Folktale by juliet fiozzomrs

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Folktale by Juliet Fiozzo

Why Elephant Has a Trunk Once upon a time Elephant had a regular nose just like human beings. Elephants were grey and they still had big ears but their noses were small. But that all changed. Why? Elephant was walking through the jungle one morning in the summer when he smelled bananas way up in the trees. He wanted one of those bananas and decided to climb the tree to get one. But Elephant was too heavy. The tree started to bend and Elephant had to climb off. One banana fell off the tree and Elephant ate it. It was delicious. It was then that Elephant started to cry. Elephant cried and cried and cried and cried because he knew he could never climb a banana tree. He cried so much that his nose was full and he had to blow it because he couldn’t breathe. He blew his nose as hard as he could and then cried some more. Then he had to blow his nose all over again. This went on all day. By nightfall, Elephant’s nose was as long as his legs. Ever since then Elephants have had long noses. And love bananas. THE END

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