coffee cups and Lyonian memorabilia available
Highlights and achievements from an exceptional term

As we reflect on a successful and busy term at John Lyon, we are proud to celebrate many highlights across our community.
With screen time for children and young people a real societal issue, we introduced a phone-free environment for Year 7 and Year 8 pupils through the introduction of Yondr this term. The response from parents, staff and pupils has been very positive, and we are exploring extending this initiative to older year groups, enabling the entire school community to benefit from its many advantages, including improved focus and better mental health.
In line with our all-through strategy, we are pleased to announce the removal of the 11+ exam for Year 6 pupils at our Prep School, enabling a smoother transition to Senior School. Pupils will be prepared to meet and exceed 11+ academic standards in a supportive environment, reflecting our commitment to wellbeing and academic high-quality education.
We were thrilled to welcome nearly 100 families to our Sixth Form open evening, including many from other schools interested in learning about 16+ opportunities at John Lyon and our exciting move to co-education in the Sixth Form from September 2025. I am pleased to share that the next Sixth Form event, the A-Level options evening, will take place on Thursday 16 January 2025. Further details will be released soon. We are excited to be welcoming more girls into our Sixth Form in September 2025.
As part of John Lyon’s Foundation, our strong ties with the Harrow
Family of Schools continue to provide exceptional opportunities for our pupils. This term, enthusiastic physicists enjoyed stargazing at Harrow School’s Rayleigh Observatory, while Religious Studies and Philosophy pupils attended insightful lectures from renowned professors alongside Harrow School peers. Our Senior students also attended an international Higher Education event. We also welcomed pupils from Harrow International School Bengaluru for an afternoon of sports and camaraderie.
Our newly refurbished science laboratory at the Prep School was ready for the start of the academic year offering our Prep children unrivalled facilities for their science studies. Additionally, a Wellbeing Hub has been created to provide a positive space for activities promoting mental health and wellbeing, with a separate dedicated study area for Year 6 pupils already proving popular.
John Lyon School has been recognised as a Microsoft Showcase School for the third consecutive year, reflecting our leadership in digital innovation. Hosting the Regional VEX IQ Robotics Competition this term was another highlight, bringing together teams from across the area for a successful and engaging event.
We gathered for our annual Founder’s Day celebration at St Mary’s Church, Harrow-on-the-Hill this term and were honoured to be joined by Cllr Salim Chowdhury, Mayor of The London Borough of Harrow, and Old Lyonians.
Our commitment to the wider community remains a priority for us. This term, we raised £845 for the MacMillan Coffee Morning, and pupils at the Prep School collected over 138kg of donations for the Harrow Foodbank at Harvest Festival. Our Christmas philanthropy has seen a significant collection from the entire School community to the Harrow Foodbank.
Music continues to be at the heart of life at John Lyon, with pupils from both the Prep and Senior Schools showcasing
their talents. Pupils have had chances to share their musical abilities in different events, including Solos Concerts, the Commemoration Concert, Christmas Concerts and many more. ‘The Addams Family – A Musical Comedy’ at Harrow School’s Ryan Theatre, which for the first time involves some of our younger pupils from the Prep School, was a tour de force and showcased talent and community.
Sport continues to thrive and this term saw historic milestones, including the Senior School’s first all-girls overseas sports tour to Holland, where hockey and netball teams competed and trained with great success. Also, congratulations to our U11 football team who won the Reddiford Prep Challenge Cup, marking John Lyon’s first victory in the competition since its inception in 1999.
A particular highlight this term was our Careers Networking Event, where 20 Old Lyonians and 10 external employers provided guidance to Year 10 to Upper Sixth pupils on career and education options. At John Lyon, we place great emphasis on supporting our pupils’ career opportunities, and helping them prepare for future success, and it was rewarding to see so many feeling inspired, informed and better equipped to explore various career paths. We are thankful for the support given to both the Lyonian Association and the Friends of the Lyonian Association, which enables us to provide enriching opportunities beyond the curriculum.
It has been a great pleasure to see the achievement, application and enjoyment of all of your children this term. Thank you for your support and I wish you all a very Happy Christmas and a peaceful New Year.
All best wishes,

Mrs Rose Hardy Head of John Lyon School
Making John Lyon a phone-free space

At John Lyon, we recognise the valuable role that smartphones play in modern life, but we also believe it is essential to teach young people how to use them safely and responsibly. As pupils move through the School, we want them to develop a healthy relationship with technology.
After careful research and consideration, we introduced the Yondr Programme this term to create a phone-free environment for our Year 7 and 8 pupils, which in turn will help foster and prioritise a focused learning environment and positive social interactions. At John Lyon, phones are not seen or heard during the School day for all our pupils, including Year 9 to the Upper Sixth.
Yondr is the name of the organisation that creates the pouches which seal phones magnetically during the School day. The Yondr Programme is simple yet effective. Each pupil in Year 7 and 8 received a personally assigned Yondr pouch at the beginning of term. During morning registration, pupils are asked to place their phones in these secure pouches, locking them away for the day. Although they keep the pouch in
their possession, the phones remain inaccessible until afternoon form time at the end of the day, after which they are unlocked using a special Yondr device. This ensures that pupils have their phones with them but are not distracted by them during the day.
Our experience, along with feedback from others using Yondr, show that reducing phone usage during the School day can significantly decrease anxiety, improve focus in lessons, and foster better communication among pupils during breaks and lunchtimes. We have also found that learning and social behaviour improve drastically when pupils are fully engaged with their teachers and classmates. During the School day, pupils can access all the digital learning tools they need to support their learning by using their School Managed Device (SMD).
Yondr recently surveyed over 900 school partners to measure the effects of creating phone-free educational environments. These schools achieved notable progress in multiple areas:
• 65% of schools saw an improvement in academic performance
• 72% of schools saw an improvement in pupil behaviour
• 84% of schools saw an improvement in pupil engagement in the classroom
• 86% of schools saw a positive impact on pupil safety and wellness
The response to Yondr has been overwhelmingly positive from pupils, parents and staff. Pupils are actively playing, chatting and attending the wealth of activities on offer during break and lunchtimes and staff have reported increased focus from pupils who are not distracted by notifications going off in their pockets that they feel compelled to answer. This initiative has been complimented by our Parental
Enrichment Programme, a series of talks for parents of teenagers, the first of which focused on ‘Mobile Phones and Social Media’.
The resources from this talk are available to John Lyon parents via the Parent Portal.
Parents have reported how “delighted” they are to have the Yondr system and “thoroughly support” the decision to implement it.
I feel much more re-assured of the safety of my daughter at school now. I thank
the school for taking action.
This comment is very much in line with feedback we have had from many other parents.
Parents of pupils in Year 9 and Year 10 have commented how they would like Yondr to be available for their children as well.
The system will gradually be rolled out across the year groups so that Years 7 to 11 will become phone-free during school hours. This should see a positive impact on pupils’ mental health and wellbeing, as well as their academic progress.
Research from Policy Exchange, the UK’s leading think tank, found that children at schools with effective smartphone bans achieve GCSEs one to two grades higher than those without such bans. Similarly, research from Sapien Labs found that the later a child acquires a smartphone, the better their mental health outcomes will be in the long term. As a School we take these findings seriously and want to support parents and pupils in the use of technology to help, rather than hinder, the development of healthy bodies and minds.
We’re more social now – you can come to school and just switch on School Mode.
Now we can enjoy the sunlight and catch up.
I think it helps reduce temptation at home too.
It definitely helps our mental health.
It helps you to focus on your studies.
Yondr is a good idea –you know your phone is safe with you and doesn’t go anywhere.
It helps you concentrate more – not being able to open it is a good thing.
Feedback from some Year 7 and Year 8 pupils
John Lyon removes 11+ exams for our Prep pupils

