Earh book S1 2016 Kai Xu

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692035 Dani Mileo Tutorial 8





CONTENTS: (below is the basic requirements and you are free to add more or change to suit. Throughout the journal cross reference relevant precedents, lecture materials, required readings, independent research & personal design work) 1.0 THREE RELATIONSHIPS 1.1 Point/Line/Plane 1.2 Frame & Infill 1.3 Mass 2.0 HERRING ISLAND. A place to keep secret 2.1 Site analysis and Conceptacle 2.2 Concept and Sketch design 2.3 Design Development 2.4 Final Design drawings 2.5 Final Design Model 3.0 Reflection. 4.0 Bibliography


Figue 1



Point and line, frame and infill, and mass, they are three different design process, but if we compsite them together in our design process, it will be really helpfull in our final design. For example, we could use the model making skills we learned from PLP to make a model, we could use the learning from mass exercise to draw the perspectives and sections of the deign to illustrate ideas to audience, we could make a frame and infill different elements into it to help us create interesting design. Although they are different exercise, but we could use the skills that we learned from these tasks to create a new model that use making skills we learned from PLP and Frame and infill, drawing skills that we learned from mass exercise. Hence, these skills helped process our final project.


Point line plane Design


1.1 POINT / LINE / PLANE Point line and plane might be the most used architectural design in today’s buildings, where points could form lines, lines could form planes. In order to cope with the topic, i dsigned a chair which could be used under sunlight. you could place it in any directions you want to fit your needs of sunlight. The design starts from a stick, the following sticks were rotated from the central point, it will finally form a plane for audience to sit or lie on it. It is designed for audience to relax and enjoy the sunlight.

Figue 2

Figue 3 9

Fram and Infill Design


1.2 FRAME & INFILL In this design exercise, i leanred about how to draw anxiomatric drawing to explain my design. This design is started from the cubic frame. Then infill with different types of folded color papers. Audience walks in the folded staircase could change their durations, they could also lie on the it to have a rest in the space. At the top of the structure, audience could walk into the cuboid structure to see the views outside. Many interesting architectures have used this design method to process their ideas, i think it is a good way to help

Figue 4


Mass Design


1.3 MASS Mass is a type of heavy design, where this uses powerful and strong materials to create a space. it is usually have the contrust between dark and light to give people a sense of heavyness. in this exercise, i designed a underground art gallery. heavy columns, glasses are basic element in my design. Material helps to explain the mass of my design. Different atmosphere were created as different areas will have different portion of natural light. Some dark areas used man-made light to light up the space so that it will not be too dark. i added people into the space to illustrate the scale of design. In this exercise, i learned how to create a space with heavy mass and how to draw atmosphere in my drawings to explain my design. It has been a challenge when i draw this, because my drawing skill wasn’t so good. However, i tried hard to complete it and i enjoyed the process of drawing it.

Figue 5

Figue 6

Figue 7


Herring Island


2.0 HERRING ISLAND. a place to keep secret

Herring island is a island that locates near Melborne CBD. It is a space for people to get relax, have a family space and do ecercise. It is covered by many types of greens. In the Island, there are a few different types of existing achitectures which brings people's interest to come and visit them. in order to crete a place to keep secret in this island, it is significant to understand what will be the secret for the island. Link back to the brief that we have for the final project, we need to have technical room. Hence, i think it might be a good idea to create a secret place for keeping the history of this island, the history might not be the real history, but could be the memories that Audiences had when they visited this Island. This history could help them to keep the important moments they had in the Island, so that when they come back again they can feel the moments thay had.




To start final project, we need to have a site analysis first for choosing the specific site in the Island to place our project. i spent half day in this Island to see and record the site. To cope with my design, i chose to draw four site analysis drawings. 1. Density of people in the park. 2. Sun path Diagram that would affect my design for using natural light. 3. Isoheight Diagram to fit with my design. 4. Greens, Vegetation Diagram of the exsiting site. Then i chose the site in a relative circular space as it showed in site plan on the left. My idea is to have a tunnel with light changes to lead people into my project, the project is a circular structure and uses natural light to light up the space. Hence, i think the four site analysis drawings played important roles in my design process.



