Leadership Qualities

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Leadership Qualities fyndhere.com/leadership-qualities/ May 31, 2021

We have often heard that some people are born leaders possessing leadership qualities. Well that is just not true. If we take an example of the 16th President of the U.S., Mr. Abraham Lincoln, this theory of born leaders is definitely wrong. He was an introvert by nature and was not a social person. Yet his integrity and a strong belief in what he said, his principles made him one of the greatest leaders. Leadership is the ability of a person to manage a group of people and motivate them to reach a particular goal. Now this is not simple. Really. Especially when there are people in the group with very dominating personalities which can lead to clashes with regards to egos, opinions, ideologies and thought processes. A person needs to understand the emotional and intellectual quotient and then get them in tune with your own. This is a skill, which, if practiced well can lead to great success in all aspects of life especially in workplace scenarios.

Skills needed to acquire the leadership qualities are as follows: Self Belief: Self confidence and believing in oneself is the most important skill to develop leadership quality. If you do not trust your moves, have faith in yourself then how will you have faith in your team to reach the goal? Assuring oneself that something can be achieve is crucial. Mentoring abilities: 1/3

This skill is needed as the leader needs to actually guide their subordinates to scale up their careers. This can be acquired by focusing on careful listening, easy approachability, instructing, building trust and providing feedback. Having a vision: A true leader always has a vision of the company which he wants to see in the future. The ability to foresee the future of the company and having the drive to work towards it is very important. Risk taking: If a person will always fear the outcome of risk then he might lose out on the bigger opportunities and victories lying ahead. The ability to think and take calculated risks and not fearing the outcome too much should definitely be present. Team building abilities: For this skill, one must communicate clearly, effectively and in every way to not give a chance of ambiguity. When a leader knows group behaviour well, he can be the one to guide it better. Integrity: Honesty and being true to oneself and all without any biases or partiality is a crucial part of being a good leader. One must not just look at his or her own good but also at the overall picture. Taking initiative: A leader never fails to be the first one to take an initiative to get a task done with a plan. The ones who do not take the initiative and just contribute to the discussions can in no way guide the whole group towards the goal achievement purpose. Charisma: A drive to reach the goal is the real deal here where charisma plays an important role. Being completely involve, energetic, listening and contributing can build this skill to help build leadership. Decision Making abilities: If a leader is not decisive enough, then they cannot succeed. Taking decisions quickly with logical thinking, discussion and available information can help in getting projects on time and adding value. Complex problem solving:


Creative thinking, flexibility and analytical thinking are some of the skills which can be acquire by way of good decision making without bias, using available information and thinking out of the box. Delegatory skills: Laying out a clear map of the objective to be obtaine along with the methods, boundaries, problems that may arise and relating authority and responsibility. Delegating to the root of the organisation is key. Having good leadership and convincing skills can really benefit a person not only in his/her corporate life but also in handling relationships with everyone and getting things done. A combination of all the above mentioned skills can really help a person to achieve greater prosperity, success and balance in all aspects of life. Dealing with people is the real mantra of life and a leader aces it always. Dealing with people is the real mantra of life and with leadership qualities it becomes easy. Fyndhere helps you get the best deals from the reputed sellers. Download the app now.


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