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Short Films Package

International Narrative Shorts Competition 2

Total Duration: 79 min


KASHISH 2023 is excited to present 5 films from Chile, France, Finland, Iran, Netherlands, and UK as part of the International Narrative Shorts Competition 2 program.




(Les créatures qui fondent au soleil)

Dir: Diego Céspedes

17 min | 2022 | Chile, France | Spanish | Indian Premiere

Nataly, a trans woman, is visiting her former lover Leon with her daughter Secreto in a mysterious reclusive community hiding from the Sun. These reunions will bring back the memory of a toxic and abusive relationship to Nataly.

SERVICE (Palvelus) JUNE 10 SUN Alliance Francaise

Dir: Mikko Makela

On furlough from his military service, Niko pays his estranged father a visit. Can old wounds heal? Service examines the Finnish institution of compulsory military service and its links to ideas of masculinity, from a queer perspective.

Too Rough

Dir: Sean Lìonadh

2.30 PM contd

SAT Alliance


15 min | 2022 | UK | English | Indian Premiere

After a night of intoxication, a hungover and hysterical Nick wakes up next to his boyfriend Charlie and must conceal him from his own homophobic and dysfunctional family.

Suite Night

Dir: Mahtab Pishghadam

14 min | 2022 | Islamic Republic of Iran | Persian | Indian Premiere

Suite Night is based on a true story. A young woman is desperately attempting to help a loved one abandoned by everyone else.


Dir: Iniyavan Elumalai

16 min | 2022 | Netherlands | Dutch, English, Spanish | Asian Premiere

*Filmmaker in Attendance

A cis, straight-identifying male and a nonbinary person fall in love. Will they find the courage to be honest with both - themselves and the world?