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The Twenty-One Books of Engineering and Machines of Juanelo Turriano

resins: 62; 96; 153; 615

salt-pans: 408


salt: 90; 97; 111; 114; 119; 120; 123; 124; 169;296;406;408;496;596

river floods: 223 river sand: 495; 496

saltiness: 90; 97-9; 114; 123; 205; 256; 297; 302

rivers: 84-6; 89-91; 93; 97; 100; 119; 129; 200; 205-8; 210-7; 219; 220; 222-4; 232-5

saltworks: 408 salvage: 589

rock drill: 444

sand-banks: 583; 599

rock oil: 117; 118

rollers: 480; 498-500; 619

sand: 102; 105; 124; 165; 176-8; 205; 206; 210;215;239;275;279;285;293-5;297; 298;301;347;462;464;484;486;494-8; 500;501;508;520;521;525;552;554-7; 560;566;575;576;581;582;586;587; 592;594; 609;644

Roman arches: 509

sandarach: 116

Roman baths: 288

sandstone: 166; 196; 275; 486

Roman harbour: 552; 560

sarcophagus stone: 490

Roman naval base: 583

savin: 202; 216; 471; 473

Roman times: 443


Roman work: 173; 259; 288; 551; 578; 583; 588

scrapers: 462; 500; 510; 588; 607; 608

rock-salt: 492; 497 rocking-beams: 392; 397 roller milis: 397

screw presses: 394

rostra: 601

screw-pump: 417

round stairs: 574

screws: 390; 515-7; 586; 616; 617

rudders: 600; 601

Scripture: 99; 506

rule: 521 ruler: 521

sea bed: 566; 581; 585; 587; 597; 59J8; 610; 612

runner: 403

sea sands: 495; 600

rushes: 101; 217; 513; 514

sea shells: 155

rynd: 339; 340

seaweed: 514; 563 sedimentation: 173


senarius: 166; 167 serpentine: 490; 491

sagallon: 165; 500

service tree: 366; 476; 379; 615

sailors: 563; 576

setinaria: 166

sakieh: 415

Sette sale: 308

salagon: 196

settling tanks: 112

saltpetre: 120; 121; 124; 297; 313; 391; 614; 615;407;408

sheerlegs: 510; 536; 538

salt springs: 408

shellfish: 239

salt water: 114; 115; 120; 124; 221

shelly stone: 164; 166; 297; 486 680



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