Ka ‘Ohana O Kalaupapa Newsletter December 2012

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“E Ho‘ohanohano a E Ho‘omau. . .

Kuulei Bell

Bernard Punikai‘a

. . . To Honor and To Perpetuate”

Olivia Breitha

Peter Keola

Cathrine Puahala

All photos by Valerie Monson except Kuulei Bell by DeGray Vanderbilt

“All the people who were here, you can feel their spirit. They don’t want to be forgotten. The Memorial is the most important thing.”

“You have to hear the voices to feel the people. You have to know their names. If you don’t say the names, it’s like something has been lost.”

— Kuulei Bell postmistress, first President of Ka ‘Ohana O Kalaupapa, sent to Kalaupapa in 1956

— Bernard Punikai‘a musician, composer, human rights activist, sent to Kalaupapa in 1942

“I want to see a monument honoring the people of Kalaupapa before I die. I want to see all the names.” — Olivia Breitha author and human rights activist, sent to Kalaupapa in 1937

“It is good for people to remember all the patients who were there before us. It is just like those who went to war and died, there are monuments with their names.”

“I think we deserve to be remembered. We are part of this world.” —  Cathrine Puahala artisan and international advocate, sent to Kalaupapa in 1942

— Peter Keola tour driver and musician, sent to Kalaupapa in 1940

The Kalaupapa Memorial: “I want to see all the names” T

he Kalaupapa Memorial will list the names of everyone who was sent to Kalaupapa after being taken from their families beginning in 1866 because of government policies regarding leprosy. They endured injustice, discrimination, loneliness and adversities as they tried to adjust to a new life. Many went on to achieve remarkable accomplishments that continue to inspire us today. Of the estimated 8,000 people who died at Kalaupapa, fewer than 1,000 have marked tombstones. The Kalaupapa Memorial will ensure that the names of all of these individuals— 90 percent of them Native Hawaiian— will return to the landscape of Kalaupapa and return to the history that they helped to create. The Memorial will become a source of pride, healing and closure for the descendants— and serve as a reminder that people who have a disease should always be surrounded by the love of their family and never be separated at a time when they need their ‘ohana most. We invite you to join in our collective campaign to build the Memorial, share the stories of the people of Kalaupapa and continue to be inspired by them. With your kokua, their names will live on forever.

A Message from our President

Clarence “Boogie” Kahilihiwa President

Pauline Ahulau Chow Vice President

Pauline Ka‘iulani Hess Treasurer

Makia Malo Director

Gloria Marks Director

Mark Ellis Director

Glenn Harada Director

Sol Kaho‘ohalahala Director

Colette Machado Director

Charmaine Woodward Director

Sister Davilyn Ah Chick, OSF Director

Patrick Boland Director

Valerie Monson Coordinator and Secretary

In Memoriam Bernard K. Punikai‘a Honorary Chairman of the Board, 2004-2009

Kuulei Bell President, 2004-2009 Our masthead was designed by Kalaupapa artist Henry Nalaielua. Newsletter editor: Valerie Monson Design: Yellowbird Graphic Design

Ka ‘Ohana 0 Kalaupapa P.O. Box 1111 Kalaupapa, Hawai‘i 96742 email: info@kalaupapaohana.org kalaupapaohana.org

Aloha Mai, Aloha Mai Kakou! Kalawao is where the first settlement was established back in 1866 on the Makanalua peninsula that we know as Kalaupapa. Across the road from St. Philomena Church is the area where the “Home for Boys” was located. It was called “The Baldwin Home for Boys” and was a place where many single men and boys found refuge.

Wayne Levin

Ka ‘Ohana O Kalaupapa Board of Directors

The buildings of the Baldwin Home have long been gone and the open space is now a quiet ‘Ohana President Boogie Kahilihiwa greets the crowd at the 2011 ‘Ohana place beneath the cliffs where you can hear annual meeting at Kalaupapa. the birds, see the ocean and think of those who were here before us. In this area, Ka ‘Ohana O Kalaupapa will construct a Memorial. This Memorial will honor the memories and legacies of our people who are a part of this sacred ground. The hardest and most agonizing part for our people was the pain of separation from our loved ones; we were taken from our moms, dads, brothers, sisters, husbands, wives, children. In spite of all the hardships and suffering, people sent to Kalaupapa tried to make a life for themselves however they could. The Memorial will be a reminder, a beacon of hope to all people, present and future generations: NEVER AGAIN MUST WE ALLOW IGNORANCE AND INJUSTICE TO PREVAIL. The Memorial means a lot to me. It signifies the stories, the legacy, the dignity of all of our people, many who no longer have headstones. All of our people will now have their names on the Memorial for perpetuity and their families will know that they were part of Kalaupapa. I hope you will all become part of our effort to bring the Kalaupapa Memorial to life. The Memorial will live on in the descendants who carry with them the mana of their Kalaupapa ancestors. When you see all the names on the Memorial, it will be like everyone is standing right in front of you. It will bring tears to my eyes.

