2024 - The Catalyst Q2

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JOIFF, the International Organisation for Industrial Emergency Services Management is a not-for-profit organisation dedicated to developing the knowledge, skills and understanding of personnel who work in and/or who are required to provide emergency response to incidents In Industry, primarily High Hazard Industry, with the aim of ensuring That risks in Industry are mitigated and managed safely.

The 4 pillars of JOIFF aiming to support its Membership in preventing and/or mitigating hazardous incidents in Industry are: Shared Learning – improving risk awareness amongst JOIFF Members; Accredited Training – enhancing operational preparedness in emergency response and crisis management; Technical Advisory Group – raising the quality of safety standards in the working environment of High Hazard Industry and Professional Affiliation – networking and access to professionals who have similar challenges in their work through Conferences and other events and the prestige of being a member of a globally recognised organisation of emergency response.

Full Members of JOIFF are organisations which are high hazard industries and/or have nominated personnel as emergency responders/hazard management team members who provide cover to such organisations. Commercial Members of JOIFF are organisations that provide goods and services to organisations in the High Hazard Industry.

JOIFF welcomes enquiries for Membershipplease contact the JOIFF Secretariat for more information.

JOIFF CLG is registered in Ireland. Registration number 362542. Address as secretariat.

JOIFF is the registered Business Name of JOIFF CLG.


The Catalyst is the Official magazine of JOIFF, The International Organisation for Industrial Emergency Services Management. The Catalyst is published Quarterly – in January, April, July & October each year. The JOIFF Catalyst magazine is distributed to all JOIFF members and member organisations worldwide. The Catalyst magazine is published by ENM Media on Behalf of JOIFF.

Publisher & Advertising Sales:

Paul Budgen

Tel: + 44 (0) 1305 831 768

Email: pbudgen@edicogroup.net

Design & Production: Christelle Sakr

Tel: +44 (0) 1305 831 768

Email: christelle@edicogroup.net

Message from JOIFF Chairman

On behalf of the JOIFF Directors I extend a warm welcome to JOIFF existing and new members, and readers of this edition of The Catalyst.

Firstly, I would like to congratulate all those who have recently gained JOIFF professional qualifications. JOIFF is honoured to include those persons in the JOIFF Role of Honour in this edition. I also extend a big “thank you” to our fellow professionals who are giving up their time and subject-matter-expertise to the JOIFF Working Groups who are currently working on the development of JOIFF Guidelines dealing with various subjects critical to Emergency Servies Management.

We value the support of members who contribute to JOIFF’s primary task “Shared Learning”, ensuring the highest standards of the tasks of Emergency Services Management are made available to our members and others engaged in Emergency Services Management. This support is critical to the success of maintaining JOIFF as a not-for-profit independent organisation.

If you would like to get involved in this work, or have any questions around JOIFF professional qualifications, JOIFF Working Groups or any of JOIFF’s activities, then please do reach out to me.

As I think you will agree, as you read through the Catalyst, these are exciting times for JOIFF as we welcome new members and training establishments into our JOIFF community. We will all be aware that the World is an uncertain place to be just now, with ongoing geopolitical crisis, climate change and ecological weather-related disasters to name but a few, notwithstanding the technical challenges that are in front and centre right now.

With all this in mind, I would like to stress the relevance of the 4 pillars of JOIFF - Shared Learning, Accredited Training, Technical Advice, and Professional Affiliation. These pillars can not only provide a clear focus as we live our day-to-day work activities; setting operational, tactical and strategic goals etc. but they also remind us that JOIFF is a growing Worldwide community of fellow professionals and Support Agencies. You are not alone out there, so please get involved in our journey.

We are all stronger together and with your support and continued engagement, we can build an even stronger JOIFF community for the benefit of all - above all, knowledge is key in an uncertain world.

Please, enjoy this edition of the Catalyst, and I repeat, if you would like to get involved or contribute to JOIFF in any way, then please reach out to us.

Chairman of JOIFF

Email: kevin@joiff.com

Please visit www.joiff.com

The Catalyst 3

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Advice on and training programmes



Post-nominal qualifications of a person provide recognition as a professional, demonstrating commitment to professional standards, integrity, ethics and continuous professional development.

During Q 1, 2024, the following persons were awarded JOIFF post-nominal qualifications:


Jithesh Satheesan • Dip.JOIFF ADNOC

Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates

Jithesh joined the fire department in 2009 working for Cairn Energy onshore in India. He worked there for 3 years and in 2012 he joined Reliance Industries as a firefighter and worked there for 2 years. In 2014 he moved to the firefighting team of Petronet LNG in the Kochi Terminal and in 2016, he joined New Mangalore Seaport in Karnataka as a leading Firefighter where he was stationed for 2 years. In 2018 Jithesh left India to join Qatar Energy where he worked for 3 years. From Qatar Energy, he was recruited to the United Arab Emirates where he joined ADNOC, where he is still in the Firefighting Team.

On successfully completing the JOIFF Diploma, Jithesh said “I have leant a lot through my career, gained oil and gas emergency procedures and I intend to extend my knowledge through learning and experience”.

JOIFF LEADERSHIP 1 Emergency Response Team Leader

Renato C. Lopez • Dip.JOIFF, Tech.JOIFF, JOIFF.ERTL

Security Fire and Safety Officer, United Nations Peacekeeping Operations MONUSCO - Security Section, Democratic Republic of the Congo

In 1996 Renato was appointed a firefighter at Subic Bay Metropolitan Authority, a former US Naval Base in the Philippines and he worked in the Fire Service there for 5 years. In 2001, Renato was hired as a Lead Firefighter in the Department of Emergency Crash and Rescue for the Peacekeeping Mission of the United Nations Organization in East Timor where he served for 3 years. In 2004, he joined the UN Peacekeeping Mission in the Democratic Republic of Congo as a firefighter/driver operator in Kinshasa. In 2014 he worked in Camp Tajik, Iraq, as a firefighter and in 2015, the United Nations Organization Stabilization Mission (MONUSCO) in the Democratic Republic of the Congo selected him to work in the position of Security Fire and Safety Officer, the position he currently holds. On 15th June 2021, Renato was awarded the Meritorious Service Award by the United Nations.

Department of Safety and Security, for performance above and beyond the call of duty.

Renato successfully completed the JOIFF Diploma in October 2022 and immediately started to study the JOIFF Technician which he successfully completed in November 2023. He followed this by registering for the JOIFF Accredited Leadership 1 programme (Team Leader) which he successfully completed in February 2024 and became the first person to be awarded the Post-nominal JOIFF.ERTL

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Renato C. Lopez • Dip.JOIFF, Tech.JOIFF, JOIFF.ERTL, Grad.JOIFF

Security Fire and Safety Officer, United Nations Peacekeeping Operations

MONUSCO - Security Section, Democratic Republic of the Congo

In February 2024, having successfully completed both of the JOIFF Technician and Leadership 1 (Team Leader) programmes and for his work in MONUSCO in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, the JOIFF Professional Qualifications Adjudication Panel presented Renato with the award Graduate of JOIFF.



Kevan Whitehead • M.JOIFF

Managing Director, Unity Fire & Safety Services LLC, Muscat, Sultanate of Oman

Darren Roberts • M.JOIFF

Emergency Response & Security advisor/Incident Officer LyondellBasell United Kingdom

Darren is an experienced Fire and Rescue/Security professional who has qualified to both British and NFPA standards with a proven record and significant experience leading teams under extreme pressure in military live conflict, International oil and gas operations, heavily regulated nuclear Industry, upper tier COMAH, CAA aviation and Local Authority through emergency response and emergency planning. He is currently studying an MsC in Emergency Preparedness with UCLAN.

For Darren’s significant professional attainment in Industrial Emergency Services Management activities and competence through recognised training in a range of activities in Industrial Emergency Services Management, the JOIFF Directors had pleasure in presenting Darren with the award of Professional Member of JOIFF.

Kevan joined Greater Manchester Fire Service in 1978. He rose through the ranks, in operational, fire safety, training and technical services roles, specialising in firefighting PPE and firefighting foam including organising 5 International Conferences on the development of fluorine free fighting foams. He was part of the development of Virtual Reality Incident Command Training for the UK Fire Services, he provided training to Sri Lanka City of Colombo Fire Department and had a short secondment to BP LNG Firefighting School at TEEX in the USA.of Professional Member of JOIFF.

He retired from Manchester Fire Service in 2008 at Area Manager rank and in 2010, he was appointed General Manager at the Fire Safety Engineering College, Muscat, Sultanate of Oman. He was Director of Fire Services, Stirling Group, Dubai, UAE for a number of years and in 2016, he re-focused activity within Muscat, Sultanate of Oman, developing industrial Fire & Rescue firefighter contracts. As Managing Director of his company Unity Fire and Safety Services, which he established in 2011, he has led the recruitment and training of over 220 professional firefighters, working in 8 major contracts with multiple oil & gas plus other industrial clients.

For Kevan’s significant contribution to High Hazard Industry overseas and his continuing support of JOIFF over a number of years, the JOIFF Directors had pleasure in presenting Kevan with the award of Professional Member of JOIFF.

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Nigel graduated from the University of Southampton with a PhD in organic chemistry and spent a decade developing drug candidates for oncology and pain relief in the pharmaceutical industry. He moved to the National Chemical Emergency Centre in the United Kingdom and was one of their chemical emergency call handlers for 4 years. He then became the emergency response training product manager for a further 4.5 years after which he joined the UK Health and Safety Executive as an inspector. He has supported organisations such as CTIF, IFE, JOIFF and IOSH to provide best practice for chemical emergencies.

For Nigel’s significant contribution to High Hazard Industry and his continuing support of JOIFF over a number of years, the JOIFF Directors had pleasure in presenting Nigel with the award of Professional Member of JOIFF.


Dafo Fomtec AB


John Olav Ottesen, Managing Director and cofounder of Dafo Fomtec AB, is a 56-year-old Norwegian with 33 years’ experience from the foam industry. He spent 10 years at Tyco in various positions from the early 1990s until starting up Fomtec in Sweden in 2001. John was caught by the foam bug from “get-go” and has a deep interest in all aspects of the firefighting foam industry.

