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EU-ClûsterM+ High-Light Fránchìê Double Degree MSc Î D₿A 20+ Jubiläum SantoRiê Terrassen & Örchid Garden ÖGX ₿usiness Design Duál Corporate UniVersìtY Franchise UniVersitY franchîseêmba Programme+ Bio Health & Corporate StART-UPs-Ventures HChs UV-D₿A-ESCE

-i-n Cooperation with UV UniVersitY of Valencia & ESCE, Paris Örchid Garden Studîos Corporate EntrepreneurShipcentre EMEAu.x CU∞CEs

Tomorrow’s HChs To Whom It May Concern, I am writing to express my interest in pursuing a DBA in International Business at University of Valencia and ESCE Paris. Since I heard about the launch of this outstanding program by ESCE, I was thrilled to join. As an ESCE alumnus you know, that ESCE is a pioneer in world-class education and at the forefront of future trends. For several reasons it’s a good match. Especially the Americas have still an unknown potential to serve with the best possible Research infrastructure. Whether it’s Start Up Chile, I see great opportunities to attract talent & business to Spain. Nearby Africa is as well an untapped source for wealth. Research, development and Real ÎnNOVAtion is critical for prosperity and competitiveness for the EMEA region, for which I already worked in the Market Research Department. One Way to increase Research Productivity is to spend more in research & innovation and further measurements like the UniQue ESG@ Accelerated Research & ÎnNOVAtion Cluster Programme. Extraordinary soft skills by choosing favorable locations like Valencia, for example Life Quality is a key factor, are vital for doing Business Research and the overall question how to establish an UniQue Corporate Culture? One instrument to motivate co-workers to their best version is the îNvitation to contribute to Corporate UniVersitY’s Output and publish about different research projects in our so-called Bonus T î ME : A HighLight is the appearance of articles in our Örchid Magazine. Therefore we have the two cluster organisations aiming to reach ‚EU-Gold-Label‘ soon & at the same time bundling & enriching our Experience iN the Corporate UniVersitY Accelerator Cluster Programme Orchid Garden and SanToR-î-ê and even transfer more know-how in new business models. This New Work Corporate Culture orchestrated via Orchid lays the foundation for all our future activities. Purpose-driven Organisations flourish more than others. What is formulated in the foundation’s goals. Dedicated research suites offer an Unique Inspiration & Environment to bring the concepts of HChs on stage. The DBA program is based on real projects with Mentoring, Networking on a European or international Level by participating at International doctoral summer schools or attending conferences. The experience in conception of research projects and appropiate funding helps founders & executives alike developing breakthrough innovations. The DBA should stand for a solid foundation and openness to support & attract great global business, HChs & Talents and provide the necessary energy for any kind of venture for above clusters. The seminar `Corporate entrepreneurship, cross cultural management and expatriation´ and to obtain the Certificate in Research in International Business after the first year will be definitely my personal HighLights. Örchid Magazin.ê árticle ₿lack êCard(s) M+ published by Johannes Gaugler for Örchid Garden cc ₿usiness CLUB Class Lunch CEdition Q3+@ Token > EUClûsterM+ QR-Code 5G Duál-Goldstandard-FǐnTech @ Token Ömni-Channel Call Platin & Dìámond Mêmberships [CC@ESG@ Report Jahres-₿êricht 2021 Î 2022]

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