—  Clarence “Boogie” Kahilihiwa, President, Ka ‘Ohana O Kalaupapa

Are you looking for an ancestor at Kalaupapa? The ‘Ohana wants to hear from you so we can help. Hopefully, we can provide information that should get you on the path to finding any ancestors you might have had at Kalaupapa. The ‘Ohana believes that the descendants of Kalaupapa are one of our organization’s greatest strengths. Please contact us at info@kalaupapaohana.org and let us help you bring home your Kalaupapa ancestors. They are not lost. . . they are waiting for you.


The Kalaupapa Memorial— Where We Are Today In the summer of 2003, a major topic of discussion at Kalaupapa was the importance of building a Memorial to honor those who died at Kalaupapa— thousands of them lying in unmarked graves. When Ka ‘Ohana O Kalaupapa organized in August of that year, the Kalaupapa community asked the ‘Ohana to establish a Memorial. The ‘Ohana was proud to take on this vital project. A Memorial Committee was formed that included Kalaupapa residents and family members. Sol Kaho`ohalahala, who has ancestors at Kalaupapa, was elected Chairman.

President Barack Obama signs the legislation that contains the Kalaupapa Memorial Act. Official White House photo by Lawrence Jackson

The Hawaii Congressional delegation, leaders of the Hawaiian community, state and church officials, family members and, most importantly, the people of Kalaupapa cast their full support behind the Kalaupapa Memorial Act. In 2009, President Barack Obama signed the legislation that authorized the ‘Ohana to establish the Memorial which would list the names of everyone sent to Kalaupapa. At the request of the National Park Service (NPS), a condition was included that the ‘Ohana be responsible for raising all the money to construct the Memorial.

As preferred by the majority of Kalaupapa residents, the Memorial will be located on the grounds of the former Baldwin Home across from St. Philomena Church. That land is owned by the State Department of Land and Natural Resources (DLNR), which has recommended that the ‘Ohana lease the parcel where the Memorial will be built. DLNR, like the Office of Hawaiian Affairs, is supportive of the ‘Ohana owning, caring and managing the completed Memorial. The next steps for the ‘Ohana: complete the lease with DLNR and complete a Cooperative Agreement with NPS like the agreements that NPS has with its other nonprofit partners where they work in collaboration on preservation and maintenance. The Cooperative Agreement will show that the ‘Ohana and NPS are moving forward together and will be a significant factor in the ‘Ohana’s fundraising campaign. We also hope to launch the process to select the design of the Memorial in the first part of 2013.

Wayne Levin

Stay updated— and get involved— by checking our website: www.kalaupapaohana.org. Let’s hope that 2013 is the Year of the Kalaupapa Memorial.

Kalaupapa residents, family members and friends gather at the site where the Kalaupapa Memorial will be located to sing, pray and speak aloud the name of a loved one who died at Kalaupapa.


The ‘Ohana of Tomorrow:

Courtesy of Mara Bacon Chang

Kamehameha Schools: History On Stage

In 2011, the six 5th grade classes of Kamehameha Schools Kapalama campus spent three months researching, writing and producing the outstanding play they titled “Ka ‘Ohana O Kalaupapa.” The idea came from one of their teachers, Mara Bacon Chang, whose great-great uncle, Ambrose Hutchison, was an unsung hero at Kalaupapa. ‘Ohana leaders met with the students and faculty to help them present an accurate history of Kalaupapa. ‘Ohana President Boogie Kahilihiwa shared his personal stories of being taken from his family on the Big Island as a small boy when he was about the same age as the children gathered around him. Boogie’s stories had a direct impact on the students as they considered what it would be like to be forced to leave their parents, siblings, grandparents, teachers and friends because of an illness. The students were so touched with Boogie’s words about the importance of the Kalaupapa Memorial that they held two bake sales that raised more than $2,000 for the Memorial— no item sold for more than 50 cents. The students felt the Memorial would become their kuleana— their responsibility— because the names listed on it would include their ancestors. Many of the students told their teachers they couldn’t wait until they would be able to visit Kalaupapa— and hopefully see all the names on the Memorial.


‘Ohana President Boogie Kahilihiwa surrounded by the students he inspired.

DeGray Vanderbilt

The key to sustaining the momentum of Ka ‘Ohana O Kalaupapa and ensuring that the legacies of the Kalaupapa ancestors are passed down to future generations lies with our youth. Fortunately, more and more students are showing their enthusiasm and desire to learn about the history of Kalaupapa.

Courtesy of Mara Bacon Chang

Students from Kamehameha Schools Kapalama campus perform “Ka ‘Ohana O Kalaupapa.”

Students present a check for the Kalaupapa Memorial from the first of two bake sales. From left to right: Brock Barr, Isaac Towai, Ka`aiakea Kaopuiki, Kainoa Andrade, Joshua Mahelona, Kyrstin Vanic and Caiya Nii. All pictures printed with permission of Kamehameha Schools Kapalama campus.

