Music is the Best Medicine

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Music is the Best Medicine June 1, 2021

Music is the only companion which is associated with the individual right from his/her birth to death. We all start to grow up by listening to our mom’s melodious lullabies and then it continues till our death. If you let it, music can be one of the most relaxing and pleasant things you can do. It is made up of melodies and tunes that are linked together by singers and musicians. Music has the power to heal human’s pain, stress and diseases that’s why music is the best medicine.

Here are some of the interesting facts about music. Music can heal the brain: People with speaking or comprehending language because of stroke or some other brain injury, therapists use a style of singing with certain rhythms that can help bring back the ability of speech. Music can relieve your stress: It can assist lower the release and synthesis of cortisol, also known as the “stress hormone.” Cortisol levels are lower, which indicates better learning and memory, reduced blood pressure, heart rate, and cholesterol, and a lower risk of heart disease. Music improves your memory: The right side of the brain is responsible for the processing of music and the same part is responsible for creating and storing memories. This helps an individual to improve his memory power when it gets associate with music.


Music can get you high: Without your knowledge, your brain is trying to figure out what’s going to happen next when you’re listening to a song. Whether your brain is correct or not in its predictions, it rewards itself with an injection of feel-good hormones. As a result, anticipation is an excellent strategy to employ in your song. It’s the substance that makes you feel like you’re high on music. Music soothes pre -mature babies: Live music and lullabies has shown to improve vital signs, feeding behaviours, and sucking patterns in premature infants. Music improves cognition: Music can also assist persons with Alzheimer’s disease in recalling seemingly lost memories and even maintaining some mental functions. There are different forms of music and each form has its own speciality and uniqueness. Even God’s place has mild music in background. Music is the best medicine and for best music electronic products such as speakers follow and download the Fyndhere app now.


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