their MAG model. Now the shoe making giant is trying to develop the self-tying laces, too, USA Today reported. They’re hoping to do it by Oct. 21, 2015, the date that Mr. McFly traveled to in the movie, the news outlet said. (Chumley, Cheryl 1) This is why Designer Tinker Hatfield discussed Nike’s plans for the “power laces” at a trade show in Long Beach, Calif., several media outlets reported. (Chumley, Cheryl 1 ) Nike plans on selling power laces this year, according to designer Tinker Hatfield, which will be the same year in which the much loved film is set. At the Jordan Brand Flight Lab in February speaking at the Jordan Brand Flight Lab Tinker Hatfield told Sole Collector: 'Are we gonna see power laces in 2015? “To that, I say yes!” Rumours about the

technology have been circling since 2010 when Nike applied for a patent for 'automatically lacing trainers.' (Griffeths, Sarah) It said: 'The automatic lacing system provides a set of straps that can be automatically opened and closed to switch between a loosened and tightened position of the upper. The company released a limited range of McFly's Nike MAGs with manual laces in 2011.Only 1,500 models of the High Tops were made, and every pair was auctioned off on eBay.A total of $6million (£3.5million) was raised from the sales of these shoes, and all the proceeds went to the Michael J. Fox Foundation for Parkinson’s Research. (Griffeths, Sarah)

Nike shoe designer Tinker Hatfield confirmed news of the release at the Agenda Emerge trade show in Long Beach, California, last Tuesday. The gist of Hatfield’s message was that the shoe was in development, but to not expect the final product to be in stores in the immediate future. Last year, Nike designer Hatfield did believe an operating version of the shoe would be realized in 2015. Sneakers heads are waiting for these shoes and saving for these shoes to be released. “Are we gonna see power laces in 2015? To that, I say yes!” Hatfield said. While 2015 is the year the second movie of the Back to the Future trilogy was set it, it is also the 30th anniversary of the original 1985 movie. ("Nike’s ‘Back To The Future’ Self-Tying Shoes Confirmed For 2015.") These sneakers are

There could be three issues of controversy for the Nike MAGs, the timetraveling sneakers worn in the sci-fi flick "Back to the Future Part II�, the first one is that they were already on the market and they are being reintroduced just better and newer. So they are new but the concept is the same. The second reason they are controversial is that Nikey makes their sneakers in China where labor laws are not strict and they make them cheaply. Then they import them and sell them for a huge profit. Also, Nike does not have a good return policy. The last reason that these sneakers could be controversial is that they are making people lazy. People will not learn to tie their shows because there is no need to. How do you conclude these shoes. People will loves these shoes and other will make knock offs. They will be popular and fly of the sleeves. They will need to be marketed and produced by another brand so they are cheaper. These sneakers will be the hottest item on the market.

Designer Tinker Hatfield with the Mags

Bibliography Chumley, Cheryl. "Nike Goes ‘Back to the Future’ to Develop Marty McFlylike, Self-tying Shoelaces." Washington Times. January 9, 2015. Accessed May 7, 2015. Griffeths, Sarah. "Step Back to the Future! Marty McFly-style Powerlace Trainers Boast 'self-tying' Laces." Mail Online. November 18, 2014. Accessed May 7, 2015. "Nike’s ‘Back To The Future’ Self-Tying Shoes Confirmed For 2015." The Inquisitr News. Accessed May 7, 2015.

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