Junior League of St. Petersburg CauseWay | Summer/Fall 2023

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KIDS CREATE! BY EMILY STRIDER We kicked off the year at Care Fair where kids could make keychains to adorn their new backpacks. Some made keychains with their names, while others loved choosing their favorite animals from our bead selection. Volunteers were impressed with the thoughtful nature of those we interacted with; some kids asked to make a keychain for a sibling that couldn’t be there or for a parent as a gift. We were happy to oblige and encourage such caring actions! At Find The Good Day, we offered supplies for kids to make their own bubble wands. Seeing the kids running around blowing bubbles was a joy for all who attended! As the holiday season approaches, we are looking forward to participating in Snowfest on Saturday, December 2!

KIDS IN THE KITCHEN BY MARY DEVORE We continue to supply snack packs to the Boys & Girls Club through our monthly volunteer shifts. Since May, we’ve already packed and provided over 1,600 snacks! We try to incorporate fun themes and include a seasonal activity in collaboration with Kids Create. In October, the packs were spooky themed and included a Halloween coloring sheet. At Care Fair, kids could pack their own snacks with an emphasis on food groups and understanding the nutrition in the snacks they packed. For example, the kids were offered fruit, protein, and grain along with a copy of the food pyramid to take home. Everyone had a great time and learned a little bit about healthy eating. At the end of the event, we donated our surplus food to the food pantry onsite at Evara Health. 18 | Fall 2023

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