: Our Youth Lead the Way Maika‘i Kapahe‘e Kaufman: “Names Can Tell About Our Past” Kaufman is a German word for merchant or salesperson. My Dad’s grandfather came from Germany as a child and lived in Washington D.C. He had a small store. He was a “kaufman”.

Wayne Levin

My first name, “Maika‘i,” means “good.” Mom and Dad named me what they wanted me to be. They say it has worked out so far. Dad also liked the name because he had worked with a cowboy, Merritt Holloway, and Maika‘i is close to Merritt. Kapahe‘e is my Tutu’s maiden name. Mom and Dad wanted to honor and respect the family name, especially because they know of no other Kapahe‘e in Hawai‘i today.

It is because of my name we learned about Kapahe‘e being at the Battle of Kalalau and being sent to Kalaupapa in 1893. One Maika`i Kapahe`e Kaufman talks about his ancestor meaning of Kapahe‘e is “warm blanket” or “surrounding tapa.” When during a panel discussion of Kalaupapa family members at the Maui Arts & Cultural Center in August, 2012. I got my name, Mom and Dad did not know about Kapahe’e’s long swim. Maybe our name protected and kept him warm in the ocean. When we applied for Kamehameha Schools, we went on the Internet to look for more about Kapahe’e and found a reference to “Kapahe‘e, famous as a swimmer of the sea.” My family got back a story that had not been passed on. Names can tell about our past. Maybe sometimes they do more than that. I am thankful for those who record the past. Otherwise I would not know my family story. Kapahe‘e and Pauwahine, his second wife, both died at Kalaupapa. It is sad but good they spent their last days together. When I turn 16 (the minimum age required to visit Kalaupapa) Dad will take me to visit them. We will let them know they are not forgotten. — Maika‘i Kapahe‘e Kaufman, a 7th grader at Kamehameha Schools Maui Campus.

Keoki Keamoai-Strickland, a student at Ke Kula Ni‘ihau O Kekaha on Kaua‘i, was part of a ceremony at ‘Iolani Palace in early 2012 for the opening of the exhibit developed by Ka ‘Ohana O Kalaupapa, “A Source of Light, Constant and Never-Fading: The Relationship Between the People of Kalaupapa and Hawai‘i’s Royal Family.”

Keoki stands in front of the panel remembering Kaua‘i human rights activist Kaluaikoolau, his wife, Piilani, and their son Kaleimanu. In 2006, a young Keoki played the part of Kaleimanu in a highly praised play about the story of Koolau written and produced by teachers and students of his school.


Wayne Levin

Keoki Keamoai-Strickland

Valerie Monson

Dr. Pamela Lindell

The Building Blocks of

Dennis Kahaleua visits the grave of his greatgrandmother, Mele Mano.

A concert by slack-key legend Dennis Kamakahi (center), Stephen Inglis (left) and Patrick Landeza drew a standing-room-only crowd at Kalaupapa. Said Dennis: “Ka ‘Ohana O Kalaupapa has been the source by which I have reconnected with my family in Kalaupapa.”

An historical exhibit by the ‘Ohana on display at the University of Hawaii at Hilo.

Public Outreach, Education and the

Henry Law

The Kalaupapa Memorial will not be just a physical structure, but a living part of history where each name engraved will touch the hearts and souls of future generations.

Wayne Levin

Schaefer International Gallery Director Neida Bangerter (left, facing group) welcomes students of Baldwin High School and others to a gallery tour of the ‘ Ohana exhibit, “A Reflection of Kalaupapa: Past, Present and Future,” at the Maui Arts & Cultural Center.

As the ‘Ohana continues to work on the approval processes for the Memorial, we’re already building its foundation with our growing number of outreach and educational programs. In addition to advocating for the Kalaupapa community and arranging for families to visit the land of their ancestors, the ‘Ohana has been traveling to communities around the islands. Through presentations, exhibits, books, brochures, the media and school programs, the ‘Ohana has been reaching out to descendants and the general public to increase interest in the preservation of Kalaupapa, including the establishment of The Kalaupapa Memorial.

‘Ohana President Boogie Kahilihiwa (front) and his wife, Ivy (center), lead family members into ‘Iolani Palace for the opening of the historical exhibit, “A Source of Light, Constant and Never-Fading.”

The traveling exhibit of photographs and words of the people of Kalaupapa was hosted by ‘Iolani Gallery at Windward Community College during the month


Three generations of the family of Rosina Weber, who died at Kalaupapa in 1917, make a pilgrimage to the peninsula to feel her spirit. Among the places visited was Bishop Home, the group home for women and girls, where Rosina might have lived.

Henry Law Wayne Levin

Valerie Monson

DeGray Vanderbilt

the Kalaupapa Memorial

To help teachers include the history of Kalaupapa in their curriculum, ‘Ohana historian Anwei Law led workshops on Oahu and Maui that attracted educators, family members, students, docents and others with a serious interest in Kalaupapa.