We are proud to be Northwest London’s leading co-ed, 3 to 18, independent school, offering our pupils the very best all through-school experience –an uninterrupted educational journey from Early Years through to Senior School.
John Lyon is pleased to announce that pupils at our Prep School will no longer have to sit the 11+ examinations to transition into our Senior School in Harrow-on-the-Hill. This change, which is firmly part of our through-school strategy and one-school approach, will allow our Year 6 pupils to move seamlessly across to the Senior School in a familiar setting, where they continue to be supported by teachers who already know their
strengths and needs well. This allows us to support pupils throughout their journey from our Prep to our Senior in a way that is tailored, nurturing, and holistic.
While the 11+ has traditionally marked the step into secondary education, it can often create unnecessary stress, which can lead to young people suffering anxiety, burn-out and loss of confidence. By removing this requirement, we aim to give our pupils more room to focus on their learning and personal growth without added pressure.
Pupils will still be taught to the 11+ level, including taking autumn term assessments in Mathematics and English set by our Senior School, so that they will be wellprepared to meet competitive standards.
The difference is that they will be learning in an environment centred not only on passing an exam but on building a broad set of skills – academic, emotional, and social – to equip them for future success.
This decision reflects our commitment to prioritising our pupils’ wellbeing while maintaining high academic standards. We are excited about the positive impact this change will have across our School community, fostering a joyful, balanced, and enriching through-school educational experience.
Founder’s Day 2024

On Friday 4 October, all pupils and staff from the Senior School and Year 5 and 6 pupils from the Prep School gathered at St Mary’s Church in Harrow-on-the-Hill to commemorate our founder, John Lyon. St Mary’s, where John and his wife Joan are laid to rest, serves as the perfect setting for this annual tradition.
The ceremony was attended by The Worshipful the Mayor of The London Borough of Harrow Cllr Salim Chowdhury, along with Old Lyonians, making it a truly special occasion.
The Rev’d Alison Christian of St Mary’s
led the service, reflecting on John Lyon’s life and legacy, and emphasising his enduring influence on our community. Theo (9JFR), Sophia (9MWV), Naiya (10GAH), and Jai (U6PWM) gave readings, and our Head Prefect Jack (U6JCC) concluded with a reading of The Charter.
A poignant moment of the ceremony was The Laying of the Wreaths where Year 5 pupils, Asher (5JG) and Noura (5JG), Year 6 pupils Annabelle (6EK) and Shiven (6JS), Year 7 pupil Hannah (7RAR), Year 8 pupil Leo (8RMK), Year 9 pupil Daniel (9CJC), Year 10 pupil Hannah (10ADH), Year 11 pupil

Romir (11WA), Lower Sixth pupil Klara (L6SCA) and Upper Sixth pupil Giritharan (U6NGA) laid wreaths in memory of John Lyon.
The service also featured the hymn ‘I Vow to Thee, My Country’, the School Song ‘Stet Fortuna Domus’, and the ‘National Anthem’, with all music performed by the School’s Motet Choir and Chamber Orchestra.
Following the ceremony, everyone returned to Middle Road to enjoy a Founder’s Day-themed lunch, which included dishes inspired by the culinary tastes of John Lyon’s era.

Armistice Day

On Monday 11 November, the Senior School community gathered on the Red House lawn to mark Armistice Day in remembrance of all those who lost their lives in conflict.
The names of the Old Lyonians who gave their lives in service were read out by pupils. Mrs Hardy, Head and Mr Paul Matarewicz, President of the Old Lyonian Association (OLA) laid wreaths on behalf of the School community. This was followed by a two-minute silence at 11.00am.
At the Prep, the School came together to observe Remembrance Day with a moving two-minute silence of their own. The solemn atmosphere reflected our respect for those who have made the ultimate sacrifice and Younes (6EK), shared a beautiful and thought-provoking poem he wrote for the occasion, capturing the spirit of remembrance with powerful words that touched everyone’s hearts.

Following this, Aadam (6JS) played the ‘Last Post’ with remarkable skill, creating a poignant and reflective moment for all. It was a touching ceremony that highlighted the importance of remembrance and gratitude.

Marking Anti-Bullying Week
The whole school participated in Anti-Bullying Week from Monday 11 November to Friday 15 November, with themed assemblies, focused Personal, Social, Health, and Citizenship Education (PSHCE) lessons, and reflective form times.
Pupils and staff at the Prep School also took part in Odd Socks Day, wearing mismatched socks to celebrate the start of this week. This fun initiative encouraged everyone to embrace self-expression and appreciate what makes each of us unique.
The week provided valuable learning opportunities and reminded the School community of the importance of celebrating individuality, showing kindness, and respecting others, regardless of our differences.

MacMillan Coffee Morning
Both the Prep and Senior School participated in the MacMillan Coffee Morning, displaying the generosity of our School community for this worthwhile charity.
At the Senior campus, the Head Prefect Team organised the collection, raising over £600 for MacMillan Cancer Support. Meanwhile, the Prep’s parent/guardian volunteer group, the Friends of the Lyonian Association - Prep Parent Group (FLA-PP), hosted a coffee morning for parents. With an array of delicious treats, they added an impressive £245 to the total.
A big thank you to everyone who contributed to this meaningful cause.

New Prep facilities
Fully refurbished science lab unveiled

We were delighted to unveil our new state-of-the-art science laboratory at our Prep campus, which was delivered in time for the new academic year.
The lab underwent a full floor-to-ceiling refurbishment over the summer months, including the installation of a large 70-inch
interactive touchscreen monitor, new flooring, ergonomic furniture, improved LED lighting, and upgraded gas safety system – along with modernised seating arrangements that make for immersive teaching and learning.
Our pupils are enjoying their new learning space and some have already commented that this is their new favourite space on campus!
John Lyon School strives to ensure that facilities are of the highest quality, so that they give our pupils the very best learning experiences and outcomes. We are very grateful to our staff, who have helped to shape this outstanding new facility.
New Prep Wellbeing Hub and Year 6 independent study area
In keeping with our holistic approach to learning, we transformed our old air-raid shelter behind the library into a Wellbeing Hub and a separate area for our Year 6 pupils to work independently.
The Wellbeing Hub recognises the importance we place on young people’s mental health, while the Year 6 study space encourages pupils to take ownership of and responsibility for their own learning.
John Lyon is committed to offering the very best facilities in order to enable our pupils to flourish at school and beyond. The Hub was funded by the Eyden Fund, which supports initiatives at the Prep School that go beyond the standard curriculum to enrich our pupils’ learning experiences. We are thankful to the Friends of the Lyonian Association - Prep Parent Group (FLA-PP) for raising funds generated through their activities for the Eyden Fund.

Mrs Sonal Chatrath, Head of Prep, said:
“Our newly furbished science laboratory is a place where curiosity will be nurtured, and discoveries will come to life. This space represents our commitment to fostering innovation, encouraging critical thinking, and providing our pupils with the best resources to explore the wonders of science.”

Year 5 get hands-on with coding and robotics
Our Year 5 pupils have been learning how to build and code robots. Inspired by the VEX Robotics programme at our Senior School, this project combines elements of Design Technology and Computing.
Under the guidance of Mrs Durg, Head of Art at our Prep School, pupils have been working with VEX Go Kits to build the Astro Vault code base. These kits are designed to teach the basics of STEAM through hands-on, collaborative activities. Working in pairs, pupils have followed building instructions, used the necessary tools, and added a battery and brain to support coding and further development. They have also been exploring coding concepts to help navigate their mini robots through obstacle courses, all of which has been very exciting for them!
It has been a promising start for Robotics at the Prep School. We are excited to continue developing these practical skills amongst the pupils as the year progresses and explore opportunities to expand this learning to other year groups.

A special letter from the Royal Household
At the end of last academic year, Reception class (now Year 1) created a special birthday card for His Majesty King Charles III and sent it to Buckingham Palace.
This term, an important-looking letter arrived in the post, sparking great excitement! It was from the Royal Household, on behalf of His Majesty King Charles III, thanking the children for their thoughtful card and message.
Our young pupils were delighted to receive this Royal response, which made it a very memorable day!

