Pesach 2013

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n iN o n


It seem s like everyone has noticed how 'early' Pesach is th is year and been have th ey m e n tio n in g it sin ce Rosh H ashanah.

Contents Diary View from the President - Alan Finlay The Legend of YS - Dr Eli Kienwald

W hen

w as yo u ng er,

never rea

u nd ersto o d the d iscu ssio n ab o u t Yom Tovim being 'e a rly' or 'la te ', su re ly they a lw a y s fa ll on the sam e date each year! B u t now as sp rin g seem s yet to have

The Hebrew Months and the Adoptive Attitudes of the Second Temple Period Rabbi Alan Lewis Pesach and Jewish Eternity - Rabbi Hughes

a rrive d (at tim e o f w ritin g th e re are

Dayan Yitzchak Rudnick - A lonely man of faith -

sn o w fla k e s fa llin g outside my w in d o w )

Rabbi Solomon

and even the clo ck s have not sp rung fo rw a rd , Pesach is a lre a d y upon us

The Olden Days - Gedalia Guttentag

m uch sooner than we exp ected .

Inspired: A Taste of Israel - Jessica Ansell The Hidden Message on a Piece of Paper -

H ow ever, as w ith every year, I am sure

Yaacov Dovid Kirschenbaum

you are all ready, the house is sp arklin g ,

Poland Diary - Rafi Hambling

the m atzos are unbroken, the w in e not

Halachic Legal Services - Shmuli Simon

y e t s p ilt. So now is the tim e to re la x

Last and First Man - Steven Schonberg

and have a read thro ug h the a rtic le s in

JRoots Ft Ohr Yisrael Journey to Radin

th is e d itio n . W ords o f To rah, personal sto rie s, poems, Pesach th o u g h ts - and also the announcem ent co m p etitio n w in n er.



and Lithuania Reflections - Rabbi Garson Clean for Pesach and Enjoy the Seder! Rabbi Chaim Pinchas Scheinberg zt'I Pesach Recipe - Denise Phillips

Thank you to all those who made such e x c e lle n t c o n trib u tio n s and to those w ho p ro o fre ad , c o lla te d

in fo rm a tio n

and g e n e ra lly assisted in m aking it a happen.

Personal Kashrus Directory Federation of Synagogues Contact Details Sale of Chometz form

W ishing you a ch a g k o sh e r v 'sa m e a ch

List of Synagogues

Eva Published by The Federation of Synagogues 65 Watford Way, London NW4 3AQ Tel: 020 8202 2263 Fax: 020 8203 0610 Email: Editor/Advertising: Eva Chapper

DIARYDIARYDIARYDIARYDIARYDIARY NEWS ft EVENTS Croydon Rosh Hashanah marked the first anniversary of the arrival of Rabbi Natan Asmoueha. He has led our com m unity with strength and feeling and we have all taken him to our hearts. We look forward to his weekly Drashot, and enjoy arguing or discussing its content during or after Kiddush.


The com m unity will be holding regular services at the new site on Friday and Saturday evenings whilst continuing to conduct Shabbat morning and all other weekday services and activities at Coventry Road ahead of the permanent re­ location.

In November the com m unity was entertained by the well-known actress June Brown who told us many stories of her life and about her appearance on the television program m e' Who Do You Think You Are', which explored the roots of her Judaism. On Purim, after the reading of the Megillah, Rabbi Asmoucha explained the teachings of the Rabbis concerning alcohol consumption. All listened intently whilst gently sipping wine and vodka! On the evening of 24th February our own home grown jazz and blues singer, Helena Paul, entertained us - there were in excess of 60 people, with an evening of music and repar­ tee. The evening was accompanied by a very enjoyable supper. Stephen King, a member of Croydon Synagogue, has set up the South London Jewish Youth Group. The aim is to get to­ gether 9 - 1 6 year olds of South London. Catford, Croydon, South London (Streatham ), Sutton, Wimbledon, Kingston and Surbiton are all included to widen the network of Jewish Youth.

Rabbi Chapper commented: This is a very exciting moment, not just in the history of this community, but in its future. This service proves that we're able to transplant the tremen­ dous communal spirit at Coventry Rd into a new facility and we can look ahead with great expectation! Chairman of Ilford Federation, Leon Newmark added: Tm thrilled that we're able to make use of our new building in this way, it's the culmination of many years of planning and hard work and will secure the future of our community!

The first event, which took place at Croydon Synagogue, was a Movie night on a big screen. We are pleased to say a lot of children from Croydon, Sutton, Wimbledon and Surbiton at­ tended. The event was free and the Tuck Shop sold ice cream, freshly made pop-corn, drinks and chocolate. Our future planned events are a Matzo Ramble on 31st March 2013 at Morden Hall Park, and an event on Sunday afternoon the 14th April 2013 at 3.30 pm which be held at Croydon

Synagogue. For further details please contact Stephen on 07984 185407 , Anthony Bond on 07703 184577 or the Secretary at Croydon Synagogue, e-mail : enquiries@

Ilford In November 2012, Ilford Federation Synagogue held its first service at its new premises on Beehive Lane, form erly the Dennis Centre which it acquired recently from Jewish Care. The service was attended by 40 people and marks stage one of its eventual move away from its original site in Coventry Road. A permanent move to this new site is envisaged by summer 2013 following the granting of planning permission and works to convert the existing building into a purpose built synagogue and com m unity centre.

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Rabbi Chapper and Ambassador Taub Israeli Ambassador Daniel Taub presented graduates of the Diploma in Judaism with their certificates on Wednesday 16th January 2013 at the Redbridge JCC. The Ambassador gave a public talk and following that he granted a private audience to the group of nearly forty graduates during which he pre­ sented them with their certificates. Ambassador Taub in his short address praised the participants of the year long course, which was held at Ilford Federation Synagogue, for their ded­ ication to further their Jewish education and encouraged them to continue in their learning for learning's sake. Rabbi Chapper who devised and taught the course, which is

Hamaor / April 2013



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NEWS Et EVENTS In the spring of 2002 Yonatan was called to reserve duty to take part in the Chomat Magen operation. He fought with distinction in the Jenin refugee camp. After the battle, the IDF sent him to fight in the "second war" - the w ar over Israel's good name - representing the arm y before the foreign press. He was widely quoted by the BBC, The NY Times, The Los Angeles Times and most news agencies with representatives in Jerusalem, in an attempt to counter false Palestinian claims of Israeli war crimes.

Diploma in Jedaism presentation III

accredited by the London School of Jewish Studies, said, l m thrilled that the graduates had the opportunity to meet the Ambassador, they deserved the unique experience because of their hard work during the year. The Diploma has been a phenomenal success, now in its fourth year and with over 150 graduates, it's a model that's being replicated in other communities!

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He inspired us during Shabbat on: "The Essence of Jewish Motivation" - A lesson learned in battle (the Jenin refugee camp, 2002)

Tu B'Shvat Dinner Rik and Emily Saunderson organised a Friday night Shabbat dinner with a Tu B'Shvat theme. 120 people enjoyed delicious food served with a fru ity tw ist, and an array of exotic Japanese fruit. With quizzes for the children and other surprises like Rabbi W olff attending, there was fun and in­ spiration for all the family. We thank them for their hard work.

Shul Supper Quiz I

Ilford Federation Synagogue hosted a "Purim Pub Night" by converting Coventry Road into the Queen Esther's pub. A crowd of 80 people enjoyed traditional pub food and drink whilst played old-fashioned pub games such as darts and pool. Rebbetzen Eva Chapper, who organised the event, said "There was a great atmosphere with all ages across the com ­ munity, eating, drinking and socialising in the true spirit of Purim1:

Ohr Yisrael Shabbaton with the charismatic Rabbi Yonatan Wolff, Director of Development, Hesder Yeshiva ofYerucham. On Shabbat Beshalach we were privileged to host Rabbi W olff; a graduate of Hesder Yeshiva in Yerucham, with an MA from Ben Gurion University, Rabbinic Ordination from Israel's Chief Rabbinate and a Major in the IDF. From 1996 until 1999 he was on active duty in the IDF, com ­ pleting officers' training in 1998 and eventually serving as a platoon commander in the Nachal Brigade (in­ fantry). After 12 years as a platoon com m ander in a reserve unit, he became the commander of a unit in the Civil Defense Command.

Hamaor / April 2013

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In m id-January we challenged our congregants: Are You Sm arter Than a Ten Year Old? Do you W ant To Be A illionaire? Have you got a M astermind, or are you The Weakest Link? Ohr Yisrael hosted a Supper Quiz for 60 people with great food, great company and a chance to prove our prowess in a challenge of brains and brawn (mainly brains). Participants were challenged on Jam es Bond, Advertising Slogans and Famous Spaceships amongst other things, all in an effort to raise money for the shut Thanks again to Rik and Emily Saunderson for helping to organise this event.

Ask Your Elders Following the successful trips to Poland, Rabbi Et Deborah Garson felt it was time for the next generation to hear the stories of the special survivors. Working together with Rabbi Andrew Davis, Deputy Head and Head of Kodesh of Yavneh College, they launched a program called Ask your Elders. On average some 75 kids aged 11-15 were kindly hosted locally in people's homes and had the opportunity to hear the stories first hand. Leslie Kleinman of Southend kicked off the first session. He was born in 1929 to a Satm ar Hasidic fam ily in the small v il­ lage of Ombod in Rom ania. Leslie survived several death cam ps including A uschw itz and w as liberated w hile on a death march to the infamous Dachau Exterm ination Camp on April 23, 1945. Always with a twinkle in his eye he is an inspiration to all th at meet him and hear his story of

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children gained a greater appreciation o f their blessings. Rabbi Garson told them that the mantra of Never Again can only occur if we Never Forget; and learning from those who suffered is one sure w ay to achieve this. We are grateful to all the survivors and hosts for helping make this programme a success.

Family Ties

Leslie Ft Miriam Klein man together with Benjamin Perl, President o f Yavneh Collage, and children from Ohr Yisrael and Yavneh. Photography by Alan Fish Living World miraculous survival. During our second session, the children were inspired by Alec Ward. Alec w as born in Parysow, Poland, in March 1927. In October 1942, the W arszaw fam ily w as moved into the ghetto in Kozienice. Alec ran aw ay from the ghetto and hid with a Christian fam ily for a few months. W hile he was gone, the ghetto was liquidated and his fa ­ ther, mother, and siblings were taken to Treblinka. On Ja n ­ uary 20, 1945, he arrived in Buchenwald and was assigned to the Flossburg subcam p for a tim e, before being tran s­ ferred to M authausen. Alec w as liberated from M au ­ thausen by American troops on May 5, 1945. He lives with his w ife Hettie in Elstree and is a true Jew ish hero, who is a huge inspiration to all that are privileged to meet him. Our final session was given by Mr. Yisroel Abelesz who was born in Hungary and lived in the Jew ish com m unity in Kapuvar. As a young boy of only 14 he arrived at A uschw itz. His m iraculous story of surviving not only the death camp but several brutal selections is remarkable. M any w ithin the com m unity heard his story first hand on one o f our trips to Poland. Now is the tim e for the younger genera­ tion to hear, to learn and be inspired. By hearing the lessons from these w onderful heroes, the

This year saw the launch o f a new initiative. Every Motzsei Shabbat, parents and grandparents came to shul to learn w ith th eir children/grandchildren. The successful programme ran some 10 weeks over the w inter and was a golden opportunity to spend q u ality tim e bonding with our children and learning Torah.

Scholar in Residence - Judge Dan Butler As the w inter m onths began, our com m unity was inspired over Shabbat w ith a special Scho lar-in-R esid ence. Audiences all over North Am erica have been bowled over by Judge Butler's personal and professional perspectives, his w h irlw in d delivery, gentle hum our, and rem arkable insights into the hum an condition. He drew on his experiences as a father, a syndicated weekly colum nist, a secu rities salesm an, a college professor, a retail store m anager and a regional director for the National Confer­ ence o f Synagogue Youth (NCSY). Dan had been a judicial law clerk, a prosecutor, a fam ily co urt hearing o ffice r and a fa m ily court mediator, successfully settling over 1,100 custody cases. In addition he served as a judge o f the M unicipal Court of Pittsburgh, as well as on Pittsburgh's specialized, Domestic Violence Court.

BBM - Relaunch with a Power Hour The Boreham wood Beit Hamedrash W inter term was launched with a special BBQ dinner and a Power Hour. Six local Rabbis each gave a punchy short ten m inute dvar torah, full o f inspiration.

Chanuka Fair - A Little Goes a Long Way In the w ider w orld, the com m ercialisation o f religious festivals has largely overshadowed their spiritual meaning. Am idst the m aelstrom o f fra n tic shopping, the money spent goes largely to m egalithic corporations, whose mass produced goods can be acquired in any number of places; but it doesn't have to be this way.

Photography by Alan Fish Living World

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Our com m unity is blessed with talented artists, m usicians and entrepreneurs. This year, we gathered fourteen of them , including fine artists Emil Fuer and Tilla Manya Chaya Crowne, and for one day only, transformed our shul into a vibrant Chanukah G ift Fair. It w as a w onderful social event, th at not only gave our

Ha moor /April 2013


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members the chance to buy unique and beautiful gifts, but also served as an opportunity to support a wide range of local businesses; m any o f whom have suffered through the dark days of the recession. At the same time we raised a Chanukah gift for the shul, £280, through stall holder fees. Chanukah teaches us that a little can go a long way, and in this spirit, I hope th at this money w ill be spent im aginatively, on the lit t le things' that w ill make a big difference. In this way, we can use it to brighten our entire com m unity, maybe even until next Chanukah. Our thanks to Dr. Michelle Supper for organising this event.

visitor to our cem etery in Rainham tending to his parents' graves who are interred there and although not our mem­ ber, he alw ays makes time to chat to our staff. On a recent visit he noticed that our Rev Malcolm Brown was strug­ gling to pull the bier uphill and in his usual quiet m anner asked if an electric bier would be of benefit to the cem e­ tery. Rev Brown said yes and w ith o u t any hesitation, he decided to donate a new electric bier in m em ory of his parents.

Sixth Jewish Journey to Poland 26th - 29th May 2013 (dates to be confirmed) Following 5 successful trip to Poland, Rabbi Garson together with Tzvi Sperber director of JRoots will be lead­ ing another trio. trip. This tim e we w ill be visitin g :

Lancut, Warsaw, Lublin, Majdanek, Lezajsk, Zbylitowska Gora, Tarnow, Krakow and Auschwitz Birkenau. Once again we will be im m ensely privileged to be joined by Leslie Kleinm an, survivo r o f several death cam ps and the death march to Dacahu. Opportunities like this are becoming rarer each day. For more details please email Rabbi Garson rabbi@ or call 07966-105-609.


