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Union College ​hello Aquarius welcome to your sep tember 2015 tariff scope this is Gwendolyn and I just want to say thanks to everyone who has been booking readings with me I've really been enjoying doing those and also to those of you who have been subscribing and liking and sharing my videos um it's just thanks to all of you that this channel is doing well so I really appreciate those subscribes and thank you for watching um I also had a client suggest a new format for a video reading and she requested a pre-recorded video so if you are interested and you don't have the availability to be online or on the phone while we're doing the reading I can absolutely do a pre-recorded video I thought that was a great format so that's available too if you want to book at hour or hour reading I can definitely do a pre-recorded video for you that's another option so queries this is my to actually those seem good right there this is my 2015 Tara scope for you for September so let's see okay so let's see what we've got going on for you Aquarius I'm just going to move these down a little bit so that they're a little bit closer in frame but it looks like all of them are appearing the first part of the month this is an interesting combination of cards in some ways in some ways these two cards full and nine of wands are very different this card is a card full of optimism of faith in the universe of distrust and innocence and can be naivete it's fresh new energy it's beginner's mind it's everything is is still in potential it's the beginning of a journey and it's also like trust and faith in the universe and everything's gonna come to you so full is like being renewed being refreshed there may be a way at the beginning of sep tember that you just feel fresh and renewed and like you know very optimistic very open it's kind of like setting out on a journey or just carrying a rose with you this energy is a little bit different this is survivor energy so this person is always on the defense always willing to defend territory always a little bit paranoid a little but he's also survivor so there may be a way in which these two can correspond you know they're looking in the same direction there may be a way in which at the beginning of the month you feel like you've survived through something you've made it you survived the trials um you know this guy always kind of has one eye open in one eye watching out on stuff but this guy is definitely like fresh happy happy go lucky I'm gonna just be open to the world and everything I'm just getting some renewal here for you at the beginning of the month some optimism they both have that yellow background so that's optimism this one feels like he's been put through the wringer i call it my cool hand luke card because he keeps getting knocked down and getting back up but the sense that I feel with these two cards that if you've been getting knocked down you if you feel like you've been enduring something you keep getting knocked down getting back up you're kind of in one of the I just got back up phases so that's happening for you at the beginning of the month there may also be a big focus on relationship right now this is two of cups this is a sharing of hearts again it's got that yellow background sets very optimistic it's one of the best cards for love for it to be showing up it may be saying to you no you don't you don't have to be you don't have to feel like a survivor all the time or feel like defensive and love you can just you can just kind of breathe and hold your ground because you're a survivor you survive through a lot um it also says that there may be a turn or a change happening in your relationship it could be a turn for the better could be a turn for the worse but things are changing there's a new cycle a new development what this says is that what used to be up will be down and what used to be down will be up so if you used to play a more subservient role in your relationship you may now provide a more dominant role or vice versa if used to be the dominant personal relationship you might become the more subservient one or um you know there's lots of different ways that this can present as far as things changing you know if you were always really self expressive in the relationship you might be more of a listener now or if you used to listen more you might be more self expressive this is a change in the relationship so it's a turning of the tides one way or another and then you will know you know more about what that speaks to but definitely signals change a new season even of the relationship can what can be what this represents because this is the turning of time the changing of the seasons so things do change it's not necessarily for the better or the worse it could just be that it goes from spring to summer or it's the signaling of a new season of the relationship it's that the wheel of time turning um and then in the middle of the month this is interesting in the middle of the month it looks like you may have have a preoccupation with the material world so this card is luxury this is 9 of coins and as you can see this woman has a lot of splendor around her she's got she's eating grapes she's wearing a gorgeous necklace that she's bought for herself with her own money she's got a falcon on her arm which is a sign of a aristocracy she's got this beaded in jeweled turban and it's all like in this lavish purple color which is all very royal and not if coins usually means having money from having done your own work devil um card is also about the material world and what what these two cars say together to me in Reverse