For John’s significant support and contribution to the development and profile of JOIFF during many years, the JOIFF Directors had pleasure in presenting John with the award of Professional Member of JOIFF.

Jan Knappert • M.JOIFF

International Sales Director

Dr Sthamer GmbH & Co. KG


Jan has worked for Gent Ltd, Walter Kidde PLC, Kidde-Graviner Ltd, Preussag Fire Protection a division of Minimax GmbH, Fire Fighting Enterprises Ltd, Tyco Safety Products Ltd and for the last 17 years as the International Sales Director of Dr Sthamer, selling their range of PFAS FREE fire-fighting foam concentrates.

For Jan’s significant support and contribution to the development and profile of JOIFF during many years, the JOIFF Directors had pleasure in presenting Jan with the award of Professional Member of JOIFF.

The Directors of JOIFF extend congratulations to all those in the JOIFF Roll of Honour.
The Catalyst 8

With the Transition to Fluorine Free foam now a fact for the majority of the Global High hazard Industry due to Environmental legislation and Supply Chain concerns.

The JOIFF International Foam Summit 2024 aims to provide provide clarity on all aspects on the process of Foam Transition.

The Challenges of Transition to SFFF • Proportioning & Hardware • Foam Transition End User • Case Studies • Standards & Testing • Decontamination • Performance of SFFF • Regulatory Updates from all major markets

In addition to the Conference presentations from Subject Matter Experts from around the world, we will also be providing a platform for suppliers to meet and discuss the transition to SFFF.

The JOIFF International Foam Summit 2024 also provides a unique opportunity to meet, discuss and learn from Peers and Foam Transition Experts in person.

If you are involved with foam transition now or are involved in programmes to transition to SFFF in the next few years, this is a must-attend event to get the facts and meet the experts.




During January, February and March 2024, the JOIFF Board of Directors were pleased to welcome the following new Members:

ADNOC Asab Fire and Rescue Training Establishment • Abu Dhabi

represented by David Wilson, Team Leader, Asab Fire Team, Obaid Al Tamimi, Fire Training Centre Technical analyst, Naser Al Thahli, Team Leader, Talent Development and Mohammed Saleh Al Hamadi, Senior Fire Officer, Asab Fire Team. ADNOC Gas Processing was established in 1978, in the capital of the United Arab Emirates, Abu Dhabi. It has 7 onshore sites including ASAB, where it owns and operates a purpose-built Fire and Rescue Training Center located within the site. The Training Centre provides training for its employees - firefighters, rescue personnel and others who are required to respond to incidents that require emergency response on any of the 7 sites of ADNOC Gas Processing.

Anguilla Fire and Rescue Service, Clayton J Lloyd's International Airport • Eastern Caribbean

represented by Shondell Hodge, Chief Fire Officer, Carlisle Lake, Deputy Chief Fire Officer and Karim Hodge, Permanent Secretary. In 2022, Anguilla FRS designed and built training facilities with a well equipped lecture room and a wide range of live fire scenarios to provide rescue and firefighting training for Airport Rescue and Fire-Fighting (ARFF) personnel who aspire to achieve advanced training. This innovative facility challenges participants to sharpen their tactics and strategies in dealing with many dynamic aircraft emergencies including undercarriage fires, engine fires, pool fires, internal compartment fires, search and rescue in a smoke-filled environment etc.

Dynamic Emergency Resources Co. Ltd • Buri Ram Province, Thailand

represented by Wayne Stennes, President/CEO, Ahmed Fourati, General Manager – Libya, Terry Ruihai, General Manager – China and Andre Abbasi, General Manager – UAE. DER provide theoretical and practical training for upstream and downstream oil and gas emergency response, emergency management and business continuity experience at management and corporate levels, tactical and physical emergency response experience, extensive well control experience, industrial firefighting experience across the diverse facets of oil and gas operations, project management and risk management.

Fire Rescue First Response Ltd. • Mangawhai, New Zealand

represented by Phil Nesbit, Managing Director. Fire Rescue First Response Ltd are a registered NZQA Emergency Management and Response Training company to industry and government departments. They also provide rescue standby and firefighting crews for high hazard industries and work, and incident management for government and industry during a major event.

Saudi Aramco Fire Protection, Advanced Fire Training Center • Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

represented by Robert A. Waller, Senior Fire Protection Advisor, Abdullah M. Al Ghamdi, Vice President of Fire Protection, Nader Y. Rafie, Director of Fire Protection Engineering and Training Services and Ahmed M. Salamah, Manager of Fire Protection Training. Saudi Aramco Fire Protection Department (FrPD) is the fire and emergency services provider for the largest energy corporation in the world. FrPD responds to all facets of emergencies and incidents at Saudi Aramco facilities throughout the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia including residential, commercial, and community properties and activities. The mission of Saudi Aramco FrPD is to save lives and protect assets, and the vision to do so by a highly skilled workforce using reliable equipment and technology.

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This shared learning event will look at aspects of High Hazard Emergency Management currently affecting Ireland.

This Summit provides a unique opportunity to meet and discuss these important matters with senior professionals from the Irish High Hazard Industries. All Irish COMAH and Seveso regulated organisations plus Ports, Airports and Regional Fire Departments will be invited to attend. We will have subject matter experts from Ireland and international experts presenting.

or scan QR code

Join this unique Shared Learning Event www.joiff.com



The JOIFF Directors are pleased to announce the formation of the JOIFF Southern Africa Regional Group. The decision is made to develop JOIFF in Africa by broadening its membership in the area of High Hazard Industrial Emergency Response, increasing the footprint of JOIFF in Africa and engaging with key persons to participate in and influence relevant standards and regulations.

The JOIFF Directors thank JOIFF Director: Trevor Fiford and JOIFF Past Chairman: Pine Pienaar for their efforts in establishing this Regional Group and their continuing support of JOIFF.


In their work to develop JOIFF Internationally, the JOIFF Directors are proud to appoint the following staunch member supporters of JOIFF as Ambassadors to represent and promote JOIFF in their Region:

Steve Fraser Pacific Rim

Peter de Roos Europe

Trevor Fiford Southern Africa

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JOIFF Accreditation Audits

During Q1 2024, successful JOIFF accreditation audits were carried out for:

H2K • The Netherlands

H2K Netherlands Team being presented with their JOIFF certificate of accreditation

Left to right: André Maranus, Senior Instructor; Tijs Moonen, Sales Manager; Paul van Helden CFO; Finian Joyce, JOIFF auditor; Gerry Johnson, JOIFF auditor.

International Training College (ITC) • Tunisia

ITC Tunisia Team being presented with their JOIFF certificate of accreditation

Left to right: Ezzedine Kacem, Centre Manager; Vitaly Baranov, JOIFF Auditor; Mohamed Ali Ghorbel, Training Manager; Gerry Johnson, JOIFF auditor.

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Jaheziya • Abu Dhabi U.A.E

Jaheziya Team, UAE being presented with their JOIFF certificate of accreditation

Left to right: Chris Lawson, Manager, Maritime & Offshore Training; Gerry Jonson JOIFF Auditor , Malcolm Barret, Training Manager.

Techma • Dubai U.A.E

John Lowe, Group Training Director with Techma’s certificate of accreditation

Yassine Marine Services • Tunisia

Yassine Marine , UAE being presented with their JOIFF certificate of accreditation

Left to right: Don Sheens, Centre Manager; Gerry Johnson JOIFF Auditor; Vitaly Baranov, JOIFF Auditor; Jmaiel Mansour, Training Manager.

The Catalyst 15

News from JOIFF Accredited Training Providers

Established in 2012 and based in Abu Dhabi, Jaheziya is a prominent emergency response training establishment and comprehensive provider of fire and emergency services, dedicated to addressing the dynamic and evolving needs of the emergency management sector.

Being one of the original members of JOIFF and a multi-accredited training provider in the Middle East, Jaheziya's long-term commitment to upholding exemplary training standards in the region is showcased. By strictly adhering to international and national standards for training delivery, Jaheziya underscores its dedication to achieving excellence within the industry.

What distinguishes Jaheziya is its acknowledgement that a onesize-fits-all approach may not suit everyone. The ability to tailor training programs and industry best practices to meet the unique needs of clients demonstrates our adaptability without

compromising on the essential elements of quality and safety.

Since joining JOIFF in 2018, Jaheziya has notably enhanced its capabilities. The commitment to continuous improvement is evident through ongoing quality assurance audits, substantial investments in equipment and resources, and an expansion of the course portfolio to meet the demand for emergency services response training, particularly in high-hazard industries.

Jaheziya's course portfolio, accredited by JOIFF, currently consists of 13 accredited courses. Recent additions include Hazardous Materials Awareness and Operations, Incident Management System

and Command Safety, and Fire Service Instructor (Level 2). Moving forward, Jaheziya aims to further expand this portfolio to a total of 20 courses by the third quarter of 2024.

To delve deeper into Jaheziya's innovative training solutions and their commitment to industry excellence, visit their website or reach out to them:



The Catalyst 16
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Where is Flight MH370?


On 8th March 2014 at 00.42 hrs., flight MH 370, a Malaysian Airlines Boeing 777, took off from Kuala Lumpur Airport, Malaysia, with 227 passengers and 12 crew aboard for an almost 6 hour flight to Beijing, China. The flight was to be a normal flight following the defined flight plan, the weather was fine and it appeared that all was normal. The initial flight path from Kuala Lumpur was to be across Malaysia to Vietnamese air space and then across the South China Sea over China to Beijing.

40 minutes after take-off, the plane arrived at a location called IGARI, which is the border where aircraft leave Malaysia Air Traffic Control (ATC) and change to Vietnam ATC. The last exchange of messages between Malaysia ATC and MH 370 was that Malaysia ATC told the aircraft to change to Vietnam ATC and wished the pilot “good night” and the pilot responded “good night, Malaysian three seven zero”. The plane left Malaysia ATC and disappeared from the radar. It was not until17 minutes later, that Vietnam ATC realised that the plane was missing from the screen.