Head Office

The top table at the Chevra Kedisha Seuda: (left to right) Mr Michael Ezra - Joint Honorary Treasurer o f the Burial Society Mr Alan Finlay - President o f The Federation o f Synagogues Rabbi Ephraim Mirvis - Guest Speaker, Dayan Y. Y. Lichtenstein Rosh Beis Din, Dayan M. D, Elzas - Head o f Kashrus Rabbi E. Salasnik - Former Rav o f Waltham Forest Hebrew Congregation, RevS. Myers - Rav o f Waltham Forest Hebrew Congregation, Mr M. Phillips - Chairman o f Waltham Forest Hebrew Congregation

Chevra Kedisha Seuda The Burial Society have been very fortunate this year to have received a most generous donation from one of our benefactors - Mr Ronald Brown. r Brown o f Ronald Brown O pticians fam e is a regular

Rabbi Jeffrey Cohen, Joint Treasurer o f the Burial Society, ad­ dressing colleagues and guests at the 7th Adar Chevra Kedisha Seuda held on 17 February 2013 at the Waltham Forest Hebrew Congregation, Boundary Road

Hamaor / April 2013

For those o f the boxing fratern ity, you m ay recall the Brown brothers w ho both had a distinguished career in boxing in the early part of the 20th century. Ronald's uncle known as 'Jo hnny Brow n' becam e a star perform er throughout his nine-year career, eventually rising to B an ­ tam w eight Cham pion of Great Britain and the w inner of a Lord Lonsdale Bantam w eight Challenge Belt. He won the belt at th at w eight and defended it tw ice and his w as the last original belt to be won outright.

Ronald's father known as 'Young Johnny Brown' followed in his older brother's footsteps and also became an accom­ plished fighter in his own right. His boxing career spanned more than ten years and took him into the precincts of the world famous National Sporting Club (NSC) to fight for an English championship and the Lord Lonsdale Belt. He also appeared at London venues such as the Royal Al­ bert Hall, Olympia and the Holland Park Rink. He also per­ formed with distinction in both South Africa and in America. The Federation Burial Society is indeed indebted to Mr Brown for his generous donation. Page 5




Frontal Courtesy By Alan Finlay The story is told of Rabbi Moshe Feinstein zt'l and Rabbi Yaakov Kamenetzky zt'l, both Torah giants of American Jewry, who, following a convention, were waiting in a hotel lobby for their driver. The two were engrossed in deep conver­ sation and the other conference dele­ gates wanted to know what intricate talmudic matter, what detailed halachic issue, they r were discussing. The delegates approached to discover that they were working out which one of them was going to be dropped off first by the driver so that that person could sit in the back seat and not leave the driver unattended in the front seat for the remainder of the journey. Such sensitivity for the feelings of another is a lesson to us all.


I recently spoke at the Chevra Kadisha dinner which the Federation Burial Society holds annually to express its appreciation for the work carried out by the volunteer ladies and gentlemen of the Chevra. Quoting from Parshas Shemini, I said that Moses officiated as the Cohen Gadol (FHigh Priest) for the first seven days of the inauguration of the Tabernacle and on the eighth day, he stepped down in favour of his brother Aharon. Rabbi Bernstein zt'l links this event with the episode at the burning bush where Moses has a dialogue with Hashem, over seven days, about leading the Bnei Yisrael out of Egypt. Moses objections result in Hashem becoming angry and, as stated by Rashi, Moses is told that had he accepted Hashem's call, he, not Aharon, would have been Cohen Gadol permanently.


As Rabbi Bernstein says, if someone says to you "I was going to make you a king but I have changed my mind", you will think "I do not know what it means to be a king." But make me a king for seven days, let me enjoy the power and the majesty and then say that can no longer be king, I will know what it means to be a king and will know what I have lost. And so, when Moses at the burning bush is told by Hashem that he will not be Cohen Gadol, he does not know of what he is being de­ prived. But make Moses a Cohen Gadol for seven days and then tell him that he has to step down in favour of his brother, he will fully understand his "punishment." Rabbi Bernstein, quoting the Medrash Shmuel, links the same idea to the concept, quoted in Ethics of the Fathers, where after certain sins have been enumerated, the mishna says that these "remove a person from the world". Says the Medrash Shmuel, this refers to the Ho'olom Habo, the World to Come. Say to a Jew that you will not be going to Ho'olom Habo, we do not know what it means. Let a Jew see what he could have had and then take him out for the rest of eternity, he know what he could have had and what he never have. In carrying out the tahara, the preparation of the body for burial

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the ladies and gentlemen of the Chevra Kadisha treat every mais with respect and sensitivity, whether the deceased has been a good person, a wicked person or an average person. Every deceased Jew enters the World to Come. How long he or she stays there is not for us to judge, in truth because as we do not know what reward is given for each mitzvah. Treating everyone with sensitivity and re­ spect is an honourable aim, whether the person is alive or dead. I hope that I have upheld this ideal during my tenure as Federation President. However, being responsible for an organisation the size of the Federation, it is inevitable that there are, on occasions, dis­ agreements and conflicts. I have developed a theory called Frontal Courtesy. Ever been behind a driver who allows every car to come out from a side road, or waits for a pedestrian three yards from the zebra crossing to approach and cross over, or slows down on approaching a green traffic light? What a considerate driver to the needs of others! But such drivers show concern only for the people in front; never mind the three-mile tail­ back of frustrated drivers behind. That is what I call Frontal Courtesy. Notwithstanding our desire to be respectful and sympathetic to the person in front of us, the Honorary Officers also have a legal and moral responsibility to the membership as a whole and are obliged to make decisions or take certain courses of actions, even if this means that someone is upset. Being respectful and sympathetic does not mean that we are a "soft touch", having to agree to what­ ever somebody demands. We would always prefer to settle disputes but if that cannot be achieved, then we are forced to end up in litigation whether before a Beis Din or in the secular courts. So, if one of our kashrus licensees has outstanding license fees, we are entitled to take legal action to recover the outstanding debt. That money is needed for the running of our kashrus operation. We may be sympathetic to individuals' personal circumstances but a debt has been incurred which needs to be pursued. Another example. The Federation owns various properties jointly with individuals. At the time of writing this article, one co-owner claims that his proportion of the relevant property is higher because of work which he has previously carried out, although without the knowledge or prior consent of the Federation. The Honorary Officers cannot gift any of its assets, either legally or morally, because they are held for the benefit of the whole membership. Okay we say, but show us the invoices for the work that has been carried out so that we can obtain a revised valuation and take a view. Invoices have not yet been submitted and the individual is upset that we have not agreed to his demands. This is my last term of office. Whether I have upheld the highest principles of Yiddishkeit is for others to judge. But I can say that have always treated everyone with courtesy and respect, whatever the provocation. Who knows who we might end up meeting after 120 years in the World to Come? My colleagues in Head Office join with me in wishing you and your families a happy and kosher Pesach. Ha m oor / A p ril 2013

The Legend of YS By Dr Eli Kienwald - Chief Executive e te rn ity . A s w ith all d ro w n ed c itie s, it is said th a t on sto rm y n ig h ts you can hear the bells o f the ch u rch o f Y s rin g in g d o le fu lly o u t, and s o m e tim e s even the m o u rn fu l crie s o f th e lo n e ly m erm aid . B u t is th e re a tru e sto ry behind th is leg end ? In the d a ys w h e n sim p le to w n - fo lk had no m e a n s o f c o m m ittin g fa c ts to w ritte n records, real e v e n ts w ere e a sily d isto rte d w ith the passage o f tim e ; fic tio n w as added lib e ra lly to th e fa c ts , o fte n w e a v in g a rich e m b ro id e ry o f im a g in a ry d e ta il in to th e o rig in a l n a rra tiv e . The g re a t French co m p o se r C la u d e D eb ussy (1 8 6 2 -1 9 1 8 ) w a s one o f the m ain e xp o n e n ts o f the so -c a lle d M u sica l Im p re ssio n ism , a m o v e m e n t in European cla ssica l m u sic w h ich appeared in th e late

A s I w a s re se a rc h in g "A H o lid a y to R e m e m b e r" (see

19th and c o n tin u e d in to th e b e g in n in g o f the 2 0 th ce n tu ry . Th is novel style fo cu sed on a su g g estio n and an atm o sp h ere ra th e r th an on a stro n g e m o tio n . One

its tw in c o u n te rp a rt o ff th e co a st o f N o rm and y, M ont S a in t- M ic h e l. The g e o g ra p h ica l co rre sp o n d e n ce be­ tw e e n th e tw o tid a l is la n d s and th e g e o p h y sic a l

o f his m ost no tab le piano co m p o sitio n s is a Prelude nam ed 'La C a th e d ra le E n g lo u tie ' (The S u b m erg e d C a th e d ra l). The piece is based on an a n c ie n t Breton m yth in w h ic h a c a th e d ra l, subm erged o ff th e co st o f

s im ila ritie s are w o n d ro u s m ira c le s o f n a tu re . E q u a lly a m a zin g w a s th e d isc o v e ry th a t th a t region o f France,

th e Islan d o f Ys, rise s up fro m th e sea on c le a r m o rn in g s w h en the w a te r is tra n sp a re n t. S o u n d s can

fro m R o m an tim e s and th ro u g h o u t the M iddle Ages.

be heard o f p rie sts c h a n tin g , b e lls c h im in g and an organ p la yin g fro m a cro ss th e sea. D eb u ssy uses cle ve r and in n o v a tiv e h a rm o n ie s to a llu d e to th e plot o f th e legend w h ic h , a c c o rd in g to se v e ra l o f its versio n s, o rig in ated aro und the 11th or 12th ce n tu ry.

The events which gave rise to this folk tale centre on the city of Ys, built by King Gradlon for his daughter Dahut on the coast of Brittany. There was no city in the world which came anywhere near the beauty and magnificence of Ys but its inhabitants, and particularly the Princess, were evil and corrupt. The island was protected from the ocean by a strong .system of gates and sea-locks, with King Gradlon carrying the only key around his neck all the time. One night, while the king was asleep, Dahut and one of her paramours stole the key, opened the gate and the sea flooded into the city submerging it. King Gradlon was so enraged with his daughter that he threw her into the oncoming torrent where she be­ came a mermaid, doomed to swim the lonely seas for Ha m oor / A p ril 2013

Plam aor Pesach 5 7 7 2 ), I becam e p ro fo u n d ly in terested in th e re la tio n s h ip b e tw e e n S t M ic h a e l's M o u n t at M arazio n in C o rn w a ll, th e su b je c t o f th a t sto ry, and

in c lu d in g B ritta n y , th e Lo ire V a lle y and N o rm a n d y, w e re th e site o f m a n y im p o rta n t Je w is h c o m m u n itie s In 1 9 7 6 , e x c a v a tio n s in and a ro u n d th e P a la is de Ju s tic e in R ouen (N o rm an d y) yield ed an u n e xp e cte d tre a s u re : p ro b a b ly a y e s h iv a or a sy n a g o g u e d a tin g back to th e 12th C e n tu ry , m akin g it th e o ld e st p re­ served Je w is h m o n u m e n t in W estern Europe. R o u en 's P alais de Ju s tic e is on the n o rth e rn b o u n d a ry o f w h a t w a s th e Rue de Ju ifs .

French reco rd s fro m the 15th

C e n tu ry d escrib e a Je w is h sch o o l on th e sp o t. W h a t h ap p en ed to th e Je w is h people o f R o u en and w h a t is th e ir c o n n e c tio n w ith th e Islan d o f Y s and La C a th e d ra le E n g lo u tie ? In th e y e a r 1 0 9 6 th e C ru s a d e rs w e re m a ra u d in g th ro u g h Euro pe on th e w a y to Je ru s a le m . T h e y w ere p illa g in g and d e stro yin g and m u rd e rin g in th e nam e o f a fa ith a b o u t w h ic h m a n y o f th e m had little u n d e rs ta n d in g . A n y o n e w h o w a s n o t a p ra c tis in g C h ris tia n w o u ld be a t risk. In th e sp rin g o f th a t y e a r, th e J e w s o f R o u e n w e re b aking th e ir m a tz o s fo r Pesach w h e n a c o m p a n y o f C ru s a d e rs fro m th e R h in e la n d d e sce n d e d in to th e Page 7

nan n 4 D e R A T IO M OF S Y N A G O G U E S

p eace fu l N orm an to w n . An evil yo u n g w o m a n , by the

tu n n e l th a t w a s to lead them to sa fe ty . No one w as

n am e o f A h es, had g iven b irth to a baby o u t o f

ta lk in g and the th o u g h t th a t th e y w ere w a lk in g ju s t

w e d lo ck and , u n ab le to bear th e ig n o m in y, to g e th e r

b e lo w a rag in g o ce a n did n o t cro ss a n y o n e 's m ind.

w ith her p a rtn e r decided to m u rd e r the c h ild . T h e y

O nce o u t in the open th e y fo u n d th e m se lv e s in the

did so by c u ttin g th e b ab y's w r is ts and le ttin g him

th ic k o f a pine fo rest. Th ey all agreed th a t th ey should

bleed to d eath . Ahes, co n cern ed th a t her crim e m ig h t

d isp erse and try to reach v a rio u s su rro u n d in g v illa g e s

be discovered by the a u th o ritie s, tu rn ed to the cap tain

w h e re th e y co u ld fin d refu g e. And so th e y did.

o f th e

C ru sa d e rs


a c c u se d

th e

lo ca l Je w is h

c o m m u n ity o f killin g her baby as p art o f th e ir ritu a l

In th e m e a n tim e , d e te rm in e d to c o m m it her h ein o u s

to bake m atzo s (blood libel).

c rim e , A h e s had reach ed th e lo cks s e p a ra tin g the islan d fro m th e sea.

The Je w ish co m m u n ity w a s put on trial and th is lasted se v e ra l w e e k s: n e w s sp read th ro u g h o u t n o rth e rn Fran ce and reach ed Tro ye s and th e revered Rabbi Shlo m o Y itzch a k i (R ash i). A lth o u g h he p erso nified the g e n iu s o f n o rth e rn

Fren ch Ju d a is m

(h is d e vo ted

a tta c h m e n t to tra d itio n and his u n tro u b le d fa ith and his p ie ty w ere h ig h ly resp ected ), he w a s p o w e rle ss to stop the w a v e o f a n ti- S e m itis m and blind h atred th a t ran th ro u g h the local populus. The h a stily assem b led trib u n a l ruled th a t th e Je w is h c o m m u n ity w a s g u ilty o f in fa n tic id e and , sin c e A h es w a s the in d ire ct v ic tim o f the c rim e , sh e co u ld decide the p u n ish m e n t th a t w a s to be m eted o u t. The cru el w o m an sug g ested th a t, sin ce th e C ru sa d e rs had been w a g in g a bloody d isp u te w ith the King o f Ys, a little island o ff the B ritta n y co a st, th e y w o u ld a c h ie v e tw o o b je ctive s at the sam e tim e by g a th e rin g th e 3 0 0 or so m em bers o f th e Rouen Je w is h c o m m u n ity in to the la rg e st b u ild in g on th e isla n d , its c a th e d ra l, and

The Island o f YS N o rm ally, th e w a y to o p erate th ese locks w a s fo r the in te rn a l and

e x te rn a l g a te s n e ve r to be opened

to g e th e r but, in her fre n zy, A h e s did not n o tice th a t the in te rn a l gate w a s a lre a d y w id e open and, as she re leased th e o u te r o n e, th e o cean poured in to the islan d and sw e p t her a w a y in an u n sto p p ab le v o rte x .