2.2 CONCEPT AND SKETCH DESIGN My concept is to create a tunnel that could lead audience walk into the project. As i analysed in site analysis, that i want to create my project a circular form. In order to fir the sun path, i want to give the roof a 23 degrees pitch down towards North so that i can well use natural lights for my design.



2.3 DESIGN DEVELOPMENT First part is the Cuboid tunnel, Cuboid tunnel is locating in the middle of the original landscape which leads audience walk into the project. Because it is sitting in the middle of the landscape, so that it has high conceal level. As audience walk into this tunnel, the distance is decreasing between the six strip shelter elements and finally reach a fully sheltered tunnnel. This design will give audience a sense of mysterious feeling and catch their interest, so that they could increase their movement speed to find out the secret in the project. Second part is the circular form skylight is used to provide the sunlight into the space as i am interested in the form of skylight. Becasue the original landscape is circular form, so that i created a circular form skylight to fit the Environment and the whole structure. Third part is the side strip light, Side strip light as it showed in the diagram is designing for creating interest internal space, as the sunlight changes throughout the day, the strip light inside the project will change as well. Hence it will create interest light forms in side the building.


West Elevation

East Elevation

South Elevation

North Elevation



There are 4 elevations, 1 section, 1 plan of the project







3.0 REFLECTION During the design and learning process of Earth Project. I learned many skills in this semester. It has been a great time for me to complete my project. In this semster’s lessons and lectures, i leraned how do select our photos to absorb the design ideas from the past, i learned three design skills from Point and line, frame and infill, and mass. When design is not only about thinking, i have to think with drawing and making the model. when i started to draw, i understand what is my idea refer to and what should be consider in reality. when i make my model, i understand what is the best way to cut a good model. The most effective and useful learning for me is the perspective drawing lesson that i heard in the lecture, that made a big change to my drawing skills. Also, the feedback from tutors gave me a direction of what i need to improve and what i have done well. The most Chanllenge part for me is the drawing, because my drawing skill is really poor, and sometimes don’t know where i should start from. Overall, i enjoyed the process of making and designing each small tasks and the final big presentation. These tasks bring me a lot of help in my leaning, and i enjoyed sharing and improving my ideas by having conversations with tutors and classmates. I think these achievements will help me in my future design.



1. Figue 1: Tilt-Shift, 2010, Through the Oculus, Photograph, viewed 6 March 2016, <http://throughtheoculus.blogspot.com.au/2010_06_01_archive.html> 2. Figue 2: Zaha Hadid’s Civil Court, 2010, Archtroom, Photoprapg, viewed 6 March 2016, <http://cstang.pixnet.net/blog/category/304153>

3. Figue 3: Zaha Hadid’s Eli & Edythe Broad Art Museum, 2012, The Auarterly Journal of Design, Photograph, viewed 6 March 2016, <https://www. disegnodaily.com/article/zaha-hadid-s-eli-edythe-broad-art-museum> 4. Figue 4: LIFT modular, re-deployable seating, 2015, Twiter, Photograph, viewed 10 April 2016, <https://twitter.com/slowottawa/ status/560561553117028352/photo/1> 5. Figue 5: Small but sunshiny house by Torafu Architects, 2012, Assemble papers, Photograph, viewed 20 March 2016, <http://assemblepapers.com. au/2012/06/18/small-but-sunshiny-house-by-torafu-architects/> 6. Figue 6: Social Centre by Imago, 2011, Architecture Around, Photograph, viewed 20 March 2016, <https://aroundarch.wordpress.com/page/2/> 7. Figue 7: Jinchang Cultural Centre, 2013, skyscrapercity.com, Photograph, viewed 20 March 2016, <http://www.skyscrapercity.com/showthread. php?t=400398&page=28>

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