好节果 Fruitful Gift 2013

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Organic Red Grape Juice (Demeter)

天天好气色 養顏補氣:根據東方傳統食療,紅葡萄具有補氣及提高 生命力的功效,無論在東方或西方,它都被視為滋補血 氣的聖品。紅葡萄汁是孩童、哺乳中媽媽和懷孕婦女的 最佳造血飲品。此外,這美味的果汁含豐富天然抗氧化 劑,尤其是白藜蘆醇,一種超強的抗氧化劑,能保護心 臟和血管,抵擋自由基的破壞,同時也有助於減少血液 凝塊,保持健康的血壓和促進健康的膽固醇水平。 亮麗肌膚:紅葡萄汁豐富且多元化的抗氧化劑,能抵制 自由基對皮膚造成傷害,達到減少皺紋、淡化黑斑和防 止皮膚下垂的作用。紅葡萄汁被譽為可以喝的化妝品, 讓您肌膚通透亮麗,天天好氣色!

Glowing from Within Nurture the qi: Red grape juice is known in the East for increasing the qi energy, or life force. It is used in both the East and the West as blood tonic. For people with blood building needs like children, pregnant ladies and nursing mothers, red grape juice serves as an excellent energy drink. It stores many antioxidants, particularly the resveratrol that protects the heart and blood vessels from free radicals, reduces blood clots, keeps blood pressure at a healthy range and promotes healthy cholesterol level. Glowing skin: The full spectrum of antioxidants in red grape juice does just the right magic! It protects our skin from free radical damage, thus reducing wrinkles, age spots, as well as the sagging of skin. Red grape juice is the delicious internal cosmetic your skin truly needs!

更有效率的美膚配方 100ml 有機紅葡萄汁 + 100ml 有機胡蘿蔔汁 + 50ml 有機針葉櫻桃汁 + 1 tsp 小麥胚芽油 1天2次,餐前或兩餐之間飲用。

1. Why Not?™ Red Grape Juice 2. Why Not?™ Carrot Juice 3. Voelkel Acerola Juice 4. Why Not?™ Wheatgerm Oil 1




More effective formula for radiant skin: 100ml Organic Red Grape Juice + 100ml Organic Carrot Juice + 50ml Organic Acerola Juice + 1 tsp Wheatgerm Oil Take 2 times daily before meal or between meals.

Organic Apple Juice (Demeter)

轻松排结石 蘋安果:“一天一蘋果,醫生遠離我!”這句古老的說 法沒錯,蘋果的確是滋補健身的營養珍果。蘋果汁含豐 富礦物質,尤其是鉀,是調節心跳和血壓不可缺的礦物 質。鉀也能平衡細胞內的新陳代謝,使身體的組織結實 有彈性,更是保持青春常駐的重要養分。 沒結石:蘋果汁還有一個您不可不知的妙用,它所含的 蘋果酸能夠軟化囤積在肝臟和膽囊裡的結石,使結石容 易排出體外。肝臟和膽囊內的結石會妨礙體內多項重要 功能,一旦結石被清除,您將體驗健康大躍進,這包括 更具活力、更強的消化功能、更健康透亮的肌膚、更健 康的膽固醇水平等等。

Stones, Please Go Away King of all fruits: An apple a day can indeed keep the doctor away, as it is a highly nutritious fruit. Among many other minerals found in apple juice, potassium is a key mineral vital for regulating our heartbeat and blood pressure. It helps to maintain youthfulness through balancing our metabolism and keep our body tissues strong and resilient. No more stones: Don’t be surprise, apple juice can actually help in the removal of stones from your liver and gallbladder! Malic acid in apple juice soften the stones found in these organs, making it easier to flush out from our body. When the stones that have been obstructing our body’s natural functions are properly removed, do expect an overall improvement in vitality, digestion and nutrients absorption in your body. It will definitely reward you with healthier cholesterol level, brighter skin complexion and many other health benefits.