A b o y-sh ep h erd , w h o w a s tend ing to his flo ck on high g ro u n d along the m a in la n d co ast, saw it all happen.

d ro w n in g m en, w o m e n and c h ild re n . The C ru sa d e rs

Fie heard the roar o f the w a te rs and looked in a m a z e ­

ag reed , loaded th e w h o le o f the Je w is h c o m m u n ity

m e n t as the ocean cascad ed into the vo id . He heard

o n to h o rse -d rive n c a rts and tra n sp o rte d th em to Ys.

the bells o f the ca th e d ra l rin g in g as th e y w ere sw u n g by th e ru sh in g to rre n t and he co u ld pick up the sig h t

o p e n in g

th e

s e a - lo c k s ;

flo o d in g

th e

isla n d

They shep herd ed e veryb o d y in to the c a th e d ra l, locked the doors, ordered o n ly A h es to a ct as the e x e c u tio n e r and left.

o f a y o u n g w o m a n , her lo w e r body deep in w a te r, g rip p in g d e sp e ra te ly the top spire o f the c h u rc h . To his sim p le m ind, she re a lly looked like a m erm aid .

In sid e th e c h u rc h p a n ic w a s ra g in g ; w o m e n w ere s c re a m in g ,

c h ild re n

w e re

c ry in g


m en

w e re

p re p a rin g th e m s e lv e s fo r th e sad d e s tin y th a t w a s w a itin g fo r th e m .

The tu m u lt soon g ave w a y to an

eerie sile n ce , broken o n ly by the q u ie t w h isp e rin g o f p rayer, w h e n a yo u n g m aid by th e n am e o f T ife re s, w h o knew her w a y round the place b ecau se she had been w o rkin g on the island as a cle a n e r, s a id : "I know a w a y o u t o f here. There is a se cre t p a ssa g e w a y from the c ry p t th a t w ill take us back to the m ainland".

T h is is how the legend o f Ys w a s born. M a n y y e a rs la te r, a fte r th e C ru sa d e s, the Je w s o f Rouen retu rn ed to th e ir city. They baked th e ir m atzo s ag ain and th e y fo u n d e d a y e sh iv a w h ic h th e y nam ed T ife re s Y isra e l, w ith the 'sh in ' and the 'reish' o f Y israe l se p a ra te d by a s lig h tly la rg e r gap, as an e v e rla stin g re m in d er o f the m ira cle th a t w a s p erfo rm ed fo r them th ro u g h yo u n g T ife re s on the island o f Ys.


w a s n o t long b efo re e v e ry o n e had file d o u t o f the

M ay w e all en jo y o u r m atzo s th is Pesach in peace and

m ain n ave and in to th e n a rro w a p e rtu re and th e

freed o m .

Page 8

Hamaor / April 2013


The Hebrew M onths Nissan, lyar, Sivan, Tam m uz and the Adoptive A ttitudes o f the Second Temple Period. By Rabbi Alan Lewis The Ramban writes that when we came out of Babylonia to build the Second Temple we kept the Persian names of the months of the Hebrew calen­ dar as a reminder that, that was the place where we were dwelling and that was the place from where we made our Aliya to Eretz Yisroel. In a fascinating thought brought in his Emess L'Yaakov, Rabbi Yaakov Kamenetzsky asks, on our return from Bavel why did we keep these Persian names of the months of our calendar, especially since they were obviously non-Jewish and also, more importantly, at least one of them, the month of Tammuz, was the name of an idol? Surely if there was no need for living in the diaspora and a redemption was being experienced by the people of Israel, why did we not revert back to calling our months as they were originally called in the Torah and in the vast majority of the books of the Prophets? Nissan is simply called Hachodesh Harishon (the first month), lyar is called Hachodesh Hashaini (the second month). In fact the only time the months are called by their Persian names in Tanach (Bible) is in Megillas Esther and in the books of the Prophets of Bavel!

the First. Top of the list of these missing items was the Aron Hakodesh, the Holy Ark of the Covenant which contained the Luchos, the two tablets of stone engraved with the Ten Commandments. The Aron had been deliberately hidden by King Yoshiyahu before the destruction of the First Temple. A Cohen who was serving in the Second Temple, once noticed that there was something irregular about the floor of the Tem­ ple. When this Cohen came to tell his friend about his discovery, his soul suddenly departed from him. Seemingly everyone knew that this Cohen had found King Yoshiyahu's hiding place for the Aron and they also understood that the Aron was not supposed to be placed in the Kodesh Kedoshim the Holy of Holies during the Second Temple period. Nevertheless we must ask why this was so?

Reb Yaakov also brings to our attention the very poignant practice in the times of the Second Temple to use Aramaic as the spoken language and Loshon Hakodesh (Hebrew) was only spoken by Talmidai Chochomim (Torah Scholars) and written for the purposes of Divrai Torah. Once again we can ask if this was a time of redemption why were they not speaking Loshon Hakodesh, for don't Chazal praise the Bnai Yisroel in the Egyptian exile for speaking and retaining the Holy Hebrew Language?

Reb Yaakov explains that the builders of the Second Temple must have known that this great, awe-inspir­ ing edifice, was not going to stand forever. They also comprehended that their present return to Eretz Yis­ roel was not the Final Redemption. In fact they looked upon this time of Jewish history as an interim period of preparation for the long Golus (Diaspora) ahead. Truthfully, they needed to remain in Bavel for a lot longer. However through Hashem's guiding hand, it was seen very clearly that, as a result of as­ similation and inter-marriage with the Babylonians and Persians, if the Jewish people were to remain in Babylonia, hundreds of thousands of Jews would be lost. To remain as a distinct clearly-defined nation, we had reached a most critical point in our spiritual and physical well-being. As a result, Hashem took pity upon His people and granted them passage from Babylonia back to Eretz Yisroel, all be it, temporarily. He gave them the opportunity to rebuild the Temple in order that they could reinvigorate themselves with the foundations of faith in the Master of the World and so that there should be a waning of the bitterness of the Golus.

In order to answer these questions we should make ourselves aware of a very interesting piece of infor­ mation that the Gemorrah Yuma 21b tells us about the Second Temple. Namely, there were five things missing from the Second Temple that were present in

However, in order that it should be clearly apparent that this period in our history was not the real re­ demption, the holy Ark of the Covenant, which was the true source of sanctity in the first Temple, was missing in the second Temple.

Hamaor / April 2013

Page 9

n ia o n


In recognition of the fact that this was not the time of the Final Redemption, those who came up from Bavel to the Holy Land accustomed themselves to portray, in a number of matters, that this time period was still one of Golus and that this second Temple was destined to be destroyed. Consequently as a true re­ minder of their Golus state, the names of the months were still called by their Persian/Babylonian names. The names did not revert back to their numerical titles of the Torah. The spoken language, even for these new dwellers in the Land, was Aramaic and not Loshon Hakodesh and the Talmud Yerushalmi, in spite of the fact that it was written in Eretz Yisroel, was written predominantly in Aramaic.

to Yerushalayim and really fulfil all our Temple du­ ties.

Interestingly in this period of our history, there was no re-establishing of the Kingdom of the House of Dovid; for this would have created the incorrect im­ pression at a time when the overriding sentiment still had to be one of Golus. Only once the future Redemp­ tion has arrived can a king from the dynasty of King Dovid truly be enthroned. Based on this reasoning that these times were still of the experience of exile, we do not find many complaints from our Sages di­ rected towards the Hasmonean kings, even though it was wrong for Kohanim to become kings.


For many years now it has always troubled me, espe­ cially when it came to Yomtov, that the Anshai Kenesses Hagdolah (The Men of the Great Assembly) who composed, in the Second Temple period, the major part of the liturgy of our prayers, wrote the fol­ lowing words for us to say during the Musaf service. "And it is because of our sins that we have been exiled from our land and we have been distanced from our ground. We cannot go up and appear and prostrate ourselves in front of You (G-d) and do our obligations in your Temple." How could our Rabbis tell us to recite such utterances when at the time of their instructing of our prayers, there was a Temple in which all our obligations were being fulfilled and we were living in our land? Through the understanding that we have gleaned from Reb Yaakov of this Second Temple period, we can now appreciate why our Sages composed such liturgy. The Men of the Great Assembly were merely reflecting the sentiments of the time; that even though there was a Temple, it was still a time of Golus. We need to remain in this frame of mind until, speedily in our days, we will no longer be in the diaspora with our di­ aspora mindset, but rather we will experience the ful­ filment of the prayer, when we will be able to go up Page 10

May this month of Nissan, the First month of our cal­ endar, be a month of Final Redemption when we can throw off at long last the bitter yoke of Golus and ex­ perience the great Yomtov of Pesach in all its redemp­ tive glory. Chag Kosher Vesameach.


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t 020 8958 3665 e info@ m Ham aor / A pril 2013

Pesach and Jewish Eternity By Rabbi Jonathan Hughes, Associate Rabbi at Hendon United Synagogue and Tribe Chinuch Liaison %

On Jewish festivals we do not recollect national events in our history; we relive them. The access to holiness during Pesach 2013 is no different at the time of the Exodus itself over 3000 years In Jewish thought, time does not merely pass over us (no pun intended!) in a linear fashion; rather, we pass through time, which carries with it cycles of spiritual portals. At this time of year, we re-enter the chambers of the redemption from Egypt. What secret can be discovered there?

to bend the knee to the rampantly idolatrous society in which he lived, is to be embraced, not ignored.

When we read the Haggadah, we fulfil the Talmudic dictate of starting the recounting of the Exodus with a description of the humble origins of the Jewish people, before ending in its praise: 'In the beginning, our forefathers were idolaters... Terach the father of Abraham and Nachor...’. What is the point of doing this? Why highlight the embarrassing polytheism of our pre-Abrahamic progenitors? After all, Abraham heroically detached himself entirely from his predecessors and established a new family devoted to the cause of promulgating ethical monotheism. So why bring up the 'non-frum' genealogy he so doggedly strove to break away from?

Under the nefarious Egyptians, the Jewish people descended to the 49th level of impurity. The 50th level would have meant irrevocable spiritual death. But there was a covenant - a brit - that G-d promised to Abraham. So we were whisked out of Egypt in a supernaturally speedy fashion, as is symbolised by matzah, which it is taken out of the oven just before it rises to become chametz - the puffy dough that represents spiritual negativity. Pesach is the time when Abrahams's struggle was rewarded, when we re-encounter the essence of the indomitable Jewish soul.

Rav Dessler, zt'l, explains that the reference to Abraham’s lowly origins is not something to be ashamed of. On the contrary, his determination, courage and insatiable pursuit of truth were only brought to the fore on account of his upbringing. His background gave Abraham the opportunity to be a trailblazer! Each of us knows how difficult it is to swim against the tide, to boldly go where no one has gone before, to muster the sheer gall to rebel against one's environment. Abraham's stiffed-necked refusal

In our lives we go through our own exiles and redemptions, as individuals and as a community. There are times when we think there is no way out, that all hope is lost. The message of Pesach is that no matter how dark it gets, or how dejected we feel inside, the neshama we have inside of us can never be destroyed, our hope can never be extinguished. May this Pesach be the time when we rediscover the essence of who we reallv are and that we see the final redemption of the Jewish people, speedily in our days.

Hamaor / April 2013

How, though, is Abraham's recalcitrance relevant to the Exodus, and in what way does it speak to us today? Rav Dessler tells us that in return for his stubborn allegiance to truth, Abraham received a covenant from G-d ensuring that the kernel of holiness he implanted within himself would, in turn, be passed on to his progeny and be ensconced in the heart of every Jew for all time. This covenant was nothing short of spiritual gene therapy, precipitated by Abraham's achievements. In effect, G-d promised that the evil inclination, against which Abraham so bravely battled, could never entirely obliterate the indefatigable Jewish soul.

Page 11



Dayan Yitzchak Rudnick lonely man of faith By Rabbi Johnny Solomon Dayan Yitzchak Rudnick was born in Lithuania in 1904 into a distinguished rabbinic fam ­ ily. In his youth, he studied in famous Slabodka Yeshiva under Rabbi Moshe Mordechai Epstein, but in 1924, in response to the Russian conscription edict, he travelled with around 150 students from Slabodka to Chevron, where they established Yeshivas Chevron. In the wake of the 1929 Arab attacks, in which 24 fellow students were killed, Dayan Rudnick came to London where he married the daughter of Rabbi Pinchas Yaakov Gerber, then the rabbi of the Cannon Street shul. On the death of his father-inlaw, Dayan Rudnick took over this position, where he served until his death in 1975. Dayan Rudnick was an expert in Talmudic studies, and it pained him greatly1 that his community was only interested in homiletic sermons and did not ask him Shailos (halachic questions) which he was more than qualified to answer. He writes2 that one of the Birkos HaTorah that we recite each day is the bracha of La'asok B'divrei Torah, which is fulfilled by strengthening Torah practice. Faced with the decline of Orthodoxy in his community, he lamented that he did not have many opportunities to strengthen Torah practice. He explains: T have therefore decided to fu lfil my duty to strengthen Torah practice by compiling and printing my Torah thoughts'. W hilst Dayan Rudnick could have achieved this objective by submitting articles to Rabbinical journals, there was a further reason why he felt compelled to publish seforim. He writes that 'we are pained that we did not merit having sons... Therefore, my wife the dear Rabbanit Zlata, daugh­ ter of HaRav HaGaon Rabbi Pinchas Yaakov Gerber z’l, author of the books Yad Pinchas and Raui L'Bila, Page 12

asked that I make an eternal memorial. I have therefore printed and published, with much exertion, this book, so it should be an eternal memorial for us'. His first book, which contains a mix of Chiddushei Torah (Torah insights) and Shailos U'Teshuvos (Responsa) was called Sefer Sadeh Yitzchak (literally, ‘field of Yitzchak'). It was published in London in 5721 (1960) and it was given this title because he felt that his novellae were seeds that were sown with the help of G-d3. Eight years later, Dayan Rudnick published Sefer Pri Yitzchak (literally, 'Fruit of Yitzchak') - which also contained Chiddushei Torah and Shailos U'Teshuvos. It was given this name because this was the fruit of the original 'field'4.

Shailos U’Teshuvos Many of the questions which Dayan Rudnick addresses were theoretical, and he emphasises that his responses are intended to stim ulate halachic discussion, and so represent only his own intellec­ tual opinion, rather than a practical ruling. In fact, in his approbation to Sefer Pri Yitzchak, Rabbi Moshe Feinstein reiterates this message, noting that this sefer is intended to stimulate halachic discus­ sion and demonstrate how to plumb the depths of halacha. However, where any of these questions arise in practice, a Moreh Hora'ah (halachic arbitrator) should revisit all the key sources. n ight of this, one may have expected these responsa to have little practical application, However, the questions which Dayan Rudnick chooses to address are both broad in their subject, and remain profoundly relevant today, such as: Does Judaism permit active euthanasia?5 Can a Jew become a boxer?6 Is it permitted to watch a church service on television?7 Is it permitted for Jews to frequent betting shops and if they do, are they forbidden to testify in a Jewish court?8 Is the testing of medicines on animals permitted?9 Is it permitted for Jews to watch a b ullfig ht?10 Can a Jew model clothes?11 Hamaor /April 2013

Given his expertise in Talmudic studies, it is unsur­ prising that each answer quotes a wide range of rabbinic texts and incorporates a great number of halachic insights. However, I also feel that there is a sense of melancholy as most of these questions are entirely fictitious.

loneliness. Our challenge is to avoid perpetuating this experience: by thinking about our Judaism, by asking our Rabbis questions, and by appreciating their Torah knowledge in light of the answers they provide.

