Wyvern Advisory - Brand Manual

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0.0 WYVERN Brand Manual


Design standards and configurations for the visual identity and rules of application of these elements in different media.

Albert-Span Studio

Summary Section 1. Introduction 1.1 1.2 1.3

Basic principles of the WYVERN Advisory Visual Identity Program. User instructions for this manual. Basic terminology.

Section 2. Core identity elements 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.7 2.8 2.9 2.10 2.11 2.12 2.13 2.14 2.15 2.16 2.17 2.18



Core elements. Presentation. Symbol. Positive version. Symbol. Negative version. Symbol. Graphical construction. Symbol. Minimum reduction. Symbol. Multiplicity graphic construction. Logotype. Institutional alphabet. Main mark. Vertical and horizontal configuration in positive. Secondary mark. Vertical configuration in positive. Main mark. Vertical and horizontal configuration in negative. Secondary mark. Vertical configuration in negative. Secondary mark in Vertical and Horizontal. Dimensional configuration. Secondary mark. Vertical configuration. Dimensional configuration. Secondary mark in horizontal as symbol. Spaces system. Secondary mark. Vertical configuration. Spaces system. Compatible typographies. Incorrect uses.

Section 3. Corporate colors 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 3.7 3.8



Corporate colors for digital applications. Corporate colors for printed applications. Symbol color variations for digital applications. Symbol color variations in printed applications. Main mark color variations in digital applications. Main mark color variations in printed applications. Examples of color variations on backgrounds. Incorrect uses of colors.


Section 4. Corporate images 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 4.6



Image intervention. Presentation. Image bank Image intervention. Graphic construction. Image intervention. Variable graphic construction. Examples of image intervention of the bank. Image intervention. Variable graphic construction + spaces.


1. Introduction



Basic principles of the WYVERN ADVISORY Visual Identity Program.

The general image of an organization constitutes a state of public opinion, as a result of the set of communications that this one emits, of its administrative management and of its behavior towards the diverse publics.

to replace the complexity of the body.

These factors generate conscious and unconscious associations, memories, values and attributes that in time form psychological images in people's minds, creating favorable, indifferent or negative attitudes towards the organism.

The technique of a Visual Identity Program is to first establish specific signs, and then develop the structure of its application to all communication media that the body uses.

In short, it is about creating a visual code, from a series of information that are not of a visual nature, but of concept and personality of the project.

The Visual Identity Program of the WYVERN Advisory project, has been realized But an corporation, in with the objective of addition to its management creating a harmonic, and performance, must be coordinated and experirecognized by a visual mental visual image, which image that identifies it, presupposes a stable link in personalizing their all the manifestations and communications to citizens. competences of the project as such its future expanThis visual image, called sions. visual idendity, reinforces the general image and its philosophy is based on the principle that a complex organization with a certain degree of diversity, such as the project, needs to specify its identity on visual symbolic forms, since only a set of signs properly defined and coordinated among themselves, are capable of achieving a code p05




User instructions for this manual.

This volume consists of 4 sections, the first sections deal with design standards and configurations of the base elements (sign, logo and main brand), corporative colors, corporative images and typography to be used. The later sections explain the rules of application of these elements to different media. The correct application of the rules presented here will contribute to an orderly dissemination of the visual image representative of the WYVERN Advisory project, the main objective of this Visual Identity Program. When it is necessary to design any support, for internal or external use, not contemplated in this Manual, the project must be submitted to the responsible approval of the person in charge of the Visual Identity Program, before tackling its realization.





Basic terminology.

The basic elements of the Visual Identity, are known by the following technical names, whose definitions are provided below: Symbol It is a graphic that acts as an emblem and whose visualization should be sufficient for the recognition of the entity.

Descriptor It is the verbal form of the entity where it describes the activity of the company (being figurative or abstract) that is represented graphically by a specific type of letter that characterizes it.

Logotype A logotype is the verbal form of the entity represented graphically by a specific font that characterizes it, establishing identification in the minds of people. Main brand It is the visual set taken by the sign and the logo, graphic combination that forms the main institutional representation. Institutional Colors It is the fact that intensifies the aspects of perception of the graphic elements contributing to create a chromatic personality of the entity.




2. Core identity elements



Core elements. Presentation.

The symbol as an optical form, the logo and the corporate colors, are the basic elements of the identity of the WYVERN Advisory project.


The mark takes as reference the wyvern in a modern and symbolist way. It was chosen to make it as simple and elegant as possible so that the w can be read. As the objective was to represent wyvern + finance, we thought about the statistics tables. At the same time it was designed with a curvature to denote even more dynamism. And advance which is another

value of finance. This symbolic representation of wyvern communicates us less aggressively and is more friendly, the applications in the brand such the use of silkscreen printing and expensive papers will support the communication of its exclusivity.