更有效率排石配方 8瓶 有機蘋果汁 + 125ml 有機檸檬汁 + 125ml 有機冷壓初榨橄欖油 + 2茶匙 瀉鹽 More effective formula for stone flushing: 1




1. Why Not?™ Lemon Juice 2. Why Not?™ Extra Virgin Olive Oil 3. Why Not?™ Apple Juice 4. Epsom Salt

8 bottles 125ml 125ml 2 tsp

Organic Apple Juice + Organic Lemon Juice + Organic Extra Virgin Olive Oil + Epsom Salt

1. 每天喝1公升有機蘋果汁, 連續6天。 2. 第6天下午2點以後不再進食(可以喝溫開水),晚 上6點喝一杯加入一茶匙瀉鹽的溫水,晚上8點 再喝一杯。晚上10點,將檸檬汁及橄欖油混合 後飲用。 3. 第7天早上排便時即可排出。 1. Drink 1 litre of apple juice each day for 6 days. 2. On the 6th day, stop eating after 2pm. You may drink water. At 6pm, take 1 teaspoon of Epsom Salt in a glass of warm water, take again at 8pm. At 10pm, add olive oil to lemon juice, mix well and drink. 3. Soften stones should be passed out through the bowel as floating particles the next morning.

*建議每年進行2次的排膽石療法。 For optimal health, it is advisable to do gallstone flush twice a year.

Organic Carrot Jucie (Demeter)

好眼力 視力不老:胡蘿蔔汁含豐富胡蘿蔔素,是一種會在人體 內自動轉換成維他命A的抗氧化劑。維他命A對增強視 力非常重要,同時能預防白內障、夜盲症和乾眼症等眼 疾。相較於一般人造維他命A或魚油,胡蘿蔔素是更安全 的天然維他命A來源,因為人體只會自行將胡蘿蔔素轉換 為身體所需的維他命A含量,不會造成過量的問題。 健康美:胡蘿蔔能促進肌膚再生,保持肌膚亮麗,同時 也有助於維持眼睛、鼻腔、口腔、喉嚨和腸道黏膜的健 康,進而強化人體抵擋病菌感染的能力。經常飲用紅蘿 蔔汁能夠加強呼吸道和免疫系統,預防流感和感冒。

Toast for Brighter Vision Bright eyes: Carrot juice is one of the richest source of beta-carotene, an antioxidant that converts to vitamin A in our body. It is essential for good eyesight and prevention of eye diseases such as cataract, night blindness and dry eyes. Beta-carotene converts into the right amount of vitamin A according to our body’s need without causing overdose, unlike synthetic vitamin A or fish oil. Stay fit and look good: Carrot juice helps skin regeneration. It also boosts resistance to infections by keeping the integrity of mucous membrane lining in our nose, eyes, mouth, throat and stomach.

Why Not?TM 胡蘿蔔汁是由農場新鮮收割 的胡蘿蔔直接榨取裝瓶,帶給您無與倫比 的新鮮度。採用100%原始胡蘿蔔品種, 其清甜香濃的味道絕非一般混种胡蘿蔔可 媲美,每嚐一口都會讓您感到驚艷!

Prevent cold and flu by regularly drinking carrot juice, as it strengthens the breathing airways and immune system in our body.

Why Not?™ Carrot Juice is 100% fieldfresh, freshly pressed and bottled directly after harvesting to guarantee optimum freshness. 100% heirloom carrot is used to produce juice that taste exceptionally good compare to the hybrid varieties.





1. Why Not?™ Carrot Juice 2. Voelkel Blueberry Juice 3. Voelkel Acerola Juice 4. Why Not?™ Wheatgerm Oil

更有效率好眼力配方 50ml 有機胡蘿蔔汁 + 50ml 有機藍莓汁 + 50ml 有機針葉櫻桃汁 + 1茶匙 小麥胚芽油

首2個星期:1天2次,餐前或兩餐之間飲用 後2個星期:1天1次,餐前或兩餐之間飲用 共一個月療程,症狀嚴重者可連續喝3個月

More effective formula for firstclass eye sight: 50ml Organic Carrot Juice + 50ml Organic Blueberry Juice + 50ml Organic Acerola Juice + 1 tsp Wheatgerm Oil

For first 2 weeks: Take 2 times a day, before meal or between meals. For following 2 weeks: Take once a day, before meal or between meals. This is a one month remedy. For more serious condition, you may continue for 3 months.