The Initial Search

With no contact from the plane after 5 hours, it was thought that the aircraft went down at its last known location just after IGARI, and the Malaysian government assembled an International team and launched a search for the

aircraft over the South China Sea. As the South China Sea is a very busy seaway, it was expected that floating debris would quickly be found but after 3 days, nothing was found.

MH 370 had vanished without trace.

The First Clue

The first clue as to its whereabouts emerged from a satellite company called Inmarsat based in London, which operates a global network of satellites providing communication links between planes and the ground.

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Photo credit: Johnatan Morgan

These satellites do not track aircraft, they send a signal in effect asking an aircraft “are you there” and the aircraft sends back a signal to say in effect “I’m here”. This signal is called a “handshake”. One of the satellites stationed over the Indian Ocean had been receiving handshakes from MH 370 that showed that the aircraft had travelled for more than 7 hours to the last point where the signal disappeared.

The Second Clue

The Malaysian military radar network covering the Malaysian peninsula reported that they had been able to trace the path of MH 370 for an hour after it disappeared from the civilian ATC radar. They reported that their signals revealed that MH 370 made a U-turn on reaching IGARI and flew back over Malaysia, turned north-west as it reached the Straits of Malacca, and disappeared on leaving Malaysian military radar range. The Malaysian military radar reported that the plane’s transponder, the device that transmits an aircraft’s position, had been manually turned off when it reached IGARI. Some time later, long into the investigation to find out what had happened to MH 370, flight experts tried to replicate the changes of flight of MH 370 in a simulator, in particular the U-turn at IGARI. They believed that this manoeuvre was carefully planned because a steep U-turn is a very challenging manoeuvre that puts the plane at the limit of its manoeuvrability, and as a result, they suspected that the pilot who carried out this manoeuvre was very skilled and he had to make the manoeuvre if he wished to disappear quickly from the Vietnamese ATC sector. The only conclusion that the

experts could offer at that time, was that the plane had been hijacked or was malfunctioning.

The Third Clue

The next break-through came when the Inmarsat scientists analysed the “handshakes” from the satellite and MH 370, and calculated a range of possible flight paths based on the amount of fuel in the aircraft. This analysis determined that MH 370 had turned south over the Indian Ocean on leaving the Straits of Malacca, crossing 7 of the Inmarsat boundaries – known as “arcs” - where the handshakes ended, more than 2,000 miles from where the search began. 9 days after MH 370 vanished, this information was enough for the Malaysian, Chinese and Australian governments to launch a new joint search operation in the Indian Ocean along a 120,000 square kilometre corridor on the 7th arc.

In 2017, over 2 years since this search began, when the 120,000 square miles search had been completed without finding the wreckage of MH 370, the 3 governments suspended the search.


508 days after the disappearance, of MH 370, a piece of debris from a Boeing 777 was found on Reunion Island, a tiny island off the east coast of Madagascar, 2,500 miles west of the search area. Serial numbers on the wreckage identified that this debris was from MH 370. The Search Team acquired from Boeing a “new” piece of the wreckage and they replicated the condition of the piece of wreckage recovered. They then used GPS to track the replicate in the ocean and record how it behaved in different conditions. This helped them to

calculate the point of origin of the real piece of wreckage, which they tracked from where it was found in Reunion Island back to the 7th arc where MH 370 ditched in the Ocean. Combined with computer simulations of ocean currents and winds, the data of the experiment confirmed that the wreckage began its journey on or close to the 7th arc where MH 370 made its last connection with the Inmarsat satellite.

Civilian Assistance

For years, a number of civilian experts had been looking for answers to the mystery of MH 370. Using the information gained on the recovery of the first piece of wreckage, one of these persons started to search along the coast of Mozambique, continuing the search in Madagascar and he recovered a total of 22 pieces of debris from a Boeing 777. As there was no other Boeing 777 missing in the Indian Ocean, it was assumed that these pieces had to be from MH 370 and 18 of these pieces of debris are now included as evidence in the official report of the missing plane. The debris provided evidence not only of the area in which the aircraft crashed but also how it crashed and shattered on impact, which proved that it did not make a controlled ditching on the water. But this evidence did not pinpoint the precise location of the aircraft on the seabed to allow the fuselage or the aircraft’s black boxes to be retrieved.


Weak Signal Propagation Reporter – WSPR – is a protocol used for weak-signal radio communication between amateur radio operators, to test propagation paths on the MF and HF bands. A retired British aerospace

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engineer engaged in the search for MH 370 using WSPR technology to try to trace the crash site, started his search from the last trace of MH 370 from the Straits of Malacca. He worked on the basis that he believed that when an aircraft crosses a radio signal, it disturbs the signal. He examined all of the WSPR signals that crossed the Indian Ocean on 8th March 2014, searching for minute disturbances in the WSPR signals over the Indian Ocean and he is confident that this showed the final flight path of MH 370. The disturbances terminated just outside the 7th arc in an area not yet covered by an underwater search. He believes that the aircraft made changes to altitude and speed which means that there was an active pilot flying the aircraft until the end of the flight when

it ran out of fuel just beyond the 7th arc and he believes that the crashed aircraft is in a radius of 30 km. from the area that he has identified.

Conclusion to Date

Experts believe that a skilled pilot was in control of the aircraft from the moment MH 370 disappeared off the radar until it crashed some 7 hours later just beyond the 7th arc.

If MH 370 was being flown by an active pilot, when it ran out of fuel, it may have been glided beyond the 7th arc where it crashed into the ocean.

Experts believe that the pilot depressurised the aircraft cabin, which

would have sucked all air out of the cabin. Emergency oxygen masks would have enabled passengers to survive for around 20 minutes, whereas equipment in the cockpit would have given around 20 hours of oxygen to the pilot or pilots. It is known that there were only 2 pilots in the cockpit from the moment that the aircraft left the gate in Kuala Lumpur Airport. It is believed that at least one of the pilots hijacked the aircraft, flew it until it ditched and killed everyone on board.

There is no proof for these statements and the only way to establish the truth as to what happened to MH 370 will be to find the wreckage of the aircraft and recover the aircraft’s black boxes form the bottom of the Indian Ocean.

The Catalyst 21

If it has wheels...

There’s an old saying among firefighters going “The Fire Service is 200 plus years of tradition unimpeded by progress.” Indeed, the Fire Services have been slow adopters of technology and, comparative to other sectors like medicine, communications and information technology, has seen snail-paced evolution of methodologies, fleet and equipment. However, there are innovations out there that seek to break from convention and test new boundaries. Some are cutting edge and some are not so new. Here is taking a look at some of the “outside of mainstream” technologies that are either under development or have fully matured in the market.

Emergency Service fleets have evolved at a painfully slow pace over the last few decades. Appliances today still largely look and function the same as their forebears of 40+ years ago. Some technologies have been incorporated into vehicles but overall speaking there has not been any major shifts in design and functionality. There are though a couple of interesting concepts that are breaking the mould.

Going Electric

It was a question of time before emergency services management had to address the carbon footprint of their fleets and the industry has responded in gusto offering pumpers, ARFF’s, rescues, ambulances and a large mix of smaller appliances with a battery-driven (EV) option. Smaller vehicles like light and medium rescues and ambulances are able to operate as fully battery driven. Current battery technology unfortunately do not allow pumpers and ARFF’s to be completely carbon free, requiring a diesel generator as backup for protracted incidents and pumping operations.

Rosenbauer was first out of the blocks with their Concept Fire Truck (CFT ) that was launched in 2016 and has subsequently evolved into the ready-for-market Revolutionary Technology (RT) series that was presented to the industry in 2020. Packed with cutting edge features like a low entry cab, a redesign of the crew

cab configuration, rear-axle steering and full electronic pump controls, the vehicle drew the attention of early adopters and sceptics alike. The RT is one of the few vehicles

that has successfully crossed the Atlantic through the addition of hose beds, crosslays and extended bumpers that satisfied the needs of the North American market.

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The RTX is the North American version of the Rosenbauer RT EV (Source: 5280Fire).

Responding to the needs of the North American emergency services for an EV in a more traditional design, E-One and Pierce have both stepped up respectively with their Vector and Volterra products packed with the features demanded by the North American markets and meeting with the requirements of NFPA 1901. Both trucks are not full EV’s in that they also require a diesel generator as in the case of the Rosenbauer RT series.

While full EV status still evades pumpers and ARFF’s it is a question of time that the battery design produces technology that can produce full EV major appliances.

Going Big

Responding to the requirement of a national oil and gas company to develop a tanker-pumper that will support pipeline firefighting operations in rugged mountain terrain traversing unpaved passes, Bristol Vehicle Manufacturing out of Abu Dhabi stepped up with the Teneen (Dragon).

The Teneen is based on a Volvo Articulated

Dump Truck (ADT) chassis with a 460 kW drivetrain. It carries 30,000 litres of water and produces 9,400 l/min flow. As it is anticipated that the vehicle will be exposed to high levels of heat radiation a selfdefence water deluge system is provided. The Teneen’s tank can be filled by 64 mm, 152 mm and 304 mm feeds and can be boosted by 64 mm and 152 mm feeds. The roof is leveraged to carry all hose in hose beds.

The Teneen has demonstrated the ability to navigate steep mountain passes with hairpin corners over severely rough-terrain unpaved roads.

The Teneen is one of a series of heavy offroad vehicles supporting the upstream sector. Increased water capacity, foam tanks, foam proportioning systems, dry chemical skids plus deck and turret monitors are just some of the features that can be added.

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The Teneen Tanker Pumper designed to navigate harsh offroad conditions but still pack a mighty punch (Source: Bristol Vehicle Manufacturing). The E-One Vector pumper is a Class A North American style EV pumper (Source: REV Group).

Big Wind

Jet Turbines first came to the firefighting fraternity’s attention during the 1991 Kuwait oil fires when a Hungarian well control crew blew out well fires with ease using a T-34 tank with two Mig-21 jets strapped to its back. Jet turbines went into hibernation for a decade but have returned to the industry with gusto.

