Freelance assignment 1

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Freelance Assignment 1

Before beginning this assignment, I decided to do research on freelancing. I was unaware that I would find a plethora of freelancing writing sites in which I could register with. I decided to follow your suggestion and register and apply with I also submitted a query letter to Rolling Stone and expressed my interest in becoming a freelance writer and applying for any possible internships. After registering with, I quickly became aware that freelancing is a very competitive field and that it’s going to take dedication and perseverance in order to become a successful freelancer. I also became aware that the possibilities for landing freelance assignments are endless. After I completed the registration process, I created and submitted a proposal for a social media writer. I would really like the opportunity to advance my writing skills and I am always open to trying something new. I believe that nothing fails but an attempt and I have plans to apply for other writing jobs that I feel are suitable to my writing abilities. Being a neophyte to freelancing, the process of viewing several writing opportunities became a bit overwhelming. However, I concretely believe that I have what it take to become a successful freelancer. I have never given consideration to the field of freelancing but this class is definitely going to be beneficial and I’m hoping that at some point, I will have the chance to prove to myself and others that I have the appropriate writing skill to become one of the best in freelance writing. After regaining my focus, I found the process to be informative and exciting. I never imagined that becoming a freelance writer has the potentials for creating a lucrative career. I always thought that in order to become a successful writer, I would have to establish a career as a novelist or a screen writer. This process has opened my eyes to another way to enhance my writing skills. In all honesty, I’m not sure if I could ever be a full-time freelance writer. I prefer having a position with more stability and a set schedule. However, become my own boss and having control over when I work sounds like a wonderful life to have. The most powerful aspect of this experience has been actually speaking to a professional writer that has established her own consulting company. She gave me some valuable advice on how I should become a freelance writer. I am now aware that one of the biggest challenges for writers is exposure and that there is no lack of competition for attention. It is important to be able to stand out from the crowd by effectively and efficiently marketing yourself. This experience has shown me that in order to become successful as a writer and perfect my writing skills, I should create valuable content to write about and take advantage of as many freelance opportunities as possible. I’m looking forward to learning as much as I can from this class, in hopes that I too, can one day become a successful freelancer.

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