Harvest Festival and giving back to the community
This year’s Harvest Festival at our school was a true celebration of generosity, with the entire Prep collecting impressive donations amounting to a massive 138 kg of food, toiletries, and other essentials for the Harrow Foodbank.
These acts of kindness make a genuine difference to the lives of those in need within our community, and the project provided an invaluable learning experience of gratitude for our pupils from Nursery through to Year 6.
A heartfelt thank you to everyone in our School community – the Harrow Foodbank was incredibly grateful for our collective efforts.
Solos Concert
On Tuesday 24 September, we held our Solo Instrumental Concert in the Halliday Hall, with 32 pupils from Year 3 to 6 performing.
The evening featured a wide range of instruments including guitar, cello, tabla, drums, and many more, as well as an incredibly wide and varied repertoire of pieces, including ‘Uptown Funk’ by Mark Ronson featuring Bruno Mars and ‘Believer’ by Imagine Dragons, showcasing the talents and dedication of our young musicians. It was a celebration of musical talent with every performance reflecting our musicians’ hard work and dedication to practice.
Congratulations to all the performers for making it such an enjoyable evening and for filling the Halliday Hall with great music.

Author visits
This term, we were delighted to welcome authors Jamie Littler and Holly Swain to the Prep School.
Acclaimed author and illustrator Jamie Littler visited pupils in Years 3 to 6 to introduce his thrilling new series, ‘The Arkspire’. Pupils had the opportunity to engage with Jamie, discussing his vibrant characters and the creative process behind his work. He impressed the pupils with stories about storytelling and illustration, then guided them through a hands-on activity in which they designed their own characters and analysed the elements that make stories truly engaging.
Holly Swain engaged our younger pupils from Nursery through to Year 2 during her visit, talking about her new book, ‘Colin’s Castle’. Pupils enjoyed exploring Colin’s world, discussing his emotions, and getting to know the story’s characters. Holly’s interactive drawing session, in which the pupils learned to bring Colin to life on the page with her expert guidance, was an exciting part of the session and was very much enjoyed by all.
Both author visits were inspiring and memorable, sparking creativity and enthusiasm for storytelling and art across the School.

Younger pupils dive into Forensic Science
Pupils from Nursery to Year 2 enjoyed a unique and exciting Forensic Science workshop, in which they were tasked with solving a mystery. Held just before half-term, the activity was a fun and celebratory end to the first half of the autumn term.
During the workshop, our young detectives explored clues, examined DNA, and identified footprints and fingerprints to piece together evidence and uncover the identity of a hypothetical burglar.
Delivered by the Education Group, the workshop provided a fantastic opportunity for pupils to have fun while developing key science skills such as observation, exploration, and inquiry.

School trip highlights
This term, pupils have enjoyed several exciting trips that have brought their classroom learning to life.
Year 3 visited the Roald Dahl Museum, where they learned about the author’s life and works. The trip inspired our pupils and gave them imaginative ideas for their creative writing.
Year 5 explored Kew Gardens to deepen their understanding of rainforests, which they had been studying in class. They enjoyed an immersive experience in the Palm House, explored rainforest plants and artefacts, and learned about the importance of these ecosystems in our daily lives. A visit to Kew Children’s Garden rounded off a great day!
Year 6 attended the Van Gogh Immersive Experience in London, where they explored the artist’s life and work through 360-degree projections and a stunning light and sound show, gaining new insights into his art. Our Year 6 also visited Gunnersbury Museum this term to experience Victorian life first-hand, giving them a practical understanding of this fascinating historical era.

Performers shine in Nativity plays and Christmas show
This year’s Nativity plays and Christmas show were once again a resounding success, with our performers taking to the stage with enthusiasm and joy. It was a heartwarming occasion that captured the spirit of the season and brought smiles to everyone in the audience.
Well done to our Little Lyons Nursery and Reception, and our Pre-prep Year 1 and 2 classes on their brilliant plays!
Years 3 to 6 also put on a spectacular Christmas show. It was a musical extravaganza featuring festive tunes from around the world ending with an amazing performance from our Bollywood club.

Friends of the Lyonian Association (FLA)

The Friends of the Lyonian Association – Prep Parents (FLA-PP) is a dedicated group of parent/guardian volunteers at the Prep School who organise events for the benefit of the School community. Here is an update on what they have been up to this term…
The term kicked off with a successful Macmillan Coffee Morning, which saw an
excellent turnout. (Read the full story on page 9 of this magazine.) The FLA-PP also hosted the much-loved and very popular Halloween Disco, a highlight for pupils and parents alike. In December, they put on a Secret Room event, where pupils shopped for Christmas gifts for their loved ones –with some guidance from Santa’s helpers!
The FLA-PP has played and continues to play a key role in building community spirit throughout the Prep School, and we

are grateful for our volunteers’ dedication. Their hard work directly benefits the School in many ways and the funds they raise through the various activities and events they organise contributes to the Eyden Fund, which supports initiatives that have a positive impact on pupils learning and environment, including the recent new Wellbeing Hub. Find out more on page 10.

We have made significant strides in integrating the Prep School into our Senior sports programme. Staff now coach across both sites and age groups, and Sudbury has become the home of Prep football.
This term, all pupils – boys and girls alike – have had opportunities to take part in competitive sport, with Mr Antoine , Head of Sport (Prep), and his team working hard to ensure everyone gets a chance to play.
There have been some great moments in both netball and football, and our Year 4 girls have shown particular promise this term in netball.
U11 football team triumphs to bring trophy home
Huge congratulations to our incredible U11 football team, who brought glory to John Lyon by clinching the Reddiford Prep Challenge Cup.
This landmark victory marks the first time John Lyon has lifted the winner’s trophy since the competition began in 1999. The team’s outstanding performance on the field demonstrated not only impressive skill but also resilience and determination.
The tournament featured six schools: Alpha Prep, Buckingham Prep, St Helen’s,
Reddiford, St Christopher’s, and John Lyon. Each school played against the others in a round-robin format, with John Lyon delivering a stellar performance throughout. Our team recorded four wins and one draw, finishing at the top of the table with 13 points, scoring an impressive 10 goals while conceding only one.
The players displayed remarkable teamwork and discipline, proving that hard work and commitment yield impressive results.
Congratulations once again to the team and their coaches for this historic
The growth of netball
Our netball programme continues to grow from strength to strength, with our U9 and U11 teams participating in several games and tournaments, including the Aldenham Tournament and the Reddiford Tournament.
This season, our Year 3 and 4 players have been working hard to develop their passing skills, understanding of the rules, and landing techniques. At the same time, our Year 5 and 6 teams have been focusing on improving their shooting, marking, and creating space on the court.
Among our players, Meher (6EK), who captains the U11s and plays goal attack, has shown great skill and leadership. Her ability to read the game and consistent goal-scoring encourages her teammates to give their best effort.
We look forward to continuing to build on this progress and taking part in more games and tournaments in the future.

achievement – you have made us all incredibly proud!

Year 4 team
Year 3 team
U11 B team
U11 A team

Cross country at Sudbury Fields
Before half term, our Year 3 to 6 pupils took part in the annual cross-country event at Sudbury Fields. The races were organised into heats to promote friendly competition, and the event certainly delivered exciting moments.
There were some impressive individual performances, with several of our medalists competing a year ahead, which is a promising sign for our cross-country events next term. Well done to all, and congratulations to the pupils who achieved success within their respective year groups.
Year 3 and 4
1st Place Durjayesh (3FS)
2nd Place Nivaan (4SM)
3rd Place Gabi (4SH)
1st Place Anshumann (3FS)
2nd Place Burhan (3ZS)
3rd Place Ishaani (4SM)
1st Place Ayana (4SH)
2nd Place Aarya (4SM)
3rd Place Aryan (3ZS)
Year 5 and 6
1st Place Nirvayesh (6EK)
2nd Place Aadam (6JS)
3rd Place Sebastian (6JS)
1st Place Meher (6EK)
2nd Place Vihaan (6SD)
3rd Place Tia (6SD)
1st Place Viraj (6JS)
2nd Place Tara (6SD)
3rd Place Eissa (6JS)
John Lyon recognised as Microsoft Showcase School for third consecutive year