Restoration of Family Ties In less than a year, more than 7,000 people attended the Kalaupapa traveling exhibit of photos and quotations that appeared on the Big Island, Oahu and Maui— we’re hoping to get this exhibit to the other islands in 2013. A historical exhibit about Kalaupapa on display at ‘Iolani Palace has also been viewed by thousands of visitors— Hawaii residents and tourists alike. In 2012, the ‘Ohana shared the history of Kalaupapa with at least 400 students, helped dozens of families learn about their ancestors at Kalaupapa, arranged for descendants to visit Kalaupapa and led workshops for teachers, family members and anyone with a serious interest in the history of Kalaupapa.

S ain t M ariann e C o pe Another Saint for Kalaupapa

Wayne Levin

Through these events and programs, the people of Kalaupapa, their descendants and others inspired by the history of Kalaupapa, are creating energy that will raise the Memorial from the ground.

Wayne Levin

Sister Davilyn Ah Chick (left) and Sister Alicia Damien Lau stand before a panel about their fellow Franciscan, Mother Marianne, that is part of the exhibit by Ka ‘Ohana O Kalaupapa at ‘Iolani Palace.

of March. An estimated 1,300 people viewed the exhibit and attended special presentations by the ‘Ohana.


On October 21, 2012, Pope Benedict XVI canonized Mother Marianne Cope, making her the second Saint of Kalaupapa, following the canonization of Saint Damien in 2009. To have two Saints from such a remote and tiny strip of land is almost a miracle in itself, testifying to the sacred ground of Kalaupapa. The ‘Ohana joins everyone at Kalaupapa and the Sisters of St. Francis in celebrating this blessed event.

‘Ohana Connections Manu Josiah: For my ancestors

Valerie Monson

In the spring of 2011, after researching my genealogy I discovered the names of my ‘ohana with notes stating that they had died at Kalaupapa. Not knowing for sure whether or not they had been sent there, I contacted Ka ‘Ohana O Kalaupapa. No one in my family had ever mentioned that members of my ‘ohana had been sent to Kalaupapa. I found out later that my situation was not uncommon.

Manu Josiah (right) with ‘Ohana leader Sol Kaho‘ohalahala.

members to share their personal experiences. Each person who spoke talked about how happy they were to be able to connect with their ancestors but, more importantly, how important it is to erect a memorial at Kalaupapa and for all families to honor their ‘ohana especially those whose grave markers were lost or damaged.

From that moment forward I decided that I was going to get involved with Ka ‘Ohana O Kalaupapa’s mission, ”E Ho‘ohanohano a E Ho‘omau, To Honor and To Perpetuate.” I was going to do it for my ancestors.

Singing Hawai‘i Aloha as ‘ohana never sounded better. Mahalo, Ka ‘Ohana O Kalaupapa.

The dancers of Halau Ha‘a Kea o Kinohi and their Kumu Paul K. Neves, a descendant of Kalaupapa, celebrate the people of Kalaupapa with hula and mele.

My ‘ohana who had been sent to Kalaupapa was my grandmother’s brother, John Kaipo Kalaukoa, and his two children, Peggy-Jane Loika Kauimakamaokaiani Kalaukoa and Edward Castle Kalaukoa and Ester Kalaukoa, an aunt to my grandmother, who later married David Baker at Kalaupapa. In August 2011, representatives from Ka ‘Ohana O Kalaupapa visited Hawai‘i Island for presentations at the Hilo Palace Theater with music, video and information about the Kalaupapa Memorial. The events were attended by over 100 people, many clutching family albums and pictures of their loved ones. The next day we set up at Papa Mu Native Hawaiian Art Gallery giving people the opportunity to sit down with ‘Ohana researchers and go through the database and reconnect with their ‘ohana. For nearly eight non-stop hours, people came in and sat down, some finding out for the first time about their ancestors on Kalaupapa. In December, 2011, the ‘Ohana presented an exhibit about the people of Kalaupapa that featured the photographs of Wayne Levin at the East Hawai‘i Cultural Center. It was a powerful and emotional display. We held a “talk story” session, inviting family

The pu‘olo prepared by Manu Josiah and his wife, Leileihua Yuen, for a ho‘okupu ceremony to open the ‘Ohana traveling photo exhibit in Hilo. Above photos by Wayne Levin


Kalaupapa: A Legacy of Names The Kalaupapa Memorial will display the names of those who were sent to Kalaupapa. Before President Obama authorized the Memorial in 2009, the ‘Ohana was already working on this, the centerpiece of the Memorial. ‘Ohana historian Anwei Law and ‘Ohana Board Member Pauline Ka‘iulani Hess have done much of this meticulous work where they have spent hours upon hours of compiling the names of the people who were sent to Kalaupapa from various resources. The names are often handwritten in ledgers, on small cards, in letters, on petitions, in church minutes. All of this research has resulted in a digital library that Ka ‘Ohana O Kalaupapa is already using to “The Sunset of Kalaupapa” help families learn more about was written by Kalaupapa their ancestors at Kalaupapa. musician Sammy Kuahine. Because of this research, the ‘Ohana has learned that the people of Kalaupapa were actively involved not only in building their community, but also in events affecting Hawai‘i as a whole. Kalaupapa residents regularly wrote Letters to the Editor or newspaper articles, signed petitions to the Legislature and Board of Health, and corresponded with families at home to exchange information.