Chiddushei Torah In addition to Shailos U'Teshuvos, Dayan Rudnick penned many Chiddushei Torah. Here is one beau­ tiful example: The fifth braeha of the Amidah, known as Hashiveinu, opens with ‘Bring us back, Our Father, to Your Torah, and bring us near, Our King, to Your service'.


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All too often we don't appreciate our leaders until they move on or pass on. Anglo-Jewry is a small community but it has been the home of many great people. Sometimes we think that Rabbis are too busy to answer questions but, most often, they can t wait for someone to ask them a challenging Torah question. Dayan Rudnick's personal tragedy was his religious Hamaor / April 2013

a n

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Why, asks Dayan Rudnick12, do we refer to G-d as 'our Father' when speaking about Torah, but in ref­ erence to ritual service, we address Him as 'our King?

Conclusion One of the reasons Dayan Rudniek wrote his books was to establish an eternal memorial for both him­ self and his wife. It is therefore an honour to have the opportunity to fulfil his wish by sharing some of his Torah. However, it remains very sad that many of us have not heard of Dayan Rudnick. He was a man who knew much Torah yet was able to share very little of it with his community; he was a man of great faith yet he was also a lonely man of faith.

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He explains that children inherit the possessions of their parents. Since the Torah is an inheritance to the Jewish nation, we refer to G-d as ‘our Father' when speaking about Torah. However, the Temple service provided atonement not only for the Jewish nation but also for all other nations. Therefore, the phrase 'bring us near, Our King, to Your service', which does not refer to the Jewish nation alone but includes all the other nations in the world, is used.13




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Front page o f Sefer Sadeh Yitzehak

Rabbi Joh n n y Solom on has worked in a range o f ca ­ p acities in the A nglo-Jew ish education community, m ost recently as Head o f Jew ish Stu d ies a t Hasmonean Girls' School. He now lives in Israel where he is a Jew ish education consultant. This article is part o f a larger project studying the responsa o f UK Rab­ bis. To find out more, visit 1Introduction to Sefer Sadeh Yitzchok 2Ibid. See also introduction to Sefer Pri Yitzchak introduction to Sefer Sodeh Yitzchak introduction to Sefer Pri Yitzchak 5lbid. No. 6 6lbid. No. 9 7Sefer Pri Yitzchak No. 4 ib id . No. 8 ib id . No. 18 10lbid. "Ibid. No. 24 ,2Sefer Sadeh Yitzchak No. 35 13In light o f this, Dayan Rudnick explains that since non-Jews were also stakeholders in the Temple, we publicise the miracle o f Chanukah to both Jews and non-Jews.

Page 13




'The Olden Days' By Gedalia Guttentag

The events of 3400 years ago are closer than you think

simply a description of a man enjoying some well-earned rest? Perhaps so.

If recent history is anything to go by, then this year a majority of Jewish people worldwide will sit down for a traditional Pesach Seder, including reading from the Haggadah. An overwhelming majority of Israelis (94% according to one survey) and over 70% of Ameri­ can Jews commemorate the redemption of the Jewish people every year.

But maybe the Torah is telling us something else. The strength of a child's connection to Judaism depends on the quality of his connection to the Jewish past. Parents transmit our tradition, but grandparents re­ inforce that link to the past. Yosef's great-grandchil­ dren were raised and educated with his input which heightened their connection to their Jewish past.

In a Jewish world that is mostly secular these figures are remarkable. It means that despite rampant assimilation, Jews continue to cherish and transmit the most basic idea of Judaism. It means that against the odds, the chain of our Mesorah [tradition] stretching back to the Exodus from Egypt, remains unbroken. This begs some questions. We as Jews continue to transmit a tradition more than 3000 years old. Plow reliable can a tradition over this length of time be? And why do so many otherwise unaffiliated Jews hold fast to this particular aspect of our Mesorah? The answer to these questions is that we're probably not aware how much of our knowledge of the world is absorbed through fam ily tradition rather than formal study. Young children love to ask 'Grandpa, tell me what it used to be like in the olden days'. They listen open-mouthed to tales of the bygone world without TV or internet. Parents, and grandparents for those fortunate enough to have them, provide a strong link to the past. In Parshat Vayechi we read of how Yosef, reigning viceroy of Egypt, finally got to enjoy some time with his family after his long years of suffering. He lived to the ripe old age of 110 and saw his great-grand­ children. Why does the Torah tell us this? Is it Page 14

This process of tradition exists everywhere in our lives. For a child born in the last few years, the concept of a world without cell-phones is bizarre. Flow do they know that this reality existed? Not through reading, but because someone told them. Or take for example the Second World War. Someone whose grandfather fought in the British Army is likely to know an approximate outline of the War even before he opens a history book. Having a Holo­ caust survivor in the family means that you probably know a lot without ever studying the Holocaust. The fascinating thing about tradition formed through these conversations across generations is just how easy it is to span vast lengths of time. Our own grandparents may have told us of their experiences 70 years ago around the time of the Second World War. Their grandparents would have told them of what they saw as far back as the 1870s. And their grandparents might have told them of their youth in the 1800s. Three normal conversations, interactions between grandparents and their grandchildren, connect you to more than 200 years of history. If we apply this logic to the tradition that we trace back to the Exodus, we can understand why our consciousness of these events is so remarkably clear. Read as a number, 3400 years is an extremely long time. But let's take it as the living chain of Mesorah that it really is. Flow many times did a Jewish grandfather tell his grandchild what it was like in the olden days? Flow many times did a Jewish grandHamaor /April 2013



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mother pass on what she had learned in her child­ hood home? Incredibly, it takes only 48 such conversations to span thousands of years since the Exodus! In educational terms, 3400 years is not that long at all. That is why our national consciousness of these ancient events is so clear to us today. When people are affected by something they see and tell the next generation, this becomes tradition. But when people are sure that their very essence depends on transmitting this information, this is something stronger: Mesorah. Even in the darkest times Jews have risked themselves to extend this golden chain, as in this moving story. The Bluzhever Rebbe was a well-known Chassidic leader famous for his piety. During the Holocaust he was interned in Bergen Belsen where he tried to en­ courage fellow Jews even in the depths of that hell. His incredible life is documented in Israeli writer Yaffa Eliach's book 'Hasidic Tales of the Holocaust'. In that kingdom of death it was unthinkable to do more than just survive, but the Bluzhever Rebbe was determined to do the unthinkable: he wanted to bake Matzah for Pesach. Procuring some flour and at great risk, he managed to bake a few Matzos; but then word got out. Soon he was surrounded by Jews wanting a morsel of Matzah.




Edmonton is the Federation's oldest cem etery dedicated in 1890. It is a cem etery o f great kedusha and has a long and distinguished history w ith m any Rabbis and tzadikim buried there. To mention a few, Lord Montagu who was President o f the Board in 1888 who headed the list of contributors








developm ent, is interred at Edmonton. Rabbi Eliezer Gordon from Telz who died suddenly in 1910 w h ile collecting for his Yeshiva is also buried at Edm onton. More than 30,000 people attended his Hespedim in the East End on the news of his death. Other prom inent Rabbis interred are the Sassover Rebbe, his Father and the Father o f Rabbi Dessler. The cem etery is very well m aintained open daily and w ith in easy reach o f NW London. The Ohel has been recently refurbished and there is a m anned o ffice for anyone w ishing to visit. Members of the Federation Burial Society are ordinarily entitled to be buried at our cem etery at Rainham . A supplem entary fee is added for members w ishing to

This commitment to passing on the foundations of our life as Jews, is the reason why after all these thousands of years our Mesorah is alive and well.

m arried

Hamaor / April 2013


As you are aw are, our cem etery in M ontagu Road,

Suddenly above the commotion, he heard a woman's voice asking for some Matzah. 'I have children', she said. 'They have never seen any Matza. If we ever get out of this, they have to know what Pesach is. Give me some Matzah for them!’

As you sit down to the Seder this year, you will be joined by millions of Jews of every possible hue all doing the same thing. are doing most meaningful thing possible for a Jew. We are adding another link in the golden chain of tradition. We are joining our grandparents as they joined theirs; creating a conversation that stretches 3400 years back all the way to 'the olden days' in Egypt.



reserve a plot at Edm onton. In response to recent enq uiries the Treasurers have decided to sig n ifica n tly reduce the fee previous applicable for reservations at Edmonton to £1,200 for a single person or £2,000 for a couple.


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Page 15

By Jessica Ansel I

will never forget my first visit to Israel in June 2012. I was very excited, nervous and uncertain. At last I would experience how it feels to have a place where you belong, a place that is intended for you and your people. Would it live up to my expectations? Would I feel the instant connection? I was not disappointed. I felt a sense of belonging, a sense of heritage stretching back thousands of years. Shabbat at the Kotel was an experience that will stay in my heart forever. I was a tiny part of the combined prayers offered up by thousands of Jews every Friday night at the Kotel. The atmosphere was incredible as we joined in unity to sing the Shema. Jerusalem was buzzing with the Shabbat feeling at this deeply spiritual place. I pressed my hands against the cold, softened stone so many Jews before me. was an unforgettable moment and it was really special to join with so many Jews in such a religious place to herald in Shabbat. Before my visit to Yad Vashem, I had mixed feelings about how I would cope. I didn't know whether it would be historical or emotional. As a matter of fact, it was both. The scale and horror of the Floloeaust was brought home through the simple, yet powerful display of thousands of shoes that once were worn by our an­ cestors in Auschwitz. This really shocked and upset me because I could build an image of the different people who may have owned the shoes. The room that affected me the most was a room dedicated especially to the 1.5 million children who died in the Floloeaust. When I stepped in, I was surrounded by mirrors, candles in the centre were reflected millions of times to represent these young, innocent, Jewish lives lost. I realised then how lucky I was to have my whole life ahead of me; whereas those of these children had ben snatched from them.

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The museum was beautifully laid out. You began very deep underground and, as you progressed through the museum, you continued to walk upwards until the very end, where you step out onto the balcony and you could see Jerusalem stretched out before you. It was as if I was making Aliyah - going up to the Holy Land. Every morning, it was wonderful to sing Modeh Ani in Israel. This prayer is all about thanking Hashem for wak­ ing us up in the morning and returning our souls to our bodies. There is the idea that we wake up blind, deaf, and unable to walk, and Hashem gives us all of these things as a gift. That is why we say Modeh Ani. One thing I want to take out of my first visit to Israel is to say Modeh Ani every morning; because I never want to take anything for granted again.



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Harnaor /April 2013



Competition Winner

By A M Other

P is for peas - a no no for Ashkenazim E is for Exodus - celebrated in style

And the w inner of our com petition, answ ering co rrectly th a t Denise Phillip s has w ritten 5 recipe books, is...

S is for scrubbing, and soap and suds. With vim and with vigour our homes sparkle and shine A is for Afikoman- a night time treat. And almonds, without which our cakes are incomplete

Th e Q criirm et Je w is h C ro i& tn ri JPenise Phillips

C is for cinnamon- its warmth infuses the air. Cushions and comfort as we recline and remember new. H is for Hagada, both wine stained Our guide to the journey we find a new every year

Hidden Message

David M ankoff, Leeds. Well done David, and thank you to everyone who entered



By Yaacov Dovid Kirsehenbaum, member o f Netzaeh Israel When I'm told by so many people that the true tale I have just relayed to them should be printed, where is the first place I turn to? - Hamaor! Shabbos was approaching, it was my birthday that week, so I had an extra special feeling as I remembered my Barmitzvah parsha. I came home quite late, close to Shabbos and as I was bringing in the shopping and, of course, flowers for my wife, I noticed a piece of paper on the floor of the car that I discovered was sheimos - having Hashem's name on it. As there were still a few things to do before Shabbos came in, and not a lot of time, I put the sheimos on the desk in the lounge and proceeded to empty my pockets out so the last load of laundry could go on. My phone, wallet and keys were put away and any receipts and papers were collected up with the flower wrappings and put in a bag into the rubbish. I threw out the rubbish and got ready to go to shul, always preferring to be early.

Between Mincha and Maariv we say the prayer "Ana Bakoach" this is a very special prayer containing Hashem's name in various forms. It is made up of 7 lines of 6 words and correlates to the 42 letter name of G-d. As I reached the last verse the page seemed to turn back, as if being blown by a breeze. But there was no open window or draught. I moved the page back and again and again the page kept turning back. Maybe the Siddur was bound too tight and would not lie flat, so I held the page down with my fingers.

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I reached the end and recited "Baruch Shem Kavod Malchuso Le'olam Va'ed - Blessed is G-d's kingdom forever and ever." I was concentrating very hard on this prayer, when my mind jumped back to the piece of sheimos. What had happened to it? Where had I left it? Had I left it in a sefer or put it to one side somewhere? It bothered me so much I closed my Siddur and left shul. I had to go home and find it. My search proved fruitless, so I decided there was only one place left - the rubbish. As I cheeked the bins I saw the last bag I had thrown out. There were the receipts and papers, the flower wrappings and...the piece of sheimos! The page was clean and I could now clearly see it was the entire prayer of "Ana Bakoaeh", the very tefillah I was saying in shul, when the page kept turning and I couldn't understand why. Now I understood, astonished at the hashgoeha pratis (di­ vine providence) of the situation. Had I not remembered, the paper would have been destroyed and not buried in the manner that is appropriate for sheimos. It really struck me how the events of the afternoon had led me to this point and how such a powerful prayer had made me retrace my thoughts and steps to rectify the mistake I had made. I hope you can take some strength from this story and see that everything that happens in our lives is for a reason; whether we recognise it at the time or not, we all have the ability to see the hidden messages Hashem sends us in our daily lives.

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n iN D n - fe e R A T io r s OF S Y N A G O G U E S

Poland Diary By Rafi Hambling

Day 1 Tuesday 20th November 2012 Location: Car Time: 0 4 :1 7AM I am sitting in the ear on the way to school to catch the coach to the airport. I had to wake up at 3:40 this morning ... very tired.

Location: Plane Time: changed to Polish time zone 11:09AM Starting the decent towards the airport. The plane which I am sitting on has no room whatsoever! If, G-D forbid, we would ever have to enter into the brace position, I wouldn't fit!

Location: Coach Time: 18:33 We went on the coach from the airport, travelled for around an hour and finally arrived at the W ar­ saw Ghetto. We went to the Umschlaggplatz, which is where all of the Jews from the ghetto were rounded up to be taken away to the camps on the trains. We also visited the largest cemetery in the world, within which some fam ous Rabonim are buried.