We are thrilled to be a Microsoft Showcase School for the third year running. This prestigious award recognises John Lyon pupils and staff as digital leaders and we benefit from a vibrant global learning community of schools that share the same goal. We are internationally recognised for
our efforts and remain keen to strive for further excellence in this field.
John Lyon demonstrated its commitment to integrating digital technologies into common teaching routines. The School provides a platform for pupils to learn vital skills for the workplace of tomorrow by creating intelligent learning
environments and developing digital social-emotional learning.
Staff are trained to use the latest digital tools to enhance pupil learning – and a number of our teachers are officially recognised as Microsoft Innovative Education Experts (MIEE). Learning is facilitated by our School Managed Device (SMD) system, whereby all pupils have a device to use in all lessons as appropriate to increase accessibility to the learning material and help them flourish. Personalised learning through SMDs is achieved through OneNote.
Through our bespoke KS3 Digital Learning Curriculum, pupils develop their coding skills in Python and basic programming through Microsoft Kodu Game design and Micro:Bit, meeting Microsoft’s criteria to develop ‘future-ready’ skills. Pupils also have the chance to develop their animation skills through PIVOT and the Abode suite of applications. Robotics is a critical part of our strategy, with pupils regularly participating at the VEX IQ national championships – an excellent reward for all the hard work and hours our pupils put into their passion projects.
John Lyon enthusiastically embraces new innovations that are released to the public. Excited by the benefits AI could bring to the education sector yet mindful of the challenges it presents, we look forward to celebrating our pupils’ achievements in the digital space over the academic year.
Showcase Schools create pupil-centred, immersive, and inclusive experiences that inspire lifelong learning, stimulating development of essential future-ready skills so pupils are empowered to achieve more.
Sixth Form Biologists recognised in 2024 Science in Medicine School Teams Prize

We are delighted to announce that 17 of our Sixth Form students have been awarded Certificates of Merit and Commendation by the judging panel of the 2024 Science in Medicine School Teams Prize. Hosted annually by Imperial College London, the competition saw 235 entries from schools across the UK.
This year, students were tasked with designing a digital poster illustrating a medical idea combining science, engineering, and health research that could help improve lives. The competition featured five categories: The British Heart Foundation Cardiovascular Prize, The Lung Prize, The Scleroderma and Raynaud’s UK
Prize, The Vasculitis UK Prize, and The Global Health Prize.
Our students worked in teams, submitting entries across all five areas. Highlights include:
• Rameez (U6TCF) and his team were commended for their BioFlex StentGraft System, which was praised by the panel of 20 judges as a “seriously good idea,” with a well-thought-out approach both to implementation and to potential challenges.
• Ibrahim (U6JCC) and his team earned recognition for their “attractive concept” focussed on Raynaud’s Syndrome.
• Vansh (U6NGA) and his team were praised for their clear and accessible approach to Cholera Prevention
Measures in Migrant Camps.
• Cyrus (U6PWM) and his team received praise for their visually striking academic poster on Kawasaki Disease.
Dr Kochaj, Head of Biology at John Lyon, said: “We are extremely proud of our students for their innovative ideas, which skilfully blend science and engineering to improve health outcomes.”
Reflecting on the experience, Giri (U6NGA) added: “A big thank you to the Imperial College London academics for their insightful feedback, which has been invaluable in helping us strengthen our Medicine and Biology university applications.”
John Lyon hosts Regional VEX IQ Robotics Competition

On Wednesday 6 November, the Boyd Campbell Hall played host to a Regional VEX IQ Robotics Competition. We welcomed 21 external teams from nine schools, alongside our three John Lyon teams, for a successful and engaging tournament.
Each year, the Robotics challenge is designed to encourage creativity and problem-solving. This year’s challenge, ‘Rapid Relay’, involved building robots capable of picking up foam balls, passing them to partner teams, and launching them into high and low goals. Success
was measured by skills in building the machines, driving them and the quality of communication between teams.
After extensive practice and detailed planning, our John Lyon teams were thoroughly prepared for the competition, which brought its share of challenges, including a moment when one of our teams was paired with a partner whose robot malfunctioned. In a great display of teamwork, John Lyon pupils helped fix the robot just in time for both teams to deliver an impressive performance.
While our teams fell just short of qualifying for the national championships on this

occasion, two achieved fifth-place finishes and the other came ninth. With more competitions ahead, the teams are focused on improving their robots’ consistency and are motivated to secure a place in the nationals once again.
The event was a fantastic opportunity to host a robotics competition at John Lyon, allowing our pupils and staff to connect with others who share their passion for robotics. We were also thrilled to welcome Rickhil Patwa (OL 2019) – a civil and structural engineer in the Nuclear and Power team at AtkinsRéalis – who joined us as a judge, lending a powerful real-world significance to the day’s events.

Greenpower success at Goodwood

Our John Lyon team concluded an exciting season on a high note at the Greenpower International Final at Goodwood Circuit, marking a memorable close to a year filled with challenges and progress.
The team’s car completed all its races, securing a 25th place finish, an impressive achievement given the developmental stage of the project compared to many of the more established competitors.
In one of the most thrilling moments of the event, our team proudly finished ahead of other leading UK independent schools in the first race – a remarkable feat since other teams have over 60 pupils involved and deploy advanced antenna systems for race communication. These achievements underscored our resilience, resourcefulness,
ambition and growth this season.
As successful as the racing was, the most significant takeaway for our team was the opportunity to network with other schools, exchange ideas and gain insights from established teams.
Our team’s evolution this season has been driven by two passionate Sixth Formers at the project’s helm. Their commitment has not only fuelled our competitive spirit but also led to innovative advancements, including a custom-designed, 3D-printed exhaust system, which drew the admiration of many at the event. With recruitment under way, including a dedicated effort to welcome female pupils into our team, we look forward to more exciting successes on track.
Looking ahead, the team has high hopes for an exhilarating STEAM-focused
year and is already laying the foundation for an even stronger season next year. After a weekend buzzing with energy and camaraderie, our team returned to school motivated, inspired and eager to accelerate their progress in the Greenpower challenge. Here’s to an exciting year ahead and an even faster, greener season to come!
The Greenpower race car project is one of the School’s STEAM initiatives that has been made possible thanks to the Lyonian Association’s 1876 Fund. The Fund is a regular giving programme that supports exciting opportunities beyond the School’s standard curriculum and departmental budgets to enrich learning experiences with direct impact to our pupils. For more information visit https://www.johnlyon.org/lyonianassociation/support-us/

Enriching opportunities within the Harrow Family of Schools

John Lyon School is proudly part of the Harrow Family of Schools, and our pupils benefit from opportunities to broaden their learning, both with Harrow International Schools and more locally at Harrow School here in London. Recent exchanges have included an exchange with Harrow International School Bangkok and a sports visit from Harrow International School Bengaluru. This term, pupils have also been involved in various activities at Harrow School, which is a five-minute walk from our Senior School campus.
Our debating squad of Simi (10ADH), Soma (10JOC) Yash (10JOC) and Noah (U6TCF) joined Harrow School’s team for additional training in the art of debating, which provided a valuable learning experience. The team applied their improved skills in the recent English-Speaking Union Mace Competition. Although they did not advance, they were invited by the winning school to participate in friendly fixtures in the spring.
Senior Religious Studies and Philosophy (RSP) pupils also attended lectures and heard from Professor AC Grayling, who delivered a thought-provoking talk titled ‘Who owns the Moon?’, exploring whether the moon should be considered common property or owned by corporations and governments. A second lecture by Professor Biggar from the University of Oxford addressed the concept of just war, linking historical conflicts with current events in Ukraine and Gaza. Both lectures left our pupils with much to reflect on.
On Thursday 21 November a group of Lower Sixth Physics enthusiasts visited The Rayleigh Observatory, which is on-site at Harrow School, for an evening of stargazing. With clear skies, the highlight was spotting the Andromeda Galaxy.