Jet Turbines employ the air blast of a jet turbine to overlay water or foam streams of up to 4,800 l/min. This produces a reach of 180-meters covering an area of 2,000 m2. Jet Turbines have four force multipliers: (i) The jet stream results in a fine droplet size – as little as 20 micron - approaching that of ultra-high pressure fog resulting in streams with an extremely high latent heat absorption quality, (ii) The jet stream produces a Coandă effect when flowing over surfaces allowing it to curve around structures, storage tanks and process

Pushing and Pulling Smoke

Ventilation vehicles and trailers have been in service for decades. As a rule, these are based on the “Push” principle where large airstreams are injected into the structure using Positive Pressure Ventilation tactics. Fire Services in China have added a new dimension to these vehicles in the form of “Pull”

elements wetting the far side that’s normally left dry, (iii) When flowing foam the jet stream provides forward foam motion up to a third further than the foam fallout area, and, (iv) The jet blast produced by the turbines produces enough force to provide attack streams perpendicular flow to the prevailing wind. Favoured by the petrochemical oil and gas sector, jet turbines can now be found in operation in Europe, China, Russia and the USA. Jet Turbines have graduated from tracks to wheels and can be found from

tracks to wheels and can be found as standalone vehicles with single or twin jets or, to serve a wider range of functions, integrated into industrial pumpers. Jet Turbines have been used with success to combat spill fires, gas and vapour dispersion, washing out of water-soluble substances from vapour clouds, cooling of tanks and processes during fires, combatting warehouse fires, smoke diversion and redirecting thermal columns. The use of jet turbines for wildland fires has recently been mooted.

facilities through which smoke can be ejected through a suction fan system running ducting into a hazard area and ejecting smoke remotely from the vehicle. Smoke can be vacuumed over distances up to a 100-meters.

Typically the Chinese “Push” fans are substantially larger than what we see in the West. They can elevate by 2- to

3-meters and can pan and tilt. Some models also a facility to inject water into the air streams through an array of nozzles arranged around the fan shroud.

The fan systems, regardless if it is the Push or Pull facility, require bucketloads of electricity. A 58 kW generator is supplied in response to this need.

The Catalyst 24
Left: An Industrial Pumper fitted with a jet turbine and deck monitor (Source: Liberty Gasturbine Holland). Right: A jet turbine deployed to combat a warehouse fire in China (Source: Mingguang Haomiao Vehicles).

The Push/Pull ventilation appliances have a wide range of applications, practically covering all instances where bulk ventilation can be required. This includes amongst others large-span warehouses, hangars, tunnels, basements, ships and underground rail systems.

Beautiful Big Flow

Industrial fires require plenty of water and foam, especially during large surface fires. Traditionally, flows larger than 9,400 l/ min required mobile fire pumps with large marine drivers. US Fire Pumps and Darley (USA) have graduated big flow pumps from trailers onto industrial pumpers. The Darley 2ZSM6000 can produce 22,712 l/min from draft and a staggering 37,854 l/min from positive feed like water mains or booster pumps. The Exxon and Dow Chemical Fire Department in Baytown, Texas recently took delivery of a Pierce Velocity with a Darley 2ZSM6000 pump. The vehicle passes the full flow on to a 22,712 l/min deck gun and two 7,500 l/min turrets placed on the rear of the vehicle. All the master streams are foam capable.

Mobile big-flow pumps on trailers and roll-off (POD) skids have been around the industrial fire service for decades. In the past these pumps topped out at 22,712 l/ min which did not always meet the demands of large-surface fires where tanks of 130

The Catalyst 25
Left: The Mingguang Haomiao PY 98 Smoke Exhaust truck can eject smoke at a rate of 100,000 m3/h and blow at 250,000 m3/h. The water spray system has a reach of 55 meters (Source: Mingguang Haomiao Vehicles). Right: Shanghai Jindun’s PY 330M Smoke Exhaust Truck (Source: Shanghai Jindun Special Vehicle Equipment Company). The Pierce Velocity flowing its main deck gun fed by a 304 mm large-diameter hose (Source: Darley). The DNM 50,000 l/min Sub-Booster Pump (Source: DNM).

meters are now in the wild. Fire Services requiring larger flows were obliged to run two or more pump trains. Over the last decade the industry has seen the available flow on mobile pumps steadily creeping northwards. DNM out of the Netherlands

Distance is safety

The Chinese Fire Services have torn up the manual in a wide range of applications fearlessly attempting new approaches to the way in which we fight fires. None is as radical and contra-instinctive than the projectile launching appliances that they have developed over the last few years.

The world was first introduced to the use of multiple rocket launchers for firefighting applications when the Beijing Fire Department unveiled a 12 tube launcher specific to combat high-rise fires in 2017. There have been several subsequent improvements to the design. Mingguang Haomiao Vehicles have developed a 24-barrel, multiple rocket launcher with a ±2 km range firing GPS guided “warheads” filled with a combination of foam and dry chemical projectiles. The concept is that a sequence of powder and foam airbursts will be released in a grid covering the target surface from the upwind position to the back of the tank. It can also be used for spill fires, API dams, crude evaporation ponds and other large surface fires. Foam and dry powder leverages almost all mechanisms

Need reach

As a whole, no segment of emergency services vehicles has seen the same steady advancement of design and performance as the aerial appliance sector. Over the last decade or so, aerials have seen giant leaps in design and capabilities.

produces a roll-off based pump that can flow 50,000 l/min at 13 Bar through two 304 mm supply lines. The pump is fully HMI controlled and has an onboard injection foam proportioning system. There is both a Booster and a Submersible-Booster

Combination Pump in the DNM stable.

The industry is in for interesting times in the not so distant future as the power of drivers increase and pump technology becomes more efficient.

of killing fire: Heat removal through rapid evaporation of foam mist, oxygen starvation due to the vacuum created by the warhead release, disruption of the chemical chain reaction through DCP insertion and fuel/air starvation through the foam blanket.

In an even more radical approach to fire suppression, the Research Institute of the Second Academy of the China Aerospace Science and Industry Corporation (CASIC) has developed a railgun for firefighting. The system is primarily developed for wild fires though, like all other tools available to the fire services, it may in future find application in a range of other applications. Like its military siblings, the gun uses electricity to propel the projectile. The gun can fire 120 mm x 25 kilogram projectiles

The alpha male in vertical reach is undisputedly the Bronto F112 HLA. Topping out at a staggering 112-meters this beast can not only reach up to 35+ floors but it can flow 2,500 l/min of water or foam. Cutting edge safety features assures that the platform is stable and does not operate outside its safety parameters, even in inclement weather.

to a predetermined area. The rate of fire is currently unknown (as is range of the gun which should be “over the horizon” if it has even a fraction of the capability of its military siblings). The projectiles can carry payload of water, premixed foam or dry chemical. In what can only be considered as radically counter-intuitive notion, the developers have also mooted thermobaric payloads - also referred to as vacuum bombs - that displaces the atmosphere when the payload is detonated. The aim is that the vacuum created by the blast will smother fires instantaneously. Though this technology only exists in prototype form today it may just appear on Main Street in the not too distant future.

The prototype of the firefighting railgun. The vehicle is fully self-contained carrying the required electricity generation and storage required for the projectile propulsion (Source: CASIC).

The Catalyst 26
Mingguang Haomiao’s MP20 multiple rocket launcher (Source: Mingguang Haomiao Vehicles). The 112-meter F122 HLA strutting its stuff (Source: Bronto Skylift).

When it comes to horizontal reach there are new kids on the block. Out of China both Sany and Zoomlion have achieved incredible horizontal reach distances with their concrete-pump based towers. The 62-meter Sany Long-span Tower can reach 56-meters up and over obstructions like elevated pipe racks, process units, structures and powerlines. With a flow of 5,700 l/min at the tip of the boom the effective reach is extended a further 50%. The towers are water and foam capable with an onboard foam proportioning system and foam tank.

A variation of the tower has been developed for the Urban Search and Rescue sector. The waterway is forsaken for a hydraulic system. Several attachments are available including a jackhammer, hydraulic shears and grabs allowing rescue crews to operate high in collapsed structures or horizontally over wide area collapses. When it comes to moving water and foam at full elevation the honours go to Ferrara’s SkyFlow which delivers a stunning 18,900 l/min at a 30-meter elevation. Complimenting the elevated flow are two 7,500 l/min rear-mounted monitors. The SkyFlow is water and foam capable with foam proportioning performed by a multipoint injection system. The SkyFlow is also available as a multi boom tower, both based on the Ferrara Velocity custom chassis.

Water and foam Towers have seen rapid adoption in the petrochemical, oil and gas industry in Europe and Asia. With reaches of up to 112-meters and flows at the tip of 12,000 l/min, services today are presented with a myriad of choices. One vehicle that stands out is the Mingguang Hamiao Vehicles out of China’s Triple-phase Boom Truck in that it doesn’t just project water and foam at the tip but also dry chemicals. The Triple-phase Boom has a vertical reach of 31-meters and flows 12,000 l/ min at the tip producing a stream reach of 120+ meters. The dry chemical nozzle

produces a flow of 20 kg/sec. The threein-one option allows for 3-Dimensional fires to be taken on at elevation. It’s also the centre-piece of a new Chinese philosophy

in combatting full surface tank fires where the fire is first knocked down with dry chemical followed by the foam attack once knockdown by powder is achieved.

The 62-meter Sany Long-span Tower in action (Source: Sany). The Ferrara Skyflow producing 18,900 l/min at the tip (Source: Pinterest).
The Catalyst 27
Three Triple-phase towers attacking a full surface tank fire (Source: Mingguang Haomiao Vehicles).

Atomic Number Seven

Bulk gas systems on fire appliances are not new. Carbon Dioxide appliances were used in the ARFF sector as far back as the 40’s. Halon and Clean Agent has also made it onto ARFF and industrial appliances. What was problematic with bulk gas systems on vehicles was that they had a limited duration of attack and, once empty, were arduous to recharge.