Core identity elements

2.2 Symbol. Positive version.

This epigraph shows the positive version of the symbol on a white background surface. The positive of the symbol will be used on light colored backgrounds that guarantee the contrast, to avoid the loss of visibility and identification.


Core identity elements


2.3 Symbol. Negative version.

This epigraph shows the negative version of the symbol on a black background surface. The negative of the symbol will be used on dark colored backgrounds that guarantee the contrast, to avoid the loss of visibility and identification.



Core identity elements

2.4 Symbol. Graphical construction.


Core identity elements

Its graphic construction has been determined on a modular grid to facilitate its dimensions in a referential way and to be able to be used as a guide when it is necessary to reproduce it to sizes superior to those that can be obtained in the use of the source files. In this way, the correct proportions between its elements are always ensured.


2.5 Symbol. Minimum reduction.

The reduction test, to which the symbol has been subjected, results in a minimum size of 20pt in height without losing the values of identification and legibility. It is not advisable to use the symbol with sizes smaller than 20pt.

20 pt



Core identity elements

2.6 Symbol. Multiplicity graphic construction.


Core identity elements

In order to have a spatial design that acts as a decorative background, this plot of multiplicity has been created, structured on the basis of the repetition of the symbol.


2.7 Logotype.

The verbal denomination of WYVERN Advisory, is graphically represented by the logotype shown on this page structured in two line the English name, and in one line the Chinese name. The brand, as it has a symbol that already communicates the company's objectives, works with a serif font for the brand name in English,

FinancierDisplay Bold typeface, and the SimSun San Serif Bold typeface for the name in Chinese. This typeface gives a more elegant contrast to the brand, the typeface takes on a personality of professionalism and seriousness.

y x z



y z

x z x



Core identity elements

2.8 Institutional alphabet.

This page provides the corporate alphabet that corresponds to Financier Display Black, typography by Klim Type Foundry. It will be used for texts in digital and printed applications. It is also provides the typography Aeonik Pro Regular by Cotype Foundry, which will be used in the general stationary, as in the digital applications (texts and more). It can be mixed

with SimSun and its use is exclusive for some bilingual texts. It will also be used for headline text in digital and print applications.

SimSun Bold

诶比西迪伊艾弗吉艾尺艾杰开艾勒艾马哦 屁吉吾艾儿艾丝提伊吾维豆贝尔维艾克斯

Financier Display Black

ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz !"#$%&'()*+0123456789,-.:;<=>?@[\]^_`

Aeonik Pro Regular

ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz !"#$%&'()*+0123456789,-.:; <=>?@[\]^_` 2.

Core identity elements


2.9 Main mark. Vertical and horizontal configuration in positive.

As it has already been explained in previous epigraphs, the symbol and the logo can appear separately or together. This epigraph shows the vertical and horizontal configuration with descriptors, in positive, of the main mark (with the name in English and Chinese).



Core identity elements

2.10 Secondary mark. Vertical configuration in positive.


Core identity elements

This page provides the vertical configuration, in positive, of the secondary mark. It has the Chinese name, to work as a symbol more nimimal.


2.11 Main mark. Vertical and horizontal configuration in negative.


This epigraph shows the vertical and horizontal configuration with descriptors, in negative, of the main mark (with the name in English and Chinese).


Core identity elements

2.12 Secondary mark. Vertical configuration in negative.


Core identity elements

This page provides the vertical configuration, in negative, of the secondary mark.


2.13 Secondary mark in Vertical and Horizontal. Dimensional configuration.

mark in vertical and The corporate brand, in its different configurations, can horizontal. be used in any size as long as the proportions and distances between its elements are preserved. This page shows these spaces delimited according to the height x of the letter "r" of the logotype. It shows the dimensional conformation of the main

3y y r z




3y y r z







Core identity elements

2.14 Secondary mark. Vertical configuration. Dimensional configuration.

This page shows the dimensional conformation of the secondary mark with the Chinese name.

in Chinese. The separation space “z”, is the same as the scale of the previous dimensional configurations.

As can be seen, the structure of the symbol shows the height x of the letter "r" of the logotype. This measure is used to construct the height of the symbol, "3r", plus a 60° turn. The size of "r" is also used for the brand name, Wyvern






r z r


r 60° parallel


Core identity elements


2.15 Secondary mark in horizontal with descriptors. Spaces system.

As a general rule, the main brand will be presented in a predominant way in all the communication media to which it is applied. For this reason, when the basic elements of the identity of the WYVERN Advisory project are included among texts, illustrations or photographs, some space must be kept around them to facilitate

their quick identification. These spaces are determined by the distance "r" being the height of the letter “r� from the logotype, as it can be seen in the epigraph.









