1 minute read

Short Films Package

Desires & Discoveries

Total Duration: 97 min


In the realm of desires, mind explores and often makes new discoveries about the situations, people, and most importantly about oneself. A mix package of four passionate narratives emerging out of human desires and the discoveries that it leads to!

The Harryian Theory

Dir: Chongyan Liu

21 min | 2021 | United Kingdom | English |

Narrative Short | Mumbai Premiere

When Philip invites his assistant's boyfriend, Harry, over for dinner under false pretences, an in-depth conversation on the nature of love leads to Philip revealing his true intentions and desires.

Pussy Love

Dir: Linda Krauss

4 min | 2022 | Germany | English |

Animation Short | Asian Premiere

In an animated world where romance is kitsch even the most jaded cat can still be lost for love.

Alliance Francaise


Dir: Daniel Kahana

19 min | 2022 | USA | English |

Narrative Short | International Premiere

After an intern goes out to dinner with his supervisor on the last day of his internship, things take a sharp turn.


Dir: Manahar Kumar

13 min | 2023 | USA | English |

Narrative Short | Indian Premiere

Innovative ideas fail as a Philosophy professor finds the courage to tell his wife a hidden secret before their 5th anniversary.


96 min | 2021 | Panama

| Spanish, Dule# | Documentary Feature | Indian Premiere

As the colonial chronicles of the 15th and 17th centuries collect, several indigenous peoples of America considered that gender was not binary, male and female, on the contrary, diversity was the rule. In Panama, the Guna People identify Omeggid people as a third gender, which implies much more than a sexual orientation or erotic preference. This film brings together 4 protagonists in their intimacy, such as mothers, couples, professionals and leaders of the wigudum movement.

Festivals & Honors:

• 28th Mix Brasil Sao Paulo, Brazil, 2021

• 15th Festival for Rainbow, Fortaleza, Brazil, 2021

• 9th Taiwan International Queer Film Festival, 2022

• 15th Beijing Queer Film Festival, China 2022

• Winner - Best Documentary - 25° Festival ICARO, Guatemala, 2022

Fernando Muñoz is an Argentinian producer and director based in Panama since 2009. Muñoz directed A Night of Calypso, a documentary that was screened at film festivals and won awards such as Works in Progress at the Havana Film Festival, Cuba 2016 and Best Documentary at International Film Festival of Panama, 2018. Wigudun is his directorial debut.

Raphael Salazar is a Panamanian Director of Photography and Still Photographer based in Panama. Wigudun is his directorial debut.

#the indigenous language of Guna Yala

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