Access to these exceptional facilities and illuminating events, which are also reciprocated by John Lyon School to the benefit of Harrow School pupils, truly underscores the strength of being a key constituent of the Harrow Family of Schools. We are proud to be part of something bigger, which enables all pupils within our Family, spanning all of our schools, to benefit mutually from unique opportunities.
Visit page 34, in the sports section, to read more about the Harrow International School Bengaluru sports visit.
To learn more about our Harrow Family of Schools, visit www.johnlyon.org/ school-life/harrow-family-ofschools

Debating team
Pupils with Professor Biggar Univeristy of Oxford
Image captured from The Rayleigh Observatory, Harrow School
New mural unveiled

We were delighted to have unveiled our mural in our New Memorial Hall in time for the new academic year.
This was created and installed over the summer to celebrate our position within John Lyon’s Foundation and showcase our global Harrow Family of Schools, including Harrow School here in London and the other Harrow-branded schools around the world. Together, we educate over 9,000 pupils each year.
The artwork also proudly marks John Lyon’s Charity, who sit within our Foundation and distributes around £12m in grants each year to benefit children and young people.
Sixth Form open evening
We welcomed nearly 100 families to our Sixth Form open evening on Thursday 26 September. It was especially pleasing that we were joined by many families from other schools looking to learn more about 16+ here at John Lyon, with
growing interest in our new co-ed entry point for new joiners from September 2025.
Our next Sixth Form event will be our 16+ options evening, which will be held on

Thursday 16 January 2025. Fuller details will be emailed to John Lyon families as well as external families who have signed up to previous events soon.

An unforgettable week in Iceland

During the October half term, 50 Year 11 and Sixth Form pupils embarked on an exciting weeklong visit to Iceland. Packed with physical geography highlights like active volcanoes, erupting geysers, geothermal pools, majestic glaciers, and stunning waterfalls, Iceland proved to be the ideal setting for our aspiring geographers to observe the Earth’s natural processes in action.
Throughout the week, pupils took full advantage of Iceland’s unique geography, exploring its mountains, glaciers, volcanoes, and lava fields. They were fascinated by the Black Sand Beach and the iconic Skógafoss
waterfall, and they took on the challenge of a glacier hike at Sólheimajökull, surrounded by Iceland’s towering volcanoes.
Beyond the landscapes, the pupils also had the chance to immerse themselves in traditional Icelandic culture, including an authentic spa experience and a visit to the site of the world’s first-ever parliament at Thingvellir.
The trip provided an invaluable opportunity for the pupils to gain hands-on experience that brought their classroom studies to life while allowing them to learn about a new culture and bond with their peers. It was a truly enriching experience for all.
We loved the country’s breathtaking scenery and peaceful atmosphere at every turn.
Highlights included the traditional sauna at Sky Lagoon, witnessing Strokkur, the famous erupting geyser, and climbing the glacier.
A huge thank you to Mr Carrera, Head of Geography, for organising this unforgettable trip and to all the teachers who joined us. We will cherish these memories for a lifetime.
Rishi (11WA)

Mountain biking in Surrey

As part of our Outdoor Pursuits programme this term, pupils had the opportunity to try their hand at mountain biking.
On a grey November morning, a group of John Lyon pupils set out for the North Surrey Downs near Dorking to hone their cycling skills. Equipped with new bikes and guided by three experienced cyclists at Surrey Outdoor Learning and Development (SOLD), pupils began the day with practice exercises, including navigating obstacles, riding over ramps, and tackling slopes.
With growing confidence and a lunch break to refuel, pupils then ventured onto the surrounding tracks and bridleways for an afternoon of trekking through fast downhill stretches, challenging climbs, and exciting bumps and drops, offering plenty of thrills. The group embraced the challenges, and their skills and confidence grew significantly throughout the day. We are incredibly grateful to the centre staff for an enjoyable and productive experience and are already looking forward to our next visit.

Student entrepreneur taking on a billion-pound industry

Upper Sixth student John (U6TCF) has turned his passion for swimming and teaching into a thriving business, proving that age is no barrier to entrepreneurship. After noticing a recurring problem during the swimming lessons he taught – children being distracted by water getting into their eyes – John realised the market lacked affordable, high-quality swim goggles.
Determined to address this problem, he launched Vazquez, his own line of high-quality, affordable goggles.
Using his savings and entrepreneurial spirit, John began working from his bedroom, shipping products out of
his garden shed to keep costs low. His flagship products include ‘Goggz’, colourful and comfortable goggles for children, and ‘Neronautica’, sleek, high-performance goggles for adults. “I wanted to create something affordable that would make swimming more enjoyable for everyone,” he says.
John’s journey has been supported by the School’s nurturing environment. “I’m incredibly grateful to the School, particularly Mr Fletcher, teacher of Business, who has guided me from the very beginning. His advice and encouragement gave me the confidence to pursue my vision,” highlights John. This support, combined with his own perseverance, has enabled him to grow Vazquez from an idea into a fully functioning business.
Beyond his success with Vazquez, John’s entrepreneurial drive recently won him the prestigious Harrow Schools’ Green Enterprise competition with his eco-conscious project, ‘Bear Peas’. This has sparked his interest in creating sustainable businesses and expanding into new ventures while continuing to develop Vazquez into a global lifestyle brand.
John’s story is a fantastic example of understanding a problem and creating a solution to fill the gap in the market.
For more information about Vazquez and to support this inspiring young entrepreneur, visit vazquez.co.uk or follow @vazquez.goggles on Instagram.
An evening of American Classics at the Royal Albert Hall
The evening of Wednesday 25 September was full of stars and stripes at the Royal Albert Hall, where our Music Scholars and Award Holders enjoyed a concert of American Classics. From Barber’s ‘Adagio for Strings’ to Gershwin’s ‘Rhapsody in Blue’, pupils were treated to some iconic pieces, performed by the Royal Philharmonic Orchestra.
Leanne (9GEH) reflected on the experience: “This was an unforgettable evening. The grandeur of the venue set the stage for an evening of exquisite music, with acoustics that were simply phenomenal, allowing every note to resonate beautifully throughout the hall.
The orchestra played each piece with great skill and passion, guided by a conductor whose energy brought the music to life. It was clear the musicians were fully engaged in their performance, which was very inspiring for me as a Music Scholar.
Thank you to Mr Furniss, Director of Music, for arranging such an amazing experience. It provided a glimpse into the world of professional music and showed us what is possible when you pursue your passion. I cannot recommend attending a performance at the Royal Albert Hall highly enough – it is an experience every music lover should have!”

Visit from ‘The Funny Bones’ ensemble
On Wednesday 9 October the School welcomed ‘The Funny Bones’, an ensemble of students from the Royal Academy of Music brought together by their shared love of chamber music and the trombone.
The audience, which included staff, music scholars, award holders, and members of
the Concert Band, enjoyed a memorable performance from the group featuring well known favourites like Gershwin’s ‘Rhapsody in Blue’ along with some more modern compositions in Latin dance styles. Following the concert, the Year 7 pupils received a free masterclass on how to use the trombone and had hands-on experience with the instrument. After this,
the Concert Band received some invaluable feedback from the Royal Academy of Music students on how to improve their rendition of Shostakovich’s ‘Waltz No.2’ ahead of the Commemoration Concert.
It was a great experience for our music pupils, who left feeling inspired by the talented musicians.

Commemoration Concert

This year’s Commemoration Concert was a wonderful evening of music, showcasing the variety of instrumental ensembles and vocal groups. In addition to some of the traditional groups that perform in this concert, a new string quartet organised and led by Soma (10JOC) gave their debut performance, playing the well-known theme of ‘Pirates of the Caribbean’. The group included Taichi (9GEH) and our new music scholar, Leila (9CJC).
The evening began with a dramatic performance led by the Concert Band performing some hits from the films of John Williams as well as Shostakovich’s ‘Waltz No.2’. This group, along with the Chamber Orchestra and the Year 7 choir, were led by teacher of music, Mr Bowden. The string ensemble led by Mr Furniss followed, playing two spirited Renaissance dances written by Peter Warlock. This contrasted well with the Pride of Lyon’s memorable performance of Tallis’ famous motet ‘If ye love me’, which was also led by Mr Furniss.
Led by Mr Rao, the Guitar Ensemble gave a splendid interpretation of Bon Jovi’s ‘Livin’ on a Prayer’, which was received very well by the audience. The concert was rounded off with the Jazz Band, The Torched Roses (Rock Band), and the Rhythm and Blues group led by Mr Marshall, who brought the concert to a climax with Ceelo Green’s hit song ‘Forget You’.
It was a fantastic display of the musical talent within our School community, and family, friends, pupils, and staff thoroughly enjoyed the evening’s entertainment.