Memorial is of utmost importance to them. “The naming process and the giving of a Hawaiian name is an important and sacred component of traditional Hawaiian culture,” they wrote. “It is said names carry significant mana (spiritual power) and they are actually a part of the person, just like an arm or a leg. “In ancient Hawai‘i, a person’s name A page from the anti-annexation petition signed by residents of Kalawao and was one of his most Kalaupapa, 1897.— Collection of IDEA Archives. precious possessions unique to the individual and most times, related to an event, an ancestor, or a personality trait. In every case, the kupuna (elders) are always consulted. It was the responsibility of the bearer of the name to carry its weight. Therefore, it is important to remember these people by their names at their final resting place.”

Since many of these materials were written in Hawaiian, they have not been utilized in interpreting the history of Kalaupapa until lately with the resurgence of interest in translating old Hawaiian documents and the Hawaiian language newspapers. By adding the Hawaiian perspective, a much more complete history of Kalaupapa is emerging. The ‘Ohana has been working with language experts and the families to make sure the names are spelled correctly.

Wayne Levin

The significance of names to the Hawaiian people was eloquently stated by David and Chris Mahelona in testimony they submitted in support of the Kalaupapa Names Project to gather all the names. The Mahelonas believe they could have 30 ancestors buried at Kalaupapa, but have never found a grave. Having the names listed on the

Donna Sterling stands in front of the plaque of Siloama Church listing the founding members, including her ancestor, Nahuina, who was in the group of the first people sent to Kalaupapa on January 6, 1866.


Our Generous Supporters

DeGray Vanderbilt

Your donations make our work possible

Descendants of Kalaupapa hold hands in unison at a family discussion held at Windward Community College in Kaneohe in conjunction with the ‘Ohana traveling photo exhibit.

The ‘Ohana is able to do its work on behalf of the Kalaupapa community and family members only because of people like you: our supporters and generous donors who believe in our collective mission. Like all nonprofit organizations, the ‘Ohana has had to be creative financially during the recent economic downturn— and we are embarking on a major fundraising campaign to construct the Kalaupapa Memorial. We hope you will continue your support in whatever way you can— your donations can be made in memory of someone who died at Kalaupapa or a family member with Kalaupapa roots— or donations can be made in honor of someone at Kalaupapa or an active supporter of the ‘Ohana who is still living. If we have left your name off of this list please accept our apologies and contact us. We’ll correct the list on our website. Mahalo nui loa to you, our donors

Donors Piolani Motta’s Family Challenge for the Kalaupapa Memorial ($2,500 or more) Piolani Motta— in memory of Becky Perry Huleia, Joseph Huleia, Perry Huleia and Betsy Nahuina

Kalaupapa Visionary Supporter ($1,000 or more) Marilyn and Ted Cleghorn— in memory of Rosina Weber and Bunnie Reeser The Harada Family— in memory of Paul Harada Kamehameha Schools 5th grade classes— in memory of the Kalaupapa kupuna Keawala`i Congregational Church— in memory of all the people of Kalaupapa who died and in honor of those still living there Na Pu`uwai Native Hawaiian Health Systems Don Reeser— in memory of Bunnie Reeser Lisa Tamanaha Santos Wayne Tamashiro— in honor of Edwin Lelepali Deanie Villados— in memory of the Enoka family Dr. Benjamin and Deann Young

Kalaupapa Preservationist ($500 to $999) Alan Brennert Roger and Felice Brault Sherilyn R. Iona— in memory of Robert and Hokela Holt, Kapu Holt, Frances Nahinu, Thomas Hart and Frank Kupihea Family of Elizbeth “Leimomi” Lizzie Ah Yo, her husband, George Lishman and their children born at Kalaupapa Friends from Japan Kalapana Kollars— in memory of the Kapi`ioho ‘ohana Mary C. Sanford— in memory of the men and boys at the Baldwin Home

Kalaupapa Benefactor ($100 to $499) Mary Adamski— in memory of Ed Kato Candace Agustin Jim Albertini M.D. Alborano George and Janet Allan— in memory of Bernard Punikai`a Governor Neil Abercrombie A Friend Kahu Kealahou C. Alika Mr. and Mrs. John Archibald— in honor of Sister Alicia Damien Lau