Location: Coach Time: 22:48 We went to Treblinka death camp. There is nothing left of it which made it more emotional. It was pitch black so we walked along with candles and it started snowing just as we arrived there. We visited the monument which was where the gas chambers were and spent half-an-hour walking back singing.

Day 2 Wednesday 21st November 2012 Location: Gromada Hotel Time: 10:17 Page 18

We woke up at eight-o-clock this morning. We are going to Lublin today.

Location: Coach Time: 18:47 We went to the concentration camp of Maidanek, and then we travelled a little over to Yeshivat Chachmei Lublin; a giant yeshiva where Daf Yomi was first started by Rabbi Meir Shapira.

Location: Coach Time: 23:01 We just left the most amazing synagogue. Unfor­ tunately I can't remember its name. Rabbi Landau sang amazingly and then we danced Hakofos with the last surviving burnt Torah scrolls of this syna­ gogue. We each took turns in holding the remains as we danced.

Day 3 Thursday 22nd November 2012 Location: A Shul in Lizhensk Time: 13:34 We Davened at the hotel and decided to lein at Rav Noam Elimelech's shul. We auctioned off each of the Aliyot and the leining and raised a total of £519 for the shul. We then visited the kever of Rav Noam Elimelech which is a two minute walk from his shul.

Location: Coach Time: 18:39 We went into a small town and walked through a small forest until we arrived at a fenced off square. It looked pretty plain until we discovered that it was the mass grave of over 800 Jewish Children. We ended up standing around the fence for a total of around 45 minutes in utter silence. None of us could say anything to each other. It was extremely emotional for me personally, and we all lit candles for them. In total there were about 80 candles Ham aor / A p ril 2013

around one portion of the fence in memory of these poor children.

Day 4 Friday 23rd November 2012 Location: Coach Time: 13:15 We Davened in a shul in Auschwitz and then trav­ elled off to Auschwitz 2. We went around the bar­ racks and visited the Gas chambers, which the Germans attempted to burn down but failed. We walked along the train tracks down the whole length of Auschwitz; it was a very long way and, as it was misty, at the beginning we couldn't see the end of the camp. We then had a short travel off to Auschwitz 1, which is now the main museum. We saw the hair that was cut off everyone who came through the gates into Auschwitz 2 and we also saw a pile of glasses. Today has been a very, very emotional day and yet also a very interesting and educational day.

den behind the curtain fall down on top of me. Luckily they were filled with plastic cutlery and plates so it didn't hurt but it was so funny! The Rabbi helped me up and we rushed out of the room before anybody noticed what I did. Today a Polish woman spoke to us about how her fam ily had saved the lives of seven Jewish children during the war. We are now off to the house where the Herr Kommandant of a concentration camp lived. I can't remember which camp it was but it is the one which features in Schindler's List, the movie.

Day 6 Sunday 25th November 2012 Location: coach Time: 16:56 We Davened in the shul of the Remah and then vis­ ited his grave. We also visited the grave of the Tosvos Yom Tov. After that we went into Lodz and visited the train station for the Ghetto. We went inside one of the cattle cars. There were 80 of us and it was pretty cramped, so we thought about how hard it must have been for the Jews with 230 of them stuffed into one car at a time. We are now on our way back to the airport to fly back to Eng­ land. I am very pleased with this tour of Poland, which was planned with UJIA. It was a very emo­ tional and educational visit.

Day 5 Saturday 24th November 2012 Location: Coach Time: 18:31 Wow - Shabbos was so amazing today! Last night we Davened with a group of people touring Poland from South Africa. Last night we ate with them as well. On the way out of the place where we were eating I slipped on the very slippery floor, fell into a curtain and had a load of boxes which were hid­ Hamaor / April 2013

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UN nn


Halachic Legal Services By Shmuli Simon Shmuli is a corporate solicitor whose former clients in­ clude 'Goldman Sachs', 'Tate ft Lyle' and 'Yahoo!! He has worked for inter­ national firms in London and Tel Aviv but he is now living in Manchester and it _ is from there that he has f launched his new range of serv­ ices, in association with a law firm based in the heart of North Manchester's Jewish community, Latimer Lee LLP. Through his shomer Shobbas practice, Shmuli offers a full range of legal services from buying / selling property to residential block management and from employment issues to complex business transactions. In addition to advising small to medium-sized com­ panies and owner-managed businesses, Shmuli is becoming known as an expert in the field of residential block management and he has built a successful practice rescuing leaseholders from the hands of apathetic landlords and negligent managing agents. However, it is Shmuli's latest venture, 'Halachic Legal Services', which is capturing everyone's attention in the kehillah. 'Halachic Legal Services' was launched in Chanukah, after Shmuli forged working relationships with the Manchester Beis Din and Dayan Osher Westheim to give people access to English legal advice within a halachic framework. "Business and personal documents that are usually governed by English law, should not have to compromise halaeha", says Shmuli Simon. "Many people in the kehillah are familiar with and use Heter Iska in private transactions, however, people don't realise that personal documents, including wills and lasting powers of attorney should also be written to comply with halacha. Now, for the first time, these services are being actively marketed in the kehillah from a firm of solicitors and, although we already work alongside leading Rabbonim, we are in the process of seeking haskomos from the Dayan Lichtenstein the London Beis Din and Rav Horowitz h " o , l7v j , the Rov of Satmar, Manchester." "In some parts of the kehillah, people don’t realise the necessity of wills and lasting powers of attorney, as well as what are known as 'Halachic Living Wills'. The 'Halachic Living Will' entrenches a

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person's right to live, which is important as the NHS recommends the withdrawal of nutritional support once a diagnosis of permanent vegetative state (chas vesholom lo aleinu) has been confirmed. However, this document is only helpful at the very end of a person's life; the lasting powers of attorney, which can incorporate the 'Halachic Living Will' enable a patient to be represented when they lose capacity, which can be months or years before death. I’ve seen families rendered helpless because they did not have the necessary protections in place for their loved ones but, now more people are coming to me and I am seeing the benefits of the time (and money) spent getting relatives' affairs in order, particularly among children now able to ensure their parents are being cared for properly." Shmuli has also launched 'Resolve: Jewish Family Solutions', a service offering mediation and representation at Beis Din and also in the English courts for husbands and wives who are getting divorced. "It is a terrible reality," says Shmuli, "that the level of divorce among frum families is increasing at an alarming rate and, in these difficult situations, husbands and wives need advice, support and guidance to make what, inevitably, will be a painful experience more manageable for them and, of course, for any children affected." Working with the Beis Din and/or with local Rabbonim, who often see the earliest signs of distress in the lives of their balei basim, Shmuli's expertise lies in his ability to cut the heart of the problem and show those involved the realistic options available to them via Beis Din and the English courts. One recent case concerned an issue that had been unresolved for almost two years but, after spending just two hours with the wife and then the husband, a resolution was agreed and the Beis Din was able to proceed, without the need for either side to turn to the courts. "My goal," says Shmuli, "is to make the law more accessible to the kehillah and to enable people to operate their businesses and organise their personal lives within halachic parameters." Shmuli Simon is a member of Ohr Yerushalayim, in Manchester. Shmuli's clients come from across the UK, the US and Israel. You can email Shmuli - - and his direct, confidential number is 0161 798 1305.

HOT OF THE PRESS: ‘Halachic Legal Services', in association with Latimer Lee LLP, is the only provincial member o f Jewish Legacy's panel o f solicitors -

Hamao r /April 2013

Last and First Man By Steven Schonberg (also the title o f a classic work o f modern British Science Fiction, by Olaf Stapledon) It was Adam, You, and Me,

A test o f Man's will - to choose the Good or the Bad -

A Garden of Eden, built for three

A test ending in salvation, yet another 'experience',

Who are none other than Adam, Eve,

that Man's soul, never had.

and the serpent that connected them -

For the truth o f the matter, w as that,

Which then, through an Apple, brought into the world, Men;

when the apple w as eaten,

Men, who had, the knowledge o f G-d,

Almost at the same time, w as Man's evil inclination, beaten;

Men, on G-d's Garden, their very soles, trod.

The serpent was punished, by becoming a snake,

That became transformed into, a temple,

And the first man, by his own choice, did his future, make.

where one man's sacrifice

It w as a choice, that bound him, to Eve, as his w ife -

Became for another man, on his head, a price;

A choice so final, that it became a choice for life.

And there was created, for the very first time,

We can say that Adam, by eating that apple from the Tree,

the passion o f hate -

Actually brought love into the world,

A passion between brothers - only coming - as they both,

consisting o f ju st you and me,

lacked a soul-mate.

By eating that apple, Adam chose Life over Death -

Do men ever have, a true soul-mate, in life?

Through a free will given by G-d,

Or, are their lives merely tales, filled with sorrow and strife?

from Adam's very first breath;

Can Man, actually, build a Temple, based on love?

For, did not G-d create Man, in His own image, at first -

Or, is this love' merely, a mirror, o f a G-d above?

To save Himself, from a similar loneliness, that only His very

A G-d W ho has given Man choice, after choice, after choice;

own creature, through W oman, could slake his thirst?

Whereas Man has not even bothered to hear His voice:

So let me conclude, then, that the Knowledge,

A Voice once heard on a mountain, loud and clear -

derived from that Tree,

In fact, so loud and clear, that men were filled with fear;

W as a knowledge that, only through love, could Man,

The irony being, that only because Man felt fear,

be truly free;

Was he able to conquer himself, and hold love' dear.

Provided, o f course, that this truly liberating emotion,

A love, that springs from his soul, as well as from his heart;

Be linked with a second, equally liberating, notion -

A love, denied to the experienced,

That love', on its own, is ju st an innocent's dream -

only because their previous innocence, w as but a jum p-start;

Only when combined with fear, does it become more,

Of course, you can jum p-start, any car battery -

than it seem s

But you cannot save Man, through the untruth o f flattery.

Now, to return to that Temple, o f which we spoke, before, -

Indeed, Man cannot even, control, his own soul.

It will be only be built, if love and fear - together -

If his mind has not, his heart, actually stole.

become enshrined, as Law.

For it is only when both, Mind and Heart, fall in love, That a Divine Presence on earth, descends, from Above In order to construct a dwelling-place, for Man's everlasting soul -

***** Note: The last line o f the poem is a sort o f justification for a Torah-based state.

A soul that he knows, he will never understand, or control; For the apple o f Knowledge, that Eve gave to men,

Herzog Hospital, G ivatSha'ul, 6.9.12

Was a test, very much like Daniel's, in the lion's den:

18th Elul 5772

Hamaor / April 2013

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JRoots Et Ohr Yisrael Journey to Radin and Lithuania Reflections By Rabbi Raphy Garson On the ominous date of September 11th, I together with Eli Sehryer of JRoots led a group back to Belarus. That day was the 24th of Elul, the 79th Yahrzeit of the Chafetz Chayim. Arriving in Vilna we made our way to the border of Belarus. The country is run by its president Alexander Lukashenko who has described him self as having an "authoritarian ruling style". However Western countries have described Belarus under Lukashenko as a dictatorship. Indeed the Council of Europe has barred Belarus from membership since 1997 for undemocratic voting and election irregularities in the November 1996 constitutional referendum and parliament by-eleetions. The Belarusian government is also criticized for human rights violations and its unjust persecution of non-governmental organisations, independent journalists, national minorities, and opposition politicians. Former American Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice labelled Belarus as one of the world's six "outposts of tyranny". Indeed the above was made clear when we arrived at the border. Our bus went straight to the front of the line yet we were kept waiting some three hours. Despite all our visas being in order, it took those hours of bureaucratic paper work to process 40 passports. It was made abundantly clear that Jews do not get preferential treatm ent. The guards do not smile, have no patience and are not accommodating. Com­ munism was alive and well in Belarus.

Transport in Radin contrast to the other wooden houses of the area. All of us were eager to stay and visit the Chafetz Chayim's home, a place where his life, and so many stories about him, occurred. Much to everyone's dismay, it was sold last year to a group of Americans. The house was demolished piece by piece and taken to Monsey in the States, where it will be rebuilt and housed in a museum. Jewish Chuzpah took on a whole new meaning. Within our group was a gentleman who was not only born in Radin, but whose home was located next to the Chafetz Chayim's. He reminisced about his early memories of the place and was emotionally moved to be there.

As we travelled through villages and towns towards Radin, passing forests where Jews had hid during the war, I began to tell the story of the Chafetz Chayim. A difficult task to be achieved in an hour.

The focus of our trip was to make the pilgrimage to the gravesite of the holy Rabbi and after a brief tour of the town

Arriving at Radin it was remarkable on several accounts. Firstly nothing has changed in recent memory; transport is still the old Horse and Cart, many homes still use a well to draw water. Secondly, Eli pointed out to us the absolute silence. No noise, no distractions; one of the many reasons the Chafetz Chayim chose to live in this town - a place where he would not be disturbed, as he worked on him self to become the Torah Giant he was.

All the gravestones in the small section of the cemetery had been destroyed by the Nazis in 1943. Only three matzevot have been rededicated, two of which are the Chafetz Chayim

His yeshiva is still standing and is sadly used today as a local theatre. A magnificent brick building that stands out in stark

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we made our way to the small cemetery on the outskirts of the town.

and Rabbi Naftali Trop. One can clearly feel and sense the energy and kedusha that emanates from that place. Sadly not a place where 1000s come to pour out their hearts. Even on the very Yahrzeit of the Chafetz Chayim, the only people there were our group of 40 and a small group of 5 Breslov Chassidim from Israel. It is possible that due to the difficulties in arranging such a

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trip, which includes numerous visits to the Belarus embassy to organise visas, coupled with Belarusian communist hospitality, many are simply put off.

minated by the Nazis became lost to their heritage by Communism. By the 1980s Pinsk Jew ry was virtually non-existent.

Elated from standing at the kever of one of the greatest Torah giants, we now had to deal with a more sinister episode in our history. In Poland and the Ukraine most mass graves are generally in forests, and this always gives us time to rec­ ollect our thoughts as we walk through the trees to the fina resting place of our people.

On August 15, 2005, Manchester-born Rabbi Moshe Fhima came to town and founded Belarus' only Jewish boarding school for boys. Today Yad Yisroel institutions in Pinsk in­ clude not only separate boys' and girls' schools but also a yeshiva, synagogue, mikva, soup kitchen and other charitable institutions serving the whole of Belarus. This was quickly followed by a parallel girls' boarding school, the renovation of the local Beis Aharon shul, summer camps and the estab­ lishment of a yeshiva for students from abroad. Rabbi Fhima also has a programme to send his schools' graduates abroad to further their education at Jewish schools, colleges and universities in Israel and the USA. He said: "I believe in teach­ ing each child according to his or her ability. I decided that, rather than build up a nucleus of committed graduates in Belarus, it was more important to allow each student to broaden their educational horizons by leaving the country."