Organic Tomato Juice (Demeter)

型男行不行? 調理攝護腺及泌尿系統:蕃茄中的脂溶性茄紅素是一種 天然的抗氧化劑,能改善頻尿、排尿困難、尿流減弱症 狀等,可防止攝護腺肥大、攝護腺發炎及攝護腺癌,是 針對攝護腺肥大困擾男性的必須營養。茄紅素還能提高 男性生育能力,的確‘男’能可貴! 抑製癌細胞:茄紅素抑制癌細胞增生和擴散的功效比多 種類胡蘿蔔素高出33倍。多項研究顯示,茄紅素可以抗 腫瘤,抑制乳癌、肺癌及大腸癌細胞的生長。 老化,可以慢下來:蕃茄中的茄紅素是一種有效抗氧化 成分,具有抗老化功能。皮膚中茄紅素的增加會加強防紫 外線作用,能消除色斑、黑斑等,還能預防皮膚癌。

Naturally a Manly Gift Healthy prostate and urinary system: The fat-soluble lycopene is the true heroine in tomatoes. It is a natural antioxidant that can improve various urination disorders, prevents prostate hypertrophy, inflammation and cancer. It also improves fertility and enhance libido in men. Inhibit cancer growth: Prevention is better than cure. In many studies, lycopene is found to be anti-tumour, inhibiting the growth of breast, lung and colorectal cancer cells. Its effect on the growth and metastasis of cancer cells is 33 times stronger than carotenoids found in carrots. Slow down aging: Lycopene in tomatoes is an effective antioxidant compound that has good anti-aging effects. The increase of lycopene level on our skin will enhance protection against UV rays, eliminate skin pigmentation and thus protect against skin cancer.

更有效率的保護攝護腺配方 150ml 有機番茄汁 + 50ml 有機石榴汁 + 50ml 有機針葉櫻桃汁 + 1茶匙 小麥胚芽油 1天2次,餐前或兩餐之間飲用。

1. Voelkel Tomato Juice 2. Voelkel Pomegranate Juice 3. Voelkel Acerola Juice 4. Why Not?™ Wheatgerm Oil 1




More effective formula for prostate’s health 150ml Organic Tomato Juice + 50ml Organic Pomegranate Juice + 50ml Organic Acerola Juice + 1 tsp Wheatgerm Oil Take 2 times daily, before meal or between meals.

Organic Pink Grapefruit Juice (Demeter)

享瘦好节果 竟然有可以燃燒脂肪的果汁:紅葡萄柚汁能抑制食慾, 是低熱量又營養的瘦身選擇,它能幫助消除血中的膽固 醇及脂肪,達到健康零負擔的瘦身效果。百分百有機, 零副作用。 由內而外的自然美:含豐富天然類黃酮,是保養皮膚的 營養素,能強化皮膚毛細孔功能,可加速復原受傷的皮 膚組織。類黃酮也有助於保持牙齒和牙齦的健康。 睡前喝一杯紅葡萄柚汁可幫助睡眠,早晨喝可預防便 祕。 所以常喝紅葡萄柚汁最符合“自然美”的原則。

Fruitful Slimming Juice that burns fat! 100% organic, zero side effects, low calorie. This pink grapefruit juice is a natural appetite suppressant, making it a nutritious slimming option. The high soluble fibre and enzymes in pink grapefruit juice eliminate cholesterol and unwanted fats in our body. Knowing how the juice works in your body definitely gives you a sense of assurance of its effectiveness. Natural beauty from inside out: Flavonoid, which presents naturally in pink grapefruit juice nourishes our skin, strengthens the functions of skin pores and speeds up recovery of injured skin tissue. It is also responsible for keeping our teeth and gum healthy. Take a glass of pink grapefruit juice before bedtime gives you a good night sleep whilst taking one in the morning shoos constipation away. Drinking it regularly helps building a good foundation towards natural beauty.

更有效率纖瘦配方: 50ml 有機紅葡萄柚汁 + 150ml 有機番茄汁 + 1茶匙 小麥胚芽油 1天3-4次,餐前或兩餐之間飲用 More effective formula for slimming:

1. Voelkel Pink Grapefruit Juice 2. Voelkel Tomato Juice 3. Why Not?™ Wheatgerm Oil 1



50ml Organic Pink Grapefruit Juice + 150m Organic Tomato Juice + 1 tsp Wheatgerm Oil Take 3 to 4 times a day, before meal or between meals.