Mercy Bacon—  in memory of Bob Hutchison and Ambrose Hutchison Monica Bacon— in memory of Ambrose Hutchison Karen V. H. Barkley— in honor of James Watson Davidson Caroline Peters Belsom P.G. Bens, Jr. Jennifer Bohlin Dr. Mona Bomgaars Teri Botelho Tim Burd and Ann Burd Hidl Elizabeth Bushnell John Callahan— in honor of Gloria Marks and in memory of Richard Marks Al Caringer— in memory of Paul Harada Maelia Carter Mara Bacon Chang— in honor of Ambrose Hutchison Nathaniel and Annette Chang Tom and Renee Connor— in memory of Emele Kamakaoumi and Milikaa Elmer Coyle Miriam S. Curry— in memory of George Kaia and Annie Haili Flores Kelli Wicke Davis— in memory of Jerry D. Wicke, Willie Wicke and William Clark Wendell and Joanna DeFreitas Mark Ellis— in memory of Kuulei Bell Karen Field The Friends of the Palace Theater (Hilo) Donald and Kay Garcia — in memory of Zelie Bal Lima Pa Annie Guerrero Diannah K. Goo— in memory of Sam Kanealoha and ‘ohana Takayuki Harada and Ellen Caringer — in memory of Paul Harada Takeshi Harada— in memory of Paul Harada and in honor of Winnie Harada Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Harada— in memory of Paul Harada Bernadette Harter and Janet Mooney— in memory of Becky Perry Huleia Lynne and Herb Horner— in memory of Blanche and Stacy Horner Robert K. and Marie Hutchison— in memory of Ambrose Hutchison Dennis and Julie Kahaleua— in memory of Mele Mano Moses and Lisa Kim Hinano and Andrew Kaumeheiwa Varcus and Doreen LaBatte— in memory of Sam, Enock and John Aku Patricia C. Lee


Lily Nawai Losa Lerma— in memory of Kalei, Mary and Lily Kainoa Lydia-Puna Kaaialii-Ramos— in memory of Nicky Ramos Emily Kahai Shirley Ann Kahai Alika and Janice Kalanihuia Peter Kamano and Derna Kellett— in memory and in honor of the Arruda and Malo family that passed through Kalaupapa The Rev. Richard T. and Linda Matsushita John Kamanu— in memory of Hana Kamanu and Houpo Kaleleiki Sanford S.K. Kame`ekua— in memory of Ane Kame`ekua Makakulani Alan Kaufman— in memory of Kapahe`e and Pauwahine Keikialoha Kekipi Anthony H. Kepano— in memory of Rufus Paauhau and Henry Paauhau Moke and Lisa Kim Audrey C. Kollars— in memory of the Kapi`ioho ‘ohana Mary and Edna Kong Mr. and Mrs. K Kunisawa— in memory of Bunnie Reeser Dayton Kupele— in memory of David and Annie Kupele and the Kupele ‘ohana Varcus and Doreen LaBatte— in memory of Sam, Enoch and John Aku Richard H. Larson Sister Alicia Damien Lau Patricia C. Lee Robert Leong— in memory of Frank Leong Rachel Leslie ‘Ohana, Neighbors and Friends Helen Lind— in memory of Kaho`oilimoku and Heleualani Lono and Anna Logan Beatrice K. Mahi Ravenscraft— in memory of Henry Mahi and other Mahi ‘ohana who died at Kalaupapa David Mahelona— in honor of Anwei Law and Valerie Monson Chris Mahelona— in memory of Jonah Mahelona and Peter Keola Jr. Raymond and Lydia Marks— in memory of Richard Marks Mahina and Ben Martin— in memory of Jimmy Davidson The Rev. Richard T. and Linda Matsushita Ellen McComber Robert and Allyne Merrell— in memory of Lydie Lishman Steward Colette Machado William and Paula Merwin— in memory of Olivia Breitha Wiliama Namahoe— in memory of Kawaikoeahiokuahiwi Wong-Hoe Joyce Nishimura— in memory of Sumi Sumida Nancy K. Oliveira— in memory of Shoichi Hamai Robert and Betty Omura— in memory of Toyo Kishimoto

Our Generous Supporters Roberta A. Oneha William K. Papke Ellen Pelissero— in memory of all of those who died at Kalaupapa Margaret Peters— in memory of James McCabe, Sarah Miyala Benjamin and Henry Nalaielua Kaipo and Iris Puahala and ‘ohana— in memory of Cathrine and Jubilee Puahala Lisa and Kiope Raymond Lon and Ellen Rycraft— in memory of the men, women and children who died at Kalaupapa Rod Santos— in memory of John Rosa Kitty Muller Simonds— in memory of Keoho Kalole Marie Strahle— in memory of William Kapuakela Nuu Esther T. Sugg— in memory of Kuulei Bell and Ed Kato Richard and Armis Tsuchiya— in memory of Kuulei Bell Lawrence and Helene Uyemura— in memory of Susan Lupo Kealoha Sherry Vierra— in memory of Gilbert Vierra Scott Wallace Fred and Sally Wintrich— in memory of Cathrine Puahala Charmaine Woodward and Margaret Wong— in memory of the Kamahana family August Yee Hui O Zablan— in memory of the Zablan ‘ohana that died at Kalaupapa