Mingguang Haomiao Vehicles (China) has come up with a novel solution to the traditional restrictions of Bulk Gas Appliances: “Why not manufacture gas on the spot?” As choice of gas, they selected nitrogen that’s abundantly available in the atmosphere.

The system consists of two vehicles that can operate separately or in tandem. The primary vehicle is the Nitrogen Generator Truck that contains the distillation plant and storage capacity. It can generate a limited 300 m³/h at 14 MPa with a 97% purity and can be up and pumping within 5-minutes. The Generator Truck can supply attack streams either “live” from the generator or from a cascade system. It also has a distribution trolly that can dispense several feeds at different flows and pressures. For larger volumes, the Generator truck is supported by a Bulk Storage Truck that carries 520 m3 of nitrogen in a cascade of 40 cylinders. The Bulk Storage Truck can be used as a standalone unit during emergencies.

Distribution of nitrogen to the fire front is through hose reels that can be extended. The reels are fitted with nozzles but these can be swapped out for lances or used without attachment in total flooding scenarios. The Mingguang Haomiao Nitrogen System is aimed at the petrochemical, oil and gas as well as electrical utility sectors covering

risks like cable tunnels, switchgear buildings, instrument buildings, battery rooms, furnaces and server farms, to name a few. It has also been mooted to be used on storage tanks specifically in cases like tilted and collapsed roofs where nitrogen can be injected through the product by tapping into service lines. Nitrogen is also highly effective on those pesky Class D fires.

The next instalment of this series will be looking at smaller footprint appliances.

The Nitrogen Generator truck. (Source: Mingguang Haomiao Vehicles). The Generator Truck feeding into the Bulk Storage Cascade Truck. (Source: Mingguang Haomiao Vehicles). POG and Special Risks Advisor to Bristol Fire Engineering André Tomlinson
The Catalyst 28 C M Y CM MY CY CMY K
This article was presented to you by:

Responsible use of C6 Fluorine Chemistry and to providing its products to firefighting foam manufacturers.

Good practices, Life Safety, and Flammable Liquid Protection remain Dynax’s North Star.

As high hazard, flammable liquid emergencies are occurring world-wide, a recap is needed:

C6 AFFFs and AR-AFFFs remain the highest performing firefighting products for flammable liquids.

C6 Foam Concentrates are required for critical uses and major fire events.

C6 Foam Concentrates are proven and e ective with decades of successful extinguishments.

Reminder of Best Practice:

C6 Foam Concentrates should not be used for testing or training. In cases of fire events or accidental release, C6 Foam Concentrate run-o should be controlled and captured. Refer to Dynax SDSs for region specific product use and disposal information.

Recent Specific Updates:

Universal EU PFAS ban proposal does not cover PFAS in Firefighting Foams.

The proposal for PFAS in Firefighting Foam includes a 10 year derogation for Seveso III sites.

Best Practice Guidance for Use of Class B Fire Fighting Foams Dynax remains

Innovating Emergency Response


“Who do you think you are…?”

These are my thoughts from my 20-plus years in the response and resilience industry across the globe. In my career, I have had the great pleasure of working with outstanding people and outstanding companies. In Evolution, we have utilised immersive inputs to train hundreds, if not thousands of people, of all levels.


In the fast-paced industry of emergency response, digital innovations have been perceived as indispensable tools, offering unprecedented capabilities to mitigate disasters and save lives, the perception of this has not matched reality. There are outliers in this such as the outstanding progress achieved by the Singapore Civil Defence Force led by Eric Yap.

As our industry grapples with increasingly complex challenges and responses, the concept of resilience over response has

taken centre stage, emphasising the importance of proactive measures and adoption of strategies in improving the ability of companies to respond effectively at all times when training times are being cut and budgets ‘rationalised’

With first-hand experience across the globe in responding to emergencies and improving organisational resilience I am an avid proponent of the transformative potential of advanced technologies, namely software featuring Artificial Intelligence (AI) and shared Extended Reality (XR), in bolstering emergency resilience. However,

amid the promise of innovation, significant barriers have so far impeded potential progress, requiring a concerted effort to overcome.

The Rise of the Robots (Immersive Technology)

The use of immersive technologies such as Virtual Reality for training has been around for decades however utilisation grew around 2010 when companies like Oculus and HTC Vive introduced higher quality headsets and the recent success of companies such as FLAIM has shown

The Catalyst 30

there is now greater appetite for this form of learning events. Without the Immersive element we had been developing, our HPD (Human Performance Development) team events that enabled us to deliver on Microsoft Teams during COVID, Evolution would not have survived as a business, so firstly maybe I’m biased?

In the development of Evolution-XR we believe that the future lies in the true utilisation of shared augmented reality (AR) on readily accessible devices like iPads, tablets, and smartphones. This represents a ground-breaking advancement in remote emergency response. By harnessing the power of AR technology, responders dispersed across different locations can collaboratively view and interact with real-time data, enhancing their shared situational awareness and decision-making capabilities.

These platforms enable remote responders to overlay critical information, such as risk assessments, hazard maps, consequence modelling and live feeds from drones or surveillance cameras, onto their immediate surroundings, providing invaluable context and insights. Through synchronised visualisation and annotation tools, responders can effectively communicate and coordinate response efforts, regardless of geographical barriers. The development of companies' traditional Site Specific Pre Incident plans into virtual reality allows organisations to train against their defined credible scenarios and as organisations move forward will allow these plans to be visualised in Augmented Reality.

The accessibility to these common devices ensures widespread adoption and integration into existing response methodologies, allowing access to advanced technology and empowering responders to act swiftly and decisively in dynamic emergency scenarios. As a result, shared AR platforms on easily accessible devices we believe will revolutionise remote emergency response, fostering greater collaboration, efficiency,

and effectiveness in safeguarding lives and mitigating risks.

“Will someone sheep dip the team please” Digital Innovations in Learning

Recent years have witnessed remarkable advancements in digital technologies tailored for emergency response. AI and machine learning algorithms, with their ability to process vast amounts of data and derive actionable insights, will surely revolutionise decision-making processes in the not-so-near future. Whether predicting the trajectory of a natural disaster or optimizing resource allocation in real-time, AI holds immense promise in enhancing emergency response efficacy and ultimately saving lives.

In the realm of training emergency responders, the advent of machine learning offers a profound opportunity to redefine the value of face-to-face learning sessions as "golden time." This precious in-person interaction, often limited by logistical

constraints and busy schedules, becomes the cornerstone of a transformative learning experience. Rather than relying solely on static PowerPoint presentations for the introduction of concepts, these invaluable sessions serve as dynamic forums for interactive engagement, discussion, and practical application.

Machine learning algorithms drive personalized training modules tailored to each responder's proficiency level, learning style, and specific areas of expertise. These modules provide a foundation of knowledge that prepares responders for the immersive learning experience of faceto-face sessions. Here, instructors leverage their expertise to guide and challenge learners, facilitating deep exploration and understanding of complex concepts. In-person sessions become collaborative environments where responders can engage in hands-on exercises, role-playing scenarios, and group discussions. Rather than passively absorbing information, learners actively participate in the learning process, applying theoretical knowledge

The Catalyst 31

to real-world situations and honing their problem-solving skills.

At Evolution we see face-to-face learning serves as a crucial validation mechanism, allowing instructors to assess learners' comprehension, provide immediate feedback, and address any misconceptions or gaps in understanding. Through live demonstrations, interactive simulations, and scenario-based exercises utilising our immersive technology, responders have the opportunity to put their knowledge into practice and refine their skills under the guidance of experienced mentors.

By treating in-person learning as a platform for validating knowledge and skills, rather than a mere conduit for information dissemination, organizations can maximize the effectiveness of their training efforts. Every moment of "golden time" is optimized to its fullest potential, ensuring that responders are not only equipped with the requisite knowledge but also empowered to confidently apply it in high-pressure emergency situations. In this way, machine learning-driven training transforms face-toface sessions into invaluable opportunities for experiential learning, collaboration, and skill development, ultimately enhancing the readiness and effectiveness of emergency responders.

Simultaneously, through growth of Evolution-XR our Extended Reality platform, encompassing virtual, augmented, and mixed reality we are attempting to transcend the traditional role in training simulations to become invaluable tools in actual response scenarios. From providing immersive situational awareness to facilitating remote collaboration among responders, XR technologies can, and will, redefine the boundaries of emergency response capabilities and assist remote responders in decision making in quickly changing high pressure situations. The military have for some time utilised heads up displays in the training of pilots and

soldiers due the cost and risk involved in this task, with the recent innovations in mixed reality headsets this will/ should soon be available to emergency responders.

The integration of drones and robotics into emergency operations is unlocking new frontiers of efficiency and responder safety. Equipped with high-resolution cameras and sensors, drones enable rapid aerial reconnaissance, while robotic systems are deployed for tasks ranging from search and rescue to hazardous material handling.

Identifying Barriers to Meaningful Innovation

Despite their transformative potential, several barriers inhibit the widespread adoption of digital innovations in emergency response. Interoperability remains a persistent challenge, as disparate systems struggle to seamlessly exchange data and coordinate responses. Moreover, concerns surrounding data privacy and security loom large, particularly in the context of AIdriven decision-making processes.

“Yeah, its good but we’ve always done it like this…………”

Resistance from Workforce: One significant barrier to innovation stems from the reluctance of some emergency responders to embrace change. Within traditional frameworks, I believe that there can exist a culture resistant to adopting new

technologies or methodologies. This resistance can manifest as scepticism towards the efficacy of digital solutions, fear of job displacement, or simply a preference for familiar practices.

Overcoming this barrier requires comprehensive strategies that prioritise stakeholder engagement, education, and participation. By involving frontline responders in the innovation process and demonstrating the tangible benefits of technology adoption, organizations can mitigate resistance and foster a culture of innovation.

For entrenched leaders, the advent of new technologies represents more than just a learning curve—it can pose a direct challenge to authority and the status quo that has been painstakingly preserved. Embracing AI-driven decision support systems may mean relinquishing control to algorithms and data analytics, a notion antithetical to the command-and-control ethos of traditional emergency response. Similarly, the immersive capabilities of XR technologies may blur the lines of hierarchical command structures, empowering frontline responders with realtime information and situational awareness previously monopolised by commanders.