House singing
On Thursday 17 October, the annual House Singing Competition energised the School as Butler, Norwood, Vaughan, and Moore vied for those valuable points.
The morning session showcased Senior Songs, a collective performance from Year 9 to Upper Sixth in which Moore’s rendition of ‘The Lion Sleeps Tonight’ set the tone and a very high standard.
Lunch brought Solo and Part Song events, which were chosen and prepared individually by participating pupils. Yusuf (U6JCC) from Moore won the Solo category with Adele’s ‘All I Ask’ while Norwood triumphed in the Part Song category with a traditional song ‘Shenandoah’ led by Soma (10JOC).
It was a truly musical day, rounded off with extremely energetic performances from the Year 7 and 8 Oldfield choirs. Moore triumphed with their song ‘I want it that way’ by the Backstreet Boys. Nevertheless, a special mention should be given to Norwood house led by Ms Limrick for their excellently choreographed song, ‘Waka Waka (This Time for Africa)’ by Shakira. Not only were costumes part of the performance, but Ms Limrick also took the time to educate us about sign language by building it into the performance - an innovative an inclusive approach.
The adjudicator gave Rebecca (8DJW) a special mention for the most promising performance of the day.
Well done to all on their incredible performances, congratulations to Moore who emerged as the winner overall, and a big thank you to Mr Ben Tate (OL 2018) for judging this much-loved annual event.

House photography
This year’s House Photography competition embraced the theme of ‘Environment’, exploring not only the beauty of nature but also the diverse surroundings and conditions in which people, animals, and plants live and thrive.
We received many outstanding entries and we are pleased to announce this year’s winners:
1st place
Mr Exelby (Head of Estates and Health & Safety) - Vaughan
2nd place
Shaan (7KS) - Moore
3rd place
Romir (11WA) - Moore
Special mention from the judges
Nikhil (10ADH) - Norwood
Special mention from the Head of Art
Akshaj (9JFR) - Butler

Special mention from the Head of Art
2nd place
3rd place
1st place
Special mention from the judges

At John Lyon, sport is far more than physical activity. It embodies our eight School Values and enables pupils to develop essential life skills such as commitment, resilience, leadership, and self-discipline. I am immensely proud of our pupils’ dedication to sport, many of whom regularly give up their Saturdays to participate in competitive sports, as well as those who enthusiastically engage in clubs before, during, and after School. The evolution of our sports programme over the past few years has been remarkable, and I hope that every pupil finds an activity they genuinely enjoy while staying active and healthy.

This term alone, we have held over 125 fixtures, with nearly 60% of the pupil body participating in at least one competitive event. Year 7 pupils have set an impressive example, with 80% involved in fixtures – an encouraging sign for the future of sport at John Lyon.
As ever, I extend my gratitude to all our pupils, parents/guardians, and staff, whose commitment and support ensure the continued success of a sports programme that caters to everyone from aspiring athletes to those participating for fitness, fun, and overall wellbeing.
Football at John Lyon has continued to thrive this autumn term, giving over 300 boys and girls the chance to participate in weekly training and competitive fixtures. With positive results in just under 50% of them, it has been fantastic to see the School represented regularly by A, B, C, and D teams across all age groups, with over 150 fixtures played this term.
It has been encouraging to see several of our Year 8 girls building on last year’s successful league campaign, with many stepping up to play for the U13A mixed team this term. This development bodes well for the fast-approaching girls’ football season in the spring term.
Other highlights this term include the strong performances of the U14A team, who achieved positive results in 80% of their games, including victories against
Girls’ hockey
The Year 7 to 10 girls’ hockey teams have displayed great commitment and enthusiasm this term. Their teamwork and resilience have been impressive, and they have made excellent progress with their skills this year. During training, our players have shown great focus on improving their technique and strategy, and
in matches they have consistently played with determination and sportsmanship, fostering a positive and enjoyable atmosphere for all.
Notable contributions have come from Harshiney (9CJC) and Erin (9MWV), whose persistence and enthusiasm for improvement have stood out throughout
Harrodian School, King Edward’s Witley, and Kew House School. The U12A team has also impressed, with good results against St Martin’s School, Orley Farm School, and Kew House School.
Thank you to all our pupils and staff for their efforts this term to develop our plays both technically and tactically, which have led to some excellent results and plenty of progress on the pitch.
the season, and Theodora (7NMS) who has been outstanding in goal, making several impressive saves each week to keep her team competitive in every game.
Overall, it has been an exciting and rewarding hockey season, with nearly 75% of girls participating in competitive fixtures.
Mr Adam Ling Director of Sport
Harrow International School Bengaluru visits John Lyon for sports exchange

On Friday 29 November, we welcomed 34 pupils from Harrow International School Bengaluru for an afternoon of competitive sports. This visit provided yet another wonderful opportunity for our School to connect with another member of our global Harrow Family of Schools, which we are a part of, and to showcase sporting talent against strong opponents.
Nearly 70 pupils from Year 8 to Upper Sixth joined their peers from Bengaluru in a range of sports, including badminton, swimming and basketball at our Senior School campus, and tennis ‘up the hill’ at Harrow School.
The event was well-received, with pupils, teachers, and spectators all sharing positive feedback about the friendly and competitive spirit of the day. One example of this was when the the teams mixed up among themselves in badminton so that a pupil from John Lyon teamed up with a pupil from Bengaluru. Pupils from both schools demonstrated great sporting skill, determination and teamwork, making the exchange an enjoyable experience for everyone involved.
After the sports, pupils came together over slices of pizza to relax and reflect on the day, sharing stories and laughs. It was a reminder of how sports can bring people together and create connections beyond the competition.
One of the highlights of the day was the number of Harrow Bengaluru PE shirts that were swapped and went home with our pupils after the event. These will no doubt serve as reminders of a memorable day spent and new friendships made within our international family.

Historic all-girls sports tour to Valkenburg, Holland
The School recently marked a milestone with its first-ever all girls ‘Overseas Sports Tour’ to Valkenburg, Holland, where 24 girls from Years 8, 9 and 10 embarked on an exciting hockey and netball journey. This tour was filled with memorable experiences, skill-building opportunities, and a strong sense of team camaraderie.
The visit began with an early departure on Monday 21 October as the team set off for Dover to catch the ferry to France. They travelled through the picturesque landscapes of France, Belgium, and Germany, with plenty of laughs and scenic views along the way, arriving in the charming town of Valkenburg that afternoon, their home for the following few days. On the day of arrival, the girls enjoyed some sightseeing, taking in the unique atmosphere of the town before the competitive days ahead.
The tour was thoughtfully designed to balance competition with learning. The girls took part in masterclass coaching sessions led by experienced coaches who focused on refining their techniques in both hockey and netball. These sessions were a great motivator for the girls who all worked very hard and left feeling inspired and prepared for their upcoming matches.
In hockey, the girls faced tough competition. Hockey in Holland is known for its high level of play, and although the matches were challenging, the players’ vital qualities shone through – among them tremendous resilience, work ethic, and a terrific capacity for pure enjoyment!
The tour concluded with a thrilling netball tournament that included five other UK schools. In their netball fixtures, the girls found their stride and performed exceptionally well, resulting in our U13 team earning a secondplace finish in their tournament – a commendable achievement and one to be proud of.
A big thank you to Mr Parry, Mrs O’Connell, Miss Acton, and Miss Limrick, whose
dedication and support made this tour a memorable and enriching experience for all involved. Their hard work was essential in creating a successful tour, one
that both pupils and staff will cherish. Here’s to many more adventures in sport for our girls!

Water polo
The strength of our swimming programme has provided an excellent foundation for the growth of our water polo squads, and we proudly entered our first competitive water polo competition this term. This milestone underscores the dedication and hard work of our swimmers and coaches alike, marking an exciting new chapter as we take steps towards competing at a high level.
Our U18 water polo squad has achieved significant success, highlighted by several impressive performances against Harrow School. Our U16 team has enjoyed the challenge offered by the London Schools Water Polo League. With squads made up of individuals from different year groups, this provides great opportunities for cross-year group leadership and for our younger players to work alongside some extremely talented seniors.

