Freelance assignment 2

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Freelance Assignment 2

This time around, I found the perfect place that welcomes freelance writers and it is totally dedicated to music. All-Noise is a United Kingdom based online music website that allows users to apply, establish an account and submit reviews of new singles, Eps or albums. This website also welcomes reviews of live gigs and opinions, all pertaining to music. All-Noise request that each freelance writer interested should first complete an online form to create an account and profile. All writing submitted will be attributed to each individual freelance writer and given a personal platform for other music enthusiast to review. The website did not provide an address to submit a bid, pitch or query letter. My only option was to apply for an account and wait until I am contacted through email with log-in information. My overall impression about this process was great. However, I wanted to not only apply for an account and profile, I also wanted to submit a query letter expressing my interest with a summary of my experience and background. I applied for an account on September 25, 2014 and so far, I haven’t gotten a response. According to Slaunwhite, secret 6, I should nurture prospects perpetually in order to maintain a connection for future acceptance. I will patiently wait and explore other options as well. What I’ve learned from this experience is that I cannot give in to my desire for instant gratification. In reality, I do not enjoy waiting but I’ve learned that this is part of the process and it does not mean that I will not be accepted as a freelance writer for All-Noise website or any other writing position that I’ll apply for. Waiting will give me the opportunity to prepare and generate new ideas. I am looking forward to corresponding with All-Noise in particular. I believe that this will be the perfect place and platform to begin freelancing and writing about something I enjoy, music.

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