Here in Radin, the story is very different. A mere one minute walk from the Chafetz Chayim's grave is another grave. A grave that contains the remains of the entire city of Radin. 2500 beautiful people from the wonderful com m unity of Radin. The Einsatzgruppen, German for task forces, were SS Nazi param ilitary death squads that were responsible for mass killings, typically by shooting. On May 10, 1942 - the last day of Pesach, all the men women and children of the Jewish community were massacred and butchered. And then it hit me. On Rosh Hashana we talk about WHO WILL LIVE AND WHO WILL DIE. All those who died what did they say? What did parents say to com fort their children when they knew time was about to end? That we will never know. But this we do know. The poignancy of that day, the secular date of September 11th , a date forever emblazoned in our collective memory. What did the people on those planes 11 years ago say when they understood life was about to end? We know. We have the messages. We have voice mails recorded. All of them said the same thing. "Darling I love you." "We love you Grandma. We love you." I told the group, why do we need to wait to tell our family, our loved ones, our friends that we love them? We heeded the moment to make that commitment to start to love more, to reach out, to smile, to bring more unity to each other, to our friends, to our communities, to our people. The words of Rabbi Shimon ben Halafta flashed before my eyes. The only way to guarantee success and blessings, is Shalom and peace. Peace, harmony and unity are the way forward. Standing at the mass grave puts life into perspec­ tive. Enough with the politics, infighting and broigeses. Life is indeed too short! As we stood there united in pain, we un­ derstood what needs to be done as a people if we are to bring Mashiach. 9

We returned to the Yeshiva for dinner arranged by Rabbi Moshe Fhima. The Rabbi spoke to us and told us about his amazing work. Before the Second World War, Pinsk was the centre of Karliner chassidism, nearly three quarters of the town's inhabitants Jewish. Pinsk Jews who were not exter­

Hamaor / April 2013

Chafetz Chayim's home that no longer exists Who would have thought that seventy years after the war, Judaism is still alive and well in Belarus. We returned to Lithuania for a whirlwind tour at midnight of the Vilna Jewish cemetery. The only lights we had, shone from our cellphones. We located the Vilna Gaon's kever and spent some time davening our requests. Our long day concluded with Selichot at the Vilnius's Ro­ manesque-Moorish Choral Synagogue - the only remaining Jewish synagogue that survived both the Holocaust and So­ viet rule. The synagogue was originally one of the several Jewish centres in Vilnius. International donations and a small community of Jews in Vilnius support the synagogue. The rules outside make it clear that NUSACH SFARD is NOT allowed to be used by the Chazan, only NUSACH ASHKENAZ. This dates back to the times of the Vilna Gaon; a discussion for another time.

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r a t io n


Clean for Pesach and Enjoy the Seder! By Rabbi Chaim Pinchas Seheinberg zt'l Edited By Rabbi Moshe Finkelstein Kiryat Mattersdorf, Jerusalem These notes are based on the responsa of Moreinu veRabbeinu HaGaon HaRav Chaim Pinchas Seheinberg, zt'l, to questions posed by women attending his regular talks. They have been compiled by a group of his students. PREFACE In former times, wealthy people who had large houses also had many servants who did their bidding, while poor people, who could not afford servants, lived in small homes with one or two rooms. Understandably, the pre-Passover chores of the rich were performed by the servants, while the poor, who had only their one or two rooms to clean, a few pieces of furniture, a minimum of utensils, and some clothing, took care of their needs them­ selves. In those days, cleaning was hard. Tables were made of raw wood, requiring them to be scrubbed or even to be shaven to ensure that no pieces of food were hidden in the cracks. Earthen or wooden floors also needed to be thoroughly cleaned and scrubbed. Today, we seem to be caught in a trap. The average modern home is larger than formerly. Furniture, utensils and clothing are much more plentiful. The average home today can compare with the more affluent homes of previous generations. However, we do not have the servants that they had, so that today, all the chores fall on the woman of the home. At the same time she still feels obligated to clean and scrub as they did formerly, even though she has laminated furniture and tiled floors, making this type of cleaning unnecessary. As a result of this, the pressure of pre-Pesach cleaning has reached unnecessary and overwhelming levels. The housewife often becomes overly nervous, unable to enjoy the holiday joy of Passover and unable to perform the mitzvos and obligations of the Seder night. INTRODUCTION Passover, like every other yom tov, must be enjoyed by every member of the family, including women. This is an obligation clearly defined in the Torah as explained by our Sages. We can understand a person dreading Tisha B'Av but Pesach is to be looked forward to and anticipated with joy. Every woman should be well rested, relaxed and alert at the Seder table so that she can fulfill all the Torah and Rabbinic obligations and follow the Haggadah with the rest of the family. Clearly, the performance of her pre- Passover duties must be balanced against her Passover obligations. Pre-Passover cleaning is required to avoid the danger of trans­ gressing any Torah or Rabbinic prohibition of having chometz in the house on Pesach. It is evident from the responsa of the Rosh Hayeshiva shlita that this need not be excessive. Page 24

It is not the intention here to abolish traditions which have been passed down by Klal Yisroel from generation to generation. Nev­ ertheless, some practices adopted by women in the Passover cleaning today are not an actual continuation of the old tradi­ tions. For example, if a person does not sell his chometz, of course it is necessary to check his utensils and to wash off any chometz left on them, or to render the chometz inedible. But if the chometz is sold, then washing the pots, pans and dishes which are going to be locked away is not necessary. One might be tempted to insist on doing the extra work anyway - to be machmir (stringent). However, in these stringencies lies the grave danger of causing many laxities and brushing aside many mitzvohs completely, including Torah and Rabbinic obli­ gations which women are required to do on Passover and par­ ticularly during the Seder. Many women like to do more "cleaning" than the bare minimum, to such an extent, that some even incorporate their general "spring cleaning" into their required pre-Passover chores. These extra exertions should not prevent them from fulfilling their ob­ ligations on Passover, and particularly on the Seder night. GENERAL NOTES A. All property and possessions must be cleaned and checked to make sure that they are free of all chometz, except in the follow­ ing cases: B. If, during the year, chometz is not brought into a place, that place does not have to be cleaned out or checked for chometz. C. Any article which is not used on Pesach does not need to be checked for chometz, provided it is put away properly and the chometz in it is sold. D. Crumbs which have been ren­ dered completely inedible [CJ. Weisberg explains: by coating with small amount of household cleaner] to the extent that they are not fit to be eaten by a dog are not considered chometz. E. The general obligation to check for and destroy crumbs does not apply if the crumbs are less than the size of an olive (kezayis) and are dirty or spoiled enough to prevent a person from eating them. F. The household cleaner (mentioned below) used must spoil the crumbs slightly to the extent that people would refrain from eat­ ing them. G. It is customary that any item to be kashered should not be used for 24 hours prior to kashering, in order that it should not be a ben- yomo. PRACTICAL APPLICATIONS 1) CLOTHING CLOSETS: If there is some significant possibility that chometz went into them, they should be checked for fully edible crumbs of chometz, besides large pieces of chometz. If the prob­ ability that chometz entered these places is remote, a rav can be consulted to clarify the conditions under which they do not have to be checked. This includes chests, dressers, basements, and all other similar places (see General Note E).

Hamaor / April 2013

2) FLOORS: We don't have earthen floors with deep cracks in them. It is sufficient for tiled or covered floors to be swept and washed with a household floor cleaner. Cracks and spaces be­ tween tiles do not have to be checked if the cleaning solution reaches into them.

be preferable. In this case, only washing and cleaning are neces­ sary. (e) Do not use the ehometz-dik oven racks for Pesach. If this is difficult, then one can kasher the racks with the same proce­ dure as for the oven, placing them as close as possible to the heating element.

3) FOOD CABINETS: If the cabinet is not going to be used on Passover, then you just have to lock it or seal it in a manner that will remind you not to use it on Passover and sell it with the chometz (see General Notes C Ft E ). If the cabinet is going to be used on Pesach, take out all the food and wash it with a rag soaked in a household cleaner. Be sure the cleansing agent reaches into all the cracks and soaks into any crumbs that might be left there. The usual practice is to line the cabinets.

If the oven is not going to be used: None of the above is neces­ sary. Just make certain that there is no edible chometz inside, tape it closed well and see below #10.

4) REFRIGERATOR: Take the food out, and wash it with a rag soaked in a household cleaner. The racks are usually covered. (It is advisable to leave holes for air circulation.) 5) KASHERING SINKS: Clean the sinks (see General Note G), and pour a kettle of boiling water into them and on their sides. Some people pour hot water mixed with bleach down the drain. The usual practice today is to use an insert, or line the sinks (e.g. alu­ minum foil, contact paper). If not difficult, this practice should be followed. 6) FAUCETS (TAPS): Cleaning, without any other kashering pro­ cedure, is sufficient. 7) MARBLE AND STAINLESS STEEL COUNTERS: If they were used for hot chometz they should first be cleaned well. They should either be completely covered so that nothing Pesach’dik touches them or (if it will not ruin the countertop) pour boiling hot water on them (see General Note G). Many people do both. 8) TABLETOPS: Wash them with a household cleaner. The usual practice is to cover the tables. 9) KASHERING RANGE/OVEN/STOVE-TOP: Wash the top and side surface areas with a rag soaked in a strong household cleaner. Clean the knobs well. Grates can be kashered by first cleaning them well (see General Note G), then put them back on the stove, and then lighting all the burners, raising them to their maximum heat, putting on a blech while the burners are on. This spreads the heat over the whole top and intensifies the heat on the grates. Let it burn for 5 - 1 0 minutes. [Be careful that the knobs don’t melt.] After kashering, the usual practice today is to cover the stove-top with aluminum foil (being extremely careful not to block the air inlets around the burners and on the back of the stove, as this could create poisonous fumes in the room). * OVEN: If you want to use the oven: (a) First clean the oven well with an oven cleaner (e.g. Easy-Off). Make sure that it reaches into all the cracks and around the screws. (After using the oven cleaner, there is no need for further cleaning), (see General Note G). Then heat the inside of the oven by turning the oven on to its highest temperature for about one hour, (b) If your oven has a turbo option (a fan which circulates the heat), consult a rav about your particular type, (c) After kashering, if the oven door has a glass window, preferably cover the entire inside of the door with aluminum foil, (d) If a closed oven insert is available, this would

Hamcior / April 2013

10) POTS, PANS, DISHES, ft SILVERWARE (CUTLERY): Whatever is not going to be used for Pesach should either be locked up, or put away and sealed in a manner which will remind you not to use them on Pesach. If there is a possibility of actual chometz in them, the chometz should be sold (see General Note C.). If you do not sell chometz, then they should be either washed or soaked in a household cleaner; it is not necessary to scrub them. (Con­ cerning kashering utensils for Pesach consult a rav.) 11) FOOD PR0CE5S0R/MIXER: A rav should be consulted. 12) DISH TOWELS: If one does not have a Pesach'dik set of dish towels, then one’s regular dish towels may be used if they are washed with a detergent and no food remains attached to them. (It is customary to have a set of Pesach'dik dish towels.) 13) PESACH TABLECLOTHS: These can be ironed with the same iron as is used during the rest of the year. 14) CLOTHES, BLANKETS, POCKETS, ETC.: If they have been washed in detergent or dry cleaned, then there is no need for them to be checked (see General Note E). Otherwise they need to be cleaned and checked thoroughly by brushing or shaking them out well. However, if there is a possibility of crumbs between the stitches or in a hidden crevice which cannot be shaken out, then they must be wiped with a rag which has been soaked in a detergent. Clothes which will not be worn on Pesach do not have to be checked, but they should be put away and the chometz in them sold (see General Notes C. and Sec. 10 on Pots and Pans). 15) SIDDURIM, BENCHERS, SEFORIM, BOOKS: If there is a chance that they contain chometz, then they should either be put away and sold with other chometz utensils (see General Notes G), or cleaned and checked well. 16) TOYS: If there is edible chometz, then it should be either re­ moved, or rendered inedible (see General Notes E). There is no need to scrub them. 17) TECHINA a OTHER KITNIYOS (legumes): May be used after the house has been cleaned for Pesach. They should not be cooked in utensils that will be used on Pesach, and certainly not on Pesach itself (according to the Ashkenaz minhag). 20) LAST MINUTE PREPARATIONS: For example, setting the table, etc., should be completed early enough in the day, so that you will be able to rest a little bit. Be ready to start the seder imme­ diately after ma’ariv, to ensure that the children won't fall asleep at the Seder. 21) ENJOY PESACH! Try to make the Pesach chores easy for your­ self. Don’t do unnecessary hard work. Don’t do unnecessary clean­ ing. You can be like a Queen and you must enjoy your Pesach! Reprinted from

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Jew ish m a rria g e Council

Continuing to H E L P MAKE A D IF F E R E N C E T O YOUR Life The Jewish Marriage Council-JM C- runs a busy and successful counselling programme and is now currently chaired by his Honour Judge Martyn Zeidman QC and Mrs Verity Zeidman. The JM C remains faithful to its original principles as the institution of marriage itself. Here at the JM C we council married, single and divorced people; plus people who are married but wish to talk about their problems!difficulties without their spouse being present. We also now have a Family therapy team that are doing some wonderful work. The community come with varying worries and concerns such as; ‘He/She is so abusive that I am frightened that ifhe/she comes with me, / will be too nervous to speak.' 7 have recently got divorced. I'm not coping' ‘ We 're about to get engaged but should we be concerned about x, y or z? ’ 7 think it's my fault that the marriage is going wrong. I was not shown a good example by my parents. Can you

help me?' Last year over 100,000 people got divorced. This equates to close to or just over 50% of marriages. Obviously the Jewish community has not been affected to that extent but it is most definitely on the rise and with that, we are also seeing a rise in individual problems too. These issues can no longer be hidden or pushed under the carpet; they have to be dealt with carefully, caringly and competently. Divorce and individual issues have risen as society has changed so rapidly around us. Our work and private lives have become filled with technology, stresses, illness, anxieties and a very fast paced life. We are also no longer able to keep out the outside world and its threats to our Jewish community as well as we did, and our society is just not lacing these challenges well. They are affecting our every waking moment from our work lives, to our family lives to our personal lives. I he JMC' has the expertise and knowledge to help people who are suffering from life's issues. We have 14 voluntary counsellors, all of whom are very experienced and qualified operating under the B A C P (British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy) guidelines for ethics and practice. Each of them has constant supervision and keeps their knowledge up to date with training every 6 weeks. Our clients come from all sections of the Jewish community. At the initial assessment clients are asked if they have a particular preference for a counsellor e.g. female or male and level of orthodoxy. A ll our counsellors work within halachic guidelines and are under the Rabbinic supervision of Rabbi M irvis. The JM C is run under strict confidentiality and this is of paramount importance to us. We do charge for all our services, but nobody is turned away through lack of funds:

We receive no government support or funding making things very difficult for us. This is one of the reasons why the JMC turns towards the community for financial help and assistance. We ask you to please continue to support us, and if you have been unaware of us in the past please start to support our worthy cause us. With many thanks and gratitude from the JMC team. Clinical Director Daniel Segal MSc mental health counselling

For more information, please visit the JMC’s website www; or call Yasmine on 0208-203-6311

Pesach Recipe By Denise Phillips

Tel: 01923 836 456 www.jewishcookery.eom

Mediterranean Chicken Tray Bake A one pot complete meal for Seder night has got to be ideal main course. Cooked in wine and stock it cannot dry out. If you bake both chicken and breasts everyone will be happy! The secret of this dish is to get all the in­ gredients golden and crispy w ith ­ out it looking burnt and dry.