Kalaupapa Patron ($50 to $99) Mrs. Beverly Akiona Juanita Akui Barbara Webster Black Merle and Phil Becker— in memory of Rosina Weber and Bunnie Reeser Irene Bowie Emily Brandl— in memory of Brede, Kaulahea, Koko, Nahuina and Waiwaiole Kristina Brook Doug and Sharon Britt Robert Castro— in memory of Many Moniz Galaspo, Albert Antonio Galaspo and siblings Frank and Adaline Gavan Daws Bruce Doneux— in memory of Bernard Punikai`a, Olivia Breitha, Kuulei Bell, Paul Harada and Henry Nalaielua Holbrook Dupont— in memory of Kuulei Bell Blaine Fergerstrom Foundation for Clinical Pastoral Education— in honor of Sister Alicia Damien Lau Lorna Joan Hazen Hirum and Annette Heu— in memory of Kahawai Kaiehu, Ah Keu S. Ah Chong, Solomon Kaulili, Helen Kaulili, Naomi Kaiehu, Ulili, Nuuanu Walter and Pearl Hoertkorn Melvin Hori— in memory of Henry Hori Kamalani Hurley— in memory of Ella Wittrock and Manuel Borge Wally Inglis— in memory of Bernard Punikai`a, Clarence Naia and Frank Duarte Janet Jennings Don Jones Ezekiel and Lavern Kala— in memory of Ernest Kala Arma-Lee and Keith Kaniho— in memory of Frances Nahinu G. Cameron and Linda Keys Mary E. Lorch Judith Mick Morongo Valley, California Book Club Rudolph and Leimomi Nahuina— in memory of Nahuina Lokelani Parker— in memory of Kanui Kaelepulu Linda D. Rego— in memory of Maria Filomena Davis Kuulei Reyes— in memory of the Naho`oikaika ‘ohana Kay Santarelli Kenneth O. Robinson— in memory of Edward Makaolioli (Me`eawa) Hart Diane Signes— in memory of Bunnie Reeser Carl and Ingrid Skyrman— in memory of Bunnie Reeser Marie K. Strahle— in memory of William Kapuakela Nu`u

John and Ruth Stepulis Vivien Tamashiro— in memory of Cathrine Puahala Stacey A. Vinzant— in honor of Boogie and Ivy Kahilihiwa and Harry Arce Marianne Warhol Mr. and Mrs. Sam Watanabe John and Lucy Witeck— in memory of Olivia Breitha, Bernard Punikai`a, Clarence Naia and the Hale Mohalu ‘Ohana Barbarajean Wong— in memory of Olivia Breitha and Richard Marks Mr. and Mrs. Younoriye

Kalaupapa Friend ($35) Mrs. Anna Arakaki James and Roselle Bailey Donna Bishaw— in memory of Samuel Nuuhiwa Palapala Caroline Bonnet Anne Brigatti Lawrence and Ruth Cabrinha Ella Mae Camacho— in memory of Ed Kato Richard and Ellen Caplan— in honor of Valerie Monson Robert G. Castro— in memory of Maria Moniz Galaspo Nathaniel and Annette Chang— in memory of Alice Chang Kamaka Thelma Courtney— in memory of Johnny Cambra Catherine Davenport Lucienne DeNaie Charlene Dierking Frederick Dodge— in memory of Berrnard Punikai`a and Paul Harada Anthony and Beverly Duarte Margaret Enos John C. Fairbank and Ann Glen Nani Figueroa Charlotte and William Fuller Joanne and Stanley Griep— in memory of Arthur Fred Glaubrect Philip Haake— in memory of John Haake Edwin K.K. and Ku`ualoha N. Hanohano Sheila A. Hayashida— in honor of David Kama Andrea and Hinano Kaumeheiwa Wally Inglis— in memory of Bernard Punikai`a Brad and Gemma Iskiyan Sweeney and Marsha Jung Karen Kaainoa-Lum— in memory of Lily Kaainoa Kelehiwa, Rose Kaainoa Kahikina, Mae Kaainoa Ke, Ben Kahikina, Clara Kelehiwa and Frank Mark Milton Kaneta Jr.— in memory of Benedict Apiki Faye Kubo Richard Larson I.J. Lindo— in memory of Rebecca Kalua Burrows Silva Jun Look— in honor of the people of Kalaupapa who traveled to Rome Claudyn and Wesley Lum Elizabeth Manning— in memory of Kuulei Bell and Mariano Rea Earl Neller Joel and Laura Neves— in memory of Mele Mano Mrs. Catherine Peiler— in memory of Glory Caetano Wallette Pellegrino Richie A. Ramseyer Ernest and Alene Rezents Thomas C. and Meredith J. Rooney Alfred O. and Mary Anne Rosa Bobby Sanders— in memory of Francis Carr and Frank Carr Darla C. Serrao Momoe K. Shintaku Dianne Signes— in memory of Bunnie Reeser Carl and Ingrid Skyrman— in memory of Bunnie Reeser Debra L. Stephenson Patricia and Henry Tancayo Hannah Tavares Robert Vorfeld— in memory of Rosina Weber Nancy Woo Walker Patricia L. Weber— in memory of Rosina Weber and Bunnie Reeser


