Weekly consturcting log book

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Week 3 consturcting studio Report Quiz 3 The first question is asking for annotating the image to identify the terms. The terms include perpend, stretcher face, header face, expansion joint, ironed mortar joint and course. We discussed about Australia bricks, and how it been sized (230mm, 110mm, 76mm).

Australia Bricks The second question why do some concrete blocks have holes in the middle is because that allows reinforcement rods to be installed within the blocks. Third question asked for calculating the moment which is force times distance. The importance that we need to notice for this question include forces and reaction forces, negative momoent or positive moment depend on the direction.

Apply forces and Reaction forces Other examples include the diagrams above. When the reactions forces are all located at the mid-point, and there are two applied forces at the two sides of the rod. If the rod is further extanded, it will not count as another apply force. Because the futher extanded part does not

envoloed in the force system. Forth question is asking for how ‘strut’ been defined. The answer is that steel column would be the best described as ‘strct’. In the discussion part, we expand it to other key terms such as Strut(forces applied on the top and bottom of the rod and the direction applied into the rod), Tie(forces applied on the top and bottom of the rod, bu the direction apllied outward from the rod, Beam(the example of beam is when there are two upward forces on the sides, and one downward force on the mid-point). Other terms include Slab/Plate, Walls, Shear, Disphragm are also illustrated in the discussion.

Key Terms The fifth question is about what is a foundation, I defined this as the base system which can support futher constrction actions. There is an example of foundation, Tower of Pisa. The reason why Tower of Pisa started to tilt is because of the imbalance inside the foundation. Therefore, the foundation of a building is really important.

Tower of Pisa Site Visit Presentation

The second part of the studio is to get into our groups and decide out our available time in weekdays in order to prepare for our site visit. We decided our team leaders are Micheal and Keith, and they will take care of the whole team to help out our site visit. Then we had a presentation about the site visit safety instruction. We need to complete the safety questionairre form first before attenting the sites. When we are in sites, we need to following the instructions below. Hazards of construction can equally apply to students observing: • Work at height (fall of person/falling objects) • Slipping/tripping/falling • Plant and machinery (collisions, crushing, over-turning) • Excavations (collapse/falling) • Electricity (electric shock/electrocution) • Manual handling (musculo-skeletal injuries, strains/sprains) • Noise (hearing loss) • Hazardous substances (chemical burns, respiratory illnesses) • Sharp objects eg nails, (cuts, lacerations) • Hot work eg. welding (burns, eye damage) • Flying particles (eye injuries) Another importance that tutor did mention is that we need to be aware of the warning signs in sites, and be away from those dangerous sites. Guided Campus Tour After the class discussion and the presentation, we are going to take a walk through school and learn some construction knowledge through the buildings in our school. The Guided campus tour map gives a loop about where we went in week three’s studio.

The following pictures are the material and learning processes of our tour inside school.

Week 3 Leaning Loop Week Three’s learning contains different parts and helped me understand the knowledge not only about knowledge itself, but also the experiences that tutor and speaker transferred to us. From the lecture, I learned the consturction learning though different materials and the importance of choosing a right material to use in a constructing process. By connecting to our studio, I realized that there always be a physics knowledge in constructing a building. I understand the reason why there is a applied forces and reaction forces, the key terms that describe the siutations that we are experiencing in our real life. The example is the famous Italy building Tower of Pisa. The understanding of safety knowledge is also very significant as we are going to have a relationship with constructing buildings in our future career. I learned about Harzard of construction that can apply to our future studying and working experiences. The wearings and the warning signs will prevent us from getting injured in sites.

Through the Campus tour, it gave me a various examples about how can our knowledge be applied into reality. That was a great experience by following the guide from our tutor. In Summary for this week’s learning loop, I understand and absorbed both knowledge and experiences from lecture and studio and I am sure that these will help me on better understanding of what is constrcting and how it works.

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