Organic 7-Dwarf Kid Juice (Demeter)

快乐的泉源 小朋友的能量泉源:最美味的精力蔬果汁,絕對是孩子 們的最愛。100%有機蔬果鮮榨,非濃縮果汁,綜合9 種有機蔬果精華,如胡蘿蔔、藍莓與草莓等,含豐富鐵 質,幫助造血及提高學習能力,同時富含能增強視力的 抗氧化劑及提高免疫力的維他命C。 大人們也需要快樂因子:含多種有機莓子,莓子裡豐富 的花青素,是讓人心情愉快的重要營養素。快樂,當然 不只是小朋友的專利。

The Fruits of Happiness Kids’ elixir of energy: Contains a mixture of 9 organic fruits and vegetables including carrots, blueberries and strawberries, 7-Dwarf Kid Juice makes your taste buds dance in happiness! It is 100% direct pressed from freshly harvested fruits and vegetables; not from concentrates. So, worry not if it becomes your kids’ favourite beverage. It has iron that helps produce red blood cells which is vital for kid’s learning ability. Furthermore, it is rich in antioxidants to improve vision, and vitamin C to build a strong immunity wall. Adults find it tempting too? Why not? Adults need regular dosage of happiness too. 7-Dwarf Kid Juice contains Anthocyanins from berries, a nutrient that will definitely bring a sense of happiness to your whole body!

更有效率補腦配方: 50ml 有機快樂小矮人果汁 + 100ml 有機番茄汁 + 50ml 有機藍莓汁 + 50ml 有機石榴汁 1天1次,餐前或兩餐之間飲用,持續2星期。

1. Voelkel 7-Dwarf Kid Juice 2. Voelkel Tomato Juice 3. Voelkel Blueberry Juice 4. Voelkel Pomegranate Juice 1




More effective formula for brain power boost: 50ml 7-Dwarf Kid Juice + 100ml Organic Tomato Juice + 50ml Organic Blueberry Juice + 50ml Organic Pomegranate Juice Take once a day, before meal or between meals. Continue for 2 weeks.

一瓶果汁,到底可以有多好? 遇見德國這家叫Voelkel的有機果汁生產商之後我 們才發現,原來一瓶果汁,竟然可以達到如此非凡 的要求。 Voelkel採取了超越有機的生機律動(biodynamic) 農耕法。除了捨棄農藥、化肥及基因改造之外, Voelkel同時也關心植物、土壤與所有生命之間的 和諧律動,並依循古人的智慧結晶,從農作物栽種 的那一刻就要觀照日月星辰能量的蘊育;耕作、採 收節氣,在天、地、人的共作下,結出一個個「好 結果」,製成一瓶瓶好果汁。 Voelkel就是憑著這份生產好果汁的堅持,不但蘊 釀出好營養,還注入了一喝就嘗得出來的高能量。

How good can a bottle of juice be? Hailing from Germany, Voelkel who produces biodynamic and organic juices has opened our eyes to products made to exceptional quality. Printed on eco-friendly paper with soy ink.

Voelkel practises biodynamic farming method that cares about the plants, soil and the balance of life forces in the farms. The farmers adopt sustainable agricultural practices such as crop rotation and composting; integrating the astrological cycle of the moon, sun, and planets in the planting and harvesting, to achieve a harmonic rhythm with nature. These practices deliver bottles after bottles of great juices, as nature intended. We believe it is Voelkel’s continuous and uncompromising pursuit of excellent farming methods that provide these juices with vitality that you can taste at first sip!

什麼是生機律動農耕法? 生機律動超越了有機農 耕,是一種遵循大自然整 體性而運作的農耕法。生 機律動的農夫會依循四季 的更迭、地球的運行及日 月星辰的周期來播種及收 成;以天然獨特的草藥配 方及自然堆肥活化土壤並 增加其肥沃度。除了無農 藥及化肥等化學污染以 外,生機律動農場裡的農 作物、動物、土壤與整個 生態環境都和諧共舞,因 此,所有生機律動農作物 都具有高度活性成份及蘊 含非一般的生命力與療癒 能量。 Why Biodynamic?

Beyond organic, biodynamic farming embraces a holistic view of nature. The planting and harvesting take into account the seasons, the rhythms of the planets and lunar cycles. The soil is enriched and revitalised with herb preparations and natural fertilisers. Besides chemical free, biodynamic crops possess strong inherent life force with stronger potency. Demeter認證 商標是全世界 公認及榮尊的 生機律動農耕(Biodynamic Agriculture)及農產品之最高品 質的代表,在品管規定比歐盟等 其他品管法規更嚴格嚴苛,比有 機認證更高一籌。

Demeter certification trademark is recognised and highly respected throughout the world as a symbol of the highest quality biodynamic produce. Another organic surprise from:

Blue Oasis (M) Sdn Bhd (566577-M)

15 Jln PJU3/47 Sunway Damansara 47810 Petaling Jaya Selangor Malaysia tel: +603 7804 9626 fax: +603 7804 9466 email: write2me@whynotorganic.com.my www.whynotorganic.com.my Cool organic and eco-friendly products. We love organic surprises!

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