Individual pupil successes
Alongside our sporting success within the School, it is always fantastic to hear of external achievements beyond our gates. This term, we celebrate the following pupils:
Elareiss (8DJW)
Elareiss’ athletics journey began in Year 7 when she competed in a girls’ competition at Bannister Stadium, winning the U12 girls’ 100m. From there she was selected to join ‘Motivated by Speed’ (MBS) training programme, where she now trains three times a week. Elareiss recently achieved a personal best, completing the 100m in just over 13 seconds.
Beyond athletics, Elareiss is a regular member of the boys’ U13B football team, where she showcases her speed and strength as a centre back. She thrives on the challenge of playing in a mixed team, which has helped strengthen her own performance in the girls’ football team, who were crowned Borough Champions last year.
Aziz (11LHF) and Faeez (9CKL)
Brothers Aziz and Faeez have teamed up to enhance the School’s golf team, bringing their impressive skills and teamwork to both practice and competition. Aziz, a regular member of John Lyon’s golf team for the past three years, is now joined by his younger brother Faeez, who arrived at the School in September.
Introduced to the sport by his grandfather, Aziz’s golfing journey began at the age of four. He quickly progressed through lessons and made his first appearance on a golf course at the age of eight. Now training four times a week, Aziz has reduced his handicap to 5 and is working to turn professional. His next target is to lower his handicap further in order to qualify for national tournaments starting in the summer of 2025.
Faeez, who initially began his sporting career as a cricketer, recently switched to golf and has already dropped his handicap to 8. Like his older brother, he dreams of becoming a professional golfer.
Their healthy sibling rivalry provides competition, with the brothers currently competing in separate county age groups, although next year they will both be in the U16 category. Faeez has already demonstrated his talent by helping his team secure second place in this season’s 2024 regional competition.
Working together for the School has been an exciting challenge for both brothers. They believe that knowing each other’s games so well has added a new dynamic to their play. This close collaboration allows them to take risks and attempt shots they might not normally try in individual competitions, confident that they can rely on each other to navigate any situation.

A successful Careers Networking event

We saw a fantastic turnout of pupils at our Careers Networking event on Monday 7 October, with 20 Old Lyonians (OL) and over 10 external employers joining us to offer guidance, inspiration, and insights to pupils from Year 10 to Upper Sixth about education and career options after Senior School.
In addition to the main event in our Boyd Campbell Hall, seven Old Lyonians delivered a series of career talks. These presentations allowed pupils to hear first-hand about the career journeys and aspirations of professionals in fields, such as commodity trading, finance, banking, law, sports marketing, healthcare, pharmaceuticals, and hotel management.
Our keynote speaker was Dan Connolly (OL 1999), Founder and Managing Director of Consul Sports Club. Dan, a passionate expert in sports business, marketing, and communications, has 20 years’ experience working with top brands, clubs, and federations, including Nike, the Premier League, and the FA. His inspiring

talk encouraged all to follow their passions, develop their unique talents, and stand out from the crowd in their chosen careers.
We were also pleased to have many parents and guardians attend and the feedback has been overwhelmingly positive.
One parent shared:
I was really impressed with the alumni speaking at the event. It was impressive to see how well they were doing, and they were also informative and helpful. The whole event was inspiring and encouraging for my child.
Another commented:
Events like these help my child think about potential career paths that they had not considered before.
For our pupils, this event was a unique opportunity to connect with alumni and industry representatives. It allowed them to broaden their career aspirations by exploring different professions and gave them a valuable chance to build networking and communication skills.
Reflecting on the event, Sixth Form student John (U6TCF) said:
Attending the Careers Networking event was hugely beneficial! The hall was packed with over 30 different employers and Old Lyonians, all representing a variety of sectors. From pharmacologists to YouTubers, there was a great mix of careers on display. I appreciated the chance to meet so many professionals and learn what their jobs are really like. It was also fantastic to hear advice from alumni about their career paths. Some even offered work experience placements, which was a great bonus!

One of my highlights was hearing a YouTuber talk about turning a passion into a career, and an entrepreneur shared valuable tips on starting a business. It made me think about career paths I had not considered before. Overall, it was a really useful event, especially for someone like me who is still figuring out what to do after school. I left feeling inspired and with plenty of ideas for the future.
We would like to thank the alumni, parents/guardians and friends of the School who gave their time for this event:
Ade Adewale (OL 2012), Edward Albazii (OL 2018), Jazz Best (OL 2014), Amir Bhogal (OL 2015), Rish Chowdry (OL 2014), Dan Connolly (OL 1999), Yannis Falconer-Johns (OL 2015), Cameron Houston (OL 2004), Rory Jackson (OL 2007), Rohan Johri (OL 2019), Piar Kahai (OL 2018), Mantej Kambo (OL 2018), Sameer Karimbhai (OL 2003), Elijah Khan (OL 2012), Ronak Mashru (OL 1996), PJ Mukuna (OL 2018), Ankit Patel (OL 2012), Keval Patel (OL 2015), Kishan Patel (OL 2005), Sen Selvarajah (OL 2003), Miguel

Upcoming Careers events for your diary
Choosing a Career – Wednesday 12 February 2025
STEAM Careers event during British Science Week – Thursday 13 March 2025
If any alumni or parents/guardians would like to participate in any of the above events, please contact the Careers team by emailing careers@johnlyon.org.
Serra (OL 1995), Joseph Tiareh (OL 2018), Adam Zoromba (OL 2020), Colin Fiddy, Dr Ahmed Hussain, Charlotte Leigh, Manish Meghani, Roshni Raikundalia, Shaili Raikundalia, Cherin Sparrow, Ayse Bissem, Nazmin Sultan-Khan, Aleisha Omeike, Laurisa Zuba.
Inspiring ambition: Year 10 visit to University of Oxford
On Friday 20 September, Ms Livesey, Head of Sixth Form, and Mr Ferguson, teacher of French, accompanied a group of Year 10 pupils to an Open Day at the University of Oxford. The aim of the visit was to inspire our pupils to set ambitious goals and consider the possibility of
studying at one of the country’s most prestigious institutions.
During the visit, pupils participated in a university-style lecture and attended talks on subjects of personal interest, such as Classics and Economics. They also toured Balliol College, gaining a firsthand glimpse of university life.
One pupil’s reflection summed up the group’s experience perfectly: “This opportunity showed me that going to somewhere like Oxford is possible, and that my goals are achievable if I work hard enough.”
US universities event at Harrow School
In early November, a group of Year 10 pupils attended a US universities event at Harrow School. Representatives from renowned American institutions such as Cornell University, New
York University, and Vanderbilt University were present to offer valuable insights.
Our pupils made the most of the opportunity to engage with these
Careers in Technology event
On Monday 25 November, the Careers department hosted a Careers in Technology event for pupils of all year groups and their parents/guardians. The evening aimed to provide pupils with valuable insights into the diverse range of careers available in the ever-evolving field of technology.
The event featured an impressive panel of tech professionals, including Tom Salter (OL 2018), an Account Manager Specialist at Epsilon UK, Maazin Fazil (OL 2020), CEO of GoFunnels, Alex Beynon, a current parent with extensive experience working in tech-driven companies, Francis Krajewski, Founder and Managing Director of 5 Minutes to Delhi, Becky Patel from TechSheCan, and Jules Buet from Maths4Girls.
The evening began with a brief introduction followed by an engaging Q&A panel session. Afterwards, pupils and their families had the chance to interact with the experts at their individual stands, asking questions and learning more about their unique career journeys.
representatives and explore potential post-A-Level options abroad. This visit was an important step in providing our pupils with the support, advice, and guidance they need as they begin to consider their futures.

Lyonian Assocation
The past few months have been busy and rewarding, with positive engagement from across our School community. Pupils, Old Lyonians (OLs and Old Quaintonians), parents, staff, and friends have all contributed to a range of successful activities.
The Head Prefect team has been a valuable presence at OL reunions and networking events, offering illuminating tours of the campus to our visitors, enabling them to reminisce and reflect on their “once upon a times” at John Lyon.
We are also seeing growing involvement from OLs in our Careers programme, Goldhawk lectures, and Excellence programme. Many have been generously sharing their time and expertise with our pupils, offering insights into their career paths and professional experiences.
Class of 2024

The Friends of the Lyonian Association-Prep Parent Group (FLA-PP) has made a strong start, organising fundraising events at the Prep School that have supported projects such as our new Wellbeing Hub and equipment for the Pre-Prep, with plans for new playground apparatus in the Prep School currently under way. You can read more about their successes on page 11 and 16 of this magazine.
Finally, we are delighted to welcome the Class of 2024 to the OL community!
For more information, please visit our website or contact Bharti Bhikha, the School’s Executive and Alumni Officer, at bharti.bhikha@johnlyon.org.
Stay in touch and get involved
• For all the latest news on the Association visit: https://lyonian-association.org/
• If you are interested in getting involved or have some success stories you would like to share with us please email lyonianassociation@johnlyon.org
Branded coffee cups and Lyonian memorabilia available

We are excited to announce that we have extended our range of Lyonian memorabilia with eco-friendly branded coffee cups! Scan the QR code to place your order today.