In-kind contributions or help in other ways Napua Akamu, Caroline Albano, Maile Antone, Kumu Kapolani Antonio, Anne Apo, Lisa Asato, Mercy Bacon, Monica Bacon, Neida Bangerter, Mary Belanger, Patrick Boland, Rev. Charles Buck, Bev Chang, Lee Henry Chang, Mara Bacon Chang, Pauline Chow, Zita Cup Choy, Dennis Chun, Heather Diamond, Patrick Downes, Marsha Drapes, Mark Ellis, Mary Evanson, Nina Fisher, Carol Franko, Gladys Fujioka, Katie Gallagher, Scott Goto, Glenn Harada, Taka Harada, Winnie Harada, Danny Hashimoto, Ka`iulani Hess, Colette Higgins, Kerri Inglis and her students at the University of Hawaii at Hilo, Stephen Inglis, Wally Inglis, Manu Josiah, Lionel Kaawaloa, Boogie Kahilihiwa, Ivy Kahilihiwa, Dennis Kamakahi, Nik Karayannakos, Kahu David Kaupu, Kalapana Kollars, Sol Kaho`ohalahala, Sister Alicia Damien Lau, Patrick Landeza, Anwei Law, Henry Law, Lian Law, Edwin Lelepali, Terri Lemmer, Wayne Levin, Pamela Lindell, Sheldon Loui, Colette Machado, David and Chris Mahelona, Makia Malo, Gloria Marks, Toni Martin, Mark Miller, Kiki Mo`okini, Glenda Nivera, Mary O’Friel, Don Reeser, The Rev. Ambrose Sapa, Haunani Seward, Susan Shaner, Bishop Larry Silva, Carol Silva, Jean Shimose, Cheri Shimose-Eng, Aulani Shiu, Russ Stodd, Dennis Taniguchi, DeGray Vanderbilt, Rita Ward, Dr. Glenn Wasserman, Edward Weight, Char and Sol Woodward, Alan Yamamoto, Jerome Yasuhara, Cynthia Yoshida, Leileihua Yuen

Thanks to our Major Donors, 2005-2012 Atherton Family Foundation Fred Baldwin Memorial Foundation Cooke Memorial Foundation G.N. Wilcox Trust Department of Hawaiian Homelands Office of Hawaiian Affairs Hawaii Conference of the United Church of Christ Hawaii Community Foundation IDEA Liberty Dialysis Noa Webster Aluli Foundation Jonathan Starr Foundation Young Brothers, Ltd.

Thanks to Friends Who Have Made Our Recent Programs Possible The Council for Native Hawaiian Advancement East Hawaii Cultural Center The Friends of ‘Iolani Palace The Ho`olupa Foundation Windward Community College Honolulu and Kapolei Hale Maui Arts & Cultural Center University of Hawaii at Hilo

Thanks to our Annual Meeting Donors Blue Hawaiian Helicopters HomeMaid Bakery Pukalani Superette Whole Foods DeGray Vanderbilt

Aloha ‘Oe, 2011-2012 Lucy Kaona, whose kind heart, generosity, strong spirit and sense of humor live on in all who knew her Bob Hutchison, who carried on the legacy of his great-uncle Ambrose Hutchison Sister Mary Laurence Hanley, Director of the Cause of Mother Marianne Cope and inspiring friend

Photo: SS.CC. United States Province Collection

Become an ‘Ohana Supporter “When I first came to Kalaupapa in 1996, I was changed in one day because I learned that my family was here. I cried the whole time.” —  Sol P. K aho ‘ ohalahala , whose K alaupapa roots go back to the early 1900 s “The ‘Ohana is doing such a good job of helping the families. For some of them, they never got to meet their Kalaupapa relatives because they didn’t know about them, but now the families are coming back and it’s good to see that.” —  G loria M arks , a resident of K alaupapa for more than 50 years and owner of D amien T ours “I think the role of the ‘Ohana should be to work in close collaboration with the National Park Service on interpretation. While the NPS has technical expertise in interpretation, the families have the cultural experience. If I were the Superintendent, I would want the ‘Ohana to provide their insights on the way they would like to see the history interpreted here.” —  D on R eeser , retired S uperintendent of H aleakala N ational P ark This project is supported by a grant from the Office of Hawaiian Affairs, assisting community-based nonprofit organizations working to address the needs of the Hawaiian Community.

Ka ‘Ohana O Kalaupapa

“E Ho‘ohanohano a E Ho‘omau. . . . . . To Honor and To Perpetuate”

P.O. Box 1111 Kalaupapa HI 96742 Email: info@kalaupapaohana.org www.kalaupapaohana.org


The ‘Ohana is in the midst of a campaign to bring together family members, friends and others who want to support the Kalaupapa community, help descendants learn about their Kalaupapa roots and build The Kalaupapa Memorial. Become part of the ‘Ohana today. Mahalo in advance.

Send your donations to: Ka ‘Ohana O Kalaupapa PO Box 1111 Kalaupapa, Hawai‘i 96742 Or you may donate by visiting our ‘Ohana website www.kalaupapaohana.org

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