Juliana Vallone - Digital Photographic Design Fall 2023

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Project One Photo Collage

“Setting Sail” I am very familiar with Photoshop before I started this class so my process is very straightforward. My concept here is talking about the new experiences and dreams I aspire to have. Like I am riding a new wave, I am working closer and closer to my dream of working as an artist for a company I have looked up to Disney. I have always had my eye on working for Disney since I was young and has since been my motivation to continue growing as an artist. This piece has given me the time to reflect on my own life and the opportunities that have been given to me.


Project Two Social Media Profile

I created a redesign for my art TikTok account. I wanted to make it representative of me, and what I think could make TikTok an even better app! I gave it a youthful appearance which is something I always enjoy to do. I took this opportunity to show off my real artwork!


project Three Poster Design

I created a poster design for Stray Kids’s lightstick. I liked the scrapbook idea and thought it would be a great concept. I worked with many adjustment layers to make sure it was just right.


Project FOUR Cover Art

I made three different covers, album cover, playlist cover and podcast cover. I used different photos from my recent trips including Disney World and my 5 Seconds of Summer concert. I think each cover gives off a different energy and I love the finished product for each!


Project Five Motor Vechicle Advertizing


For this project, I created various designs for a car advertisement. I wanted to keep a consistent theme with my full page and half page designs. I took many different photos of my car and wanted to make a playful design for it. I worked with gradients to give it the colorful vintage effect. I also created a slogan to go along with it.


Project Six New to Old (Webpage Design)


This project asked to create a mock up web page design. I decided to make it a K-pop web store. I also made it look like a web page found in the 1990s. I wanted to focus on the simplicity of the web page with the limited amount of colors available at this time. I also took many different photos of my albums to add in my project. I also feature a product overview page.


Project Seven Hotel Branding


204 your home away from home.


I created branding for a hotel called Hotel 204. I used my dorm as my reference. I wanted my hotel to have a cozy and warm feeling, so I chose a color pallet that would give off those vibes. I edited with many different adjustment layers in Photoshop, working with colors and brightness.


Project Eight/Nine Calendar


This two week project was creation of a calendar. I created a Disney themed desk calendar. It is vector based with different designs for each month. Every month features a different photo of a place found in Walt Disney World!


Project Ten Book or Magazine

I created two different book covers, a coffee table and magazine cover. I kept the coffee book cover very simple, as how it felt to be in the museum this photo was taken in. I also photoshopped a statue into the photo.


My magazine cover is made for dogs. I used my dog, Snowy, as the model. I made it geared towards dogs themselves including different headlines to read!


project Eleven/twelve Fashion Advertizing


I create a fashion advertisement line for Columbia. I used my brother as the model to show off different shirts. I took photos of him on his bike, to show him in action. I then made the different posters in Photoshop that followed a similar scrapbook theme.


project Thirteen Final


For my final, I created a concept fine art piece themed, “What if Epcot Sunk?”. I used photos from my recent trip for this project. I gave it a spooky effect. Though there is no specific meaning behind it, it is up to the viewer what it means to them.


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