Coming up in the spring
Old Lyonian Association 111th Annual Dinner - Friday 14 March, New Memorial Hall Reunion: 5, 10, 15 years on - Dates TBC
OL climbs UK mountains in honour of his late brother
Adam Zoromba (OL 2020) recently embarked on an inspiring journey, climbing the highest mountains in the UK in memory of his late brother Fred, who tragically passed away from a heart attack in 2023. Through his efforts, Adam has been raising funds for the British Heart Foundation.
In his story, Adam reflects on his journey and the impact of his time at John Lyon on his development as a teenager. He shares heartfelt advice with current pupils, encouraging them to embrace the many opportunities the School offers, even when it means stepping out of their comfort zones.
Giving back to the John Lyon community has been a priority for me, and I’m grateful for every opportunity I’ve had to do so. I’ve returned to the School several times, speaking with current pupils about the culture and values of John Lyon and how the School fosters a supportive environment for developing talents. Sharing my experiences, especially in how I applied the lessons I learned at school to real-life challenges, has allowed me to give back, hopefully by inspiring and motivating younger pupils. John Lyon instilled in me resilience, curiosity, and the drive to make an impact, which I aim to pass on to future generations.
finance, whilst working on my clothing and textiles business, Draper, which I founded with Fred. I see myself working in roles where I can make a tangible difference, and I hope to build a fulfilling career that allows me to continue making positive contributions.
Climbing 10 of the highest mountains in the UK in memory of my late brother, Fred – who passed away from a heart attack on 25 May 2023 – was a deeply personal journey. This challenge wasn’t just about raising over £5,000 for the British Heart Foundation but also about honouring my brother’s spirit and his legacy. His unexpected passing had a profound impact on me, and this journey allowed me to channel my grief into something meaningful, celebrating his memory while contributing to a cause that may prevent others from experiencing similar losses in the future.
Throughout this journey, the support from the Lyonian Association has been invaluable. The Association, which connects alumni of John Lyon, creates a unique ecosystem where former pupils can reconnect, share resources, and provide support. During my fundraising journey, the Association amplified my story, encouraging donations and spreading the word about my climb. This network is a testament to the strength of the John Lyon community and the loyalty its members share long after their school years. Knowing I had the encouragement of the wider Lyonian community and the School behind me made the experience even more rewarding, showing how much the School values its alumni and their personal endeavours.
After completing my undergraduate qualifying law degree in Anthropology and Law at LSE and my postgraduate studies in Politics and Economics of the Middle East at King’s College London, I’m eager to explore opportunities in a multitude of sectors such as energy, law and
For current pupils and the broader Lyonian community, my advice would be to embrace the culture of John Lyon. Your time at the School will build a foundation that serves you for life, and the support of the Lyonian Association will be there whenever you need it. Remember that success is not defined by your career, but rather by the relationships you build, the challenges you overcome, and the legacy that you leave behind. Pursue your goals with passion and be open to new directions; they can lead to meaningful and rewarding experiences. Finally, always ask yourself – ‘What do I want to be remembered for?’

Founder’s Day
Founder’s Day, an annual event to honour our founder John Lyon and his wife Joan, took place on Friday 4 October.
We were pleased to welcome several Old Lyonians to join us to mark the occasion, including Christopher Armitage (OL 1979), Malcolm Breingan (OL 1957), Paul Frampton (OL 1958), Julian Korn (OL 1964), Martin Mather (OL 1966), Douglas Milsom (OL 1957), Martin Sexton (OL 1958), John Thomson (OL 1954), and Gerald Thompson (OL 1949). For more about this year’s Founder’s Day, please see the story on page 7 of this magazine.

Remembrance Day
On Monday 11 November, the entire School came together for our Remembrance Day ceremony led by the Head.
We were honoured to be joined by several Old Lyonians, including John Thomson (OL 1954), Douglas Milsom (OL 1957), Rev Hugh Wikner (OL 1964), Andy Marsden-Jones (OL 1973), and Paul Matarewicz (OL 1976 and President of the Old Lyonian Association).
During the service, the Head and Paul Matarewicz laid a wreath to honour those who have served. Our cadets also paid tribute to Old Lyonians by naming those who sacrificed their lives for our freedom.

50-year reunion
We were delighted to welcome Simon Bird, Richard Borgonon, Ronnie Jacob, Tom O’Connor, Simon Offredy, David Salmond, and Sheldon Stoutt from the Class of 1974 for their 50-year reunion.
For some, it was their first visit back to the School since the 1970s. As a special surprise, they were treated to lunch in the New Memorial Hall, dining alongside pupils and staff while reminiscing about what lunchtime was like during their school days.
Afterwards, they enjoyed a tour of the School and shared stories with the Head, Mrs Rose Hardy, and Senior Deputy Head, Mr Andy Sims, reflecting on their time at John Lyon and the paths they have taken since leaving.

OLs judge House Singing and VEX Robotics
It was great to welcome back Old Lyonians Ben Tate (OL 2018) and Rickhil Patwa (OL 2019).
Ben served as Head Judge for our much-loved annual House Singing Competition, while Rickhil was part of the judging panel for the VEX Robotics interschool competition held at the School in early November.

Ben presenting the trophy to winning house Moore
Rickhil with the other VEX robotics judges
OLs lead bespoke workshops
We welcomed Keval Patel (OL 2015) and Elijah Khan (OL 2014) to the School this term. Both hosted workshops in their respective career fields for pupils.
Elijah Khan (OL 2014), an actor and founder of Accentify (a platform for learning accents online), conducted an engaging acting workshop for our Drama Scholars. It was wonderful to see pupils fully immersed in the session, which proved to be a great confidence booster.
In November, Keval Patel (OL 2015) delivered an inspiring Goldhawk talk to Sixth Form students as well as a Q&A session with our Sports Scholars about his journey from aspiring professional footballer to becoming a sports psychologist. He shared the challenges he faced, including rejection, performance anxiety, and a serious knee injury, which ultimately led him to study Psychology at the University of Nottingham.
The pupils were highly engaged and left with valuable insights on improving decision-making, managing anxiety and stress, and shaping behaviour and mindset. These are skills applicable not only to sports but also to their academic and career journeys.

New additions at Sudbury playing fields and the Prep campus thanks to 1876 Fund
It’s great to have two new additions at the School - one at our Sudbury playing fields and the other at our Prep campus thanks to the 1876 Fund.
A new electronic cricket scoreboard has been installed at our Sudbury Fields. The Fund has also contributed to the purchase of new theatre lighting for the Prep School, improving the staging and supporting future music, drama, and other events.
The 1876 Fund helps to support projects, equipment, and facilities beyond the standard curriculum and departmental budgets, benefiting both current and future pupils. To find out more about how you can support the School with regular donations of £18.76, please visit https:// www.johnlyon.org/lyonian-association/ support-us/
OL survey

We recently conducted a survey of Old Lyonians to better understand their interests, needs, and overall satisfaction. The feedback will help us ensure that our engagement initiatives provide meaningful value, foster interaction, and shape the future direction of the Lyonian Association, strengthening its role within our thriving School Community. Here are some key highlights from the survey:

Set in 25 acres of beautiful parkland at the Sudbur y Fields campus, our Nor th Pavilion is available to hire .
The venue offers:
- Kitchenette (ser ving only)
- Seating for up to 60 people
- AV and Presentation facilities
- Toilets and changing facilities
- Car parking for up to 80 cars - Space for a marquee - Balcony with panoramic views overlooking London
For more details on availability, please contact: lettings@johnlyon.org