Core identity elements

2.16 Secondary mark. Vertical configuration. Spaces system.

As a general rule, the main brand will also be presented predominantly in all communication media to which it is applied. For this reason, when the basic elements of the identity of the WYVERN Advisory project are included among texts, illustrations or photographs, some space must be kept around them to facilitate

their quick identification. These spaces are determined by the distance "r" being the height of the letter “r� from the logotype, as it can be seen in the epigraph.

r r


Core identity elements


2.17 Compatible typographies.

It can give the possibility that in certain circumstances the use of a compatible font is required that can be used temporarily to replace the corporate font. In the case of the Aeonik Pro typeface, we recommend using the Free Sans typeface from the Free Software Foundation.

texts, we recommend the use of Microsoft YaHei, for its similarity to Aeonik or Free Sans and for combining well with these two.

In case of requiring a corporate font for Chinese

Free Sans

ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz !"#$%&'()*+0123456789,-.:;<=>?@[\]^_`

Microsoft Yahei

诶比西迪伊艾弗吉艾尺艾杰开艾勒艾马哦 屁吉吾艾儿艾丝提伊吾维豆贝尔维艾克斯



Core identity elements

2.18 Incorrect uses.



Core identity elements

Throughout this section, we have presented the regulations for the configuration of the symbol, the logotype, the main brands and the secondary brand. Any change in these graphic concepts can initiate a loss of identification, which would lead to a total distortion of the visual image of the WYVERN Advisory project.

The following is an example of various incorrect uses.



3. Corporate colors



Corporate colors for digital applications.

help to differentiate the common content that coexists in social networks. However, in an elegant way and without taking unnecessary prominence. This epigraph proposes a palette of 5 main colours, of which only grey and white will serve as key backgrounds for text backgrounds, and the other colours will be a palette that interacts with each other to

create novel effects of the corporate colours.

#FFFFFF RGB 255 255 255

#000000 RGB 0 0 0

MAIN PALETTE Application in colors

#EBEBEB RGB 235 235 235

#0D9992 RGB 13 153 146

#E1D2AA RGB 255 210 170

#3DBEA7 RGB 61 190 167

#BAE2D0 RGB 186 226 208

The WYVERN Advisory project, being a brand that will work in digital formats, has a selection of colors that would only work in digital applications. Colors that at the same time will

MAIN PALETTE Mark application

Monochromatic application


Corporate colors


3.2 Corporate colors for printed applications.

The corporate colors to be used in printing applications are presented. The symbol, logotype, main brand and secondary brand will always be printed in black or in white silk-screen printing (if is possible). As we can see, the printed colours will be defined by a standard, Pantone, in this case to foresee that the colours will be fixed in different future prints.

The following colors are proposed for the project. PMS 7919 uncoated, PMS 4635 uncoatted, PMS Coolgray uncoatted, and PMS Black 3C uncoatted. In addition to the special gold foiling that will work only for the symbol and in the configurations that will be shown in the next chapter.

PMS Black 3C

CMYK 0 0 0 100

PMS CoolgrayU

PMS 7919U

PMS 4635U


MAIN PALETTE Mark application

Monochromatic application

MAIN PALETTE Application in colors

Gold Foil



Corporate colors

3.3 Symbol color variations for digital applications.


Corporate colors

When the symbol or the secondary mark is used independently (without being part of the corporate brand), it can be reproduced in any of the color alternatives that are standardized below.


3.4 Symbol color variations in printed applications.


As in the previous epigraph, when the symbol or the secondary mark is used independently (without being part of the corporate brand) in printed applications, it can be reproduced in any of the color alternatives that are standardized below.


Corporate colors

3.5 Main mark color variations in digital applications.


Corporate colors

When the main mark in vertical or horizontal is used, it can be reproduced in any of the color alternatives that are standardized below.


3.6 Main mark color variations in printed applications.


When the main mark in vertical or horizontal, it can be reproduced in any of the color alternatives that are standardized below.


Corporate colors

3.7 Examples of color variations on backgrounds.

On clear non-corporate colored backgrounds, illustrations or black and white photographs, whose saturation is less than 40%, the main brand in corporate positive (black) will be used. If the degree of saturation of the background is higher than 40%, the main mark should be used in negative by the white.


Corporate colors

On quadrinomial backgrounds it is recommended to use the mark in negative. Only in some cases it will be possible to adjust the symbol to the colors within the palette of the intervened photograph.


3.8 Incorrect uses of colors.

This page shows some examples of misuse in the application of institutional colors.







Corporate colors

F.F The end

Albert-Span Studio


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