February 2024 Newsletter

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February 2024

What kind of people


Everyone loves knowing someone who is kind, helpful, exudes humility, and goes above and beyond the call of duty to make a difference in the lives of others. One of those people is Matthew Smith. Matthew’s JUMPSTART SC journey began when he was incarcerated at Perry. When he was released in October 2020, he knew JUMPSTART’s transitional program was where the Lord was leading him. Upon his arrival, he began serving others. Matthew began taking on more responsibility than he had to because he wanted to love those around him well. Even though he could have moved back to his hometown two years ago when he graduated, Matthew chose to join our team as a housing manager. In this role, he lives as a missionary in our intake home ensuring those in the program have the encouragement, support, and accountability they need to thrive. Matthew is a disciple who is making disciples. For the past few weeks Matthew has been very sick. In and out of the hospital. His doctors have yet to find the root of the problem. Yet, he remains joyful and eager to serve others with the strength the Lord gives him each day. Please pause and pray for a moment that the Lord would restore Matthew’s health fully if that is His will. At JUMPSTART, we love seeing people break cycles of addiction and crime, secure their own transportation, become employed, and save for their future.

Matthew understands his purpose is in Christ and whatever He has for him. We are full of awe as we witness God give them beauty for ashes. When we see one go from a prisoner to a homeowner, we cheer with joy. These things are a byproduct of what the JUMPSTART family loves most. We believe all of these things are a byproduct of discipleship. When men and women are taught to follow the Lord, cycles of crime and addiction are replaced with cycles of serving the Lord, serving others, taking responsibility for one’s future, and being wise and diligent with the opportunities one is given. Although Matthew may never be a homeowner or have a family or spouse again, these things are not his hope. He knows he is getting closer to his eternal reward every day. His hope is Jesus. His purpose is making a difference in the world for God’s glory. This is what JUMPSTART SC is all about; teaching new diciples about God’s purpose for their lives and providing tangible support for those coming out of incarceration. Through Christ, we build pathways to live with purpose and flourish in God’s glory.

God uses the JUMPSTART family to make stories of redemption possible. Many have served, and many have given to ensure discipleship and transformational opportunities are available. There are a lot of other stories like Matthew’s that we’ve all witnessed over the years, and there are more stories like theirs that will occur as we each do our part to make the mission possible. If you’d like to do more than you are currently doing, please reach out. Together, as we continue to join the Lord in His work, more will come to know and love Him as King.

Truist Grant



GRADUATION Our inaugural JUMPSTART class at Trenton Correctional graduated on January 10, 2024. These graduates are now inspired and equipped to live for Christ and succeed upon reentry. This graduation was one we will always remember. Families of graduates were able to attend graduation and celebrate how their loved one is making steps towards restoration! This was the first time in 15 years that families attended a graduation. The Department of Corrections also invited local media to cover the graduation so they could share the story of why JUMPSTART is such a meaningful program. You can find the news story by googling “JUMPSTART graduation at Trenton Correctional.”

This month we will have a shared press release with Truist Bank celebrating our new three-year partnership! In addition to funding, Truist will leverage their personnel and resources to help us provide transformational opportunities to those coming out of incarceration in South Carolina. The 3-year goals of our partnership with Truist are to: • Get the Opportunity Center operational in 2024 • Engage 500 individuals in our workforce development program • See 250 participants provided with stable, safe, and affordable housing • See 225 employed through JUMPSTART’s employer network during the three-year period • See 200 individuals are guided in securing reliable transportation with lending rates below 15% • Work to see 50 individuals graduating JUMPSTART become homeowners during the three-year period

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Restoration Village


We kicked off the new year by opening the 5th home in Restoration Village! There are now 25 transitional program participants in the village. It is beautiful to see them living in community together, encouraging one another, serving one another, and holding one another accountable as they each pursue God’s best in their life.

Our sixth home for the village was ordered last week! We need it to be ready for occupancy by July 1, 2024. Please pray that all will go well in the process. Exciting news! Later this year, we have a chance to extend our transformative services to even more people. The good news is we’re all set to welcome those joining us up until July 1, 2024. However, here’s where we need your help: From July 1 to November 1, twenty-nine more individuals will be released, and they will need our support. To make this happen, we must secure four additional homes within the next 90 days.

Our 5th home is occupied! Are you interested in being a part of this impactful journey? Imagine the difference you could make in someone’s life! To learn more about this amazing opportunity, don’t hesitate to reach out to Cary Sanders at 864-593-4288. You can also visit our Building Second Chances page on our website for more details.

How You




Get ready for an exciting milestone! The groundbreaking for our Opportunity Center is just around the corner. On January 22, Paul and Virginia Lister generously committed $125,000 towards constructing our Culinary Arts Center inside the Opportunity Center. Their gift will have a generational impact. We’re now only $300,000 away from fully funding and furnishing the entire center! We’re on track to sign with a General Contractor by March 1 and break ground by May 1. Naming rights for the Opportunity Center are still available. Try this: [Insert Your Name] Opportunity Center…Has a nice ring to it, doesn’t it?

Now it’s time for the call to action. We aren’t going to guilt you into giving or try and cajole you into serving. No emotional manipulation either. You probably know by now those methods aren’t our style. We believe in sharing a compelling vision of what is possible as God’s people join Him in His work. Here are some ways you can make a difference for God’s glory with JUMPSTART: Pray: Yes, seriously. Our request for prayer here is genuine. We believe in the power of prayer. We know God hears and moves on the behalf of those who call on Him. Serve: We’ve never had more avenues for people to get involved in real ministry opportunities than we do right now. Discipleship Classes. Mentoring. Culinary Arts. Driving. Photography. Videography. If you’ve got a talent and want to use it for God’s glory, we’ve got opportunities for you. Give: Ask God if He would have you to give and then do whatever He says. We believe the best way we can serve you is to encourage you to do whatever the King says, even if that means he leads you to serve and give elsewhere. Keep Up the Good Fight: Many of you have partnered with us for a long while now. We hope you’ve looked at the 15-year Impact Report and are in awe of what God has done. God is able!

Scan TO LEARN MORE JUMPSTART South Carolina PO Box 1050 Spartanburg, SC 29304 888-483-6687 info@jumpstartvision.org

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