For a slig ht variatio n ~ add pitted black olives and capers. Chefs Tip: To peel the sh allo ts w ith ease, pour boiling w ater over them and leave for 5 m in ­ utes. Drain and then peel.

Method 1) Preheat the oven to 200 C/ 400F / Gas mark 6. 2) Tip the potatoes into a large shallow roasting tin and d rizzle w ith some olive oil, sa lt and fresh ly ground black pepper. 3 ) Roast for about 20 m inutes until they sta rt to go crispy. 4 ) Season the chicken and add to the roasting tin along w ith the g a rlic, sh a llo ts, lem on, aubergine and peppers. 5 ) Return to the oven for 20 m inutes. 6 ) Pour over the w ine and stock and roast for a final 20 m inutes until the chicken is golden and cooked through. Serve onto warm plates and garnish w ith sprigs of fresh basil and a dusting of black pepper. Preparation Time: 15 minutes Cooking Time: 1 hour Serves: 6 people

Ingredients 1 kg new potatoes th in ly sliced 1 tablespoon olive oil 10 -12 chicken thighs/ chicken breasts portions 6 cloves garlic 12 sh allo ts - peeled 1 lemon - sliced into wedges 1 aubergine - cut into large cubes 2 red peppers - deseeded and cut into cubes 100ml w hite wine 200ml chicken stock Salt and fresh ly ground black pepper G arn ish : Sprigs of fresh basil Hamaor / April 2013

Page 27



d e n is e ’s k itch en

denise’s kitchen



date on a plate

M o d e m J e w is h C o o k e ry W ith S ty le

Cookery classes for singles


cookery classes



This is a really successful format for meeting new people -six men & six women learn to cook a threecourse meal, and then eat it!

Join Denise Phillips for a fun “hands-on” class, presented in my trademark simple but stylish manner. Enhance your love of food and add to your cooking repertoire:

Sun 3 March: Age: 28-40 French Bistro Sun 17 March : Age: 35-50 Tasty Tex Mex Sun 14 April: Age: 40 -55 Gourmet Greek Sun 21 April: Age: 30 - 45 A Taste of Italy Sun 28 April: Age: 26 -30 Lebanese Sun 5 May: Age: 50 - 60 Fancy Fusion Sun 12 May: Age: 40-50 Shavuot Special Sun 26 May: Age: 28-38 Classy Caribbean Sun 9 June Age:35-50 Sensational Summer

Wed 6 March Thurs 7 March Sun 10 March Wed 10 April Thurs 11 April Wed 8 May Thurs 9 May Sun 19 May

New Ideas for Pesach Thai Banquet New Ideas for Pesach Vegetarian Italian Pastry Master Class Chocolate Desserts Stylish Vegan Cooking Friday Night Dinner

Venue : Northwood. Weekdays 1.30pm. Sunday : 6pm-10pm C ost: £65 including three course meal and all ingredients ! info : or denise@jewishcookery

Or phone Denise on 01923 836 456


Don't forget to look out for Shabbat Spice

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Mazal Tov wishes are extended to the following people: BIRTHS Head Office Dayan and Mrs YY Lichtenstein on the birth of a grandson Dayan and Mrs MD Elzas on the birth of a grandson Chevra Kadisha Bruce and Ruth Mordfield on the birth of their first grandson Finchley Central Mr and Mrs M Caller on the birth of a grandson Mr and Mrs M Moss on the birth of a son Mis P Wittner (Secretary) on the birth of a grandson Machzikei Hadath Rabbi and Mrs Pearlman on the birth of a granddaughter and a grandson Rabbi and M5 Daniel Pearlman on the birth of a daughter Rabbi and Mrs Eli Segal on the birth of a son David and Sue May on the birth of their two granddaughters Daniel and Anna Lester on the birth of a daughter Ben and Tamara May on the birth of a daughter in Eretz Yisrael David and Doris Lanzkron on the birth of a granddaughter Robert and Naomi Lanzkron on the birth of a daughter in Eretz Yisrael Clive Coleman on the birth of his grandson Yishai and of his granddaughter Libby Sheindel Esther Michal and Mord Maman on the birth of a son Reuven and Lucy Coleman on the birth of a daughter Mrs S Rshman on the birth of a great grandson and a great granddaughter Lawrence and Sylvia Kleerekoper on the birth of a grandson and of a granddaughter Ohr Yerushalayim Mr and Mrs Lenny Horwitz on the birth of a grandson Mr and Mrs Richard Danzigeron the birth of their twins Mr and Mrs Grant Pakter on the birth of a daughter Mr and Mrs Tony Levinson on the birth of a grandson Mr and Mrs Simon Wanderer on the birth of their daughter Hadassah Mr and Mrs Nissim Hassan on the birth of their son Mr and Mrs Adam Bookman on the birth of twins Michal Brocho and Akiva Simcha Mr and Mrs Yoel Smus on the birth of their daughter Noa Mr and Mrs Andrew Addleman on the birth of their son Yisroel Hamaor / April 2013

Mr and Mrs Michael Freedman on the birth of a grandson Mr and Mrs Mordechai Tabor on the birth of their son Binyomin Dovid Mr and Mrs Raymond Blaekston on the birth of their son Shmuel Chaim Mr and M5 David Jacobs on the birth of their daughter Avigail

Sinai Mr and MrsYehoshua Adler on the birth of a daughter Rabbi and Mrs B Knopfleron the birth of a granddaughter Mr and Mrs Yaakov Yisroel Krauszon the birth of a grandson Mr and MrsYossi Knopfleron the birth of a granddaughter Mr and Mrs Pini Harris on the birth of a grandson Mr and Mrs Zvi Zimmels on the birth of a grandaughter Mr and MrsJacky Weg on the birth of a granddaughter Mr and Mrs John Simmonds on the birth of a grandson Mrs J Leitner on the birth of her granddaughter Mr and Mrs Yechiel Leitner on the birth of a grandson Rabbi and Mrs Shimon Gurwicz on the birth of a grandson Mr and Mrs Moshe Adler on the birth of a granddaughter Mr and Mrs Motti Adler on the birth of a grandson Mr and Mrs Kalmi Adler on the birth of a grandson Rabbi and Mrs Chanoch Hoffman on the birth of twin grandsons Rabbi and Mrs D Kirseh on the birth of a grandson Rabbi and Mrs Avromi Kirsch on the birth of a granddaughter Mr S Dzialowski on the birth of her great granddaughter Dr and MrsYossi Adler on the birth of a grandson Mr and Mrs Lezer Bloch on the birth of a grandson Mr and Mrs Moshe Grun on the birth of a grandson Rabbi and MrsJ Grunfeld on the birth of a grandson Mr and Mrs Binyomin Bokor on the birth of a grandson Rabbi and Mrs Ephraim Klyne on the birth of a grandson Rabbi and Mrs AC Posen on the birth of a grandson Mr and Mrs Yisroel Meir Orzel on the birth of a grandson Mr and Mrs Ralph Klajn on the birth of a granddaughter Mr and Mrs Mendy Itzinger on the birth of a granddaughter Mr and MrsDoni Kaufman on the birth of a grandson Mr and Mrs Dovid Rynesson the birth of a grandson Mr and Mrs Yisroel Kaufman on the birth of a grandson Mr and Mrs Richard Kaufman on the birth of great grandsons Mrs D Steinberg on the birth of great grandsons Mr and Mrs Gerald Halibardon the birth of a grandson Mr and Mrs Danny Rotenberg on the birth of a grandson Page 29

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Mr and Mrs Yosef Meshulam Englard on the birth of a grandson Mr and Mrs Mordeehai Silbigeron the birth of a granddaughter Mr and Mrs Dovid Rosenthal on the birth of a grandson Mr and Mrs Andrew Cohen on the birth of a grandson Mr and MrsYitzehok Kruskal on the birth of a grandson Mr and Mrs Leiby Levison on the birth of a grandson Mr and M5Yitzi Bamberger on the birth of a grandson Mr and Mrs Ezra Kahn on the birth of a great granddaughter

Yeshurun Alan and Kathryn Finlay on the birth of a granddaughter Jonathan and Hilary Raymond on the birth of a granddaughter Mark and Rochelle Goldwater on the birth of a grandson Rabbi and Mrs Shindler on the birth of a twin grandsons Toni and Charles Green on the birth of a grandson Victor and Kathy Ranas on the birth of a granddaughter Stuart and Hilarie Ifield on the birth of a grandson Helene Littlestone on the birth of a great grandson Jonathan and Hilary Raymond on the birth of a grandson Warren and Angela Peston on the birth of a grandson Phyllis Peston on the birth of a great grandson Barrie and Jeanette Gordon on the birth of a granddaughter Mordaunt Cohen on the birth of a great grandson Richard and Stacey Taylor on the birth of a granddaughter Alex and Anne Fleischmann on the birth of a grandchild Michael and Susie Kleiman on the birth of a granddaughter Chover and Mrs Leon Topol on the birth of a granddaughter Mr and MrsJ Raphael on the birth of a great granddaughter Mark and Rochelle Goldwater on the birth of a granddaughter Julian and Rena Greenaway on the birth of a granddaughter

ENGAGEMENTS Mazel Tov to the following: Head Office Mrs Eve Polikoff on the engagement of her daughter Deborah to Josh Pyzer

Maehzikei Hadath Stuart and Anne Rosen on the engagement of their son Joshua to Miss Adina Bishop Ben and Hannah Sadka on the engagement of their daughter Rachel to Meir Adler Netzach Israel Rabbi and Mrs Doron Ahiel on the engagement of their daughter rachel to Meir Adler Page 30

Sinai Mr and Mrs Danny Rotenberg on the engagement of their son Hillel to Miss Hannah Kachani Mr and Mrs Ronnie Weisbart on the engagement of their son Moishe to Miss Chani Weltscher Mrs E Homburger on the engagement of her son Yehoshua to Miss Chani Eiss Yeshurun Barrie and Jeanette Gordon on the engagement of their grandson David Hanan to Esther Solomon Tony and Anne Silvercton on the engagement of their son Daniel to Amanda Katz Stephen and Ruth Freeman on the engagement of their son Adam to Nadia Taylor Julian and Rena Greenaway on the engagement of their daughter Abi to Elliot Poliak Rabbi and Mrs Alan Lewis on the engagement of their son Moishie to Gitty Yundov Stuart and Hilarie Ifield on the engagement of their son Adam to Rachel Freeman Andy and Sylvia Harwood on the engagement of their daughter Gemma to Yoni Goldstein Shmuli and Minkie Orenstein on the engagement of their son Avi to Stacy Nelken Mrs Diane Finkel on the engagement of her son Jonny to Risi Adler

WEDDINGS Mazel Tov to the following: Head Office Rabbi and Mrs D Katanka on the marriage of their daughter Sorah to Daniel Mirwis

Finchley Central Drs D and G Gertner on the marriage of their daughter Danielle Mr SD Hirsch on his marriage to Chantelle Ilford Martin and Yvonne Rowland on the marriage of their daughter Lucy to Jonathan Camissar Raul Levy on his marriage to Zoe Bean Jeffrey and Lois Levy on the marriage of their son Raul to Zoe Bean Eddie and Marie Lazarus on the marriage of their son Raul to Laura Dobkin Machzikei Hadath Mrs S Fishman of the marriage of her grandson Alexander Hamaor /April 2013

Lawrence and Cynthia Kleerekoper on the marriage of their son Alexander to Abby Aarons

Sinai Mr and Mrs Shimon Bowden on the marriage of their son Chaim to Ruth Barukh Mr and Mrs Leiby Levison on the marriage of their son Yossi to Miss Chayele Gurwicz Mr and Mrs Danny Rotenberg on the marriage of their son Meir to Miss Nechama Fisher Mr and Mrs Julian Cohen on the marriage of their son Moshe Aaron to Miss Miriam Borden Mr and Mrs Martin Lipszye on the marriage of their son Yossi to Miss Clara Cohen Rabbi and MrsYoel Kahn on the marriage of their son Chaim Zvi to MissSoroh Leah Birnhack Yeshurun Michael and liana Goldberger on the marriage of their daughter Laura to Joshua Golding David and Lorraine Flarris on the marriage of their daughter Miriam to Ziv Hadad Richard and Cheryl Sandground on the marriage of their son Daniel to Esther Learman Ahron and Huguette Menczeron the marriage of their daughter Sabrina to Joshua Feiner Daryl and Diane Miller on the marriage of their daughter Tamara to Jeremy Elster

WEDDING ANNIVERSARIES Mazel Tov to the following: Flead Office Noson and Chani Kahler on their tenth wedding anniversary

Finchley Central Mr and Mrs L Cohen on their Diamond wedding anniversary IIford Max and Rose Arnold on their Ruby wedding anniversary Stanley and Ros Barclay on their Golden wedding anniversary Ohr Yisrael Geoffrey and Josephine Kay on their Golden wedding anniversary Yeshurun Edwin and Joy Solomon on their Ruby wedding anniversary Ellis and Jennifer F’aul on their Golden wedding anniversary David and Ann Hanstater on their Golden wedding anniversary Hamaor / April 2013

Alan and Zena Sloam on their Ruby wedding anniversary

BAR MITZVAHS Mazel Tov to the following: Head Office Dr and Mrs E Kienwald on the barmitzvah of their grandson Joshua Wakefield

Croydon Anthony and Melanie Bond on the barmitzvah of their son Zak Finchley Central Mr and MrsALieberton the barmitzvah of their son Castril Ilford Howard and Clare Oldstein on the barmitzvah of their son Ben Ohr Yerushalayim Mr and Mrs Mark Shapiro on the barmitzvah of their son Naftoli Mr and Mrs Malcolm Fagelman on the barmitzvah of their son Alex Mr and Mrs Nati Sebbag on the barmitzvah of their son Eli Sinai Rabbi and Mrs C Hoffman on the barmitzvah of their son Bentzi Mr and Mrs Eliyohu Reich on the barmitzvah of their son Danny Mr and Mrs Jeffrey Reuben on the barmitzvah of their son Eliyohu Refoel Mr and Mrs Julian Cohen on the barmitzvah of their son Zvi Mr and Mrs Uri Kaplan on the barmitzvah of their son Moishy Mr and Mrs Michael Kramaron the barmitzvah of their son Yitzi Yeshurun Mrs R Veng on the barmitzvah of her son Avital Jonathan and Sara Bernstein on the barmitzvah of their son Adam Rabbi and Mrs Moshe Zeidman on the barmitzvah of their son Yosef Shmuli and Minkie Orenstein on the barmitzvah of their son Dovi David and Nadine Bakst on the barmitzvah of their son Samuel Adam and Juliette Tash on the barmitzvah of their son Jordan Page 31