“We are living in a material world and I am a material girl”

Financial Constraints: Financial limitations

The Catalyst 32

present another formidable barrier to meaningful innovation in emergency response. Many response organisations face budgetary constraints that impede their ability to invest in research, development, and implementation of digital solutions. Limited funding may also restrict access to cutting-edge technologies or expertise, hindering progress in innovation initiatives. To address this barrier, companies must advocate for increased funding and resource allocation for innovation projects already happening within their organisations. Collaborative funding models, publicprivate partnerships, and grants can provide additional avenues for securing the necessary resources within the public sector. Moreover, prioritizing investments in cost-effective, scalable solutions can maximize the impact of limited resources and drive innovation forward.

“IPADS?? We haven’t got whiteboards!”

Technological Infrastructure: Inadequate technological infrastructure poses a significant barrier to the adoption of digital innovations in emergency response. Many organizations lack the necessary IT infrastructure, including robust networks, hardware, and software systems, to

support advanced technologies such as AI and XR. Additionally, interoperability challenges between existing systems can further complicate integration efforts. By prioritising interoperability and scalability in technology procurement and deployment, organisations can lay the foundation for successful innovation initiatives. Furthermore, partnerships with technology vendors and service providers can provide access to expertise and resources necessary to overcome infrastructure challenges.

(We’ll never get this by IT!!)

Regulatory and Legal Complexity: The complex regulatory landscape surrounding the use of digital technologies in emergency response presents another significant barrier to innovation. Compliance with regulations governing data privacy, security, and liability is paramount but can pose challenges for organizations navigating multiple jurisdictions and regulatory frameworks. Additionally, evolving legal precedents and standards may lack clarity or adaptability, creating uncertainty for innovators. Addressing this barrier requires proactive engagement with policymakers, regulatory agencies, and legal experts to establish clear guidelines and frameworks for technology

adoption. Collaboration between industry stakeholders and regulatory bodies can facilitate the development of regulatory frameworks that balance innovation with safety and accountability.

Skills and Training Gap: The rapid pace of technological advancement in emergency response has led to a growing skills and training gap among emergency responders between the younger breed of responders and those with a more closed mindset (Note. Age is not a barrier to innovation, many of the best people I have worked with are of the older generation). Many organisations lack the expertise necessary to effectively develop, deploy, and utilise digital innovations in their operations. Additionally, the specialized nature of emerging technologies such as requires ongoing training and professional development to ensure proficiency and competence among personnel. Addressing this barrier requires investment in training programs, workshops, and educational resources tailored to the needs of emergency responders. Partnerships with academic institutions, industry associations, and technology providers can provide access to specialized training and expertise, empowering personnel to leverage digital innovations effectively.

The Catalyst 33
“That might have worked at X but it wont work here!”

Cultural and Organizational Barriers: Cultural and organisational barriers within emergency response organizations can also impede innovation efforts. Hierarchical structures, bureaucratic processes, and siloed communication channels may inhibit collaboration and information sharing, hindering the adoption and integration of digital technologies. Additionally, risk aversion, previous bad purchasing experiences and a reluctance to embrace uncertainty may stifle experimentation and innovation within organizations. Addressing these barriers requires a holistic approach that fosters a culture of innovation, collaboration, and continuous improvement. Leadership support, employee empowerment, and organizational incentives can cultivate an environment conducive to innovation, enabling organizations to overcome cultural and organizational barriers and unlock their full potential.

“We bought something like that before, now its on a shelf in the storeroom”

The reluctance of response organisations to embrace new technologies is not solely

The Catalyst 34

hydraulically driven pumps

high speed hose laying

large diameter hose

up to 45.000 l/min @12 bar

integrated foam systems

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Fight large tank fires

Fight large tank fires

Full support for fluor-free foams

Full support for fluor-free foams

35 years track record

35 years track record

hytrans.com Complete solution for industrial firefighting

Next Generation FLAIM Trainer







The author first published an article in The Catalyst in Q4 2020, raising awareness of FLAIM Systems, a start-up Virtual Reality/Immersive Learning company, coming out of research at Deakin University, Melbourne, Australia, under the PhD studies of Dr James Mullins, a third generation volunteer firefighter.

At that time the author was the Director of Product & Quality at The Fire Service College, Moreton-in-Marsh, Gloucestershire, UK and had identified and procured FLAIM Trainer, in a drive to reduce damage to the environment, reduce risk of injury to firefighters during training events and reduce exposure to toxins and carcinogenic content produced in fire situations.

The author is now the Director of Customer Experience, UK & Europe for FLAIM Systems and wants to expand on the advancing technology and vast improvements made to the product from both a hardware and software perspective.

Why use VR in Firefighter Training?

Traditional live fire training methods

have long been the backbone in preparing firefighters for the unpredictable nature of their work. With the ability to mirror elements of real-life firefighting, live fire

training is crucial in equipping firefighters with the skills and situational awareness needed to combat a fire safely and effectively. However, these traditional

The image above shows Flaim Trainer being demonstrated at the Emergency Services Show 2023, the image shows a firefighting team in a classroom in Australia, being mobilised the same virtual scenario as the firefighting team and Incident Commander based in the UK.
The Catalyst 36

methods come with limitations, including difficulty in replicating the full spectrum of fire scenarios a firefighter might encounter. Enter the FLAIM Trainer virtual reality (VR) firefighter training platform, a revolutionary tool that is transforming the landscape of firefighter training.

Stepping away from traditional training methods, FLAIM’s approach is rooted in a deep understanding of the challenges and realities firefighters face. FLAIM’s VR solution acts as an enhancement of existing training, whilst equipping firefighters with accessible feels-real firefighter training for dangerous a nd difficult-to replicate operations.

FLAIM are passionate about providing an immersive learning environment that closely mirrors real-life scenarios in a safe and controlled environment. It’s about allowing skills acquired and refined, and decisions tested without the immediate physical risks and exposure to hazardous fumes.

Immersive Learning Experience

With VR technology, FLAIM have the unique ability to offer realistic training environments that closely mimic actual fire situations. Trainees can be exposed to a wide range of scenarios, including those rare or too dangerous to replicate in real life, such as chemical spills or running fuel fires. This variety ensures that when faced with such situations in the real world, firefighters are better prepared, having experienced a situation that resembles a fire as close to reality as possible without being exposed to its actual dangers.

Risk Reduction and Environmental Benefits

The safety benefits of VR training cannot be overstated. Traditional live fire training carries inherent risks, from burns to smoke inhalation. VR eliminates these physical risks, allowing firefighters to focus on

learning and honing their skills in a controlled environment. The ability to simulate intense situations without real-world consequences also offers psychological benefits, helping to prepare individuals and teams mentally for the challenges they will face in live fire training and real-life firefighting.

The ability for firefighters to acquire skills using immersive learning offers significant environmental benefits by reducing the need for materials and minimising the pollutants released into the atmosphere during traditional live fire exercises. This aspect aligns with the growing emphasis on sustainability within all sectors, including emergency services in the private and public sectors.

Cost Effectiveness

The FLAIM Trainer is intended to help trainees get the very most out of critical live fire training. These events are often expensive, requiring heavy logistics and transportation to specific facilities, infrastructure and live fire equipment and consumable materials and refills. To ensure students have the skills needed, the FLAIM Trainer delivers a solution that helps students

practice skills, on demand, anywhere, any time.

Trainees can run through a range of suitable scenarios.

Customisable training scenarios and global accessibility

When we look at the range of firefighting department applications across the globe, from Naval through to Industrial Firefighting, it is evident that each department has a unique set of challenges.

To continue to deliver purposeful firefighter training, FLAIM offers tailored scenarios to meet specific learning objectives or local environments.

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This customisation ensures that training is relevant and directly applicable to the firefighters’ potential real-life experiences. These scenarios can be easily updated or modified, keeping training materials current with the latest firefighting techniques and knowledge.

FLAIM strive to make high-quality training accessible to departments regardless of location, ensuring that even remote or under-resourced teams can benefit from advanced training tools.

This global accessibility is crucial for raising the overall safety and performance of fire and emergency response teams.

Customisable training scenarios and global accessibility

When we look at the range of firefighting department applications across the globe, from Naval through to Industrial Firefighting, it is evident that each department has a unique set of challenges. To continue to deliver purposeful firefighter training,

FLAIM offers tailored scenarios to meet specific learning objectives or local environments.

This customisation ensures that training is relevant and directly applicable to the

firefighters’ potential real-life experiences.

These scenarios can be easily updated or modified, keeping training materials current with the latest firefighting techniques and knowledge.

FLAIM strive to make high-quality training accessible to departments regardless of location, ensuring that even remote or under-resourced teams can benefit from advanced training tools. This global accessibility is crucial for raising the overall safety and performance of fire and emergency response teams.

Enhanced learning outcomes

The effectiveness of VR training is supported by evidence showing improved decision-making, situational awareness, and reaction times among trainees. VR also offers the potential for personalised feedback and performance tracking, enabling a more focused and individualised training approach.

These enhanced learning outcomes translate into better-prepared personnel who are equipped to handle emergencies efficiently and safely, a key driver behind adoption from public, defence and private sector emergency teams all over the world.

Accurate records and organisational memory

FLAIM Capture, the data analytics tool that sits in behind FLAIM Trainer ensures that accurate training records are recorded and maintained by users of the equipment. Dedicated learning outcomes for each scenario, which are also customisable, are captured in a cloud based solution, which can be transferred into the organisations. Learning Management System. Thus, ensuring the organisation has evidence of preparing their operational firefighters for those foreseeable events.

This advanced application of FLAIM Trainer now means that training can be consistently delivered to firefighters, either in the same location or alternatively centrally delivered training using the 80+ operational related scenarios to locations across the world.

This allows international companies to measure and monitor compliance to standards, policies and procedures in real time, across multiple locations, in the luxury of a classroom, thus removing damage to the environment, improving the health & wellbeing of staff and reducing the risk of injury and exposure.