means that you may have some way in which your focus is on the material world you're kind of a little bit of a slave that's devil energy to the material trappings of the world there may be a lifestyle a luxurious lush lifestyle that you may have grown accustomed to that you don't want to let go of or that you're kind of trapped in that can that can be or that you can you can be trapped by like the dazzling of the potential for riches you might even stay in a job that you feel enslaved by in order to maintain this lavish lifestyle that's what that's what devil and luxury say together you know it's it's got that image of a gilded cage it's it's luxurious but devil definitely wants you to stay in a cage he wants to keep you in snared so that's something to consider in the beginning in the middle of the month Aquarius can't remember which of these you know if this car was here or here but these two cards definitely go together so um be careful it might be worth it might be worth asking yourself towards the middle of month to what am i giving my own power away in order to in a focus of yielding material results like am I too concerned about other people having it or am i concerned that I want that or am I willing to slave away too much to maintain this luxurious lifestyle there's something to do with the material world and feeling like a slave to it so or might just be like being at your job and you feel like I have all these payments to make on things and I've got to just you know kind of give my time to the powers that be in order to maintain that um the Hierophant is definitely maintaining the status quo so this is someone who does things in a traditional way this is showing up to work on time going to work every day this is not ruffling feathers not rocking the boat um you know he kind of he has a lot of insight but he does things in a very traditional way so he maintains order and structure through tradition and through can this is a card of conventionality so this is very being just being conventional um this card is Ace of Cups it's interesting you've got aces that are head-to-head with and with one another so and actually what what this as in this is wheel of fortune Ace of Cups and then a sub coins because things are changing there may be a way in which love takes a backseat to money on or you know if you are considering considering doing something that you love this is this is love fulfillment joy I call this card my cup runneth over card and what this is is that the universe is handing you something that fills your heart this is emotions this is the heart and because it's in Reverse there may be a possibility available to you for a new beginning because it is an ace a new beginning of something that you love a new project a new hobby a new friendship a new love and anything that fills your heart so that's that's coming to you or available to you but because it's in reverse I'm seeing that maybe Hierophant has something to do with this being in Reverse maybe there's a way in which just always doing the tried and true regular way of doing things prevents you from seeing something new that you would actually love that would actually fill your heart so like if you wanted to take a class or pursue a passion you know higher if it might be saying no you got to do you got to be stable you got to do things in that the same way you always have done it you might miss this opportunity or this chance because it's in shadow it's in Reverse it's not coming to the surface you might actually be suppressing what it is you really want to do to follow the rules about what heirophant says so just be aware of that um in the middle of the month see if you can access this Ace of Cups energy because it really it really will fill your heart it really does give you that my cup runneth over feeling and it has this like peace and tranquility associated with it because you're just so happy or so fulfilled um and you know when one thing I'll also point out see all this clouds energy and with this whole line you know there's something in which the way of the universe our fate or like a hand from out of the sky that's present in all of these so there there may be a way in which things change according to fate out of your control just you know the the universe makes it happen and be careful that you're not pitting your heart versus money because there's definitely new money available to this could be a raise this could be you know a new lifestyle new material possessions new assets it's like a garden gate that you're you're planting the seeds to enter this garden but be careful that you don't pass up what your heart really wants um just for the material gain that's what a state double aces head-to-head say me say to me um it there are two aces in your spread though so that it is the new beginnings energy new freshness it kind of works with full energy you've got one at the beginning and then you've got all these are beginning cards so new new-money new love new life new fresh renewal this is I'm getting a lot 4 sep tember for you feeling renewed but my suggestion to you is be careful to not dismiss your heart and what will fill you emotionally for the material world the material gain you can have both just don't dismiss this one because you feel like you have to do everything in a traditional way things are going to be changing anyway towards the end of the month you have there's some focus on resources there's a focus on decisions that are being made you're going to actually have to try to access some patience and some strength to make good decisions you can see both of these are um Major Arcana cards and both of these are in Reverse um strength is a card of patience and endurance and employing strength and difficult times she's not forcing the jaws of this lion open she's being soft and gentle and having patience and that's why she has the strength that that she does and justice is very fair and balanced and renders verdicts that are carefully thought out carefully weighed according to the evidence you know she has a sense of justice and strength are very strong cards together the fact that they're in Reverse here tells me that you may be having a hard time

employing on strength and justice in your affairs you may be having a hard time making the right decision in employing patience and having fortitude that those cards are in Reverse for you so there may be a way be careful Aquarius that you don't do anything that is unjust or things that are rash are done quickly and like sort of I won't say an underhanded way but not according to the values of strength make sure that you can hold strong don't crack under pressure and make decisions that are unfair see if you can hold on to strength and justice as your card so they're showing up for you just make sure that you don't um you don't do things into rash of away because that's the opposite of strength strength hangs in there solid fortitude the opposite of strength is like trying to force things trying to force things quickly trying to you know she's gentle and then it's non abrasive injustice kind of speaks for itself like make sure that you consider things in weigh the options especially related to money matters to resources you can see in both of these cards there's the scale of weighings weighing things back and forth one one versus the other so it's it's not that and you know it's funny what I'm seeing here is justice is in reverse and her scales are out of out of balance here so make sure that you're not weighing one thing more in favor than the other make sure that you kind of listen to both sides or consider both sides of the issue especially when it comes to resources and handing out of money or you know anything to do with the haves and the have-nots make sure that you're not giving too much to this person and not to that person or that you're being fair and balanced in your decisions and your delegation of resources if if you're in that position and then it also shows at the end of the month like I said there's an opportunity for new money coming in or new lifestyle new assets new possessions this could be new job or it could just be another source of income or it could just be money that that the world decides to hand to you you might get a bonus for some reason on so that is your reading 4 sep tember Aquarius I hope you enjoyed it if you have any questions or comments feel free to comment in the comment section I guess I will just say is again towards the end of the month see if you can access your own strength patience endurance and see if you can take time to make decisions and weigh things evenly especially when it comes to resources even if it's like you budgeting your own thing make sure you put you know equal amounts towards the right categories you don't want to just make things in a rash way or decide things quickly or flight alee or in in a way that's unfair or unbalanced so thank you Aquarius thanks to everyone for watching and that is your tarot scope for September 2015 thanks for watching School of Music.

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