BAT MITZVAHS Mazel Tov to the following: Ilford Anthony and MaxineLeckerman on the batmitzvah of Molly

SPECIAL BIRTHDAYS Mazel Tov to the following: Croydon Esther Fishman on her 80th birthday

Finchley Central Mr M Hajioff on his 70th birthday Mr M Reich Honorary Life President on his 65th birthday Mr P Westbrook Financial Representative on his 60th birthday Ilford Davina Palmer on her 104th birthday Phil Keen on his 99th birthday Sophie Lewis on her 90th birthday Priscilla Baum on her 90th birthday Ruth Bernstein on her 85th birthday Ruth Montlake on her 80th birthday Yeshurun Mr Ahron Hadjizade on his 90th birthday Renee Wise on her 90th birthday Mordaunt Cohen on his 95th birthday

CONDOLENCES We offer condolences to: Finchley Central Mr and Mrs E Amron on the loss of their daughter Carole Matalon Mrs B Cohen on the loss of her husband Dr D Gertner on the loss of his mother The family of Mrs S Hart Mr Peter Arbeid on the loss of his father Mr Bradley Conway on the loss of his father

Ilford Shirley Anderson on the loss of her brother Lillian Jay on the loss of her brother The family of Ham/ Lawrence Sandra Field on the loss of her sister Tony Miller on the loss of his mother Tony Rones on the loss of his brother The family of Janice Klein Lillian Oposs on the loss of her brother Anita Brack on the loss of her husband Israel Maxim Segal on the loss of his mother Cecilia Page 32

The family of Pearl Kane The family of Joseph Jackson Irene Wald on the loss of her mother Pearl Glazer The family of Ronald Lewis David Silkman on the loss of his wife Marie Ruth Montlake on the loss of her son Nicholas Andrew Montlake on the loss of his brother Nicholas Elsa Linder on the loss of her mother Betty Diamond Phil Keen on the loss of his brother The family of Greta Rosefield The family of Marion Coulson Maurice Lee and family of Estella Lee Alan Mendleson on the loss of his sister Anita Keminsky Marion Grant on the loss of her father Lou Sterne The family of Sonya Feldman The family of Maurice Lawrence To the family of the late Jane Jager

Ohr Yerushalayim Dr Daniel Dresner on the loss of his mother Mr Moishe Waeks on the loss of his father Dr Harvey Waeks Sinai Mrs Yael Levison on the loss of her father Rabbi C Lipshitz Mrs Rebecca Baddiel on the loss of her father Mr Morris Vernick Mrs Hinda Rosenthal on the loss of her father Mr Chaim Steinberg Mr Yosef Meshulam Englard on the loss of his parents Mr Pinchos Englard and Mrs Klara Englard Yeshurun Mrs Eleanor Silver on the loss of her mother Cecilia Segal The family of Mr Barrie Kitsberg Mr Eli Perl on the loss of his father Yitzhak Perl The family of Mr Max Silver Mr Alan Cohen on the loss of his mother Mrs Bertha Cohen Mrs Rena Greenaway on the loss of her father Mr Eli Haruni Mrs Flora Goldin on the loss of her brother Monty Marks Mrs Johanetta Bayer on the loss of her sister Bertha Fisher Mrs Sharon Feiner on the loss of her mother Bertha Rsher Mr Michael Kleiman on the loss of his mother Shirley Kleiman Mr Howard Grossman on the loss of his mother Ruth Grossman Mrs Marilyn Vertes on the loss of mother Betsy (Betty) Cohen The family of Mrs Anita Holmstock The family of Mr Joseph Kraft Mr Leslie Bernard on the loss of his wife Mildred Mrs Yvette Cohen on the loss of her mother M s Mildred Bernard Hamaor / April 2013

0 t



FEDERATION OF SYNAGOGUES KASHRUS BOARD Chairman: Mr A. Finlay Director o f Kashrus: Dayan M. D. Elzas The following establishments are licensed by the Federation Kashrus Board and are under the Supervision o f the Beth Din o f the Federation o f Synagogues: CA TERERS:

PARK LANE HOTEL Piccadilly, London W1Y 8BX STARGUEST CATERING Arieh Wagner - THE PILLAR 19 Brent Street, NW4 2EU

BEIT HAMADRAS (Meaty - Indian) 105 Brent Street, London NW4 2DX

020 8203 4567

K GRILL (Meaty) 60 Edgware Way, Edgware HA8 8JS

020 8958 7062

K PIZZA/ FISH K CHIPS (Milky) 66 Edgware Way, Edgware HA8 8JS

020 8958 9087

MET SU YAN (Meaty) 134 Golders Green Road, London NW11 8HB

020 8458 8088

MET SU YAN (Meaty) 1-2 The Promenade, Edgwarebury Lane, Edgware HA8 7JZ

020 8958 6840

020 8202 6845

PITA (Meaty) 98 Golders Green Road NW11 8HB

020 8381 4080

020 8958 6910

PIZAZA (Milky) 53 Brent Street, London NW4 2EA

020 8202 991 1

020 8958 4536

PIZAZA (Milky) 100 Golders Green Road, London, NW11 8HB

020 8455 4455

020 8958 7999

SLICE (Milky) 8 Princes Parade, London, NW11 9PS

020 8458 9483

020 8950 0400

SOYO (Milky) 94 Golders Green Road London, NW11 9HB

020 8458 8788

020 8958 3444

THE KANTEEN (Milky) 23-25 High Road, Bushey, Herts WD23 1EE

020 8950 0747

THE KANTEEN (Milky) Unit 22 Brent Cross Shopping Centre, London NW4 3FD

020 8203 7377

THE KITCHEN (Meaty) 16-17 Promenade, Hale Lane, Edgware, Middx, NW4 2JT

020 8905 4488

020 7290 7368 020 8458 7708 020 8457 4000


MATOK BAKERY 1 Bridge Lane, London NW11 OEA MR BAKER 119-121 Brent Street, London NW4 2DX PELTER STORES 82 Edgware Way, Edgware, Middx HA8 8JS PELTER SI ORES (Meaty & Parve Delicatessen) 7 Edgwarebury Lane, Edgware, Middx SIMPLY DELI (Meaty) 313 Hale Lane, Edgware, Middx HA8 7AX THE KANTEEN BAKERY 23 High Road, Bushey, Herts WD23 1EE MENDY’S FOOD (Delicatessen) 17-19 Edgwarebury Lane, Edgware, Middx JENNY’S CAKES 70 Kings Close, London NW4 2JT

020 8458 0280

020 8202 1795


AVIV RESTAURANT (Meaty) 87-89 High Street, Edgware, Middx HA8 7DB



020 8952 2484 020 8381 1722


65 Watford Way, London NW4 3AQ Tel: 020 8202 2263 Fax: 020 8203 0610 Email:

Federation of Synagogues Honorary Officers

Burial Society

President: Mr Alan Fin lay

Administrator: Mr Thomas Zelmanovits

Vice-Presidents: Mr Henry Dony Ft

Sexton: Mr Noson Kahler

Mr Benjamin Mire

Tel: 020 8202 3903 Fax: 020 8203 0610

Treasurers (Federation):

Out o f hours answerphone: 020 8202 3903

Mr Leon Newmark Ft Mr Malcolm Greenbaum Treasurers (Burial Society):


Rabbi Jeffrey Cohen Ft

Montagu Road, Edmonton N18 2NF

Mr Michael Ezra

Tel: 020 8807 2268

Beth Din

416 Upminster Road North, Rain ham, Essex RM13 9SB

Rosh Beth Din: Dayan Y Y Lichtenstein Dayan M D Elzas Registrar: Rabbi Z Unsdorfer Enquires to the Registrar Tel: 020 8202 2263

Tel: 01708 552825 During the winter months both cemeteries are open daily, except Shabbos and Yom Tov, from 9am until dusk. During British Summer Time gates are open until 5pm and during the month o f

Chief Executive Dr Eli Kienwald

Ellul until 6pm.

FEDERATION OF SYNAGOGUES 65 Watford Way, London NW4 3AQ Tel: (+44) 020 8202 2263 Fax: (+44) 020 8203 0610 E-mail: Website:

BETH DIN This form should be completed and handed over or delivered to the Beth Din before Friday 22nd March 2013

POWER OF ATTORNEY FOR THE SA LE OF CHOMETZ I, the undersigned, fully empower and authorise Dayan M D Elzas to act in my place and stead and, on my behalf, to sell any C h o m e tz possessed by me (knowingly or unknowingly) up to and including Monday 25th March 2013 at 10.47 am including any food in respect of which there is a doubt or possibility that it might contain C h o m e tz , and all kinds of C h o m e tz mixtures, and to lease all places wherein the C h o m e tz owned by me is stored and found, especially in the premises specified below, or elsewhere. Dayan M D Elzas has full authority to sell or lease all C h o m e tz and all places wherein the C h o m e tz owned by me is found, by any transaction in any manner which he deems fit and proper, and for such time as he believes necessary, in accordance with the detailed terms and conditions set out in the agreed Contract or Sale which he will draw up. This authorisation is made a part of that Contract. I also give Dayan M D Elzas power and authority to appoint any proxy he deems fit in his place, with full power to sell or lease as provided herein. The above-given powers are to be exercised in conformity with all Torah and Rabbinical regulations and laws, and also in accordance with the laws of the country. And to this I hereby affix my signature on th is .............. day o f ...............................2013. Name.................................................................................................................................. Address..............................

Signature....................................................... W itness................................................... Exact location of C h o m e tz within the above premises Sale price of C h o m e tz (approx)................................................................ Keys available a t ................................................................................ TYPES OF CHOMETZ (please delete items that are not applicable)

Bread products, biscuits, flour, cereals, beverages, alcoholic spirits, beer, pasta products, semolina, farfel, canned foods, soft drinks, confectionery, all other foods containing C h o m e tz , medicaments, perfumes, cosmetics, aerosols, cleaning materials, any C h o m e tz in or adhering to ovens, food mixers or food processors, and any other C h o m e tz on any other utensils, shares in companies or business producing trading or owning C h o m e tz .



(Sha'are Shomayim). (in association with Springfield Synagogue)

379 Hendon Way, London NW4 3LP. Tel: 020 8457 4444. Rav: Rabbi J. Roodyn.

202 Upper Clapton Road, London E5 9DH.


Secretary: Robin Jacobs. Tel: 020 8530 5816.

CROYDON & DISTRICT SYNAGOGUE The Almonds, 5 Shiriey Oaks Road, Croydon, Surrey CRO 8YX. Tel: 020 8662 0011.

CONGREGATION OF JACOB SYNAGOGUE 351/353 Commercial Road, London E1 2 P S . Contact: Mr David Behr Tel: 020 7790 2874. Email: Website:

Mrs B Harris. Tel: 020 8726 0179. Rav: Rabbi N. Asmoucha Email: Website:

FIELDGATE STREET GREAT SYNAGOGUE 41 Fieldgate Street, E1 1JU. Tel: 020 7247 2644.

EAST LONDON CENTRAL SYNAGOGUE 30/40 Nelson Street, E1 2DE. Tel: 020 7790 9809, Rav: Rabbi Y. Austin. Secretary: Mr J. Beninson. Tel: 020 8529 8146.

FINCHLEY CENTRAL SYNAGOGUE 2 Redboume Avenue, N3 2BS. Tel: 020 8346 1892. Rav: Rabbi Y. Hamer. Secretary: Mrs P. Wittner.

Secretary: Mrs F. Treep. Email:

FINCHLEY ROAD SYNAGOGUE (Sassov), 4 Helenslea Avenue, London NW11 8ND. Rav: Rabbi S . Freshwater. Tel: 020 8455 4305

Tel: 020 8346 1892



2 Fillebrook Road, London E11 4AT. Secretary: Cllr. L. Braham. Tel: 020 8989 0978.

HENDON BEIS HAMEDRASH 65 Watford Way, Hendon, London NW4 3AQ.


Tel: 020 8202 2263. Rav: Dayan Y.Y. Lichtenstein.

Borders Lane, Loughton, Essex, IG10 1TE. Tel: 020 8508 0303.

Contact: P. Burns. Tel: 020 8203 7757.

Rav: Rabbi Y. Aronovitz. Secretary: Mrs M. Lewis. Email: Website:


8 rla*h,

14/16 Coventry Road, Ilford, Essex, IG1 4QR. Tel: 020 8554 5289.


Rav: Rabbi A. Chapper. Secretary: Mrs L. Klein

202 Upper Clapton Road, London E5 9DH. Tel: 020 8806 3167

Email: Website:

Rav. Dayan I. Gukovitski. Secretary: Mr. R . Conway. Tel: 020 8806 3167



1-4 Highfield Road, London NW11 9LU. T E L : 020 8455 9816

Secretary: M. Chontow. Tel: 020 8800 7369.

50 Clapton Common, London E5 9AL. Rav: Dayan D. Grynhaus.

Rav: Rabbi CH. Z. Pearlman. Secretary: R. Shaw.

NETZACH ISRAEL SYNAGOGUE 281 Golders Green Road, London NW11 9 JJ Tel: 020 8455 0097 Rav: Rabbi Doron Ahiel.

WALTHAM FOREST HEBREW CONGREGATION (Queens Road) 140 Boundary Road, London E17 8LA Tel: 020 8509 0775. Rav: Rev. S . Myers. Secretary: Mrs B. Rose. Email:



WEST END GREAT SYNAGOGUE (Beth Hasepher & Soho), 32 Great Cumberland Place, W1H 7TN.

470 Bury New Road, Salford, Manchester M7 4NU Tel: 0161 792 9242

Tel: 020 7724 8121.

Rav: Rabbi Berel Cohen. Website:

Minister: Rev. Ari Cohen. Administrator: Ephraim Rosen

OHR YISRAEL SYNAGOGUE 31/33 Theobald Street, Elstree, Herts WD6 4RN Rav: Rabbi R. Garson. Secretary: Josephine Kay Tel: 020 8207 4702 Website:

SHOMREI HADATH SYNAGOGUE 64 Burrard Road, Hampstead, London NW6 1DD. Rav: Rabbi D .Glass. Secretary: Mrs P. Schotten. Tel: 020 7435 6906. Website:

SINAI SYNAGOGUE 54 Woodstock Avenue, London NW11 9 R J. Tel: 020 8455 6876. Rav: Rabbi B. Knopfler. Secretary: Mr E. Cohen. Tel: 020 8455 6876

YESHURUN SYNAGOGUE Corner of Fernhurst Gardens and Stonegrove, Edgware, Middlesex HA8 7PH Rav: Rabbi A. Lewis Emeritus Rav: Dayan G. Lopian. Administrator: Lisa Denby. Tel: 020 8952 5167. Email: Website:

Email: wegs@

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(Incorporating B. Harris and Son)

MONUMENTAL MASONS Established 1894 Finest quality memorials designed to customers' specific requirements Marble & Granite Specialists Renovations and additional inscriptions • Work undertaken in all cemeteries • Free estimates • Home Visits • Phone for a Free Brochure and Price List New Address

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