The Catalyst 38


Forward thinking management at Newcastle International Airport Training Academy have taken a huge step to begin the change management process for training Aviation Firefighters and became the first Airport in the UK to purchase FLAIM Trainer and introduce FLAIM learning content into the curriculum.

Image: Station Manager Graham Reeve, Senior Firefighting Instructor, Newcastle International Airport Training Academy delivering FLAIM Training

What were/are your biggest challenges in aviation firefighter training?

The main challenging aspect during the training of Firefighters is to keep the training as safe as possible but as realistic as possible, there can be no mistakes as this may result in injuries or worse.

What were your motivations when choosing the FLAIM Trainer?

Primarily, the Academy had to support Newcastle International Airport’s 2035 Carbon Neutral target, this would need us to reduce emissions, water & foam usage

without having any impact on the quantity and quality of training.

Utilising the Virtual Reality platform was deemed as the most logical and feasible option at this time.

Why did you select FLAIM Trainer?

After trialling FLAIM Trainer and researching other VR options available, it was regarded that FLAIM Trainer was easily the best all round option because of the whole realism of how the kit functions and its set up, the high-quality graphics and the large options of scenarios within the system.

This coupled with the fully immersive 3-dimensional VR environment it met all

our aims and objectives within the training syllabus.

How is the FLAIM Trainer adding value to your training program?

We have used FLAIM Trainer to augment many of our training programs, more so the Aviation Firefighter Initial Course, we were able to use FLAIM Trainer to initially instruct on the basic use of hose and branches within a safe environment, in all weathers without the risk to safety.

This would then progress to more complex scenarios involving fires, again risk free, no value can be placed on training within a fully safe environment, and FLAIM Trainer does that.

The Catalyst 39

What are the most useful features of the FLAIM Trainer and why?

There are many aspects to the different useful features, they all interlink with each other resulting in a powerful training platform. However, the ability to teleport around the VR environment allows us the capability to use FLAIM, within a classroom with restricted floor space. Also, with the wide range of incidents and the fact that firefighting and the correct application of firefighting media to extinguish the fire must be achieved to achieve a positive conclusion expands into a substantial VR training environment.

How many hours of training have you delivered in FLAIM Trainer?

Although we do not accurately record the hours of use, reviewing the number of courses it has been used with, we can say that during 2023 we have delivered over 200 hours augmenting our training courses with FLAIM.

How many students have you trained with the FLAIM Trainer?

We have delivered training to approximately 130 students during the 2023 training period.

What has been the reaction of the students when using FLAIM Trainer?

There has been a 100% positive feedback reaction from the students during and after using the FLAIM Trainer. Students have been extremely enthusiastic regarding how FLAIM Trainer realistically replicates incidents and if mistakes are made it is

training and learning point adding to their proficiency, competency, and future safety without the danger of injury.

What business outcomes have been achieved since adopting VR as part of your training curriculum? (could be time savings, cost savings, environmental, etc.)

We have positively contributed towards Newcastle International Airport’s ongoing target of ensuring carbon neutral by 2035 by reducing emissions from burning and vehicle exhausts, reduced the amount of water and foam used during training. We have actively saved money regarding fuel for burning, fire appliance fuel and wear & tear. We have been able to carry on teaching during excessive weather with wind rain and snow, thus maintaining our training programme.

Where do you see the most value for VR in aviation firefighter training?

Without doubt this is within Firefighter Initial courses and maintenance of competency of qualified operational firefighters. This comes in being able to carry out initial training ensuring recruits have a full understanding of tactics and techniques, identifying shortfalls in practical competency and correcting this before live fire scenarios. With qualified firefighters we can carry out one to one training and concentrate on a single firefighter’s training needs without the necessity for a full exercise involving the rest of the duty crew and the appliances.

Do you see the use of VR expanding within your curriculum?

Because of environmental issues with live fire burning the outlook of this is very much in doubt, in time the future may be to ban this altogether, the development of VR will inevitably increase its use giving us a viable alternative to complete live training.

We are actively looking at increasing our use of VR, integrating this into our other courses where applicable and appropriate to enhance and augment the delivery of training.

Case study material kindly provided and approved by Newcastle International Airport.

Should any readers require further information or a demonstration please do not hesitate to contact the author, or alternatively make contact via the FLAIM website. Director

This article was presented to you by: www.flaimsystems.com

Ted O'Brien

+44 (0) 7721437908


Europe, FLAIM
The Catalyst 40

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Embracing AI's transformative role in training high-risk sectors

The landscape of training in high-risk industries like oil and gas, renewables and industrials, is undergoing a monumental shift, in part due to the nature of the industries themselves, but also in reaction to events like the pandemic.

COVID-19 accelerated the adoption of digital training methodologies and while there was some resistance, the benefits of digital learning – in terms of accessibility, scalability and flexibility –are undeniable. While uptake of digital training was already on the rise, the pandemic proved to be a catalyst in the transition towards more innovative training solutions.

But, at the forefront of this transformation is the integration of Artificial Intelligence (AI), which will reshape how knowledge is imparted, skills are honed, and competencies are managed.

The current state of digital training in the energy sector

While sectors such as military, aviation and healthcare have long embraced simulation and digital learning, the energy sector is becoming more receptive.

The use of simulations in training for drilling operations, for example, has long

been accepted and highlights the sector’s growing commitment to reducing risks and costs associated with training in complex environments.

Furthermore, in the near future, highvoltage electrical work, which is incredibly dangerous, could also be a fantastic candidate.

The adoption of adaptive learning platforms, which enable delegates to learn more efficiently, complete courses faster, and better retain information learnt, is powered by AI, using algorithms to adapt courses and materials, and marks a significant advancement in training delivery.

These platforms tailor training content to individual needs, ensuring that learners engage with the material that is most relevant to their skill gaps.

This offers a personalised approach; not only enhancing learning efficiency but ensuring higher retention rates.

While AI will play a crucial role in

advancing how we are training delegates, it will also play an instrumental role in how we manage compliance and training content production in the future.

Managing competency and compliance with AI

AI transcends content delivery and can have a vital impact on how we manage workforce competency and compliance. Through real-time data analytics, AI systems continuously evaluate skills, highlighting areas for improvement and maintaining stringent safety standards.

Traditional e-learning models, often characterised by passive learning, are on track to be coupled with or replaced by AI-driven, interactive methods. The future of training is moving towards a subscription model, whereby continuous learning and upskilling are the norms, as opposed to static learning.

This approach aligns with the everevolving skill requirements of high-risk industries, ensuring that workforce competency remains at the fore.

The Catalyst 42

For the role of training and competence coordinators and managers, AI will shift the needle. Gone will be the days of box ticking competence or training requirements, but instead, companies will have greater access and control over their teams’ training – which will drastically reduce the time training their workforce. In safety critical industries, where the margin for error is minimal, this will leave little to no room for doubt over whether they have the most competent people, spending their time where it matters most – doing their jobs.

AI in training content production

AI is also reshaping the production of training content.

By automating and streamlining the creation process, AI ensures that training materials are not only up to date but also customised to meet specific learning objectives.

This aspect of AI in training underscores the technology’s role in creating more dynamic and relevant training experiences.

While this appears to be a universal benefit, there are risks that need to be considered. Companies operating in the energy sector will need to carefully

think about who they are purchasing their training from.

When considering the market stall, so to speak, there are already training providers available, and the ‘cheapest route’ often wins. But as that market stall expands and new training providers come to the fore, thanks to the use of AI for course production, more scrutiny will be needed.

Companies will need to consider not only whether their training provider is a cost effective option, but whether they have the skills and standards to provide excellent training across both digital and practical training – something still vital today.

Industry safety standards, such as those set by OPITO and GWO, are there to be adhered to because they keep people and assets safe.

So, it will remain important that companies choose training providers with deep routed sector knowledge, heritage and an intimate understanding of the standards that must be complied with.

Looking to the future

The integration of AI in training is more

than a technological advancement; it's a strategic imperative for high-risk sectors.

Its development and adoption are something that we’re incredibly excited to continue to play a leading role in.

As we embrace this new era of digital learning, the role of AI in nurturing a competent, well-prepared workforce cannot be overstated. The future of training undeniably lies in the hands of AI and its limitless potential.

This article was presented to you by:

Marco Vanin holds Master’s degrees in both PhysicsandNanoTechnologyfromPolitecnico diMilanoandTechnicalUniversityofDenmark and a PhD. in Physics.

Marco has covered several roles withing the EdTech and learning space. Before joining RelyOn Nutec as a Global Commercial Director for Digital Learning, he was Director of the Global Academy in 3Shape – in the medtech industry.

Marco has spent more than ten years working with advanced digital learning service platforms. He currently holds the role of Senior Vice President – Commercial role at RelyOn Nutec.

Marco Vanin
The Catalyst 43

Storage and Handling Safety in LPG Plants

Liquified petroleum gas (LPG) is a fuel gas which contains a flammable mixture of hydrocarbon gases, specifically propane, propylene, butylene, isobutane, and n-butane. LPG is used as a fuel gas in heating appliances, cooking equipment, and vehicles(autogas). LPG is an environmental fuel that is relatively easy to reach and cheaper than other fossil fuels. LPG basically consists of butane and propane gases. Chemically, these two gas types are very similar to one another. The main difference between them is their boiling points. Propane has a much lower boiling point than Butane. Butane and propane have different vapour pressures due to the difference in boiling points. Vapour pressures also play an important role in the storage conditions of LPG. LPG has many advantages. However, if there are no skilled and experienced teams in storage and handling operations, LPG will turn into a type of bomb. LPG is a very important fuel type for global warming problem. From this perspective, LPG is a part of the solution to global warming, not the problem. LPG terminals are operated with hazardous processes. For this reason, reliability and safety are the most important parameters for LPG operations. There are 3 rules for safe operation at LPG terminals. The 1st rule is to have the correct operational procedures, the 2nd rule is to create a strong maintenance culture, especially periodic inspection and testing of work equipment, and the last and most important is to work with experienced and skilled employees with a proactive safety culture.

