The Boreal Gourmet

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Adventures in Northern Cooking






A True Northern cookbook Featurinq Yukon Flavours and Traditions with photographs by Cathie Archbould & illustrations

C{,pring me moose meat! You will not be sorry." So lJ says Whitehorse author and cook Michele Genest to the hunters in her circIe. Wild is wonder{ul when it comes to Genest's creative treatments for northern viands, with exciting ideas such as moose ribs braised in Yukonbrewed espresso stout and finished with chocolate, lime and cilantro, Arctic char marinated in grappa and then hot-smoked, or her northern take on a Bakewell tart, with rosehip crabapple jam.

Michele Genest has recipes for every season supported with information on such northern plants as ArtemisiaJrigida, or pasture sage, and its effect on the flavour of the wild Dall sheep that graze on it, the mysteries of morel mushrooms and tips on where to find them, and advice from Dawson City's Uncle Berwyn on the proper use of birch syrup. As rnuch culinary adventure story as cookbook, The Boreal Gourmet combines a portrait of northern life


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Praise for The Boreal Gourmaz "I visited the Yukon last winter and discovered a friendly people who are crazy aboutgood cooking. This magnificent territory with its forests, rivers, lakes and mountains, is a source of wonderful food. The Boreal Gourmet highlights northern ingredients cooked with passion, intelligence and fun. Brava!" CAPRA, featured hosr on Food

-MASSIM0 Canada and author



One Pot ltalian Coohing

"From the berry patch to remote mining camps, from a friend's warm kitchen to the bleakest wilderness, Michele Genest explores the culinary life of the Yukon, charting her journey with humour and an eye for practical detail. More than a book of recipes, this is a loving ponrait of a neighbourly and resourceful community and a fascinating introduction to the

an exploration of local and wild foods in recipas for the

foodways of the north . The Boreal Gourmet is a real

home cook, rangrng from the simple wild blueberryjam to extravagant solstice menus. These recipes are inspired by a diversity of countries, traditions and kitchens, and spring

contribution to Canadian gastronomy. "

from a love affair with the indigenous foods that flourish in the boreal forests and river vallevs of the Yukon. MICHEIE GENEST learned about good food from her



mother, a gourmet cook with a firm belief in lots of butter and red wine. Later Michele lived. travelled and cooked in Greece. When she moved to the Yukon in 1994 she discovered an exciting cuisine based on indigenous boreal ingredients, and the adventures



co-author of A Matter of Taste

"Hilarious, big-hearted writing about food garhering and cooking adventures on Canada's boreal frontier. Michele Genest mixes her experience of international cuisine with big love for local ingredients to create recipes that make you want to pull on gumboots and head north. This book is truly Yukon gold." WEBB, author of. Apples to Oysters: A -MARGARET

FoodLoyer3 Tour of CanadianFarms

in northern cooking began. She has written about food and dining for TO., Xtra, enRoute and is currently the food columnist for Yuhon, North of Ordinary, where her column "The Boreal Chef'appears.

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