Vós chamais-me moreninha, “Annotations, Pronunciation, and Translation”

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145 ´ CHAMAIS - ME A MORENINHA XVI/8: V OS A NNOTATIONS : This song was collected by Michel Giacometti and Lopes-Grac¸a in 1969 in Malhada Sorda, Almeida, in Guarda in Beira Alta. It is a work song which is sung by the women as they beat the flax that will eventually be made into linen. The transcriptions in A Canc¸a˜ o Popular Portuguesa and Cancioneiro Popular Portuguˆes both note that the sound of the mac¸a [mallet] accompanies their singing, and it is this sound that the tambour [drum] in the adaptation is meant to evoke. S OURCES : A Canc¸a˜ o Popular Portuguesa, p. 95. Cancioneiro Popular Portuguˆes, p. 139–40. Collection of the Museu da M´usica Portuguesa, Cx09/08.

you are calling me dark-skinned1 V´os chamais-me<a moreninha,




You call me dark-skinned, but it is only the dust of the flax; Come see me on a Sunday, when I am like a little rosemary flower.

it is the dust of flax Isto e´ do p´o do linho; IStu e du pO

du liñu

there me you will see on Sunday L´a me vereis ao Domingo, la

m@ v@raiS

au dum igu

like a flower of rosemary Como a flor do rosmaninho. komu

5 flor

(Tum, tum...) tum tum

1 ‘Dark-skinned’

du ruZm5niñu

[drum sound (onomatopoeic)]

(morenha) in the sense of ‘tanned by the sun.’ In this context it is an affectionate reference which is made even more so by the use of the diminutive ‘-inha.’


the my love not is this one O meu amor n˜ao e´ es-te, u

meu 5mor n5u e ESt@

This is not my love, nor do I want it to be; My love has eyes of black, and yours are of yellow.

nor it I want nem no quero; n 5j

nu kEru

the mine have the eyes black O meu tem os olhos pretos, O


t 5j




the yours have yellow O teu tem-nos amarelos. u


t ejnuz


you say that me desire much Tu dizes que me quer’s muito, tu

diz@S k@

m@ kerZ

mui tu

this your desire is mistake esse teu qu’rer e´ engano; es@



e eg5nu

you cut through my life cortais pela minha vida kurtaiS




like the scissors through cloth como a tesoura no pano. komu 5




You say that you want me, but this is a mistake; You cut through my life like scissors through cloth.

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