1. LPG Properties

LPG is a colourless liquid which readily evaporates into a colourless and odourless gas. Usually, a foul-smelling ethyl mercaptan is added to the LPG to easily detect a leak. During leakage, the vaporization of the liquid cools the atmosphere and condenses the water vapour contained to form a whitish fog to make it visible to the eye and spot where the LPG is escaping from.

Figure 1 LPG Filling Plant (Shpere Tanks)
The Catalyst 44
Figure 2 Liquid LPG Release

1.1 Density

LPG, at atmospheric pressure and temperature, is a gas 1.5 to 2.0 times heavier than air. It is readily liquefied under pressure.

The density of the liquid is approximately half of water's density and ranges from 0.525 to 0.580 in 15 deg. C. Since LPG vapour is heavier than air, it would normally settle down at ground level/low-lying places, and accumulate in depressions.

1.2 Vapour Pressure

The pressure inside a LPG storage vessel/ cylinder will be equal to the vapour pressure corresponding to the temperature of LPG in the storage vessel. The vapour pressure is dependent on temperature as well as on the ratio of the mixture of hydrocarbons.

1.3 Odour

LPG has only a very faint smell, and consequently, it is necessary to add some

odourant, so any escaping gas can easily be detected. Ethyl Mercaptan is normally used as a stenching agent for this purpose.

1.4 Toxicity

LPG, even though slightly toxic, is not poisonous in vapour phase, but can, however, suffocate when in large concentrations due to the fact that it displaces oxygen. In this case, the vapour posses mild anaesthetic properties.

Figure 3 LPG Vapor Pressure and Boiling Point Figure 4 LPG Odorization
The Catalyst 45

The filling amount of LPG in tanks by volume decreases as the density of LPG and LPG temperature decreases.

So, if the LPG temperature is low at the time of filling, it will be subjected to heat transfer to reach the ambient temperature.

As LPG will warm up, thermal expansion will happen to the Liquid LPG. There should be sufficient vapour space in the tanks so that thermal expansion can occur properly.

Figure 5 LPG Maximum Permitted Liquid Volume of LPG Vessels(NFPA 58)
The Catalyst 46
Figure 6 Heat Effect to Liquid LPG and Expansion of LPG

2.1 LPG Storage Tank Farms should provide some important points. Fire fighting, water sprinkler system and deluge system: Fire fighting systems should be designed according to NFPA 58, it's effective in case of a fire in the facility and should also be activated automatically. 3 parameters are critical in fire fighting systems: the amount of storage water, the water flow rate of fire pumps and the number of pumps.

Gas leak detection system: In gas detection systems, the design of gas detectors should be planned considering the prevailing wind directions of the plants and potential sources of leaking.

Comprehensive emergency systems: In emergency situations, action should be taken to protect the entire facility. First of all, all LPG operations should be stopped rapidly and the emergency shutoff valves of the tanks should be closed (LPG source must be cut). If there is a fire situation, simultaneous firefighting equipments must be activated so the emergency team can fight the fire. Finally, entrance/exit gates should be opened automatically so that people can leave safely and vehicles such as fire brigades and ambulances can enter. Of course, during this process, sirens should be sounded in a way that does not prevent communication, and everyone around should be informed of the emergency.

Tank gauging system to prevent accidental overfill: A high-level alarm system is needed to sound the alarm when the level in the tank reaches max liquid level. API recommendation regarding overfilling is to install level alarms independent of level gauge systems. Also, Gauging systems should provide high temperature and overpressure alarms.

Safety valves located in LPG Plants: Pressure safety valves on the tank should be opened to safe zones and should never impact the shell of the neighboring tank. Pressure safety valves or thermal relief valves in the pipeline should not be placed under the tank, When the safety valve open, it should not impact the tank shell.

Emergency stop buttons at strategic location: Emergency stop and fire alarm buttons should be located in areas accessible to plant personnel. Additionally, when the buttons' cables are broken or burned, the emergency system should be activated as if the button was pressed.

3. LPG Handling Rules

LPG occurs in two phases, the first is vapour and the second is liquid.

Compressors are used when handling LPG in the vapour phase, pumps are used when handling it in the liquid phase.

3.1 Vapour LPG Handling

LPG vapour phase is handled by compressors. There are some important rules when handling the vapour phase, the first one is to prevent liquid to go to the compressor. To do so, liquid traps should be installed in the inlets of LPG compressors. If the liquid trap detects liquid LPG, the compressor should be shut down. In addition, compressors compress the vapour phase, ıt suctions from the inlet and pressures to the outlet of the vapour line, this compression process will increase the temperature as well as the pressure of the vapour phase.

These temperatures should be monitored, the temperature is a very important parameter. For example, if rubber LPG hoses are used in the vapour phase discharge line, the maximum operating temperature should not be exceeded. Generally, the rubber LPG hose will be dangerous when the maximum temperature exceeds 70 degrees C.

Figure 7 Water Deluge System of LPG Vessels
The Catalyst 47
Figure 8 LPG Tanks Fire Fighting System

3.2 Liquid LPG Handling

When handling liquid LPG, pumps are used, pumps are complex and powerful equipment. If LPG pump runs without care, it may cause the LPG to fire. Because the pumps may ignite the source.

The most critical equipment of pumps is their mechanical seals. To ensure continuity of sealing, mechanical seals must be selected correctly and maintained on time. The second critical issue for pumps is preventing them from running dry. If the pumps run dry, the sealing elements will be damaged. Damaged seals create leaking of LPG. Seals on the pumps should be protected for process safety. To prevent dry running, liquid sensors should be installed in the pump suction lines. If there is not enough liquid in the pump suction line, the pump must stop immediately.

4. Sources of Ignition in LPG Plants



There are frequently local regulations about smoking which must be rigidly observed. Smoking may be permitted but only under controlled conditions at specific times in a place stated by the procedures. Personnel, when working at plants, must not carry matches or more particularly lighters because the risk is too big for everyone.

4.2 Portable Electrical Equipment

Only ATEX approved Safety torches or hand lamps should be used. Portable Electric Equipment self-contained or extension cables are not to be used in a gas-dangerous place or zone unless the equipment is intrinsically safe. Portable domestic radios, electronic calculators, tape recorders and other non-approved battery equipment are not to be used in a gas-dangerous place or zone.

4.3 Hot work

Before any hot work, hammering, chipping, or power tools, including shot blasting, are used, the responsible HSE worker needs to examine the work area and be sure that the work can be safely undertaken, issuing a hot work permit certificate.

Non-sparking tools are not to be used as they do not significantly reduce the risk of igniting a flammable vapour.

4.4 Auto Ignition

The vapours from LPG may ignite if the vapour comes into contact with any surface heated above the auto-ignition temperature e.g. steam lines, exhaust manifolds, overheated equipment.

4.5 Static Electricity

Static electricity can cause fires or explosions—the energy that a static spark gives off is enough to ignite LPG.

5. Potential LPG Leakage Source in LPG Plants


Flanges of LPG Pipeline and Vessel

Flanges are equipment that may leak due to their nature. In this case, the gaskets and bolts used in the flanges must be selected correctly. The most basic safety in flanged connections is to tighten the bolts with sufficient torque and to use fireproof gaskets. Leakage checks should be to done by using soapy water on the flanges periodicly, especially during periods when the atmospheric temperature rapid changes (seasonal transitions).

5.2 Rotating Equipment Mechanical Seals

Mechanical seals are used as sealing equipment in pumps, in this case, it is recommended to use double mechanical seals in LPG pumps. Double mechanical seals are designed to ensure maximum sealing safety. These seals eliminate leakage of the fluid being handled in pumps.

5.3 Pressure Safety Valve

Pressure safety valves are actually designed

Figure 9 LPG Compressor Working Principle Figure 10 LPG Pump Figure 11 Hot Work (Grinding)
The Catalyst 48
Figure 12 Flow in Pipe Can Generate Static Figure 13 Leak Test with Soapy Water Figure 14 Mechanical Seal of Pumps
The Catalyst 49
Figure 15 PSV of LPG Vessels

as safety equipment, protecting tanks and pipes against over pressure.

However, sometimes if pressure safety valves are faulty, they may activate under the set values and release LPG into the atmosphere. These equipments are very critial in LPG operations, so this reason, LPG safety valves should be tested and maintained at least every 5 years.

5.4 LPG Sampling Point

Sampling is an operational requirement for quality control in LPG operations. LPG sampling should be done according to procedures, otherwise it may cause large LPG releases.

The adequacy of safety barriers in LPG sampling zone should be checked. The important safety barrier is; A two-valve system should be installed, the last valve should be a spring-loaded dead man valve.

5.5 Truck Loading and Unloading Connection Couplings

During LPG loading and unloading, couplings are connected and remove to trucks and ships manifold. While doing this operation, some LPG is released, this is a controlled and known amount of release LPG.

The critical point in these operations is the uncontrolled release that may occur during connecting and removing. In order to prevent this situation from occurring, it is necessary to check the couplings periodically. The he first important rule is yo control the connection couplings with go no go gauges, the second important rule is to use breakaway or pullaway couplings,

16 Go No No Gauge

17 Schematic Drawing Drain Line of LPG Vessels both equipment must be maintained and checked on time.

This article was presented to you by:

5.6 Water Dreyn of LPG Vessel

The water removal and drainage process is potentially the most hazardous process in LPG operations.

There have been many accidents in the past regarding this issue. API has made some recommendations on this issue; the twovalve system should be in the drain lines.

However, accident examples have shown that in addition to just two valves, there must also be a spring-loaded dead man valve.

There should be one valve that can remotely close the drainage systems under the tanks in case of emergency.

Mech Engg; Masters in heat transfer and fluid mechanics, Mustafa Kemal University

withoverallthirteenyearsofexperience, has worked in the field of production and manufacturing and then worked in project-based maintenance-repair and capacity increase works in Oil and LPG terminals.

Currently, he is with Milangaz as LPG Operations Engineer and as LPG Terminal Manager.

Figure Figure Onur Özutku
The Catalyst 50

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